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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Additional List on Philippine Fishes and Fisheries

compiled by
Melchor F. Cichon
August 3, 2009
updated: January 19, 2010
Updated: September 4, 2013

NOTE: Items here are still for arrangement. I just posted them here for information. Later I will arrange them.


Alayon, Stephen Biaco, Elvi Santillan Nemiz, Daryl Lustracion Superio, Jesserylle Garvilles de la Peña, Luisa Gadot Pacino. 2013. The development of an institutional repository at the Aquaculture Department of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Philippines.  Program: electronic library and information systems, 479 (4 ).

Alino, P. M., P. Viva Banzon, H. T. Yap, E. D. Gomez, J. T. Morales and R. P. Bayoneto. 1985. Recovery and recolonization on the damaged backreef area at Cangalugan Is. (Northern Philippines). Proc. Fifth International Coral reef Congress. 4:279-284.

Alinsonorin, Sheryll D. Date? An evaluation for lead and cadmium contaminants in fish-bagoong sold in the markets of Kananga, Leyte. Thesis ( B.S.)--UP Tacloban, Tacloban City. 16p. LG993.5 B5 A55

Alvendia-Casauay, A. and V. S. Cariño. 1988. Gonadal sex differentiation in Oreochromis niloticus. In: R.S. V., Pullin, T. Bhukaswan, K. tonguuthai and J. L. Maclean, eds. The Second International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. ICLARM conference Proceedings 15. 632p. Dept. of Fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand and ICLARM, Manila, Philippines, pp. 121-124.

Amongo, Rossana Marie C., A. N. resurrection, V. B. Ella, Pepito M. Bato, F. O. Paras, Jr., O. F. Zubia, and E. V. Casas.2009. Development of lahar filtration system for recirculating aquaculture system. Philippine Journal of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering 7(2009 issue):16-35

Amongo, Rossana Marie C., R. C. Montepio & R. Mojica. 2006. Design and fabrication of a filtration system for small-scale recirculating aquaculture system. AENG 290 Report. Ist semester, 2006-2007. AMD, IAE, CEAT, UPLB.

Anon. 2003. Ulang information series. Quezon City: BFAR. 19p.

Aprieto, V. L. and C. D. Garcia. 1988. The pelagic fisheries of Lingayen Gulf. Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines 13:43-52.

Aralar, M. C. L. and E. V. Aralar, M..A. Laron. 2007. Culture of macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Mann 1879) in experimental cages in a freshwater eutophic lake at different stocking densities. Aquaculture Research 38:288-294.

Atrigenio, M. P. 1995. Patterns and processes of coral recruitment in some northern Philippine reefs. Thesis (M.S.)--U.P. Diliman, Quezon City.

Atrigenio, M. P. and P. M. Alino. 1996. Effects of the soft coral Xenia puertogalerae on the recruitment of scleractinian corals. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 203:179-189.

Balingasa, C. R. 2006. Physical and thermal properties of the red seaweed (Kappaphycus spp.) Unpublished MSc Agricultural Engineering thesis. University of the Philippines Los Banos.

Balingasa, Cherryflor R. and Arnold R. Elepaño. 2009. Studies on engineering properties of red seaweed (Kappaphycus spp.). Philippine Journal of Agricultural and biosystems Engineering 7(2009 issue):59-69.

Balingasa, C. R. 2006. Physical and thermal properties of the red seaweed (Kapppaphycus spp.). Unpublished MSc Agricultural Engieering thesis. University of the Philippines, Los Baños.

Batoy, C. B., J. F. sarmago, B. C. Pilapil. No date. Contributions to the biology and ecology of the blue crab Portunos pelagicus (L.) in selected coastal waters in Leyte and vicinity. Unpublished report submitted to PCARRD.

Bolivar, R. B., A. E. Eknath, H. L. Bolivar, and T. A. Abella. 1991. Growth and reproduction of invidiually tagged Nile tilapia, (oreochromis niloticus) of different strians. 20p. ICLARM contribution no. 712. In: Eknath, A. E. 1992. Genetic improvement of farmed tilapias, final report (April 1988 - July 1992). Makati, ICLARM. Various paginations.

Bos, A. R., G. S. Gumanao, J. C. E. Alipoyo and L. T. Cardona. 2008. Population dynamics, reproduction and growth of the Indo-Pacific horned sea star, Protoreaster nodosu (Echinodermata: Asteroidea). Mar. Biol. 156:55-63. DOI 10.1007/s00277-008-1064-2.

Briones, Annabelle V., Wilhelmina O. Ambal, Evangelina C. Monroyo, Teresita S. Bonifacio and Fe M. Sison. 1997. Seaweed tablet: a natural source of iodine. Philippine Journal of Science 126(3):221-232.

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)-Regional Fisheries Laboratory Services Section. 2005. bacterial analysis of water (Iloilo River) worksheet. Dept. of Agriculture Region VI, Iloilo City, Philippines.

Campos, W. L., P. D. Beldia II and P.M. Alino, eds. 2002. Workshop proceedings of the AFMA--marine fishery reserves program on the formulation of a national fish santuary strategy (NaFiSaSt). UP in the Visyas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. 195p.

Cordero, P. A., Jr. 1981. Eco-morphological observation of the Genus Sargassum in Central Philippines, including notes on tehir biomass and bed determination. Proceedings of the 4th International Corral Reff symposium, Manila, pp. 399-409.

Dejarme, Henry E. 2007. Hatchery and pond culture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Northern Mindanao. In : Eguia, M. R. R. and M . L. C. Aralar, compilers. 2007. Recent developments in the genetic improvement of the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium sp.). Tigbauan, Iloilo. SEAFDEC-SQD, pp. 65-66.

Del Norte-Campos, Annabelle G. C. and Karen A. Villarta. 2008. Population biology of the portunid crabs Portunos pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Charybdis feriatus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Pilar and Capiz bays, Northern Panay, Philippines. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 13(1):71-86.

Dizon, R. T. and H. T. Yap. 2006. Understanding coral reefs as complex systems: degradation and prospects for recovery. Sci. Mar. 70(2):219-226.

Edwards, A. and E. Gomez. 2007. Reef restoration concepts and guidelines: making sensible management choices in the face of uncertainty. Coral Reef Targeted research & Capacity Building for Management Programme. iv+38p.

Eguia, M. R. R. and M . L. C. Aralar, compilers. 2007. Recent developments in the genetic improvement of the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium sp.). Tigbauan, Iloilo. SEAFDEC-SQD. 84p.

Eguia, M. R. R., M . L. C. Aralar and Manuel A. Laron. 2007. Freshwater prawn esearch at SEAFDEC/AQD. In: Eguia, M. R. R. and M.L.C. Aralar,compilers. Recent developments in the genetic improvement of the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium sp.). Tigbauan, Iloilo. SEAFDEC-SQD.pp. 63-64.

Eknath, A. E. 1992. Genetic improvement of farmed tilapias, final report (April 1988 - July 1992). Makati, ICLARM. Various paginations.

Eknath, Ambekar and B. O. Acosta. 1998. Genetic Improvement of Farmed Tilapias (GIFT) Project; final report. (Phase I--UNDP Project # INT/88/019 and INT 91/005; Phase II--UNDP Project # GLO/90/016 March 1988 to December 1997. Part I. Makati, Metro Manila: ICLARM. Various pagination.

Eknath, A. M., M. M. Tayamen, M.S. Palada-De Vera, J. C. Danting, R. A. Reyes, E. E. Dionisio, J. b. capili, H. OL. Bolivar, T. A. Abello, A. V. Circa, H. B. Bentsen, B. Gjerde, T. Gjedrem, R. S. V. Pullin. 1991. Genetic improvement of farmed ftilapias: the growth performance of eight strains of Oreochromis niloticus tested in different farmed invironments. In: Eknath, A. E. 1992. Genetic improvement of farmed tilapias, final report (April 1988 - July 1992). Makati, ICLARM. Appendix 8. 28+3 p.

Eknath, A. E., J. M. Macaranas, L. Q. Agustin, R. R. Velasco, Ma. C. A. Ablan, Ma. J. R. Pante, and R. S.V. Pullin. 1991. Biochemical and morphometric approaches to characterize farmed tilapias. Naga,the ICLARM Quarterly, April 1991, pp. 7-9. Also in Eknath, A. E. 1992. Genetic Improvement of Farmed Tilapias, final report (April 1988 - July 1992). Makati, ICLARM. Various paginations.

Elepano, A. R. and L. N. Miranda. 2004. Seaweed post production processing in the Philippines. Philippine Agricultural Mechanization Bulletin 11(2):20-23.

Froese, R. and D. Pauly, eds. 2000. Fishbase 2000: concepts, design and ata sources. ICLARM, Los Banos, Laguna. 344p.

Galman, O. R. , J. Moreu, and R. Avtalion. 1988. breeding characterisitics and rowth performance of Philippine red tilapia. In:R.S. V., Pullin, T. Bhukaswan, K. Tonguuthai and J. L. Maclean, eds. The Second International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 15. 632p. Dept. of Fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand and ICLARM, Manila, Philippines, pp.169-175.

Garcia, J., A. Abraham, and J. Fantilanan. 2000. Evaluation of tilapia fish culture tanks in LBFFRS. Unpublished AENG 181 Evaluation Report. Ist Semester 2000-2001. CEAT-UPLB.

Hilomen, V. V. and L. F. Jimenez. 2001. Fisheries of Lingayen Gulf. In: McGlone, M. and C. Villanoy, eds. Fisheries Resources Management Project: Resource and social assessment of Lingayen Gulf. Marine Environment Resource Foundation (MERF)-University of the Philippines-Marine Science Institute. 125p.

Hurtado-Ponce, A. Q. and I. Umezaki. 1988. Physical properties of agar gel from Gracilaria (Rhodophyta) of the Philippines. Bot. Mar. 31:171-174.

Hurtado-Ponce, A. Q., G. PB. Samonte, Ma. R. J. Luhan and N. G. GuanzonJr. 1992. Gracilaria (Rhodophyta) farming in Panay, Western Visyas, Philippines. Aquaculture 105:233-240.

Insafitri. 2009. Reproductive performance of the mud crab Anodontia edentula (L. 1758) in the oil spill affected area in Guimaras, Philippines. Thesis (M. S.)--Miag-ao, Iloilo. College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of the Philippines. Available: CFOS Library.

Liao, Lawrence M. 1997. |Two new additions to the Udoteaceae (Chlorophyta, Bryopsidales) of the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science 126(2):191-198.

Macaranas, J. M., A. E. Eknath, L. Q. Agustin, R. R. Velasco, Ma. C. A. Ablan, R. S. V. Pullin. 1991. Genetic improvement of farmed tilapias documentation and genetic characterization of strains. Abstract. Poster paper presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture, Wuhan, China, April 29 - May 03, 1991. In: Eknath, A. E. 1992. Gnetic improvement of farmed tilapias, final report (April 1988 - July 1992). Makati, ICLARM. Various paginations.

Millamena, OM, R. M. Coloso, and F. P. Pascual, eds. 2002. Nutrition in tropical aquaculture; essential of fish nutrition, feeds, and feeding of tropical aquatic species. Tigbauan, Iloilo: AQD-SEAFDEC. 221p.

Nasino, M.P. 2005. Intensive culture of tilapia in concrete tanks. Urban Aquaculture Program. Regional Fisheries research and Development Center Freshwater Fisheries research Station. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Region IV.

Nugraha, Wahyu Andy. April 2008. Clove oil as substitute for cyanide in fishing. 84p. Thesis (M. S.)--Miag-ao, Iloilo. College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of the Philippines. Available: CFOS Library.

Palada-De Vera, M. and A. E. Eknath. 1991. Predictability of individual growth rates in tilapia. 20p.Eknath, A. E. 1992. Genetic Improvement of Farmed Tilapias, final report (April 1988 - July 1992). Makati, ICLARM. Various paginations.

Pante, Ma. J. R. and J. M. Macaranas. 1992. Starch gel electrophoresis for aquaculture genetics. In: Eknath, A. E. 1992. Genetic Improvement of Farmed Tilapias, final report (April 1988 - July 1992). Makati, ICLARM. Various paginations.

Pedrajas-Mendoza, Sharon Ann, J. L. Torres, E. Amar. 2008. Enhancing nonspecific immune response of grouper, Epinephelus coioides using levamizote as immunostimulant. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 13(1):1-10.

Peralta, Ernestina M. 2008. Antioxidant activity and sensory quality of Philippine shrimp paste during fermentation. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 13(1):35-43.

Philippine National Standards. 1992. ||||Dried seaweeds for Carrageenen--specification. Bureau of Product Standard. Department of Trade and Industry.

Pomeroy, R. S. and R. Rivera-Guieb. 2006. Fishery co-mangement; a practical handbook. UK:CABI Publishing. 264p. (Available UPV-CFOS Library)

Posadas, B.C., S.C. Walters, and R.D. Long. 2002. Effects of using different protein levels on freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii pond production. World Aquaculture 33(4):41-43.

Posadas, B.C., S.C. Walters, and R.D. Long. 2001. Experimental pond growout of freshwater prawn in Mississippi using different protein levels. Global Aquaculture Advocate 4(4):28-29.

Pullin, R. S. V. and J. B. Capili. 1988. Genetic improvement of tilapias: problems and prospects.In: R.S. V., Pullin, T. Bhukaswan, K. Tonguuthai and J. L. Maclean, eds. The Second International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. ICLARM conference Proceedings 15. 632p. Dept. of Fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand and ICLARM, Manila, Philippines, pp.259-266.

Pullin, R. S. V., A. E. Eknath, T. Gjedrem, M. Tayamen, J. Macaranas, T. A. Abella. 1991. The Genetic Improvement of Farmed Tilapias (GIFT) Project. The story so far. NAGA, the ICLARM Quarterly 14(2):3-6.

Ragasa, C. Y., R.D. Nacpil, B. A. Penalosa, J. C. Coll, and J. A. Rideout. 1997. Antimutagen and antifungal compounds from Cosmos caudatus. Philippine Journal of Science 126(3):199-206.

Ragasa, Consolacion Y., Carmel A. Cruz, Irving D. Chiong, Masaru Tada, and John A. Rideout. 1997. Antifungal flavonoids from Waltheria americana. Philippine JOurnal of Science 126(3):243-250.

Recometa-Velasco, R. M., M. J. R. Pante, J. M. Macarans, A. E. Eknath. 1992. Morphometric characterization of eight Philippine and African Oreochromis niloticus strains. In: Eknath, A. E. 1992. Genetic improvement of farmed tilapias, final report (April 1988 - July 1992). Makati, ICLARM. Various paginations.

Reyes, Ruben and A. E. Eknath. 1991. Environment effects on expression of genetic potential for growth in seven strains of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and its implications for applied breeding program. 19p. (ICLARM contribution no. 711) In: Eknath, A. E. 1992. Genetic Improvement of Farmed Tilapias, final report (April 1988 - July 1992). Makati, ICLARM. Various paginations.

Ronquillo, Z. A. and M. E. Gabral-Llana. 1987. The biological effects of fishery management measures. fisheries Newsletter 25:2-9

Rosario, W. R. and E. C. Roxas. 2000. Mga panuntunan sa pagpaparami at pag-aalaga ng ulang. (Guide to the propagation and farming of freshwater prawns). Q. C.? BFAR-NIFTDC Technical Paper . 3p.

Rosario, W. R. 2002. Culture of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in earthen ponds. Q. C.?BFAR-NIFTDC extension Papaer. 15p.

Rosario, W. R. 2002. Development of saline Tilapia Molobicus in the Philippines. National Integrated Fisheries Technology and Development Center. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Department of Agriculture. Bonuan-Binloc, Dagupan City.

Rosario, W. R. and M. Tayamen. 2007. Giant freshwater prawn farming in the Philippine. In: Eguia, M. R. R. and M. L. C. Aralar. 2007., pp. 57-62.

Salita, J. T. 2000. Influence of spatial arrangement of seagrasses on fish abundance in Bolinao, Northern Philippines. Zentrum fur Marina Tropenokologue (ZMT). contributions 10. ZMT, Bremen. 85p.

Silva, P. C., E. G. Menez and R. L. Moe. 1987. Catalog of the benthic marine algae of the Philippines. Smithsonian Institute Press, Wahington, D. C.

Soria, R. R. 2002. Tilapia situation report 1998-2002. Bureau of Agricultural Statistics, PCMARD.

Taquiso, Jezreel L., J. M. G. Alama, M. S. F. P. Calitis, R.A. E. Cervantes, M.A. C. Garcia, P. A. Otico, D. G. G. Pacheco, and P. I. Padilla. 2008. Microbiological water analysis of selected point sources of Iloilo River. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 13(1):11-24.

Tayo, Gilma T. 2008. Reef flat scleractinians in the Taklong island National Marine reserve, Guimaras, central Philippines. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 13(1):44-45.

Taytayon, Regie S. 2005. Investigative analysis of heavy metals from oysters, Crasostrea sp. of Aklan River, Aklan. 63 leaves. Thesis (B.S. Chemistry)-CAS, U.P in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. Available: UPV CAS-Ref/Serials.

Torres, J. 1982. Isolation and identifcation of Salmonella spp. from the green shell Perna viridis Linnaeus and their responses to some physico-chemical reagents. Thesis (M.S.)--U.P. Diliman, Quezon City, 1982.

Torres, J. and P. I. Padilla. 2005. Health hazards in the water: look before you swim. In: Sourcebook:Philippine Marine Environment, pp. 137-142. National Committee on Marine Sciences, UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines. Department of Foreign Affairs. Pasay City, Philippines.
Bunda M. G. B., Tumbokon B. L. M., Serrano Jr. A. E.,  2015. Physical properties of Rhizoclonium  meal as feed ingredient in aquafeeds.  ABAH Bioflux,  7(1):79-86.

 Bunda M.G.B ., 2015.  Properties of Rhizoclonium implexum as feed ingredient. M.Sc. Thesis, Institute of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas. 91 pp.

 Cabanero, P. C., Tumbokon, L. B. M., Serrano, Jr., A. E.  2016a. Nutritional evaluation of Rhizoclonium riparium var  implexum meal to replace soybean in the diet of the Nile tilapia fry, 9 pages. IJA_68.2016.1278.  8 pages.

Cabanero, P. C., Tumbokon, L. B. M., Serrano, Jr., A. E., 2016b. Lysine supplementation of the Protein Concentrate of the crinkle grass Rhizoclonium riparium var implexum  as an ingredient in the diet of the Nile tilapia fry, IJA_68.2016.1280 . 7 pages.

Molina-Poveda C., 2016. Nutrient requirements. In: Aquafeed formulation. Nates S. F. (ed), Academic Press, pp. 75-216.

Santizo R., Serrano Jr. A. E., Corre V. L.,  2014. Proximate composition and dry matter digestibility of Ulva lactuca  in the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. ABAH Bioflux,  6(1): 75- 83.

 Sedanza, M.G.C. 2016.  Evaluation of raw, protein concentrate and fermented seaweed, Rhizoclonium riparium var implexum as feed ingredient in Pacific white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei. M.S. in Fisheries (Aquaculture) Thesis. University of the Philippines Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines. 144 pages.

 Sedanza, M.G.C., Serrano Jr., A.E. 2016. Evaluation of crinkle grass Rhizoclonium riparium in a diet for Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei post larvae. IJA_68.2016.1328 

 Serrano Jr., A.E., 2016. Evaluation of the chlorophyte Rhizoclonium spp. as feed ingredient in tilapia and shrimp . UPV In-house Research Terminal Report. University of the Philippines Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines. 40 pages.



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