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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fisheries Bibliography: Philippines, 1895-2011

A Bibliography of Philippine Fishes and Fisheries, 1895-2011
Melchor F. Cichon
Started: February 2008
Finished: December 2008
updated: January 22, 2010
November 29, 2011


In 1951, Guillermo J. Blanco and Heraclio R. Montalban published the most comprehensive bibliography on Philippine fishes and fisheries of their time.

In its introduction, it says: "It covers various fields of fisheries science, such as technology, biology, planktology, algology, ichthyology, carcinology, conchology, and oceanography which have been investigated and studied by Filipino research workers and foreign scientists."

It further says that: "This bibliography will serve as a ready reference to these workers and to others who may be interested to have access to such publications. Although most of the publications in our private collections and in Government libraries have been lost as a consequence of World War II, we may recover some if not all of them through the use of this bibliography which contains references published as far back as 1865."

Since then, as far as this compiler is concerned, no other bibliography of that magnitude on Philippine fishes and fisheries has been compiled. There were bibliographies done but on specific topics.

Because of this, this compiler has thought of upgrading that bibliography.
Included in this bibliography are almost all the items included in Blanco and Montalban’s bibliography plus other works that came after that. This includes undergraduate and graduate theses, PhD dissertations, newspaper reports, magazine articles, journal articles, books, articles in a book, papers read in symposia, and articles from the internet. As of December 11, 2008, it has 4009 entries written by Filipinos and foreigners.

The oldest entry is 1895 while the latest is 2008.

Articles by Filipinos on fisheries, not directly related to Philippine fisheries and fishes are also included in this list.

Aside from the actual books, and periodical articles that the compiler has seen, other citations listed here were lifted from the citations provided by the various authors. Because of this, conflicting dates of publication and page numbers, etc., were discovered. Once discovered, and if the actual work was found, this was immediately corrected; otherwise, a note is provided to guide the researcher.
This bibliography is arranged alphabetically by authors.

I know that this bibliography is not complete. But this is the most comprehensive bibliography on Philippine fishes and fisheries as of this writing.

This will be updated from time to time.

1. Abalos, Rosie Salvador. 1995. Growth and yield of rabbitfish (Siganus Guttatus) reared in river floating net cages at various stocking densities and feeding schemes. March 1995. 67 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1995 F5 A23)

2. Abalos, T.U. 1979. Study of a phytoplankton ecosystem: Lake Lido Indonesia. (No place of publication). 57 leaves. ( A research work submitted to BIOTROP, SEAMEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the Training Course on Ecology and Fish Productivity).

3. Abalos, T.U. 1997. Aquaculture engineering design of tilapia breeding system in a freshwater recirculating system. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo.

4. Abalos, T.U. 1997. The aquaculture engineering design of a freshwater recirculating system for intensive culture of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo.

5. Abalos, T.U., Canja, A.R. and Palomar, K.C. 1997. Case study of a marginal milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) Fry Fishermen Association in Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo.

6. Abancio, Cely Ann Lim. 2000. Bacteriological analysis of seawater from San Salvador in Belen Bay areas in Banate Bay, Banate, Iloilo. 2000. 38 leaves. Undergraduate Thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

7. Abarca, Jinky G. 2003. Ingestion rate of Charybdis feriatus zoea on Brachionus and Artemia nauplii. 2003. 51 leaves. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

8. Abastilla, Rodolfo T. 1975. Bangus fry hunt launched. Evening Express. 1 JI Times J. 23 Sept. (News Clipping).

9. Abelende, Ma. Orfa R. 1995. Effects of freezing and thawing on some agar parameters of Eucheuma spinosum and Gracilaria confervoids. 1995. 42 leaves. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas –Iloilo.

10. Abes, G. 1976. Studies made on freshwater fish (carp and milkfish) farming at General Tinio, Nueva Ecija (Philippines). 2 leaves. *PCARR Library

11. Abesamis RA, AC Alcala, GR Russ. 2006 Jul. How much does the fishery at Apo Island benefit from spillover of adult fish from the adjacent marine reserve? Fishery Bulletin. 104(3):360-375.

12. Abesamis RA. GR Russ. 2005 Oct. Density-dependent spillover from a marine reserve: Long-term evidence. Ecological Applications. 15(5):1798-1812.

13. Abesamis RA. Russ GR. Alcala AC. 2006 Jun. Gradients of abundance of fish across no-take marine reserve boundaries: evidence from Philippine coral reefs. Aquatic Conservation: Marine & Freshwater Ecosystems. 16(4):349-371.

14. Abeto, Mario N. 1989. The effect of common table salt added in different levels of water salinity as culture medium on growth and survival of prawn larvae, Penaeus monodon Fabricius. September 1989. 90 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1989 F5 A24)

15. Abidin, Zainai. 1988. Fleet operation for tuna pole and liner. In Technical Papers/References Volume II. Tuna Fisheries Development training Program, 4 April – 15 May 1988,p. 157-162.

16. Ablan, GL. 1938. The diwal fishery of Occidental Negros. Phil. Jour. Sci. 66:379-385.

17. Ablan, GL. 1938. Two species of Pinna, apparently new to the Philippines. Phil Journ. Sci. 66.

18. Ablan, GL. 1940. The new Philippine gobioids. Phil. Jour. Sci. 70:373-379.

19. Ablan, GL. April 1940 (issued 4 April 1940). Two new Philippine gobioids. Phil J Sci 71(4):373-379.

20. Ablan, GL., J. R. Montilla and B. M. Martin. 1940. The salt-making industry of Northwestern Luzon. Phil. Journ Sci. 27.

21. Ablan, GL., WM Rosario. 1961. Theuhid fish for marine culture in the Philippines. Fish. Gazette 5(4):23-24.

22. Ablan, GL.. 1949. The commercial production of oysters in the Philippines. Dept. Agri. Nat. Res. Pop. Bull. No. 26.

23. Ablang, Leandro. 1947. The corral method of fishing in the Ilocos. Agricultural-Commercial-Industrial Life 9(3):16.

24. Abunal EP, JA Ingles, RP Babaran, MA Padilla. 2003 Dec. Early developmental stages of wild fishes from San Pedro Bay, Leyte, Philippines belonging to the families Atherinidae, Clupeidae, Callionymidae, Mugilidae and Sciaenidae. Philippine Agriculturist. 86(4):346-354.

25. Abunal, E. P., JA Ingles, RP Babaran. and MA Padilla. 2003. Early developmental stages of wild fishes from San Pedro Bay Leyte, Philippines belonging to the Families Atherinidae, Clupeidae, Callionymidae, Mugilidae and Sciaenidae. Philippine Agricultural Scientist 86(4):346-354.

26. Abundo, Romeo B. 1976. The P73M fisheries program for Muslim Mindanao.. Mod. Agr. Ind. 4(2):26.

27. Abuso, Zenaida V. The Occurence, distribution and abundance of larval stages of tunas in Ragay Gulf, Burias Pass, Ticao Pass and waters North of Samar Sea. March 1988. 118 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1988 F5 A2)

28. Acosta, Aaron-Taleon, G., NR Fortes. 1992. Effects of different feeds on the population growth and protein content of mysids (Metasiriella kitaroi). Philippine Association of Marine Science. Proceedings of the Second National Symposium in Marine Science, Mindanao State University, bongao, Tawi-Tawi, 5-7 November 1992, p 82.

29. Acosta, B. O. and JV Juario. 1983. Biological evaluation of Brachionus plicatilis fed Chlorella sp., Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselmis sp. and their combinations as feed for milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) fry. Abstract of paper presented at the 2nd Intl. Milkfish Aquaculture Conf.; 3-8 Oct. 1983; Iloilo, Philippines; SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department and the International Development Research Center of Canada.

30. Acosta, Belen Orejana. Biological evaluation of Brachionus plicatilis fed with chlorella sp., Tetraselmis tetrahele and Isochrysis galbana and their combinations as feed for milkfish (Chanos Chanos, Forskal) fry. 1984. 74 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1984 F5 A36)

31. Acosta, Pedro A. et al. 1960. Backyard fishpond: their construction and management. Fish Gazette 4(3):24.

32. Acosta, Pedro. 1960. Inland fisheries in the Philippines. Fish. Gaz., 4(3) :23. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

33. Acuña, Rodrigo E. 1997. Comparison of the catching efficiency of the traditional and modified fish corral in Panguil Bay December 1997. 115 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1997 F5 A3)

34. Adams, W. D., R. Montalban, C. Martin. 1929. Cultivation of bangos in the Philippines. P.I. Bureau of Science. (Note: citation incomplete)

35. Adams, Wallace, Heraclio R. Montalban and Claro Martin. 1932. Cultivation of bangos in the Philippines. Phil J Sci 47(1): 1-38

36. Adams, Wallace; Montalban, Heraclio R. & Martin, Claro. 1932. Cultivation of bangos in the Philippines. Manila : Bureau of Printing. 38 p. (Popular Bulletin of the Bureau of Science =Philippine Islands=; no.12). Also in : Philipp.J.Sci., 47(1) :1-38. (1932).*SEAFDEC-AQDL

37. Adan, Elvira Y. & Felisa M. Valdez. 1979. The Fishpond industry in Mindanao. Tech. Rep. Mindanao State Univ. Inst. Fish. Res. Dev. 5(1):269-343.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

38. Adan, William R. 1975. Why the Laguna Lake bangus drowned. Mod.Agric.Ind.Asia, 3(10):14,37. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

39. Adelantar, Geoffrey Villa. 1996. A preliminary study on the extraction of alginic acid from three species of brown algae: Sargassum polycystum, Sargassum cristaefolium and Tubinaria sp. in Taklong Is., Guimaras. 1996. 29 leaves. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

40. Adeyemi, Frederick Anderson. 1983. Comparative study of the effects of supplementary feeding and artificial substrate on the production of milkfish fingerlings in brackishwater ponds. xv,80 p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, 1983)*SEAFDEC-AQDL;ICLARML

41. Adeyemi, Frederick Folajimi. 1983. A comparative study on the effects of supplementary feeding and artificial substrate on the production of milkfish fingerlings in brackishwater ponds. March 1983. 80 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Iloilo City.. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1983 F5 A39).

42. Adlan, Pedro G. 1960. Fertilization--key to higher fish production. Fish Gazette 4(3):2-9

43. Adlan, Pedro G. 1962. Some effects of commercial fertilizers at the Western Visayas Demonstration Fish Farm. Phil. Fish Yearbook. p112-116.

44. Aduma, Ignatius A. 1984. Effect of cow and chicken manures on milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) Production in Brackishwater Fishponds. 98p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines in the Visayas,1984)

45. Aduma, Ignatius Azubuike. 1984. Effect of cow and chicken manures on milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) production in brackishwater fishponds. May 1984. 98 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Iloilo City. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1984 F5 A3).

46. Agana, Julie Ann E. 2004. Comparison of the growth of green algae, Nephroselmis sp. at different media. 41 leaves. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

47. Agase, Mark Christian Albason. 2004. Comparative growth rates and gross morphology of hybrid catfish, Clarias gariepinus (female) X Vlarias macrocephalus (male) 2004 64 Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo

48. Agasen, EV, EB Alba, RO Romero. 2007. Attempts to manage ludong fisheries in the Philippines. Fish for the People 5(2):37-39.

49. Agasen, EV. 2003. Commercially important freshwater prawns in Luzon, Philippines. Proceedings of the papers presented during the International symposium on Freshwater Prawns 2003. Kerala Agricultural University, Kochi.

50. Agasen, EV. 2005. Prawn fisheries of Lake Bato. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), p. 163-

51. Agbayani, Benigno. 1975. The most common allergic food. Progress Report NRCP Res. Bull. 30(4):427-432.

52. Agbayani, Jose A., Jr. 1983. Fishpen and cages in Laguna de Bay; Government Rules and Regulations. In: APDEM (VI : 1983 : Tigbauan,Iloilo) =Papers. Tigbauan,Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department=,3:(10 p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

53. Agbayani, Renato F.; Baliao, Dan D.; Franco, Nilo M.;Ticar, Romulo, B. and Guanzon, Nicolas G.,Jr. 1989. An Economic analysis of the modular pond system of milkfish production in the Philippines. Aquaculture 83:249-259. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

54. Agbayani, RF, Abella FF. 1990. Status of sanitation and marketing of mollusc in the Philippines. In Report of the Workshop and Study Tour on Mollusc Sanitation and Marketing; 1989 October 15-28, France. Bangkok, Tahiland: Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project Network of Aquqculture Centre in Asia, pp. 98-110.

55. Agbayani, RF, DB Baticados, SB Siar. 2000. Community fishery resources management on Malalison Island, Philippines. : R & D framework, interventions, and policy implications. Coastal Management 28:19-27.

56. Agbayani, RF, DD Baliao, GPB Samonte, RE Tumalian, RD Caturao. 1990. Economic feasibility analysis of the monoculture of mudcrab (Scylla serrata) Forsskal. Aquaculture 91:223-231.

57. Agbayani, RF, PD Baliao, NM Franco, RB Ticar, NG Guanzon.,Jr. 1989. An Economic analysis of the modular pond system of milkfish production in the Philippines. Aquaculture 83:249-259.

58. Agbayani, RF, U Hatch, E Belleza. 1995. Economic analysis of prawn (Penaeus monodon) culture in the Philippines. I. Hatchery operations. Asian Fish. Sci. 8:191-200.

59. Agbayani, RF. 1990. Economics of milkfish culture in the Philippines. Tanaka H., Uwate KR, Juario JV, Lee CS, Foscarini R, eds. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Milkfish Culture Developmetn in the South Pacific; 1988 November 21-25; Tarawa, Kiribati. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Aquaculture Development Project/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, pp. 101-108.

60. Agbayani, RF. 1995. Community fishery resources management in Malallison Island, Philippines. In Bagarinao, TU, EEC Flores, eds. Towards sustainable aquaculture in Southeast Asia and Japan. Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia, July 26-28, 1994, Iloilo City, Philippines, pp. 209-219.

61. Agbayani, RF.;Lopez, N.A.;Tumaliuan, R.T. and Benjamin, D. 1991. Economic analysis of an Integrated Milkfish broodstock and hatchery operation as a public enterprise. Aquaculture 99:235-248. *ICLARML

62. Agco, Ag. July 1940 (issued 19 September 1940). Philippine Coryphaenidae. Phil J Sci 72(3):313-319.

63. Agco, AG. June 1939 (issued 17 July 1939). Two rare pediculate fishes from the Philippines. Phl. J Sci 69(2):161-165.

64. Agoo, A. 1940. Philippine Coryphaenidae. Phil. J Sci 72(3):313-319.

65. Aguilar, G. D., H. Yamato and T. Koyama. June 1996. Development of a hull form definition with a related knowledge based on advisory system. Journal of Marine Science and Technology 1(2):138-148.

66. Aguilar, G. D., H. Yamato, and T. Koyama. 1996. Development of a knowledge-based system using a combined knowledge acquisition and knowledge modelling approach. Industry & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, June 4-7, 1996, pp. 283-288.

67. Aguilar, G. D., H. Yamato. and T. Koyama. December 1996. An approach to knowledge acquisition for the hull form design of fishing craft, (3rd report). Implementation of a hull form definition system using hull variation and shape aggregation techniques. Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects (178):755-765.

68. Aguilar, G. D., T. Koyama, and H. Yamato. December 1993. An approach to knowledge acquisition for the hull form design of fishing crafts, 2nd report: Object oriented methodology for the rapid development of procedural tools and interactive elicitation for hull selection. Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects (174).

69. Aguilar, GD. 1996. Current approaches for sharing design information. UPV Journal of Natural Sciences 1(2):150-159.

70. Aguilar, GD. 1997. Comparative analysis of hull forms of selected Philippine indigenous fishing craft. UPV Journal of Natural Sciences 2(1):17-43.

71. Aguilar, GD. 1997. Computer modelling of indigenous fishing crafts. UPV Journal of Natural Sciences 2(1):44-59.

72. Aguilar, GD. 1998. Development of a ubiquitous ship design and general arrangement system. College of Fisheries, UP Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

73. Aguilar, GD. 1998. Development of small craft hull forms using an intranetbase marine vehicle design and model testing equipment. College of Fisheries UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. 45p. Terminal Report.

74. Aguilar, GD. 2004. Philippine fishing boats, p. 118-121. In DA-BFAR (Department of Agriculture-Bureau of fisheries and Aquatic Resources). In turbulent seas: The status of Philippine marine fisheries. Coastal Resource Management Project, Cebu City, Philippines. 378p

75. Aguilar, GD. 2004. Present and future role of the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences in fisheries and coastal resource management. In: Villareal, L. V., V. Kelleher, and U. Tietze, eds. Guidelines on the collection of demographic and socio-economic information on fishing communities for use in coastal and aquatic resources mangement. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, No. 439. Rome, FAO,pp. 69-79.

76. Aguilar, GD. Shigehiro, R. Kuroda, T. September 2001. Resistance characteristics of the Philippine outrigger fishing crafts. UPV Journal of Natural Science 6(1-2):46-54.

77. Aguilar, Glenn and Rhoderick John Tiapson. June 2003. Fishery policy helper: a database management system of fishery related policies. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 8(1-2):226-234.

78. Aguilar, Glenn D., Rina Joy Ambatang, Rhoderick Tiapson, Giovanni Cagalaban, and JJ Giner. June 2003. Knowledge based tools for supporting fisheries management. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 8(1-2):192-204.

79. Aguilar, R. 2005. Managing the sacred lakes of Coron Island,, Palawan, Philippines: ensuring environmental protection and securing cultural integrity through indigenous community initiatives. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), p. 230 (abstract only)

80. Aguilar, R. O and A. Ohno. 1999. Behavior of some hatchery-reared finfish larvae. Presented in World Aquaculture ’99, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Sydney, Australia. 27 April-2 May 1999.

81. Aguilar, R. O. and A. Ohno. Nov. 2002. Observations on the feeding ecology and behavior of newly-hatched grouper, Epinephelus coioides, larvae. Fisheries Science 68(Supplemnt 1):1000-1001.

82. Aguilar, R. O., H. Kohno, A. Ohno, M. Moteki, M. and Y. Taki. 1997(?) The development of grouper, Epinephelus coioides, larvae during changeover of energy sources. Paper presented in World Aquaculture ’97, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

83. Aguilar, R. O., Kohno, H., Ohno, A., Moteki, M., and Taki, Y. March 1995. Development of grouper, Epinephelus coioides, larvae during changeover of energy sources. Journal of Tokyo University of Fisheries 82(1): 103-108.

84. Aguilar, Remotito A. Anti-microbial activity of aqueous extracts from selected soft coral species. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

85. Aguilar-Santos, G. M. S. Doty. 1978. Gracilaria for the manufacture of agar. Fisheries Research Journal 3(2):29-34.

86. Aguinlado, MMS, LT McManus. 1999. Facilitating the formation of an environmental advocacy program in Bolinao, Pangasinan: enhancing science and information use for community-based management. In Philippine Marine Science—Facing the Challenges of the Next Millenium. The 5th National Symposium in Marine Science, October 17-19, 1999. Manila, Philippines: 23 (Book of Abstracts).

87. Agustin, Melissa B. and Maria Lourdes San Diego-McGlone. 2003. Benthic fluxes of nutrients in Manila Bay. Philipp. Scient. 40:27-40.

88. Akagi H., ES Castillo .N Corles-Maramba, AT Francisco-Rivera. TD Timbang. 2000. Health assessment for mercury exposure among schoolchildren residing near a gold processing and refining plant in Apokon, Tagum, Davao del Norte, Philippines. Science of the Total Environment. 259(1-3):31-43, 2000 Oct 2.

89. Akamine, J. 2001. Holothurian exploitation in the Philippines: continuities and discontinuities. Trophics 10 (4):591-607.

90. Akamine, J. 2002. Trepang exploitation in the Philippines: update information. SPC Beche-de-Mer Information Bulletin 18 bulletin # 17. October 2003 (sic).

91. Alabanza, J, L Quito, A Cargamento. 1989. Land use patterns and physical characteristics of the provinces and municipalities bordering Lingayen gulf,. In G. Silvestre, E Miclat and TE Chua, eds. Towards Sustainable Development of the Coastal Resources of Lingayen Gulf, Philippines. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 17, PCAMRD, Los Baños, Laguna, and ICLARM, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines, pp. 93-105.

92. Alabia, Irene D. 2003. Relation of size and sex to the natural diet of red crab Charybdis feriatus Linnaeus (Brachyura:Portunidae) from Pilar, Capiz Bays, Northern Panay. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo

93. Alapide-Tendencia, EV, LA Dureza. 1997. Isolation of Vibrio spp. from Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) with red disease syndrome. Aquaculture 154:107-114.

94. Alava, Rosario Viloria. 1979. Effect of light quality and ablation on ovarian maturation in pond-reared Penaeus monodon Fabricius. April 1979.. 75 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Iloilo City. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1979 F5 A4)

95. Alava, Veronica R. 1986. Combinations of dietary fat sources in dry diets for Chanos chanos fingerlings. In: Maclean, J.L.; Dizon, L.B. and Hosillos, L.V. (eds.). 1984. The First Asian Fisheries Forum, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines,pp. 519-521.

96. Alava, Veronica Ramos. 1979. Study on the quantitative dietary protein requirements of Penaeus monodon juveniles in a controlled environment. October 1979. 50 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Iloilo City. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1979 F5 A4)

97. Alava, VR , FP Pascual. 1987. Carbohydrate requirements of Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) juveniles. Aquaculture 61:211-217.

98. Alava, VR, A Kanazawa, S. Teshima, S. Koshiro. 1993. Effect of dietary phospholipids and n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids on ovarian development of kuruma prawn. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi. 59:345-351.

99. Alava, VR, A. Kanazawa, S. Teshima, S. Koshiro. 1993. Effects of dietary vitamins A, E, and C on the ovarian development of Penaeus japonicus. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi. 59:1235-1241.

100. Alava, VR, A. Kanazawa, S. Teshima, S. Koshiro. 1993. Effects of dietary L-ascorbyl-2-phosphate magnesium on gonadal maturation of Penaeus japonicus. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi. 59:691-696.

101. Alava, VR, A. Kanazawa. 1996. Effect of dietary fatty acids on growth of milkfish Chanos chanos fry in brackishwater. Aquaculture 144:363-369.

102. Alava, VR. 1998. Effect of salinity, dietary lipid source and level of growth of milkfish (Chanos chanos) fry. Aquaculture 167:229-236.

103. Alava, VR. and C. Lim, C. 1983. The quantitative dietary protein requirements of Penaeus monodon juveniles in a controlled environment. Aquaculture 30:53-61.

104. Alava, VR. and C. Lim. 1988. Artificial diets for milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal) fry reared in sea water. Aquaculture 71:339-346. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

105. Alba, Kristine Margaret A. 2003. Effect of salinity on the embryonic development of Portunus pelagicus and Charybdis feriatus eggs. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

106. Alcala AC. 1996. Do marine reserves export adult fish biomass—evidence from Apo Island, Central Philippines. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 132(1-3):1-9, 1996 Feb.

107. Alcala AC. Russ GR. 2006. No-take marine reserves and reef fisheries management in the Philippines: A new people power revolution. Ambio. 35(5):245-254, 2006 Aug.

108. Alcala AC. Russ GR. Maypa AP. Calumpong HP. 2005. A long-term, spatially replicated experimental test of the effect of marine reserves on local fish yields. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences. 62(1):98-108, 2005 Jan.

109. Alcala, A. C. 1970. Human fatality due to ingestion of crab Demania sp. in the Philippines. Clin. Toxicol 3:609-611.

110. Alcala, AC. 1979. Ecological notes on rabbitfishes (Family Siganidae) and certain economically important marine animals in Southern Negros and environs, Philippines. Silliman J. 26:115-133.

111. Alcala, AC. 1981. Fish yield of coral reefs of Sumilon Isalnd, Central Philippines. Nat. Res. Counc. Philipp. Res. Bull. 36:1-7.

112. Alcala, AC. 1983. Recent cases of crab, cone shell, and fish intoxication on southern Negros Island, Philippines. Toxicon, Suppl. 3:1-3.

113. Alcala, AC. 1988. Effects of protective management of marine reserves on fish abundances and fish yields in the Philippines. Ambio 17:194-199.

114. Alcala, AC. 1999. Sustainability of marine protected areas. In Uychiaoco, JA, S Schoppe, PM Aliño, R Hermes, eds. Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines. Proceedings of the workshop on Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines, december 15-16, 1997. The Marine Science Institute, UP Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, pp. 118-126.

115. Alcala, AC. 2001. Marine reserves in the Philippines: historical development, effects and influence on marine conservation policy with a foreword by Dr. Edgardo D. Gomez. Makati City: Bookmark. 115p.

116. Alcala, AC. and G. Russ. 1990. A direct test of the effects of protective management on abundance and yield of tropical marine resources. J. Cons. Int. Explo. Mer. 46:40-47.

117. Alcala, AC. and T. Luchavez. 1981. Fish yield of the coral reef surrounding Apo Island, Negros Oriental, Central Visayas, Philippines. Proceedings of the 4th Coral reef Symposium. 1:69-73.

118. Alcanices, MM. 2005. Assessment of migratory fishes in Butas River, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), pp.72-76.

119. Alcantara, L.O. 1982. Variations of fishpond layouts for different types of brackishwater fishpond management. In: Report of Consultation/Seminar on Coastal Fishpond Engineering, 4-12 August 1982,Surabaya, Indonesia. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp.83-86. (Workshop Report/ South China Sea Fisheries Development And Coordinating Programme; no.42) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

120. Alcantara, Louis O.; Bacosa, Fidencio E.; Hays, Joe;Abobarin, Oladejo and Ocon, Felicicimo T. 1980. Project Feasibility Study: Milkfish based polyculture cum sugpo. In: APDEM (III:1980: Tigbauan, Iloilo.=Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC=,3(9p.)

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181. Angeles, Hilarion Gonzales. 1974. The Mullet fisheries of Naujan Lake. Fish. News. (Apr-Je):18-22.

182. Angeles,Hilarion G. 1971. A Preliminary report on the observation and possibilities of induced spawning of mullet and milkfish. Bangkok : FAO Regional Office for Asia and Far East. 12 p. (Occasional Paper / Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council ; 71/8)*UPVCF Library, Vertical file;SEAFDEC-AQDL

183. Angudong, Ruperto 1980. Salom Fishfarm Venture ; Summary of a Project. In: APDEM (III : 1980 : Tigbauan,Iloilo) =Papers. Tigbauan,Iloilo: SEAFDEC=,vol. 3. (38 p.)*SEAFDEC-AQDL

184. Angudong, Ruperto G. 1983. Milkfish production System. In: APDEM (VI:1983: Tigbauan, Iloilo)=Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department= 3(17p.)

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186. Anon. Bangus, The Status Symbol Fish. New Phil. 11(2):22.

187. Anon. 1948. Bibliography of the Ichthyological and Fishery Publications of Albert W. S. Herre. Compiled by the Staff, Philippine Fishery Program, UDSI/FWS/PFP, Manila, Philippine Islands. 14p.

188. Anon. 1950. The Importance of the bangos fishpond idustry in the Indo-Pacific Region. IPFC Occasional Paper no. 50/5. 2p.

189. Anon. 1953. Raising bangus fry in 3-dimension ponds. Phil. Fish Yearbook. p331.

190. Anon. 1959. Pond frtilizers test rsults favorable. Fish Gazette 3(7): 37-38.

191. Anon. 1959. Raising bangos in pnds. Agricultural and Industrial Life 21 (4):16. Also in Fisheries Gazette May 1960, p. 23-25.

192. Anon. 1961. Biology of bangus discussed in fisheries seminar. Fish. Gazette. 5(1):32-33.

193. Anon. 1962. Chanos culture. Curr.Aff.Bull,IPFC, (33) :12.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

194. Anon. 1962. Fertilization of fish ponds. IFPC Current Affairs Bull. no. 32.

195. Anon. 1963. Report of the Chanos Sub-Committee to Technical Committee I, IPFC for the Intersessional Period, 1961-62. Proc.IPFC, 10(1) : 146-149.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

196. Anon. 1966. Construction and layout of bangus fishponds. Phil Fishing J. 4(1):25-31.

197. Anon. 1966. Grow Lab-lab for milkfish preparation by fertilizing your fishponds. Agr Ind Life 28(3):11.

198. Anon. 1966. Project proposal for the demonstration of improved techniques of bangos culture. n.p. 16 leaves.*UPVCF Library, mimeographed copy, Vertical file

199. Anon. 1966. The Culture of lab-Lab, the natural food of the milkfish or bangos, Chanos chanos (Forskal) fry and fingerlings. under cultivation. Philipp.Fish.J., 4(8):22, 24, 26 & 35.

200. Anon. 1967. Brief life history of the milkfish. Esso Agroserv. Bull, (8):6.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

201. Anon. 1967. Experiments on bangus culture encouraging. Phil. Fishing J. 5(9);33-34.

202. Anon. 1967. Fishpond culture. Esso Agroserv. Bull., (8):4-5.

203. Anon. 1967. Improved techniques of milkfish ("Bangos") culture. Esso Agroserv. Bull. (8):17-22.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
204. Anon. 1967. The "Bangos" fry industry. Esso Agroserv. Bull., (8) :7-16.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

205. Anon. 1967. The Culture of algae and "lab-lab" as food for bangos. Esso Agroserv.Bull., (8) :23-27.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

206. Anon. 1972. Bangus culture in ponds with feed and lab-lab - with and without lime. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (1):18-26.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

207. Anon. 1972. Bangus culture in ponds with feed and lab-lab and plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.),(1):4-18.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

208. Anon. 1972. Bangus culture in ponds with feed and lab-lab. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (1):26-32.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

209. Anon. 1972. Determination of length-weight relationships of bangus and other fishes. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.),(2):90-91.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

210. Anon. 1972. Field trials on bangus production with plankton. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (2) :70-84.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

211. Anon. 1972. Lab-lab and bangus production in ponds treated with organic only, inorganic only and with combination organic and inorganic fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.),(2):84-85.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

212. Anon. 1972. Lab-lab and bangus production in ponds treated with combination organic and inorganic fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (2):31-38.

213. Anon. 1972. Milkfish culture. In: Aquaculture : The Farming and Husbandry of Freshwater and Marine Organisms / John E. Bardach, John H. Ryther and William O. McLarney. New York : Wiley International, pp.313-3249.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

214. Anon. 1972. Solution of milkfish feed problem in Cavite Found. Animal Husbandry Agr. J. 7 (8):28.

215. Anon. 1973. Salinity tolerance of bangus. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (3):29-33.

216. Anon. 1973. Survey of parasites and bacterial diseases of bangus. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (4):31-34.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

217. Anon. 1973. Bangos fry enter Nalva Fish Bank on their own. Fish.News., (Apr.-Je.) :19-20.

218. Anon. 1973. Bangus feeding behavior or artificial feed. 1973 UPCF Inland Fisheries Project Progress Rep. (First half FY 1972-1973). NSDB assisted project. 91p.

219. Anon. 1973. Bangus production in brackishwater ponds with lab-lab and supplementary feed (Bataan Part). Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (2) : 16-22.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

220. Anon. 1973. Bangus production in brackishwater ponds with lab-lab supplementary feed (Iloilo Part). UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Progress Rep. (First half FY 1972-1973).NSDB Assisted Project. 4p.

221. Anon. 1973. Bangus production in ponds with plankton (Bataan Part). Tech.Rep. Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (2) :30-31.

222. Anon. 1973. Bangus production in ponds with plankton (Iloilo Part). Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (2) :23-29.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

223. Anon. 1973. Bangus production in ponds with plankton at the BF Molo Farm. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (3) : 18-21.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

224. Anon. 1973. Bangus production with lab-lab produced by inorganic fertilizer (Pangasinan Part). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.), (2):22-23.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

225. Anon. 1973. BFAR/PCV Fisheries Pond Extension Program. Iloilo City/Tanay, Rizal, 12 JI-16 Oct. 1973.

226. Anon. 1973. BF's Fishes commodity loan proposal to the Danish Government 30p. *BFARL

227. Anon. 1973. Biological survey of ponds and natural water. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Progress Rep. (First Half FY 1972-1973).NSDB assisted project.

228. Anon. 1973. Diseases of bangus. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.),(3):38-40.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

229. Anon. 1973. Evaluation of chemicals used in aquaculture. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Progress Rep. (First Half FY1972-1973). NSDB Assisted Project No. 2.233.

230. Anon. 1973. Field trials on bangus production with plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp), (3) :25-28.

231. Anon. 1973. Field trials on bangus production with plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (3) :2-17.

232. Anon. 1973. Fishpond fertilization training opens April 2. Fish News, p20-21. (Ap/Je).

233. Anon. 1973. Lab-lab and bangus production in ponds treated with organic only, inorganic only and with combination organic and inorganic fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.),(3):22-24.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

234. Anon. 1973. Market surveys. Inland Fisheries Project. Progress rep. NSDB First half Fy 1972-1973. Assisted Project. 93p.

235. Anon. 1973. Milkfish production in freshwater ponds with different systems. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (4) :34-38.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

236. Anon. 1973. Plankton method for raising bangus. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.) (4):63-65.

237. Anon. 1973. Project proposal for the demonstration of improved techniques of bangos culture. In: Fishpond Estate Development Seminar/Workshop, Continuing Education Center, Los Baños, Laguna, 1973. =Background Readings. Los Baños: Continuing Education Center=,pp. 220-244.

238. Anon. 1973. Regulations Governing the construction or establishment of Fish Pen enclosures in all Inland Waters. FAO No. 10. Pursuant to Section 4 of ACT 4003 as Amended section 4(a), (b), (c), of R.R. 3512 and section 6 part 8, sub-paragraph 2 of PD 43 1973 Official Gazette. 69(43):9943-9945:(15 Oct.)

239. Anon. 1973. Screening of feed stuffs and IFP- Special Formula Fish Feed. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. 1973 Progress Rep. (First half Fy 1972-1973).NSDB assisted Project. 91 p.

240. Anon. 1973. There's big money in inland fish culture. New Phil. 2:11 :(D)

241. Anon. 1974. A Study of the seasonal abundance of bangos fry in Naawan, Misamis Oriental. Naawan, Misamis Oriental. 15 p. (Contribution / Mindanao State University, Institute of Fisheries Research and Prawn Development ; no.74-9)*SEAFDEC-AQDL

242. Anon. 1974. Antique fry gatherers use new bulldozer nets. Fish.Newsl., (Apr.-Je.): 38. SEAFDEC-AQDL

243. Anon. 1974. Bangus fry contract benefits fishermen. The Times J. 27 Mr. (News Clipping).

244. Anon. 1974. Bangus production in brackishwater ponds with lab-lab and plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (5) : 70-71.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

245. Anon. 1974. Bangus production in freshwater ponds with different fertilizer System. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.), (5) : 44-48.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

246. Anon. 1974. Bangus production in newly constructed ponds on plankton and lab-lab for three consecutive cultures using various single and combination fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (5) :63-65.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

247. Anon. 1974. Bangus production in newly constructed ponds on plankton and lab-lab for three consecutive cultures using various single and combination fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (6) :76-81.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

248. Anon. 1974. Bangus production in shallow ponds with plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (4) :3-6.*SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL

249. Anon. 1974. Causes of bangus kills in ponds at the Brackishwater Aquaculture Center following a heavy rain. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp)., (5):21-43.

250. Anon. 1974. Combination bangus-shrimp culture. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 4. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 9-11.* SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL

251. Anon. 1974. Ecological Research In Aquatic Resources Management. UNESCO/MAB Inter-Bureau Mobile Seminar on Ecological Inputs in Aquatic Resource Management. Manila, 19 Oct.

252. Anon. 1974. Fishpen Construction Subject to Stricter Rules. Fish News, p39 (Ap/Je).

253. Anon. 1974. High protein Chlorella for animal feed. Mod Agr Ind 2(3):11

254. Anon. 1974. Laguna bangus prices higher. Phil. Daily Express. 10 Oct. (News Clipping).

255. Anon. 1974. Plankton for raising bangus (Experimental Field Trials) 1974 BFAR Fishery Leaflet, 28 Ja, 1974 (Printout)

256. Anon. 1974. Price indices of fish and other commodities related to inland fisheries in Iloilo City, January to June 1974.UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Tech. Rep. (5) (First half FY 1974).NSDB assisted Project 72 p.

257. Anon. 1974. Proposed fishpond estate in the inner Malampaya, Taytay, Palawan, The. BFs Feasibility Study. 26 F. 54p. tbs. illus.

258. Anon. 1974. Rate of growth and survival of bangus fry in brackishwater ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (4) :7-8.*SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL

259. Anon. 1974. Rate of growth of bangus fry in brackishwater ponds. Tech. Rep.Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.), (5) :66-69.

260. Anon. 1974. Rearing bangus fry in net enclosures. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (5): 87.

261. Anon. 1974. Rearing pens bring benefits to Lake Fishery. Fish. News Int. 13(2):41.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

262. Anon. 1974. Report on the studies on the economics of aquaculture in Indo-Pacific Region. Proc. IPFC 16th Session. Jakarta, Indonesia, 30 0-8 N, 1974. 16 (I-II): 98-105.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

263. Anon. 1974. Salinity tolerance of bangus. Tech. Rep. Inland. Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (3):29-33.

264. Anon. 1974. Simultaneous culture of bangus fry inside happas and bangus fingerlings at large in same ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (6):82-86.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

265. Anon. 1974. Technicians improved bangus culture. Phil. Daily Express. 3 Dec. News Clipping).

266. Anon. 1975. Simultaneous culture of bangus fry inside happas and bangus fingerlings loose in same ponds. (Trial II). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (7):104-105.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

267. Anon. 1975. Solution to milkfish feed problem in Cavite Found Phil Abstr. 15(1-2):25 1975.

268. Anon. 1975. Species that can be used for stock manipulation in Philippine freshwater fishponds. ASEAN Training Course in Freshwater Fisheries. Baguio City/Tanay, Rizal, 6-17 Ja 1975.

269. Anon. 1975. Symposium Papers, National Bangus Symposium. Phil. Village Hotel, Hotel Pasay City, Metro Manila, 25-26 JI 1975.

270. Anon. 1975. Bangus length-weight study. UPCF Inland fisheries Project. Tech. Rep. (6). First Half FY. NSDB Assisted Project. 47 p.

271. Anon. 1975. Bangus production in a newly constructed pond. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.),(7):48-50.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

272. Anon. 1975. Bangus production in newly constructed Ponds with plankton and lab-lab for three consecutive cultures using various single and combination fertilizers. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (7) :32-47.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

273. Anon. 1975. Boneless bangus factory up soon. Business Day 6 August.

274. Anon. 1975. Causes of death of milkfish en mass in the Lake of Laguna de Bay. Phil Fish. J. 11(3-4):35; 30. UPVCFL

275. Anon. 1975. Production of bangus in combination with common carp and Thai hito in fertilized freshwater ponds. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Tech Rep. (6) ( First half FY 1975. ) NSDB assisted project no. 7103 Ag. p68-75.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

276. Anon. 1975. Rate of growth and survival of bangus fry/fingerlings in newly constructed brackishwater ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (6):8-18.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

277. Anon. 1975. Rearing of milkfish fry in nylon net enclosures (Bitinan),UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Tech Rep. (6). (First half FY 1975) NSDB assisted project no. 7103 Ag. p34-38.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

278. Anon. 1975. SEAFDEC : Some notes on the Philippine bangus industry and the National Bangos Symposium. Asian Fish.Shipp.Mag., 2(1): 24.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

279. Anon. 1975. SEAFDEC approves research on milkfish. PCAR Monitor, 3(1): 4. SEAFDEC-AQD

280. Anon. 1975. SEAFDEC provides research on milkfish. PCAR Monit.,3(1):4.

281. Anon. 1975. Search for bangus fry underway. Mod Agr. Ind. 3(7):22-38.

282. Anon. 1975. Simultaneous culture of bangus fry inside happas and bangus fingerlings at large in same ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (7):14-31.

283. Anon. 1975. Some basic principles on stock manipulation techniques in freshwater ponds. In: ASEAN Training Course in Freshwater Fisheries,Baguio City/ Tanay, Rizal, 6-17 Jan. 1975. 4 p.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

284. Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine milkfish in Hong Kong. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 6. (8 p.) SEAFDEC-AQD

285. Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine milkfish in Hong Kong. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 4. (31p.)

286. Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine milkfish in Japan. In : Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish ( Bangus). Oslo : Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 4. (31 p.) *SEAFDEC-AQD

287. Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine milkfish in Malaysia. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 3. (10p.)

288. Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine milkfish in Singapore. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 2. (28p.)

289. Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine milkfish in Thailand. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 5. (2p.)

290. Anon. 1975. The Use of anti-biotic feed on bangus fingerlings for growth and control of fish diseases BFAR Accomp. Rep. FY 1975 17p.

291. Anon. 1975. Weight-length relationship and growth of Chanos chanos (Forskal) grown in freshwater ponds. PCARR Monitor 4(3):

292. Anon. 1975? Banning the taking or catching of "Sabalo"(Full Grown Bangus or Milkfish) in all Philippine waters for a period of five (5) years. Fisheries Administrative Order (FAO) (120). Pursuant to the provisions of section 4 and 7 of PD
704 otherwise known as the Fisheries Decree 1975.

293. Anon. 1976. A Comparison of isonetrogenous applications of urea and Ammonium fertilizers in brackishwater ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.)., (10):82-88.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

294. Anon. 1976. Bangus fry-fingerling culture in brackishwater ponds with plankton. Tech.Rep. Inland fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (8):91-92.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

295. Anon. 1976. Bioassay of two fish toxicants, Tuba (Jathropa sp.), a locally available fish poison and Antimycin A. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (8):35-47.8SEAFDEC-AQDL

296. Anon. 1976. Effect of stock manipulation on growth and production of milkfish in ponds. Tech. Rep.Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.),(10):21-40.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

297. Anon. 1976. Effect of stock manipulation on the growth and production of milkfish in ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.),(9):152-155.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

298. Anon. 1976. Effect of tillage, flushing, and liming on production of bangos in ponds affected by acid sulfate soils. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (9) : 163-164.

299. Anon. 1976. Effects of two inorganic fertilizers and three stocking densities on bangus production in freshwater. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (9):92-101.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

300. Anon. 1976. Evaluation on the use of sub-divided ponds using nets to increase experimental units (Trial 11). Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.), (9) :25-30*SEAFDEC-AQDL

301. Anon. 1976. Evaluation on the use of sub-divided ponds using nets to increase experimental units. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (8) : 27-34.

302. Anon. 1976. Expanded Fish Production Program, 1977-1981.. BFAR, Quezon City, Metro Manila. 46 p. 1976.

303. Anon. 1976. Introduction of artificial aubstrate for additional natural fishfood production in milkfish ponds. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (9):164-165.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

304. Anon. 1976. Milkfish production at two levels of organic content matter in pond soil. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.), (10): 62-67.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

305. Anon. 1976. Milkfish program. Annu. Rep. Aquacult. Dep. SEAFDEC, pp.2-11.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

306. Anon. 1976. Milkfish research (Mass Propagation of Milkfish Fry in the (Philippines). Annual Report of the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, pp. 30-36.

307. Anon. 1976. Mixed culture of bangus Fry and Fingerlings in Brackishwater ponds with Plankton. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.),(9): 16-24.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

308. Anon. 1976. Mono and polyculture of bangos and all- male Tilapia mossambica in brackishwater ponds (Trial II ). Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.), (8):16-26.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

309. Anon. 1976. Notes on the occurrence of and morphometric determination of spawners of Chanos chanos Forskal. Annu.Rep.Mindanao State Univ. Inst. Fish. Res. Dev., pp. 111-113.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

310. Anon. 1976. Polyculture of bangus and shrimps, Penaeus semisulcatus. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (8) :1-15. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

311. Anon. 1976. Polyculture of freshwater shrimps and milkfish. Tech Rep. Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.),(9):83-84. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

312. Anon. 1976. Production of milkfish in ponds fertilized with chicken manure and shredded rice straw plus urea. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (9) :161-162.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

313. Anon. 1976. Production response of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal) to additional substrate for Fishpond in brackishwater ponds. Tech.Rep. Inland fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (10) :89-94.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

314. Anon. 1976. Program on bangus by conservation up. Business Day. 6 Oct. (News Clipping)

315. Anon. 1976. Rearing bangus fry in nylon net enclosures. (Bitinan). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (8):69-72.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

316. Anon. 1976. Relationship between primary production and milkfish production in brackishwater ponds Using organic and combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.),(10):95-108.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

317. Anon. 1976. Simultaneous culture of bangus fry inside happas and bangus fingerlings loose in same ponds. (Trial II). Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (8):94-96.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

318. Anon. 1976. Simultaneous culture of bangus fry inside happas and bangus fingerlings loose in same ponds. (Trial II). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (9):51-65.

319. Anon. 1976. The Effectiveness of Leucaena leaf meal as a supplemental feed for bangus in brackishwater fishponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (9) :1-15.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

320. Anon. 1976. Country report of the Philippines: Present Status of Fisheries, Its Development and Management. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Fisheries Resources and their Management in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 19 November to 6 December, 1974; edited by K. Tiews. Bonn: H. Lammerich, pp. 469-482.

321. Anon. 1976. Milkfish trials on the use of chicken manure shredded rice straw and urea. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.),(10):52-61.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

322. Anon. 1976. Preliminary study on the use of rice straw as an additional substrate for fishpond organisms. Tech. Rep. Inland. Fish. Proj. (Philipp.) (1):1-4.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

323. Anon. 1977. Artificial spawning of milkfish reported. Mar.Fish.Rev., 39(12):34.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

324. Anon. 1977. Milkfish program. Annu.Rep.Aquacult.Dep.SEAFDEC, pp.8-11.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

325. Anon. 1977. Di mauubos ang supply ng bangus. Phil. Daily Express. 2 Je. (news clipping).

326. Anon. 1977. Government boost fry stock. The Rural Worker. 1(3):2.

327. Anon. 1977. Milkfish breeding breakthrough in the Philippines. Fish. Farming Int. 3(2):26-28.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

328. Anon. 1977. Philippines. In: Brown, E. Evan. World Fish Farming: Cultivation and Economics. Westport, Conn.: Avi Pub. Co., pp. 371-376.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

329. Anon. 1977. Procedures on how to apply fertilizers and lime. The Farmers Guide. p33 (Ja).

330. Anon. 1978. Fertilizers and fertilization in brackishwater fishponds. In: Pond Culture and Management ; Selected Readings. Tigbauan,Iloilo : Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, pp.43-49.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

331. Anon. 1978. Milkfish researchers on threshold of another breakthrough. Asian Aquacult., 1(1):4,7.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

332. Anon. 1978. OI, SEAFDEC in Joint R and D Venture. Asian Aquacult., 1(5):1-7.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

333. Anon. 1978. Platform and other methods of fishpond fertilization. In: Pond Culture and Management ; Selected Readings.Tigbauan,Iloilo ; Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, pp.50-53.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

334. Anon. 1978. Milkfish Program. Annu. Rep. Aquacult. Dep.SEAFDEC, pp.5-8.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

335. Anon. 1978. SEAFDEC's milkfish program : It's problems and recommendations. Asian Fish.Shipp.Mag., 3(3):15-16.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

336. Anon. 1979. A Review of available milkfish Chanos chanos farming technology in the Philippines. Farming Today 5(5):14-15 May.

337. Anon. 1979. Fishpen and cage farming in the Philippines. In: International Workshop on Pen and Cage Culture of Fish, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1979. Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo: International Research Centre; Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC, pp. 99-103.

338. Anon. 1979. Freshwater Fisheries Station is 2 Years Old. Asian Aquacult., 2(7):1,3,6.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

339. Anon. 1979. International cage and pen culture and national aquaculture technology consultation held. Asian Aquacult.,2(2):1-2.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

340. Anon. 1979. Milkfish Program. Annu.Rep. Aquacult. Dep. SEAFDEC, pp.4-10.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

341. Anon. 1979. Output and needs of milkfish farmers. Mod. Agric. Ind. Asia 7(5):26.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

342. Anon. 1979. SEAFDEC : Some backgrounds on its milkfish programs. Asian Fish.Shipp.Mag.,3(2):16-17.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

343. Anon. 1979. The Key is better handling: how to avoid milkfish fry losses in the Philippines. Philippine Farmers' Journal 21(8):48-49 Aug.

344. Anon. 1979. The Milkfish Research Development Program of SEAFDEC. Asian Aquacult., 2(1):3, 6.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

345. Anon. 1979. What makes Iloilo, Philippines bangus milkfish producers the tops. Philippine Farmers' Journal 21(6):42 June.

346. Anon. 1980. All for a small fry. Asian Aquacult., 3(10):1-2,8.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

347. Anon. 1980. Aquaculture fisheries in Japan and the Philippines-A-Comparison. Asian Aquacult.,3(1):8,7,2.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

348. Anon. 1980. Bangus production. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. fisheries Extension Officers Manual/Brackishwater Aquaculture Development and Training Project. Quezon City: The Bureau, pp. 1-24.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

349. Anon. 1980. Breakthrough breeding milkfish in captivity. Asian Farms Gardens 1(2):34-35.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

350. Anon. 1980. Challenges for aquaculture research in Southeast Asia. Asian Aquacult., 3(1):1-2.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

351. Anon. 1980. Fish Hatchery. Annu. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep.,pp.6-10.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

352. Anon. 1980. Fishpen and cage farming in the Philippines. Asian Aquaculture 3(9):4-5. (From the Country Report of the Same Title Presented at the International Workshop on cage and Pen Culture held at SEAFDEC, Tigbauan, Iloilo, February 12-22, 1979).* SEAFDEC-AQDL

353. Anon. 1980. Implement 1980 Aquaculture Research Program. Asian Aquacult.,3(4):1-2.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

354. Anon. 1980. Milkfish. In: Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Aquaculture Research, Rome, Italy, 5-9 May 1980. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, pp.23-24.*SEAFDEC-AQDL

355. Anon. 1980. General Information. In: SEAFDEC Institute of Aquaculture. Fish Farming Handbook. Tigbauan, Iloilo : The Institute, pp.1-64.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

356. Anon. 1980. Milkfish. In: SEAFDEC Institute of Aquaculture.Fish Farming Handbook. Tigbauan, Iloilo : The Institute, pp. 66-111* SEAFDEC-AQDL

357. Anon. 1981. Brackishwater research highlights. Asian Aquacult., 4(4):2. SEAFDEC-AQDL

358. Anon. 1981. Fish hatchery. Annu. Rep.SEAFDEC. Aquacult. Dep.., pp.5-10

359. Anon. 1981. Freshwater Research Highlights 1980. Asian Aquacult., 4(3): 3, 7-8.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

360. Anon. 1981. Milkfish Breeding Program launched on national scale. Asian Aquacult., 4(5): 1. 11.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

361. Anon. 1981. Pushing back the frontiers of aquaculture development : The SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. Aquacult.Mag.,7(2):18-22.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

362. Anon. 1981. Research highlights 1980. Asian Aquacult., 4(2):1-3, 6-8.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

363. Anon. 1981. Research programs 1981. Asian Aquacult., 4(4):1, 3.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

364. Anon. 1981. SEAFDEC sees big future in fish farming. Fish.News.Int., 20(5):

365. Anon. 1982. Ecology. Annu.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep., pp.25-26.

366. Anon. 1982. Finfish culture: milkfish. Annu. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep., pp. 37-45.

367. Anon. 1982. Finfish hatchery. Annu. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep.,pp.2-10.

368. Anon. 1982. KKK Success Story:Prologue to the Fish Pen Boom. Fish. Market. Rev. 4(4):36-37.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

369. Anon. 1982. Natural food. Annu.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep., pp.17-20.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

370. Anon. 1982. Nutrition and feed development. Annu. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. pp. 15-17.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

371. Anon. 1982. Pathology. Annu.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep.,pp.20-24.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

372. Anon. 1982. Polyculture. Annu. Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep., pp. 31-32.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

373. Anon. 1983. Increased surface area using substrates for milkfish fingerling production. Asian Aquacult., 5(1) :6.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

374. Anon. 1983. Science brings the milkfish from the wild to the farm. Asian Aquacult., 5(4):3-4.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

375. Anon. 1983. Growth and survival of milkfish and prawn Fry at varying stock rations. Asian Aquacult., 5(1):7.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

376. Anon. 1983. Impact on industry. Asian Aquacult., 5(1):1-4.*

377. Anon. 1983. Multiple stocking and selective harvesting of milkfish in growth-out ponds with different sizes of algal nurseries. Asian Aquacult., 5(1):7.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

378. Anon. 1983. Polyculture of P. Monodon and P. indicus with milkfish. Asian Aquacult.,5(1):6.

379. Anon. 1983. Production and economics of integrated farming of P. Indicus, C. Chanos and poultry in brackishwater ponds. Asian Aquacult., 5(1):6.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

380. Anon. 1983. Taking stock, looking ahead. Asian Aquacult., 5(4):1-3.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

381. Anon. 1983. Techno-transfer gains momentum. Asian Aquacult., 5(3):1-3.* SEAFDEC-AQDL

382. Anon. 1985. Modular pond system also works for prawn. Asian Aquacult. 7(11):1-2.*SEAFDEC-AQD Library

383. Anon. 1985. Rematured milkfish spawns. Asian Aquacult. 7(5):1-2 *SEAFDEC-AQD Library

384. Anon. 1986. Zamboanga del Sur Technoguide: bangus. Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development, Los Baños, Laguna. 49p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

385. Anon. 1994. Developing milkfish broodstock. In: SEAFDEC/AQD R & D for Sustainable Aquaculture, 1992-1993 Report. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. Tigbauan, Iloilo, p. 8

386. Anon. n.d. A Brief life history of bangus. Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries Leaflet.

387. Anon. n.d. Length-weight table for bangus. n.p. 6p. (Mimeographed copy)*UPVCF Library, Vertical file

388. Anon. n.d. Providing for the Accelerated Development of the Fishery Industry of the Philippines. (n.d.) Presidential Decree No. 43. (printout).

389. Anon. n.d. Raising Bangus in ponds. Agr In Life. 21(4):16 .

390. Anon. n.d. Rules and regulation governing the issuance of a special permit to ship or transport bangus Fry or kawag-kawag. FAO No. 115.

391. Anon. n.d. Salinity tolerance of milkfish fingerlings: a progress report. (printout) (BFAR Lib)

392. Anon. n.d. Improvement of fish marketing channels. BAECON/BFAR Joint Project. 44p tabs.

393. Anon. n.d. Taal Lake stocked with bangus, carps. Evening Post. 15. Oct.(News Clippings).

394. Anon. n.d.. Nursery management techniques in Philippine milkfish ponds. Fish. Gazette. 4(6):28. Abstracts

395. Anon. 196? New systems of bangos or milkfish culture in the Philippines. 15 p. (On top of title-page: Project Proposal for the Demonstration of Improved Technique of Bangos Culture.) (Reference unknown) *SEAFDEC-AQD

396. Anon. 1966. Bangus seed bank in Bicol. Phil. Fish. J. 4(10):31 UPVCF L

397. Anon. 1966. DBP loan plan for bangos fingerlings. Phil. Fish. J. 7(10):30-32. UPVCFL

398. Anon. 1967. Marine exports. Phil. Fish. J. 5(4):22 UPVCFL

399. Anon. 1972. Bangus culture in ponds with feed and lab-lab with and without lime. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 18-26.

400. Anon. 1972. Bangus culture in ponds with feed, lab-lab and plankton. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2.235. pp.4-18.

401. Anon. 1973. A Field trial on bangus production with plankton. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No.3 UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2.235. pp.25-28.

402. Anon. 1973. Bangus production in brackishwater ponds with lab-lab and supplementary feed (Bataan Part). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 16-22.

403. Anon. 1973. Bangus production in brackishwater ponds with lab-lab and supplementary feed (Iloilo Part). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2.235. pp. 4-16.

404. Anon. 1973. Bangus production in ponds with plankton (Iloilo Part). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 23-29.

405. Anon. 1973. Bangus production with lab-lab produced by inorganic fertilizer (Pangasinan Part). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 22-23.

406. Anon. 1973. Culture of hito in concrete tanks with intensive feeding. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 235. pp. 56-61.

407. Anon. 1973. Lab-lab and bangus production in brackishwater ponds treated with combination organic and inorganic fertilizers with phosphate only fertilizer. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 31-38.

408. Anon. 1973. Salinity tolerance of bangus. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2.235. pp. 44-50.

409. Anon. 1974. Bangus production in shallow ponds with plankton. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No.4, UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp.3-6.

410. Anon. 1974. Preliminary study on the artificial reproduction of bangus (Sabalo). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 5. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 13-20.

411. Anon. 1974. Rate of growth and survival of bangus fry in brackishwater ponds. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 4. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 7-8.

412. Anon. 1975. Bangus production in newly constructed ponds with plankton as a food base. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 6. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 1-7.

413. Anon. 1975. Bangus production in newly constructed ponds with plankton as a food base. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 6. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 1-7.

414. Anon. 1975. Evolves research priorities and strategies to develop the bangus industry. PCAR Monitor 3 (8):1.

415. Anon. 1975. The Rate of growth of bangus fry-fingerlings in newly constructed brackishwater ponds. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 6. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 8-18.

416. Anon. 1975. Big aquaculture project underway. Mod Agr Ind. 1975 3(1): 30

417. Anon. 1977. Radiation eradicates life cycle of Japanese snails. Agric. And Ind. Life 38:12.

418. Anon. 1978. Milkfish production in Laguna de Bay. 122p. *SEAFDEC (SH167 M5 M54)419. Anon. 1978. Milkfish production in Laguna de Bay. 122p. *SEAFDEC (SH167 M5 M54)

420. Anon. 1995. Project Sabalo Hatched.: Aims to Produce I B Milkfish Fry. SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture 17(3):1-2 Sept. *CF Lib; SEAFDEC AQD Lib

421. Anon. 2006. Not all crabs are safe to eat. BAR Chronicle. BAR-DA 3, 2002. (for checking)

Anon. 2009. Research and development for sustainable aquaculture in southeast Asia. tigbauan, Iloilo. SEAFDEC-AQD. 12p.

422. Anon. BFAR/DBP/UNDP Fourth Session of Comprehensive Fish Farm Development Training Course. Field Extension Unit II. Report No. I.

423. Añonuevo, MV and EC Zaragoza. 1987. Marketing practices for raw shells, ornamentals and shellcraft. In Mañagas, MA and CM Lantican, eds. Status of Mollusc Resources and Prospects for Development. Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on Mollusc Resources and Prospects for Development, Ecotech Center, Cebu, Cebu City, May 2-3, 1986. Los Baños, Laguna,: Philippine council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural resources Research and Development; Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, 1987, pp. 82-93.

424. Antonio, Hilario C. and Manacop, Porfirio R. 1956. A Preliminary longevity test of bangus fry in storage. Philipp. J. Fish., 4(2):119-131* SEAFDEC-AQDL

425. Antonio, J. S. 1962. Test-tube bangus. Sunday Times Magazine 18(11):22 October 21.

426. Antonio, J.E. 1960. A Visit to the fishpond industry pays off profits in bangus culture. Philippines. Today 7(5):23-25.

427. Anzaldo, Felicidad E. 1986. Socio-economic impact of the seaweed industry in the Philippines. Paper presented during the PCIERD forum on Industrial Potentials of agar-agar. NSTA, bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila

428. Anzaldo, Felicidad E. 1987. Production and utilization of agar from Gracilaria: the Philippine experience. Philippine Technology Journal 12(3):91-97.

429. Aoki, T., I Hirono, T de Castro, T Kitao. 1989. Rapid identification of vibrio anguillarum by colony hybridization. J. Appl. Ichthyol 5:67-73.

430. Apines, John S. 2004. Hispathology of the gill, abdomen, and lymphoid organ of giant black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) infected with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo

431. Apistar, Jobert Hopanda. 1998. Growth of the telescope snail, Telescopium telescopium (Linne)in brackishwater ponds. 1998. 30 leaves. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

432. Apolinario, KM, TS Palomares, LBD Hedriana, and ON Gonzales. 1979. Standardization of canning procedures for squid (Loligo pealli) and green mussel (Mytilus smaragdinus, Chemitz) products. Fish. Res. J Philipp. 4(2):18-31.

433. Apostol, Archie Escovidal. 1997. Species composition and food preference of fishes in two seagrass beds in Taklong Island, Guimaras. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

434. Apote, Ma. Noemi Gallega. 1996. Larval rearing of Scylla serrata Forskal: the effect of Artemia salina and Brachionus plicatilis as food on the growth and survival of Zoea. 1996. 72 leaves. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas, Iloilo.

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456. Aprieto, Virginia L. 1976. Early development of the common catfish Clarias macrocephalus Gunther reared in the laboratory (Pisces: Claridae). Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines. 1(2):30-42.

457. Apud, Florentino D. 1979. Effects of water movement and aeration system on the survival and growth of hatchery bred sugpo (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) in earthen nursery ponds. July 1979. 83 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1979 F5 A67)

458. Apud, F. D. 1985. Extensive and semi-extensive culture of prawn and Shrimps in the Philippines. In: Proceedings of the first International Conference on the Culture of Penaeid Prawns/Shrimps, Iloilo City, Philippines, 4-7 Dece. 1984. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dep., Tigbauan, Iloilo, pp. 105-113. *SEAFDEC-AQD Library//UPVCF Library

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461. Apud, Flor D. and Benagua, S.H. 1981. Survival, growth and production of Penaeus monodon and P. indicus at different density combinations with milkfish Q. Res. Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep., 5(1):5-9.SEAFDEC-AQD Library

462. Apud, Florentino D. 1983. Management and operation of milkfish farm. In: APDEM (VI:1983; Tigbauan, Iloilo)=Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department= 3:(24p.)

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465. Aquino, Lolita Vega. 1982. Some ecological considerations relative to cage culture of Tilapia nilotica in Sampaloc Lake. October 1982. 77 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas Iloilo City. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1982 F5 A68)

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472. Arboleda, Erika Anfone. 1999. Effect of sperm concentration on fertilization rate and the timing of early developmental stages of imbaw, (Anodontia edentula). 19 leaves. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas, Iloilo.

473. Arboleda, Erika Anfone. 1999. Effect of sperm concentration on fertilization rate and the timing of early developmental stages of imbaw, (Anodontia edentula). Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas, Iloilo.

474. Arboleda, Ianthe Anfone. 1999. Some aspects of the reproductive biology of the telescope snail Telescopium telescopium (Linne') in milkfish ponds. 1999. 27 leaves. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas, Iloilo.

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481. Arifin, Syamsul. 1984. The effect of varying levels of salinity and organic matter on the growth and composition of lab-lab. March 1984. 112 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1984 F5 A75)

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486. Armada, N. B. 1997. Larval and early juvenile fishes of the Sulu Sea and adjacent waters. UPV Journal of Natural Sciences 2(2):102-137.

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514. Atmini, Sri. 1992. Effects of various lipid sources on growth, survival, and feed conversion ratio of Tilapia Hybrid Fry (Oreochromis niloticus x O. mossambicus) reared in brackishwater. April 1992. 49 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1992 F5 S75)

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527. Avillanosa, Arlene, Joselito Fragillano, Harold Monteclaro, and Rex Baleña. Transport mechanism of zooplankton off the coast of Miagao, Iloilo. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 8(1-2):174-182.

528. Avillanosa, Augustus P. 1999. Reproduction, growth, survival and carcass composition of two strains and reciprocal crosses of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1757). April 1999. 69 leaves Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1999 F5 A85)

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532. Aypa, Simeona Vicencio Moyano. 1980. Various factors affecting recovery and growth rate of transplanted mussels, Perna vividis (Linne). April 1980. 51 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1980 F5 A96)

533. Ayson, FG, MM Parazo, DM Reyes, Jr. 1990. Survival of young rabbitfish (siganus guttatus Bloch) under simulated transport conditions. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 6:161-166.

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535. Ayson, FG, T Kaneko, S Hasegawa, T Hirano. 1994. Development of mitochrondion-rich cells in the yolk-sac membrane of embryos and larvae of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, in fresh water and seawater. J. Exp. Zool. 270:129-135.

536. Ayson, FG, T Kaneko, S Hasegawa, T Hirano. 1994. Differential expression of two prolactin and growth hormone genes during early development of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) in freshwater and seawater implications for possible involvement osmoregulation during early life stages. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 95:143-152.

537. Ayson, FG, T Kaneko, S Hasegawa, T Hirano. 1995. Cortisol stimulates the size and number of mitochondrion-rich cells in the yolk-sac membrane of embryos and larvae of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) in vitro and in vivol. J. Exp. Zool. 272:419-425.

538. Ayson, FG, TJ Lam. 1993. Thyroxine injection of female rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) broodstock: changes in thyroid hormone levels in plams, eggs, and yolk-sac larvae, and its effect on larval growth and survival. Aquaculture 109:83-93.

539. Ayson, FG. 1989. The effect of stress on spawning of brood fish and survival larvae of the rabbitfish, siganus guttatus (Bloch). Aquaculture 80:241-246.

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543. Azucena, Paulene C. Molluscicidal activity of tobacco dust against the brackishwater pond snail Telescopium telescopium (Gastropoda: Potamididae). Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo

544. Babalola, Julius. Effect of utilizing a combination of cow and chicken manures as organic fertilizer in fish pond. March 1986. 129 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas, Iloilo City. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1986 F5 B32).

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559. Baes, Glanee Fernandez. Date? Determination of the fungal flora in the rearing water, eggs, larvae and post - larvae of Penaeus monodon in a large-scale hatchery system. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo

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569. Bagarinao, T. and Y. Taki. 1986. The Larval and juvenile fish community in Pandan Bay, Panay Island, Philippines, pp. 728-739. In: T. Uyenco, R. Arai, T. Tanuichi, and K. Matsuura, eds. Indo-Pacific Fish Biology: Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. Indo-Pac. Fishes. Ichthyological Society of Japan, Tokyo.

570. Bagarinao, T. RD Vetter. 1993. Sulfide tolerance and adaptation in the California killifish, fundulus parvipinnis, a salt marsh resident. J. Fish. Biol. 42:729-748.

571. Bagarinao, T., N.B. Solis, W. R. Villaver, and A. C. Villaluz. 1986. Important Fish and Shrimp Fry in Philippine Coastal Waters Identification, Collection and Handling. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dept. Extension Manual No. 10. 52p.*ICLARML

572. Bagarinao, T., JR Hunter. 1983. The visual feeding threshold and action spectrum of northern anchovy (engraulis mordax) larvae. CALCOFI rep. 24:245-254.

573. Bagarinao, T., P Kungvankij. 1986. An incidence of swimbladder stress syndrome in hatchery-reared sea bass (Lates calcarifer) larvae. Aquaculture 51:181-188.

574. Bagarinao, T., RD Vetter. 1989. Sulfide tolerance and detoxification in shallow-water marine fishes. Mar. Bilo. 103:291-302.

575. Bagarinao, T., RD Vetter. 1990. Oxidative detoxification of sulfide by mitochondria of the California killifish fundulus parvipinnis and the speckled sanddab Cittharichthys stigmaeus. J. Comp. Physiol. 160B:519-527.

576. Bagarinao, T., RD Vetter. 1992. Sulfide-hemoglobin interactions in the sulfide-tolerant salt marsch resident, the California killifish fundulus parvipinnis. J. Comp. Phyiol. 162B:614-624.

577. Bagarinao, Teodora and Shigeru Kumagai. 1987. Occurrence and distribution of milkfish larvae, Chanos chanos off the Western Coast of Panay Island, Philippines. Environmental Biology of Fishes 19:155-160.

578. Bagarinao, TU. 1991. Biology of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). Tigbauan, Iloilo: Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department. 94p.* *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL;ICLARML

579. Bagarinao, TU. 1998. Ecological considerations in milkfish farming in marine pens and cages in the Philippines. UPV J. nat. Sci. 3:67-82.

580. Bagarinao, TU. 1998. Historical and current trends in milkfish farming in the Philippines. De Silva S. S., ed. Tropical Mariculture. Academic Press:381-422.

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587. Baldevarona, RB. Effect of feeding and stocking density on growth and survival of spot, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacepede. 1987. 117 leaves. Dissertation –Ph D. in Marine Science—University of South Carolina.—South Carolina, USA. Available: CFOSL-SerialLG996 1987 F5 B34)

588. Baldevarona, RB. 1979. Basic flow of phosphorus in brackishwater fishponds. College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines. Leganes, Iloilo. 75p. (M.S. Thesis)

589. Baldevarona, RB. 1985. Population studies of spot, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacepede at Oyster Landing, North Inlet, South Carolina. Monograph.

590. Baldevarona, RB. 1987. Effects of feeding and stocking density on growth and survival of spot, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacepede. University of South Carolina, USA. 117p. (Ph.D. dissertation.)

591. Baldevarona, RB. 1989. Reforestation and management of mangrove swamp in Taklong Island, Guimaras. I. Growth and survival studies. DOST final Report/Monograph. 23p.

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593. Baldevarona, RB. 1990. Reforestation and management of mangrove swamp in Taklong Island, Guimaras. II. Mass planting, soil characterization and fish production. DOST final Report/Monograph. 18p.

594. Baldevarona, RB. 1990. Transportation and culture en masse of green mussel, Perna viridis from a stable community to Taklong Island, Guimaras. I. Growth and survival studies. DOST Final Report/Monograph. 23p.

595. Baldevarona, RB. 1992. Transportation and culture en masse of green mussel, Perna viridis from a stable community to Taklong Is., Guimaras. II. Culture for mass production. DOST final Report/monograph. 20p.

596. Baldevarona, RB. 1993. Coral reef management in Guimaras Island. II. Age and recruitment studies of selected coral reef fish species in Taklong Island, Guimaras. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

597. Baldevarona, RB. 1993. Ang importansya ng kabakhawan sa tabing dagat. Sentro ng Wika, UP Diliman. Monograph. 14p.

598. Baldevarona, RB. 1993. Ang pagtanum kag pagtatap sang kabakhawan sa Taklong is., Guimaras. Sentro ng Wika, UP in the Visayas. Monograph. 22p.

599. Baldevarona, RB. 1993. Pagtanim at pag-alaga ng kabakhawan sa Taklong Island, Guimaras. Sentro ng Wika. UP Diliman. 17p.

600. Baldevarona, RB. 1993. Some properties of fishpond soil and water important in aquaculture. Paper delivered at the International Aquamanagement Training, Nov. 12, 1992 and Fishery Coordinators Training, SEAFDEC, Tigbauan, Feb. 12, 1993. 25 p.

601. Baldevarona, RB. 1997. Aquaculture and mariculture in Southeast Asia. Proceedings on United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS) III, Agenda 21 and its implementation. Dalhouse University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 13p.

602. Baldevarona, RB. 1997. Glosari ng mga terminolohiya sa Fisheries. Sentro Ng Wika. UP in the Visayas. 68p.

603. Baldevarona, RB. 2003. Survey on the socio-economic influence UP Visayas-BAC on the local population living in the immediate vicinity of the Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, Leganes, Iloilo. First National Fisheries Social Science Conference, November 20-23, 2003. Delivered as Roberto S. Benedicto Diamond Jubilee Professorial Chair Paper, November 21, 2003.

604. Baldevarona, RB. and JM Dean. 1987. Stocking density on growth of spot, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacepede. Bulletin of South Carolina Academy of Sciences 49:54.

605. Baldevarona, RB. and JM Dean. 1988. Abundance estimate and population structure of spot, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacepede. Kinaalam. UP in the Visayas 2(1):50-62.

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608. Baldevarona, RB. Ang importansya sang kabakhawan sa higad sang baybayon. Sentro ng Wika, UP in the Visayas. Monograph. 10p.

609. Baldevarona, RB. June 1983. Quantitative method of applying chicken manure in fishponds. Danyag 2(1)102-109

610. Baldevarona, RB., NR Fortes, RH Gange, LC Catedrilla. 1982. Development and management procedure to improve fish production in ponds affected by acid-sulfate soils. IV. Effects of N-P-K fertilizer in ponds affected by acid sulfate soils. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo. Technical Report.

611. Baldevarona, RB., NR Fortes, RH Gange, LC Catedrilla. 1983. Effect of various N-P-K fertilizer combinations on fish production in brackishwater ponds. Technical Report. 1983, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, University of the Philippines, Leganes, Iloilo.

612. Baldevarona, RB., Rendon C.G. October- December 1991. Toxic effects of selected plants for pest and predators content in prawn ponds. Philippine Technology Journal 16 (4):1, 3-24.

613. Baldevarona, RB.; Fortes, N. R.; Gange, R. H. and Catedrilla, L. C. 1983. Effects of various N-P-K Fertilizer combinations on fish production in brackishwater ponds. Technical Report, BAC, UPV, pp. 47-62.

614. Baldia SF, AD Evangelista, EV Aralar, AE Santiago. Nitrogen and phosphorus utilization in the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa isolated from Laguna de Bay, Philippines. Journal of Applied Phycology. 19(6):607-613, 2007 Dec.

615. Baldia, SF, K Fukami , T Nishijima, Y Hata,. 1995. Growth responses of Spirulina platensis to some physico-chemical factors and the kinetics of phosphrus utilization. Fish. Sci. 61:331-335.

616. Baldia, SF, Pantastico JB, Baldia, JP. 1990. Acceptability of selected zooplankton and phytoplankton for growing larvae/fry of bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). The china Society of Fisheries, ed. Proceedings of the Asian Symposium on Freshwater Fish Culture, 11-15 October 1985, Beijing, China, pp. 477-484.

617. Baldia, SF, T Nishijima, Y Hata, K Fukami. 1991. Growth characteristics of a blue-green alga Spirulina platensis for nitrogen utilization. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 57:645-654.

618. Baldia, SF, T Nishijima, Y Hata. 1991. Effects of physico-chemical factors and nutrients on the growth of spirulina platensis isolated from Lake Kojima, Japan. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 57:481-490.

619. Baleña, R. 1993. A preliminary circulation study of Batan-Banga estuary. CIDA/UPV-McGill University joint project. U.P. in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. 67p.

620. Baleña, R. B. 1995. Numerical simulation model for coastal processes. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

621. Baleña, R. B. 1995. Resource and ecological assessment of San. Pedro Bay. Vol. 1. Geophysical survey of San Pedro Bay, Philippines. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

622. Baleña, R. B. 1996. Graphic support for NSMCP (Numerical Simulation Model for coastal Processes) Model. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

623. Baleña, R. B. 1996. An optimal diagnostic circulation model. UPV Journal of Natural Sciences 1(2):139-143.

624. Baleña, R. B. 1997. Comprehensive survey and integration of oceanographic data in the Philippines (Philippine Oceanographic Atlas Project). College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo.

625. Baleña, R. B. 1997. Establishment of primary sea level stations Project. 1. Miagao, College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

626. Baleña, R. B. 1998. A spectral analysis of selected tidal records in the Philippines. UPV Journal of Natural Science 3(1):9-25.

627. Baleña, R. B. 1998. A technical framework for the sound deployment of passive mariculture devices in shallow waters: analysis, simulation, and prediction of inputs of fish pens and cages in Malalag Bay, Davao del Sur. A USAID-CRMP Project, CRMP, Cebu City, Philippines. 68p.

628. Baleña, R. B. 1998. Analysis, simulation, and prediction of impacts of fish pens and cages in Malalag Bay, Davao del Sur. Coastal resource Management Project, Cebu City. 11p.

629. Baleña, R. B. 1998. Water displacement in the Western Pacific pool during the 1982-83 El Niño. Asian Marine Biology 15:19-33.

630. Baleña, R. B. 1998. Water displacements and trajectories in the Western Pacific Warm Pool during the 1982-83 El Niño. Asian Mar. Biol. :9-33

631. Baleña, R. B. December 1998. Errors in the trajectory simulation. UPV Journal of Natural Science 3(2):131-139

632. Baleña, R. B. December 1998. On the variation of sea level in the Philippine archipelago. UPV Journal of Natural Science 3(2):124-130.

633. Baleña, R. B. June 1998. A spectral analysis of selected tidal records in the Philippines. UPV Journal of Natural Science 3(1): 9-25.

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634. Baleta, FN, SP Janagap, RB Baldevarona. 2008? Toxicity and piscicidal effects of selected endemic plants against African catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchelle) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L) fingerlings. (Poster paper)

635. Balgos, MC. 1995. Collaborative training program in coastal management in the Philippines: a local initiative with a global perspective. NAGA 18(2):10-11.

636. Balgos, Miriam C. and S. S. Salacup. 1994. Municipal coastal resources management through PCAMRD’s national R & D programs. In: Porfirio M. Aliño, ed. Proceedings of the Second National Symposium in Marine Science, Mindanao State University, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, 5-7 November 1992, p 173-194.

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638. Baliao, D. D., E. M. Rodriguez, E. M. Gerochi. 1981. Culture of mud crab, Scylla serrata (Forskal) at different stocking densities in brackishwater ponds. SEAFDEC Quarterly research Report 5(1):10-14. Ist. Qtr.

639. Baliao, D., M de los Santos and N. Franco. 1999. Mudcrab, Scylla spp. Production in Brackishwater Ponds. Aquaculture Extension Manual (AEM) no. 28. SEAFDEC AQD, Tigbauan, Iloilo.

640. Baliao, D., M de los Santos and N. Franco. 1999. Pen culture of mudcrab in mangroves. Aquaculture Extemsion Manual 26. SEAFDEC AQD, Tigbauan, Iloilo.

641. Baliao, Dan D. 1982. Management of brackishwater pond for milkfish fingerling production in Sri Lanka. J.Inland Fish. 1:17-29. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

642. Baliao, Dan D. 1978. Evaluation of a combination of indoor-outdoor nursery system for growing milkfish fry to fingerlings December 1978. x, 67 leaves, 14 figs.,14 tabs. Thesis -M.S. in Fisheries College of Fisheries, UPV. Iloilo. Location: PCARR; SEAFDEC-AQDL; UPV-BACL; UPVCFOSL (LG995 1978 F5 B34).

643. Baliao, Dan D. 1983. Mudcrab, "Alimango", Production in Brackishwater Pond with Milkfish. In:APDEM (VI : 1983 : Tigbauan, Iloilo)=Papers . Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department=,3:(8 p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

644. Baliao, Dan D., M. De los Santos, and NM Franco. The modular method: milkfish pond culture. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC-ADQ, 1999. 18p. (Aquaculture extension manual, 25.

645. Baliao, Dan D.; Franco, Nilo M. and Agbayani, Renato F. 1987. The Economics of retarding milkfish growth for fingerling production in brackishwater ponds. Aquaculture 62:195-205. *SEAFDEC-AQD Library

646. Baliao, Dan D.; Rodriquez, E.M. & Gerochi, D.D. 1980. Growth and survival rates of hatchery-produced and wild milkfish fry grown to fingerling size in earthern nursery ponds. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep. 4(4) :11-14.* *SEAFDEC-AQDL

647. Baliao, Dan D.1978. Evaluation of a combination of indoor outdoor nursery system for growing milkfish fry to fingerlings. 67.p. (Master's Thesis, University of the Philippines System,1978). *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL

648. Baliao, DD and S Ekmaharaj. 2005. Best management practices for mangorve-friendly shrimp farming. SEAFDEC AQD, Tigbauan, Iloilo.

649. Baliao, DD, RB Ticar, NG Guanzon, Jr. 1986. Effect of stocking density and duration on stunting milkfish fingerlings in ponds. J. Aqua. Trop. 1:119-126.

650. Baliao, E. D. 1995. Socio-economic and industry profile of selected fishing communities in Miagao, Iloilo. College of Arts & Sciences, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

651. Baliao, L. and RB Alcala. 2000. Alternative livelihood of fisherfolk in the Philippines. Danyag; the UPV journal of humanities and social sciences 5(1):62-76.

652. Ballescas, Ella Anne Misola. Survival and metamorphosis of the mud crab Scylla tranquebarica larvae fed with Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia nauplii. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo

653. Ballesteros, O.O. & SP Mendoza, Jr. 1977. Brackish Fishpond Management. In: Readings on Aquaculture Practices. Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, 2:45-56. Also In: Proc. 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Crop Science Society of the Philippines, Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, May 15-17, 1972. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

654. Baltazar, Gonchio Que. Growth rates of Eucheuma cottonii and Eucheuma spinosum in the occassionally exposed and fully submerged environments. May 1984. 84 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOLS-Serials (LG995 1984 F5 B34)

655. Bañada, VC. 1983. Larval and early juvenile fishes associated with milkfish fry at Malandog, Hantik, Antique. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 8(2):51-59.

656. Bañada, Vicente C. 1980. Occurrence of postlarval and juvenile stages of some economically important fishes in three milkfish fry collecting grounds in Panay Island. 103 p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines, 1980). *SEAFDEC-AQDL

657. Banasihan, E. T. 1985. Inhibition of oxidative rancidity development in minced fatty fish. Ph. D. dissertation. University of Reading, U.K.

658. Banasihan, Erlinda T. and T. P. Acevedo. 1978. Levels of Alpha-tocopherol and the development of rancidity in milkfish (Chanos chanos, Forskal). Phil J Food Sci and Technology 2(1-2): 87-105.

659. Bandonil, Lian D. 1980. Studies on the digestive proteases of juvenile and marketable-size milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskal. 54p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1980). *SEAFDEC-AQDL

660. Banno, Jessie E. The food and feeding habits of the milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal)collected from two habitats along the coast of Hamtik, Antique. October, 1980. 77 leaves. Thesis -M.S. in Fisheries U. P. College of Fisheries Iloilo City. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1980 F5 B35)

661. Banno, Jessie. 1980. The Food and feeding habits of the milkfish fry Chanos chanos (Forskal) collected from two habitats along the coast of Hamtik, Antique. 77p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1980). *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL

662. Bantala, Dammang Salahuddin. 1984. Evaluation of lime application and tilage for partly reclaimed brackishwater fishponds in acid sulfate soils. March 1984. 165 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1984 F5 B35)

663. Bantillo, Rosario Rubin. 1983. The effects of different salinity and organic matter levels on the growth of blue-green algae. March 1983. 117 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1983 F5 B358)

664. Bara, Agabus. 1984. Effect of different levels of chicken manure and Ammonium Phosphate on milkfish Chanos chanos Forskal production in brackishwater ponds. 112p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, 1984).*UPVCFL

665. Bara, Agabus.1978. Effect of different levels of chicken manure and ammonium phosphate on milkfish. March 1984. 112 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1978 F6 B36)

666. Bare improvements in Batan sub-station: small scale prawn hatchery system. Asian Aquaculture 4(6):1-8, 11, 1981.

667. Barica, Jan. 1976. Nutrient dynamics in Eutrophic inland waters used for aquaculture, based on the Work of J. Barica. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 29p. (Working Paper/South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme; no. 24). *SEAFDEC-AQDL

668. Barredo, Sherry Marie P. A community study of mangroves in Brgy. Caliling, Cauayan, Negros Occidental. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo

669. Barte-Quilantang, Mercy B.. June 1998. The effect of aeration on water quality and growth of Nile tilapia in intensive culture. UPV Journal of Natural Science 3(1):37-54.

670. Bartolome, E. E. 1977. A Bangus Chanos chanos Fishpond Operation in Pampanga, Philippines. 195 leaves (Master's thesis,Asian Institue of Technology, Makati, Metro Manila) . *AIM Library

671. Barut, N.C. 1987. Food and feeding habits of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) caught by handline around Payao in Moro Gulf. 1987. 95 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries College of Fisheries,UPV Iloilo City.

672. Basiao ZU, AL Arago, RW Doyle. 2005. A farmer-oriented Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L., breed improvement in the Philippines. Aquaculture Research. 36(2):113-119, 2005 Feb 1.

673. Basiao ZU, RV Eguia, Doyle RW. 2005. Growth response of Nile tilapia fry to salinity stress in the presence of an 'internal reference' fish. Aquaculture Research. 36(7):712-720, 2005 May 13.

674. Basiao, Z and A San Antonio. 1986. Growth and survival of Nile tilapia fingerlings in net cages without supplemental feed in Laguna Lake, Philippines. In: Maclean, J.L.; Dizon, L.B. and Hosillos, L.V. (eds.). 1984. The First Asian Fisheries Forum, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines,pp. 533-538.

675. Basiao, ZU, Doyle, RW. 1990. Use of internal reference population for growth rate comparison of tilapia strains. I. In a crowded environment. Hirano, R, Hanyu, I., eds. The Second Asian Fisheries Forum: Proceedingsf of the Second Asian Fisheries Forum, 1989 April 17-22, Tokyo, Japan. Manila, Philippines: Asian Fisheries Society, pp. 503-504.

676. Basiao, ZU, N Taniguchi. 1984. An investigation of enzyme and other protein polymorphisms in Japanese stocks of the tilapias Oreochromis niloticus and Tilapia zilli. Aquaculture 38:335-345.

677. Basiao, ZU, RW Doyle, AL Arago. 1996. A statistical power analysis of the internal reference technique for comparing growth and growth depensation of tilapia strains. J. Fish. Biol. 49:277-286.

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803. Bombeo, Isidra Bona. 1980. The effects of densities of two food organisms on the rates of survival and development of Penaeus monodon from napliius-VI to post-larval-I. May 1980. 35 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1980 F5 B66)

804. Bombeo-Tuburan, I, NG Guanzon, Jr., GL Schroeder. 1993. Production of Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) using four natural food types in an extensive system. Aquaculture 112:57-65.

805. Bombeo-Tuburan, I, Sfukomoto, EM Rodriguez. 1995. Use of golden apple snail, cassava, and maize as feeds for the tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, in ponds. Aquaculture 131:91-100.

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809. Bombeo-Tuburan, I.; Agbayani, R. F.; Subosa, P. F. 1989. Evaluation of organic and inorganic fertilizers in brackishwater milkfish ponds. Aquaculture 76:227-235.

810. Bombeo-Tuburan, I.; Agbayani, R.F.; Subosa, P. F. 1989. Evaluation of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers in Brackishwater Milkfish Ponds. Aquaculture 76:227-235.

811. Bombeo-Tuburan, I.; Agbayani, Renato F. and Subosa, Precilla F. 1989. Evaluation of organic and inorganic fertilizers in brackishwater milkfish ponds. Aquculture 76:227-235.*SEAFDEC-AQD Library

812. Bombeo-Tuburan, Isidra. 1989. Comparison of various water replacement and fertilization schemes in brackishwater milkfish ponds. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 5:61-66. *SEFDEC-AQD Library

813. Bonga, Merliza S., LT McManus, JB Pineda. 1994. Effect of food density, salinity, and temperature on the rate of reproduction in culture of the rotifier Brachionus plicatilis. In: Porfirio M. Aliño, ed. Proceedings of the Second National Symposium in Marine Science, Mindanao State University, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, 5-7 November 1992, p 63-71.
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816. Bonifacio, Jo F. Date? Identification of intertidal fungi from mangroves in Iloilo River. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo

817. Bordon, Fortunato, Jr. 1952. A Report on the Practice-in-industry Training in Fish Culture. Manila: Philippines Institute of Fisheries Technology. 32p. (Thesis, PIFT,1952)* *SEAFDEC-AQDL

818. Borlongan, IG, MM Parazo. 1991. Effect of dietary lipid sources on growth, survival and fatty acid composition of sea bass (Lates calcarifer Bloch) fry. Isg J. Aquacult. Bamigeh 43:95-102.

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820. Borlongan, IG. 1992. Dietary requirement of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) juveniles for total aromatic amino acids. Aquaculture 102:309-317.

821. Borlongan, IG.; Benitez, L.V. 1992. Lipid and fatty acid composition of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) grown in freshwater and seawater. Aquaculture 104:79-89.

822. Borlongon, IG and LV Benitez. 1990. Quantitative lysine requirement of milkfish (Chanos chanos) juveniles. Aquaculture 87:341-347.

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824. Borlongon, IG. 1991. Arginine and theorine requirements of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) Juveniles. Aquaculture. 93:313-322.

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832. Braganza, Rosita Nalzano. Spoilage pattern of nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) acclimated to cold and warm water temperature May 1986. 176 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Spoilage pattern, Nile tilapia, Watere temperature. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1986 F5 B73)

833. Brand, L.E., Goofried, M.D., Baylon, C.C., Romer, N.S. 1991. Spatial and temporal distribution of phytoplankton in Biscayne Bay, Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science 49 (1-2), 599-631.

834. Bravo, Agnes Therese A. 2005. Filtration rate of the marine clam, Kaltelysia sp. at different light intensities and fed with microalgae Isochrysis galbana and Chaetoceros calcitrans. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

835. Bravo, Manuel V.A. 2005. Assessment of the Lumban River delta in Laguna de Bay, Philippines for conservation. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), pp.112-115.

836. Bravo, Mark Gonzaludo. Date? Mangrove community structure survey in Pedada Bay, Ajuy, Iloilo. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

837. Bravo, S. A. 1976. Study of the Bangus (Milkfish) Industry (In the Philippines): Prospects and Problems, Benefit/Cost Analysis Approach. School of Economics, University of the Philippines,Quezon City. 41 leaves. *UP Library; *SEAFDEC-AQDL

838. Bravo, Serapio A. 1976. Study of the Bangos Fishing Industry : Prospects and Problems, Benefit-Cost Analysis Approach. Philippine Journal of Fisheries, 14(1): 57-87. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPV-CFL

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840. Briones, TD, DF Labata, DF Lopez, DAO Payo, CD Villamor. 1999. Distribution and relative abundance of Holothurians Echinodermata: Holothuroida in Guiuan, Eastern Samar, Philippines. B Sc Biology thesis, UP Tacloban College. 42p.

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842. Buenaflor, HG, EMT Mendoza, LJ Cruz. 1981. Studies of the biochemical nature of Conus magnus venom. Kalikasan, Philipp. J Biol. 10(2-3):220-230.

843. Buendia, Jeremiah. Date? A preliminary study on the cryopreservation of milkfish (Chanos chanos, Forskal) embryos. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

844. Buendia, Leah Mae A. 1989. Instant fish broth in cubes from common slipmouth (sapsap) (Leiognathus equulus). 74 leaves. (Thesis—B.S. Food Technology)

845. Bueno, Jesse L. The effect of different levels of salinity on the spawning of ablated mudcrab Scylla serrata 1994 41 Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo..

846. Bueno, P. B. 1979. Increase Yield to 2,000 Kilos: the Challenge in Bangus Milkfish Culture in the Philippines. Philippine Farmers' Journal 21(8):42-44,47.

847. Bueno, P. B. 1979. Milkfish: what's preventing RP Republic of the Philippines Fishfarmers from producing 2,000 kilograms of milkfish a hectare a year? Modern Agriculture and Industry-Asia 7(7):64,66 July.

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857. Buñag, D. M. 1951. Spawning Habits of Chanos chanos (Forsskal) Based on the Diameter Measurements of the Developing Ovarian Eggs. IPFC Tech. Paper (165):1.
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868. Buri, P. 1981. Pigmentation pattern in the early developmetnal stages of milkfish (chanos chanos): a key for larval identification. Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines 6(1):51-56.

869. Buri, P. and G. Kawamura. 1983. The Mechanics of mass occurrence and recruitment sStrategy of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) fry in the Philippines. Mem. Kagoshima Univ. Res. Cent. S. Pac. 3:33-55. *ICLARM R93-142

870. Buri, Prasit & Motoh, Hiroshi. 1983. The Skull of milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskal. In: SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. A Compilation of SEAFDEC AQD Technical Papers on Milkfish & Other Finfishes. Tigbauan, Iloilo: The Department, 2:71-77.

871. Buri, Prasit, Vicente Banada and Avelino Trino. 1981. Developmental and ecological stages in the life history of milkfish Chanos chanos (F). Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines 6(2):33-58

872. Buri, Prasit. 1978. Notes on the pigmentation pattern in the larval developmental stages of laboratory-Reared milkfish. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacul. Dep. 2(3):26-32.

873. Buri, Prasit. 1981. Pigmentation Patterns in the Early Developmental Stages of Milkfish (Chanos chanos): A Key for Larval Identification. Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines, 6(1):51-56. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

874. Buri, Prasit; Bañada, Vicente & Triño, Avelino. 1981. Developmental and ecological stages in the life history of milkfish Chanos chanos (F.). Fish..Res.J.Philipp., 6(2): 35-58. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

875. Buri, Prasit; Kumagai, Shigeru; Bañada, Vicente; Triño, Avelino & Castillo, Nelson. 1980. Developmental and Ecological Stages in the Life History of Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskal. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep., 4(1):5-10. *SEAFDEC-AQDL; also in Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 6(2):33-58 1981.

876. Cabaitan PC. Gomez ED. Alino PM. Effects of coral transplantation and giant clam restocking on the structure of fish communities on degraded patch reefs. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology. 357(1):85-98, 2008 Mar 17.

877. Cabaluna, Christy P. 2002. Preliminary study on the development of fish-vegetable nuggets. 109 leaves. (Thesis—B.S. Food Technology) Available CFOS Library

878. Cabanos, Cerrone S. Comparative development and larval performance of catfish hybrids (Clarias macrocephalus Gunther x Clarias gariepinus Burchell). Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo

879. Caberoy, Nora B. Osmoregulation in grouper Epinephelus coioides (Hamilton) larvae and juveniles. Thesis Master of Science in Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo

880. Cabling, Federico,Jr.; Takama, Kozo & Zama, Koichi. 1982. Lipids of Milkfish Chanos chanos. Hokkaido Daigaku Suisangakubu Kenyu Iho/Bull. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. 33(1):35-41. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

881. Cabrera, Jaime J. 1987. Taxonomy and geographic distribution of Philippine molluscs. In Mañagas, MA and CM Lantican, eds. Status of Mollusc Resources and Prospects for Development. Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on Mollusc Resources and Prospects for Development, Ecotech Center, Cebu, Cebu City, May 2-3, 1986. Los Baños, Laguna,: Philippine council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural resources Research and Development; Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, 1987, pp.24-27.

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884. Cabuslay, R. W. 1976. Studies on the smoke curing of bangus (Chanos chanos forskal). M.S. thesis. University of the Philippines at Los Baños, Collge, Laguna.

885. Caces-Borja, P. , R. Bustillo, S. Ganaden. 1972. Further observations on the commercial trawl fishery of Manila Bay (1960-1962). Proceeding . Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council 13th Session, Section 111. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Bangkok, Thailand: IPFC secretariat, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East, pp. 631-637.

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888. Cagampang, Ma Hazel C. Date? Toxicity of the aqueous leaf extract of datilis (Muntingia calabura) on the fry and fingerlings of Oreochromis niloticus. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

889. Caipang, C. M. A., Hirono, I. and Aoki, T. 2002. Viral resistance of a recombinant Japanese flounder Mx-transfected fish cell. Fish. Sci. 68(suppl II):1217-1218.

890. Caipang, C. M. A., Hirono, Ikuo and Aoki, Takashi. Dec 1999. In vitro inhibition of a fish Rhabdovirus using simultaneous expression of plasmid constructs expressing the sense and anti-sense RNA. UPV Journal of Natural Sciences 4(2):92-99.

891. Caipang, C. M. A., Hirono, Ikuo, and Aoki, Takashi. June 1999. Expression of the Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus Mx, an anti-viral gene in Escherichia coli. UPV Journal of Natural Science 4(1):1-9.

892. Caipang, Christina Joy Rossetti A. Date? Utilization of morphometric and meristic characters to identify cultured tilapias (Oreochromis spp.). Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

893. Caipang, Christopher Marlowe A. 2004. Studies on antiviral mechanisms in fish and the development of DNA vaccines against red sae bream iridoviral disease.—Japan: Graduate School of Fisheries, Tokyo University of Fisheries, 2004. 192 p. Ph. D. Dissertation. Location: UPV-CFOS Library (LG996 2004 F5 C35)

894. Caipang, Christopher Marlowe Arandela. 2001. Determination of nati-viral potential of the Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, Mx. 2001. 86 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries Tokyo University of Fisheries Tokyo, Japan. Location: CFOS-Serials(LG995 2001 F5 C35 )

895. Caipang, Cristopher; Failaman, Andrea; Fama, Julius; Intoy, Modesto; Layugan, Luzviza; Tababa, Ricardo and Tan, Reynold. (1993). Ang Pagpanimilya sing Bangus. Miag-ao, Iloilo, 10 p. (In Hiligaynon, Mimeographed copy)*UPVCF Library, Vertical file

896. Cajes-Cabungcal, Felina C. 2004. The effects of carrageenan on surimi-based product.-- Iloilo: Institute of Fish Processing Technology, College of fisheries and Ocean Sciences, U.P. in the Visayas, 2004. 83p. M.S. Thesis. (Location: CFOS Library)

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899. Calanasco, Nathaniel. 2001. Spatial occurence of the ten most important setnet caught fish species in Batan Bay Estuary, Philippines.October 2001. 80 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials LG995 2001 F5 A53)

900. Calanoga, Esterlita D. Legaspi. 1986. Spoilage pattern of Valamugil seheli Forskal and Liza subviridis Valenciennes, stored in ice. October 1986. 146 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1986 F5 C34)

901. Calanoga, E. L., T. S. Domingo. 1988. Detection of crude toxin in some species of crabs. CSUA Res. J. 1:21-28.

902. Caliente, Alejandro Cabansay. 1987. Aspect of the biology and fishery of redtail roundscad (Decapterus russeli) in the coastal water of Western Leyte. 1987. 212 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries College of Fisheries, UPV Quezon City. Location: UPVCFOSL (LG995 1987 F5 C34)

903. Callinan RB. Paclibare JO. Bondadreantaso MG. Chin JC. Gogolewski RP. 1995. Aphanomyces species associated with epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) in the Philippines and red spot disease (RSD) in Australia—preliminary comparative studies. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 21(3):233-238, 1995 Mar 30.

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906. Calumpang, Rene T. 1999. Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus levels in brackishwater ponds: monoculture of Penaeus monodon L. and polyculture of Penaeus monodon L. with Chanos chanos F June 1999. 80 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1999 F5 C34)

907. Calumpong, H. P. 1979. Some aspects of the ecology of the sea hare Dolabella auricularia (Lightfoot) in Central Visayas, Philippines. Silliman J. 26(2-3):134-145.

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918. Camacho, A. S. Corre, V.L. Jr. 1987. The Status of the Philippine Shrimp Farming Industry. In: Report of the Workshop on the Conversion of Mangrove Areas to Aquaculture held in Iloilo City, Philippines, April 24-26, 11986. UNDP/UNESCO Research and Training Pilot Programme on Mangrove Ecosystem in Asia and Pacific (RAS/79/002), New Delhi, 1987.128-145.

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1041. Chaudhuri, Hiralal; Juario, J. ; Primavera, Jurgene H.; Mateo, R.; Samson, R.; Cruz, Erlinda & Jarabejo, E. 1977. Observations on Artificial Fertilization of Eggs and the Embryonic and Larval Development of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal). Tigbauan,Iloilo : Aquaculture Department,SEAFDEC. 32 p. (Contribution / Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; no.12). Also in Aquaculture 13:95-113 (1978).

1042. Chaudhuri, Hiralal; Juario, J.; Samson, R. & Mateo, R. 1977. Notes on the external sex characteristics of Chanos chanos Forskal Spawners. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. 1(2):17-20.

1043. Chaudhuri, Hiralal; Juario, J.; Samson, R.& Tiro, L. 1976. Notes on the External Sex Characteristics of Chanos chanos (Forskal) Spawners. Fish. Res. J. Philipp., 1(2):76-80.

1044. Chaudhuri, Hiralal; Juario, J.;Primavera, Jurgene H.;Mateo,R.;Samson,R.; Cruz, Erlinda; Jarabejo,E. & Canto,J.,Jr. 1977. Artificial fertilization of eggs and early development of the milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal). In: SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. Induced Spawning,Artificial Fertilization of Eggs and Larval Rearing of Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal) in the Philippines. Tigbauan, Iloilo,pp.21-23.*UPVCFL (SH167 M5 I53); *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1045. Chaudhuri, Hiralal; Juario, J.V. ; Primavera, Jurgene H.; Samson, R. & Mateo, R. 1978. Observations on Artificial fertilization of eggs and the embryonic and larval development of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal). Aquaculture, 13(2): 95-113.

1046. Chaudhuri, Hiralal; Juario, Jesus V. ; Mateo, Rodolfo; Primavera, Jurgene ; Belicano, Regino; Canto, Jose, Jr.; Cruz, Erlinda; Jarabejo, Elizalde; Samson, Romulo & Valenzuela, Domingo. 1977. Preliminary Report on the Artificial Fertilization of Eggs and the Embryonic and Larval Development of Milkfish. =Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department=. 15 p.

1047. Chaudhuri, Hiralal; JV Juario. 1978. Use of hormones in breeding cultivated warm-water fishes with special reference to milkfish, Chanos chanos (forskal). Fish. Res. J. Phiipp. 2:1-6.

1048. Chavez JM. De La Paz RM. Manohar SK. Pagulayan RC. Vi JRC. New Philippine record of South American sailfin catfishes (Pisces : Loricariidae. Zootaxa. (1109):57-68, 2006.

1049. Chavoso, EAJ, AQ Hurtado-Ponce. 1995. Effect of stocking density and nutrients on the growth and agar gel of Gacilariopssis bailinae (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Philipp. Sci. 32:27-33.

1050. Chen CA. Ablan MCA. McManus JW. Bell JD. Tuan VS. Cabanban AS. Shao KT. Population structure and genetic variability of six bar wrasse (Thallasoma hardwicki) in northern South China sea revealed by mitochondrial control region sequences. Marine Biotechnology. 6(4):312-326, 2004 Jul-Aug.

1051. Cheong, RMT, WG Gallardo, JD Toledo. 1992. A market survey of snapper (Genus Lutjanus) from Panay and Palawan waters. Phil. J. Sci. 121:1-15.

1052. Chidambaram, K. 1949. Comments on W. F. Carbine's "Bangus Culture in the Philippines". Prog. Fish. Cult. 11(4):243-244. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1053. Chin, Y.N.; Camacho, A.S.; Sastrillo, M.A.S. 1986. Effect of Amino Acid Supplementation and Vitamin Level on the Growth and Survival of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fry. Abstract of Paper presented at the First Asian Fisheries Forum, Manila, Philippines, 25-31 May 1986. p. 543-546.

1054. Chiu, Y. N. 1979. Studies on the carbohydrases in the digestive tract of Chanos chanos Forskal. University of the Philippines, College of fisheries, Graduate Study Program, Leganes, Iloilo. 45p. (M.S. Thesis)

1055. Chiu, Y. N. 1985. Milkfish Nutrition and Feed Development in Growout Ponds: The State of the Art. Paper presented at the Workshop on "Fish and Crustaceans Nutrition and Feed Requirement," UP in the Visayas, Iloilo City, February 25-26,

1056. Chiu, Y. N. 1985. Milkfish nutrition and feed development in growout ponds: the state of the art. Presented at the Workshop on “fish and Crustaceans Nutrition and Feed Requirment,” UP in the Visayas, Iloilo City, February 25-26, 1985.

1057. Chiu, Y. N. and de Silva, S. S. 1988. Development of a Supplementary Feeding Programme for Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). In: Proc. of the Second Asian Fish Nutrition Network Meeting on Finfish Nutrition Research in Asia, Singapore, Heinemann Asia. (np), pp. 88-91.

1058. Chiu, Y. N.. 1984. The Challenge of Feeding Milkfish. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Convention Federation of Institutions of Marine and Freshwater Sciences.

1059. Chiu, Y. N.and Estilo, V. L. 1987. Effect of Water Exchange Rates on Nutrient Levels and Productivity of Brackishwater Milkfish Ponds. Paper presented at the 7th PCARRD Annual coordinated Review of On-Going and Completed research Projects for Fisheries, La Granja, L Carlota City, Negros Occidental, Philippines, April 22-25,

1060. Chiu, Y.N. ,Macahilig, M.P. and Sastrillo, M.A.S. 1986. Preliminary Studies of Factors Affecting the Feeding Rhythm of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal). In: The First Asian Fisheries Forum, Maclean, J. L. Dizon, L. B. and Hosillos, L. V., eds. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, 1986, pp. 547-550.*UPVCFL;SEAFDEC-AQDL

1061. Chiu, Y.N. 1984. The challenge of feeding milkfish. Proceedings of the 17th annual Convention Federation of Institutions of Marine and Freshwater Sciences.

1062. Chiu, Y.N. 1988. Consideration for planning prawn farm projects. In: Y.N. Chiu, L.M. Santos and R.O. Juliano (eds.). Technical Consideration for the Management and Operation of Intensive Prawn Farms, U.P. Aquaculture Society, Iloilo, City, Philippines. 7-10.

1063. Chiu, Y.N. 1988. Consideration for planning prawn farm projects. In: Y.N. Chiu, L.M. Santos and R.O. Juliano (eds.). Technical Consideration for the Management and Operation of Intensive Prawn Farms. U.P. Aquaculture Society, Iloilo City, Philippines, pp. 7-10.

1064. Chiu, Y.N. 1988. Prawn nutrition and feeding. In: Y.N. Chiu, L.M. Santos and R.O. Juliano (eds.) Technical Considerations for the Management and Operation of Intensive Prawn Farms. U.P. Aquaculture Society, Iloilo City, Philippines, pp. 86-101.

1065. Chiu, Y.N. 1988. Site selection for intensive prawn farms. In: Y.N. Chiu, L.M. Santos and R.O. Juliano (eds.) Technical Consideration for the Management and Operation of Intensive Prawn Farms, U.P. Aquaculture Society, Iloilo City, Philippines.

1066. Chiu, Y.N. 1988. Water quality management of intensive prawn ponds. In: Y.N. Chiu, L.M. Santos, and R.O. Juliano (eds.) Technical Consideration for the Management and Operation of Intensive Prawn Farms. U.P. Aquaculture Society, Iloilo City, Philipines, pp.102-128.

1067. Chiu, Y.N. and Benitez, L. V.1981. Studies on the carbohydrates in the digestive tract of the milkfish Chanos chanos. Marine Biology 61:247-254.

1068. Chiu, Y.N., Austic, R. E. and Rumsey, G. L. 1984. The effects of dietary electrolytes and histidine on histidine metabolism in rainbow trout. Presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, St. Louis, Missouri, 1984.

1069. Chiu, Y.N., Camacho, A.S., Sastrillo, M.A.S.1986. Effect of amino acid supplementation and vitamin level on the growth and survival of milkfish (Chanos chanos) fry. In: J.L. Maclean, L.B. Dizon and L.V. Hosillos (eds.). The First Asian Fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philipppines, pp.543-546.

1070. Chiu, Y.N., Estilo, V. L., Sumagaysay, N. S. and Sastrillo, M.A. S. Philippine milkfish feeding (trial I): effects of supplementary feeding, increased stocking rates and aeration on milkfish yields in brackishwater ponds. Leganes, Iloilo. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas. Terminal report.

1071. Chiu, Y.N., Estilo, V.L. 1987. Effect of water exchange rates on nutrient levels and productivity of brackishwater milkfish ponds. Presented at the 7th PCARRD Annual Coordination Review of On-going and Completed Research Projects for Fisheries, La Granja, La Carlota City, Negros Occidental, Philippines, April 22-25.

1072. Chiu, Y.N., Estilo, V.L., Sumagaysay, N.S., Sastrillo, M.A.S. 1987. Increasing milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) yields in brackishwater ponds through increased stocking rates and supplementary feeding. Presented at the 7th PCARRD Annual Review of Completed and On-going Research projects for Fisheries, La Granja, La Carlota City, Negros Occidental, Philippines. April 22-25, 1987.

1073. Chiu, Y.N., Estilo, V.L., Sumagaysay, N.S., Sastrillo, M.A.S. 1986. Philippine milkfish feeding (trial I): Effects of supplementary feeding, increased stockings rates and aeration on milkfish yields in brackishwater ponds. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, College of fisheries, Leganes, Iloilo. Technical Report.

1074. Chiu, Y.N., Estilo, V.L.; Sumagaysay, N.S. and Sastrillo, M.A.S.. 1987. Increasing Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) Yields in Brackishwater Ponds Through Increased Stocking Rates and Supplementary Feeding .Brackish Aquaculture Center, UPV Leganes, Iloilo, Phils. Presented at the 7th PCARRD Annual Review of Completed and On-going Research Projects for Fisheries, La Granja, La Carlota City, Negros Occidental, Philippines. April 22-25, 1987.

1075. Chiu, Y.N., Macahilig, M.P., Sastrillo, M.A.S.1986. Preliminary studies of factors affecting the feeding rhythm of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal). In: J.L. Maclean. L.B. Dizon and L.V. Hosillos (eds.). The First Asian Fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, pp. 547-550.

1076. Chiu, Y.N., Macahilig, M.P.S., and Sastrillo, M.A. S. 1986. Factors affecting the feeding rhythm of milkfish (Chanos chanos). In: The First Asian Fisheries Forum (eds. J. L. Maclean, L. B. Dizon and L.V. Hosillos), pp. 547-550. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila.

1077. Chiu, Y.N., Posadas, B.C., Estilo, V.J. 1987. Strategy for a cost/benefit analysis in the conversion of mangrove areas to aquaculture. In: Report of the Workshop on the Conversion of Mangrove Areas to Aquaculture held in Iloilo City, Philippines, April 24-26, 1986. UNDP/UNESCO Research and Training Pilot Programme on Mangrove Ecosystems in Asia and the Pacific (RAS/79/002), New Delhi, pp.86-95.

1078. Chiu, Y.N., Sumagaysay, N.S. and Sastrillo, M.A. S. 1987. Effect of Feeding Frequency and Feeding Rate on the Growth and Feed Efficiency of Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal, Juveniles. Asian Fisheries Science 1:27-31.ICLARML;UPVCFL

1079. Chiu, Y.N., Sumagaysay, N.S., Sastrillo, M.A.S. 1987. Effect of feeding frequency and feeding rate on the efficiency of milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskal, juveniles. Asian Fisheries Science 1(1):27-31.

1080. Chiu, YN, LV Benitez. 1981. Studies on the carbohydrates in the digestive tract of the milkfish Chanos chanos. Mar. biol. 61:247-254.

1081. Chiu, Yvonne H. & Benitez, L. V. 1981. Studies on theCarbohydrates in the Digestive Tract of the Milkfish Chanos chanos. Mar. Biol. 61:247-254. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1082. Chiu, Yvonne H. 1979. Studies on the carbohydrates in the digestive tract of Chanos chanos Forskal. xii,56p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1982.) *SEAFDEC -AQD Library;ICLARML(SH209 1979 C44)

1083. Chiu, Yvonne Ng. Studies on the carbohydrates on the digestive tract of Chanos chanos Forskal. May 1979. 45 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo.. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1979 F5 C55).

1084. Cholik, Faud. Study on the effects of different densities of artificial shelters on the survival and growth of sugpo fry (Penaeus monodon) fabricius in nursery pond. 1978. 75 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries Graduate Faculty, UPS Iloilo. Location: SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPV-BACL;UPV-CFOSL (LG995 1978 F5 C56).

1085. Chong, Kee-Chai & Lizarondo, Maura S. 1982. Input-Output Relationships of Philippine Milkfish Aquaculture. In: Aquaculture Economics Research in Asia ; Proceedings of a Workshop in Singapore, 2-5 June 1981. =Ottawa : International Development Research Centre=;Manila:ICLARM, pp.35-44. (ASFA pt 1 14(5):360) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1086. Chong, Kee-Chai ; Lizarondo,Maura S. ; Holazo, Virginia F. & Smith, Ian R. 1982. Inputs as Related to Output in Milkfish Production in the Philippines. Makati : International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management. 82 p. (ICLARM Technical Report ; no. 3). *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1087. Chong, Kee-Chai ; Smith, Ian R. & Lizarondo, Maura S. 1982. Economics of the Philippine Milkfish Resource System. Tokyo : The United Nations University. 66 p. (Resource Systems Theory and Methodology / United Nations University; no.4) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1088. Chong, Kee-Chai. 1980. Philippine milkfish production economics study underway. ICLARM Newsl. 3(1):6,13. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1089. Chong, Kee-Chai. 1982. There is money in milkfish production in the Philippines. ICLARM Newsl. 5(3):12. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1090. Chong, Kee-Chai; Lizarondo, Maura S.; De la Cruz, Zenaida S.; Guerrero, Cesar V. and Smith, Ian R. 1984. Milkfish Production Dualism in the Philippines: a Multidisciplinary Perspective on Continuous Low Yields and Constrainsts to Aquaculture Development. FAO, Rome, Italy; Q.C., Bureau of Agricultural Economics; Q.C., BFAR and Manila, ICLARM, 70p. (ICLARM Tech. Report #15)*CF Lib (SH167 M5 M5)

1091. Chong, Kee-Chai; Lizarondo, Maura S.; De la Cruz, Zenaida S.; Guerrero, Cesar V. and Smith, Ian R. 1984. Milkfish Production Dualism in the Philippines: a Multidisciplinary Perspective on Continuous Low Yields and Constrainsts to Aquaculture Development. FAO, Rome, Italy; Q.C., Bureau of Agricultural Economics; Q.C., BFAR and Manila, ICLARM, 70p. (ICLARM Tech. Report #15)*CF Lib (SH167 M5 M5)

1092. Chou, L.M., C. Wilkinson, E. Gomez and S. sudara. 1994. Status of coral reefs in the ASEAN region, p. 8-12. In: c. Wilkinson, ed. Living coastal resources of Southeast Asia: Status and mangement. Report of the consultative Forum, Bangkok, Thailand, May 1994. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville.

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1094. Christie P. White A. Deguit E. Starting point or solution? Community-based marine protected areas in the Philippines. Journal of Environmental Management. 66(4):441-454, 2002 Dec.

1095. Chua, Wilma Quitoriano. Dehydration and storage studies of indigenous shrimp (Paleamon Nematopalaeemon) tenuipes of Cagayan. April 1989. 143 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1989 F5 C58)

1096. Cinco, E.A. 1982. Length-weight relationship of fishes. In: Small-scale fisheries of San Miguel Bay, Philippines: Biology and Stock Assessment. ICLARM Technical Report No. 7. D.D. Pauly and A.N. Mines (eds.)

1097. Cinco, E.A. 1982. Length-weight relationship of fishes. In: Small-scale fisheries of San Miguel Bay, Philippines: Biology and Stock Assessment. ICLARM Technical Report No. 7. D.D. Pauly and A.N. Mines (eds.)inco, E. J. Diaz, R. gatchalian and G. Silvestre. 1995. Results of the San Miguel Bay trawl survey. In G. Silvestre, C. Luna and J. Padilla, eds. Multidisciplinary assessment of the fisheries in San Miguel Bay, Philippines (1992-1993). ICLARM Tech. Rep. 47 CD-ROM, ICLARM, Manila.

1098. Coching, Joel Delfin Comparison of the degree of mangrove species association among selected sites in the Provincee of Iloilo, Panay Island, Philippines. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1099. Cola, R., Magos, A. and Natividad, J. 1998. Coastal dwellers and sea spirits. WWF-Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines.

1100. Coloso, RM, LB Tiro, LV Benetiz. 1992. Requirement for tryptophan by milkfish (chanos chanos forsskal) juveniles. Fish. Physio Biochem. 10:35-41.
1101. Coloso, RM, LL Hirschberger, MH Stipanuk. 1991. Uptake and metabolism of L-2-oxo-[35S]thiazolidine-4-carboxylate by rat cells is slower than that of L-[35S]cysteine of L-[35S]methionine. J Nutr 121:1341-1348.

1102. Coloso, RM, MR Drake, MH Stipanuk. 1990. Effect of bathocuproine disulfonate, a copper chelator, on cyst(e)ine metabolism of fresh isolated rat hepatocytes. Am. J. Physiol. Soc. 259:E443-E450.

1103. Coloso, RM., LJ Cruz. 1980. Preliminary studies in some aspects of amino acid biosynthesis in juveniles of Penaeus monodon Fabricius.II. Partial purification and characterization of mussle L-glutamate dehydrogenase. Bull. Phil. Biochem. Soc. 3:23-37.

1104. Coloso, RM., LJ Cruz. 1980. Preliminary studies in some aspects of amino acid biosysnthesis in juvenile of Penaeus monodon Fabricius. I. Incorporation of 14C from (U-14C) acetate into amino acids of precipitate proteins. Bull. Phil. Biochem. Soc. 3:12-22.

1105. Coloso, RM.; Benetiz, L. V.; Tiro, L.B. 1988. The Effect of Dietary Protein-Energy Levels on Growth and Metabolism of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. (A Comp. Physiol) 89A(1):11-17 *ICLARM R90-216

1106. Coloso, RM.; Benetiz, L. V.; Tiro, L.B. 1988. The Effect of Dietary Protein-Energy Levels on Growth and Metabolism of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. (A Comp. Physiol) 89A(1):11-17 *ICLARM R90-216

1107. Coloso, RM.; Benitez, L. V. and Tiro, L. B. 1988. The Effects of dietary protein-energy levels on growth and metabolism of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 89A:11-17. *SEAFDEC-AQD Library

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Compiled by

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1111. Convocar, Pauline F. A comparative study on the transplantation potentials of seagrasses: Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii and Cymodocea serrulata. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1112. Corcino-Baylon, Juliana E. 1982. Factors Affecting Survival of Milkfish, Chanos chanos Fry and Fingerling to Different pH-Salinity and Temperature-Salinity Combinations. 56p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, Diliman,Q.C.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL

1113. Corda, D. R. G., Del Norte-Campos, A.G.C. and Matias, J.R. 1998. Filtration rate of the angelwing clam, Pholas orietalis (Gmelin,1790). UPV Journal of Natural Science3(1):26-36.

1114. Corda, Deanna Rae G. Date? Algal preference and filtration rate of the angelwing clam Pholas orientalis (Gmelin. 1790). Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1115. Cordero, Ethel D. Date? The relationship of oocyte diameter with ovarian development in the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra (P. Echinodermata Cl. Holothuroidea). Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1116. Cordero, P. A., Jr. 1972. Philippine algology, its beginnings and development. Leyte-Samar Studies, divine Word University 6(1):16-47.

1117. Cordero, PA, Jr. 1990. Philippine algal taxonomy: past, present and future. In IJ Dogma, Jr., GC Trono, Jr., RA Tabbada, eds. Culture and use of Algae in Southeast Asia. Proceedings of the Sumposium on Culture and Utilization of Algae in Southeast Asia, December 1981, Tigbauan, Philippines. SEAFDEC, tigbauan, Philippines, pp. 89-97.
1118. Corpus, A.J., Saeger, J., Sambilay, V. Jr. 1985. Population parameter of some commercially important fishes in Philippine water. Dept. of Mar. Fish. Tech Rep. No. 6.

1119. Corrales, R. S. 1985. Management Plan for Milkfish Fingerling Production at the Bayawan Fish Seed Bank. South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, Manila. 31p. (Working Paper/South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme;GCP/PHIL/037/CAN/WP(85) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1120. Corre, K. G., Corre, Valeriano L., and Gallardo, Wenresti. June 1997. The growth, survival and production of shrimp (Penaeus monodon) cultured with green mussel (Perna viridis) in semi-intensive ponds. UPV Journal of Natural Science 2(1):1-8.

1121. Corre, Kaylen Gonzales. 1981. Polyculture of the tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) with Nile tilapia (Tilapia nilotica Linnaeus) in Brackishwater fishponds. April 1983. 48 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1981 F5 C67)

1122. Corre, KG. 1988. Nursery and grow-out operation and management of Penaeus mondon (Fabricius). Juario, JV, LB Benitez, eds. Perspectives in Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia and Japan; Proceedings of the Seminar on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia, 1987 September 8-12; Iloilo City, Philippines. Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: SEAFDEC-AQD,pp.249-268.

1123. Corre, V. C. 1996. Brackishwater aquaculture productivity enhancement program study 2. Crop rotation of shrimp Penaeus monodon and milkfish Chanos chanos. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas. 26p. Terminal Report.

1124. Corre, V. L, Caipang, Christophere Marlowe A., Fortes, Norma R. June 1997. Characterization of effluent from semi-intensive brackishwater shrimp ponds. UPV Journal of Natural Science 2(1):72-81.

1125. Corre, V. L. , Jr. and Janeo, R. L. Nov. 2002. Use of probiotics for sustaniable shrimp culture in Southeast Asia. Fisheries Science 68 (supplement 1):835-838

1126. Corre, V. L. and Natividad,P.C.. 1985. Use of Partially Decomposed Rice Straw and Mud Press as Substrate to Increase Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds. Technical Report.

1127. Corre, V. L., Jr. 1986. Use of fermentation-preserved supplemental feeds for red tilapia. Terminal Report. College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas.

1128. Corre, V. L., Jr. and Torres, J. L. 1999. Preparatory assistance for the promotion of environmentally-sound aquaculture techniques. Evaluation of commercially available probiotics for use in shrimp aquaculture. U.P. in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

1129. Corre, V. L., Jr., Caipang, Cristopher Marlowe A. June 1999. Long distance transport of adult milkfish, Chanos chanos: the Philippine experience. UPV Journal Natural Science 4(1): 41-46.

1130. Corre, V. L., R. J. Janeo, A. C. M. Caipang. 2001. Use of probiotics, reservoir with green water in shrimp farming in the Philippines. Proc. Jpn. Soc. Promotion Sci. 30:67-72.

1131. Corre, V., Caipang, C.M., Janeo, R. and Calpe, A. 1999. Sustainable shrimp culture techniques: use of probiotics and reservoirs with “green water”. Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development, Los Baños and UPV Miag-ao, Iloilo. 32p. UPV-PCAMRD-UNDP, TAPI-DOST.

1132. Corre, V., L., Jr. June 1983. Culture of Nile tilapia in brackishwater fishponds using commercial fertilizer or supplementary feeds. Danyag 2(1)110-119.

1133. Corre, V.L. Jr. 1988. Culture of red tilapia in brackishwater culture fishpond at varying densities. In: Technical Report No.1 World Bank-Technical Assistance Research Project in the Fisheries College of Fisheries, U.P. in the Visayas, Iloilo.

1134. Corre, V.L. Jr. 1995. Treatment schemes and alternative culture system for the utilization of waste water intensive prawn brackishwater ponds Study 1. Characterization of effluent from intensive brackishwater ponds. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

1135. Corre, V.L. Jr., Tubongbanua, E.S., Sanchez, M.l. 1983. Use of agricultural by-products and wastes for fish prediction IV. Effects of rates and methods of feeding. In: Technical Report 1983. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo.

1136. Corre, V.L., Jr. , Tubongbanua, E.S., Sanchez, M.V. 1983. Use of agricultural by-products and wastes for fish production. IV. Effect of rates and methods of feeding. Leganes, Iloilo. BAC. College of Fisheries. University of the Philippines in the Visayas. Technical Report.

1137. Corre, V.L., Jr. 1985. Status, potential and needs of tilapia culture in Panay Islands, Philippines. In: I.R. Smith, E.B. Torres and E.O. Tan (eds.). Philippine tilapia economics. ICLARM Conference Proceedings. Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development, Los Baños, Laguna, pp. 165-173.

1138. Corre, V.L., Jr. Natividad, P.C. 1985. Use of partially decomposed rice straw and mudpress as substrate to increase bangus production in brackishwater ponds. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Iloilo. Technical Report.

1139. Corre, Valeriano L. 1981. Culture of Nile tilapia in brackishwater fishponds using supplemental feeds containing various levels of protein March 1981 38 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1981 F5 C67)

1140. Corre, VL, Jr., R. Janeo, CM Caipang, AT Calpe. 2000. Use of probiotics and reservoirs with “green water” and other tips for a successful shrimp culture. Aquaculture Asia 5(2):34-38.

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1141. Corre,V. L.,Jr., Dureza, V., Janeo, Rosy L., Caipang, Marlowe A., and Afalla, Eugenio, Jr. 2000. Long distance tranport of adult milkfish, Chanos chanos: the Philippine experience. Los Baños, Laguna: Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development, and Miag-ao, Iloilo: University of the Philippines in the Visayas. 21p.

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1146. Creencia, J. R.; Valiente, A. M.,Jr. and Carandang, F. L. 1973. Bangus Marketing. Special Studies Division, Planning Service, Office of the Secretary, Dept. of Agriculture. 28 leaves. (National Food and Agriculture Council NFAC 73-20) (SEAFDEC-AQDL)

1147. Creencia, J.R. Valiente, A. M., Jr. And Carandang, F. L. 1973. Bangus Marketing Diliman, Quezon City, Special Studies Division, NFAC Special Studies; 73-20. 28p. SEAFDEC-AQD HD9469 M5 C74

1148. Cruz, A. V. and Silvestre, G. Jan-Dec 1988. Economic analysis of medium trawlers in the Lingayen Gulf. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 13(1-2):1-14.

1149. Cruz, E.R.& Enriquez,G.L. 1981. Gill lesions associated with acute exposure to ammonia. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep.,5(3):5-8. See also Natural Applied Science Bull. 34(1):1-13 1982 *ICLARM L R91-192; *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1150. Cruz, EM and RC Magisa. 1980. The effect of three stocking densities of sankehead on the control of tilapia reproduction. Research Highlights from PCARR network. 1981, p. 77.

1151. Cruz, EM, CL Pitogo. 1989. Tolerance level and histopathological response of milkfish Chanos chanos fingerlings to formalin. Aquaculture 78:135-145

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1153. Cruz, Emmanuel M. and Laudencia, Irma L. 1977. Polyculture of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal), All-Male Nile Tilapia (Tilapia Nilotica) and Snakehead (Ophicephalus striatus) in Freshwater Ponds with Supplemental Feeding. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp. Freshwat. Aquacult. Pt.), (12):7-19. Also in Aquaculture, 20(3):231-237. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1154. Cruz, Emmanuel M.. and Laudencia, Irma L. 1977. Milkfish Rearing in Happas Stationed in Feed Supplemented Production Ponds. Tech Rep. Inland Fish Proj., (Philipp. Freshwat. Aquacult. Pt.), (11):9-14.

1155. Cruz, ER, CT Tamse. 1986. Histopathological response of milkfish Chanos chanos Forsskal fingerlings to potassium permanganate. Fish. Pathol. 21:151-159.

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1161. Cruz, ER. 1981. Acute toxicity of un-ionized ammonia to milkfish (Chanos chanos) fingerlings. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep., 5(4):16-18. *SEAFDEC-AQDL. Also found in: fish. Res. J. Philipp. 6:33-38.

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1169. Cruz, P.F.S., Chiu, Y.N. 1990. Dietary use of 17 methytestosterone potential growth promoter for milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) In: R. Hirano and Hanya (eds). The Second Asian Fisheries Forum, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, pp. 307-310.

1170. Cruz, P.F.S., Chiu, Y.N., Barry, T.P. 1990. Dietary use of 17 umethytstosterone, estradiol,-17B., and 3,5,3-triiodo-L thyronine as potential growth promoters for the spotted scat (Scatophagus argus Linnaeus). In: R. Hirano and I. Hanyu (eds). The Second Asian Fisheries Forum, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, pp. 311-314.

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1176. Cruz-Lacierda, E. R., L. D. dela Peña, S. C. Lumanlan-Mayo. 1996. The use of chemicals in aquaculture in the Philippines. In: Proceedings of the Meeting on the Use of Chemicals in Aquaculture in Asia. J. R. Arthur, C.R. Lavilla-Pitogo, and R. P. Subasinghe, eds. SEAFDEC-AQD, Philippines. 235p.

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1179. Culasing, Romeo C. 1988. An Assessment of the demersal fish stocks of Southeastern Babuyan Channel (Between Buguey and Sta. Ana, Cagayan) December 1988. 91 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1988 F5 C84)

1180. Cuvin, MLA. RW Furness. 1988. Uptake and elimination of inorganic mercury and selenium by minnows Phoxinus phoxinus. Aqua toxicol 13: 205-216.
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1182. Cuvin-Aralar MLA. EV Aralar. 1993. Effects of long-term exposure to a mixture of cadmium, zinc and inorganic mercury on two strains of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.). bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 50:891-897.

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1184. Cuvin-Aralar, ML. 2005. Microcystins from the Cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa in Laguna de Bay, Philippines. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), pp. 116-

1185. Cuvin-Aralar, MLA, RC Umaly. 1991. Accumulation and tissue distribution of radioiodine (131 I) from algal phytoplankton by the freshwater clam, Corbicula manilensis. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 47:896-903.

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1196. Dalzell, P., P. Corpus, R Ganaden, D. Pauly. 1987. Estimation of maximum sustainble yield and maximum economic rent from the Philippine small pelagic fisheries. BFAR Tech. Paper Series.

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1199. Dargantes, Buenaventura. 2005. Socio-ecological case study of Lake Danao, Ormoc city, Philippines: implications to mangement and policy. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), p. 155-162.

1200. Darrah, L.B. et al 1974. Bangus Production Cost by Type of Climate. NFAC Special Studies, 18p.
1201. Darrah, Laurence B. 1975. Some Economic Considerations in Bangos Industry. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, PP.161-166. Also In: PCAR Monit., 3(8):10-7. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
1202. Datingaling, Bienvenido Y. 1952/1953. Fishing with “Bombon” in Batangas province. Bull. Fish. Soc. Philipp ¾:41-43.

1203. Datingaling, Bienvenido Y. 1977. The Potential of the Freshwater Fishculture Resources of the Philippines. Proc. IPFC 17(3):120-126. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1204. Dato-on, Kathleen T. Date? Fertilization rate, hatching rate and survival rate of the triploid hybrid catfish, Clarias macrocephalus male X Clarias gariepinus female through induced triploidy using cold shock treatment. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1205. David, Jonabeth Cleope. Date? Survival and metamorphosis of Charybdis feriatus larvae at different feeding densities of Artemia nauplii. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

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1210. Dayo, Aura Bree C. Fertilization, hatching, and survival rates of triploid purebred native catfish (Clarias macrocephalus Gunther female Clarias macrocephalus Gunther male) induced by heat shock. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1211. De Beaufort, LF. August 1939 (issued 5 August 1939). Xenojulis, a a new genus of labroid fishes. Phil J. Sci 69(4):415-421.

1212. De Castro, LV. June-December 1987. The fishlore of Western Visayas. Danyag 3 (1-2):90-109.

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1214. De Castro, TR, NG Guanzon, Jr., MRJ Luhan. 1991. Assessment of stocks of a natural gracilaria population on Panay Island, Philippine.s bot. Mar. 34:383-386.

1215. De Castro, TR. 1993. Effects of gel depth and gel surface area on agar gel strength. Phil. Sci. 30:100-103.

1216. De Castro, TR. 1993. Evaluation of agar from three species of gracilaria from Panay and Guimaras islands. Philipp. Sci. 30:41-47.

1217. De Castro, TR. 1993. Improvised filter unit for agar extraction/filtration. Philipp. Sci. 30:97-99.

1218. De Castro, TR. 1996. Agar yield gel strength and sulfate content in Gracilariopsis heteroclada farmed in brackishwater canals. Isr. J. aquacult.-Bamidgeh. 48:94-98.

1219. De Goco, Concordia P. 1975. Experiences of a Fishpond Operator. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, pp.86-88. See also: PCAR Monit., 3(8):9. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1220. De Goco, Concordia P. 1979. Case Studies on Milkfish Culture. =Tigbauan, Iloilo= SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. 3p. (Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. B/M-12) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1221. De Goco, Concordia P. 1979. The Experiences of a Milkfish Farmer. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=,pp. 120-122. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1222. De Goco, Concordia. 1979. Status and problems of milkfish fingerling production. 2 p. (Paper Presented at the Symposium-Workshop on Fish Hatchery/Nursery Development and Management, 27-29 September 1979, Aberdeen Court, Makati, Metro Manila). *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1223. De Goco, CP. 1975. Experiences of a fishpond operator. Proc. National Bangos Sym. Philippine Village Hotel-Punta Baluarte, 25-28 July 1975,pp. 86-88.

1224. de Graaf GJ. Dekker PJ. Huisman B. Verreth JAJ. Simulation of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus niloticus L.) culture in ponds, through individual-based modelling, using a population dynamic approach. Aquaculture Research. 36(5):455-471,
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1225. De Guzman, A. B. 1990. Community structure of macrobenthic invertebrates on exploited reef flats of Santiago Island, Bolinao, Pangasinan. M.S. Thesis, Marine Science Institute, UP Diliman, Quezon City. 141p.

1226. De Jesus, Arsenio A. & Deacon, Ruperto R. 1976. Survey of bangus and sugpo fry grounds and other marine resources of Quezon and Bicol Provinces. Philipp.J.Fish., 14(1) :88-106. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL

1227. De Jesus, Arsenio S. 1982. Tuna fishing gears of the Philippines. IPTP/82/WP/2; SCS/82/WP111

1228. De Jesus, Arsenio S. 1988. Purse seine fishery development in the Philippines. In Technical Papers/References Volume II. Tuna Fisheries Development Training Program, 4 April – 15 May 1988, p. 75-80.

1229. De Jesus, Arsenio. 1988. Brief notes on the development of the Philippine tuna industry. In Technical Papers/References Volume II. Tuna Fisheries Development training Program, 4 April – 15 May 1988,,p.7-15.

1230. De Jesus, Arsenio. 1988. Catalogue of tuna fishing gears of the Philippines. In Technical Papers/References Volume II. Tuna Fisheries Development training Program, 4 April – 15 May 1988,p.21-42.
1231. De Jesus, EG, T Hirano, Y Inui. 1994. The antimetamorphic effect of prolactin in the Japanese flounder. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 93:44-50.

1232. De Jesus, EG. 1994. Thyroid hormone surges during milkfish metamorphosis. Isr. J. Aquacult. Bamidgeh 46:59-63.

1233. De la Cruz, Aklani Rose Gamboa. 1992. Quality assessment of shrimps (Penaeus mondon) cultured by intensive and extensive methods. May 1992. 132 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1992 F5 D4)

1234. De la Cruz, Armando A. 1979. The Function of Mangrove. In: Proceedings, Symposium on Mangrove & Estuarine Vegetation in Southeast Asia, April 25th-28th, 1978, University Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia / Edited by P.B.L. Srivastava, Abdul Manap Ahmad, G. Dhanarajan, & Ismail Hamsah. Bogor : BIOTROP, pp. 125-138. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1235. De la Cruz, Catalino R. 1979. A Brief of Milkfish Pond Engineering. =Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC=. 5 p. (Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo City, 1979. B/M-7). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
1236. De la Cruz, Catalino R. 1979. Milkfish Pond Engineering. In:Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=, pp.78-82. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1237. De la Cruz, Catalino R. 1982. Equipment and Facilities for Coastal Fishpond Construction, Maintenance and Repair. In:Report of Consultation/Seminar on Coastal Fishpond Engineering, 4-12 August 1982. Surabaya, Indonesia. Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp-156-168. (Workshop Report/South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme; no.42). *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1238. De la Cruz, Margarita Dela Torre. 1986. Catch composition and seasonal abundance of fish corral caught fishes in Guiuan, Eastern Samar with notes on the biology of some commercially important species May 1986. 157 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo.

1239. De la Cruz, Margarita T. 2007. Growth performance and survival of abalones Haliotis asinina Linnaeus reared in different salinities. UPV J Nat Sci 12(1):129-133.

1240. De la Cruz, MC, G Erazo, MN Bautista. 1989. Effect of storage temperature on the quality of diets for the prawn, Penaeus monodon Fabricius. Aquqculture 80:87-95.
1241. De la Cruz, MC, K Muroga. 1989. The effects of Vibrio anguillarum extracellular products on Japanese eels. Aquqculture 80:201-210.

1242. De la Paz, R. M. 1979. Deep-sea fishes off Lubang Island, Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin 31(3-4):101-175. Jul-Dec.

1243. De la Peña, L.D.; Chiu, Y. N.; Ganchero, F. 1987. Evaluation of Various Leguminous Seeds as Protein Sources for Milkfish Chanos chanos Forsskal, Juveniles. Asian Fisheries Science 1:19-25. *ICLARM

1244. De la Peña, D. L., Chiu, Y. N. and Ganchero, F. 1987. Effects of practical type-diets on the growth and survival of milkfish grown from fry to fingerling under controlled environment conditions III. Evaluation of various leguminous seeds as protein sources for milkfish, Chanos chanos juveniles. Asian Fisheries Science 1(1):19-25.

1245. De la Peña, L. D.; Chiu, Y.N.; Ganchero, F. 1987. Evaluation of various leguminous seeds as protein sources for milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal, Juveniles. Asian Fish. Sci. 1(1):19-25.

1246. De la Peña, LD, H Koube, T Nakai, K Muroga. 1997. Detection of Vibrio penaeicida in Kuruma prawn after transport. Fish. Pathol. 32:233-234.

1247. De la Vega, Arlene Manalo. 1989. Pigmentation of Penaeus monodon: distribution and retention of astaxanthin. August 1989. 59 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1989 F5 D4)

1248. De Leon, Arturo A. 1974. Comparative Study on Lumut and Plankton as Primary Food in Bangus Culture; A Report on the Practice-in -Industry Training in Fish Culture. 34p. (Undergraduate thesis, College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines, 1974) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL

1249. De Leon, R. O., A. C. Alcala, R. Raymundo. 1991. Potential levels of primary production and community structure of the Talabong Mangrove Forest, Negros Oriental, Philippines. Proc. Regional symp. Living Resources in Coastal Areas. Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, quezon City, p. 453-458.

1250. De Leon, R. O., J. A. Nuique, R. J. Raymundo. 1992. Leaf litter production, tidal export and decomposition of Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, Avicennia marina and Sonneratia albal from the Talabong Mangrove Forest in Bais bay, Negros Oriental , Philippines. 3rd ASEAN Science and Technology week Conference Proc. 6:353-359.

1251. De Leon, W., J. Leyva and L. Martinez-Pesigan. 1947. The possibility of agar-agar industry in the Philippines. J. Phil. Pharm. Assoc. 34(10):381-384.
1252. De los Reyes, Mario R. 1986. The Gill Net Fishery in Inner Ragay Gulf and Some Aspects of the Biology of Liza subviridis, Therapon jarbua and Gerres filamentosus. November 1986. 98 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1986 F5 D45)

1253. de los Reyes, Vikki Carr D. Survival and growth rate of the South American annual fish, Cynolebias nigripinnis in simulated outdoor pond conditions in the Philippiness. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1254. De los Santos, C, Jr., P Sorgeloos, E Laviña, A Bernardino. 1980. Successful inocolation of Artemia and production of cysts in man-made slaterns in the Philippines. Persoone G., Sorgeloos, Roels O, Jaspers E, eds. The Brine Shrimp Artmeia: Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Brine Shrimp Artemia salina, vol. 3: Ecology, Culturing, Use in Aquaculture; 1979 August 20-30; Corpus Christi, Texas. Wetteren, Belgium: Universal Press, pp. 159-163.

1255. De los Santos, Ceferino Jr. 1980. Milkfish Nursery/ Rearing Pond Management. In: APDEM(III.:1980:Tigbauan, Iloilo)= Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC=,2:(29)

1256. De los Santos, Ceferino, Jr. 1980. Milkfish Nursery/ Rearing Pond Management. In: APDEM( III : 1980 : Tigbauan, Iloilo) = Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC=, 2: (29 P.) SEAFDEC-AQD

1257. De los Santos, Ceferino., Jr. 1978. Biology of the cultured species and culture of natural foods, Chanos chanos Forskal (Bangus) or milkfish. In: De Los Santos, Ceferino, Jr. Modern Aquaculture for the Philippines. Iloilo City: Yuhum La Defensa Press, pp. 60-65.

1258. De Mesa, Lourdes & Materon, Loida S. 1977. Subject Bibliography on bangus. Quezon City: Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. 52 p. (Technical paper series / Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources=Philippines=; v.1. no.4). *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL

1259. De Silva SS. Abery NW. Nguyen TTT. Endemic freshwater finfish of Asia: distribution and conservation status. Diversity & Distributions. 13(2):172-184, 2007 Mar.

1260. De Silva SS. Nguyen TTT. Abery NW. Amarasinghe US. 2006. An evaluation of the role and impacts of alien finfish in Asian inland aquaculture. Aquaculture Research. 37(1):1-17, 2006 Jan.

1261. Deanon, Ruperto R.; Ganaden, Reuben A. & Llorca, Manuel N. 1974. Biological Assessment of the Fry Resources (Bangus, Shrimp, Eel) in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Manila: Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. 54p.
1262. Deanon, Ruperto. 1975. Production of bangos fry in Luzon, Mindoro and Palawan : 1974. Fisheries Forum, (1st Q.) : 9 p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1263. Dejarme, Henry Espina. Effect of feeding four geographical strains of Artemia and Brachionus Plicatilis on the survival and growth of Penaeus monodon myses and postlarvae. April 1982. 40 leaves.Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1982 F5 D45 )

1264. Del Mundo, C. M., E. V. Agasen & T. P. Blanca. 1990. The marine shrimp resources of Luzon. Phil. J. fish. 21:45-66.

1265. Del Norte, AGC and D Pauly. 1990. Virtual population estimates of monthly recruitment and biomass of rabbitfish, siganus fuscescens off Bolinao, northern Philippines. In R. Hirano and I. Hanyu ,eds. The Second Asian fisheries forum, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, pp. 851-854.

1266. Del Norte, AGC. CL Nañola, JW McManus, et al. Overfishing on a Philippine coral reef: a glimpse into the future. In OT Magoon, H Converse, D Miller, LT Tobin, D Clark, eds. Coastal Zone ’89; proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on coastal and Ocean Management, 11-14 July 1989, charleston, S.C. vol 4, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY, pp. 3087-3097

1267. Del Norte-Campos, A. G. C., R. A. Beldia, K.A. Villarta and M.A.O. Tad-y. 2003. A market survey of commercially-important invertebrates around Panay Island and use of the data to prioritize research. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 8:115-128.

1268. Del Norte-Campos, Annabelle G. C., Declarador, Marilou B. and Beldia, Rheza. June 2003. Catch composition, harvest and effort estimates of Gleaned Macroinvertebrates in Malalison Island, Northen Panay. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 8(1-2):129-141.

1269. Del Norte-Campos, Annabelle G. C., Villarta, Karen a. and Panes, Jenny B. June 2003. Invertebrate trawl fishery of Pilar and Capiz bays, Northern Panay, West Central Philippines. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 8(1-2):115-128.

1270. Del Pilar, M. 1971. Canned bangus is Now Exported. Phil Panorama 17 Oct.
1271. Dela Cruz, C.R. 1975. Bangus length-weight study. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech.Rep. No. 6. CLSU Munoz, Nueva Ecija. NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 47.
1272. Dela Cruz, Rea B. Mangrove community structure in Brgy. Malandog, Bocboc bridge, and Brgy. Budbudan, Hamtic, Antique. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1273. Dela Cruz, Revien B. Rapid survey of coral cover in selected sites in Taklong Island National Marine Reserve. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1274. Dela Cueva, R. J. 1982. The effect of fungistats on the shelf-life of smoked dried galunggong (Decapterus macrosoma Bleeker) during storage at room temperature: evaluation of microbiological and chemical change. B.S. Thesis. University of the Philippines at Los Baños, College, Laguna.

1275. Dela Peña, Dioscoro T.,Jr. Effect of different levels of aeration and mechanical agitation on the development and survival of Penaeus Monodon Fabricius larvae. December 1982. 53 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1982 F5 D44)

1276. Dela, Cruz, Catalino R. 1982. Fishpen and cage culture development project in Laguna de Bay, Philippines. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 27 p. (Working Paper/ South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme; 102)

1277. Delan, Gloria Gomez. 1991. Crushed ice and chilled seawater for storage of sardines (Sardinella fimbriata) for Canning. August 1991. 116 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1991 F5 G64)

1278. Delmendo, M. 1974. The Plankton of Laguna de Bay , the primary basis of milkfish farming in enclosures in the area. Phil. Agric. 57-(7-8):335-342:(D'73/Ja '74).

1279. Delmendo, M. N. & Angeles, H. G. 1969. Some observations on the fisheries of Naujan Lake and recommendations for their conservation and management. Bangkok: Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council. 17p. (Occassional Paper/Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council; 69/9) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1280. Delmendo, M. N. and H.R. Rabanal. 1956. Cultivation of sugpo (jumbo tiger shrimp) Penaeus monodon Fabricius in the Philippines. Proc. Indo-Pacific Fish Council. 6(2-3):424-431.

1281. Delmendo, M.N. 1972. The Status of fish seed production in the Philippines. In: Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers / Edited by T.V.R. Pillay. London : Fishing News (Book), pp.208-212.*UPVCF Library , mimeographed copy, IPFC/C70/SYM, 1970,Vertical file

1282. Delmendo, M.N. 1968. Food and feeding habits of the economic species of fish in Laguna de Bay 1968. Proc IPFC 13th Session. Queensland, Australia, 14-15 Oct. 1968. Brisbane. 13 (II) : 143-167.

1283. Delmendo, Medina N and Jimenea, Dante M. 1964? An Evaluation of milkfish stocked in Laguna de Bay. n.p. Typescript (carbon copy)*UPVCF Library, Vertical file
1284. Delmendo, Medina N. 1970? Induced spawning of fishes in the Philippines and the prospects of hatchery operation. Manila : Philippine Fisheries Commission. 10 p.

1285. Delmendo, Medina N. & Angeles, Hilarion G. 1975. Preliminary observations on the spawning of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal). Fisheries Forum (Ist Q):22p.

1286. Delmendo, Medina N. & Godney, Robert H. 1974. Fish farming in pens; a new fishery business in Laguna de Bay. Pasig Rizal: Laguna Lake Development Authority. 1v. (various pagings) (LLDA Technical Paper; no. 2) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1287. Delmendo, Medina N. & Godney, Robert H. 1976. Laguna de Bay fish pen AquacultureDevelopment - Philippines. Proc.Annu.Meet.World Maricult.Soc., 7:257-265.
1288. Delmendo, Medina N. & Rabanal, Herminio R. 1962. Cultivation of sugpo. Philipp. Fish. Yearb., pp. 152-160. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1289. Delmendo, Medina N. 1987. Milkfish culture in pens: an Assessment of its Contribution to Overall Fishery Production of Laguna de Bay. ASEAN/UNDP/FAO Regional Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries Development Project, Manila, 1987. 17p. 9ASEAN/SF/87/Tech 5)

1290. Delmendo, MN. 1977. An evaluation of the fishery resources of Laguna de Bay. Phil Jour. Fish. 14(2):213-231.

1291. Delola, Alfredo P. Jr. Species composition and relative abundance of fish larvae found in Taklong Island National Marine Reserve (TINMAR). Undergradaute Thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1292. Delos Santos, Ceferino. 1980. Staffing of Aquaculture Business projects. Asian Aquacult.,3(7):4-8. (Excerpted from the Lecture, "Staffing of Aquaculture Business Projects", Given at the First Aquaculture Business Project Development and Management Course, March 3-16, SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Tigbauan,Iloilo, Philippines)

1293. Delsman , H.C. 1925. Brackishwater ponds and Malaria.(De Empangs en Malaria). Tropische Natuur (Djakarta-Batavia, Indonesia).No.1. 4p.,Illus. In Dutch.

1294. Delsman, H.C. 1925. Marine fish in ponds. (Zeevis in Vijvers). Tropische Natuur(Djakarta-Batavia,Indonesia). No. 1. 5p. illus. In Dutch.

1295. Demo-os, Marjurie B. Larval rearing of Charybdis feriatus: The effects of different diets on the survival of the zoea. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1296. Denila, Leonardo. 1977. Planning and designing of brackishwater fishponds for milkfish ; infra-structure development methods of construction and development of brackishwater pond. Tigbauan, Iloilo : Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC. 37 p.

1297. Denusta, Pastor Jones T. A taxonomic survey of intertidal soft corals (Coelenterata: octocorallia) in selected areas of Taklong Island, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1298. Denusta, Pastor Jones Tejero. Date? Blastomere morphology, neutral buoyancy salinity, and osmolality as predictive measures of egg viability in milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal. Thesis Master of Science in Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1299. Deocadez, Melchor R., Porfirio M. Aliño, Andrea Leonor S. Bautista, Paulyn A. Gaite, bernardo S. Ronquillo, andValentino V. Prado. 2003. Reef fish community dynamics indicators: deriving lessons from Lingayen Gulf. Phil Scient. 40:143-163.

1300. Deocadiz, E. S. 1990. Status of marine pollution research in the Philippines. In: Oceanography and Marine Pollution: An ASEAN-EC Perspective. Yap, H. T., Bohle-Carbonell, M. and E.D. Gomez, eds, pp. 145-158.

1301. Dequilla, Marie Prudence D. 2001. Acceptability and storage stability of fish loaf from underutilized fish species. 104 leaves. (Thesis—B.S. Food Technology) Available CFOS Library

1302. Dequina, Ariane Gayle M. 2005. A preliminary study on the brooding habits of the "mud clam", Anodontia edentula (Linne 1758) 2005 20 Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1303. Destajo, Warnita H. 1979. Fish meal and shrimp head meal as major dietary protein sources for Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) Juvenile July 1979. 60 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1979 F5 D48)

1304. Detablan, Joan L. Effect of stocking density on the mud crab, Scylla tranquebarica larvae. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.
1305. DeVantier L. Alcala A. Wilkinson C. 2004. The Sulu-Sulawesi Sea: Environmental and socioeconomic status, future prognosis and ameliorative policy options. Ambio. 33(1-2):88-97, 2004 Feb.

1306. Dhert, P., M Duray, P Lavens, P Sorgeloos. 1990. Optimized feeding strategies in the larviculture of the Asian seabass Lates calcarifer. Hirano, R, Hanyu, I., eds. The Second Asian Fisheries Forum: Proceedingsf of the Second Asian Fisheries Forum, 1989 April 17-22, Tokyo, Japan. Manila, Philippines: Asian Fisheries Society, pp.319-324.

1307. Dhert, P., P Lavens, M Duray, P. Sorgeloos. 1990. Improved larval survival at metamorphosis of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) using w3-HUFA-enriched live food. Aquaculture 90:63-74.

1308. Dhert, P., RB Bombeo, P Lavens, P Sorgeloos. 1992. A simple semi-flow-through culture techniques for the controlled super-intensive production of Artemia juveniles and adults. Aquacult. Eng. 11:107-119.

1309. Dhert, P., RB Bombeo, P Sorgeloos. 1993. Use of ongrown Artemia in nursery culturing of the tiger shrimp. Aquacult. Int. 1:170-177.

1310. Diamante, Richelle Joy C. Combined effects of salinity and temperature on Sporulation of Haliphthoros spp. isolated from captive Scylla serrata Forskal eggs. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

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1311. Diaz, Ma. Maita F. 1996. Sulfide tolerance of juvenile tilapia (Oreochromis Mossambicus) in seawater. 1996. 26 leaves. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1312. Dickerson, RE et al. 1928. Distribution of life in the Philippines. Bureau of Printing, Manila.

1313. Dickson, Alma C. and Pieer Easter L. Velasco. 2004. Coral Garden & reef Rehabilitation Project, the establishment of marine reserves and fish sanctuaies of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) in the Philippines. In:Proceedings of the Ist Regional Workshop on Enhancing Coastal resouces: Artificial Reefs, Stationary Fishing Gear Desig and Construction and Marine Protected Areas, 30 September –3 October 2003, Thailand, organized by Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEFDEC) in collaboration with the Government of Japan (Under the special 5-year Program on Resource Enhancement), pp. 65-70.

1314. Dickson, Alma C. and Pierre Easter L. Velasco. 2004. Set net fishery (Lambaklad). In:Proceedings of the Ist Regional Workshop on Enhancing Coastal resouces: Artificial Reefs, Stationary Fishing Gear Desig and Construction and Marine Protected Areas, 30 September –3 October 2003, Thailand, organized by Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEFDEC) in collaboration with the Government of Japan (Under the special 5-year Program on Resource Enhancement), pp. 71-79.

1315. Dickson, Jonathan O. 1988. Tuna handling and troll line. In Technical Papers/References Volume II. Tuna Fisheries Development training Program, 4 April – 15 May 1988,p.43-66.

1316. Dickson, Jonathan O. 1988. Tuna longline fishing. In Technical Papers/References Volume II. Tuna Fisheries Development training Program, 4 April – 15 May 1988,p. 119-133.

1317. Dickson, Jonathan, R Caboteja, JO Pestano. 1988. The design, construction, operation and capitalization of a tuna drift net. In Technical Papers/References Volume II. Tuna Fisheries Development Training Program, 4 April – 15 May 1988,,p.1-6.In Technical Papers/References Volume II. Tuna Fisheries Development training Program, 4 April – 15 May 1988,p. 67-73.

1318. Dideles, Kristi Marie Joie. 2005. A preliminary study of sexual dimorphism and hermaphroditism occuring in the mud clam sp., Austriella corrugata (Deshayes, 1843). 2005. 33 leaves. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas, Iloilo.

1319. Diego-McGlone MLS. Azanza RV. Villanoy CL. Jacinto GS. Eutrophic waters, algal bloom and fish kill in fish farming areas in Bolinao, Pangasinan, Philippines. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 57(6-12):295-301, 2008.

1320. Diestro, Gwendolyn B. Date? Tolerance of Scylla serrata juveniles to different holding conditions. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1321. Dignadice, Michelle I. Date? Salinity tolerance of the mud clam, Anodontia edentula -Linne,1758. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1322. Dignadice, Zelle B. Date? A preliminary study on the toxic effect of makabuhay (Tinosphora rumphii) aqueous stem extract on Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1323. Dilag, Judith L. Date? Benthic assemblages in reef and reef-adjacent habitats of two sites in Taklong Island National Marine Reserve Guimaras. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1324. Dimaano, Mario L. 1984. Effect of stocking densities on the growth, survival and production of Sea Bass (Lates calcarifer Bloch) in cages in a brackishwater impoundment. March 1984. 54 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries

1325. Dinglasan, Patrricio P. 1988. Analysis of the buoyancy, extra buoyancy and sinking power requirement of the ring net. In Technical Papers/References Volume II. Tuna Fisheries Development training Program, 4 April – 15 May 1988, p. 153-156.

1326. Dinglasan, PP. 1988. Guide in designing and mounting a purse seine. In Technical Papers/References Volume II. Tuna Fisheries Development training Program, 4 April – 15 May 1988,p. 89-92.

1327. Diola, Carmelo; Alameda, Nicias; Suarez, Miguel Jr, and Crisostomo, David. 1980. Project feasibility study: Guaphil Sugpo-Guihan Farm Prawn based polyculture with milkfish. In:APDEM (III : 1980; Tigbauan Iloilo)=Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo; SEAFDEC=, 3:(8p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1328. Diola, Sedie Joy M. Date? Taxonomic identification of algal species overgrowing hard corals in Taklong Island National Marine Reserve, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1329. Divinagracia, MF. 2000. Extent and degree of coral bleaching in selected reefs in Central Philippines. Unpublished M.S. thesis. Silliman University, Dumaguete City.

1330. Djazuli, Nazori. 1991. Quality changes in skipjack tuna (Katsowonus pelamis) after delayed icing and subsequent storage in ice (0oC -2oC). November 1991. 119 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials

1331. Dolar MLL., Perrin WF. Gaudiano JP. Yaptinchay AASP. Tan JML. 2002. Preliminary report on a small estuarine population of Irrawaddy dolphins Orcaella brevirostris in the Philippines. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. (Suppl 10):155-160, 2002 May 1.

1332. Dolar, M. L. 1991. A survey on the fish and crustacean fauna of the seagrass beds in North Bais Bay, Negros Oriental, Philippines. Proc. Regional Symp. Living Resources in Coastal Areas, Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, p. 367-377.

1333. Dolar, M. L., A. C. Alcala, J. Nuqui. 1991. A survey on the fish and crustaceans of the mangroves of North Bais Bay. Proc. Regional Symp. Living Resources in Coastal areas. Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, pp. 367-378.

1334. Dolendo, A.R. Roncal and Almeda, C. 1976. Standardization of handling, icing, and freezing of bangos fishery products. Monitor 4(9): 5.

1335. Dolendo, Araceli L. 1975. Handling, Icing and Freezing of Bangos (Chanos chanos). Fisheries Forum (4th Q.), 19p.

1336. Dolendo, Araceli L.; Tongco, E. P.; Roncal, R. A. & Almeda, Ma. C. 1978. Standardization of handling, icing and freezing of milkfish. In: National Science Development Board (Philippines). In: Milkfish (Bangos) as Food. Bicutan, Taguig:The Board, pp. 40-73.

1337. Dolendo, Araceli. 1980. Fish handling and processing. Phil J Food Sci tech 4 (2):18-21.

1338. Dolendo, Araceli; Roncal, Rosabel; Almeda, Ma. Cristina & Tongco, Enrique. 1977. Standardization of handling, icing and freezing of milkfish. Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines 2(2):62-84. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1339. Dolfo, Joy Balasa Mangrove community structure in Brgys. Bantigue, Gabuc, Agbanog, and San Pedro, Pontevedra, Capiz. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1340. Domantay, J. 1934. Philippine commercial holuthorians. Philippine J. Comm. 10:5-21.

1341. Domantay, J. S. 1933. Development of the anchor and anchor-plate types of specules of the synaptid Polyplectana kefersteinii (Salenka) and allied species. Phil. Jour. Sci. 52. (Note: Source, not complete)

1342. Domantay, J. S. 1936. The breeding of Beta splendens, a fighting fish. Phil. Jour. Sci. 58. (Note: Source, not complete)

1343. Domantay, Jose S. 1959. The Possibility of Agaraphytes Propagation with the culture of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal), in brackishwater fish ponds. Fish.Gaz. Bur.Fish. (Philipp.), 3(5) :22-29. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1344. Domantay, Jose S. 1940. The fishery industries of Zamboanga. Philipp. J. Sci. 71(1):81-112. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1345. Domantay, JS. et al. 1960. Fish stocking program for Philippine Inland Waters. Fish Gazette 4(7):25-28.

1346. Domantay, JS. 1039. Notes and observations on the effect of dynamite and other explosives on marine fauna and the determination of fishes caught by explosives. Natural research Council bulletin no. 23 (december 1939).

1347. Domantay, JS. 1952-1953. The turtle fisheries of the Turtle Islands. Bull. Fish. Soc. Philipp. 3-4:3-27.

1348. Domantay, JS. 1960. Prawn fisheries in the Philippines. Phil J. Fish. 8(2):159-175.

1349. Domantay,. J.S. 1952. Studies on the abnormal environmental effects on Fish. Fish Gazette 3(11): 2-7. 5 refs.

1350. Domingo, Theresa Sucgang. 1986. Identification of histamine-producing bacteria in homogenates prepared from frigate mackerel (Auxis thazard). June 1986. 72 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries Miag-ao Iloilo Miag-ao Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1986 F5 D64)

1351. Doncillo, Leonora D. 2005. Sous vide: technology for convenience seafood products. –Iloilo: Institute of Fish Processing Technology, College of fisheries and Ocean Sciences, U.P. in the Visayas, 2005. 75p. M.S. Thesis. (Location: CFOS Library)

1352. Doren, Nelson; Acogido, Juanito; Paez, Jorge & Ubaldo, Crispin. 1980. Project feasibility study: milkfish monoculture. 6p. (submitted to APDEM (II:1980:Quezon City) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1353. Dosayla, E. D. , 1973. Summary of four economic surveys of food consumption. NFAC Special Studies.16p.

1354. Dosayla, E.D. and Darrah, L. B. 1973. Income and food consumption (ave. data for 4 survey). NFAC Special Studies. 28p.
1355. Dosayla., E. D. Income and food consumption (Summary of 5 Economic Surveys) NFAC Special Studies 41p.

1356. Doyle, RW, CA Field, Z Basiao. 1990. A statistical procedure for using “reference fish” to compare the growth of genetic strains in aquaculture. Hirano, R, Hanyu, I., eds. The Second Asian Fisheries Forum: Proceedingsf of the Second Asian Fisheries Forum, 1989 April 17-22, Tokyo, Japan. Manila, Philippines: Asian Fisheries Society, pp. 499-502.

1357. Doyle, RW, NL Shackel, Z Basiao, S Uraiwan, T Matricia, AJ Talbot. 1991. Selective diversification of aquaculture stocks: a proposal for economically sustainble genetic conservation. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 48:148-154.

1358. Doyola, Ellen Flor C. Date? Embryonic and larval development of the mangrove mud clam, Anodontia edentula (Linne,1758), in the laboratory. Undergraduate B.S.Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1359. Drasch G. Bose-O'Reilly S. Beinhoff C. Roider G. Maydl S. 2001. The Mt. Diwata study on the Philippines 1999 - assessing mercury intoxication of the population by small scale gold mining. Science of the Total Environment. 267(1-3):151-168, 2001 Feb 21.

1360. Drilon, J.D. Jr. December 1980. Resources and markets for fisheries and commercial crop industries of Western Visayas. Danyag 1(3): 13-40.

1361. Duenas, C. E. and Young, P. S. 1983. Salinity tolerance and resistance of milkfish larvae. Abstracts. 2nd International Milkfish Aquaculture Conference, Iloilo City, p. 22.

1362. Duldoco-Requintina, Pura J. 1979. Lactate Dehydrogenesae Isozyme Patterns of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) and their sequential variations during development. 40 p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, Iloilo)*SEAFDEC-AQDL;PCARRDL

1363. Dumadag,Gamelba Vistal. 1996. Effects of different types of feeds on growth, survival and production of grouper, Epinephelus suillus, in floating netcages. April 1996. 106 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1996 F5 D84)

1364. Dumada-ug, CR. 1994. Sea bass cage culture I Puerto Princesa Bay, Palawan, Philippines using the “common garden approach” for sustainable development. In: Porfirio M. Aliño, ed. Proceedings of the Second National Symposium in Marine Science, Mindanao State University, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, 5-7 November 1992, p 58 (abstract only)

1365. Dumada-ug, Cristeta R. 1990. The Effect of periodic thinning and stocking density on the growth and survival of sea bass Lates calcarifer (Bloch). November 1990. 52 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1990 F5 D84)

1366. Dumayas, Rodolfo S. Jr. Date? Salinity tolerance of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal) fry reared under laboratory conditions. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1367. Duray, M, H Kohno. 1988. Effects of continuous lighting on growth and survival of first-feeding larval rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. Aquaculture 72:73-79.

1368. Duray, M, JV Juario. 1988. Broodstock management and seed production of the rabbitfish Siganus guttatus (Bloch) and the sea bass Lates calcarifer (Bloch). Juario, JV, LB Benitez, eds. Perspectives in Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia and Japan; Proceedings of the Seminar on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia, 1987 September 8-12; Iloilo City, Philippines. Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: SEAFDEC-AQD,pp. 195-210.

1369. Duray, M, V. Duray, JM Almendras. 1986. Effects of salinity on egg development and hatching in siganus guttatus. Philipp. Sci. 23:31-40.

1370. Duray, M., T Bagarinao. 1984. Weaning of hatchery-bred milkfish larvae from live food to artificial diets. Aquaculture 41:325-332.

1371. Duray, MN, CB Estudillo, LG Alpasan,. 1996. Effect of background color and rotifer density on rotifer intake, growth and survival of grouper (Epinephelus suillus) larvae. Aquaculture 146:217-224.

1372. Duray, MN, CB Estudillo, LG Alpasan,. 1997. Larval rearing of the grouper Epinephelus suillus under laboratory conditions. Aquaculture 150:63-76.
1373. Duray, MN, H Kohno, F Pascual. 1994. The effect of lipid-enriched broodstock diets on spawning and on egg and larval quality of hatchery-bred rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus). Philipp. Sci. 31:42-57.

1374. Duray, MN, H Kohno. 1990. Development of mouth width and larval growth in three marine fish species. Philipp. J. Sci. 119:237-245.

1375. Duray, MN, LG Alpasan, CB Estudillo. 1996. Improved hatchery rearing of mangrove red snapper,. Lutjanus argentimaculatus, in large tanks with small rotifer (Brachionus plicailis) and artemia. Isr. J. Aquacult. Bamidgeh 48:123-132.

1376. Duray, MN. 1986. Biological evaluation of three phytoplankton species (Chlorella sp., Tetraselmis sp., Isochrysis galbana) and two zooplankton species (Crassotrea iredalei, Brachionus plicatilis ) as food for the first-feeding Siganus guttatus larvae. Philipp. Sci. 23:41-49.

1377. Duray, MN. 1987. Aquaculture of siganids: state of the art. BRAIS state of the Art Series 1. SEAFDEC-AQD, Tigbauan, Iloilo.

1378. Duray, MN. 1994. Daily rates of ingestion on rotifers and Artemia nauplii by laboratory-reared grouper larvae of Epinephelus suillus. Philipp. Sci. 31:32-41.
1379. Duray, MN. 1994. Multi-species fish hatchery. Aquacult. Eng. (J. Aquacult. Eng. Philipp.) 8/9:29-33.

1380. Duray, MN. 1995. The effect of tank color and rotifer density on rotifer ingestion, growth and survival of milkfish (Chanos chanos) larvae. Philipp. Sci. 12:18-26.

1381. Duray, MN. 1996. Larviculture of milkfish (Chanos chanos) in outdoor tanks. In: Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on the Breeding and seed Production of cultured finfishes in the Philippines. (C. L. Marte, G. F. Quinitio and A. C. Emata, eds.), 4-5 May, 1993 SEAFDEC-AQD, Tigbauan, Iloilo, pp. 150-158.

1382. Duremdez, RC, GD Lio-Po. 1983. Studies on the causative organism of Sarotherodon niloticus (Linneaus) fry mortalities.2. Identification and characterization of the physiological properties of Pseudomonas fluorescens. fish. Pathol. 20:115-123.

1383. Duremdez, RC, GD Lio-Po. 1985. Studies on the causative organism of Sarotherodon niloticus (Linnaeus) fry mortalities 2. Identification and characterization of the physiological properties of Pseudomonas flourescents. Fish. Pathol. 20:115-123.

1384. Duremdez, Roselyn C. 1982. Identification and characterization of the physiological properties of Pseudomonas sp. isolated from cultured Sarotherodon niloticus fry. October 1982. 98 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1982 F5 D87)

1385. Dureza, L.A. 1992. Toxicity of formalin and potassium permangante to Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings. In: R. Hirano and I. Hanyu (eds.). The Second Asian Fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, pp. 295-298.

1386. Dureza, L.A., Corre, V.L. Jr., Gempis, C. 1982. Evaluation of the effect of salinity on growth, survival, sexual maturity and production of Tilapia nilotica fry. Iloilo. Technical Report.

1387. Dureza, L.A., Corre, V.L. Jr., Gempis, C.L. 1982. Evaluation of the effect of salinity on growth, survival, sexual maturity and production of Tilapia nilotica fry. Technical Report, 1982, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Iloilo.

1388. Dureza, L.A.,Corre, V.L., Jr., Gempis, C.L 1982. Evaluation of the techniques of acclimation for various age groups of Tilapia nilotica fry. In: Technical Report Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo, Philippines.

1389. Dureza, Lourdes A. 1980. The Effects of various salinity and Methyltestosterone levels on the growth, survival and sex reversal of Tilapia mossambica (Peters). March 1980. 55 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995^b1980^cF5 D87)

1390. Dureza, V. 1977. Production response of milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskal in bracksihwater ponds to additional substrate for fishpond organisms. Paper presented at the PCARR Fisheires Research Forum, Manila. (no pages given)
1391. Dureza, V. 1979. Aquaculture farming system. In: Technical Consultation on the Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dept., pp. 108-112.

1392. Dureza, V.A., Aure, R. C. and Unarce, R. V. 1982. Development of improved techniques of catching, holding and transport of bangus fry .1. Investigation of present methods for collection, sorting, holding and transport of milkfish fry. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo,Phils. Technical Report, 1982.

1393. Dureza, V.A., Aure, R.C., Unarce, R.V. 1982. Development of improved techniques of catering, holding and transport of bangus fry. I. Investigation of present methods for collection, sorting, holding and transport of milkfish fry. Technical Report 1982, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo.

1394. Dureza, Virgilio A. & Minsalan, Cecilia Luz. 1982. Development of Improved Procedure of Collecting, Sorting and Holding of Milkfish Fry. 11. Standardization of the Present Methods and Techniques of Collecting, Holding and Transporting Milkfish Fry from Increased Fry Survival. Prog.Rep.Brachish-wat. Aquacult. Cent.Univ.Philipp.Visayas, (Ja.-Je.): (3 p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1395. Dureza, Virgilio A. 1979. Aquaculture Farming Systems: In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=,pp. 108-112.

1396. Dyer SD. Peng C. McAvoy DC. Fendinger NJ. Masscheleyn P. Castillo LV. Lim JMU. 2003. The influence of untreated wastewater to aquatic communities in the Balatuin River, The Philippines. Chemosphere. 52(1):43-53, 2003 Jul.

1397. Dy-Peñaflorida, V. 1995. Growth and survival of juvenile tiger shrimp fed diets where fish meal is partially replaced with papaya (Carica papaya L. ) or camote (Ipomea batatas Lam) leaf meal. Isr. J. Aquauclt. Bamidgeth 47:25-33.
1398. Dy-Peñaflorida, V., OM Millamena. 1990. Variation in the biochemical composition of Penaeus monodon tissues during the reproductiove cycle. Isr. J. Aquacult.-Bamidgeh 42:84-90.

1399. Ebber, T. 2001. Polity, politics and policies: institution building for sustainable coastal fisheries management experiences for Aklan, Philippines. Abstracts, International Seminar on Responsible Capture Fisheries in Coastal Waters of Asia: Case studies and researches for sustaible Development and Management of typical Fisheries, September 24-27, 2001, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, UP in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. Ingles, J. et al. , eds. JSPS-DOST on University Program in Fisheries Kagoshima University Faculty of Fisheries-UP in the Visayas.

1400. Ebber, T. 2004. Making the law work: decentralization & rights-based fisheries in the Philippines. Fish for the People 2(2):2-10.

1401. Edano, Donna Marie C. Date? Feeding behavior of the mudclam Anodontia edentula (Linne, 1758). Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1402. Edralin, Ma. Milagros Aricheta. 1973. Bangos and sugpo culture in brackishwater Fishponds ; A Report in Practice-in-Industry Training in Fish Culture. 29p. (Undergraduate thesis, University of the Philippines, 1973) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL

1403. Effendy, Irwan Junaidi. 2000. Study on early developmental stages of donkey ear abalone, Haliotis asinina Linnaeus, 1758. March 2000. 140 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 2000 F5 I78)

1404. Eguia, MRR, RV Eguia. 1993. Growth response of three Oreochromis niloticus strains to feed restriction. Isr. J. Aquacult. Bamidgeh 45:8-17.

1405. Eguia, MRR. 1996. Reproductive performance of four red tilapia strains in different seed production systems. Isr. J. Aquacult. Bamidgeh 48:10-18.

1406. Eguia, RV, AA delos Reyes, Jr. 2005. Hi-density tank culture of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) using lake wate with effluent mangement. 2005. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), p. 205-213.

1407. Eknath AE. Bentsen HB. Ponzoni RW. Rye M. Nguyen NH. Thodesen J. Gjerde B. 2007. Genetic improvement of fanned tilapias: Composition and genetic parameters of a synthetic base population of Oreochromis niloticus for selective breeding. Aquaculture. 273(1):1-14, 2007 Nov 30.

1408. Eldani, A. A., R. Tangon, A. abdurasid, A. Padjiri. 1994. A preliminary study on the growth and survival of abalone (Haliotis asinina) in pen enclosure at two culture locations. In: Porfirio M. Aliño, ed. Proceedings of the Second National Symposium in Marine Science, Mindanao State University, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, 5-7 November 1992, p 14 (abstract only)

1409. Eldani, Abdurizal & Primavera, Jurgene H. 1981. Effect of different stocking combinations on growth, production and survival of milkfish (Chanos chanos, Forskal) and prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) in polyculture in brackishwater ponds. Aquaculture, 23(1-4):59-72. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL

1410. Eldani, Abdurizal A . 1979. Polyculture of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) and prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) at different stocking combinations in brackishwater ponds. 72p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1979) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL

1411. Eldani, Abdurizal A. 1979. Polyculture of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) and Prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) at Different Stocking Combinations in Brackishwater Ponds. May 1979. 73 leaves. Thesis -M.S. in Fisheries- U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1979 F5 E43)

1412. Elegado FB. Opina ACL. Banaay CGB. Dalmacio IF.2003. Purification and characterization of novel bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria isolated from Philippine fermented rice-shrimp or rice-fish mixtures. Philippine Agriculturist. 86(1):65-74, 2003 Mar.

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1413. Elera, C. de. 1895. Catalogo sistematico de toda la fauna de Filipinas. Vertrados I:454-621.

1414. Elizalde, Francis F. Abundance and distribution of asteroids in Taklong Island, Guimaras. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.
1415. Elizalde, LP and B Marcial. 1983. A fresh venture, Lapu-lapu in ponds. Fisheries today 5(1):34-39.

1416. Emata, A. and C. L. Marte. 1991. Reproductive performance of milkfish in concrete tanks. SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture 13:5-6

1417. Emata, A. C. and CL Marte. 1990. Natural and induced spawning of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal), in Concrete Tanks. SEAFDEC Asian aquculture 12:1-3.

1418. Emata, A. C., CL Marte. 1993. Broodstock management and egg production of milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal. Aquaculture Fish. Manage. 24:381-388.

1419. Emata, A. C.; CL Marte and Lma B Garcia. 1992. Management of milkfish broodstock. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dept, Tigbauan, Iloilo. 22p. (SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dept. Aquaculture Extension Manual; no. 20) ICLARML

1420. Emata, A. C.; IG Borlongon, JP Damaso. 2000. Dietary Vitamin C and E supplementation and reproduction of milkfish Chanos chanos Forsskal. Aquacult. Res. 31 (7):557-564. ICLARM Library

1421. Emata, A.C., CL Marte. 1992. The Use of a visual implant tag to monitor the reproductive performance of individual milkfish Chanos chanos Forsskal. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 8:314-317.

1422. Emata, AC, AH Meyer, RE Spieler. 1985. Temporal variations in gonadal and body fat responses to daily injections of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) and dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) in the gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis. J. Exp Zool. 239:29-34.

1423. Emata, AC, B Eullaran, TU Bagarinao. 1994. Induced spawning and early life description of the mangrove red snapper, Lutjanus argentimaculatus. Aquaculture 121:381-387.

1424. Emata, AC, CL Marte. 1994. Natural spawning, egg and fry production of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal), broodstock reared in concrete tanks. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 10:10-16.

1425. Emata, AC, H Meir, SM Hsiao. 1991. Daily variations in plasma hormone concentrations during the semilunar spawning cycle of the gulf killifish, Fundulus grandlis. J. Expt. Zool. 259:343-354.

1426. Emata, AC. 1996. Maturation and induced spawning of the mangorve red snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) reared in a floating net cage in the Philippines. Arrenguin-Sanchez F, Munro JL, Balgos MC, Pauly D., eds. Biology, fisheries and Culture of Tropical Groupers and Snappers; Proceedings of an EPOMEX/ICLARM International Workshop on Tropical snappers and Groupers, 26-29 October 1993; University of Campeche, Campeche, Mexico; ILCARM Conf. Proc. 48; Manila, Philippines; ICLARM and EPOMEX, pp. 378-384.

1427. Encarnacion, E.N. 1980. Overview of the milkfish industry. =Tigbauan,Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department,SEAFDEC Institute of Aquaculture=, 15 p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1428. Encarnacion, Emmanuel N. 1980. Philippine aquaculture scenario revisited. Asian Aquacult.,3(8):1-2,7 and3(9):3,6. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1429. Encarnacion, R. P. 1999. Weather systems and climate and their potential influence on marine biodiversity, pp. 129-132. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Marine biodiversity in the Visayas and Mindanao, ed. by W. L. Campos. Miag-ao, Iloilo, University of the Philippines Visayas.

1430. Encina, VB. 1972. A report on two-boat bottom trawl fishing in the Philippines. Proceeding . Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council 13th Session, Section 111. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Bangkok, Thailand: IPFC secretariat, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East, pp.653-661.

1431. Encina, Vitaliano B.and Gatus, Arcadio R. 1977. Preliminary report on milkfish Fry floating trawl experiments in Balayan Bay. Philipp. J.Fish.,15(2):174-216. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1432. Engles, J. A. 2004. Status of the blue crab fisheries in the Philippines, p. 47-52. In DA-BFAR (Department of Agriculture-Bureau of fisheries and Aquatic Resources). In Turbulent Seas: The status of Philippine marine fisheries. Coastal Resource Management Project, Cebu City, Philippines. 378p

1433. Enriquez, EB and TR Perez. 2005. Response of phytoplankton to temporal changes in nutrients in Taal Lake, Batangas, Philippines. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), pp. 54-71

1434. Enriquez, G. L., MCL Baticados, RQ Gacutan. 1980. Microsporidian parasite of the white prawn Penaeus merguiensis de Mann: a preliminary report. Nat. Appl. Sci. bull. 32:319-325.

1435. Enriquez, MEV, NC Lopez, WL Barraguio, and AA Casauay. 2005. Protein-degrading bacteria in the sediments of cages and uncaged sites of Lake Taal, Batangas, Philippines. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), pp.77-82.
1436. Eri Jr. Carmelo C. jt. au. 1973. Fish culture fisheries survey of Misamis Oriental, Cagayan de Oro City, BFs Regional Office No.10 p28-38.
1437. Escorpion, Carmela V. Comparison of fertilization, hatching and survival rates in Clarias gariepinus x Clarias macrocephalus hybrids exposed to thermal shocks. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.
1438. Esguerra, R.S. 1974. Culturing Bangus in Fishpens. Philippines Farmers Journal 16(10): 30.

1439. Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1951. Enumeration of algae in Philippine bangos fishponds and in the digestive tract of the fish with notes on conditions favorable for their growth. Philipp.J.Fish., 1(1-2) :175-196. Republished 1977. Also In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, 1975. Symposium Papers. =Makati : SEAFDEC=*SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL

1440. Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1977. The Layout, construction and management of brackishwater fishponds in the Philippines. In: Joint SCSP/SEAFDEC Workshop in Aquaculture Engineering, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1977, 2:197-206.

1441. Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1951. Enumeration of algae in Philippine bangos fishponds and in the digestive track of the fish with notes on conditions favorable for their growth. Phil. Jour. Fish. 1(1-2):175-196.

1442. Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1974. Culturing bangus in fishponds. Phil. Farm J. 16(10): 30.

1443. Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1974. Mechanization of bangus fry collection. Phil. Farmer's J. 16(6):40-41.1974.

1444. Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1979. Guide to prawn and shrimp culture. Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines,4(1):58-67. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1445. Eslaban, Ma. Xenia I. Date? Diatom preference of abalone, Haliotis asinina L., post larvae. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1446. Españo, A. 1988. Local government cooperation for the coastal resource management of Batan-Banga Bay, Aklan. A Project Case Study. Region VI, Iloilo City: Local Government Support Program-Canadian International Development Agency.

1447. Española, Carmela F. Date? A search for auxin-like substances in Enteromorpha compressa (Linnaeus) greville. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1448. Espejo-Hemes, J., Orejana, F. and Bigueras, C. 1981. Fish protein concentrate (Type C) prepared by ethanol and citrate buffer extraction (Part I). Phil. J. Fd. Science and Technol. 5:1-2.

1449. Espejo-Hermes, J, FM Orejana, CM Bigueras. 1981. Fish protein concentrate (Type B) prepared by ethanol and citrate b uffer extraction (Part I). Phil J Food and Tech. 5(1-2):30-37.

1450. Espino, Ma. Consuelo T. 2000. Storage stability of vacuum fried green mussel (Perna viridis) packed in plain polypropylene and plain polypropylene with polyvinylidene chloride. 120 leaves. (Thesis—B.S. Food Technology) Available CFOS Library

1451. Esquerra, Ricardo. 1979. Aquaculture Practices in the Philippines: Lerma Method of bangus production. In: Proceedings of the First Seminar of the Fishpond Operator's Program on Prawn Culture in Mindanao, held on November 25-27, 1974, in Naawan, Misamis Oriental. (14p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1452. Esquerra, Ricardo. 1983. Basic differences between the cultivation of milkfish and the pond culture of prawns. Manila: Fertilex Aquaculture Center. 7p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1453. Estacion, J. S. 1999. Macroinvertebrates of Philippine coral reefs. In: Procs. Of the Sympsoium on Marine biodiversity in the Visayas and Mindanao, ed. by W. L. Campos, pp. 43-50. University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo.
1454. Estampador, E. P. 1937. A checklist of Philippine crustacean decapods. Phil Jour. Sci. 62(4):465-559.

1455. Estigoy, EL, LA Awitan, MT Abacan, FS Africa. 2005. Pansipit River rehabilitation program, Batangas, Philippines. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), p.277-282.

1456. Estilo V.E.J. 1988. Pond construction, design and facilities. In: Y.N. Chiu, L.M. Santos and R.O. Juliano (eds.) Technical Consideration for the Management and Operation of Intensive Prawn Farms, U.P. Aquaculture Society, Iloilo City, Philippines.

1457. Estioko, Olivia and Reynaldo C. Mabesa. 1990. Control of halophilic and osmophilic organisms in dried galunggong (Decapterus macrosoma) stored at room temperature. Phil. Agriculturist 73(3-4):409-418.

1458. Estores, Cherry Lynn M. Reef health in two municipalities in Southern Negros Occidental. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1459. Estrella, Jose J., Jr. 1980. Milkfish culture in pens in Laguna de Bay. In: APDEM(III :1980 ; Tigbauan, Iloilo). =Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC=, 2:(12 p.)*UPVCFL, Mimeographed copy; *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1460. Estrellada, Ronnie Pamatong. 1992. A contribution to the biology of the deep-sea prawn, Heterocarpus gibbosus Bate, 1888 (Family Pandalidae) caught by traps in inner Davao Gulf. January 1992. 83 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1992 F5 E8)

1461. Estremadura, DM G., Campus, Wilfredo L., Canto, Robert Franklin C. Sept 2002. Ichthyoplankton assemblages in the interisland waters of the Eastern Central Philippines: initial results. UPV Journal of Natural Science 7(1-2):133-145.

1462. Estremadura, DM Genise Assessment of Holothurian resources around Taklong Island, Guimaras. Undergraduate Thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1463. Estudillo, Mary Chona Belen. 1998. Salinity tolerance of eggs and larvae of the mangrove Red Snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus). April 1998. 51 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1998 F5 E8)

1464. Estudillo, R., C. Gonzales, and J. Ordoñez. 1987. The seasonal variation and distribution of zooplankton, fish eggs and fish larvae in Malampaya Sound. Phil. J. Fish. 20:1-43.

1465. Eusebio, PS. 1991. Effect of dehulling on the nutritive value of some leguminous seeds as protein sources for tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon, juveniles. Aquacultur 99:297-308.

1466. Evacitas, F. C., J. V. Juario and A. C. Nellas. 2004. The coastal fisheries of Ormoc Bay, Philippines. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 9:253-270.
1467. Evangeline G. 1967. Chanos culture at the fish farm, Adyar. Madras J.Fish. 3: 68-115. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1468. Evangelista, Antonieta T. Duller. 1996. Comparison of selected live organisms and artificial diet as food for the larval rearing of catfish, Clarias macrocephalus (Gunther). April 1996. 69 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1996 F5 D84)

1469. Exmundo, Howell F. Date? Soft coral (Coelenterata: octocoralia) composition and abundance in three intertidal areas in Taklong Island National Marine Reserve, Nueva Valencia Guimaras. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1470. Eya, Alita Eulatrez. `1985. Ovarian maturation and hatching rates of pond-reared Penaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards at different salinity levels. May 1985. 48 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1985 F5 E83)
1471. Fabro, Rita M. & Lapie, Lustina P. 1978. A Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry of the Ilocos Region. Los Baños, Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 85 p. ( Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series ; no. 11) ( Research Paper Series / SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program; no.11) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1472. Facelo, Bethea L. Date? The occurence and distribution of two mangrove-asssociated bivalves, Anodontia edentula (Linne) and Austriella corrugata (Deshayes) in Sapi-an bay, Capiz. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1473. Fambasen-Cheong, M.V.P., Tan-Fermin, J. D., Garcia, L.M.B. and Baldevarona, R. B. 1995. Milt-egg ratio in artificial fertilization of the Asian freshwater catfish, Clarias macrocephalus, injected salmon gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue and domperidone. Aquat. Living Resource 8(4):303-307.

1474. Fast, A.W., Carpenter, K.E., Estillo, V.J., Gonzales H.J. 1988. Effects of water depth and artificial mixing on dynamics of Philippine brackishwater shrimp ponds. Aquacultural Engineering 7(5): 349-361.

1475. Fay, S. 1981. The Philippines and Papua New Guinea: a select bibiliogrpahy of fish preservation and nutritional problems. International Center for Marine Resouces Development, kingston, rhode Island. 13p.

1476. Federizon, R. 1993. Using vital statistics and survey catch compostion date for tropical multispecies fish stock assessment: application to the demersal resources of Central Philippines. Unpublished Dissertation, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany. 201p.

1477. Federizon, R.R., Silvestre, G.T. and Sambilay, V. Jr. December 1986. MULTIMESH: A BASIC computer program for the evaluation of the optimum mesh size for multispecies trawl fisheries. In: Resources, Management and Socio-economics of the Philippine Marine Fisheries. D. Pauly. J. Saeger and G. Silvestre (eds.) Dept. of Mar. Fish. Tech. Rep. No 10. 217 p.

1478. Feliciano, Z.R. and Serrano, A.E. Jr. 1994. Dietary lipid requirement of grouper (Epinephelus coioides) juveniles. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

1479. Felix, Sergio S. 1975. Bangos Pen Culture and Operations. In: National Bangus Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, pp.106-111. Also In: Asian Fish.Shipp.Mag. 2(3):10-13. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1480. Felix, Sergio S. 1959. Report on the Census of Bangos Caught with All Kinds of Fishing Gears as Basis for a Preliminary Survey of the Bangos Fisheries of Laguna de Bay. Fish. Gaz. Bur. Fish. (Philipp.) 3(8):15-22+

1481. Felix, Sergio S. 1973. Bangus Culture in Fish Pen. Manila: Bureau of Fisheries. 23 p.

1482. Felix, Sergio S. 1973. Raising Bangus in Fish Pens. Fish.Newsl. (Jul.-Sept.):2-9. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL

1483. Felix, Sergio S. 1974. Raising fish in fish pen and fish cages. UNESCO/MAB Inter-Bureau Mobil Seminar on Ecological research Inputs in Aquatic Management, Manila, 16 Oct. 1974. 16p.

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1493. Fermin, AC. 1990. Year-round sexual maturation of bighead carp, Aristichthys nobilis (richardson) reared in floating cages in Laguna de Bay (Philippines). J. appl. Ichthyol 6:129-135.

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1512. Fernandez, PR., Jr. June 1999. Coastal area governance system in Japan: resources, legal framework and strategies. Danyag 4(1):46-47.

1513. Fernandez, PR., Jr. June 2004. Integrated natural resource management and democratization processes in Ajuy, Iloilo, Philippines. Danyag 8(1-2):52-77.

1514. Fernandez, Rd, EA Tendencia, EM Leaño, MN Duray. 1996. Bacterial flora of milkfish, Chanos chanos, eggs and larvae. Fish. Pathol 31:123-128.

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1522. Ferraris, RP, FD Parado-Estepa, JM Ladja, EG de Jesus. 1986. Effect of salinity on the osmotic, chloride, total protein and calcium concentrations in the hemolymph of the prawn Penaeus monodon (Fabricius). Comp. Biochem. Physio. 83A:701-708.

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1539. Figueroa-Bombeo, Ruby. 1983. Growth and survival of Penaeus monodon and Chanos chanos fry fed with Artemia singly or in combination with artificial diet. March 1983. 48 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1983 F5 F54)

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1559. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 1972. Report to the Government of the Philippines on Fish Culture Development in Laguna de Bay, Based on the Work of Yoel Prugini. Rome. 35p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1560. Formacion, M. J. and Lam, T. J. 1993. Endocrine changes associated with overripening of ovulated eggs in goldfish, Carassius auratus L. Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on Breeding and Seed Production of Cultured finfishes of the Philippines, 4-5 May 1993, Tigbauan, Iloilo, pp. 89-96.

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1569. Fortes, N. R. 1983. Fertilizer studies in brackishwater ponds for the past five years. In: Papers presented during the Technical symposium on Aquaculture, 19 Feb. ’83, U.P. in the Visayas, Iloilo City, Philippines, pp. 1-10.

1570. Fortes, N. R. 1993. Studies of zooplankton in brackishwater ponds. III. Refinement of techniques for the mass propagation of selected zooplankton (Mysis/Copepod). College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

1571. Fortes, N. R. 1994. Assessment and improvement/refinement of grow-out technologies for milkfish, Chanos chanos. Phase 1 Study 1. Primary and secondary production in milkfish brackishwater ponds. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

1572. Fortes, N. R. 1995. Development of techniques for the management of organic matter loaded in pond. Study 2. Factors affecting organic matter in extensive, semi-intensive and intensive. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

1573. Fortes, N. R. 1995. Treatment schemes and alternative culture system for the utilization of waste water on intensive prawn brackishwater ponds. Study 2. Effects of using biological and physical methods of treatment on effluent from semi-intensive prawn ponds. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

1574. Fortes, N. R. and Naret, E.G. 1982. Development of fertilizer for brackishwater pond fish culture. III. Evaluation of different methods of fertilizer application. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Technical Report.

1575. Fortes, N. R. and Naret, E.G. 1982. Development of fertilizers for brackishwater pond fish culture. II. Effects of varying nitrogen:phosphorus ratio on fish production in brachishwater ponds. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Technical Report.

1576. Fortes, N. R. and Piñosa, L.A.G. 1998. Development of techniques for the management of organic matter loaded in ponds. III. Use of hydrogen peroxide as chemical oxidant for organic matter in brackishwater pond soil. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. 28p. Terminal Report.

1577. Fortes, N. R. and Sacaluso, C. A. 1977. An evaluation on the effect of fertilizer on water and soil-water system. In: Inland Fisheries Technical Report nos. 11-12. U.P. College of Fisheries, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, Leganes, Iloilo, pp. 51-62.

1578. Fortes, N. R. and Saclauso, C. A. 1977. Mass culture of fishpond organisms using various fertilizers. In: Inland Fisheries Technical Report nos. 11-12. U.P. College of Fisheries, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, Leganes, Iloilo, pp. 104-113

1579. Fortes, N. R., Aaron, G. 1991. Screening of zooplankton as larval food of cultivable species, Leganes, Iloilo. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, Institute of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, U.P. in the Visayas, 58 p.

1580. Fortes, N. R., Aaron, G.N. 1994. Mass production of mysids and copepods for larval fisheries nursery production. Philippine Technology Journal. 19(2). 49 p.

1581. Fortes, N. R., Go, I., Gonzales, H., Naret, E. 1982. Development and management procedures to improve fish production in ponds affected by acid-sulfate soils. II. Evaluation of methods for determining lime requirement for brackishwater pond soil. In: Technical Report. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo, Philippines.

1582. Fortes, N. R., Gonzales, H. 1982. Development of management procedures to improve fish production in ponds affected by acid sulfate soils. I. The effect of liming rates on the yield of milkfish on brackishwater fishponds affected by acid sulfate soils. In: Technical Report. U.P. in the Visayas, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, Leganes, Iloilo.

1583. Fortes, N. R., Gonzales, H. 1982. Development of management to improve fish production in ponds affected by acid sulfate soils. I. The effect of liming rates on the yield of milkfish in brackishwater fishponds affected by acid sulfate soils. Iloilo. Technical Report.

1584. Fortes, N. R., Gonzales, H.J. 1982. Development of management procedures to improve fish production in ponds affected by acid sulfate soils. In: Technical Report. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo, Philippines.

1585. Fortes, N. R., Naret E.G.1982. Development of fertilizer for brackishwater pond fish culture. In: Technical Report, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, College of Fisheries, U.P. in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo.

1586. Fortes, N. R., Naret, E.G. 1982. Development of fertilizer for brackishwater pond fish culture. I. Evaluation of five commercial fertilizer for brackishwater pond fish culture. In: Technical Report, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, College of Fisheries, U.P. in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo.

1587. Fortes, N. R., Naret, E.G. 1982. Development of fertilizer for brackishwater pond fish culture. III. Evaluation of different methods of fertilizer application. In: Technical Report, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, College of Fisheries, U.P. in the Visayas, Iloilo.

1588. Fortes, N. R., Naret, E.G.1982. Development of fertilizer for brackishwater pond fish culture. II. Effects of varying N:P ratio on fish production in the brackishwater ponds. In: Technical Report, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, College of Fisheries, U.P. in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo.

1589. Fortes, N. R., Olivares, M.F., Pajarillo, M.G. 1983. Effect of silica enrichment on the production of milkfish in brackishwater ponds. Iloilo. Technical Report.

1590. Fortes, N. R., Olivares, M.F., Pajarillo, M.J. 1983. Effects of silica enrichment on the production of milkfish in brackishwater ponds. In: Technical Report 1983, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo.

1591. Fortes, N. R., Pahila, I., Terasaki, M.1992. Factors affecting zooplankton population in the milkfish brackishwater fishponds. Third Asian Fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, October 26-30, 1992. 62.

1592. Fortes, N. R., Pahila, I.G. 1992. Manual of soil and water chemical analyses for brackishwater ponds. Leganes, Iloilo, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, College of Fisheries, U.P. in the Visayas. 121 p.

1593. Fortes, N. R., Pahila, I.G., Pajarillo, M.G. 1985. Studies on soil organic matter analyses. In: Brackishwater Aquaculture Center Concluded and On-going Projects/Studies as of May 31, 1985.

1594. Fortes, N. R., Siruelo, R.H., Lanaria, A., Genodepa, J.G. 1983. Studies on the culture potential of mullet in brackishwater V. Use of crude concentrates of urine of pregnant women for hormone injection in mullet. Technical Report.

1595. Fortes, N. R., Terasakki, M. 1990. Seasonal occurrence of zooplankton in brackishwater ponds. In: A.C. Alcala and L.T. Memanus (eds), Proceedings of the First National Symposium in Marine Science, 55-62.

1596. Fortes, Norma R. & Gonzales, Hernane J. 1982. Effect of Liming Rates on the Yield of Milkfish in Brackishwater Fishponds Affected by Acid Sulfate Soils. In: Technical Report, 1978-1980 / Brackishwater Aquaculture Center. Leganes, Iloilo / College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, pp.5.2-5.10.

1597. Fortes, Norma R.; Go, Ida M.; Naret, Erlinda G. & Gonzales, Hernane. 1982. Evaluation of Methods for Determining Lime Requirement for Brackishwater Pond Soil. In: Technical Report, 1978-1980 / Brackishwater Aquaculture Center. Leganes, Iloilo : College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, pp. 5.11-5.18.

1598. Fortes, Norma & Naret, Erlinda G. 1982. Development of fertilizer for brackishwater pond fish culture. III. Limitation of Drying. In: Technical Report, 1978-1980/Brackishwater Aquaculture Center. Leganes,Iloilo : College of Fisheries,University of the Philippines in the Visayas, pp.5.19-5.26.

1599. Fortes, Norma R. 1975. Mono and Polyculture of Bangus and All-Male Tilapia in Brackishwater Ponds. Fish. Forum, (4th Q.) : (5 p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1600. Fortes, Norma R.& Naret, Erlinda G. 1982. Development of fertilizer for brackishwater pond fish culture. In: Technical Report, 1978-1980 / Brackishwater Aquaculture Center. Leganes,Iloilo : College of Fisheries,University of the Philippines in the Visayas, pp.2.2-2.33. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1601. Fortes, Norma, Olivares, Ma. Felma T. & Pajarillo, Melanie G. 1982. Development of fertilizer for brackishwater pond fish culture. Prog. Rep. Brackishwat. Aquacult. Cent. Univ. Philipp. Visayas, (Ja-Je): 5p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1602. Fortes, R., Fortes, N., Pahila, I. 1992. Agriculture residues as feed substrates for milkfish production in brackishwater pond mariculture. Third Asian Fisheries Forum Abstracts. Asian Fisheries Society. October 26-30, 1992, Singapore, p.20.

1603. Fortes, RD. 1976. Status and needs of shellfish farming in Western Visayas. Paper presented at the Fisrt PCARR Research Congress, Iloilo City, Feb. 25-28, 1976. 6p.

1604. Fortes, RD. 1979. Evaluation of tenpounder and tarpon as predators on Java
Tilapia in brackish water ponds in the Philippines. 87p. Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Auburn University. *ICLARM SH210 1979 F67

1605. Fortes, RD. 1979. Some advances on tilapia culture in the Philippines. In: Technical Consultation on Available Technology in the Philippines. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, tigbauan, Iloilo, pp. 295-300.

1606. Fortes, RD. 1980. Tarpon as predator to control young Java tilapia in brackishwater ponds. Paper presented at the PCARRD Fisheries Forum, FNRI Bldg., Metro Manila. Mimeo copy. 24p.

1607. Fortes, RD. 1982. Studies on the culture potential of mullet. III. Polyculture of mullet with other species. Technical Report.

1608. Fortes, RD. 1982. Studies on the culture potential of mullet. III. Polyculture of mullet with other species. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes Iloilo. Technical Report.

1609. Fortes, RD. 1982. Tarpon as fish to control tilapia young. PCARR Monitor 10(2):4-5

1610. Fortes, RD. 1983. Development of culture techniques for seabass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch). Technical Report.

1611. Fortes, RD. 1983. Development of culture techniques of seabass, (Lates calcarifer Bloch). Technical Report no. 85-01. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo, Philippines.

1612. Fortes, RD. 1984. Milkfish culture techniques generated and developed by the Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, p. 107-119. In: Juario, J.P.; Ferraris, R.P. and Benitez, L.V., eds. 1984. Advances in Milkfish Biology and Culture. Island Publ. House, Manila. 243p.*UPVCFL

1613. Fortes, RD. 1985. Tarpon as Biological Control in Milkfish-Tilapia Polyculture. U.P.V. Fisheries Journal 1(1):47-56. *UPVCF Library//SEAFDEC AQD Library

1614. Fortes, RD. 1985. Tarpon as biological control in milkfish-tilapia polyculture. U.P. in the Visayas Fisheries Journal 1(1): 47-55.

1615. Fortes, RD. 1986. Culture of seabass Lates calcarifer (Bloch) in the Philippines. A country review. Presented at the ACIAR Workshop on the Management of the Wild and Cultured Baramundi/Seabass (Lates Calcarifer). Darwin, N.R., Australia, September 24-October 1, 1986.

1616. Fortes, RD. 1986. Culture techniques for Tilapia sp. under saline conditions. Prepared for the Dr. Saturnino Abesamis Professorial Chair in Inland Fisheries and presented at the First National Tilapia Symposium and Workshop at the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research Development (PCARRD), Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, November 24-26, 1986.

1617. Fortes, RD. 1986. Experimental and current practices to induce spawning of Lates calcarifer (Bloch) in the Philippines. Presented at ACIAR Workshop on the management of Wild and Cultured Seabass/Barramundi, Lates calcarifer, Darwin, D.T., Australia, September 24-October 1.

1618. Fortes, RD. 1986. Improvement of techniques for broodstock maintenance and breeding including larval rearing seabass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch). Study III. Mass culture of alternative natural food organisms for seabass larvae-survey identification and production of natural food for seabass fry. Technical Report.

1619. Fortes, RD. 1986. Improvement of techniques for broodstock maintenance and breeding including larval rearing of seabass larvae-survey identification and production of natural food for seabass fry. Technical Report, 1986. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, U.P. in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo.

1620. Fortes, RD. 1986. Status and needs of fingerling production of seabass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch) in the Philippines. Presented at the ACIAR Workshop on the management of wild and cultured Seabass/Barramundi, Lates calcarifer, Darwin, NT, Australia, September 24-October 1.

1621. Fortes, RD. 1986. Status of aquaculture research in the Philippines. Presented at the International Workshop on the “Conversion of Mangrove Areas to Aquaculture,” UNDP-UNESCO-MNR, Iloilo city, Phil., April 24-26, 1986.

1622. Fortes, RD. 1987. Culture studies on Tilapia sp. under saline conditions at the Brackishwater Center. In: Proceedings of the first National Symposium and Workshop on Tilapia Farming, 24-26 Nov. 1986, PCARRD, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. SEAFDEC/AQD, Iloilo City, pp. 21-33. Book Series no. 48. *SEAFDEC-AQD Library

1623. Fortes, RD. 1987. Induced spawning of seabass (Lates calcarifer) in the Philippines. In: Copeland, J.W. and D.L. Grey. Management of Wild and Cultured Seabass/Barramundi (Lates calcarifer):proceedings of an international workshop held at Darwin, N.T., Australia, 34-30 September 1986. ACIAR proceedings No. 20, pp. 135-125.

1624. Fortes, RD. 1987. Production techniques of seabass (Lates calcarifer) fingerlings in the Philippines, In: Copeland, J.W. and D.L. Grey. Management of Wild and Culture Seabass/Barramundi (Lates calcarifer): proceedings of an international workshop held at Darwin, N.T. Australia, 24-30 September 1986. ACIAR proceedings No. 20, pp. 183-186.

1625. Fortes, RD. 1987. Status of aquaculture research in the Philippines. In: Report of the Workshop on the Conversion of Mangrove Areas to Aquaculture held in Iloilo, City, Philippines, April 24-26, 1986. UNDP/UNESCO Research and Training Pilot Programme on Mangrove Ecosystem in Asia and the Pacific (RAS/79/002), New, Delhi, 119-127.

1626. Fortes, RD. 1987. Status of seabass (Lates calcarifer) culture in the Philippines. In: Copeland , J.W. and D.L. Grey. Management of Wild and Cultured seabass/barramundi. (Lates calcarifer): proceedings of an international workshop held at Darwin, N.T. Australia, 24-30 September 1986. ACIAR Proceedings No. 20, pp. 62-64.

1627. Fortes, RD. 1991. Overview of the shellfish mariculture in the Philippines. In: R.D. Guerrero III and Manual P. Garcia, Jr. (eds) Advances in Finfish and Shellfish Mariculture, 53-67.

1628. Fortes, RD. 1992. Aquaculture commodity imports: Issues and problems. In: Manuel P. Garcia Jr. (eds). Politics and Issues on Philippines fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Philippines Council for Marine and Research Development.

1629. Fortes, RD. 1993. Aquafarming practices in Philippine coastal areas: Need for sustainability. Presented during the JPS-DGHE International Seminar on Experiences in the sustainable agriculture in Southeast Asia, (ESA II, 1003) Despasar, Bali, Indonesia, 1-4 December 1993.

1630. Fortes, RD. 1996. Assessment of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) hatchery technology: Operation, transfer and privatization. College of Fisheries, U.P. in the Visayas. 22p. Terminal Report.

1631. Fortes, RD. 1997. Aquaculture development in the Philippines and prospects in the new millennium. In: Aquaculture in Asia: the Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Fisheries Science in a Tropical Area, August 19-22, 1997, Tokyo, Japan, ed. by Fumio Takashima, Toshio Takeuchi, Takafumi Arimoto and Chokei Itosu. Japan: YUF International JSPS Project, Tokyo University of Fisheries, pp.53-64.

1632. Fortes, RD. 1997. Mud crab research and development in the Philippines: An overview. In C.P. Keenen and A. Blackshaw (eds). ACIAR Proceedings of an international scientific forum held in Darwin, Australia, pp. 27-32.

1633. Fortes, RD. 1997. Mud crab research and development in the Philippines: an overview. In: Mud Crab Aquaculture and Biology, ed. by C. P. Keenan and A. Blackshaw. Proceedings of an international scientific forum held in Darwin, Australia, 21-24 April 1997. ACIAR Proceedings # 78, pp. 27-32

1634. Fortes, RD. 1999. Preliminary results of the rearing of mud crab, Sylla olivacea in brackishwater earthen ponds. In: Mud Crab Aquaculture and Biology, ed. by C. P. Keenan and A. Blackshaw. Proceedings of an international scientific forum held in Darwin, Australia, 21-24 April 1997. ACIAR Proceedings # 78, pp. 72-75.

1635. Fortes, RD. 2005. Fish cage and pen aquaculture: impact on lake environment. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), p.239-244.

1636. Fortes, RD. and Abalos, T. U. 1977. The culture of tilapia in brackishwater ponds using tarpon as biological control for tilapia reproduction (Trial I). In: Inland Fisheries Technical Report nos. 11-12. U.P. College of Fisheries, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, Leganes, Iloilo, pp. 70-78.

1637. Fortes, RD. and Catedrilla, L. C., eds. 1996. Philippine Fisheries Policy: Towards Sustainable Development of Fisheries Resources. Miag-ao, Iloilo: College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas. 242p.

1638. Fortes, RD. and Corre, V. L. 1977. Mixed culture of tilapia and milkfish in brackishwater ponds with tarpon to control tilapia population. In: Inland Fisheries Technical Report nos. 11-12. U.P. College of Fisheries, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, Leganes, Iloilo, pp. 79-86.

1639. Fortes, RD. and Fortes, N.R. 1980. Fertilization practices in brackishwater fishponds and some recent advances. Presented at the Fisheries Forum, Annual Convention of the Philippines Fisheries Research Society, Philippine Science High School, Diliman, Q.C. February 1, 1980.

1640. Fortes, RD. Jan-Jun 1985. Tarpon as biological control in milkfish-tilapia polyculture. UPV Fisheries Journal 1(1): 47-55.

1641. Fortes, RD., Alegario, F., Estillo, V. 1982. Studies on the culture potential of mullet. I. Evaluation of collecting, handling, transport and holding techniques for mullet fingerlings. Technical Report 1982. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo.

1642. Fortes, RD., Aligario, F., Estilo, V. 1982. Studies on the culture potential of mullet. II. Development of culture techniques for mullets in brackishwater ponds. In: Technical Report. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo.

1643. Fortes, RD., Baylon, C. and Abalos, T. 1977. Use of as additional substrate for fishfood organisms in brackishwater ponds (Trial II). In: Inland Fisheries Technical Report nos. 11-12. U.P. College of Fisheries, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, Leganes, Iloilo, pp. 63-69.

1644. Fortes, RD., Baylon, J. C., Marasigan, E. T. and Genodepa, J. C. 1999. Development of improved mud crab culture systems in the Philippines and Australia. U.P. in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. 61p. Terminal Report.

1645. Fortes, RD., Corre, V.L. Jr., Pudadera, E. 1986. Effects of fertilizer and feeds as nutrient sources on Oreochromis niloticus production in the Philippine brackishwater ponds. In: J.L. Maclean, L.B. Dizon and L.V. Hostillos (eds.). The First Asian Fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, pp. 121-124.

1646. Fortes, RD., Corre, V.L. Jr., Pudadera, E., Genodepa, J. 1985. Role of fertilizers and feeds as major nutrient sources in the production of Tilapia nilotica in brackishwater ponds. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center Concluded and On-going Projects/Studies as of May 31, 1985.

1647. Fortes, RD., Corre, V.L. Jr., Woessner, J.W., Carpenter, K., Pudadera, E. 1986. The effect of fertilizers and feeds as major nutrient sources on the production of Oreochromis niloticus in brackishwater ponds in the Philippines. Presented at the First Asian Fisheries Forum, Phil. International Convention Center, Metro, Manila, May 26-30.

1648. Fortes, RD., Corre, V.L., Sanchez, M.V., Baneguid, E.D. 1985. Screening of potential species for culture in coastal zone I. Collection and survey of fry and fingerlings in the southern coast of Panay. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center Concluded and On-going Projects/Studies as of May 31, 1985.

1649. Fortes, RD., Fortes, N. R. and Pahila, I.G. 1991. Effect of varying levels of sulfate concentration in saline waters on fish yield. Aquaculture and Schistosomiasis. Proceedings of a Network Meeting held in Manila, Philippines, August 2-10, 1991. Washington D.C. National Academy Press, pp. 88-101.

1650. Fortes, RD., Fortes, N.R., Corre, V.L. Jr., Olivares, F.T., Gempis, C.L. 1982. Studies on Brestan as molluscicide on fishpond. I. Biossay on Brestan using common fishpond snails. Technical Report.

1651. Fortes, RD., Genodepa, J.G. 1986. Improving of techniques for broodstock maintenance and breeding including larval rearing of seabass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch). Study I. Improvement and simplification of techniques for broodstock maintenance and rearing of seabass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch) in brackishwater ponds. Final Report. BAC, UPV.

1652. Fortes, RD., Genodepa, J.G., Da-anton G.S. 1985. Use of seabass (Lates calcarifer) as biological control for undesirable fish species in brackishwater ponds. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center Concluded and On-going Projects/Studies as of May 31, 1985.

1653. Fortes, RD., Siruelo, R.H., Lanaria, A., Genodepa, J.G. 1983. Studies on the culture potential of mullet in brackishwater. VI. Use of crude concentrates of urine of pregnant women of hormone injection in mullet. Technical Report, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, U.P. in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo.

1654. Fortes, RD., Tubongbanua, E., Alegario, F. G. and Go, I. 1978. Studies on aquatin as molluscicide in fishponds. I. Bioassay on aquatin using common fishpon snails. BAC-PPI Project No. 1. 18p.

1655. Fortes, Romeo D. 1975. Growth Rate and survival of bangus Fry and fingerlings in brackishwater ponds. Fish.Forum, (3rd Q.): (12 p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1656. Fortes, Romeo D. & Corre, Valeriano L. 1977. Mixed culture of tilapia and milkfish in brackiswater ponds with yarpon to control young tilapia population. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.Brackishwat.Aquacult.Pt.), (11&12): 79-86. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1657. Fortes, Romeo D.; Aure, R.C.; Sanares, R.C.& Unarce, R.V. 1982. Effect on Fish Production of Piggery Wastes Used as Feed and Fertilizers in Brackishwater Pond Fish Culture. In: Technical Report, 1978-1980 / Brackishwater Aquaculture Center. Leganes, Iloilo : College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, pp. 7.2-7.18.

1658. Fortes, Romeo D.; Baylon, Carlos C. & Abalos, Teodoro U. 1977. Use of Rice Straw as Additional Substrate for Fishpond Organisms in Brackiswater Ponds (Trial 11). Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.Brackishwat.Aquacult.Pt.), (11&12) :63-69. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

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1660. Fowler, H. W. 1932. Contributions to the biology of the Philippine Archipelago and adjacent regions. The fishes of the families Banjosidae, Lothrinidae, Sparidae, Girellidae, Kyphosidae,, Oplegnathidae, Gerridae, Mullidae, Emmelichthyidae, Sciaenidae, Sillaginidae, Arripidae, and Enoplosidae collected by the U.S. Bur. Fisheries steamer “Albatross”, chiefly in Philippine seas and adjacent waters. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100(12).

1661. Fowler, H. W. 1943. Contribution to the biology of the Philippine Archipelago and adjacent regions. Descriptions and figures of new fishes obtained in Philippine seas and adjacent waters by the U.S. bureau of Fisheries steamer “Albatross”. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 100 (14):53-89.

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1731. Garcia, Janice S. 1997. Effect of ultraviolet irradiation on fish pathogens Vibrio spp. and Aeromonas hydrophila. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

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1796. Gomez, Dennis Kaw. 1998. Prevalence of hepatopancreatic parvo-like virus (HPV) infection in Hatchery-Reared Penaeus Monodon Postlarvae in Panay. April 1998. 39 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1998 F5 G6 )

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1965. Herre, AWCT. December 1926 (issued 15 December 1926). Four new Philippine species. Phil. J. Sci. 31(4):533-543.

1966. Herre, AWCT. December 1951 (issued 15 December 1951). A review of the scorpaenoid fishes of the Philippines and adjacent seas. Phil J Sci 80(4):381-482.

1967. Herre, AWCT. December 1954 (issued 14 July 1955). The guitarfishes, family Rhinobatidae, of the Philippines and adjacent seas. Phil J Sci 83(4):381-399.

1968. Herre, AWCT. July 1925 (issued 3 August 1925). A new Philippine sea robin, family Peristeddiidae. Phil. J. Sci. 27(3):291-295.

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1972. Herre, AWCT. March 1936. (issued 17 June 1936). Notes on fishes in the Zoological Museum of Stanford University, V. New or rare Philippine fishes from the Herre 1933 Philippine Expedition Phil. J. Sci. 59(3):357-373.

1973. Herre, AWCT. March 1953.(issued 14 November 1953). Eight additions to the Philippine fish fauna, including three new species. Phil J Sci 82(1):9-14.

1974. Herre, AWCT. March 1958 (issued 18 february 1958). Marine fishes in Philippine rivers and lakes. Phil J Sci 87(1):65-88.

1975. Herre, AWCT. November 1926 (issued 16 November 1926). A summary of the Philippine catfishes, order Nematognathi. Phil. J. Sci. 31(3):385-413.

1976. Herre, AWCT. November 1940 (issued 23 December 1940). Notes on fishes in the Zoological Museum of Stanford University, VIII. A new genus and two new species of Chinese gobies with remarks on some other species. Phil J. Sci 73(3):293-299.

1977. Herre, AWCT. October 1926 (issued 21 October 1926). Four rare Philippine fishes. Phil. J. Sci. 31(2):217-227.

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1979. Hiballes, Maria Roda Glofel L. 2002. Spawning frequency and viability of eggs of the calanoids, copepod, Pseudodiaptomus annandalei in different salinities. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1980. Hidalgo, A. R. and Ami, L.J. 1998. Processing of green mussels Perna virides and oyster Crassostrea sp. College of Fisheries, U.P. in the Visayas. 80p. Terminal Report

1981. Hidalgo-Dela Cruz, ARG. and Cleofas, A. 1997. Packaged technology of tuna sausages. College of Fisheries, U.P. in the Visayas. 23p. Terminal Report.

1982. Hiloman-Garcia, GV. , Baldevarona, R. and Lacanilao, F. 2002. Milt production of sea bass Lates calcarifer Bloch administered an analogue of luteinizing hormone-releasing and 17a-methyltestosterone. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh 54(4):173-182.

1983. Hiloman-Garcia, GV. 1997. Morphological abnormalities in hatchery-bred milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) fry and juveniles. Aquaculture 152:155-166.

1984. Hismaña, Raymond Romeo. 1994. A comparison of coral reef survey methods: line transect and quadrat. Undergraduate thesis B. S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

1985. Holmer M. Duarte CM. Heilskov A. Olesen B. Terrados J. 2003. Biogeochemical conditions in sediments enriched by organic matter from net-pen fish farms in the Bolinao area, Philippines. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 46(11):1470-1479, 2003 Nov.

1986. Holmer M. Heilskov AC. 2008. Distribution and bioturbation effects of the tropical alpheid shrimp Alpheus macellarius in sediments impacted by milkfish farming. Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Science. 76(3):657-667, 2008 Feb 10.

1987. Holmer M. Marba N. Terrados J. Duarte CM. Fortes MD. 2002. Impacts of milkfish (Chanos chanos) aquaculture on carbon and nutrient fluxes in the Bolinao area, Philippines. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 44(7):685-696, 2002 Jul.

1988. Honculada Primavera, J, CR Lavilla-Pitogo, JM Ladja, MR de la Peña. 1993. A survey of chemical and biological products used in intensive prawn farms in the Philippines. Mar. Poll. Bull. 26:35-40.

1989. Honculada Primavera, J. 1991. Intensive prawn farming in the Philippines: ecological, social, and economic implications. Ambio 20:28-33.

1990. Honculada Primavera, J. 1993. A critical review of shrimp pond culture in the Philippines. Rev. Fish. Sci. 1:151-201.

1991. Honculada Primavera, J., RMV Caballero. 1992. Effect of streamer tags on survival and growth of juvenile tiger prawns, Penaeus monodon, under laboratory conditions. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 43:737-743.

1992. Honculada Primavera, J., RMV Caballero. 1992. Light color and ovarian maturation in unablated and ablated giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon (Fabricius). Aquaculture 108:247-256.

1993. Honculada Primavera, J., RQ Gacutan. 1989. Preliminary results of feeding aquatic macrophytes to Penaeus monodon juveniles. Aquaculture 80:189-193.

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1997. Hosillos, Lucila V. 1958. Make bangos our national fish. Fish. Gaz. Bur. Fish. (Philipp.) 2(12):20-21, 19. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

1998. Hossain, S.M. Zahangir. 1990. Effects of microbound diets containing various animal : plant protein ratios on the larval development and survival of Penaeus monodon (Fabricius). May 1990. 84 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1990 F5 H68)

1999. Huit, Nenita Buban. 1986. Evaluation of fish silage prepared with molasses and sargassum spp. May 1986. 82 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1986 F5 H85)

2000. Humilde, Primo Merino. 2001. Growth, survival and net yield of milkfish Chanos chanos Forskal (1775) reared in floating net cages at different stocking densities. May 2001. 40 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 2001 F5 H84).

2001. Hurtado-Ponce, AQ, GPB Samonte, MR Luhan, N Guanzon Jr. 1992. Gracilaria (Rhodophyta) farming in Panay, western Visayas, Philippines. Aquaculture 105:233-240.

2002. Hurtado-Ponce, AQ, HB Pondevida. 1997. The interactive effect of some environmental factors in the growth, agar yield and quality of Gracilariopsis bailinae (Zhang et Xia) cultured in tanks. Bot. Mar. 40:217-223.

2003. Hurtado-Ponce, AQ, RF Agbayani, EAJ Chavoso. 1996. Economics of cultivating Kappaphycus alvarezii using the fixed-bottom line and hanging-long line methods in Panagatan Cays, Caluya, Antique, Philippines. J. Appl. Phycol 8:105-109.

2004. Hurtado-Ponce, AQ. 1990. Vertical cultivation of gracilaria alvarezii var. tambalang (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta). J. Appl. Phycol. 4:311-313.

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2010. Hurtado-Ponce, AQ. 1993. Carpospore germination and early stages development in Gracilaria edulis (Gmelin) Silva and Gracilaria rubra Chang xia (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Philipp. Sci. 30:34-40.

2011. Hurtado-Ponce, AQ. 1994. Agar production from Gracilariopsis heteroclada (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) grown at different salinity levels. Bot. Mar. 37:97-100.

2012. Hurtado-Ponce, AQ. 1994. Cage culture of Kappaphycus alvarezii (doty) and Ephinephelus sp. In: Porfirio M. Aliño, ed. Proceedings of the Second National Symposium in Marine Science, Mindanao State University, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, 5-7 November 1992, p 103-108.

2013. Hurtado-Ponce, AQ. 1994. Harvesting Gracillariopsis heteroclada (Gracilariales Rhodophyta) in Iloilo, Philippines. Philipp. J. Sci. 122:413-423.

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2016. Hurtado-Ponce, AQ., MA Luhan, NG Guanzon, Jr. 1992. Gathering of economically important seaweeds in Western Visayas, Philippines. Philipp. Scient. 29:40-47.

2017. Hurtado-Ponce, AQ., MA Luhan, NG Guanzon, Jr. 1992. Seaweeds of Panay. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC/AQD. 114p.

2018. Huyo, Milesa Pedrajas. 1998. Survival and metamorphosis of mud crab; Scylla serrata, larvae at different feeding densities of Artemia Nauplii. Undergraduate Thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.
I know that this bibliography is not complete. This will be updated from time to time.

2019. Ibrahim, AB and SL Escobar, Jr. 2003. Fish trade and environment: the need for fisheries management measures for sharks and to reduce antibiotics in farmed shrimps. Fish for the People 1(1):35-39.

2020. Ichikawa, Hisashil, E. b. Panggat, S. R. Lyuzette T. Teruel. 2007. Effect of triblycerides on the thermally induced gel-forming ability of salt-ground fish meat. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 12(1):99-104.

2021. Ignacio, Dawn Rosary P. 1995. Dominant littoral scleractinians in two sites of Taklong Island National Marine Reserve. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2022. Ikoton, Sunday James. 1981. Frequency of Inorganic Fertilizer Application and its Effects on Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) Production in Brackishwater Ponds. 86 p.(Master's Thesis, University of the Philippine System, 1981.)*UPVCFL; *SEAFDEC-AQDL

2023. Ikotun, Sunday James. 1981. Frequency of inorganic fertilizer application and its effects on milkfish (Chanos Chanos, Forskal) production in brackishwater ponds March 1981. 86 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1981 F5 I36)

2024. Ilano, A. S., T.P. U. Dacles, and J. P. Juario. 1998. Reproductive biology of Paphia textilis from Bantayan Island, Cebu. Proceedings of the 4th National Sympossium on Marine Science. 35:156.

2025. Ilejay, Zinotchka The effects of aqueous extracts of selected Philippine sponges on Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2026. Illenberger, Haydee B. 2003.The effect of body size and algal concentration on the filtration rate and absorption efficiency of the sanguin clam Psammotaea elongata (Lamarck 1818). Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2027. Ingles, J. 1994. Growth and natural mortality of Perna viridis on mussel stakes in Batan Bay, Philippines. In: Porfirio M. Aliño, ed. Proceedings of the Second National Symposium in Marine Science, Mindanao State University, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, 5-7 November 1992, p 11 (abstract only)

2028. Ingles, J. A. and Braum, E. 1989. Reproduction and larval ecology of the blue swimming crab Portunus pelagicus in Ragay Gulf, Philippines. Internationale Revue der Gesamtem Hydrobiologie 74:471-490.

2029. Ingles, J. A. 1995. Assessment of the blue crab resources around Bantayan Island. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

2030. Ingles, J. A. 1997. Composition, distribution and abundance of ichthyoplankton in San Pedro Bay, Leyte. In: Resource and Ecological Assessment of San Pedro Bay. Vol. 3: Plankton Studies in San Pedro Bay, Philippines. Iloilo: Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology and University of the Philippines Visayas foundation, Inc. Technical; Report. 41p.

2031. Ingles, J. A. January-December 1988. Management strategies for Portunus pelagicus fishery in Ragay Gulf, Philippines. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 13(1-2):15-22.

2032. Ingles, J. and Babaran, R. 1998. Managing the fisheries of Guimaras province, Philippines. Iloilo: Insitute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology, University of the Philippines in the Visayas.

2033. Ingles, J. Flores, J. Matsuoka, T. September 2001. Methods of assessing impacts of fisheries on coral reefs in the Philippines. UPV Journal of Natural Science 6(1-2):184-195

2034. Ingles, J., Lao, R., Babaran, R. and Armada, N. 1992. Studies on the fishery of Batan Bay, Banga Bay and vicinities. A Report Submitted to the Food Systems Development Project (FSDP) by the Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology, College of Fisheries, U.P. in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo.

2035. Ingles, J.A. 1996. The crab fishery off Bantayan, Cebu, Philippines. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

2036. Ingles, J.A. 1997. Resource and ecological assessment of San Pedro Bay, (Volume 3: Plankton studies in San Pedro Bay, Leyte, Philippine). College of Fisheries, U.P. in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. 61p. Terminal Report.

2037. Ingles, J.A., Villoso, E. P., Babaran, R. P. and Lao, R. 1993. Resource and ecological assessment of Ormoc Bay. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

2038. Ingles, Jose A. and Virginia L. Aprieto. 1983. Contribution to the biology of penaeid shrimps in the Visayan Sea. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 8(2):19-31 July-December.

2039. Inland Fisheries Project (Philippines). 1973. Salinity tolerance of Bangus. Tech. Rep. 2-3:44-49. U.P. College of Fisheries, Diliman, Quezon City

2040. Inland Fisheries Project (Philippines). 1974. Bangus transfer from one salinity to another. Leganes, Iloilo: Brackishwater Aquaculture Center. 3p. (Fish Culture Leaflet/Inland Fisheries Project (Philippines); no. 5) Published Earlier In: Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (4):70-76. (1973)*UPVCFL, Vertical file*SEAFDEC-AQDL

2041. Inland Fisheries Project (Philippines). 1974. Causes of bangus kills in ponds at the Brackishwater Aquaculture Center following a Heavy Rain. Tech. Rep. 5:21-43.

2042. Inland Fisheries Project (Philippines). 1974. Length-weight table for bangus.
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2043. Inland Fisheries Project (Philippines). 1974. Plankton Method for Raising Bangus. Leganes,Iloilo : Brackishwater Aquaculture Center. 1 p. (Fish Culture Leaflet / Inland Fisheries Project (Philippines) ; no. 3)*UPVCFL (Vertical file) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

2044. Inland Fisheries Project (Philippines). 1974. Preliminary study on the artificial reproduction of bangus (Sabalo). Tech. Rep. 5:9-20. U.P. College of Fisheries, Diliman, Quezon City

2045. Inland Fisheries Project (Philippines). 1976. Preliminary study on the artificial reproduction of bangus (Sabalo). Tech. Rep. 9:66-78. Leganes,Iloilo : Brackishwater Aquaculture Center.

2046. Inland Fisheries Project, Philippines. 1974. Platform Method of Fishpond Fertilization. Inland Fisheries Project, Fish Culture Leaflet No. 2. 2p.

2047. Inland Fisheries Project. 1975. Monoculture and polyculture of bangus and male tilapia in brackishwater ponds. In: IFP Tech. Rep. No. 7. U.P. College of Fisheries, Diliman, Quezon City, p. 1-13.

2048. Inland Fisheries Project. 1976. Polyculture of bangus and shrimps. In: IFP. Tech. Rep. No. 8. U.P. College of Fisheries, Diliman, Quezon City, p. 1-15.

2049. Inland Fishing Gears Class(UPV College of Fisheries), Second Semester 1995-96. 1996. The Milkfish fry industry and municipal fisheries of Miag-ao, Iloilo. Miag-ao, Iloilo. 15 leaves. *UPVCFL (Research paper submitted by the F-114 (Inland Fishing Gears) Class, Second Semester 1995-96 to Christopher Marlowe A. Caipang, Instructor)

2050. International Milkfish Workshop Conference, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1976. 1976. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=. 248 p.

2051. Ishizaki, M., Nishi, T. Babaran, R. September 2001. Measurement of a model lift-net. UPV Journal of Natural Science 6(1-2):15-23

2052. Isorena-Morales, Minerva. 1990. The effects of methanol-soluble extracts, amino acids and their derivatives on the feeding response of juvenile prawns (Penaeus monodon Fabricius). June 1990. 46 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1990 F5 I86)

2053. Jacang, Alfredo. Fertilization in brackishwater Fishponds. BFAR Leaflet.36p.

2054. Jacobo, Celbert 1992. Ichthyotoxicity of selected Philippine soft coral species. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2055. Jalandoni, Prudeline B. 2000. In vivo inhibition of Vibrio harveyi in Penaeus monodon reared in saline tilapia water. Undergraduate Thesis B.S Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2056. Jamandre, Dawn Rhoda M. 1980. The Survival and Growth of Milkfish Fry (Chanos chanos, Forskal) Fed with Three Artificial Diets in a Flow Through System. 56 p. Iloilo (Master's Thesis, University of the Philippine System, 1980) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;ICLARML

2057. Jamandre, Dawn Rhoda M. 1980. The survival and growth of milkfish fry (Chanos chanos Forskal) fed with three artificial diets in a flow through system. July 1980. 56 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1980 F5 J35)

2058. Jamandre, E.V. 1977. Integrated piggery and milkfish culture. Some Problems and Constraints. In: Joint SCSP SEAFDEC Workshop on Aquaculture Engineering (With Emphasis on Small-Scale Aquaculture Projects). Vol. 2, Technical Report. Held at SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department Facilities, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines, 27 Nov. - 3 Dec. 1977. FAO UNDP South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, Manila, (Philippines); Southeast Asian Development Center, Tigbauan, (Philippines) Dec. 1977. pp.295-305.

2059. Jamandre, Ernesto V. 1977. Integrated Piggery and Milkfish Culture- Some problems and constraints. In:Joint SCSP/ SEAFDEC Workshop on Aquaculture Engineering, Tigbauan., Iloilo 1977, 2;295-305. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

2060. Jamandre, T.J., Jr.& Rabanal, H.R. 1975. Engineering Aspects of brackishwater aquaculture in the South China Sea Region. Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Program. 1v. (various pagings)(Working Paper/ South China Sea Development and Coordinating Programme : no.16) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

2061. Jamir, Tomas Vergel C. 1986. The oceanographic conditions of Ragay Gulf and
Burias Pass, Philippines and its relationship with the fisheries of the area. xxiii, 229 leaves : figs., tables. Thesis (M. S.)--University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, 1986.

2062. Janeo, Rosy Lumajen. 1993. Effects of feeds on the particulate organic matter content of water of prawn ponds at two stocking densities April 1993. 103 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1993 F5 J3)

2063. Janiola, E. S. Jr.. 1996. Mangrove rehabilitation and coastal resource management in Cogtong Bay: addressing mangorve management issues through community participation. In: Ferrer, E. M., L. Polotan-dela Cruz, and M. A. Domingo. 1996. Seeds of Hope. University of the Philippines College of Social Work and Community Development in association with NGO Technical working Group of Fisheries reform and Advocacy, Quezon City, Philippines., pp. 49-65.

2064. Jarandilla, Shella Marie M. Date? Comparative growth rates of purebred native catfish Clarias macrocephalus Gunther and African catfish, Clarias gariepinus Butcher. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2065. Jaranilla, Ruben J. 1981. Preliminary survey of the distribution of shelled mollusks at Taklong, Guimaras Island. Thesis Master of Arts in Teaching Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2066. Jaraula, CB, and FP Siringan. 2005. Transformation of Laguna Lake from a marine arm of Manila Bay to a freshwater system. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), p. 124.

2067. Jaraula, CMB. 2001. Changes in salinity and sediment in Laguna de Bay during the past 6,000 years. Unpublished MS thesis. National Institute of Geological Sciences, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City. 86p.

2068. Jardeleza, Maria Stephanie R. 1997. Determination of optimum stocking density of catfish (Clarias macrocephalus) eggs during incubation. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2069. Javier, Cherisse Elisea Alojado. 2000. In Vitro inhibition of ammonia toxicity in seawater fish pond systems by probiotic-glucose combination. Undergraduate Thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2070. Jereos-Aujero E., OM Millamena. 1981. Viability of frozen algae used as food for larval penaeids. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 6:63-69.

2071. Jesus, Arsenio de and R.R. Deanon. Survey of Bangus and Sugpo Fry Grounds and other Marine Resources of Quezon and the Bicol Provinces. Philippine Journal of Fisheries 14(1):88-106.

2072. Jimenez, C. N. 1999. Overview of the Philippine aquaculture industry. Proceeding of the seminar “Fisheries Today in the Philippines,” Kagoshima, Nov 23-25, Japan, 1998, pp. 89-97.+

2073. Jimenez, C. N. 2002. Country report for Philippines: Seminar on gender understanding in fishing community development. Oct 31-December 15, 2002. Yokohama, Japan.

2074. Jimenez, C. N. 2002. Study report for Philippines: Seminar on gender understanding in fishing community development. Oct. 31- Dec 15, 2002. Yokohama, Japan.

2075. Jimenez, C.N. 1997. Territorial use rights in fisheries selected in fishing communities in the Visayas. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

2076. Jimenez, Caridad N. June 2004. Understanding the role of gender in fishing community development. Danyag 8(-1-2):182-202.

2077. Jocson, Teresita Cayetano Rearing techniques for calanoid copepod (Acartia spp.) under laboratory condition April 1992. 80 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas Miag-ao, Iloilo. Calanoid Copepod, Acartia sp., Rearing, Techniques. Location: CFOSL-Serials

2078. Jones, J.B. 1980. A Rediscription of Clagus Patulus Wilson, 1937 (Copepoda: caligidae) from a Fish Farm in the Philippines. Syst.Parasitol.2:103-116. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

2079. Jose, Hernany L. Jr. 1992. Sea tidal occurrence as basis for estimating the time of child deliveries. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2080. Jose, Aurora S. 2005. Sustaining the resource use and management of Sampaloc Lake, San Pablo City, Philippines: a potable source of water. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), p. 171-178

2081. Juario, J. V. 1990. Milkfish Culture in the Philippines. In: Proc. Regional Workshop on Milkfish Culture Development in the South Pacific. Tanaka H., Uwarte K.K., Juario J. V., Lee, C. S. and Foscarini, R., eds. South Pacific Aquaculture Dev. Proj. FAO, pp. 88-97.

2082. Juario, J. V. & Storch V. 1984. Biolgocial Evaluation of Phytoplankton (Chlorella sp., Tetraselmis sp. and Isochrysis galbana) as Food for Milkfish (Chanos chanos) fry. Aquaculture 40:193-198

2083. Juario, J. V. 1973. Induced breeding of saltwater finfish in the Philippines. In: A Compilation of SEAFDEC AQD Technical Papers on Milkfish & Other Finfishes, vol. 2. Tigbauan, Iloilo, SEAFDEC-AQD, 1973, pp.97-100. *UPVCF Library

2084. Juario, J. V. 1979. Induced spawning and larval rearing of milkfish. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines. SEAFDEC/PCARR Workshop, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 8-11 Feb, p. 35-42.

2085. Juario, J. V., RP Ferraris and LV Benitez, (eds.). 1984. Advances in Milkfish Biology and Culture; Proceedings of the Second International Milkfish Aquaculture Conference, 4-8 October 1983, Iloilo City, Philippines. Island Publ. House, Manila in Association with the Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center and the International Development Research Centre. 243p.

2086. Juario, J., MN Duray, VM Duray, JF Nacario, JME Almendras. 1984. Induced Breeding and Larval Rearing Experiments with Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) in the Philippines. Aquaculture 36(1-2):61-70.

2087. Juario, J.V. & JE Banno. 1979. Effect of different types of natural foods on the growth and survival of milkfish fry Chanos chanos Forskal. Tigbauan, Iloilo : Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center. 7 p.

2088. Juario, Jesus & Duray, Marietta N. 1982. A Guide to induced spawning and larval rearing of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal). Tigbauan, Iloilo: Tigbauan, Iloilo: Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC; International Development Centre. 27p. (Technical Report/SEAFDEC-AQD; no. 10)*UPVCFL (SH167 M5 J85)

2089. Juario, Jesus & Natividad, Marietta. 1980. Induced Spawning of Milkfish. Asian Aquacult. 3(8):4-5, 3.

2090. Juario, Jesus V. & Duenas, C. 1977. Salinity Preference of the Milkfish Chanos chanos Forskal. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep. 1(2):14-16.UPVCFL; *SEAFDEC-AQDL

2091. Juario, Jesus V. & Vanstone, W.E. 1976. Preliminary Notes on the Salinity Preference of Milkfish,Chanos chanos, Fry. In: International Milkfish Workshop Conference, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1976. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=,pp.43-46. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

2092. Juario, Jesus V. 1977. What the Milkfish is All About. Farming Today 3(9):9-11.

2093. Juario, Jesus V. 1979. Induced Spawning and Larval Rearing of the Milkfish. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=pp. 37-42. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
2094. Juario, Jesus V. 1979. Status and Problems of Milkfish Propagation. Tigbauan, Iloilo:Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC. 9p. (Paper read during the PCARR Symposium-Workshop on Fish Hatchery Nursery Development and Management, 27-28 September 1979, Aberden Court, Makati, M.M.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

2095. Juario, Jesus V. 1980. Artificial Propagation of Milkfish Fry. In: APDEM (III:1980: Tigbauan, Iloilo) =Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo:SEAFDEC=, vol. 2(7p)

2096. Juario, Jesus V. 1983. Induced breeding of saltwater finfish in the Philippines. In: SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. A Compilation of SEAFDEC AQD Technical Papers on Milkfish & Other Finfishes. Tigbauan, Iloilo: the Department, 1:97-108. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

2097. Juario, Jesus; Nat ividad, M.; Almendras, J.; Nacario, J. & Canto, Jose, Jr. 1978. Experiments on the Induced Breeding of Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal) in 1978. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. 2(4):1-3. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

2098. Juario, Jesus; Natividad, N.;Quinitio, G. & Banno, J. 1979. Experiments on the induced spawning and larval rearing of the milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal) in 1979. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. 3(2):1-3. *SEAFDEC-AQDL

2099. Juario, Jesus; Quinitio, G. F.; Banno, J. & Natividad, M. 1981. Effects of exogenous hormone injections on milt consistency in newly caught wild milkfish. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep 5(4):1-5. see also: Kalikasan 9(2-3):321-326 (1980) *SEAFDEC-AQDL

2100. Juario, JV, MN Duray, VM Duray, JF Nacario, JME Almendras. 1984. Induced breeding and larval rearing experiments with milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) in the Philippines. Aquaculture 36:61-70.

2101. Juario, JV, MN Duray, VM Duray, JF Nacario, JME Almendras. 1985. Breeding and larval rearing of the rabbitfish, siganus guttatus (Bloch). Aquaculture 44:91-1001.

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2182. Kuntiyo; Baliao, D. 1987. Comparative study between mono and polyculture systems on the production of prawn and milkfish in brackishwater ponds. Bangkok, Thailand Networks of Aquaculture Centres in Asia. 26p.

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2198. Lacuesta, Vanessa Christine Y. 1999. Some aspects of the reproductive biology of Anodontia edentula Linne, 1758. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2199. Ladica, Maritess Nacionales. 1999. Species composition, abundance and distribution of surface plankton in Panabolon Island, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras. Undergraduate Thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2200. Ladja, Hamjaraja B. Effect of various methods of fertilizer application on the productivity of brackishwater fishponds in reclaimed acid sulfate soils. March 1983. 97 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1983 F5 L33).

2201. Lagrapon, ST. 1984. Characterization and identification of spoilage halophilic bacteria in fish sauce. B.S. Thesis. University of the Philippines at Los Baños, College, Laguna.

2202. Lam, TJ. 1984. Artificial propagation of milkfish: Present status and problems, p. 21-39. In: Juario, J. V.; Ferraris, RP. and Benitez, L. V.(eds.) 1984. Advances in Milkfish Biology and Culture. Island Publ. House, Manila. 243p.

2203. Lam, TJ., JV Juario, J Banno. 1985. Effect of thyroxine on growth and development of post-yolk sac larvae of milkfish Chanos chanos. Aquaculture 46:179-184.

2204. Lamis, Rovi May. 1994. The effect of Gracilaria sp on the water quality of semi-intensive shrimp pond effluent. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2205. Lanon, Criselda Hernando. 2003. Survival and metamorphosis of Portunus pelagicus larvae fed with rotifier Brachionus plicatilis and brine shrimp Artemia salina. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2206. Lao, R. 1994. The biology of Perna viridis on bamboo stakes in Batan Bay, Philippines: the role of Balanus amphitrite amphitrite on the settlement process. In: Porfirio M. Aliño, ed. Proceedings of the Second National Symposium in Marine Science, Mindanao State University, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, 5-7 November 1992, p 11 (abstract only)

2207. Lapie, Lustina & Aspuria, Teresita. 1979. A Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in Mindanao. Los Baños, Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 122 p. (Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series ; no.17)

2208. Lapie, Lustina Pelegrina. Processing and utilization of acid treated fish silage as feed for tilapia spp. May 1989. 74 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1989 F5 L3 )

2209. Larangan, H.S.S. 1953. Aspects of the Inland Fisheries of Indonesia. In: Hofstede, A.E., R.O. Ardiwinata and F. Botke (eds.) Indo-Pacific Fish. Coun. Special Publication No. 2: 41-43.

2210. Larson HK. A revision of the gobiid genus Stigmatogobius (Teleostei : Gobiidae), with descriptions of two new species. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters. 16(4):347-370, 2005 Dec.

2211. Larson HK. Allocation to Calamiana and redescription of the fish species Apocryptes variegatus and Vaimosa mindora (Gobioidei : Gobiidae : Gobionellinae), with description of a new species. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 47(1):257-281, 1999 Jul 2.

2212. Lasola, Ninnette T. Some aspects of the biology and fishery of panulirus ornatus fabricius 1798 off Zamboanga, Philippines. April 1994. 96 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo.

2213. Laureta, Liberato V. `1982. Effects of fermented pig manure on the growth of natural food organisms and fish production in brackishwater fishponds. January 1982. 87 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1982 F5 L38)

2214. Laureta, LV. 2005. The diwal resources of the Philippines: status and prospects for development. UPV J. Nat. Sci 10(2):268-273.
2215. Laureta, LV. 2008. Compendium of the economically important seashells in Panay, Philippines. Diliman, Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. 147p.

2216. Laureta, LV. and Marasigan, Evelyn T. 2000. Habitat and reproductive biology of angelwings, Pholas orientalis (Gmelin). Journal of Shellfish Research 19(1):19-22.

2217. Laureta, LV., Marasigan, A.N., Melgar, R. 1992. A study on the reproduction and spawning of Placuna sella. In: Porfirio M. Aliño, ed. Proceedings of the Second National Symposium in Marine Science, Mindanao State University, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, 5-7 November 1992, p 10 (abstract only)

2218. Laureta, LV., Marasigan, E. T., Fernandez, J. O. and Apines, J. S. 1995. The biology broodstock maintenance and induced spawning of Pholas orientalis. College of Fisheries, U. P. in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. 64p. Terminal Report.

2219. Lavilla-Pitogo, C. R. 1996. Shrimp health research in the Asia-Pacific: present status and future directives. In: Health Management in Asian Aquaculture. Proc. Regional Expert consultation on Aquaculture Health Mangement in Asia and the Pacific. R. P. Subasinghe, J. R. Arthur, M. Shariff, eds. FAO Fisheries Tech. Pap. no. 360, pp. 41-50.

2220. Lavilla-Pitogo, C. R., AR Castillo, MC de la Cruz. 1992. Occurrence of Vibrio sp. infection in grouper, Epinephelus suillus. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 8:175-179.

2221. Lavilla-Pitogo, C.R. 1991. Physico-chemical characteristics and pathogenecity of Vibrio-Parahaemolyticus-like bacterium isolated from eye lesions of Chanos chanos (Forsskal) juveniles. Fish. Res. J. Philippine J. 6:1-13.

2222. Lavilla-Pitogo, CR, AC Emata, MN Duray, JD Toledo. 1996. Management of fish health in broodstock and larvae of milkfish, sea bass, and grouper. Main KL, Rosefeld C, eds. Aquaculture Health Mangement Strategies for Marine fishes. Proceedings of a Workshop on Aquaculture Health Management Strategies for Marine Fishes, 1995 October 9-13, USA, Hawaii: The Oceanic Institute, pp. 47-56.

2223. Lavilla-Pitogo, CR, MCL Baticados, ER Cruz-Lacierda, LD de la Peña. 1990. Occurrence of luminous bacterial disease of Penaeus monodon larvae in the Philippines. Aquaculture 91:1-13.

2224. Lavilla-Pitogo, CR. 1992. Agar-digesting bacteria associated with “rotten thallus syndrome” of gracilaria sp. Aquaculture 102:1-7.

2225. Laviña, Alice Fe D. 1975. A study of the gonadal cycle of the rabbitfish siganus canaliculatus (Park). Horizon Unlimited (of Foundation University, Dumaguete City) 14(3rd quarter):37-55

2226. Laviña, E. M. 1977. The Biology and control of Caligus sp. and Ectoparasites of the Adult Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal). Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dept. 1(2):12-13

2227. Laviña, Einstein M. 1978. Study on certain aspects on the biology and control of Caligus sp.; an Ectoparasite of the adult milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal). Fish.Res.J.Philipp., 3(2):11-14.

2228. Lazaga, JF, LL Roa. 1985. Financial and economic analyses of grow-out tilapia cage farming in Laguna de Bay, Philippines. Smith, IR, Torres, EB, Tan EO, eds. Philippine Tilapia Economics: Proceedings of a PCARRD-ICLARM Workshop, 1983 August 10-13, Los Baños, Laguna. Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. Philippine Council for Agricultural resources researcw; Manila, Philippines: International Center for Living Aquatic resources Management,pp 107-114.

2229. Lazareto, Maximo R. 1975. Fish diseases and parasite problems in the Philippines. ASEAN Training Course in Freshwater Fisheries. Baguio City/tanay, Rizal. 6-17 Ja 1975.

2230. Le, Jane P. 1991. Development of semi-dried squid balls. 90 leaves. (Thesis—B.S. Food Technology)

2231. Leaño, E.M., Lio-Po, G.D. and Dureza, L.A. 1996. Virulence and production of extracellular proteins (ECP) of Aeromonas hydrophili associated with the epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) of freshwater fish. UPV Journal of Natural Sciences 1(1):30-38.

2232. Leaño, Eduardo Malibiran. 1993. Siderophore and extracellular products (ECP) detection among aeromonas hydrophila and other associated bacteria in The Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS). August 1993. 73 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG993.5 1993 F5 L4).

2233. Leary, Daniel F.& Laureta,Liberato. 1977. Evaluation of pig manure as a means of increasing production of milkfish and Tilapia mossambica in Brackishwater Fishponds.
Tech. Rep. Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp. Brackishwat. Aquacult. Pt.), (11&12):19-29.

2234. Leary, DF. and Corre, V. L. 1977. A comparison of isonitrogenous application of urea or ammonium fertilizer in brackishwater fishponds (trial II). In: Inland Fisheries Technical Report nos. 11-12. U.P. College of Fisheries, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, Leganes, Iloilo, pp. 1-8.

2235. Leary, DF. and Laureta, L. 1977. Evaluation of pig manure as a means of increasing production of milkfish and Tilapia mossambica in brackishwater fishponds. In: Inland Fisheries Technical Report nos. 11-12. U.P. College of Fisheries, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, Leganes, Iloilo, pp. 9-18.

2236. Lebata, M. J. H. L. 2000. Elemental sulfur in the gills of the mangrove mud clam Anodontia edentula (family Lucinidae) Journal of Shellfish Research. 19(1):241-245, 2000 Jun.

2237. Lebata, M. J. H. L. 2001. Elemental sulphur in the gills of the mangrove mud clam Anodontia edentula: evidence of symbiosis. Journal of Shellfish Research. 20(3):1273-1278, 2001 Dec.

2238. Lebata, M. J. H. L. and J. H. Primavera. 2001. Gill structure, anatomy and habitat of Anodontia edentula: Evidence of endosymbiosis. Journal of Shellfish Research. 20(3):1273-1278, 2001 Dec.

2239. Lebata, M. J. H. L.2001. Oxygen, sulphide and nutrient uptake of the mangrove mud clam Anodontia edentula (Family : Lucinidae). Marine Pollution Bulletin. 42(11):1133-1138, 2001 Nov.

2240. Lebata, Ma. Junemie Hazel Leonida Bacteria, elemental sulfur and stable carbon isotope ratios in the mangrove mud clam Anodontia edentula (Linne, 1758). April 1999. 65 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1999 F5 L4).

2241. Lebata, Ma. Junemie Hazel. 1992. Taxonomy and distribution of seagrass associated echinoderms in Taklong island, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras subprovince. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2242. Ledesma-Fernandez, Leah N. 2004. Gonadal development and spawning periodicity of the ark shell, Scapharca inaequivalvis (Bruguiere, 1789) (Mollusca, Pelecypoda:Arcidae) in Banate Bay, Iloilo.Thesis Master of Science in Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2243. Lee, C. S. and Banno, J.P. 1988. Milkfish culture and production in Southeast Asia present and future. In: Proceedings of the Regional Workship Milkfish Culture Development in the South Pacific (H. Tanaka, K. R. Uwati and J. V. Juario,eds.) FAO/South Pacific Aquaculture Development Project. Tarawa, Kiribati.

2244. Lee, C. S.; Tamru. C.S.;Banno, J.E.; Kelly, C. D.;Boce, A. and Wyban, W. A. 1986. Induced maturation and spawning of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal), by hormone implantation. Aquaculture 52:199-205.

2245. Lee, C.S.; Tamaru, C.S.; Kelley, C.D.; Banno, J.E. 1986. Induced Spawning of Milkfish, Chanos chanos, by a Single Application of LHRH-analogue. Aquaculture 58:87-98.

2246. Lee, CS, CS Tamaru, JE Banno, CD Kelley, A Bocek, JA Wyban. 1986. Induced maturation and spawning of milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal, by hormone implantation. Aquaculture 52:199-205.

2247. Lee, Jennifer A. 1996. Preliminary study on the cryopreservation of calanoid copepod Acartia tsuensis embryos. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2248. Legada, Keith Dominador. 2001.Community structure of riverine mangrove stand in Brgy. Talokgangan, Municipality of Banate, Iloilo Province. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2249. Leger, P., P. Sorgeloos, OM Millamena, KL Simpson. 1985. International study on Artemia XXV. Factors determining the nutritional effectiveness of Artemia: the relative impact of chlorinated hydrocarbons and essential fatty acids in San Francisco Bay and San Pablo Bay artemia. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 93:71-82.

2250. Legiralde, Maria Theresa Trono. 1990. The effects of dietary carbohydrate, lipid and energy on the growth, feed efficiency and tissue composition of bighead carp (Aristichthys Nobilis) fry. March 1990. 37 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1990 F5 T76)

2251. Leipper, Dale and William Wood. 1947. Temperature and salinity of Philippine waters. Scripps Institution Of Oceanography. Oceanographic Report No. 4.

2252. Leon, A.A. de. 1974. Comparative Study of Lumut and Plankton as Primary Food in Bangus Culture. A Report on the Practice-in-Industry Training in Fish Culture. Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis, College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines, Quezon City.

2253. Lerman, Benjamin E. 1975. Market channels and marketing infrastructures of the bangos industry. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati;SEAFDEC=, pp. 141-146.

2254. Lesaca, R. M. 1974. Coastal aquaculture and environment in the Philippines. Proc. IPFC, 15(2):37-44.

2255. Lesaca, R.M. 1974. Utilization of pesticides and other chemicals in control of predators and fish diseases. UNESCO/MAB Inter-Bureau Mobile Seminar on Ecological Research and Aquatic Resources Management Manila, 16 Oct.

2256. Liao, I. C. and Y. S. Chang. 1976. A preliminary report on the gonadal development of adult milkfish, Chanos chanos, reared in tanks. Workshop-Conference, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines. Working paper no. 9, pp. 121-132.

2257. Liao, IC, JV Juario, S. Kumagai, H Nakajima, M Natividad, P Buri. 1979. On the induced spawning and larval rearing of milkifsh, chanos chanos (Forskal). Aquaculture 18:75-93.

2258. Liao, I-Chiu; Juario, Jesus V.; Kumagui, Shigeru; Nakajima, H.; Natividad, Marietta & Buri, Prasit. 1979. On the induced spawning and larval rearing of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal). Aquaculture 18(2):75-94.

2259. Librero, A. and Nicolas, E; Banasihan, A. Fabro, R. M.; Lapie, L.P.;Nazareno, A. M.; and Velasquez, E. O. 1977. Milkfish Farming in the Philippines. A Socio-Economic Study. College, Laguna, SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program, Los Baños, Laguna, 367 leaves( Research Paper series no. 8) * University of the Philippines at Los Baños, Laguna.//UPVCF Library (SH167 M5 M55)

2260. Librero, A. R., R. P. Manguiat, and R. F. Catalla. 1975. An annotated bibliography of studies in aquaculture. Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources research, Los Baños, Laguna. 139p.

2261. Librero, A. R.; Aragon, C. T.; Evangelista, D. L. 1994. Socio-economic Impact of Milkfish Hatchery Technology in the Philippines. rev. 147p. (A project funded by the Oceanic Institute) *ICLARM Lib SH167 M5 L52 1994)

2262. Librero, Aida R. 1977. Resource Productivity in Milkfish Culture in the Philippines. Tigbauan,Iloilo: Aquaculture Department,Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center. 27p. (Paper Presented at the Second Biennial Meeting of the Aquaculture Economics Society of Southeast Asia (AESSEA) Held in Iloilo, Philippines, 3-6 November 1977)

2263. Librero, Aida R. & Nicolas, Elizabeth S. 1979. Socio-Economic Aspects of Milkfish Farming in the Philippines. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC,Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan,Iloilo=, pp.83-104.

2264. Librero, Aida R. ; Nicolas, Elizabeth S.; Vasquez, Edgardo O. & Nazareno, Amelita M. 1976. An Assessment of the Fishpond Technology and Management in the Production of Milkfish (Bangos) in the Philippines. Los Baños,Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 143 p. (Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines / SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program ; no. 4)*UPVCF Library (SH167 M5 A88)

2265. Librero, Aida R. 1976. An Assesment of the Fishpond Technology and Management in the Philippines. SEAFDEC/PCARR Research Program, Los Baños, Laguna, Research Paper Series (4): 143. tabs

2266. Librero, Aida R. 1977. Cultural and Management Practices in Bangus (Milkfish) Ponds in the Philippines. In: Small Scale Fisheries Development : Social Science Contribution ; Proceedings of a Planning Meeting Held at the East-West Food Institute ,September 6-11, 1976/ Edited by Brian Lockwood and Kenneth Ruddle. Honolulu; East-West Center, pp.89-129.

2267. Librero, Aida R.; Manguiat, Rita P. & Catalla, Rebecca R. 1975. An Annotated Bibliography of Studies in Aquaculture, Los Baños, Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 139 p.

2268. Librero, Aida R.; Tidon, Anita G.; Ramos, Diego G.;Alzona, Roberto L. 1976. Patterns of Fry Purchase and Sale in the Philippines; A Study of Fry Concessionaires and Dealers. Los Baños, Laguna;SEAFDECPCARR Research Program. 124p. (A Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series; no. 3) (Research Paper Series/SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program; no.3)

2269. Librero, Aida. 1975. Some Economic Issues in the Development of Bangus Industry. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel,Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=,pp.155-160.

2270. Librero, Aida. 1977. Management and Cultural Practices and Costs and Returns in Milkfish Production in the Philippines. =Tigbauan, : SEAFDEC 46 p. (Paper based on "An Assessment of the Fishpond Technology and Management in the Production of Milkfish (Bangos) in the Philippines", by Aida Librero et al, and Presented at the Seminar on the Socio-Economics of Aquaculture held at SEAFDEC,Tigbauan,Iloilo,17-18 March 1977)

2271. Librero, Aida; Dizon, Solomon P.; Tidon, Anita G.; Ramos, Diego G. & Alzona, Roberto L. 1976. Fry Gathering Patterns,Costs and Returns and Socio-Economic Conditions of Fry Gatherers in the Philippines. Los Baños,Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 123 p. (Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series ; no.1) (Research Paper series / SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program ; no.1)

2272. Librero, Aida; Nicolas, Elizabeth S.; Banasihan, Antonio L.; Fabro, Rita M.; Lapie,Lustina P.; Nazareno, Amelita M. & Vasquez,Edgardo O. 1977. Milkfish Farming in the Philippines ; A Socio-Economic Study. Los Baños,Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 367 p. ( Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series ; no.8) (Research Paper series / SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program ; no.8)

2273. Librero, AR., Dizon, S.P.; Tidon, A. G.; Ramos, D. G. and Alzona, R. L. 1976. Fry gathering patterns, costs and returns and socio-economic conditions of fry Gatherers in the Philippines. Grounds and gathering practices. SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. Research Paper Series No. 1. pp.22-44.

2274. Librero, AR., Ramos, D., Lapie, L. 1982. Fish capture technology: Its relationship to productivity, income and employment in the Philippines. Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines, vol. 7, no. 2., July-December, 1982 pp. 1-20.

2275. Librero, AR.; Aragon, C. T.; Evangista, D. L. 1994. Socio-Economic Impact of Milkfish Hatchery Technology in the Philippines. 147p. "A Project funded by the Oceanic Institute" Philippine council for Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resources Research & Development, Los Baños, Laguna)

2276. Libunao, Lariza Q. 1989. Standardization of an economical formulation for fishball. 70 leaves. (Thesis—B.S. Food technology)
2277. Libutaque, Jesusa S. June 2000. Studies on the reproductive cycle of the dog conch Strombus canarium (Gastropoda: Strombidae) in Miag-ao, Iloilo. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 5(2):1-16.

2278. Licop, MSR. 1988. Sodium-EDTA effects on survival and metamorphosis of Penaeus monodon larvae. Aquaculture 74:239-247.

2279. Licuanan, WY. 1987. Gastropod research: an overview. In Mañagas, MA and CM Lantican, eds. Status of Mollusc Resources and Prospects for Development. Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on Mollusc Resources and Prospects for Development, Ecotech Center, Cebu, Cebu City, May 2-3, 1986. Los Baños, Laguna,: Philippine council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural resources Research and Development; Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, 1987, pp.31-31.

2280. Lijauco, M. M. and Laureta, L. 1977. The residual effect of heavy dose of organic fertilizer application in brackishwater ponds. In: Inland Fisheries Technical Report nos. 11-12. U.P. College of Fisheries, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, Leganes, Iloilo, pp. 9-18.

2281. Lijauco, Melchor M. 1973. Status and Progress on Research on Fish Culture in the Philippines. In: National Agriculture System Research Congress, 1st, U.P. at Los Baños, 1973. Inland Fisheries Research Papers. Los Baños,Laguna : Fisheries Research Division , Philippine Council for Agricultural Research, pp.78-87. (Workshop Session; no.14)

2282. Lijauco, Melchor M. 1975. Research in Brackishwater Aquaculture as a national program. In: PCAR Fisheries Research Congress, 1st,Legaspi City, 1975. Aquaculture Research Papers.Los Baños,Laguna : Fisheries Research Division, Philippine Council for Agricultural Research, pp.32-39.

2283. Lijauco, Melchor M. 1975. The Role of the academic community in Technology Development for Milkfish Farming. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings=Makati : SEAFDEC=, PP.89-96.

2284. Lijauco, Melchor M. 1977. Plans and Programmes of the SEAFDEC Leganes Station with Emphasis on Varied Layouts and Designs of Ponds. In: Joint SCSP/SEAFDEC Workshop on Aquaculture Engineering, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1977, 2:207-232.

2285. Lijauco, Melchor M. 1979. Major Technology Gaps in Milkfish Culture in the Philippines. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan,Iloilo=, pp.61-63.

2286. Lijauco, Melchor M. & Laureta,Liberato V. 1977. Residual effect of heavy dose of organic fertilizers application in brackishwater ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.Brackishwat.Aquacult.Pt.), (11&12):9-18.

2287. Lijauco, Melchor M. ; Prospero, O.Q. & Rodriguez, E.M. 1980. Polyculture of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) and Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) to Increase Production in Ponds. Bull.Brackishwat.Aquacult.Dev.Cent.,4(1&2):268-277.

2288. Lijauco, Melchor M.; Griño, E.G.; Gerochi, D.D. & Rodriguez, E.M. 1978. Preliminary study on the growth and survival of stunted and non-stunted milkfish fingerlings. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep. 2(3):35-36.

2289. Lijauco, Melchor M.; Prospero, O. Q. & Rodriguez, E.M. 1980. Polyculture of milkfish (Chanos chanos) and Mud Crab (Scylla serrata) at two stocking rates. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep.., 4(4):19-23. SEAFDEC-AQD

2290. Lijauco, Melchor. 1979. Present status of milkfish farming in the Philippines. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=, pp. 48-60

2291. Lijauco, Melchor; Juario, J. V.;Baliao, D.; Griño, E. & Quinitio, G. 1979. Milkfish Culture in Brackishwater Ponds. Tigbauan, Iloilo:Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC. 30p. (Aquaculture Extension Manual/Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC;no.4)

2292. Lim, C. 1978. Effect of feeding rate on the survival of and growth of milkfish (Chanos chanos) fry in a controlled environment. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC. Aqucult. Dept. 2(4):17-20.

2293. Lim, C., P. Suraniranat, RR Platon. 1979. Evaluation of various protein sources for Penaeus monodon postlarvae. Kalikasan, Philipp. J. Biol. 8:29-36.

2294. Lim, C., S. Sukhawongs, and F.P. Pascual. 1979. A Preliminary study on the protein requirement of Chanos chanos(Forskal) fry in a controlled environment. Aquaculture 17(3): 195-201.

2295. Lim, C., WH Destajo. 1979. Effects of crude, semipurified, and purified starch of sago (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) on the water stability of pelleted shrimp diets. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 4:19-23.

2296. Lim, C; Sukhawong, Somchart & Pascual, Felicitas P. 1978. A Preliminary study on the protein requirements of Chanos chanos (Forskal) fry in a controlled environment. Q.Res Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep. 2(1):18-25. Also In: Aquaculture 17(3):195-201.

2297. Lim, L. T. 1985. My experiences in artificial propagation of milkfish-studies on natural spawning of pond-reared broodstock, pp. 185-203. In: Lee, C. S. and Liao, I. C. (eds.) 1985. Reproduction and Culture of Milkifsh. Oceanic Institute and Tungkang Marine Laboratory. 226p.

2298. Lim, Mary Ellen G. 1998. Fungi from Cycas & Pandanus leaves in Taklong island, Guimaras.Undergraduate thesis B.S. Bio. U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2299. Lingayen Gulf Coastal Area Management Commission. 1997-98. Development of criteria for coastal zoning in Lingayen gulf. A case study for the aquaculture and fishpen industires.
2300. Lio-Po GD, GS Traxler, LJ Albright, EM Leano. 2000. Characterization of a virus obtained from snakeheads Ophicephalus striatus with epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) in the Philippines. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 43(3):191-198, 2000 Dec 21.

2301. Lio-Po GD, LJ Albright, EM Michel C. Leano. 1998. Experimental induction of lesions in snakeheads (Ophicephalus striatus) and catfish (Clarias batrachus) with Aeromonas hydrophila, Aquaspirillum sp., Pseudomonas sp., Streptococcus sp. Journal of Applied Ichthyology-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Ichthyologie. 14(1-2):75-79, 1998 Jul.

2302. Lio-Po GD, LJ Albright, GS Traxler, EM Leano. 2001. Pathogenicity of the Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS)-associated rhabdovirus to snakehead Ophicephalus striatus. Fish Pathology. 36(2):57-66, 2001 Jun.

2303. Lio-Po GD, LJ Albright, GS Traxler, EM Leano. 2003. Horizontal transmission of epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS)-associated virus in the snakehead Ophicephalus striatus under simulated natural conditions. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 57(3):213-220, 2003 Dec 29.

2304. Lio-Po, G. 1984. Diseases of Milkfish, pp. 145-153. In: Juario, J. V.; Ferraris, R. P. and Benitez, L. V.(eds.) 1984. Advances in Milkfish Biology and Culture. Island Publ. House, Manila. 243p.

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2394. Maluping RP. Lavilla-Pitogo CR. DePaola A. Janda JM. Krovacek K. Occurrence, characterisation and detection of potential virulence determinants of emerging aquatic bacterial pathogens from the Philippines and Thailand. Microbiologica. 27(4):381-389, 2004 Oct.
2395. Mamaril, Eden Fontanilla. Isolation, screening and characterization of nata-producing microorganisms from seaweed pulp (Gracilaria sp.). March 1998. 108 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1998 F5 M3)
2396. Mamhot, Jennie Robles. Composition, abundance and distribution of fish larvae in Ragay Gulf, Burias Pass, Ticao Pass and waters North of Samar Sea. April 1986. 148 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1986 F5 M36 ) This

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2399. Manacop, P. R., Sr. 1975. The Sabalo adult stage of milkfish fishery in the Philippines. National Bangus Symposium. Philippine Village Hotel, Pasay City, Metro Manila, 25-25 Jl 1975. 24p.

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2404. Manacop, Porfirio R., Sr. 1975. The Sabalo fishery in the Philippines. -Tigbauan, Iloilo= : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. 24p. (Read before the National Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, July 25-26, 1975). Also In: PCAR Monit., 3(8) :13-14.

2405. Manacop, PR and SV Laron. 1952/1953. Two outstanding commercial fishing gear used in Philippine waters. Bull. Fish. Soc. Philipp ¾:73-84.

2406. Manacop, PR. 1936. The sexual maturity of some commercial fishes caught in Manila Bay. Phil. Jour. Sci. 59 (3):383-391.

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2414. Manalo, T.A.1983. Studies on the viable feeds for Macrobrachium rosenbergii larval culture. Technical Report. College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas.

2415. Manalo-Manalo, Nonola A. 1973. Mixed Culture of Bangus,Sugpo/ Alimango and Salt Making; A Practice-in-Industry Training Report. 26 p. (Undergraduate Thesis, University of the Philippines, 1973)

2416. Mane, A. M. & Tan, E. O. 1969. Country Report: Philippines. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Possibilities and Problems of Fisheries Development in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 10 to 30 September 1968/Edited by K. Tiews. BerlIn: West-Kreuz Druckerei, pp. 261-276.

2417. Mane, A. M. 1929. Preliminary study of the life history and habits of kanduli (Arius sp.) in Laguna de Bay, Philippines. Agri. 18 (2):21-117.

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2419. Mane, A.M. 1975. Some observations and experiences in pen culture for bangus in Laguna de Bay. Proc. National Bangos Sym. Philippine Village Hotel-Punta Baluarte. 25-28 July 1975. pp. 112-124.
2420. Mane, Andres & Tan, E.O. 1969. Present Situation of the Fisheries Industry in the Philippines. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Possibilities and Problems of Fisheries Development in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 10 to 30 September 1968 / Edited by K. Tiews. BerlIn: West-Kreuz Druckerei, pp.261-276.

2421. Mane, Andres M. 1976. The Development of the fishpen industry system of research for Central and Southern Luzon. In: Proceedings, 1st Regional Agriculture and Resources System Research Congress for Southern and Central Luzon, El Grande Hotel, Paranaque, Rizal, July 26-29, 1976, 8:53-56.

2422. Mane, Andres M. 1975. Some Observations and Experiences in Pen Culture for Bangus in Laguna de Bay. In: National Bangus Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, pp.112-124. Also In: PCAR Monit., 3(8):6,8,11.

2423. Mane, Andres M. 1982. Harvesting, Post-Harvest Technology and Marketing of Milkfish in Pens. In: Report of the Training Course on Small-Scale Pen and Cage Culture for Finfish, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, 26-31 October 1981; Aberden, Hong Kong, 1-13 November 1981. Prepared by R. D. Guerrero III and V. Soesanto. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp. 69-73.

2424. Mane, Andres M.; Villaluz, Domiciano K. & Rabanal, Herminio R. 1952. Cultivation of Fish in Brackish and Estuarine Waters in the Philippines. In: Philippine Fisheries ; A Handbook Prepared by the Technical Staff of the Bureau of Fisheries. Manila, pp.100-110.

2425. Mane, Andres. Private Sector Observations on Pen Culture and Operations for Bangus. National Bangus Symposium. Phil. Village Hotel, Pasay City, Metro Manila, 25-26 JI 1975.

2426. Mane, Ernesto C. 1979. A Case Study of the Milkfish Fingerling Production Project in Freshwater Nurseries for the Fishpen Industry. 8p. (Paper Presented at the Symposium-Workshop on Fish Hatchery/Nursery Development and Management, 27-29 September 1979, Aberden Court, Makati, Metro Manila)

2427. Mangalik, Arthur. 1979. Effects of various lipid sources on the growth and survival rates of Penaeus monodon Fabricius from postlarvae to juveniles in a controlled environment April 1979. 65 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1979 F5 M35 )

2428. Mangubat, Andylou. 1999. Pharmacological screening of soft coral Sinularia sp. Undergraduate Thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2429. Manlapig, ET. 1981. The prevalence of Salmonella in milkfish obtained from five different sources. B.S. Thesis. College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas.

2430. Mann, A. 1925. Contributions to the biology of the Philippine Archipelago and adjacent regions. Marine diatoms of the Philippines. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 100 part 1:1-82.

2431. Manzano, V. 1985. Polyculture systems using groupers (Epinephelus tauvina) and tilapia (T. mossambica) in bracksihwater ponds (Phase 1). R and D Journal 1(2):43-50.

2432. Manzano, VB. 1988. Polyculture systems using groupers (ephinephellus tauvina) and tilapia (Mossambica) in brackishwater ponds. Philippine technology Journal 13(1):89-97.

2433. Manzano, Virginia B. 1982. Determination of stocking rates of mullet (Mugil sp.) and prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) in polyculture system. January 1982. 37 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1982 F5 M35)

2434. Maramba NPC. Reyes JP. Francisco-Rivera AT. Panganiban LCR. Dioquino C. Dando N. Timbang R. Akagi H. Castillo MT. Quitoriano C. Afuang M. Matsuyama A. Eguchi T. Fuchigami Y. Environmental and human exposure assessment monitoring of communities near an abandoned mercury mine in the Philippines: A toxic legacy. Journal of Environmental Management. 81(2 Special Issue SI):135-145, 2006 Oct.

2435. Maranan, R, A Karganilla and R Alicbusan. 1971. Purification of local agar (gulaman) for microbiological use. Philippine Agriculturist 55(1/2):1-10.

2436. Marasigan, AN, Fortes, N. R, Pahilla, I. G. June 1997. Relative contribution of different food sources in milkfish growth as determined from carbon isotope ratios. UPV Journal of Natural Science 2(1):60-71.

2437. Marasigan, AN, Fukuyo, Y. December 1998. Morphology and occurrence on common and potentially toxic Dinophysis collected from Sapian Bay, Northern Panay Island, Philippines. UPV Journal of Natural Science 3(2):96-108.

2438. Marasigan, AN. 1989. Notes on the benthic diatoms of brackishwater milkfish ponds. Proceedings of the UNESCO Regional Workshop on the Biotechnology of the Marine Phytoplankters 10-23 Sept. 1989. U.P. in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo, Philippines, 51-54.

2439. Marasigan, AN. 1994. Assessment and improvement/refinement of grow-out technologies for milkfish, Chanos chanos. Phase 1 Study 3. Sources of milkfish growth in extensive and semi-intensive systems using stable carbon isotope. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

2440. Marasigan, AN. 1995. Occurrence of diarrhetic shellfish toxins in Dinophysis sp. and shellfish in Panay Island, Philippines. College of Fisheries, U. P. in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

2441. Marasigan, AN. and Fortes, N.R. 1997. Relative contribution of different food sources in milkfish growth as determined from carbon isotope ratios. UPV Journal of Natural Sciences 2(1):60-71.

2442. Marasigan, AN., Fukuyo, Y., Kodama, M. 1993. Distribution of Dinophysis in Sapian Bay, Capiz, Philippines. Proceeding NRCT-JSPS Joint Seminar on Marine Science, Songkhla, Thailand, Dec 2-3, 1993. Distribution of Dinophysis in Sapian Bay, Capiz, Philippines. Proceeding NRCT-JSPS Joint Seminar on Marine Science, Songkhla, Thailand, Dec 2-3, 1993. Ed. Anond Snidvongs Wilawian, Utoomprukpow, Manuwadi, Hungsprenugs.

2443. Marasigan, AN., Ingles, J., Babaran, R. 1995. Distribution of resting cysts of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum in Cancabato Bay, Leyte, Philippines. International Seminar on Marine Fisheries Environment, 9-10 March 1995, Rayong, Thailand (EMDEC & JICA):149-156.

2444. Marasigan, AN., Nievales, F, Garibay, S. and Fukuyo, Y. 1999. Benthic dinoflagellates collected from Lawi Cove and Taklong Is., Guimaras Province, Philippines, pp. 101-106. In: Proceedings on the Ninth Joint Seminar on Marine and Fisheries Sciences JSPS-LIPI. Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jakarta.

2445. Marasigan, AN., Tamse, A. F. and Fukuyo, Y. 2001. Prorocentrum (Prorocentrales: dinophyceae) populations on seagrass blade surface in Taklong Island, Guimaras province, Philippines. Plankton Biol. Ecol. 48(2):79-84.

2446. Marasigan, Arnulfo N. 1981. The Relationships of Lab-Lab Production to Milkfish Production and Nutrient Levels in Fertilized Brackishwater Ponds. 39 p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1981)

2447. Marasigan, Arnulfo N. 1989. Notes on the Benthic Diatoms of Brackishwater Milkfish Ponds. Proceedings of the UNESCO Regional Workshop on the Biotechnology of Marine Phytoplankters. 10-23 September 1989. U.P. in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo, Philippines, pp. 51-54.

2448. Marasigan, Arnulfo N. The relationships of lab-lab production to milkfish production and nutrient levels in fertilized brackishwater ponds. June 1981. 39 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1981 F5 M57)

2449. Marasigan, Arnulfo. 1995. Verification and field trials of the new milkfish trial technology. Phase II. In: 35 UPV Researches Completed in October 1995,UPV Newsletter 10(1):10 Sept-Oct

2450. Marasigan, E. T. and Laureta, L. V. 2001. Broodstock maintenance and early gonadal maturation of Pholas orientalis (Bivalvia:Pholadidae). Journal of Shellfish Research 20(3):1095-1099.

2451. Marasigan, E.T., Miagao, S.L. and Serrano, A.E., Jr.1994. Effects of animal protein replacement with plant protein on the growth of grouper, Epinephelus coioides. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

2452. Marasigan, Evelyn T. 1999. Development of practical diet for grow-out of mud crab species Scylla serrata and S. tranquebarica. In: Mud Crab Aquaculture and Biology, ed. by C. P. Keenan and A. Blackshaw. Proceedings of an international scientific forum held in Darwin, Australia, 21-24 April 1997. ACIAR Proceedings # 78.

2453. Marcos, Ferdinand 1968 . On Fish Production .Presidential Policy Statement Series.

2454. Marcus JE. Samoilys MA. Meeuwig JJ. Villongco ZAD. Vincent ACJ. Benthic status of near-shore fishing grounds in the central Philippines and associated seahorse densities. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 54(9):1483-1494, 2007 Sep.

2455. Marfori, C. G.; Fabiran, E. F. & Arroyo, P. T. 1973. Storage Study of Canned Bangus. Proceedings of the 8th annual Convention, PAFT 27-28 Nov. (No place given)

2456. Marfori, Ceferina G.; Fabian, Evangeline F. & Arroyo, Patricia T. 1975. Storage
Life Study on Canned Bangus (Chanos chanos Forskal), Salmon and Sardine Style. Asian Fish. Shipp. Mag. 1(3):6-8, 10-13.

2457. Marquez Jose J. 1975. Report on Freswater Fisheries ASEAN Training Course in Freshwater Fisheries. Baguio City/ Tanay, Rizal. 6-17 Ja 1975.

2458. Marquez, Faith Espejo . 1988. Evaluation of Rice Bran and Two Pelleted Diets as Supplementary Feed for Milkfish (C hanos chanos Forskal) Reared in Brackishwater Ponds. 50p. Iloilo (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines in the Visayas)

2459. Marquez, Faith Espejo Evaluation of rice bran and two pelleted diets as supplementary feed for milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) reared in brackishwater ponds. February 1987. 50 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1987 F5 M37).

2460. Marquez, Jose J.,. 1973. Provincial Fisheries Data of Misamis Oriental. Fisheries Survey of Misamis Oriental, Cagayan de Oro City. BFs Regional Office No. 10.p5-13. I map.

2461. Marte, C. L. 1988. An Improved method for collecting naturally spawned milkfish
eggs from floating cages. Aquaculture 71:387-392.

2462. Marte, C. L. 1988. Milkfish culture and artificial propagation. In: Idler, D. R; Crim, L. M. Walsh, J. M., ed. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, St. John's ,Newfoundland, 2-7 August 1987. Marine Sciences Research Laboratory, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NF, Canada, pp. 89-93.

2463. Marte, C., N Sherwood, L Crim, J Tan. 1988. Induced spawning of maturing milkfish Chanos chanos using human chorionic gonadotropin and mammalian and salmon gonadotropin releasing hormone analogues. Aquaculture 73:333-340.

2464. Marte, CL, Flor Lacanilao. 1986. Spontaneous maturation and spawning of milkfish in floating net cages. Aquaculture 53:115-132.

2465. Marte, CL, LW Crim, NM Sherwood. 1988. Induced gonadal maturation and rematuration in milkfish: limited success with chronic administration of testosterone and gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRH-a). Aquaculture 74:131-145.

2466. Marte, CL, LW Crim. 1983. Gonadotropin profiles in serum of milkfish treated with salmon pituitary homogenate. Kalikasan, Philipp. J. Biol. 12:100-106.

2467. Marte, CL, N Sheerwood, L Crim, J Tan. 1988. Induced spawning of maturing milkfish (Chanos chanos) using human chorionic gonadotropin and mammalian and salmon gonadotropin releasing hormone analogues. Aquaculture 73:333-340.

2468. Marte, CL, NM Sherwood, LW Crim and B Harvey. 1987. Induced spawning of maturing milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) with Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Analogues administered in various ways. Aquaculture 60:303-310. Abstract in SEAFDEC-AQD. Research Publications (1987-1990) Collected Abstracts, p.31.

2469. Marte, CL, NM Sherwood, LW Crim, B Harvey. 1987. Induced spawning of maturing milkfish (Chanos chanos Fforsskal) with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues administered in various ways. Aquaculture 60:303-310.

2470. Marte, CL, P. Cruz, EEC Flores. 2000. Recent developments in freshwater and marine cage aquaculture in the Philippines. IN: Liao IC, Lin KC, editors. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia; 1999 November 2-6, Manila, Philippines: world Aquaculture Society-Southeast Asian Chapter, bangkok, p. 75-88.

2471. Marte, CL. 1978. The food and feeding habit of P. monodon Fab. collected from Makato River, Aklan, Philippines. Quarterly Res. Rep. SEAFDEC 11(1):7-17.

2472. Marte, CL. 1988. Broodstock management and seed production of milkfish. Juario, JV, LB Benitez, eds. Perspectives in Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia and Japan; Proceedings of the Seminar on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia, 1987 September 8-12; Iloilo City, Philippines. Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: SEAFDEC-AQD,pp. 169-194.

2473. Marte, CL. 1989. Studies on the Reproductive Physiology of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). 271p. (Ph. D. dissertation, National University of Singapore.).

2474. Marte, CL. 1990. Hormone-induced spawning of cultured tropical finfishes. In Advances in Tropical Aquaculture, 1989 20 Febraury 4 March, Tahiti, French Polynesia. France;IFREMER, pp. 519-539.

2475. Marte, CL. and Crim, L. W. 1983. Gonadotropin profiles in serum of milkfish treated with salmon pituitary homogenate. Kalikasan 12:100-106.

2476. Marte, CL. and Lacanilao, F. J. 1986. Spontaneous maturation and spawning of milkfish in floating net cages. Aquaculture 53:115-132.

2477. Marte, CL. and Lam, T. J. 1987. Hormonal changes accompanying sexual maturation in milkfish Chanos chanos Forsskal. In: Ohnishi, E. Nagahama, Y. Ishizakai, H. (eds.) 1987. Proceedings of the First congress of the Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative
Endocrinology (AOSCE); 1987 November 4-7, Nagoya, Japan, Nagoya University,pp. 183-184. *SEAFDEC AQD Library

2478. Marte, CL. and Lam, T. J. 1987. Studies on the reproductive physiology of milkfish (Chanos chanos). Bull. of the Fac. of Science National University of Singapore 7(2):24-25. (Summary only)

2479. Marte, CL. and Lam, T. J. 1992. Hormonal changes accompanying sexual maturation in captive milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). Fish Physiol. Biochem 10:267-275.

2480. Marte, CL., GF Quinitio, LMB Garcia and FJ Lacanilao. 1984. A Guide to the establishment and maintenance of milkfish broodstock. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department Report No. 11. 36p.

2481. Marte, CL.; Crim,L.; Sherwood, N. 1988. Induced gonadal maturation and rematuration in milkfish: Limited success with chronic administration of testosterone and gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa). Aquaculture 74:131-145.

2482. Marte, CL.; Lacanilao, F. J. and Juario, J. V. 1983. Completion of the life cycle of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) in captivity. Abstracts. 2nd International Milkfish Aquaculture Conference, Iloilo City, p. 21.

2483. Marte, CL.; Toledo, J.; Quinitio, G. and Castillo, A. 1986. Collection of naturally spawned milkfish eggs in floating cages. Maclean JL, LB Dizon, LV Hosillos, eds. The First Asian Fisheries Forum: Proceedings of the First Asian Fisheries Forum, 1986 May 26-31. Manila, Philippines. Manila, Philippines: Asian Fisheries Society, pp.671-674.

2484. Marte, Clarissa L. 1987. Broodstock management and seed Production of milkfish. In: Perspectives in Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia and Japan: Contributions of the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department; Proceedings of the Seminar on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia, Iloilo City, Philippines, 8-12 September 1987. Ed. by J. V. Juario and L. V. Benitez. Tigbauan, Iloilo, Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC, pp.168-194.*UPVCF Library//SEAFDEC AQD Library

2485. Marte, Clarissa L. 1987. Milkfish culture and artificial propagation. In: Idler, D. R.; Crim, L. w. Walsh, J. M. (eds.). 1987. Proceedings of the Third International sumposium on Reproductive Physiology of fish; 1987 august 2-7; St. John's, Newfoundland, Cananda: Memorial University of Newfoundland,pp. 89-93. *SEAFDEC AQD Library//Abstract available SEAFDEC AQD 1991. Research Publication (1987-1990) Collected Abstracts,p. 37 in UPVCF Library

2486. Marte, Marilee P. 1996. Taxonomy, abundance and distribution of ophiuroids in Taklong Island National Marine Reserve, Guimaras. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

2487. Marte. CL. 1980. The food and feeding habit of Penaeus monodon Fabricius collected from Makato River, Aklan, Philippines (Decapoda: Natantia). Crustaceana 38:225-236.

2488. Martin, C. 1949. Notes on experimental canning of fish at the Fish Preservation Station in Estancia, Iloilo Province. Popular Bulletin no. 28. Bureau of Printing, Manila.

2489. Martin, C. 1952/1953. Commerical miscellaneous aquatic products and their uses. Bull. Fish. Soc. Philipp. ¾:35-40.

2490. Martin, C. and H. R. Montalban. 1934. Philippine Sillaginidae. Phil. Jour. Sci. 55(3):221-229.

2491. Martin, C. and H. R. Montalban. 1938. Philippine Parapercidae. Phil. Jour. Sci.67:189.

2492. Martin, C. July 1938 (issued 3 October 1938). Two rare Philippine fishes. Phil J Sci 66(3):387-389.

2493. Martin, Claro . 1934. Methods of smoking fish around Manila. Phil J Sci 55(1):79-89.

2494. Martin, Claro 1938. Two new Philippine fishes. Phil J Sci 66(3):387-389.

2495. Martin, Claro and Augusto D. Manalo. January 11, 1953. Methods of preservation and processing of fish. Philippine Herald Agricultural Weekly 1(15): 8.

2496. Martin, Claro and H. R. Montalban. 1935. Philippine Parapercidae. Phil. J. Sci 56 (2):215-227.

2497. Martin, Claro and Heraclio R. Montalban. 1934. Philippine Sillaginidae, Phil J Sci 55(3):221-229.

2498. Martin, Claro and Heraclio R. Montalban. 1935. Philippine Parapercidae. Phil J Sci 56(2):215-227.

2499. Martin, Claro and Herbert Warfel. 1951. Outlook for industrialization of Philippine fisheries. Philippine Journal of Fisheries 1(1):108-112. Paper presented by the Philippine Delegation before the Second Meeting of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council Proceedings, 2nd Meeting, Cronulla, N.S.W.,Australia, April 17-28, 1950, II and III, p. 153. (abstract)

2500. Martin, Claro and Inocencio Ronquillo. 1960. Marine fisheries biology research. National Research Council of the Philippines Bulletin No 45, pp. 213-214.

2501. Martin, Claro and Jose .I. Sulit. 1955. Studies on the preparation of salted fish paste (bagoong) from dried dilis (Stolephorus indicus). Philippine Journal of fisheries, 3(1):39-45.; Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council Proceedings, 4th Meeting, 1952, Section II, p. 258 (abstract); Fisheries Gazette, Sept. 1960, vol. 4, no. 9, p. 26-27; Nutrition News, Oct-Dec 1957, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 19-20.

2502. Martin, Claro and Priscilla Cases-Borja. 1962. The status of marine fisheries biological research programme. Philippine fisheries Yearbook, 15th anniversary issue, pp. 36-44.

2503. Martin, Claro, Leticia Brillo, Constancio N. Legaspi, Teodoro G. Megia, Gregorio T. Velasquez and Deogracias V. Villadolid. 1962. Marine research and training in the Philippines. Science Review 3(3):5-11, 20.

2504. Martin, Claro. 1952/1953. Outstanding research on fish and fisheries in the Philippines. Bull.Fish.Soc.Philipp. 3&4:101-109.
2505. Martin, Claro. 1935. The catching of alamang (Palaemonetes sp.) in Bulacan, Bulacan with special reference to the destructive method. National Research Council of the Philippines. Bulletin No. 9, p. 13 (abstract)

2506. Martin, Claro. 1938. The fisheries of the province of Oriental Negros, Cebu, and Bohol. National Research Council of the Philippines. Bulletin no. 19, pp. 121-122 (abstract).

2507. Martin, Claro. 1938. The flying fish industry of the northwestern and southwestern coast of Cebu. Phil J Sci 67(2):177-184.

2508. Martin, Claro. 1939. Cultivation of bangos in the Philippines. Philippine Commonwealth. Dept. of Agriculture and Comerce. Popular Bulletin no. 12.

2509. Martin, Claro. 1939. Two rare Philippine fishes. Phil J Sci 66:387-389.

2510. Martin, Claro. 1946. Bangos culture. 8p. (Philippines Republic. Dept. of Agriculture and Commerce. Food Production Series. Leaflet No. 6.
2511. Martin, Claro. 1946. Preparation of fish sauce (patis). 4p. Philippines Republic. Dept. of Agriculture and Commerce. Food Production Series. Leaflet no. 9.

2512. Martin, Claro. 1949. Notes on experimental canning of fish at fish preservation station in Province. Manila, Bureau of Printing. 15p. (Philippines. Republic. Dept. of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Popular Bulletin no. 28. Also in Fisheries Gazette, May 1960, v. 5, no. 5, p. 2-12.

2513. Martin, Claro. 1952-1953. Commercial miscellaneous aquatic products and their uses. Bulletin of the Fisheries Society of the Philippines 3-4:35-40.

2514. Martin, Claro. 1952-53. Outstanding research on fish and fisheries in the Philippines. Bulletin of the Fisheries Society of the Philippines 3-4:101-109; Philippine fisheries Yearbook, 1953, pp. 66-68,247, 282.

2515. Martin, Claro. 1959. Preliminary results of the marine fishery biological research program. Manila, Agricultural Information Division, Dept. of agriculture and Natural Resources. 15p. (Technical bulletin no. 26)

2516. Martin, Claro. March 1954. The fisheries of the Capiz-Masbate sector of the Visayan sea. Agricultural and Industrial Life 16(3);50-51.

2517. Martin, Claro.1938. Tuna fisheries and long line fishing in Davao Gulf, Philippines. Phil J Sci 67(2):189-198.

2518. Martinez, Eladio. 1975. Fishpond Engineering. In: PCAR Fisheries Research Congress, 1st, Legaspi City, 1975. Aquaculture Research Papers. Los Baños, Laguna : Fisheries Research Division, Philippine Council for Agricultural Research, pp.46-49.

2519. Martinez, M.R. 1977. Taxonomy and ecology of algae in fish ponds and fish pens of Laguna de Bay, Philippines. In: Proceedings in Life Sciences. Microbial Ecology. First International Symposium. Loutit, M.W. and J.A. Miles (eds.) Springer-Verlag, New York. pp. 76-79.

2520. Martosudarmo, Budiono. Effects of different substrates and selected feeds on the growth and survival of hatchery-produced Penaeus monodon postlarvae. December 1983. 83 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1983 F5 M37)

2521. Mateo, R.; Paraan, O. & Rodriguez, L. 1976. Notes on the capture, handling and transport of the sabalo or adult milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal). In: International Milkfish Workshop Conference, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1976. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=,pp. 95-103.

2522. Matias, J.R., Ronquillo, J.D., Buaron, A., Gamboa, R. and Camacho, A.S. 1997. The potential utilization of distillery effluent in the aquaculture of commercially important marine species. Nova Pacific Research Institute, Science and Technology Park, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. A paper presented in the World Aquaculture 1997 Conference of World Aquaculture Society, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. Feb. 19-23, 1997.

2523. Matias, J.R., Ronquillo, J.D., Pura, Z.V. and Traifalgar, R.M. 1997. Comparison of the developmental biology of the two species of portunid mangrove crabs: Scylla serrata (Forskal) and Scylla oceanica (Dana). Nova Pacific Research Institute, Science and Technology Park, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Presented in the World Aquaculture
1997 Conference of World Aquaculture Society, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., Feb. 19-23,

2524. Matias, J.R., Traifalgar, R. and Ronquillo, J.D. 1996. Land-based cultivation of Gracilaria strain, NBr, a tropical Gracilarie containing high quality agar. Paper presented during the 1996 Annual Meeting of the World Aquaculture Society, Bangkok, Thailand.

2525. Matic, LG. 1970. Philippine shellcraft. Small Industry Journal 3(1):24-26.

2526. Matida, Yoshihiro. 1967. Role of Soil in Fish Pond Productivity in Asia and the Far East . In: Proceedings of the FAO World Symposium on Warm-Water Pond Fish Culture, ed. T.V.R. Pillay. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 3:54-63.

2527. Matienzo, Loreto H., Jr. 1978. SEAFDEC and BAC : Developing the Nation's Fisheries Resources. Greenfields 8(12):40-60.

2528. Matienzo, Loreto H., Jr. 1974. The Potentials of our ponds. Greenfields 3(6):3-9.

2529. Matillano, Joie D. 2005. The ichthyofauna of Lake Manguao, Taytay, Palawan, Philippines with special reference to endemic species. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), pp. 83-100.

2530. Matsuoka, Tatsuro. September 2001. Revision of research cooperation toward responsible capture fisheries in tropical water. UPV Journal of Natural Science 6(1-2):1-14

2531. Maypa AP. Russ GR. Alcala AC. Calumpong HP. Long-term trends in yield and catch rates of the coral reef fishery at Apo Island, central Philippines. Marine & Freshwater Research. 53(2):207-213, 2002.

2532. McManos, LT and TE Chua. 1990. The coastal environment profile of Lingayen Gulf, Philippines. Coastal Resources Management project (CRMP). ICLARM Technical report 22. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines. 69p.

2533. McManos, LT and TE Chua. 1997. The Lingayen Gulf (Philippines) experience: If we have to do it again. Ocean and Coastal Management 37(2):217-232.

2534. McManus, J.W., Nañola, C.L., del Norte, A.G.C., Reyes, R.B., Pasamonte, J.P.N., Armada, N.P., Gomez, E.D., and Aliño, P.M. 1996. Coral reef fishery sampling methods. Chapter 5. p. 226-270. In: V.F. Gallucci, S.B. Saila, D. J. Gustafson and B.J. Rothschild (eds) Stock assessment: Quantitative Methods and Application for Small-scale Fisheries. CRC Lewis Publishers, New York. 527 p.

2535. McManus, JW, CL Nañola Jr., RB Reyes Jr., KN Kesner. 1992. Resource ecology of the Bolinao coral reef system. ICLARM Studies and Reviews 22, International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines. 117p.

2536. McManus, JW, CL Nañola, RB Reyes, Jr., KN Kesner. 1992. Resource ecology of the Bolinao coral reef system. Corroborative Research Support Program (CRSP). ICLARM Stud Rev 22. 117p.

2537. McManus, JW, CL Nañola. 1977. Effects of some destructive fishing methods on coral cover and potential rates of recovery. Environ Mange 21(1):69-78.

2538. McManus, JW, EM Ferrer, WL Campos. 1988. A village level approach to coastal management and resource assessment (CAMRA). Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Symposium, 8-12 August 1988 Townsville, Queensland, Australia. 2:381-386.

2539. McManus, JW, MCA Ablan, BM Vallejo, LAB Meñez, KPK Reyes, MLG gorospe, L Halmarick. 1977. ReefBase aquanaut survey manual. ICLARM contribution no. 1374. 61p.

2540. McManus, JW, RB Reyes, CL Nañola. 1997. Effects of some destructive fishing methods on coral cover and potential rates of recovery. Environmental Mangement 21(1):69-78.

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2744. Otobusin, Samuel O. and Lim, C. 1985. The Effect of Duration of Feeding on Survival Growth and production of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal) in Brackishwater Ponds in the Philippines. Aquaculture 46:287-292.

2745. Otubusin, Samuel Olu. The effect of duration of feeding on the production of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) in brackishwater ponds. February 1982. 35 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1982 F5 O69)

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2772. Pahila, I.G., Taleon, G.A., Carpio, P.J., Corre, V.L., Janeo, R.L. 1992. Effects of different stocking densities and feed input on the soil and water quality of semi-intensive prawn ponds. Asian Fisheries Society, Third Asian Fisheries Forum Abstracts, p. 144.

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2895. Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development. 1991. Primer on the abalone: its uses, nature and uses. The Council and DOST. Los Baños, Laguna. 5p.

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2899. Philippine Fisheries Commission. 1967. Prospectus for a 10-Hectare Bangos Fishpond. Manila. 9p.

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2906. Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. 1981. Project Document : National Bangus Breeding Program. Quezon City : Ministry of Natural Resources. 1v. (various pagings)

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2916. Philippines (Republic). Department of Energy and Natural Resources. 1991. An act providing for the establishment and management of national integrated protected areas system, defining its scope and coverage, and for other purposes. (RA no. 7586). 38p.

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3000. Primavera, JH. 1985. A review of maturation and reproduction in closed thelycum penaeids. Taki Y, Primavera JH, Llobrera, JA, eds. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Culture of Penaeid Prawns/Shrimps, 1984 December 4-7, Iloilo City, Philippines. Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: SEAFDEC-AQD, pp. 47-64.

3001. Primavera, JH. 1994. Chemical products used in the prawn Penaeus monodon hatcheires and grow-out farms in the Philippines. In: Aliño M. Porfirio. Proceedings of the Second National symposium in Marine Science, Mindanao State University, Tawi-Tawi, 5-7 November 1992, p.28 (abstract only).

3002. Primavera, JH. 1995. Mangroves and brackishwater pond culture in the Philippines. Hydrobiologia 295:303-310.

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3004. Primavera, JH. 1997. Fish predation on mangrove-associated penaeids—the role of structures and substrates. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. 215:205-216.

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3008. Primavera, JH., F. Apud, and C. Usigan. 1976. Effect of different stocking densities on survival and growth of sugpo (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) in a milkfish rearing pond. Phil. J. Sci. 105(3): 193-203.

3009. Primavera, JH., J Lebata. 1995. Diel activity patterns in Metapenaeus and Penaeus juveniles. Hydrobiologia 295:295-302.

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3011. Primavera, KH., GS. Jacinto, ML.Sandiego-McGlone, CL. Villanoy. 2003. Water stability, nutrient flux and chlorophyll-a distribution in the Mindanao eddy. UPV J. Nat Sci. 8(1-2):163-173.

3012. Primavera, Yasmin Honculada. 1998. The coral reef fisheries of Malalison Island, West Central Philippines. October 1998. 91 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1998 F5 P7)

3013. Princess Joy G. 2004. Hemolymph parameters of Penaeus monodon (giant black tiger shrimp) infected with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3014. Prosia, Easter Joy P. 1999. Survival and behavior of the telescope snail Telescopium telescopium (Linne) at different salinities. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3015. Prowse, G.A. 1967. A Review of the methods of fertilizing warm water fish ponds in Asia and the Far East. FAO Fish. Rep. 44(3): 7-12.

3016. Prowse, G.A. 1967. Review of the Methods of Fertilizing Warm Water Fish Ponds in Asia and the Far East. In: Proceedings of the FAO World Symposium on Warm water Pond Fish Culture, Edited by T.V.R. Pillay. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 3:7-12.

3017. Prudente M. Kim EY. Tanabe S. Tatsukawa R. Metal levels in some commercial fish species from Manila Bay, the Philippines. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 34(8):671-674, 1997 Aug.

3018. Prudente, Pia Marie Lee P. 2000. Effect of different salinity levels on the prosome length of Pseudodiaptomus annandalie (Copepoda: Calanoida) 2000 34p.Undergraduate Thesis B. S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3019. Pudadera, B.J., Corre, K.G., Coniza, E., Tallion G. 1986. Integrated farming of broiler chickens with fish and shrimp in brackishwater ponds. Maclean JL, Dizon LB, Hosillos LV, eds. The First Asian fisheries Forum: Proceedings of the First Asian Fisheries Forum: 1986 May 26-31, Manila, Philippines. Manila, Philippines: Asian Fisheries Society, pp. 141-144.

3020. Pudadera, Beato Jagunap, Jr. Growth and survival of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) and prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) in a polyculture system. March 1980. 36 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1980 5 P84)

3021. Pudadera, Beato, Jr. & Lim, Chorn. 1980. Evaluation of milkfish(Chanos chanos Forskal) and prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) in polyculture systems. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep.,4(3):1-6. See also Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 7:51-59.

3022. Pudadera, Beato, Jr. 1980. Growth and Survival of Milkfish in a Polyculture System. Asian Aquacult., 3:4.

3023. Pudadera, Beato, Jr. 1980. Growth and Survival of Milkfish(Chanos chanos Forskal) and Prawn(Penaeus monodon Fabricius) in a Polyculture System. 36 p. (Master's Thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1980)

3024. Pudadera, RA, JH Primavera, ATG Young. 1980. Effects of different sex ratios on maturation fecundity and hatching rates of ablated Penaeus monodon wild stock. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 5:1-6.

3025. Pudadera, RA, JH Primavera, ATG Young. 1980. Effects of different sex ratios on maturation fecundity and hatching rates of ablated Penaeus monodon wild stock. Fish. Res. J. Philipp.

3026. Pudadera, RA, JH Primavera, E. Borlongon. 1980. Effect of substrate types on fecundity and nauplii production of ablated Penaeus monodon Fabricius. Philipp. J. Sci. 109:15-18.

3027. Pudadera, RA, JH Primavera. 1981. Effect of light quality and eyestalk ablation on ovarian maturation in Penaeus monodon. Kalikasan, Philipp. J. Biol. 10(2-3):231-241.

3028. Pullin, R. S. V. 1980. Aquaculture in Taiwan. ICLARM Newsl. 3(2):10-12. (Condensed and Edited by R.S.V. Pullin from the Paper Entitled, "Status of Aquaculture in Taiwan", by Yen Pin Li and Po-Wei Yuan, Originally Prepared for the U.S. Taiwan Joint Workshop on Fish Health, 23-25 July 1979, Seattle, Washington)

3029. Pullin, R.S. V. 1980. Aquaculture in Taiwan: A Status Report. Aquacult. Mag., 7(6):30-32. (Condensed and Edited by R.S.V. Pullin from the Paper Entitled, "Status of Aquaculture in Taiwan", by Yen Pin Li and Po-Wei Yuan, Originally Prepared for the U.S. Taiwan Joint Workshop on Fish Health, 23-25 July 1979, Seattle, Washington)

3030. Pullin, Roger S. V. 1993. An Overview of Environmental Issues in Developing-Country Aquaculture, pp. 1-19. In: Pullin, R.S. V.; Rosenthal, H. and Maclean, J. L. (eds.) Environment and Aquaculture in Developing Countries. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 31, 359p.*UPVCF Library 9SH171 E5)

3031. Pullin, Roger S.V. 1981. Fish Pens of Laguna de Bay, Philippines. ICLARM Newsl.,4(4):11-13.

3032. Punay, Emmanuel Y. 1968. The Relationship of main gates to rearing ponds in bangus fishponds. Philipp.Fish.J. 6(6):19-22.

3033. Pura, Z., Ronquillo, J.D. and Matias, J.R. 1997. Embryonic development and larval tolerance on salinity of Scylla aceanica. Paper presented during the 2nd Asia-Pacific Marine Biotechnology Conference and 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology, Phuket, Thailand, 7-10 May 1997.

3034. Pura, Zandro Villaroya Embryonic development and larval tolerance to salinity of Scylla oceanica (Dana, 1852). April 1997. 91 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1997 F5 P8) The embryonic developments of Scylla

3035. Quiamco, Benjamin Angelo D. 1997. The effects of ammonium and phosphate enrichments on the cell density of Skeletonema tropicum 1997 36 Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3036. Quilang JP, ZU Basiao. RC Pagulayan . RR Roderos . EP Cao . Low isozyme variation in native and transplanted populations of the endemic Philippine silver perch, Leiopotherapon plumbeus (Kner, 1864) from three lakes in the Philippines. Philippine Agriculturist. 91(1):99-103, 2008 Mar.

3037. Quilang JP,. ZU Basiao, RC Pagulayan, RR Roderos, EB Barrios. Meristic and morphometric variation in the silver perch, Leiopotherapon plumbeus (Kner, 1864), from three lakes in the Philippines. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 23(5):561-567, 2007 Oct.

3038. Quilantang, M.B. 1998. The effects of aeration on water quality and growth of Nile tilapia in intensive culture. UPV Journal of Natural Sciences 3(1):37-54.

3039. Quilantang, Mercy B. and M. Asakawa. 2007. Screening of toxicity of some marine organisms from Panay Provinces, Philippines. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 12(1):83-92.

3040. Quimpo, B. February 1981. The National Bangus Breeding Program: To Answer Many More Questions About the Elusive Mature Milkfish. Farming Today 7:11-12+. UP Diliman Main Library

3041. Quinitio, ET, A Hara, K Yamauchi, A Fuji. 1990. Isolation and characterization of vitellin from the ovary of Penaeus monodon. Invert. Reprod. Dev. 17:221-227.. Aquaculture

3042. Quinitio, ET, A Hara, K Yamauchi, S Nakao. 1994. Changes in the steroid hormone and vitellogenin level during the gametogenic cycle of the giant tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 109C:21-26.

3043. Quinitio, ET, A Hara, K Yamauchi, T Mizushima, A Fuji. 1989. Identification and characterization of vitellin in a hermaphrodite shrimp, Pandalus kessleri. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 94B:445-451.

3044. Quinitio, ET, FD Parado-Estepa, E Coniza. 1991. Notes on the completion of the life cycle of Penaeus japonicus in captivity in the Philippines. Philipp. J. Sci. 120:155-158.

3045. Quinitio, ET, K Yamauchi, A Hara, A Fuji. 1991. Profiles of progresterone-and-estradiol-like substances in the hemolymph of female Pandalus kessleri during an annual reproductive cycle. Gen. Comp. Endocrimol. 81:343-348.

3046. Quinitio, ET, OM Millamena. 1992. Ovarian changes and female-specific protein levels during sexual maturation of the shite shrimp Penaeus indicus. Isr. Aquacult-Bamidgeh 44:7-12.

3047. Quinitio, ET, RM Caballero, L Gustilo. 1993. Ovarian development in relation to changes in the external genitalia in captive Penaeus monodon. Aquauculture 114:71-81.

3048. Quinitio, ET., F Parado-Estepa, OM Millamena, H Biona. 1996. Reproductive performance of captive Penaeus monodon fed various sources of carotenoids. Santiago CB, Coloso RM, Millamena OM., Borlongan IG. Eds. Feeds for small-scale aquaculture. Proceedings of the National Seminar-Workshop on Fish Nutrition and Feeds, 1-2 June 1994; SEAFDEC/AQD, tigbauan, Iloilo; tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines; SEAFDEC-AQD, pp. 74-82.

3049. Quinitio, Gerald F. and Kawamura, G. 1980. A Comparison between the catching efficiency of two milkfish fry collecting gears and their respective modifications. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. 4(4);7-10

3050. Quinitio, Gerald Fontalera & Juario,Jesus V. 1979. The Effect of various salinity levels and stocking density manipulation methods on the survival of milkfish fry (Chanos chanos Forskal) during storage. Q.Res. Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep., 3(4):5-10. Also published under a slightly different title In: Fish.Res.J.Philipp.5(2):11-21 1980.

3051. Quinitio, Gerald Fontalera. 1980. The Effect of Various Salinity Levels and Stocking Density Manipulation Methods on the Survival of Milkfish Fry (Chanos chanos Forskal) During Storage. 42 p. (Master's Thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1980) *SEAFDEC ADQ Library

3052. Quinitio, Gerald Fontelera. 1980. The effect of various salinity levels and stocking density manipulation methods on the survival of milkfish fry (Chanos chanos Forskal) during storage. May 1980. 42 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1980 F5 Q85)

3053. Quinitio, Gerald. 1980. Milkfish Seed Collection, Fry Handling and Storage. In:APDEM (III : 1980 : Tigbauan, Iloilo) =Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC=, 2: (3 p.)*UPVCF Library , vertical file

3054. Quinitio, GF, A Goto, H. Takahashi. 1992. A comparison of the annual changes testicular activity and serum androgen levels between the early and delay maturing groups of male Cottus hangiongensis. Environ. Biol. Fish. 34:119-126.

3055. Quinitio, GF, A Takemura, A Goto. 1989. Ovarian development and chnages in the serum vitellogenin levels in the river sculpin, Cottus hangiongensis, during an annual reproductive cycle. Bull. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. 40:246-253.

3056. Quinitio, GF, H Takahashi, A Goto. 1988. Annual changes in the testicular activity of the river sculpin, Cottus hangiongensis Mori, with emphasis on the occurrence of aberrant spermatids during spermatogenesis. J. Fish. Biol. 33:871-878.

3057. Quinitio, GF, H Takahashi. 1992. An utltrastructural study on the occurrence aberrant spermatids in the testis of the river sculpin, Cottus hangiongensis. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 39:235-241.

3058. Quinitio, GF, MN Duray. 1996. Review of SEAFDEC/AQD seed production research. Marte CL, Quinitio GF, Emata, eds. Breeding and seed production of cultured finfishes in the Philippines. Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on Breeding and Seed Production of Cultured Finfinshes in the Philippines, 4-5 May 1993. Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: SEAFDEC-AQD, pp. 119-131.

3059. Quinitio, GF, NB Caberoy, DM Reyes, Jr. 1997. Induction of sex change in female Epinephelus coioides by social control. Isr. J. Aquacult. Bamidgeh 4977-83.

3060. Quinitio, GF, RM Coloso, NB Caberoy, JD Toledo. 1996. Egg quality grouper Epinephelus coioides fed different fatty acid sources. Mackinlat D, Eldridge M, eds. The Fish Eggs: its Biology and Culture Symposium Proceedings, International Congress on the Biology of Fishes, 14-18 July 1996, USA: San Francisco State University, pp. 103-107.

3061. Rabanal, H. R. et al. 1951. The Rate of Algae Production in the Dagat-dagatan Salt-Water Fishery Experimental Station Fishpond. Phil. J. Fish. 1(2): 155-167.

3062. Rabanal, H. R., and Ronquillo, I. A. 1975. Distribution and occurrence of milkfish Chanos chanos(Forskal). Proc. National Bangos Sym. Philippine Village Hotel-Punta Baluarte. 25-28 July 1975. pp. 20-33.

3063. Rabanal, H. R., Montalban, H. R. and Villaluz, D. K. 1950. The Preparation and management of the bangos fish pond nursery in the Philippines. Tech. Paper No. 29. Indo-Pacific Fish Coun. Bangkok, Thailand.

3064. Rabanal, H. R.; Esguerra, R. s. and Nepomuceno, M. M. 1953. Studies on the rate of growth of Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal, under cultivation. I. Rate of growth of fry and fingerlings in fishpond nurseries. Proc. Indo-Pac. Fish. Council 4(2):171-180.

3065. Rabanal, H. R.; Esguerra, R. S.; Lopez, J. V.; Aldana, A. M.; Ramos, V. R. And Felix, S. S. 1951. The Rate of Algae "Lumot" poduction in Dagat-dagatan Salt-Water Fishery Experimental Station Fishponds. Phil. J. Fish. 1(2):155-168.

3066. Rabanal, Herminio R. 1949. The Culture of Lab-Lab, the natural food of the milkfish fry and fingerlings under cultivation. Manila : Bureau of Printing. 9 p. (Technical Bulletin / Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, =Philippines=; no. 18)

3067. Rabanal, Herminio R. 1963. The Elevation of a swampland based on the tidal datum and its importance in selecting sites for Chanos Fishponds Project. Proc.IPFC,10(2):138-140.

3068. Rabanal, Herminio R. 1968. Inorganic fertilizers for pond fish culture. Philipp.J.Fish. 8(1):23-45.

3069. Rabanal, Herminio R. 1974. Technological Innovations in Characteristics Design and Management of Ponds Used in Brackishwater Aquaculture. Bangkok: FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East. 30p. (Contribution to the Workshop on Artisanal Fisheries Development in Indonesia with Special Emphasis on Brackishwater Pond Culture, Jakarta, Indonesia, 4-7 March 1974)

3070. Rabanal, Herminio R. 1974. The Potentials of Aquaculture Development =in the= Indo-Pacific Region. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 34 p. (Working paper/South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme; no. 1)

3071. Rabanal, Herminio R. 1976. The Resources of inland waters : their utilization and management. 21 p. (Talk Delivered Before the Phi Sigma Biological Honor Society as a Contribution to the Deogracias V. Villadolid Memorial Lecture Series, Manila, Philippines, 26 November 1976)

3072. Rabanal, Herminio R. & Hosillos, Lucila V. 1958. A Comparative analysis of Philippine and Taiwanese methods of bangos culture. Fish.Gaz.Bur.Fish. (Philipp.), 2(9): 7-9.

3073. Rabanal, Herminio R. & Hosillos, Lucila V. 1958. Control of less desirable exotic species of fish competing with or harmful to desirable indigenous species in inland waters in the Philippines. Philipp.J.Fish.,6(1):49-70.

3074. Rabanal, Herminio R. & Hosillos, Lucila V. 1961. Status and progress of Chanos fishery in the Philippines. Bangkok : Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council. 5 p. (Occasional Paper / Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council; 61/8)

3075. Rabanal, Herminio R. & Hosillos, Lucila V. 1950. The Dagat-Dagatan Salt-Water Fishery Experimental Station. Bull.Fish.Soc.Philipp., 1:67-69.

3076. Rabanal, Herminio R. & Montalban, Heraclio R. 1957. Nursery pond management techniques in Philippine Chanos Fishponds. Proc.Pac.Sci.Congr.,8(3A):887-902.

3077. Rabanal, Herminio R. & Montalban, Heraclio R. 1961. The Growing of Algae or "Lumut" in Bangos Fishponds. Fish. Gaz. Bur.Fish.(Philipp.), 5(2) :3-12, 22.

3078. Rabanal, Herminio R. & Ronquillo, Inocencio. 1975. Distribution and occurrence of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal). In: National Bangus Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, pp.20-33. Also in : PCAR Monit., 3(8):12. *UPVCF Library, vertical file (mimeographed copy)

3079. Rabanal, Herminio R. 1952. Methods and problems of collecting eggs and fry for transportation. Proc. IPFC, 3(2-4):196-201.

3080. Rabanal, Herminio R. 1967. Stock manipulation and other biological methods of increasing production of fish through pond fish culture in Asia and the Far East. In: Proceedings of the FAO World Symposium on Warm-Water Pond Fish Culture, Edited by T.V.R.Pillay. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 4:274-288.

3081. Rabanal, Herminio R. 1998. Aquaculture in the Philippines (1898-1998),pp.70-115. In: R.D. Guerrero III, ed. 100 Years of Philippine Fisheries and Marine Science. Los Baños, Laguna.

3082. Rabanal, Herminio R., Ricardo S. Esguerra, Juan v. Lopez, Adolfo M. Aldana, Vivencio R. Ramos, and Sergio S. Felix. 1951. The rate of algae (lumut) production in the Dagat-Dagatan Salt-Water Fishery Experimental Station fishpons. Phil. Jour. Fish. 1(1-2):160-174.

3083. Rabanal, Herminio R.; Esguerra, R.S. & Nepomuceno, N. 1953. Studies on the rate of growth of milkfish or "Bangos" Chanos chanos (Forskal) under cultivation. I. rate of growth of the fry and fingerlings in fishpond nurseries. Proc.IPFC, 4(2) :171-180. Also in : National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, 1975. Symposium Papers. =Makati : SEAFDEC=.

3084. Rabanal, Herminio R.; Esguerra, Ricardo S.; Lopez, Juan V.; Aldana, Adolfo M.; Ramos, Vivencio R. & Felix, Sergio S. 1951. Rate of algae (Lumut) production in the Dagat-Dagatan Salt-Water Fishery Experimental Station Fishponds. Philipp.J.Fish. 1(2) : 160-174.

3085. Rabanal, Herminio R.; Montalban, Heraclio R. and Villaluz, Domiciano K. 1951. The Preparation and management of bangos fishpond nursery in the Philippines. Philipp. J. Fish. 1(1-2) :3-44. Also in Philipp. Fish. J., 4(9) :6-21

3086. Rabanal, HR 1975. Geographic distribution of bangus. National Bangus Symposium. Phil. Village Hotel, Pasay City, Metro Manila , 25-26 JI 1975

3087. Rabanal, HR, HR Montalban, DK Villaluz. 1951. The preparation and management of bangos fishpond nursery in the Philippines. Phil J. Fish. 1(1):3-44.

3088. Rabanal, HR. 1951. Pond culture of warm water fishes (with special reference to bangos or milkfish cultivation under Philippine conditions). Proc. U.N. Sci. Conf. Conserv. Util. Resour. 7: 142-145.

3089. Rabanal, HR. 1961. Status and progress of the Chanos fishery in the Philippines. Occas. Paper Indo-Pacific Fish. Coun. 61/8: 5.

3090. Rabanal, HR. 1974. The Potentials of aquaculture development in the Indo-Pacific Region. Working Paper: Indo-Pacific Fish. Coun. 16th Session. Jakarta, Indonesia. 30 Oct. - 8 Nov. 1974. IPFC/74/INF 18: 34.

3091. Rabanal, HR. & Shang, Y. C. 1979. The Economics of various management techniques for pond culture of fishfish. In : Advances in Aquaculture, Edited by R. V. R. Pillay and Wm. A. Dill. Farnham, Surrey: Fishing News Books, pp. 224-234.

3092. Rabanal, HR. (n.d.) An Evaluation of a swampland based on the tidal datum and its importance in selecting sites for Chanos fishpond projects. 4p. (Printout)

3093. Rabanal, HR. 1949. Pond culture of warm water fishes with special reference to bangos or milkfish cultivation under Philippine conditions. Submitted to the UN Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources. Wildlife (Washington,USA). 4(7). 18 May.

3094. Rabanal, HR. 1949. The Culture of lab-lab, the natural food of the milkfish fry and fingerlings under cultivation. Dept. Agric. & Nat. Res. Tech. Bull No. 18:1-9

3095. Rabanal, HR. 1958. The Taiwanese method of milkfish or bangus, Chanos chanos (Forskal) and its implication in the Philippines. Fish Gaz 2(3):3-15

3096. Rabanal, HR. 1960. Inorganic fertilizers for pond fish culture. Phil. J Fish. 8(1); 23-41 (Ja/Je).

3097. Rabanal, HR. 1975. Studies on the rate of growth of milkfish or bangos Chanos chanos (Forskal) under cultivation. National Bangos Symposium, sponsored by PCAR, BFAR, UPCF, SEAFDEC. 18p.

3098. Rabanal, HR. 1976. Mangroves and their utilization for aquaculture. Tech Rep.SCSFP, Metro Manila. 20p. (Contributed to the Nat'l Workshop on Mangrove Ecology. Phuket, Thailand, 10-16 Ja 1976).

3099. Rabanal, HR. 1976. The Resources in inland waters; their utilization and management. Tech Paper. SCSFP, Metro Manila. 21p. (Talk delivered before the Phi. Sigma Biological Honor Society As A Contribution to the D.V. Villadolid Memorial Lecture Series. Manila Philippines. 26 N. 1976.)

3100. Rabanal, HR. 1976. Aquaculture 1976: Focus on Southeast Asia. SCSFP, Metro Manila. 12p. (Talk Delivered by the Nat'l Covention of the Federation of the Fish Producers of the Philippines, Iloilo City, 26 Ag 1976).

3101. Rabanal, HR. and Hosillos, L. V. 1968. The Preparation and management of bangus fishpond nursery in the Philippines. Phil. Fishing J. 4(9):6-20.

3102. Rabanal, SF, R Azanza, AQ Hurtado-Ponce. 1997. Laboratory manipulation of Gracilariopsis bailinae Zhang et Xia (gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Bot. Mar. 40:547-556.

3103. Rabor, DS. 1938. Studies on the anatomy of the bangos Chanos chanos (Forskal) 1. The Skeletal system. Phil J Sci. 67(4):351-377.
3104. Racuyal, Jesus Tan. Aspects on the biology of the banana prawn (Penaeus merguiensis de Man, 1888) and the shrimp fishery of Southeastern Samar. April 1995. 113 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1995 F5 R3).

3105. Radan, Reynaldo R. 1979. Abello : Producing market-sized bangus in 25 Days. Greenfields 9(3) :32-36.

3106. Radcliffe, Lewis. 1912. Notes on pond culture in the Philippines. Trans .Am. Fis. Soc., 41st Annu.Meet.; 289-293.

3107. Ramos, Alan Lim. 1997. Preservation and taxonomy of Nereis sp. (Johnston, 1845) found in UPV Miag-ao shoreline 1997 30 Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3108. Ramos, Diego G. & Aspuria, Teresita G. 1979. A Socio-Economic Survey of Milkfish Farmers in Eastern Visayas. Los Baños, Laguna: SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 27p. (Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series; no. 16) (Research Paper Series/ SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program; no. 16)*PCARR Library

3109. Ramos, Diego. 1978. A Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry of Cagayan Valley. Los Baños, Laguna:SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 110p. (Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series; no. 9) (Research Paper Series/SEAFDEC-PCARR Research program; no. 9).

3110. Ramsingh, D.C. & E. 1981. Chanos chanos (The Milkfish) : A Bibliography Compiled in 1976 for the International Milkfish Workshop Conference;Updated in 1981 by Deborah Turnbull. Vancourver, B.C. : International Development Research Center. 65 p. (Manuscript Reports/ International Development Research Center; no.44).*UPVCF Libray, Vertical file

3111. Rasalan, Santos B. 1953. Fish corral fishing in the Philippines. Bull.Fish.Soc. Philipp., 3&4:45-63.

3112. Rasalan, SB. 1950. New methods of fish capture in the Philippines. Bull Fish Soc Philipp 1:57-68.

3113. Rasalan, SB. 1952. Fishing gear commonly used in Philippine fishing. Philippine Fisheries, a handbook prepared by the Technical Staff of the Bureau of Fisheries, pp. 53-69.

3114. Rasalan, SB. 1957. Marine fisheries of Central Visayas. Phil Jour. Fish. 5(1):53-89.

3115. Rasalan, SB. And BY Datingaling. Fishing with artificial light in the Philippines. Bull Fish Soc Philipp. 1952/1953. ¾:64-72.

3116. Rasco, Raymon Seraspi. 2004. Effect of Artemia on growth Effect of Artemia on growth and survival of the larvae of the blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3117. Ravago-Gotanco RG. Juinio-Menez MA. Title Population genetic structure of the milkfish, Chanos chanos, based on PCR-RFLP analysis of the mitochondrial control region. Marine Biology. 145(4):789-801, 2004 Sep.

3118. Raymundo LJ. Maypa AP. Gomez ED. Cadiz P. Can dynamite-blasted reefs recover? A novel, low-tech approach to stimulating natural recovery in fish and coral populations. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 54(7):1009-1019, 2007 Jul.

3119. Raymundo, Laurie J. and Aileen P. Maypa. 2003. Impacts of the 1998 Enso Event: recovery of the coral community in Apo Island Marine Reserve two years after a mass bleaching event. Phil Scient. 40:164-176.

3120. Razon, Jose A. III. The effects of eyestalk ablation on the molting frequency, spawing and larval survival of the giant freshwater prawn macrobrachium rosenbergii(de Man). March 1995. 56 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1995 F5 R38)

3121. Reboton, C. and H.P. Calumpong. 2003. Coral damage cause by divers/snorkellers in Apo Island Marine Santuary, Dauin, Negros Oriental, Philippines. Phil Scient. 40:177-190.

3122. Recometa, Renato D. 1975. Fish Polyculture Systems in Freshwater. Fish.Forum, (2nd Q.):(14 p)

3123. Recometa, Renato D. Polyculture of nile tilapia (Tilapia nilotica), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and freshwater clam (Cristaria plicata) in ponds with supplemental feeding. July 1980. 42 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1980 F5 R43)

3124. Recto, Carmencita P. 2003. Metazoan parasites from the gills and gut of three species of Philippine carangid fishes. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 8(1-2):108-114.
3125. Redcliffe, L. 1912. Notes on pPond culture in the Philippines. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 8: 289.

3126. ReefBase. 2000. ReefBase 2000: Improving policies for sustainable management of coral reefs. CD-ROM. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Philippines.

3127. Regalado, Aves B. 2002. Extraction and screening of antimicrobial properties from the fruits and roots of Morinda citrifolia Linn (Noni) plant. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3128. Regidor, S.E.; Arthur,J.R. 1986. Parasites of juvenile milkfish, Chanos chanos. Abstract of Paper presented at the First Asian Fisheries Forum, Manila, Philippines, 25-31 May 1986. p.261-264.

3129. Reilly, A. 1986. Mycotoxin in seafood. In: Cured Fish Production in the Tropics. Reilly A. and Barile, L. (eds.), pp. 131-138.

3130. Reilly, A., MA Bernarte, E Dangla. 1982. Microbiological problems associated with processing cultured prawns for the export market. Phil J Food Sci Tech 6(1-2): 41-55.

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3252. Saji, Abdulsali Paradji. Contribution to the biology of Priacanthus tayenus (Richardson, 1846) in Lingayen Gulf. May 1987. 104 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1987 F5 S35)

3253. Sajo, T.A. 1985. Prospects of small-business entrepreneurship in a developing economy. Presented at the UPV Diamond Jubilee Lecture Series IV, Iloilo City, September 18, 1985.

3254. Sajo. T.A. 1986. Feasibility and profitability of fish processing activities of small-scale marine municipal fishermen in Iloilo. Presented at the “Fish Marketing Research Workshop,” Jahor Bharu, Malaysia, October14-18, 1986.

3255. Salafranca, Enrique S. 1951. Comparative capacities of various plating media for satisfying the cultural requirements of aerobic bacteria in materials of marine origin. Phil. Jour. Fish. 1(1-2):197-208.

3256. Salanio, Carilyn Dianco. 1999. The community structure of the mangroves in a selected site at the UP mangrove reserve of Barangay Camaligan Batan, Aklan. Undergraduate Thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3257. Salas, Ayn Aimee J. 1995. Biochemical characterization of bacterial isolates from eggs, larvae and postlarvae of Penaeus monodon. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3258. Salazar, Matilde P. 1983. Harvest and post harvest technology of milkfish. In: APDEM (VI: 1983:Tigbauan, Iloilo) =Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo:SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department=,3:4p)

3259. Salinas, Susan May C. 2002. The effect of chitin flakes on the luminous bacterium CLM3 and its biochemical characterization 2002 30 Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

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3261. Salita-Espinosa, J. T., JP Tiquio, MD fortes. 1994. Preliminary observations on the feeding and trophic role of Tectus fenestratus (Gastropoda: Trochidae) in a seagrass bed in Cape Bolinao, Pangasinan. In: Porfirio M. Aliño, ed. Proceedings of the Second National Symposium in Marine Science, Mindanao State University, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, 5-7 November 1992, p 10 (abstract only)

3262. Salmo, SG, RA Turion, MAR Juinio-Meñez, PM Aliño. 1999. Establishment and implementation of the Balingasay marine protected area: a community-based approach. In Philippine Marine Science—facing the challenges of the next millennium. The 5th National Symposium in Marine Science, manila, Philippines, October 17-19, 1999, p. 59 (book of Abstracts).

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3264. Salvador, Aile Meek Chato. 2003. Relationship of size of fecundity and egg size of the chambered nautilus Nautilus pompilius Linnaeus (Cephalopoda: Nautilidae) from Tibiao Antique, Western Panay. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3265. Salvador, Isaac S. III. 1989. A comparative study of dried prawn powder and smoked dried prawn powder from heads of Penaeus monodon. 70 leaves. (Thesis—B.S. Food Technology)

3266. Salvador, Ronelie Chato. Growth, survival and bacterial load of sex-reversed tilapia hybrid (Oreochromis niloticus x Oreochromis mossambicus) cultured in seawater netcages at various stocking densities May 1992 84 Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1992 F5 S2)

3267. Samaniego, Ana Lizza D. 2003. A comparison of the reproductive, performance of ablated and unblated Scylla serrata, Scylla tranquebarica and Scylla olivacea broodstock. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3268. Sambilay, Victor C.,Jr. Depth-distribution patterns of demersal fishes of the Samar Sea, Philippines, and their use for estimation of mortality. May 1991. 66 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1991 F5 S24)

3269. Samentar, Lorena P. 1997. A preliminary study of the reproductive biology of "Imbaw", Lucinoma annulata (Reeve, 1850).35 leaves. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas, Iloilo.

3270. Samentar, Lorena P. 1997. A preliminary study of the reproductive biology of "Imbaw", Lucinoma annulata (Reeve, 1850). Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3271. Samentar, Lorena P. 2002. Cloning of red snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) growth hormone cDNA and mRNA expression during early development. Thesis Master of Science in Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3272. Samentar, Lorena P., Minda J. Formacion and Jane S. Geduspan. 2004. Reproductive biology of the mud-dwelling clam, imbaw (Anodontia edentula) in Guimaras Province, Central Philippines. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 9(2):217-228.

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3275. Samonte, GPB, CC Espegadera, RD Caturao. 1993. Economics of microalgae (Chaetoceros calcitrans) production using the multi-step method in the Philippines. Aquaculture 112:39-45.

3276. Samonte, GPB, Hurtado-Ponce, R. Caturao. 1992. Economic analysis of bottom line and raft monoline culture of Kappaphycus alvarezii var. tambalangin Western Visayas, Philippines. Aquaculture 110:1-11.

3277. Samonte, GPB, RS Ortega. 1992. A survey of small-scale fishermen’s credit practices in Panay, Philippines. Philipp. Qtrly. Culture Soc. 20:300-316.

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3279. Samonte-Tan, G. and P Cruz. 2006. Economic valuation of environment-friendly shrimp farming in mangorve areas. SEAFDEC-AQD, Tigbauan, Iloilo. 82p.

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3281. Samsi, Soleh. 1979. Effects of Various Protein Sources on the Growth and Survival Rates of Milkfish,Chanos chanos(Forskal) Fingerlings in a Controlled Environment. xii,42 p.(Master's Thesis, University of the Philippine System, 1979)*ICLARML(SH209 1979 S25)

3282. Samsi, Soleh. 1979. Effects of various protein sources on the growth and survival of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) fingerlings in a controlled environment. .April 1979. 42 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1979 F5 S26)

3283. Samson, M. S. and W. Y. Licuanan. 2002. The socio-economic conditions of the coastal communities and coastal resource management along the Pacific coast of the Philippines. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 7:167-178.

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3287. Sanares, R.C., Katase, S.A., Fast, A.W., Carpenter, K.E. 1987. Water quality dynamics in brackishwater shrimp ponds with artificial aeration and circulation. Presented at the 7th PCARRD Annual Review of Completed and On-going Research Projects for Fisheries, La Granja, La Carlota, Negros Occidental, Philippines, April 22-25.

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3310. Santiago, CB, MB Aldaba, OS Reyes, MA Laron. 1988. Response of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fry to diets containing Azolla meal. Pullin, RSV, T Bhukaswan , K Tonguthai, JL Maclean, eds. The Second International Sympsoium on Tilapia in Aquaculture; ICLARM conference Proceedings 15; 1987 March 16-20; Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok, Thailand: Department of Fisheries; Manila, Philippines: Interantional Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, pp.377-382.

3311. Santiago, CB, MB Aldaba, OS Reyes. 1987. Influence of feeding rate and diet form on growth and survival of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fry. Aquaculture 64:277-282.

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3314. Santiago, CB, OS Reyes. 1991. Optimum dietary protein level for growth, bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) fry in a static water system. Aquauclutre 93:155-165.

3315. Santiago, CB, OS Reyes. 1993. Effects of dietary lipid source on reproductive performance and tissue lipid levels of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus) broodstock. J. appl. Ichthyol. 9:33-40.

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3317. Santiago, CB, RT Lovell. 1988. Amino acid requirements for growth of Nile tilapia. J. Nutr. 118:1540-1546.

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3325. Santiago, Corazon B., Bañes-Aldaba, Mercedes & Songalia, Edna T. 1983. Effect of artificial diets on growth and survival of milkfish fry in freshwater. Aquaculture 34(3/4) :247-252.

3326. Santiago, Corazon B., Mercedes B. Aldaba, Manuel A. Laron. 1983. Effect of varying dietary crude protein levels on spawning frequency and growth of Sarotherondon niloticus breeders. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 8(2):9-18.

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3328. Santillan, August S. 2002. Growth, biomass and settlement of the starfish Protoreaster nodosus (Linn.1758) in the Taklong Island National Marine Reserve, Southern Guimaras. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3329. Santos, Francisco F. Effect of common table salt in improving the growth and survival of mud crab scylla oceanica DANA, 1852 from First ZOEA to megalopa stage. January 2000. 69 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 2000 F5 S35 ).

3330. Santos, AC, VS Hernandez, RA Reyes and DR Strenth. 1968. The preparation and use of papain for the production of fish hydrolysates. Philippine Agriculturist 52(2):91-100.

3331. Santos, E. E. M. 1993. Utilization of bullet tuna “aloy” (Auxis rocheii) using different processing technologies. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

3332. Santos, E. E. M. 1993. Value added products using cephalopods . Phase I. Development of value added squid products. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

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3335. Santos, G. A., MS Doty. 1971. Constituents of the green alga Caulerpa lamourouxii. Lloydia 34:88-90.

3336. Santos, L. M. and R. S. Aguilar. 2001. Postgraduate fisheries education in the Philippines. In: Proceedings of the 70th Anniversary Commemorative Symposium of the Japanese Society for fisheries Science, Yokohama, 1-5 October 2001.

3337. Santos, L.M., Magno-Orejana, F.and Bautista,M.N. 1977. Utilization of By Products of Milkfish Processing. Preparation of Fish meal and Silage. Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines 2(1): 56-69.

3338. Santos, Leonor M. 1978. Post-mortem changes in the Hypoxantine content and non-protein nitrogenous compounds of milkfish in relation to its sensory qualities. Thesis, College of Home Economics, University of the Philippines. 77p. UPVCFL

3339. Santos, Leonor M., Magno-Orejana, Florian & Bautista, Myrna N. 1977. Utilization of by Products of Milkfish Processing. Preparation of Fish Meal and Silage. Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines 2(1):56-69. Also In: National Science Development Board (Philippines). Milkfish (bangos) as Food. Bicutan, Taguig: The Board, pp. 138-166. *UPVCF Library Reserve Section

3340. Santos, Leonor M., Magno-Orejana, Florian and Bautista, Myrna N. Jan-Jun 1977. Utilization of by products of milkfish processing, preparation of fish meal and silage. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 2(1):56-69.

3341. Santos, LM and TP Acevedo.. 1978. Post-mortem changes in the hypoxanthine content and non-protein nitrogenous compounds of milkfish in relation to its sensory qualities. Phil J Food Sci and Tech 2(1-2):61-86.

3342. Santos-Borja, AC, EA Peña, CM Muan, M Erasga, M Erasga. 2005. Partnership for the sustainable development of Tadlak Lake, Laguna, Philippines. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), p. 233 (abstract only)

3343. Santos-Yap, En. Emilia M. and Pascual, Almira M. June 1996. Development of fish protein hydrolysate. UPV Journal of Natural Science 1(1):21-29.

3344. Sara, La, Ingles, Jose A., Baldevarona, R. B. and Aguilar, R. O., Laureta, L. V. and Watanabe, S. 2002. Reproductive biology of mud crab, Scylla serrata in Lawelle Bay. Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. JSPS-DGHE International Seminar. Crustacean Fisheries, pp. 88-95.

3345. Sara, La, RO Aguilar, LV Laureta, RB Baldevarona, and JA Ingles. 2007. The natural diet of the mud crab (Scylla serrata) in Lawele bay, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The Philippine Agricultural Scientists 90(1):6-14.

3346. Sara, La., JA Ingles, RO Aguilar, LV Laureta, RB Baldevarona, and S. Watanabe. 2006. Abundance and distribution patterns of Scylla spp. Larvae in the Lawele Bay, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Asian Fisheries Science 19:331-347.

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3353. Sastrillo, M.A. S. 1990. Methionine Requirement of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) juvenile. M.S. thesis. College of Fisheries, U.P. in the Visayas, Iloilo. 38p.

3354. Sastrillo, Mary Agnes Sardoma. Methionine requirement of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) juveniles. March 1990. 38 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1990 F5 S2)

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3368. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. Feed Development Section. 1994. Feeds and Feeding of Milkfish, Nile Tilapia, Asian Sea Bass, and Tiger Shrimp. SEAFDEC -AQD. Tigbauan, Iloilo. 97p. (SEAFEDC ADQ Aquaculture Extension Manual; 21)

3369. SEAFDEC Progress Report 1977. Background Information on Milkfish Research Breakthrough at the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines, No. 1, May 1977.

3370. SEAFDEC. 1977. Induced Spawning, Artificial fertilization of Eggs and larval rearing of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal) in the Philippines. Tigbauan,Iloilo. 38 p. (Technical Report / Aquaculture Department , Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center ; no. 3).

3371. SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. 1974. An Integrated Research and Development Project on Milkfish and Seed Production and Cultivation ; A Request from the International Development Research Centre. Tigbauan,Iloilo. 1 v. (various pagings).

3372. SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. 1975. An Integrated Research and Development Project for Milkfish Seed Production and Cultivation ; A Technical Assistance Request from the International Development Research Centre. Tigbauan,Iloilo. 26 p.

3373. SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. 1975. Approved Research Projects. Tigbauan,Iloilo. 1 v. (various pagings).

3374. SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. 1977. Milkfish Research Program. Tigbauan,Iloilo. 1 v. (various pagings).

3375. SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. 1975. Research Project on Chanos chanos : Propagation, Cultivation and Conservation of Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskal (SEAFDEC-IDRC Sabalo Program). Tigbauan,Iloilo. 1 v. (various pagings).

3376. SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. 1975. SEAFDEC-IDRC Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Research Project. Tigbauan,Iloilo. 1 v. (various pages).

3377. SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. 1976. SEAFDEC-IDRC Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Research Project. Progress Report as of June 1976. Tigbauan,Iloilo. 86 p.

3378. SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. 1983. A Compilation of SEAFDEC AQD Technical Papers on Milkfish & Other Finfishes. Tigbauan, Iloilo : The Department. 2 v.

3379. SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. 1977. Artificial Fertilization and Hatching of Milkfish or Sabalo(Chanos chanos) Eggs. Tigbauan,Iloilo. 28p. (Progress Report / Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department ; no.1)

3380. SEAFDEC. Institute of Aquaculture. Library / Documentation/ Technical Services. 1979. Milkfish. Tigbauan,Iloilo: Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC. 52 p. (Aquaculture Abstracts. Part II. Vertebrates)

3381. SEAFDEC-AQD. 1977. Readings in Aquaculture Practices. Tigbauan, Iloilo. 2v. (SEAFDEC-AQD Training materials,series 1). SEAFDEC-AQD L

3382. SEAFDEC-AQD. 1991. Research Publications (1987-1990) Collected Abstracts. The Department, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines, pp. 31-73

3383. Seale, A, July 1910 (issued 7 October 1910). Descriptions of four new species of fishes from Bantayan Island, Philippine Archipelago. Phil. J. Sci 5(2), section D: 115-119.

3384. Seale, A. December 1911. The fishery resources of the Philippine Islands, Part IV, miscellaneous marine products. Phil J Sci 6(6):283-320.

3385. Seale, A. 1912. Notes on edible mollusks. Philipp. J. Sci. 7(4):273-281.

3386. Seale, A. 1916. Sea products of Mindanao and Sulu, II: pearl, pearl shells, and button shells. Phil J Sci II, no. 4, Sec D:245-265.

3387. Seale, A. August 1910 (issued 22 October 1910). The successful transference of black bass into the Philippine Islands with notes on thre transportation of live fish long distances. Phil J. Sci 5(3) section D: 153-159.

3388. Seale, A. August 1912 (issued 13 November 1912). Description of a new Acanthocybium from the Philippine Islands. Phil J. Sci 7(4), section D:283-287.

3389. Seale, A. August 1912 (issued 13 November 1912). Some poisonous Philippine fishes. Phil J. Sci 7(4), section D:289-293.

3390. Seale, A. December 1908. (Issued 16 March 1909). The fishery resources of the Philippine Islands. Part I, commercial fishes. Phil. J. Sci. 3(6):section A, pp. 513-531

3391. Seale, A. May 1917 (issued 5 September 1917). The mosquito fish, Gambusa affinis (Baird and girard), in the Philippine Islands. Phil J. Sci. 12(3), section D:177-189.

3392. Seale, A. November 1909 (issued 23 February 1910). New species of Philippine fishes. Phil. J. Sci. 4(6), section A: 491-543

3393. Sebastian, Alfonso. 1951. Oceanography in the Philippines. Phil Jour. Fish. 1(1-2):153-159.

3394. Secor, David H., JM Dean, and R. Baldevarona B. 1989. Comparison of otolith growth and sonatic growth in larval and juvenile fishes based on otolith length/fish length relationships. Rapp. P. V. Reun. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 191:431-438.

3395. Sedonio, Rosie Joan J. 1994. Comparison of growth rates and epiphytic load of three species of seagrasses: Enhalus acoroides (L.F.) Royle, Halodule uninervis (Forsk.) Aschers, and Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenberg) Aschers, in Kalaparan, Taklong . . . Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3396. Segal, Miguel. 1931. Historical notes on the oceanography of the Philippines. Publications of the Manila Observatory 3(1).

3397. Segal, Miguel. 1932. Sea surface temperatures in the Philippines. Publications of the Manila Observatory 3(3).

3398. Segner, H. B. Orejana-Acosta, JV Juario. 1984. The effect of Brachionus plicatilis grown on three different species of phytoplankton on the ultrastructure of the hepatocytes of Chanos chanos (Forskal) fry. Aquaculture 42:109-115.

3399. Segner, H., P Burkhardt, EM Avila, JV Juario and V Storch. 1987. Nutrition-related histopathology of the intestine of milkfish Chanos chanos Fry. Dis. Aquat. Org. 2:99-108.

3400. Segner, H., P Burkhardt, EM Avila, V Storch and JV Juario. 1986. Histopathology of Chlorella-feeding in larval milkfish, Chanos chanos. In: Second International Colloquium Pathology and Marine Aquaculture, 1986, September 7-11, Porto, Portugal, pp. 69-70. *SEAFDEC AQD Library. Its abstract is found in SEAFDEC Collected Abstracts (1987-1990), p. 46 at UPVCF Library

3401. Segner, H.; Acosta, B. O.; Juario, J. V. 1985. Dietary Value of Brachionus plicatilis Growth on Three Different Species of Phytoplankton as Feed for Chanos chanos (Forsskal) Fry. Aquaculture 42(2):109-115. *SEAFDEC-AQD Libray

3402. Segner, H.; Juario, J.V. 1986. Histological observations on the rearing of milkfish, Chanos chanos, fry using different diets. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 4:162-173.

3403. Segner, Helmut; Burkhardt, Patricia; Avila, Enrique M.; Storck, Volker; and Juario, Jesus V. 1987. Effects of chlorella-feeding on larval milkfish, Chanos chanos, as Evidenced by Histological Monitoring. Aquaculture 67:113-116.

3404. Seneriches, M. L. and Chiu, Y. N. 1987. Effect of fishmeal on the growth, survival and feed efficiency of milkfish (Chanos chanos) fry. Presented at the 7th PCARRD Annual Review of Completed and On-Going Research Projects for Fisheries, La Granja, La Carlota City, Negros Occidental, April 22-25, 1987.

3405. Seneriches, M. L. M. 1987. The Effect of Fishmeal on the Growth and Survival of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fry. M.S. Thesis. College of Fisheries,UP in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. 26p.

3406. Seneriches, M. M.; Chiu, Y. N. 1988. Effect of Fishmeal on the Growth, Survival and Feed Effeciency of Milkfish (Chanos chnaos) Fry. Aquaculture 71:61-69. *ICLARM

3407. Seneriches, M. M.; Chiu, Y. N. 1988. Effect of Fishmeal on the Growth, Survival and Feed Effeciency of Milkfish (Chanos chnaos) Fry. Aquaculture 71:61-69. *ICLARM

3408. Seneriches, M.L.M., Chiu, Y,N., Camacho, A.S. 1986. Effects of practical type-diets on the growth and survival of milkfish grown from fry to fingerling under controlled environmental conditions II. The effect of fishmeal on the growth and survival of milkfish (Chanos chanos) fry. Leganes, Iloilo. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas.Technical Report.

3409. Seneriches, Mary Lynn Marte. 1987. The effect of fishmeal on the growth and survival of milkfish (Chanos chanos) fry. March 1987. 26 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1987 F5 S4)

3410. Seneriches-Abiera, May Lynn M. 2008. Toxicity of nitrite and its histopathological effects on the gills of mudcrab Scylla serrata (Forsskal) larvae and juveniles. Unpublished Ph D dissertation, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, U.P. Visayas. 50 p.

3411. Senta, T. 1976. Interim report as of April 30, 1976 on the survey of eggs and larvae of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal) in the sea. Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC.

3412. Senta, T. 1976. Interim Report as of April 30, 1976 on the Survey of Eggs and Larvae of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal) in the Sea. Tigbauan, Iloilo, SEAFDEC-AQD.

3413. Senta, T. 1982. Milkfish in Japan. II. Geographical Occurrence of Fry. Aquabiology 4:242-247.

3414. Senta, T. and Hirai, A. 1980. Records of Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) from Mainland Japan. Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ. :13-18.

3415. Senta, T. and Hirai, A. 1981. Seasonal Occurrence of Milkfish Fry at Tanegashima and Yakushima in Southern Japan. Jap. J. Ichthyol 28:45-51.

3416. Senta, T. and S. Kumagai. 1976. Occurrence of milkfish eggs in the waters around Panay Island, Philippines on April and May, 1976. (Preliminary report). Working paper no. 14. International Milkfish Workshop Conference, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines.

3417. Senta, T. S. Kumagai. 1977. Variation in the vertebral number of the milkfish Chanos chanos, collected from various localities. Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ. 43:35-40.

3418. Senta, T.; K. Hirai, K. Kanashiro and H. Komaki. 1980. Geographical occurrence of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal) fry in Southern Japan. Bull Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ. 48:19-26.

3419. Senta, T.; Kumagui, S. and Ver, L. 1976. Occurrence of Milkfish Eggs in the Waters Around Panay Island, Philippines, in April and May 1976. (Preliminary report). Proc. International Milkfish Workshop-Conference, Tigbauan, Iloilo,
Philippines, May 19-22, 1976.

3420. Senta, Tetsushi & Hirai, Akio. 1980. Records of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal) from Mainland Japan. Nagasaki Daigaku Suisangakubu Kenkyu Hokoku/Bull.Fac.Fish.Nagasaki Univ., 48:13-18

3421. Senta, Tetsushi & Hirai, Akio. 1981. Seasonal Occurrence of Milkfish Fry at Taneggashima and Yakushima in Southern Japan. Gyoruigaky Zasshi/Jap.J.Ichthyol., 28(1):45-51.

3422. Senta, Tetsushi & Kumagai, Shigeru. 1976. Preliminary observation on the number of vertebra in milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal). In: International Milkfish Workshop Conference, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1976. =Proceedings.Tigbauan,Iloilo=, pp.232-235.

3423. Senta, Tetsushi & Kumagai, Shigeru. 1983. Variation in the Vertebral Member of the Milkfish Chanos chanos, Collected from Various Localities. In: SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. A Compilation of SEAFDEC AQD Technical papers on Milkfish & Other Finfishes. Tigbauan,Iloilo: The Department, 2:3-9. Also in Bull. Fac. Sci. Nagasaki Univ. 43:35-40.

3424. Senta, Tetsushi, Kumagai, Shigeru & Castillo, Nelson. 1979. Occurrence of Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal) Eggs Around Panay Island, Philippines. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep., 3(2) :19-22.Also in : Nagasaki Daigaku Suisangakubu Kenkyu Hokoku/Bull.Fac.Fish.Nagasaki Univ. 48:1-11. (1980)

3425. Senta, Tetsushi, Kumagai, Shigeru & Castillo; & Ver, Leo. 1976. Occurrence of Milkfish Eggs in the Adjacent Waters of the Panay Island, Philippines. In: International Milkfish Workshop Conference, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1976. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=, pp.167-180

3426. Senta, Tetsushi, Shigeru Kawamura, G., S. Hara & NM Castillo. 1977. Occurrence of milkfish eggs in the waters around Panay Island, Philippines, in April and May 1976 ; Preliminary Report. In: Readings in Aquaculture Practices. Tigbauan, Iloilo : Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department, 1:53-67. Also In: Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dept. 3(2):19-22.

3427. Senta, Tetsushi; Kumagai, Shigeru & Ver, Leo. 1976. Survey on Eggs and Larvae of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal), in the Sea ; Final Report. =Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department= 1 v. (various pagings).

3428. Senta, Tetsushi; Kumagai, Shigeru; Motoh, Hiroshi & Solis, Noel. 1977. Survey on Spawning Grounds of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal), in the Waters Around Panay Island ; Trip Report. =Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department=. 12p.

3429. Seraspe, E. B. 1979. Intensive feeding of milkfish fry (chanos chanos forskal) in net enclosures using complete and incomplete diets at various protein levels. University of the Philippines, College of Fisheries, Graduate Study Program, leganes, Iloilo. 61p. (M.S. Thesis)

3430. Seraspe, E. B. 1992. Regulation of final oocyte maturation in two model systems (fish and mammals): an in vitro study. Diliman, Quezon City, University of
the Philippines in Diliman. 149p. Ph.D. Dissertation.

3431. Seraspe, E. B., Gamala, R., Tolosa, M., Doreza, C. R. and Subade, R. 1999. Community-based coastal resource management of Taklong Island National Marine reserve (TINMAR) Y2. UP in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

3432. Seraspe, E.B., Chavez, B., Nievales, M.F.J. and Doreza, R.C. 1994. The reproductive cycle of a holothuriid sea cucumber (Holothuroidea: Aspidochirota), Bohadschia marmorata var marmorata Jaeger. Proceedings of the fourth LIPI-JSPS Joint Seminar on Marine Science, Jakarta 15-18 November 1994:21-26.

3433. Seraspe, E.B., Gamala, R., Doreza, M.C.R., and Sudabe, R. 1998. Community-based coastal resource management of Taklong Island National Marine Reserve (TINMAR). College of Arts and Sciences, U.P. in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report

3434. Seraspe, E.B., Tan, C.H. and Lam, T.J. 1996. The role of cyclic AMP in oocyte maturation of goldfish (Carassius auratus). Proceedings of the Seminar-Worhshop on Breeding and Seed Production of Cultured in Finfishes of the Philippines. 4-5 May 1993, Tigbauan, Iloilo, pp.97-106.

3435. Seraspe, Ebonia B. 1979. Intensive Feeding of Milkfish Fry (Chanos chanos Forskal) in Net Enclosures Using Complete and Incomplete Diets at Various Protein Levels. 61 p.(Master's Thesis, University of the Philippine System, 1979)

3436. Seraspe, Ebonia B. 1995. Intensive feeding of milkfish fry (Chanos chanos forskal) in net enclosures using complete and incomplete diets at various protein levels. 1979. xi,61 leaves:11 figs.,3 tabs. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries College of Fisheries, UPV, Iloilo. Location: SEAFDEC-AQDL; UPVCFOSL (LG995 1995 F5 S47); UPVML; UPV-BACL

3437. Seraspe, Ebonia B.& Camacho, Arsenio S. 1977. Intensive Feeding of Milkfish Fry in Net Enclosures Using Complete and Incomplete Diets and Various Protein Levels. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.Brackishwat. Aquacult.Pt.), (11&12):90-102. See also SEAFDEC Aquaculture Abstracts, Ist qtr., 1980)

3438. Seraspe, Ebonia B., E. Q. P. Tabañag, H. Maeda. 2007. Biological and phytochemical screening of extracts of chaetoceros calcitrans. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 12(1):67-74.

3439. Seraspe, Ebonia B., Jacqui Lou B. Valenzuela, Hiroto Maeda and Yuto Kamei. 2005. Bioactivity screening of Nannochloropsis sp. against Vibrio harveyi causitive agent of luminous vibriosis in Penaid shrimps. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 10(1):27-36. Siason, I. M. and Diez, E. 1986. A baseline study on the "Family Enhancement Through Youth Development Program: A POPCOM-Assisted Project.". Iloilo, UP in the Visayas. 65 p.

3440. Seraspe, Ebonia Balonon. 1979. Intensive feeding of milkfish fry (Chanos chanos Forskal) in net enclosures using complete and incomplete diets at various protein levels. April 1979. 61 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1979 F5 S47)

3441. Serra, Sheila J. 1999. Acute toxicity of lead to Penaeus monodon postlarvae Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology. U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3442. Serrano, A. E., Jr. 1995. Optimum protein to energy ratio in grouper Epinephelus sp. College of Fisheries, UP in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

3443. Serrano, A.E. Jr. and Apines, M.J. 1996. Effects of dietary proteins and energy on growth protein utilization and body composition of juvenile grouper, Epinephelus coioides. UPV Journal of Natural Sciences 1(1):59-71.

3444. Serrano, A.E. Jr., Francis, G., Focken, U., Makkar, H.P.S. and Becker, K. 1998. Effects of Quillaja saponins on growth, metabolism, gut and liver enzyme activities of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. College of Fisheries, U.P. in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Philippines and Hohenheim University (480), D-70593 Stuttgart, Germany. 22p. (Post doctoral dissertation)

3445. Serrano, A.E. Jr., Nagayama, F. 1991. Inhibition studies on liver aryformamidases of rainbow trout and cattle. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 99B(2): 281-285.

3446. Serrano, A.E. Jr., Nagayama, F. 1991. Liver 3- hydroxyantharanilic acid oxygenase activity in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 99B(2): 275-280.

3447. Serrano, A.E. Jr., Nagayama, F. 1991. Purification and charactirization of liver arytformamidase in rainbow trout and cattle. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 98B (213):381-387.

3448. Serrano, A.E. Jr., Nagayama, F. 1992. Activity and partial purification of liver trytophan pyrrolase in rainbow trout. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 58(12): 2367-2371.

3449. Serrano, A.E. Jr., Nagayams, F. 1991. Activity and stability of liver Arylformamidase in fish. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 57(1):149-152.

3450. Serrano, A.E. Jr., Shimeno, S. and Nagayama, F. 1996. Activation and solubilization of glucose-6-phosphate in isolated liver microsomes of yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata. UPV Journal of Natural Science 1(2):96-108.

3451. Serrano, Augusto E., Jr. and S. N. Nunal. 2007. Rapid detection of Vibio harveyi from water samples by dipslide. UPV J. Nat. Sci 12(1):53-58.

3452. Serrano, Augusto E., Jr. June 1999. Genetic manipulation of tropical aquaculture species: a minireview. UPV Journal Natural Science 4(1):47-59.

3453. Serrano, Augusto E., Jr., and Apines, Ma. Jane. June 1996. Effects of dietary protein and energy on growth protein utilization and body composition of juvenile grouper, Epinephelus coloides. UPV Journal of Natural Science 1(1):59-71.

3454. Seville, Sonia. 1977. Biology of bangos Fry and fingerlings. In: Readings on Aquaculture Practices. Tigbauan, Iloilo:Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department,1:68-73.

3455. Sevilleja, R. C. & McCoy, E. W. 1979. Fish Marketing in Central Luzon, Philippines. Auburn: International Center for Aquaculture; Agricultural Experiment Station. 23p. (Research and Development Series/International Center or Aquaculture; no. 21)

3456. Shang, Yung C. 1976. Economic Comparison of Milkfish Farming in Taiwan and the Philippines, 1972-1975. Aquaculture 9(3):229-236.

3457. Shigehiro, R. Aguilar, G. Kuroda, T. September 2001. Turning performance of outrigger craft in the Philippines. UPV Journal of Natural Science 6(1-2):55-68.

3458. Shindo, Jo, C. Fujimoto, E. B. Panggat, L. J. Ami. 2007. Conversions of muscle color value to Mb extract color value in tuna. UPV J. Nat Sci 12(1):113-122.

3459. Shuman CS. Hodgson G. Ambrose RF. Population impacts of collecting sea anemones and anemonefish for the marine aquarium trade in the Philippines. Coral Reefs. 24(4):564-573, 2005 Dec.

3460. Siar SV. 2003. Knowledge, gender, and resources in small-scale fishing: The case of Honda Bay, Palawan, Philippines. Environmental Management. 31(5):569-580, 2003 May.

3461. Siar, SV, GPB Samonte, AT Espada. 1995. Participation of women in oyster and mussel farming in Western Visayas, Philippines. Aquacult. Res. 26:459-467.

3462. Siar, SV, RF Agbayani, JB Valera. 1992. Acceptability of territorial use rights in fisheries: towards community-based management of small-scale fisheries in the Philippines. Fish. Res. 14:295-304.

3463. Siason, I. M. , Tech, E., Matics, K. I., Choo, P. S., Sharif, M., Heruwati, E. S., Susilowati, Miki, Shelly, A. B., Rajabharshi, Ranjit, R., Siriwardena, P.P.G.N., Nandeesha, M. C., and Sunderarajan, M. 2002. Women in fisheries in Asia. In: Global Symposium on Women in Fisheries, ed. by Williams, M. J., et al. Penang, Malaysia, ICLARM-the World Fish Center, pp. 21-48.

3464. Siason, I. M. 1999. Socio-demographic, psychological and community development factors in the management of coastal fisheries. Proceeding of the Seminar "Fisheries Today in the Philippines," Kagoshima, Nov. 23-25, Japan, 1998, pp. 61-67.

3465. Siason, Ida M. 2004. Women in fisheries in the Philippines, p. 144-149. In DA-BFAR (Department of Agriculture-Bureau of fisheries and Aquatic Resources). In Turbulent Seas: The status of Philippine marine fisheries. Coastal Resource Management Project, Cebu City, Philippines. 378p

3466. Sigh, V.P.; Early, A.C. and Wickham, T.H. 1980. Rice Agronomy in Relation to Rice-Fish. In: Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming Systems: Proceedings of the ICLARM-SEARCA Conference on Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming Systems, Manila, Philippines, 6-9 August 1979/ Edited by Roger S.V. Pullin and Ziad H. Shehadeh. Manila :ICLARM; SEARCA,pp. 15-34.

3467. Silapan, J. R., J. V. Juario, R. Galapate. 2005. Environmental and cage culture parameters in the Naungan River, Ormoc City: baseline data for monitoring of the site’s suitability and sustainability as a mariculture area. UPV J. nat. Sci. 10:153-165.

3468. Silapan, Judith and Hiroto Maeda. 2007. Microbial mats as indicator of polluted mariculture site in Calape Bay. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 12(1):35-44.

3469. Silen, Ramon. La Union's Bangus Fry Catchers. Sunday Times Mag., 13(8): 26-27.

3470. Sillorar, Mary Ann Vigilante. 2002. Effects of various photoperiods on the daily feeding pattern of the seahorse, Hippocampus Barbouri. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3471. Silva, Alberto Alfar. Modular system of culturing mixed-sex java tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus in brackishwater fishpond at two stocking densities. October 1993. 85 leaaves Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials

3472. Silvestre, G. 1988. A review of the status of information on the Philippine marine fisheries journal. Research Project no. WB 8512. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. 77 p.

3473. Silvestre, G. 1990. Overexploitation of the demersal stocks of Lingayen gulf, Philippines. In: Hirano, R., Hanyu, I., eds. 2nd Asian fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila.

3474. Silvestre, G. T., M. L. Soriano. 1984. Effect of incorporating sigmoid selection on optimum mesh size selection for the Samar Sea multispecies trawl fishery, pp. 482-492. In: S. C. Venema, J. M. Christensen and D. Pauly, eds. Contribution to Tropical fisherye biology.

3475. Silvestre, G., Armada, N. and Cinco, E. 1988. Assessment of the capture fisheries of Lingayen Gulf, Philippines. Paper presented at the Technical Workshop on Integrated Coastal Area Management, 28-31 October 1988, Singapore, pp. 25-36.

3476. Silvestre, G., Armada, N. and Cinco, E. 1991. Assessment of the capture fisheries of Lingayen gulf, Philippines. In: Chou, L. M., Kwoo, H. W., Paw, J. N.., silvestre, G. T., Valencia, M. J., White, A. T., P.K. Wong, eds. Towards an integrated management of tropical coastal resources. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 22, pp. 25-36.

3477. Silvestre, G., R. Federizon, J. Muñoz and D. Pauly. 1987. Over-exploitation of the demersal resources of Manila Bay and adjacent areas. Paper presented at the symposium on the Exploitation and Management of Marine Fisherye Resources in Southeast Asia, IFPC, Darwin, Australia, 16-19 February 1987, pp. 269-278.

3478. Silvestre, G.T. 1986. Preliminary analysis of the growth, mortality and yield-per-recruit of ten trawl-caught species from the Samar Sea, Philippines. In: Assessment of the Multispecies Demersal stock of the Samar Sea, Philippine. G.T. Silvestre (ed). Dept. of Mar. Fish Tech. Rep. No 7. January, 1986.

3479. Silvestre, G.T. January 1986. Preliminary analysis of the optimum mesh size for the trawl fisheries of the Samar Sea, Philippines. In: Assessment of the Multispecies Demersal Stock of the Samar Sea, Philippines. G.T. Silvestre (ed). Dept. of Fish. Tech. Rep. No.7.

3480. Silvestre, G.T., Regalado, Ranin B. and Pauly, D.D. December 1986. Status of Philippine Demersal stocks, Inferences from underutilized catch rate data. In: Resources, Management and Socio-Economics of Philippine Marine Fisheries. D. Pauly, J. Saeger and G. Silvestre. (eds). Dept. of Mar. Fish. Rep. No. 10, pp. 47-96.

3481. Silvestre, GE, A Palma. 1990. Economic sector. In: LT McManus, TE Chu, eds. The coastal and environment profile of Lingayen Gulf, Philippines. ICLARM-ASEAN-US CRMP Technical Publication Series 5. ICLARM, Makati City, Philippines.

3482. Simborio, Jing B. 2005. Characterization of the different species of fiddler crabs (Ocypodidae:Genus Uca) in Brgy. Sapa, Miagao, Iloilo. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biological Science U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.
Since then, as far as this compiler is concerned, no other bibliography of that magnitude on Philippine fishes and fisheries has been compiled.

3483. Singh, V.P., Early, A.C., Wickham, T.H. 1980. Rice agronomy in relation to rice-fish culture. In: integrated Agriculture Aquaculture Farming systems, R.S.V. Pullin and Z.H. Shehadeh (eds.) ICLARM Conference Proceedings 4.

3484. Singh, Virendra P. 1981? Effect of agricultural drainage and irrigation on the quality of water supplies. Laganes, Iloilo. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas. 36p.

3485. Singh, Virendra P. 1983. Reclamation and management of acid sulfate soils for brackishwater fishponds. In: Papers presented during the technical symposium on aquaculture 19 Feb. ’83, held at the U.P. in the Visayas, Iloilo City, Philippines. (var. pagination) 23p.

3486. Sinoben, Roche P. 2003. Effect of different densities of Artemia nauplii on the survival and metamorphosiz of Portumus pelagicus larvae 2003 48 Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3487. Sinolinding, HM and FL Porciuncula. 2005. Revisiting the Ligawasan marshland in Mindanao: an indigenous resource management system study towards sustainability. 2005. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), p. 214-229.

3488. Sio, Jocelyn T. 1992. A comparative study of the growth rate of Gracilaria sp. (Verrucosa-type) in Talisay cove U.P. channel of Taklong island, Guimaras. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3489. Siringan, Fernando and Caroline Marie Jaraula. 2005. Changes in Lake morphology as source of basic information for lake management: a case study on Laguna Lake, Philippines. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), pp.11-12.

3490. Siringan, Fernando, CM Jaraula, K Rodriguez, and Peter Zamora. 2005. Influence of salinity on primary productivity of Laguna Lake during the last few hundred years from sediment geochemistry. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), pp. 104-

3491. Sisican, JG L., J. V. Juario and J.P. Sevilla. 2002. Institutional arrangement in Ormoc Bay Fisheries. A technical report submitted to BFAR-FRMP. 9p. (sic)

3492. Sisnorio, Jenny S. 2003. Effects of stocking density on the survival and metamorphosis of Portunus pelagicus larvae. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3493. Sison, E. C.; Consolacion, F. L.; Hojilla, M.P. and Beza, C. 1982. Microbiology and Flavor Components of Milkfish. NRCP Research Bulletin 37(1):51-106. UP Diliman Main Library

3494. Sison, E., E. Mendoza, E. Carpio, E. Rina, M. Anenias, A. Mabeza, and T. Miciano. 1978.Improvement of processing and handling of traditional fish products in Southeast Asia. A terminal report. IFST,UPLB.

3495. Sison, Eduardo C., Beza, Carina G. & Babasanta, Estrellita A. 1980. Microbiology and Flavor Components of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) NRCP Res. Bull. 35(1):82-121.

3496. Sison, Jaime A. 1974. Animal Wastes as Fishpond Fertilizers. UNESCO/MAB Inter-Bureau in Aquatic Resources Management .Manila, 16 Oct. 3p.

3497. Sison, Saturnino S. and Lopez, Juan V. 1960. Polyethelene Bags: An Aid in Holding and Transporting Live Fish. Fish Gazette Bur. Fish. (Philipp. ), 4(8):5-9, 33.

3498. Sitoy, HS. 1988. Farming mussels and oysters. In: J. V. Juario and L. V. Benitez, eds. Perspectives in Aquaculture Development Southeas Asia and Japan; Proceedings of the Seminar on Aquaculture Development in Southeas Asia, Iloilo City, Philippines 8-12 September 1987. Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Tigbauan, Iloilo, pp, 231-248.

3499. Sivickis, P. b. and Jose S. Domantay. 1928. The morphology of a holothurian, Stichopus chloronotus Brandt. Phil Journ. Sci. 37:299-332.

3500. Smith, Albert & Ramos, Franklin. 1976. Occult Haemoglobin in Fish Skin Mucus as an Indicator of Early Stress. J. Fish Biol. 9(6):537-541.

3501. Smith, I. R. The Economics of the Milkfish Fry and Fingerling Industry of the Philippines. ICLARM Tech. Rep. 1:148p. Co-Published by the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dept.

3502. Smith, I. R. and Chong, K. C. 1984. Southeast Asian Milkfish Culture: Economic Status and Prospects, pp. 1-20. In: Juario, J. V.; Ferraris, R. P. and Benitez, L. V.(eds.) 1984. Advances in Milkfish Biology and Culture. Island Publ. House, Manila. 243p.

3503. Smith, I. R.; Cas, F. C.; Gibe, B. P. & Romillo, L. M. 1977. Inter-Regional trade and Price Relationships for Philippine Milkfish Fry (1976). 36p. In: Librero, A. R.; Collier, W. L.(eds.) Economics of Aquaculture, Sea-Fishing and Coastal Resources Use in Asia. Los Baños, Laguna, pp. 43-60.*UPLB Library

3504. Smith, I.R. and Mines, A.N. 1982. Implication for equity and management. In: Small-scale Fisheries of San Miguel Bay, Philippines: Economics of Production and Management. I.R. Smith and A.N. Mines (eds), ICLARM Technical Report No. 8, pp. 130-143.

3505. Smith, I.R., Cas,F. C.; Gibe,B. P. and Romillo, L. M. 1978. Preliminary Analysis of the Performance of the Fry Industry of the Milkfish Chanos chanos in the Philippines. Aquaculture 14(3): 199-220.
3506. Smith, I.R., Mines, A.N., Banacia, G. 1982. The research site, data collection and methods of analysis. In: Small-scale Fisheries of San Miguel Bay, Philippines: Economics of Production and Marketing. Smith, I.R. and A.N. Mines, (eds). ICLARM Technical Report No. 8 pp. 1-26.

3507. Smith, Ian R. 1977. Milkfish Fry Marketing in the Southern Mindanao Region of the Philippines. Los Baños, Laguna:SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Progam. 6 p. (Presented before the EWCFI-SEAFDEC International Fishfarm Management Workshop, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines, May 26-June 2, 1977).

3508. Smith, Ian R. 1978. An Economic Analysis of the Structure and Performance of the Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) Fry Industry in the Philippines and Related Aquaculture Development Policies. 307p. (Dissertation, University of Hawaii, 1978)*SEAFDEC AQD Library

3509. Smith, Ian R. 1981. The Economics of the Milkfish Fry and Fingerling Industry in the Philippines. Manila:ICLARM; Tigbauan, Iloilo: Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC. 148p. (ICLARM Technical Reports;1) (contribution/SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department; no. 93)

3510. Smith, Ian R.; Cas, Franklin C.; Gibe, Bienvenido P. & Romillo, Luisa M. 1977. An Analysis of Institutional and Technological Factors Affecting the Gathering and Distribution of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) Fry in the Philippines. Los Baños, Laguna: Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resource Research. 26, 36p. *PCARR Library

3511. Smith, Ian R.;Cas, F. C.;Gibe, B. P. & Romillo, L. M. 1978. Preliminary Analysis of the Performance of the Fry Industry of the Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) in the Philippines. Aquaculture 14(3):199-219.

3512. Smith, J. R.; Cas, F. C.; Gibe,B.P. and Romillo, L.M. 1978. Preliminary analysis of the Performance of the Fry Industry of the Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal) in the Philippines. Aquaculture 14(3):194-220

3513. Smith, WD. 1928. Geology and mineral resources of the Philippine Islands. Manila, Philippines.

3514. Snow, J.R. 1976 Recommendations for Development of Freshwater Fish Hatchery Center in Central Luzon, Phil. (Leaflet). 13p.

3515. Solidum, H. 1979. Chemical and microbiological changes during the fermentation of balao-balao. Jounral of Food Science & Technology 3(1):1-16.

3516. Soliman, VS. 1994. Experimental culture of the blood cockle Anadara granosa: analysis of stocking density effects on growth, mortality and production. In: Porfirio M. Aliño, ed. Proceedings of the Second National Symposium in Marine Science, Mindanao State University, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, 5-7 November 1992, p 12 (abstract only)

3517. Soliman, VS. 2003. Population dynamics of Sinarapan (Mistichthys luzonensis), the “World’s Smallest Commercial Fish”. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 8(1-2):16-28.

3518. Soliman, VS. 2005. Successful translocation of mountain Lake Makuwaw with sinarapan (Mistichthys luzonensis), the World’s Samllest Comercial Fish”. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), p. 245-256.

3519. Sorgeloos, P., E. Bossuyt, E. Laviña, M. Baeza-Mesa, G. Persoone. 1977. Decapsulation of Artemia cysts: a simple technique for the improvement of the use of brine shrimp in aquaculture. Aquaculture 12:311-315.

3520. Sorgeloos, P., M. Baeza-Mesa, E. Bossuyi, E. Bruggeman, J. Dobbelier, D. Versichele, E. Laviña, A. Bernardino. 1980. Culture of Artemia on rice bran: the conversion of a waste-product into highly nutritive animal protein. Aquaculture 21:393-396.

3521. Sorilla, Richie A. 1996. Karyotype analysis of "baguio leeks," Allium porrum L. (Alliales: Alliaceae). Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3522. Sorongon, Ida P. 1996. A preliminary study of the mollusk locally known as "Imbaw" 1. Characterization and determination of sexual dimorphism. 37 leaves. Undergraduate thesis. B.S. Biology, U.P. in the Visayas, Iloilo.

3523. Sorongon, Ida P. 1996. A preliminary study of the mollusk locally known as "Imbaw" 1. Characterization and determination of sexual dimorphism 1996 37 Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3524. Sorongon, Joan B. 2003. Community structure and litter fall density of a mangrove stand in Brgy. Ermita, Dumangas, Iloilo. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3525. Sorongon, Reynaldo S. Jr. 1994. "Species composition, abundance and distribution of surface phytoplankton in Taklong Island, Nueva Valencia Guimaras. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3526. Sotelo, Tomas D. 1975 Preliminary Notes on Mixture of Bangus and Tilapia in Rice Paddies. Fish Gazette 4(7):35.

3527. Sotto, F. b. and R. Von Cosel. 1982. Some commercial bivalves of Cebu, Philippines. The Philippine Scientist 19:43-101.

Southeast Asian fisheries Development Center. Aquaculture Department. 2009. Training handbook on rural aquaculture. Tigbauan, Iloilo. The Department. 296p.

3528. Sovyanhadi, Yoedono. 1985. Phosphate dynamics and its fixation in different forms in acid sulphate, iron toxic and neutral soils. April 1985. 158 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1985 F5 S69)

3529. Springsteen, FG and FM Leobrera. 1986. Shells of the Philippines. Carfel Seashell Museum, Manila, Philippines.

3530. Stevenson, Janelle, J finn, F Siringan, D Madulid. 2005. Five thousand years of environmental history: Paoay Lake, Northern Luzon, Philippines. In Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes, RS Punongbayan, A Santos-Borja, LV Castillo, EV Manalili, and MM Mendoza, eds. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes. Los Baños, Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), pp. 13-19.

3531. Stobutzki IC. Silvestre GT. Abu Talib A. Krongprom A. Supongpan M. Khemakorn P. Armada N. Garces LR. Decline of demersal coastal fisheries resources in three developing Asian countries. Fisheries Research. 78(2-3):130-142, 2006 May.

3532. Stobutzki IC. Silvestre GT. Garces LR. Key issues in coastal fisheries in South and Southeast Asia, outcomes of a regional initiative. Fisheries Research. 78(2-3):109-118, 2006 May.

3533. Storch, V. & Juario, J. V. 1983. The Effect of starvation and subsequent Feeding on the hepatocytes of Chanos chanos (Forsskal) Fingerlings and Fry. J. Fish. Biol. 23:95-103.

3534. Storch, V., H Segner, JV Juario, MN Duray. 1984. Influence of nutrition on the hepatocytes of chanos chanos (Chanidae: Teleostei). Zool. Anz. Jena 213:151-160.

3535. Storch, V., W. Stahlin, JV Juario. 1983. Effect of different diets on the ultrastructure of hepatocytes of Chanos chanos Fry (Chanidae: Teleostei): an Electron Microscopic and Morphometric Analysis. Mar. Biol. 74(1):101-104. SEAFDECL; UPVCF Lib

3536. Storch, Volker; JV Juario, FP Pascual. 1984. Early effects of nutritional stress on the liver of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal), and on the hepatopancreas of the tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius). Aquaculture 36(3):229-236. SEAFDECAQD L

3537. Suaño, Chris Enelue S. 1999. Preliminary investigation on the effectiveness of Allium sativum on selected fungal dermatophytes. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3538. Subade, R. F. 1999. Overview of Philippine fisheries sectors. Proceeding of the Seminar "Fisheries Today in the Philippines," Kagoshima, Nov. 23-25, Japan, 1998, pp. 27-33.

3539. Subade, R.F. and Campos, W.L. 1998. Valuation of coral reef systems: Case study of Philippine coral reefs (Taklong Island National Marine Reserve). College of Arts and Sciences, U.P. in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. 44p. Terminal Report

3540. Subosa, PF, K Kihara, S Rokushika, H Hatano, T Murayana, T Kubota, Y Hanoka. 1989. Ion chromatography of inorganic anions in brine samples. J. Chromatogr. Sci. 27:680-684.

3541. Subosa, PF, MN Bautista. 1991 Influence of stocking density and fertilization regime on growth, survival and gross production of Penaeus monodon Fabricius in brackishwater ponds. Isr. J. Aquacult.Bamidgeh 43:69-76.

3542. Subosa, PF, MN Bautista. 1991. Yield of Penaeus monodon fabricius in brackishwater ponds given different fertilizer combinations. Aquaculture 94:39-48.

3543. Subosa, PF, S Rokushika, H Hatano, T Murayama, T Kubota, Y Hanoka. 1988. Trace analysis of nitrite ion in seawater using ion chromatography. In Proceedings of the symposium in Liquid Chromatography, 1988 Agust 26-27, Kyoto, Japan. Kyoto, Japan: Kyoto University, pp. 157-163.

3544. Subosa, PF. 1986. Pond liming and liming materials for brackishwater ponds. In Report of the National Consultation Meeting on Aquaculture engineering, 1985 October 2-4, tigbauan, Iloilo. Manila, Philippines: ASEAN/UNDP/FAO Regional Samll Scale Coastal Fisheries Development Project,pp. 162-172.

3545. Subosa, PF. 1992. Chicken manure, rice hulls, and sugar-mill wastes as potential organic fertilizers in shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) ponds. Aquaculture 102:95-103.

3546. Sudabe, R.F. and Fernandez, P., Jr. 1998. Analysis of emerging/changing fisheries co-management schemes (with UPV involvement) in selected areas in Western Visayas. College of Arts and Sciences, U.P. in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Terminal Report.

3547. Suguilon, Sharon S. 1996. A preliminary study on the effect of Artemisia vulgaris 1. Leaf extract on the larvae and subsequent stages of Drosphila melanogaster L. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3548. Sulit, J. I. et al. 1961 Preliminary studies on the fertilization of bangus fishponds at the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Dagat-dagatan Salt-water Experimental Station, Malabon, Rizal. Souv. Handbook 14th Anniv. p41-43.

3549. Sulit, J. and ES Tiongson. 1970. A study on the preparation of fish sauce with the aid of pronase enzymes. Araneta Journal of Agriculture 17(1):16-21.

3550. Sulit, J. I. 1959. Fertilization of bangos nursery ponds with commercial chemical fertilizer. Phil. J. Fish. 5(2): 125-133.

3551. Sulit, J. I., Bersamin,S.V. and Banania, R. 1959. Fishpond fertilization and supplementary feeding of bangos for increased fish production. Fish. Gazette 3(7): 25-29.

3552. Sulit, J. I., Esguerra, R.S. and Rabanal, R. H. 1958. Fertilization of bangos nursery ponds with commercial chemical fertilizer. Proc. Indo-Pacific Fish. Coun. 7(2-3): 44.

3553. Sulit, JI and RC San Juan. 1955. Studies on the sxtraction of alginic acid from some species of Philippine sargassum. Philippine Journal of fisheries 3(1):47-54.

3554. Sulit, JI and SV Laron. 1959. Studies on the processing & storage of dried split-alted bisugo (Nemipterus sp.) Science quarterly digest 1(1):14-15.

3555. Sulit, JI, LM Salcedo and PC Panganiban. 1970. Studies on the bleaching and utilization of the seaweed Gulaman-dagat (Gracilaria confervoides). The Journal of Fisheries 8(1):177-182.

3556. Sulit, JI, RS Napugan, EA Caldito, P Santos and FR Gonzales. 1957. Processing and storage of slated herring (Sardinella perforata Cantor) Fisheries Gazette 1(10):15.

3557. Sulit, JI. 1952/1953. Handling and processing of some fisheries products in Southern Philippines. Bull. Fish. Soc. Philipp. ¾:85-89

3558. Sulit, Jose I. 1959. Future outlook of the bangus fishpond industry in the Philippines. Fish.Gaz.Bur.Fish.(Philipp.), 3(8) :3-7.

3559. Sulit, Jose I. 1962. Increase bangus production by fertilizing fishpond. Coffee Cacao J. 5(5):102, 104 and 5(6):112.

3560. Sulit, Jose I. 1957. Processing of tuna,. canning of bangus, milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal) and Utilization of By-Products. Fish. Gaz. 1(6):7-10.

3561. Sulit, Jose I., Datingaling, Bienvenido Y. & Gonzales, Felix R. 1957. Studies on the processing of bangos (Milkfish, Chanos chanos forskal). Philipp. J. Fish. 5(2):135-145.

3562. Sulit, Jose I.; Bersamin, Silvestre V. & Banania, Rodolfo. 1959. Fishpond Fertilization and Supplementary Feeding of Bangos for Increasesd Fish Production. Fish.Gaz.Bur.Fish.(Philipp.),3(7):25-29.

3563. Sulit, Jose I.; Esguerra,Ricardo S. & Rabanal, Herminio R. 1957. Fertilization of Bangos Nursery Ponds with Commercial Chemical Fertilizer. Philipp.J.Fish.,5(2):125-133. See also: Proc.IPFC, 7(2&3):44. (1957. Abstract only)

3564. Sulit, Jose I.; Navarro,Olympia, B.; San Juan, Regina C. & Caldito,Elisa B. 1953. Proximate Chemical Composition of Various Species of Philippine Market Fishes. Philipp.J.Fish. 2(1):106-120.

3565. Sumagaysay, Neila S. 1988. Effects of dietary energy and fiber on protein utilization of supplemental feeds of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) reared in brackishwater ponds. July 1988. 46 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1988 F5 S9)

3566. Sumagaysay, NS, YN Chiu-Chern. 1991. Effects of fiber in supplementary feeds on milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) production in brackishwater ponds. Asian Fish. Sci. 4:189-199.

3567. Sumagaysay, NS. 1988. Effects of Dietary Energy and Fiber on Protein Utilization of Supplemental Feeds of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) Reared in Brackishwater Ponds. (Master's theses, University of the Philippines in the Visayas) 47 p.

3568. Sumagaysay, NS. 1991. Utilization of Feed and Rice Straw Compost for Milkfish, Chanos chanos, Production in Brackishwater Ponds. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 7:230-237.

3569. Sumagaysay, NS. 1993. Growth, daily ration and gastric evacuation rates of milkfish (Chanos chanos) fed supplemental diet and natural food. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 9:65-73.

3570. Sumagaysay, NS. 1994. Growth and food consumption of milkfish (Chanos chanos) during dry and wet seasons. Intern. J. Trop. Agricult. 12:1-11.

3571. Sumagaysay, NS. 1999. Feed Ration for Different Sizes of Wild and Hatchery-Bred Milkfish (chanos chanos Forsskal). Aquacult. Res. 30(10):789-792.

3572. Sumagaysay, NS. and Borlongan, I. G. 1995. Growth and production of milkfish (Chanos chanos) in brackishwater ponds: Effects of dietary protein and feeding levels. Aquaculture 132(3-4):273-284 (ABIS June 26, 1995, p. 29)

3573. Sumagaysay, NS.; Marquez, F.E.; Chin-Chern, Y.N. 1991. Evaluation of different supplemental feeds for milkfish (Chanos chanos) reared in brackishwater ponds. Aquaculture. 93:177-189.

3574. Sumagaysay, NS.;Chiu-Chern, Y. N.;Estilo, V. J. and Sastrillo, M.A.S. 1990. Increasing Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Yields in Brackishwater Ponds Through Increased Stocking Rates and Supplementary Feeding. Asian Fish. Sci. 3:251-256.

3575. Sumagaysay-Chavoso NS. San Diego-McGlone ML. David LT. 2004. Environmental capacity of receiving water as basis for regulating intensity of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) culture. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 20(6):476-487, 2004 Dec.

3576. Sumalde, Z. M. and S. L. Pedroso. 2001. Transaction costs of a community-based coastal resource management program in San Miguel Bay, Philippines. Economy and the Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) Research Project Report 2001-RR9. 62p.

3577. Summer, J.; Dela Cruz, D. & Ragasa, R. 1981. Correlation Between Torrymeter Reading and Bacteriological Counts of Milkfish (Chanos chanos). Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines 6(2) :11-13.

3578. Sutopo, Joko. The effects of water hardness on the growth and survival of the larvae of freshwater giant prawn macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man). October 1991. 47 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1991 F5 S8)

3579. Sy, JC, FC Herrera, JW McManus. 1981. Coral community structure of a fringing reef at Mactan island, Cebu, Philippines. Proc. 4th Intl Coral reef Symp 1:263-268.

3580. Syam, Rajuddin. Growth and survival of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) fry in a closed recirculating system with various food sources. October 1984. 68 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1984 F5 S93)

3581. Tabbada, RA, PE Florendo, AE. 1989/1990. Uptake and some physiological effects of mercury on water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms. BIOTROPIA (3):83-91.

3582. Tabbu, M., M Lijaurco, R Eguia, C Espegadera. 1986. Polyculture of bighead carp, common carp and Nile tilapia in cages in Laguna Lake. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 11:13-20.

3583. Tabbu, Marlo Y. 1981. Polyculture of Milkfish(Chanos chanos Forskal) with Green Mussel(Perna viridis Linnaeus) in Brackishwater Ponds. 52 p. (Master's Thesis,University of the Philippines System. 1981)

3584. Tabbu, Marlo Yap. 1981. Polyculture of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) with green mussel (Perna viridis Linnaeus) in brackishwater ponds. July 1981. 52 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1981 F5 T32)

3585. Tabbu, Nilda S. 1984. Growth and survival of Penaeus monodon postlarvae at different feeding regimes and stocking densities in earthen brackishwater nursery ponds. February 1984. 65 leaves. Thesis M.S. in Fisheries U. P. in the Visayas. Miag-ao, Iloilo. Location: CFOSL-Serials (LG995 1984 F5 T32)

3586. Tabbu, NS, R Lacierda, R Eguia. 1986. Harvesting techniques for Nile tilapia fingerlings. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 11:39-42.

3587. Taberna, E.T. 1992. Transformation of inorganic soils used for brackishwater fishponds. Asian Fisheries Society, Third Asian Fisheries Forum Abstracts. October 26-30, 1992. P 20.

3588. Tabigo-on, Roy Eugene G. 1998. A study on the growth & density of the mud snail Cerithidea cingulata gmelin in a brackishwater pond with some notes on their dynamics. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3589. Tabligan, Earl Kristina D. 1999. The species composition and distribution of mangroves in Barinagan beach, Barangay Ilaud, San Carlos, Municipality of Anilao, Iloilo Province. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3590. Tadifa, Emmanuel O. 2003. Spatial and temporal variation in soft and hard coral cover in two sites in Taklong Island National Reserve. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3591. Tadina, 1979. Elizabeth Grac*e C. A study on the effect of different lighting conditions on the growth and density of Tetraselmis Chuii. Research Paper B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3592. Tadina, Grace Elizabeth C. 1979. A study of tobacco waste toxicity to Anabas testudiness bloch. Research Paper B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3593. Tajonera, Ma. Christine D. 1996. Multivariate analysis of morphometric and meristic characters of goldfish Carassius auratus. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3594. Taki, Y, CA Laureta, T Ohno, Y Kohno, S Morioka. 1989. Survival of milkfish fry on the surf zone. Proc. 2nd Asian Fisheries Forum, Tokyo, Japan. 1989.

3595. Taki, Y, H Kohno, S Hara. 1986. Early development of fin-supports and fin-rays in the milkfish Chanos chanos. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 32:413-420.

3596. Taki, Y., CA Saclauso, LV Laureta, HJ Gonzales, A Ohno, H Kohno, S S Marioka, M Muto. 1990. Feeding of milkfish Chanos chanos larvae in the surfzone. In: R. Hirano and I. Hanyo (eds). The Second Asian Fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, pp. 441-444.

3597. Taki, Y., CA Saclauso, LV Laureta, HJ Gonzales, A Ohno, H Kohno, S S Marioka, M Muto and M Pluto. 1990. Feeding of milkfish Chanos chanos larvae in the Surf Zone. In: The second Asian Fisheries Forum. R. Herano and I. Hanyu (eds.). Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, pp.441-444.

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3831. Vicente, D. A. 1980. Fisheries research in the Philippines: an annotated preliminary bibliography of bibliographies. University Research Center, Mindanao State University, Marawi City. 218p. also published in Journal of Fisheries & Aquaculture, vol. 1, no. 2, 1980.

3832. Villa, Jeseryl S. Comparative study on the effects of different animal manure on the growth of green onions. Undergraduate thesis B.S. Biology U.P. in the Visayas Iloilo.

3833. Villacortra, Lyndo G. 1994. Stand Philippines 2000: Basic Domestic Needs: Milkfish Industry Profile and Action Research and Development Program. Los Baños, Laguna, Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development. Dept. of Science and Technology. 8p. (PCAMRD-DOST Primer No. 22)

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3836. Villadolid, D. 1932. A preliminary study of the larval fishes found in the mouth of Pansipit river, and in Balayan, Nasugbo and Batangas Bays. Philippine Agriculturist 22:511-516. (Note in Blanco and Montalban, 1951, it says: vol 20 No. 8, pp. 511-516.)

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