Food poisoning has been a problem in the Philippines.
Asakawa et al (2007) reported an incident in Pangasinan of food poisoning due to ingestion of grapsid crab Metograpsus latifrons (White). This is just one of the many incidents in the Philippines on food poisoning.
To help researchers in their work on food poisoning, caused by aquatic organisms, this bibliography was made.
By fishes here means: fishes, shellfishes, and other macro-aquatic organisms.
Alcala, A. C. 1970. Human fatality due to ingestion of crabDemania sp. in the Philippines. Clin. Toxicol. 3:609-611.
Alcala, A. C. 1983. Recent cases of crab, cone shell, and fish intoxication on southern Negros Island, Philippines. Toxicon, Suppl. 3:1-3.
Almendras, JME. 1987. Acute nitrite toxicity and methmoglobinemia in juvenile milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). Aquaculture 61:33-40.
Asakawa, Manabu, M. B. Quilantang, M. Shimomura, S. Matsuda, S. Tsuruda, G. Gomez-Delan, and S. Taniyama. 2007. Occurrence of food poisoning due to ingestion of grapsid crab Metopograpsus latifrons (White) in the Philippines. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 12:45-52.
Baticados, MCL, GL Enriquez. 1982. Histopathology of microsporidian infection in white prawn, Penaeus merguinsis de Man, 1888. Nat. Appl Sci. Bull. 34:299-313.
Baticados, MCL, RM Coloso, RC Duremdez. 1987. Histopathology of the chronic soft-shell syndrome in the tiger prawn, Penaeus mondon. Dis. Aquat. Org. 3:13-28.
Bian, BZ, K Hatai, GL Po, S Egusa. 1979. Studies on the fungal diseses in crustaceans:. I. Lagenidium scyllae sp. nov. isolated from cultivated ova and larvae of the mangrove crab (Scylla serrata). Trans. Mycol. Soc. jap. 20:115-124.
Calanoga, E. L., T. S. Domingo. 1988. Detection of crude toxin in some species of crabs. CSUA Res. J. 1:21-28.
Carumbana, E. E. 1976. Toxin marine crabs in southern Negros, Philippines. Siliman J. 23:265-278.
Cruz, ER. 1981. Acute toxicity of un-ionized ammonia to milkfish (chanos chanos) fingerlings. fish. Res. J. Philipp. 6:33-38.
Cruz, ER, GL Enriquez. 1982. Gill lesions associated with acute exposure to ammonia. Nat. Appl. Sci. Bull. 34:1-13.
Cruz, ER, CT Tamse. 1986. Histophatological response of milkfish Chanos chanos Forsskal fingerlings to potassium permanganate. Fish. Pathol. 21:151-159.
Duremdez, RC, GD Lio-Po. 1983. Studies on the causative organism of Sarotherodon niloticus (Linneaus) fry mortalities.2. Identification and characterization of the physiological properties of Pseudomonas fluorescens. fish. Pathol. 20:115-123.
Gacutan, RQ, MY Tabbu, EJ Aujero, F Icatlo Jr. 1985. Paralytic shellfish poisoning due to Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressa in Mati, Davao Oriental, Philippines. Mar. Biol 87:223-227.
Garibay, Soledad S., T. Yoshikawa, J. P. Peralta. 2007. A taxonomic investigation of Lyngbya majuscula, a marine algae collected from Miag-ao, Iloilo. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 12(1):93-98.
Gomez-Delan, Gloria, M. Asakawa, V. D. Cunado, S. Taniyama, S. Nishio, T. Sagara. 2007. Mouse bioassay and partial characterization of the toxic substance in Caulerpa lentillifera. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 12(1):75-82.
Gonzales, R. B., A. C. Alcala. 1977. Fatalities from crab poisoning on Negros Island, Philippines. Toxicon. 15:169-170.
Hatai, K., BZ Bian, MCL Baticados, S Egusa. 1980. Studies on the fungal diseases in crustaceans. II. Haliphthoros philippinensis sp. nov. isolated from cultivated larvae
Lavilla-Pitogo, C. R. 1996. Shrimp health research in the Asia-Pacific: present status and future directives. In: Health Management in Asian Aquaculture. Proc. Regional Expert consultation on Aquaculture Health Mangement in Asia and the Pacific. R. P. Subasinghe, J. R. Arthur, M. Shariff, eds. FAO Fisheries Tech. Pap. no. 360, pp. 41-50.
Lio-Po, GD, CR Lavilla, A. Trillo-Llobrera. 1978. Toxicity of malachite green to the larvae of Penaeus monodon Kalikasan, Philipp. J. Biol. 7:238-246.
Lio-Po, GD, MEG Sanvictores, MCL Baticados, CR Lavilla. 1982. In vitro effect of fungicides on hyphal growth and sporogenesis of Lagenidium spp. isolated from Penaeus monodon larvae and Scylla serrata eggs. J. Fish. Dis. 5:97-112.
Not all crabs are safe to eat. 2006. BAR Chronicle.
Lio-Po, GD, MCL Baticados, CR Lavilla, MEG Sanvictores. 1985. In vitro effects of fungicides on Haliphthoros philippinensis. J. Fish Dis. 8:359-365.
Lio-Po, GD, C Marte, CL Marte. 1986. Bacteria associated with infection at hormone-implantation sites among milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal), adults. J. Fish. Dis 9:337-343.
Lio-Po, GD., EG Sanvictores. 1986. Tolerance of Penaeus monodon eggs and larvae to fungicides against Lagenidium sp. and Haliphthoros philippenensis. Aquaculture 51:161-168.
Lio-Po,G, E Sanvictores. 1987. Studies on the causative organism of Oreochromis niloticus (Linneaus) fry mortalities. I. Primary isolation and pathogenicity experiments. J. Aqua Trop. 7:25-30
Llobrera, AT, RQ Gacutan, 1987. Aeromonas hydrophila associated with ulcerative disease epizootic in Laguna de Bay, Philippines. Aquaculture 67:273-278.
Muroga, K, G Lio-Po, C Pitogo, R Imada. 1984. Vibrio sp. isolated from milkfish (Chanos chanos) with opaque eyes. Fish. Pathol. 19:81-87.
Muroga, K. MC de la Cruz. 1987. Fate and location of Vibro anguillarum in tissues of artificially infected ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis). Fish Pathol. 22:99-103.
Peralta, J. P., S. S. Garibay, R.M. Noble, A.N. Nualla. 2006. an investigation of algal bloom occurrence in the coastal waters of Barangay Kirayan Norte, Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines. Philipp. Agric. Sci. 89:97-100.
Quilantang, Mercy B. and M. Asakawa. 2007. Screening of toxicity of some marine organisms from Panay Provinces, Philippines. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 12(1):83-92.
Serrano, Augusto E., Jr. and S. N. Nunal. 2007. Rapid detection of Vibio harveyi from water samples by dipslide. UPV J. Nat. Sci 12(1):53-58.
Yasumoto, T. D. Yasumura, Y. Ohizumi, M. Takahashi, A. C. Alcala, L. c. Alcala. 1986. Palytoxin in two species of xnthid crab from the Philippines. Agric. Biol. Chem. 50:163-167.
Yasumura, D. Y. Oshima, T. Yasumoto, A. C. Alcala, A. C. Alcala. 1986. tetrodotoxin and paralytic shellfish toxins in the Philippine crabs. Agric. Bio. Chem 50:593-598.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal): A Bibliography:1866-2000
Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal): A Bibliography:
Bangos or milkfish is the national fish of the Philippines and is one of the most famous fishes in the country. Because of this, the College of Fisheries Library with the full support of Ms. Teresita R. Ledesma, Librarian-in-Charge, Iloilo and Miag-ao Libraries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas ventured in gathering sources from newspaper reports, journals, magazines, books, and even unpublished materials. Three of the main sources of citations that the compilers have used were Milkfish Bibliography,1983 by the Library & Documentation Services, Training & Extension Division, SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department; Chanos chanos (the Milkfish): A Bibliography, 1981, compiled by D. C. Ramsingh, W. E. Vanstone, and Deborah Turnbull and published by International Development Research Centre, and Subject Bibliography on Bangus, 1977, by Lourdes L. de Mesa and Loida S. Materon. This mimeographed reference material was published by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources as its Technical Paper Series, vol. 1 , no. 4.
The items are arranged alphabetically by authors.
To facilitate the use of the items, an alphabetical index is provided. It incorporates : Author, Subject, Taxonomic and Geographic Indexes. The numbers that appear on each of the index terms refer to the page. It also provides location(s) of the items when known.
Phylum : Chordata
Subphylum : Vertebrata
Superclass : Gnathostomata
Class : Actinopterygii
Subclass : Neopterygii
Division : Teleosti
Subdivision : Euteleotei
Superorder : Ostarophysi
Series : Anotophysi
Suborder : Chanoidae
Order : Gonorhynchiformes
Family : Chanidae
Genus : Chanos
Species : chanos
Scientific Name : Chanos chanos (Forskal 1775)
Source: Joseph S. Nelson. Fishes of the World, 3rd. ed. New York: Wiley, 1994.
Common Name: Milkfish. Bangus, Bangos; Banglos; Bangros; Bangilis; Awa; Banglot; Banglis
Description: D. 13-17; A. 9-11; P. 16; V. 11; Ll. 80-90. body elongate, moderately compress, without scutes along belly. Height of body 4 2/3-5 1/4, length of head 5 1/4-51/2 of total length. Adipose (fatty) tissue covering eye. Maxilla short, not reaching back beyond eye center. Mouth small, transverse, without teeth; upper jaw slightly projecting, with no supramaxillae; lower jaw with a small symphysial tubercle at tip, fitting into a notch. No gular plate. dorsal fin highest in front, its upper margin concave, and along its base are two rows of scales, it is midway between the front edge of the eye and the vase of the caudal fin. Pectoral pointed, with an elongated scaly appendage at its base; ventral inserted under the middle of the dorsal, having a long basal scale. anal small; the lower margin of the fin concave, with two rows of scales along its base; caudal deeply lobed, and its center covered by two semi-lunar laminae of scales. Scales small, cycloid.
Back olive green, sides silvery. Dorsal, anal and caudal with blackish margin. Inside of pectoral and pelvic fins dark.
Size is about 30-90 cm.
Biology: It is a marine and estuarine fish but is cultivated in freshwater/brackishwater fishponds. It is also found in rivers and lakes. It feeds on planktonic organisms and benthic algae. Milkfish spawns in the sea and ripe 50 cm female can produce as much as 3,000,000 pelagic eggs. Spawning occurs during the months of arch-July with its peaks in April-June.
Distribution: Fry are collected along the coastal waters and cultured in fishponds all over the Philippines. Throughout the Indo-Pacific area.
Economic Importance: Milkfish is marketed fresh, frozen, smoked "tinapa" or canned. It is expected, either fresh or in "boneless" style. Smaller sizes are used as tuna bait.
Source: Prudencia V. Conlu. Fishes. Quezon City: Natural Resources Management Center, Ministry of Natural Resources and University of the Philippines. 1986. 493p. ( Guide to Philippine Flora and Fauna, vol. ix)
Abangon, Mariano A. Buñag, Daniel M. & De Vera, Antonio M. 1951. “Gulaman Dagat" as supplementary food for bangus. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Abastilla, Rodolfo T. 1975. Bangus fry hunt launched. Evening Express. 1 JI Times J. 23 Sept. (News Clipping).
Abes, G. 1976. Studies made on freshwater fish (carp and milkfish) farming at General Tinio, Nueva Ecija (Philippines). 2 leaves. *PCARR Library
Abundo, Romeo B. 1976. The P73M fisheries program for Muslim Mindanao.. Mod. Agr. Ind. 4(2):26.
Ackefors, Hans & Rosen, Carl-Gustaf. 1970. Farming the world's waters. Environment, 21(9):16-20, 38-42. *SEAFDEC Library
Acosta, B. O. and Juario, J. V. 1983. Biological evaluation of Brachionus plicatilis fed Chlorella sp., Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselmis sp. and their combinations as feed for milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) Fry. Abstract of paper presented at the 2nd Intl. Milkfish Aquaculture Conf.; 3-8 Oct. 1983; Iloilo, Philippines; SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department and the International Development Research Center of Canada.
Acosta, P. A. 1948. A Preliminary study on the artificial feeding of bangus fry. (B.S. Thesis). U.P. College of Fisheries, Quezon City. *Not available at UPVCF
Acosta, Pedro A. et al. 1960. Backyard fishpond: their construction and management. Fish Gazette 4(3):24.
Acosta, Pedro A.;Lopez, Juan V. & Chavez, Modesto. 1973. Improved techniques in bangos Chanos chanos (Forskal) Culture. In: Fishpond Estate Development Seminar / Workshop, Continuing Education Center, Los Baños, Laguna, 1973. =Background Readings. Los Baños : Continuing Education Center=, pp.203-219. Also in : National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, 1975. Symposium Papers. =Makati : SEAFDEC=*UPVCF Library (mimeographed copy, Vertical file);SEAFDEC-AQDL
Acosta, Pedro. 1960. Inland Fisheries in the Philippines. Fish. Gaz., 4(3) :23. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Adams, Wallace; Montalban, Heraclio R. & Martin, Claro. 1932. Cultivation of Bangos in the Philippines. Manila : Bureau of Printing. 38 p. (Popular Bulletin of the Bureau of Science =Philippine Islands=; no.12). Also in : Philipp.J.Sci., 47(1) :1-38. (1932).*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Adan, Elvira Y. & Valdez, Felisa M. 1979. The Fishpond industry in Mindanao. Tech. Rep. Mindanao State Univ. Inst. Fish. Res. Dev. 5(1):269-343.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Adan, William R. 1975. Why the Laguna Lake bangus drowned. Mod.Agric.Ind.Asia, 3(10):14,37. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Adeyemi, Frederick Anderson. 1983. Comparative study of the effects of supplementary feeding and artificial substrate on the production of milkfish fingerlings in brackishwater ponds. xv,80 p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, 1983)*SEAFDEC-AQDL;ICLARML
Adlan, Pedro G. 1960. Fertilization--key to higher fish production. Fish Gazette 4(3):2-9
Adlan, Pedro G. 1962. Some effects of commercial fertilizers at the Western Visayas Demonstration Fish Farm. Phil. Fish Yearbook. p112-116.
Aduma, Ignatius A. 1984. Effect of cow and chicken manures on milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) Production in Brackishwater Fishponds. 98p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines in the Visayas,1984)
Agbayani, Jose A., Jr. 1983. Fishpen and Cages in Laguna de Bay; Government Rules and Regulations. In: APDEM (VI : 1983 : Tigbauan,Iloilo) =Papers. Tigbauan,Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department=,3:(10 p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Agbayani, R. F.; Baliao, P. D.; Franco, N. M.; Ticar, R. B.; Guanzon, N. G.,Jr. 1989. An Economic analysis of the modular pond system of milkfish production in the Philippines. Aquaculture 83:249-259.
Agbayani, R. F.;Lopez, N.A.;Tumaliuan, R.T. and Benjamin, D. 1991. Economic Analysis of an Integrated Milkfish Broodstock and Hatchery Operation as a Public Enterprise. Aquaculture 99:235-248. *ICLARML
Agbayani, Renato F.; Baliao, Dan D.; Franco, Nilo M.;Ticar, Romulo, B. and Guanzon, Nicolas G.,Jr. 1989. An Economic Analysis of the Modular Pond System of Milkfish Production in the Philippines. Aquaculture 83:249-259. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Akhmad, S. 1982. Notes on Certain Biotechnical Problems in the Layout, Design and Construction of Coastal Ponds in Watershed Basins with Upland Erosion. In: Report of Consultation/Seminar on Coastal Fishpond Engineering, 4-12 August 1982, Surabaya, Indonesia. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp. 108-113. (Workshop Report/ South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme; no.42)*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Aksal, G. 1978. Milkfish fry netting and marketing in Nusa Tenggara Barat (Indonesia) to Java, 1978. (In Indonesian). Usaha Penangkapan Nener di Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Pemasarannya ke Pulao Java Gambaran Perkembangan Selama Satu Dasawarsa 1978. Mataram (Indonesia) 67p. *Bibliotheca Bogoriensis, Bogor (Indonesia)
Alava, V. R. and Lim, C. 1988. Artificial diets for milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal) fry reared in sea water. Aquaculture 71:339-346. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Alava, V.R. 1986. Combinations of dietary fat sources in dry diets Chanos chanos fingerlings. Abstract of Paper presented at the First Asian Fisheries Forum, Manila,Philippines,25-31 May 1986. p. 519-521.
Alava, Veronica R. 1986. Combinations of dietary fat sources in dry diets for Chanos chanos fingerlings. In: Maclean, J.L.; Dizon, L.B. and Hosillos, L.V. (eds.). 1984. The First Asian Fisheries Forum, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines,pp. 519-521.
Alava, V. R. 1998. Effect of salinity, dietary lipid source and level of growth of milkfish (Chanos chanos) fry. Aquaculture 167:229-236.
Alcantara, L.O. 1982. Variations of fishpond layouts for different types of brackishwater fishpond management. In: Report of Consultation/Seminar on Coastal Fishpond Engineering, 4-12 August 1982,Surabaya, Indonesia. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp.83-86. (Workshop Report/ South China Sea Fisheries Development And Coordinating Programme; no.42) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Alcantara, Louis O.; Bacosa, Fidencio E.; Hays, Joe;Abobarin, Oladejo and Ocon, Felicicimo T. 1980. Project Feasibility Study: Milkfish Based Polyculture Cum Sugpo. In: APDEM (III:1980: Tigbauan, Iloilo.=Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC=,3(9p.)
Aldana, Adolfo M.; Gracia, Demetrio M. & Sison, Saturnino S. 1958. Report on Observations on Bangus and Other Fish Fry Grounds in the Provinces of Pangasinan and La Union with Notes on Fish Stocking in Inland Waters and Fry Banks. Fish.Gaz.Bur.Fish.(Philipp.), 2(9) : 15-20.
Alferez, V. N. 1977. Engineering aspects and problems in the design and construction of fishpens and fish cages in Laguna Lake. Phil. South China Sea Programme.
Aligaen, Venancio 196? The Possibility of Growing Gracilaria in Bangus Fishponds. =Iloilo City= 8 p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL (Reprint A-31)
Alikunhi, K. H.,Randemihardjo, B.S.; Poernomo, A., and Hamami, E. . 1975. Preliminary Observations on Rearing of Milkfish Fry on Plankton in Cement Tanks and Plastic Pools. Bulletin of the Shrimp Culture Research Center 1(1):40-45.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Alikunhi, K.H.; Buldiono, M.; Adisukresno, S.; & Busman, S. 1975. Preliminary Observations on Survival, Growth and Reproduction of Penaeus monodon Fabricius and Penaeus merguiensis De Man in Shallow Brackishwater Ponds. Bull.Shrimp Cult.Res.Cent., Jepara, 1(2):47-55.
Alikunhi, K.H.; Ranoemihardo, Bambang S.; Poernomo, A. & Hamami, Endjah. 1975. Preliminary Observations on Rearing of Milkfish Fry on Plankton Cement Tanks and Plastic Pools. Bull.Shrimp Cult.Res.Cent., 1(1):40-45.
Alikunhi,K.H. 1976. Ongoing Research Studies on Maturation and Spawning of Milkfish,Chanos chanos at the Brackishwater Shrimp and Milkfish Culture Applied Research and Training Project,Jepara,Indonesia. In: International Milkfish Workshop Conference,Tigbauan,Iloilo, 1976. Proceedings. Tigbauan,Iloilo,pp. 29-33.*UPVCF Library, Mimeographed copy, Vertical file
Alikunhi. K.H. ; Sukumaran, K.K. and Adisukesno, S. 1980. Notes on Postlarvar Rearing of Penaeid Shrimps. In Proceedings of the First National Symposium on Shrimp Farming, Bombay, 16-18 August 1978. CochIn: Marine Products Export Development Authority, pp. 89-90. (Abstract only) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Alix, Jesus C. 1975. Survey of Fish Catch Loaded and Unloaded at Navotas Fish Landing and Market Authority in Navotas, Rizal. Fish. Forum (3rd Q.):17p.
Alix, Jesus C. 1975. Survey of Fish Catch Loaded and Unloaded At Navotas Wholesale Fish Market. PCARR Fisheries Forum. P.J. Garcia Memorial Hall, Metro Manila. 29 Ag 1975. (3rd of a series of quarterly Forum for 1975.) 17p. figs.
Allsopp, W.H.L. (ed.). 1973. Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. Report on a Seminar at the Freshwater Fishery Research Station, Malacca, West Malaysia, 17-25 April 1973. IDRC-015e. 22p.
Almazan, Gaudiosa. 1970. Food Habits of Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal)in Freshwater Fishpond. 23p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines, 1970)
Almendras, J. M. E. 1982. Changes in the Osmotic and Ionic Content of Milkfish Fry and Fingerlings During Transfer to Different Test Salinities. 42p.(Master's. thesis, University of the Philippines, 1982)*ICLARML(SH209 1982 A45)
Almendras, J. M. E. 1987. Acute nitrite toxicity and methemoglobinemia in juvenile milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). Aquaculture 61:33-40. ICLARML
Alvares, Aquilino A., Jr. 1978. Bangus: The Miracle Fish. Fish Market.Rev., 1(2): 16-19.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Alvarez, R.C. 1991. The New Modular System of Raising Milkfish. Greenfields February 1991:8-9,11-12,14.
Ameer, Hamsa, K.M.S. & Kutty, M.N. 1972. Oxygen Consumption in Relation to Spontaneous Activity and Ambient Oxygen in Five Marine Teleosts. Indian.J.Fish., 12(1&2):76-85.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Ancora, Umberto D. 1954. Fishing and Fish Culture in Brackish Water Lagoons. FAO Fish.Bull.,7(4):147-172.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Angeles, H.G. 1978. Preliminary Fish Seed Resources Survey Along the Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 30 p. (Working Paper / South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme ; 72)*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Angeles, Hilarion G. 1973. Exploratory Field Work on Bangus Spawning. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (3):34-35.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Angeles, Hilarion G. 1974. Preliminary Study on the Artificial Reproduction of Bangus(Sabalo).Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (5):9-20.
Angeles, Hilarion G. 1974. Progress Report of Induced Spawning of Sabalo (Chanos chanos) Under Controlled Conditions, April 29-May 4, 1974. Naujan,Oriental Mindoro : Bureau of Fisheries. 2p. SEAFDEC-AQDL
Angeles, Hilarion G. 1976. A Report on the Observation of Bangus (Milkfish) Fry Industry in Mindoro Oriental. Philipp.J.Fish.,14(1): 107-116. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Angeles, Hilarion G. 1976. Preliminary Study on the Artificial Reproduction of Bangos(Sabalo). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (9):66-78.
Angeles, Hilarion G. 1969. Artificial Propagation (Induced Spawning) of Sabalo, Mullet, Prawns and Other Fishes of the Treatment of Hormone and or Fish Pituitary Gland Hormone Under Controlled Condition in Naujan Sabalo Hatchery Station, Naujan Oriental Mindoro. (A Report of the Naujan Sabalo Hatchery Project on its Ist Year Operation to the BFAR, Manila, Feb. 21). 6p.
Angeles, Hilarion Gonzales. 1974. The Mullet Fisheries of Naujan Lake. Fish. News. (Apr-Je):18-22.
Angeles,Hilarion G. 1971. A Preliminary Report on the Observation and Possibilities of Induced Spawning of Mullet and Milkfish. Bangkok : FAO Regional Office for Asia and Far East. 12 p. (Occasional Paper / Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council ; 71/8)*UPVCF Library, Vertical file;SEAFDEC-AQDL
Angudong, Ruperto 1980. Salom Fishfarm Venture ; Summary of a Project. In: APDEM (III : 1980 : Tigbauan,Iloilo) =Papers. Tigbauan,Iloilo: SEAFDEC=,vol. 3. (38 p.)*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Angudong, Ruperto G. 1983. Milkfish Production System. In: APDEM (VI:1983: Tigbauan, Iloilo)=Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department= 3(17p.)
Angudong, Ruperto. 1983. Aquaculture Research and Development: The Next Decade. 9 p. (Paper Presented at the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department's 10th Anniversary Symposium on "Requirements of the Aquaculture Industry in the Next Ten Years",Tigbauan,Iloilo,Philippines, 8 July 1983.*SEFDEC-AQDL
Anon. Bangus, The Status Symbol Fish. New Phil. 11(2):22.
Anon. BFAR/DBP/UNDP Fourth Session of Comprehensive Fish Farm Development Training Course. Field Extension Unit II. Report No. I.
Anon. Exportation from the Philippines of Bangus Fingerlings (Hatirin). (n.d.) FAO 98 series of 70 pursuant to the Provisions of Sections 4 and 15 of Act 4003 as amended the Fisheries Act and of Section 4 of R.A.. 3512 and FAO 25-2.
Anon. 1948. Bibliography of the Ichthyological and Fishery Publications of Albert W. S. Herre. Compiled by the Staff, Philippine Fishery Program, UDSI/FWS/PFP, Manila, Philippine Islands. 14p.
Anon. 1950. The Importance of the Bangos Fishpond Industry in the Indo-Pacific Region. IPFC Occasional Paper no. 50/5. 2p.
Anon. 1953. Raising Bangus Fry in 3-Dimension Ponds. Phil. Fish Yearbook. p331.
Anon. 1953. Summary of Investigations Carried out in India on Chanos chanos. IPFC Occasional Papers no. 53/3. 6p.
Anon. 1959. Pond Fertilizers Test Results Favorable. Fish Gazette 3(7): 37-38.
Anon. 1959. Raising Bangos in Ponds. Agricultural and Industrial Life 21 (4):16. Also in Fisheries Gazette May 1960, p. 23-25.
Anon. 1961. Biology of Bangus Discussed in Fisheries Seminar. Fish. Gazette. 5(1):32-33.
Anon. 1962. Chanos culture. Curr.Aff.Bull,IPFC, (33) :12.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1962. Fertilization of Fish Ponds. IFPC Current Affairs Bull. no. 32.
Anon. 1963. Report of the Chanos Sub-Committee to Technical Committee I, IPFC for the Intersessional Period, 1961-62. Proc.IPFC, 10(1) : 146-149.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1966. Construction and Layout of Bangus Fishponds. Phil Fishing J. 4(1):25-31.
Anon. 1966. Grow Lab-lab for Milkfish Preparation by Fertilizing Your Fishponds. Agr Ind Life 28(3):11.
Anon. 1966. Project Proposal for the Demonstration of Improved Techniques of Bangos Culture. n.p. 16 leaves.*UPVCF Library, mimeographed copy, Vertical file
Anon. 1966. The Culture of Lab-Lab, the Natural Food of the Milkfish or Bangos, Chanos chanos (Forskal) Fry and Fingerlings. Under Cultivation. Philipp.Fish.J., 4(8):22, 24, 26 & 35.
Anon. 1967. Brief Life History of the Milkfish. Esso Agroserv. Bull, (8):6.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1967. Experiments on Bangus Culture Encouraging. Phil. Fishing J. 5(9);33-34.
Anon. 1967. Fishpond Culture. Esso Agroserv. Bull., (8):4-5.
Anon. 1967. Improved Techniques of Milkfish ("Bangos") Culture. Esso Agroserv. Bull. (8):17-22.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1967. The "Bangos" Fry Industry. Esso Agroserv. Bull., (8) :7-16.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1967. The Culture of Algae and "Lab-Lab" as Food for Bangos. Esso Agroserv.Bull., (8) :23-27.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1969. Country Report: Ceylon. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Possibilities and Problems of Fisheries Development in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 10 to 30 September, 1968; Edited by T. Kiews. Berlin: West-Kreuz Druckerei,pp.167-180.
Anon. 1969. Country Report: Indonesia. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Possibilities and Problems of Fisheries and Development in Southeast Asia, Berlin,10 to 30 September, 1968; Edited by T. Kiews. Berlin: West-Kreuz Druckerei,pp.201-214.
Anon. 1969. Country Report: Republic of China. In: proceedings of the International Seminar on Possibilities and Problems of Fisheries Development in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 10 to 30 September, 1968; Edited by K. Tiews. Berlin: West-Kreuz Drukerei, pp. 181-192.
Anon. 1972. Backyard and Community Fishponds. Brochure. DANR/PFC 11p.
Anon. 1972. Bangus Culture in Ponds with Feed and Lab-lab - With and Without Lime. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (1):18-26.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1972. Bangus Culture in Ponds with Feed and Lab-lab and Plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.),(1):4-18.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1972. Bangus Culture in Ponds with Feed and Lab-lab. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (1):26-32.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1972. Determination of Length-Weight Relationships of Bangus and Other Fishes. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.),(2):90-91.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1972. Field Trials on Bangus Production with Plankton. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (2) :70-84.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1972. Lab-lab and Bangus Production in Ponds Treated with Organic Only, Inorganic Only and with Combination Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.),(2):84-85.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1972. Lab-lab and Bangus Production in Ponds Treated with Combination Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (2):31-38.
Anon. 1972. Milkfish Culture. In: Aquaculture : The Farming and Husbandry of Freshwater and Marine Organisms / John E. Bardach, John H. Ryther and William O. McLarney. New York : Wiley International, pp.313-3249.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1972. Solution of Milkfish Feed Problem in Cavite Found. Animal Husbandry Agr. J. 7 (8):28.
Anon. 1973. Salinity Tolerance of Bangus. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (3):29-33.
Anon. 1973. Survey of Parasites and Bacterial Diseases of Bangus. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (4):31-34.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Bangos Fry Enter Nalva Fish Bank on their Own. Fish.News., (Apr.-Je.) :19-20.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Feeding Behavior or Artificial Feed. 1973 UPCF Inland Fisheries Project Progress Rep. (First half FY 1972-1973). NSDB assisted project. 91p.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds with Lab-Lab and Supplementary Feed (Iloilo Part). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (2) : 4-16.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds with Lab-Lab and Supplementary Feed (Bataan Part). Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (2) : 16-22.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds with Lab-lab Supplementary Feed (Iloilo Part). UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Progress Rep. (First half FY 1972-1973).NSDB Assisted Project. 4p.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Ponds with Plankton (Bataan Part). Tech.Rep. Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (2) :30-31.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Ponds with Plankton (Iloilo Part). Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (2) :23-29.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Ponds with Plankton at the BF Molo Farm. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (3) : 18-21.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production with Lab-Lab Produced by Inorganic Fertilizer (Pangasinan Part). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.), (2):22-23.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Bf's Fishes Commodity Loan Proposal to the Danish Government 30p. *BFARL
Anon. 1973. BFAR/PCV Fisheries Pond Extension Program. Iloilo City/Tanay, Rizal, 12 JI-16 Oct. 1973.
Anon. 1973. Biological Survey of Ponds and Natural Water. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Progress Rep. (First Half FY 1972-1973).NSDB assisted project.
Anon. 1973. Chorney Experiment Uses Plankton as Bangus Feed. 1973. Fish News p18-19 (Ap/Je).
Anon. 1973. Diseases of Bangus. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.),(3):38-40.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Evaluation of Chemicals used in Aquaculture. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Progress Rep. (First Half FY1972-1973). NSDB Assisted Project No. 2.233.
Anon. 1973. Field Trials on Bangus Production With Plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp), (3) :25-28.
Anon. 1973. Field Trials on Bangus Production with Plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (3) :2-17.
Anon. 1973. Fishpond Fertilization Training Opens April 2. Fish News, p20-21. (Ap/Je).
Anon. 1973. Lab-lab and Bangus Production in Ponds Treated with Organic Only, Inorganic Only and with Combination Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.),(3):22-24.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Market Surveys. Inland Fisheries Project. Progress rep. NSDB First half Fy 1972-1973. Assisted Project. 93p.
Anon. 1973. Milkfish Production in Freshwater Ponds with Different Systems. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (4) :34-38.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Plankton Method for Raising Bangus. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.) (4):63-65.
Anon. 1973. Project Proposal for the Demonstration of Improved Techniques of Bangos Culture. In: Fishpond Estate Development Seminar/Workshop, Continuing Education Center, Los Baños, Laguna, 1973. =Background Readings. Los Baños: Continuing Education Center=,pp. 220-244.
Anon. 1973. Regulations Governing the Construction or Establishment of Fish Pen Enclosures in all Inland Waters. FAO No. 10. Pursuant to Section 4 of ACT 4003 as Amended section 4(a), (b), (c), of R.R. 3512 and section 6 part 8, sub-paragraph 2 of PD 43 1973 Official Gazette. 69(43):9943-9945:(15 Oct.)
Anon. 1973. Screening of Feed Stuffs and IFP- Special Formula Fish Feed. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. 1973 Progress Rep. (First half Fy 1972-1973).NSDB assisted Project. 91 p.
Anon. 1973. There's Big Money in Inland Fish Culture. New Phil. 2:11 :(D)
Anon. 1974. A Study of the Seasonal Abundance of Bangos Fry in Naawan, Misamis Oriental. Naawan, Misamis Oriental. 15 p. (Contribution / Mindanao State University, Institute of Fisheries Research and Prawn Development ; no.74-9)*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Antique Fry Gatherers Use New Bulldozer Nets. Fish.Newsl., (Apr.-Je.): 38. SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Bangus Fry Contract Benefits Fishermen. The Times J. 27 Mr. (News Clipping).
Anon. 1974. Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds with Lab-Lab and Plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (5) : 70-71.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Bangus Production in Freshwater Ponds with Different Fertilizer System. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.), (5) : 44-48.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Bangus Production in Newly Constructed Ponds on Plankton and Lab-Lab for Three Consecutive Cultures Using Various Single and Combination Fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (5) :63-65.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Bangus Production in Newly Constructed Ponds on Plankton and Lab-Lab for Three Consecutive Cultures Using Various Single and Combination Fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (6) :76-81.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Bangus Production in Shallow Ponds with Plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (4) :3-6.*SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Anon. 1974. BFs Fisheries Reconstruction and Development Program for Muslim Mindanao. 5p. 5 tabs.
Anon. 1974. BFs Four-Year Accomplishment Report, 1970-1973. 23p. 26 Ap. 1974
Anon. 1974. BFS Regional and Provincial Allocation of Targets. Tabs. 1974
Anon. 1974. Catching Sabalo Banned. Philippine Daily Express. 27 May
Anon. 1974. Catching Sabalo is Prohibited. Fish.Newsl., (Apr.-Je.): 41 p.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Causes of Bangus Kills in Ponds at the Brackishwater Aquaculture Center Following a Heavy Rain. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp)., (5):21-43.
Anon. 1974. Combination Bangus-Shrimp Culture. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 4. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 9-11.* SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Anon. 1974. Combination Bangus-Shrimp Culture. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.), (4):9-11.
Anon. 1974. DNR Distributes Bangus Fingerlings. Phil. Daily Express 11 Oct. (News Clipping). 1974.
Anon. 1974. Ecological Research In Aquatic Resources Management. UNESCO/MAB Inter-Bureau Mobile Seminar on Ecological Inputs in Aquatic Resource Management. Manila, 19 Oct.
Anon. 1974. Fishpen Construction Subject to Stricter Rules. Fish News, p39 (Ap/Je).
Anon. 1974. High Protein Chlorella for Animal Feed. Mod Agr Ind 2(3):11
Anon. 1974. Laguna Bangus Prices Higher. Phil. Daily Express. 10 Oct. (News Clipping).
Anon. 1974. Municipal Fisheries Project FY 1975 . BFs. 10p.
Anon. 1974. Plankton for Raising Bangus (Experimental Field Trials) 1974 BFAR Fishery Leaflet, 28 Ja, 1974 (Printout)
Anon. 1974. Price Indices of Fish and Other Commodities Related to Inland Fisheries in Iloilo City, January to June 1974.UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Tech. Rep. (5) (First half FY 1974).NSDB assisted Project 72 p.
Anon. 1974. Proposed Fishpond Estate in the inner Malampaya, Taytay, Palawan, The. BFs Feasibility Study. 26 F. 54p. tbs. illus.
Anon. 1974. Rate of Growth and Survival of Bangus Fry in Brackishwater Ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (4) :7-8.*SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Anon. 1974. Rate of Growth of Bangus Fry in Brackishwater Ponds. Tech. Rep.Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.), (5) :66-69.
Anon. 1974. Rearing Bangus Fry in Net Enclosures. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (5): 87.
Anon. 1974. Rearing Pens Bring Benefits to Lake Fishery. Fish. News Int. 13(2):41.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Report on the Studies on the Economics of Aquaculture in Indo-Pacific Region. Proc. IPFC 16th Session. Jakarta, Indonesia, 30 0-8 N, 1974. 16 (I-II): 98-105.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Resume of Current Major Projects/Activities and Future Development Plans Fy 1975-1978. BFs 7p.
Anon. 1974. Salinity Tolerance of Bangus. Tech. Rep. Inland. Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (3):29-33.
Anon. 1974. Simultaneous Culture of Bangus Fry Inside Happas and Bangus Fingerlings at Large in Same Ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (6):82-86.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Technicians Improved Bangus Culture. Phil. Daily Express. 3 Dec. News Clipping).
Anon. 1974. The Proposed Fishpond Estate in the Inner Malampaya, Taytay, Palawan. BFs Feasibility Study. 26 F. 54p. tabs illus.
Anon. 1975. Simultaneous Culture of Bangus Fry Inside Happas and Bangus Fingerlings Loose in Same Ponds. (Trial II). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (7):104-105.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Solution to Milkfish Feed Problem in Cavite Found Phil Abstr. 15(1-2):25 1975.
Anon. 1975. Species That Can Be Used for Stock Manipulation in Philippine Freshwater Fishponds. ASEAN Training Course in Freshwater Fisheries. Baguio City/Tanay, Rizal, 6-17 Ja 1975.
Anon. 1975. Symposium Papers, National Bangus Symposium. Phil. Village Hotel, Hotel Pasay City, Metro Manila, 25-26 JI 1975.
Anon. 1975. Bangus Fry In Albay to be Bid. The Times J. 14 Oct. (News Clipping).
Anon. 1975. Bangus in Cans--Sardine Style. Philippine Daily Express. 5 Aug. 1975.
Anon. 1975. Bangus Length-weight Study. UPCF Inland fisheries Project. Tech. Rep. (6). First Half FY. NSDB Assisted Project. 47 p.
Anon. 1975. Bangus Production in a Newly Constructed Pond.Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.),(7):48-50.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Bangus Production in Newly Constructed Ponds with Plankton and Lab-Lab for Three Consecutive Cultures Using Various Single and Combination Fertilizers. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (7) :32-47.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Bangus Production in Newly Constructed Ponds with Plankton as a Food Base. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (6) : 1-7.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. BFAR's Fish Estate Project FY 1975. 17p. tabs.
Anon. 1975. BFAR'S Pond Fisheries Extension Training Course. 9Aug. 15p. Tabs.
Anon. 1975. Boneless Bangus Factory Up Soon. Business Day 6 August.
Anon. 1975. Brackishwater Farming Undergoing Change. Aust.Fish,34(2):16-19.
Anon. 1975. Cardona Bangus Canner Needs Financial Help. Times Journal (Manila) 15 Sept.
Anon. 1975. Causes od Death of Milkfish en mass in the Lake of Laguna de Bay. Phil Fish. J. 11(3-4):35; 30. UPVCFL
Anon. 1975. Disease and Disease Prevention in Cultured Fish 1975 Asean Training Course in Freshwater Fisheries. Baguio City /Tanay, Rizal. 6-17 Ja
Anon. 1975. Financing Schemes of Inland Fisheries Project. ASEAN Training Course in Fresh water Fisheries. Baguio City/Tanay, Rizal, 6-17 Ja 1975. p18-22.
Anon. 1975. Fisheries Crash Program (Export Promotion and Import-Substitution 1974-1975). BFs 17p.
Anon. 1975. Fisheries Program Boosted. Mod Agr. Ind. 3(4): 8 :(Ap).
Anon. 1975. Grow Lumot in Your Fishpond. Manila, Bureau of Fisheries, 1975. 3 leaves, Typescript.
Anon. 1975. Handling of Milkfish Brood Stock. FAO Aquacult.Bull, 7(1-2) :4*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Laboratory Rearing of Chanos chanos Forskal and Observations on Gonadal Development. Annu. Rep.Mindanao State Univ.Inst. Fish. Res.Dev., pp.103-107.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Main Cause of Milkfish "Drowning" Pinpointed. Bull Today 23 Jl (News Clipping).
Anon. 1975. Meet Stresses Need To Develop Bangus Culture..Bull Today 26 JI (News Clipping.)
Anon. 1975. Milkfish Research. Annul. Rep. Aquacult. Dep. SEAFDEC, pp.31-36.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Milkfish Venture Up. The Evening Post. 25 Oct. (news Clipping).
Anon. 1975. Monoculture and Polyculture of Bangus and All-Male Tilapia in Brackishwater Ponds. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish , Proj. (Philipp.)(7);1-13.
Anon. 1975. Monoculture and Polyculture of Bangus and Shrimp, Penaeus sp. in Brackishwater Ponds. Tech Rep. Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.), (6):19-22.
Anon. 1975. National Bangos Symposium Evolves Research Priorities & Strategies to Develop the Bangos Industry. PCAR Monit., 3(8):1,4-5.
Anon. 1975. New Theory- Why Milkfish Died in Masses in Laguna de Bay 1975 Bull Today. 1 Sept. (News Clipping)
Anon. 1975. Notes on the Seasonal Fluctuations of the Fry of Chanos chanos Forskal at Maputi, Naawan, Misamis Oriental. Annu. Rep. Mindanao State Univ. Inst. Fish. Res. Dev., pp. 109-110.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Pag-aalaga ng Bangus sa Cagayan Valley, na Kaakit-akit sa Iba. Balita. 10 Sept. (news clipping).
Anon. 1975. Philippines =Laguna Lake Milkfish Fish Pen Culture= GAO Aquacult. Bull. 7(1-2):17.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Plaque Killing Bangus in Rizal. 1975 Bulletin Today. 9 Jl (News Clipping)
Anon. 1975. Practical Projects in the Pacific. Fish Farming Int’le., 2(2): 3.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Production of Bangus in Combination with Common Carp and Thai Hito in Fertilized Freshwater Ponds. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.)., (6):68-75.
Anon. 1975. Production of Bangus in Combination with Common Carp and Thai Hito in Fertilized Freshwater Ponds. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Tech Rep. (6) ( First half FY 1975. ) NSDB assisted project no. 7103 Ag. p68-75.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Rate of Growth and Survival of Bangus Fry/Fingerlings in Newly Constructed Brackishwater Ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (6):8-18.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Rearing of Milkfish Fry in Nylon Net Enclosures (Bitinan),UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Tech Rep. (6). (First half FY 1975) NSDB assisted project no. 7103 Ag. p34-38.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Report on Studies on the Economics of Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Proc.IPFC, 16(1&2):98-105.
Anon. 1975. Sapat na Supply ng Fish Fry sa RP, Tinitiyak. Pilipino Express. 18 JI. (News Clipping).
Anon. 1975. SEAFDEC : Some Notes on the Philippine Bangus Industry and the National Bangos Symposium. Asian Fish.Shipp.Mag., 2(1): 24.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. SEAFDEC Approves Research on Milkfish. PCAR Monitor, 3(1): 4. SEAFDEC-AQD
Anon. 1975. SEAFDEC Provides Research on Milkfish. PCAR Monit.,3(1):4.
Anon. 1975. Search for Bangus Fry Underway. Mod Agr. Ind. 3(7):22-38.
Anon. 1975. Simultaneous Culture of Bangus Fry Inside Happas and Bangus Fingerlings at Large in Same Ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (7):14-31.
Anon. 1975. Some Basic Principles on Stock Manipulation Techniques in Freshwater Ponds. In: ASEAN Training Course in Freshwater Fisheries,Baguio City/ Tanay, Rizal, 6-17 Jan. 1975. 4 p.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine Milkfish in Hong Kong. In: Philippines (Republic) bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 6. (8 p.) SEAFDEC-AQD
Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine Milkfish in Hong Kong. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 4. (31p.)
Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine Milkfish in Japan. In : Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish ( Bangus). Oslo : Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 4. (31 p.) *SEAFDEC-AQD
Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine Milkfish in Malaysia. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 3. (10p.)
Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine Milkfish in Singapore. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 2. (28p.)
Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine Milkfish in Thailand. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 5. (2p.)
Anon. 1975. The Use of Anti-biotic Feed on Bangus Fingerlings for Growth and Control of Fish Diseases BFAR Accomp. Rep. FY 1975 17p.
Anon. 1975. Weight-Length Relationship and Growth of Chanos chanos (Forskal) Grown in Freshwater Ponds. PCARR Monitor 4(3):
Anon. 1975? Banning the Taking or Catching of "Sabalo"(Full Grown Bangus or Milkfish) in all Philippine Waters for a Period of Five (5) Years. Fisheries Administrative Order (FAO) (120). Pursuant to the provisions of section 4 and 7 of PD 704 otherwise known as the Fisheries Decree 1975.
Anon. 1976. A Comparison of Isonetrogenous Applications of Urea and Ammonium Fertilizers in Brackishwater Ponds.Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.)., (10):82-88.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Aquaculture: Milkfish. The Farmer's Guide, pp. 16-18.
Anon. 1976. Bangus Fry-Fingerling Culture in Brackishwater Ponds with Plankton. Tech.Rep. Inland fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (8):91-92.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Bangus Marketing: a Complicated Process. Philippine Daily Express 2 Nov.
Anon. 1976. Bioassay of Two Fish Toxicants, Tuba (Jathropa sp.), a Locally Available Fish Poison and Antimycin A. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (8):35-47.8SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Effect of Stock Manipulation on Growth and Production of Milkfish in Ponds. Tech. Rep.Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.),(10):21-40.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Effect of Stock Manipulation on the Growth and Production of Milkfish in Ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.),(9):152-155.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Effect of Tillage, Flushing, and Liming on Production of Bangos in Ponds Affected by Acid Sulfate Soils. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (9) : 163-164.
Anon. 1976. Effects of Two Inorganic Fertilizers and Three Stocking Densities on Bangus Production in Freshwater. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (9):92-101.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Evaluation on the Use of Sub-Divided Ponds Using Nets to Increase Experimental Units (Trial 11). Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.), (9) :25-30*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Evaluation on the Use of Sub-Divided Ponds Using Nets to Increase Experimental Units. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (8) : 27-34.
Anon. 1976. Evaluation on the Use of Subdivided Ponds Using Nets to Increase Experimental Units. Inland Fish. Proj. Philippines. Technical Report (8):27-34.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Expanded Fish Production Program, 1977-1981.. BFAR, Quezon City, Metro Manila. 46 p. 1976.
Anon. 1976. Introduction of Artificial Substrate for Additional Natural Fishfood Production in Milkfish Ponds. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (9):164-165.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Milkfish Production at Two Levels of Organic Content Matter in Pond Soil. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.), (10): 62-67.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Milkfish Program. Annu.Rep.Aquacult.Dep.SEAFDEC, pp.2-11.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Milkfish Research (Mass Propagation of Milkfish Fry in the (Philippines). Annual Report of the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, pp. 30-36.
Anon. 1976. Mixed Culture of Bangus Fry and Fingerlings in Brackishwater ponds with Plankton. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.),(9): 16-24.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Mono and Polyculture of Bangos and All- Male Tilapia mossambica in Brackishwater Ponds (Trial II ). Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.), (8):16-26.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Notes on the Occurrence of and Morphometric Determination of Spawners of Chanos chanos Forskal. Annu.Rep.Mindanao State Univ. Inst. Fish. Res. Dev., pp. 111-113.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Polyculture of Bangus and Shrimps, Penaeus semisulcatus. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (8) :1-15. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Polyculture of Freshwater Shrimps and Milkfish. Tech Rep. Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.),(9):83-84. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Present Status of Fisheries in Indonesia. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Fisheries Resources and their Management in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 19 November to 6 December 1974/Edited by K. Tiews. Bonn: H. Lammerich, pp.412-431.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Production of Milkfish in Ponds Fertilized with Chicken Manure and Shredded Rice Straw Plus Urea. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (9) :161-162.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Production Response of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal) to Additional Substrate for Fishpond in Brackishwater Ponds. Tech.Rep. Inland fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (10) :89-94.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Program on Bangus by Conservation Up. Business Day. 6 Oct. (News Clipping)
Anon. 1976. Rearing Bangus Fry in Nylon Net Enclosures. (Bitinan). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (8):69-72.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Relationship Between Primary Production and Milkfish Production in Brackishwater Ponds Using Organic and Combination of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.),(10):95-108.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Simultaneous Culture of Bangus Fry Inside Happas and Bangus Fingerlings Loose in Same Ponds. (Trial II). Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (8):94-96.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Simultaneous Culture of Bangus Fry Inside Happas and Bangus Fingerlings Loose in Same Ponds. (Trial II). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (9):51-65.
Anon. 1976. The Effectiveness of Leucaena Leaf Meal as a Supplemental feed for Bangus in Brackishwater Fishponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (9) :1-15.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Country report of the Philippines: Present Status of Fisheries, Its Development and Management. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Fisheries Resources and their Management in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 19 November to 6 December, 1974; edited by K. Tiews. Bonn: H. Lammerich, pp. 469-482.
Anon. 1976. Milkfish Trials on the Use of Chicken Manure Shredded Rice Straw and Urea. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.),(10):52-61.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Preliminary Study on the Use of Rice Straw as an Additional Substrate for Fishpond Organisms. Tech. Rep. Inland. Fish. Proj. (Philipp.) (1):1-4.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
DAP Financing for Fish Production Agr., The. Time 1 (6):14:(Ja). 1977
Anon. 1977. Artificial Spawning of Milkfish Reported. Mar.Fish.Rev., 39(12):34.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1977. Milkfish Program. Annu.Rep.Aquacult.Dep.SEAFDEC, pp.8-11.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1977. Di Mauubos ang Supply ng Bangus. Phil. Daily Express. 2 Je. (news clipping).
Anon. 1977. Government Boost Fry Stock. The Rural Worker. 1(3):2.
Anon. 1977. Milkfish Breeding Breakthrough in the Philippines. Fish. Farming Int. 3(2):26-28.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1977. Philippines. In: Brown, E. Evan. World Fish Farming: Cultivation and Economics. Westport, Conn.: Avi Pub. Co., pp. 371-376.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1978. Fertilizers and Fertilization in Brackishwater Fishponds. In: Pond Culture and Management ; Selected Readings. Tigbauan,Iloilo : Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, pp.43-49.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1978. Milkfish Researchers on Threshold of Another Breakthrough. Asian Aquacult., 1(1):4,7.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1978. OI, SEAFDEC in Joint R and D Venture. Asian Aquacult., 1(5):1-7.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1978. Platform and Other Methods of Fishpond Fertilization. In: Pond Culture and Management ; Selected Readings.Tigbauan,Iloilo ; Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, pp.50-53.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1978. Milkfish Program. Annu. Rep. Aquacult. Dep.SEAFDEC, pp.5-8.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1978. SEAFDEC's Milkfish Program ; It's Problems and Recommendations. Asian Fish.Shipp.Mag., 3(3):15-16.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1978. The Milkfish Culture in Indonesia. In: Meadows, P. S. & Campbell, J. I. An Introduction to Marine Science. Glasgow: Balckie, pp. 126-127. * SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. A Review of Avialable Milkfish Chanos chanos Farming Technology in the Philippines. Farming Today 5(5):14-15 May.
Anon. 1979. Cage and Pen Culture in India. Asian Aquacult. 2(4):3, 2 (From the Paper, Culture of Fishes in Cages and Pens Along the Coastal Waters of India, Submitted by R. Marichamy, G. Venkataraman, K. M. S. Ameer Hamsa, P. Nammalwar, S. Shanmugan and P. Bensam to the International Cage and Pen Culture Workshop, SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, 13-21 February 1979).* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. Catching of Milkfish Fry. (In Indonesian) Menagkap Nener Ikan Bandeng. Varia Perikanan Lampung (Indonesia) 2(4):5-6
Anon. 1979. Fishpen and Cage Farming in the Philippines. In: International Workshop on Pen and Cage Culture of Fish, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1979. Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo: International Research Centre; Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC, pp. 99-103.
Anon. 1979. Freshwater Fisheries Station is 2 Years Old. Asian Aquacult., 2(7):1,3,6.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. International Cage and Pen Culture and National Aquaculture Technology Consultation held. Asian Aquacult.,2(2):1-2.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. Milkfish Program. Annu.Rep. Aquacult. Dep. SEAFDEC, pp.4-10.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. Milkfish Success in South Taiwan. Aquacult. Mag. 5(6):45.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. New Research Thrust for =the SEAFDEC= Aquaculture Department. Asian Aquacult., 2(10):1-2.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. Output and Needs of Milkfish Farmers. Mod. Agric. Ind. Asia 7(5):26.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. SEAFDEC : Some Backgrounds on Its Milkfish Programs. Asian Fish.Shipp.Mag.,3(2):16-17.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. The =SEAFDEC=Aquaculture Department in 6 Years. Asian Aquacult., 2(8):1-3, 6.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. The Key is Better Handling: How to Avoid Milkfish Fry Losses in the Philippines. Philippine Farmers' Journal 21(8):48-49 Aug.
Anon. 1979. The Milkfish Research Development Program of SEAFDEC. Asian Aquacult., 2(1):3, 6.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. What Makes Iloilo Philippines Bangus Milkfish Producers the Tops. Philippine Farmers' Journal 21(6):42 June.
Anon. 1980. All for a Small Fry. Asian Aquacult., 3(10):1-2,8.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Aquaculture Fisheries in Japan and the Philippines-A-Comparison. Asian Aquacult.,3(1):8,7,2.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Asian Bank Sees Big Promise in Aquaculture. Fish Farming Int. 7(3):36.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Bangus Production. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. fisheries Extension Officers Manual/Brackishwater Aquaculture Development and Training Project. Quezon City: The Bureau, pp. 1-24.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Breakthrough Breeding Milkfish in Captivity. Asian Farms Gardens 1(2):34-35.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Challenges for Aquaculture Research in Southeast Asia. Asian Aquacult., 3(1):1-2.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Fish Hatchery. Annu. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep.,pp.6-10.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Fishpen and Cage Farming in the Philippines. Asian Aquaculture 3(9):4-5. (From the Country Report of the Same Title Presented at the International Workshop on cage and Pen Culture held at SEAFDEC, Tigbauan, Iloilo, February 12-22, 1979).* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Implement 1980 Aquaculture Research Program. Asian Aquacult.,3(4):1-2.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Milkfish. In: Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Aquaculture Research, Rome, Italy, 5-9 May 1980. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, pp.23-24.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Prospects of Cage and Pen Culture in Sri Lanka. Asian Aquacult., 3(3) : 4-5,7. (From the Paper, Cage and Pen Culture in Sri Lanka, by D.E.S. Jayamaha Presented at the International Symposium on Cage and Pen Culture, Sponsored by IDRC & SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, 11-22 February 1979, Iloilo, Philippines)* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Training Program Becomes Broader. Asian Aquacult., 3(9):1-2, 6.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. General Information. In: SEAFDEC Institute of Aquaculture. Fish Farming Handbook. Tigbauan, Iloilo : The Institute, pp.1-64.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Milkfish. In: SEAFDEC Institute of Aquaculture.Fish Farming Handbook. Tigbauan, Iloilo : The Institute, pp. 66-111* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. Brackishwater Research Highlights. Asian Aquacult., 4(4):2. SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. Fish Hatchery. Annu. Rep.SEAFDEC. Aquacult. Dep.., pp.5-10
Anon. 1981. Freshwater Research Highlights 1980. Asian Aquacult., 4(3): 3, 7-8.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. Milkfish Breeding Program Launched on National Scale. Asian Aquacult., 4(5): 1. 11.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. Milkfish Fry. In: Indonesia. Agency for Agricultural Research and Development. 5 =Five= Years of Agricultural Research and Development for Indonesia, 1976-1980. Bogor : The Agency, p.96.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. Pushing Back the Frontiers of Aquaculture Development : The SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. Aquacult.Mag.,7(2):18-22.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. Research Highlights 1980. Asian Aquacult., 4(2):1-3, 6-8.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. Research Programs 1981. Asian Aquacult., 4(4):1, 3.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. SEAFDEC Sees Big Future in Fish Farming. Fish.News.Int., 20(5): 52-53.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1982. Ecology. Annu.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep., pp.25-26.
Anon. 1982. Finfish Culture: Milkfish. Annu. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep., pp. 37-45.
Anon. 1982. Finfish Hatchery. Annu. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep.,pp.2-10.
Anon. 1982. KKK Success Story:Prologue to the Fish Pen Boom. Fish. Market. Rev. 4(4):36-37.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1982. Natural Food. Annu.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep., pp.17-20.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1982. Nutrition and Feed Development. Annu. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. pp. 15-17.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1982. Pathology. Annu.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep.,pp.20-24.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1982. Polyculture. Annu. Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep., pp. 31-32.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1983. Increased Surface Area Using Substrates for Milkfish Fingerling Production. Asian Aquacult., 5(1) :6.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1983. Science Brings the Milkfish from the Wild to the Farm. Asian Aquacult., 5(4):3-4.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1983. Growth and Survival of Milkfish and Prawn Fry at Varying Stock Rations. Asian Aquacult., 5(1):7.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1983. Impact on Industry. Asian Aquacult., 5(1):1-4.*
Anon. 1983. Multiple Stocking and Selective Harvesting of Milkfish in Growth-out Ponds with Different Sizes of Algal Nurseries. Asian Aquacult., 5(1):7.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1983. Polyculture of P. Monodon and P.Indicus with Milkfish. Asian Aquacult.,5(1):6.
Anon. 1983. Production and Economics of Integrated Farming of P. Indicus, C. Chanos and Poultry in Brackishwater Ponds. Asian Aquacult., 5(1):6.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1983. Taking Stock, Looking Ahead. Asian Aquacult., 5(4):1-3.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1983. Techno-Transfer Gains Momentum. Asian Aquacult., 5(3):1-3.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1985. Modular Pond System Also Works for Prawn. Asian Aquacult. 7(11):1-2.*SEAFDEC-AQD Library
Anon. 1985. Rematured Milkfish Spawns. Asian Aquacult. 7(5):1-2 *SEAFDEC-AQD Library
Anon. 1986. Zamboanga del Sur Technoguide: Bangus. Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development, Los Baños, Laguna. 49p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1994. Developing Milkfish Broodstock. In: SEAFDEC/AQD R & D for Sustainable Aquaculture, 1992-1993 Report. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. Tigbauan, Iloilo, p. 8
Anon. n.d. A Brief Life History of Bangus. Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries Leaflet.
Anon. n.d. Length-Weight Table for Bangus. n.p. 6p. (Mimeographed copy)*UPVCF Library, Vertical file
Anon. n.d. Providing for the Accelerated Development of the Fishery Industry of the Philippines. (n.d.) Presidential Decree No. 43. (printout).
Anon. n.d. Raising Bangus in Ponds. Agr In Life. 21(4):16 .
Anon. n.d. Rules and Regulation Governing the Issuance of a Special Permit to Ship or Transport Bangus Fry or Kawag-kawag. FAO No. 115.
Anon. n.d. Salinity Tolerance of Milkfish Fingerlings: A Progress Report. (printout) (BFAR Lib)
Anon. n.d. Improvement of Fish Marketing Channels. BAECON/BFAR Joint Project. 44p tabs.
Anon. n.d. Taal Lake Stocked with Bangus, Carps. Evening Post. 15. Oct.(News Clippings).
Anon. n.d.. Nursery Management Techniques in Philippine Milkfish Ponds. Fish. Gazette. 4(6):28. Abstracts
Anon. 196? New Systems of Bangos or Milkfish Culture in the Philippines. 15 p. (On top of title-page: Project Proposal for the Demonstration of Improved Technique of Bangos culture.) (Reference unknown) *SEAFDEC-AQD
Anon. 1966. Bangus Seed Bank in Bicol. Phil. Fish. J. 4(10):31 UPVCF L
Anon. 1966. DBP Loan Plan for Bangos Fingerlings. Phil. Fish. J. 7(10):30-32. UPVCFL
Anon. 1967. Marine Exports. Phil. Fish. J. 5(4):22 UPVCFL
Anon. 1972. Bangus Culture in Ponds with Feed and Lab lab with and without Lime. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 18-26.
Anon. 1972. Bangus Culture in Ponds with Feed, Lab lab and Plankton. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2.235. pp.4-18.
Anon. 1973. A Field Trial on Bangus Production with Plankton. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No.3 UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2.235. pp.25-28.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds with Lab-lab and Supplementary Feed(Bataan Part). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 16-22.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds with Lab-lab and Supplementary Feed (Iloilo Part). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2.235. pp. 4-16.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Ponds with Plankton (Iloilo Part). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 23-29.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production with Lab-lab Produced by Inorganic Fertilizer (Pangasinan Part). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 22-23.
Anon. 1973. Culture of Hito in Concrete Tanks with Intensive Feeding. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 235. pp. 56-61.
Anon. 1973. Lab-lab and Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds Treated with Combination Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers with Phosphate only Fertilizer. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 31-38.
Anon. 1973. Salinity Tolerance of Bangus. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2.235. pp. 44-50.
Anon. 1974. Bangus Production in Shallow Ponds with Plankton. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No.4, UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp.3-6.
Anon. 1974. Preliminary Study on the Artificial Reproduction of Bangus (Sabalo). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 5. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 13-20.
Anon. 1974. Rate of Growth and Survival of Bangus Fry in Brackishwater Ponds. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 4. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 7-8.
Anon. 1975. Bangus Production in Newly Constructed Ponds with Plankton as a Food Base. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 6. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 1-7.
Anon. 1975. Evolves Research Priorities and Strategies to Develop the Bangus Industry. PCAR Monitor 3 (8):1.
Anon. 1975. The Rate of Growth of Bangus Fry-Fingerlings in Newly Constructed Brackishwater Ponds. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 6. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 8-18.
Anon. 1975. Big Aquaculture Project Underway. Mod Agr Ind. 1975 3(1): 30
Anon. 1978. Milkfish Production in Laguna de Bay. 122p. *SEAFDEC (SH167 M5 M54)
Anon. 1978. Milkfish Production in Laguna de Bay. 122p. *SEAFDEC (SH167 M5 M54)
Anon. 1995. Project Sabalo Hatched; Aims to Produce 1B Milkfish Fry. SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture 17(3):1-2. UPVCFL
Anon. 1995. Project Sabalo Hatched.: Aims to Produce I B Milkfish Fry. SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture 17(3):1-2 Sept. *CF Lib; SEAFDEC AQD Lib
Anon. 1995. Project Sabalo Hatched.: Aims to Produce I B Milkfish Fry. SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture 17(3):1-2 Sept. *CF Lib; SEAFDEC AQD Lib
Antonio, Hilario C. and Manacop, Porfirio R. 1956. A Preliminary Longevity Test of Bangus Fry in Storage. Philipp. J. Fish., 4(2):119-131* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Antonio, J. S. 1962. Test-tube Bangus. Sunday Times Magazine 18(11):22 October 21.
Antonio, J.E. 1960. A Visit to the Fishpond Industry Pays Off Profits in Bangus Culture. Philippines. Today 7(5):23-25.
APDEM (111: 1980: Tigbauan, Iloilo) 1980.=Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC= 3 v.
Apud, F. D. 1985. Extensive and Semi-extensive Culture of Prawn and Shrimps in the Philippines. In: Proceedings of the first International Conference on the Culture of Penaeid Prawns/Shrimps, Iloilo City, Philippines, 4-7 Dece. 1984. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dep., Tigbauan, Iloilo, pp. 105-113. *SEAFDEC-AQD Library//UPVCF Library
Apud, Flor D. and Benagua, S.H. 1981. Survival, Growth and Production of Penaeus monodon and P. indicus at Different Density Combinations with Milkfish Q. Res. Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep., 5(1):5-9.SEAFDEC-AQD Library
Apud, Florentino D. 1983. Management and Operation of Milkfish Farm. In: APDEM (VI:1983; Tigbauan, Iloilo)=Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department= 3:(24p.)
Aquino, Josephine Mejia. 1977. Relationship Between Primary Productivity and Milkfish Production in Fertilized Brackishwater Ponds. 69 p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1977). *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Arai, Ryoichi; Nagaiwa, Kazuo & Sawada, Yukio. 1976. Chromosomes of Chanos chanos (Gororynchiformes, Chanidae). Gryoruigaky Zasshi/Jap. J. Ichthyol. 22(2):173-177. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Arcega, M.B. 1974. Bangus: King of the Fishponds. Greenfields, 3(6):10-12. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Arcigal, Getrudes A. 1975. Freshwater Fish Culture in Region 3, San Fernando, Pampanga. ASEAN Training Course in Freshwater Fisheries. Baguio City/Tanay,Rizal, 6-7 Ja 1975. 3p.
Arriola, F.L. Notes on Backishwater Fish Farming in Luzon. Phil. J. Sci. 76(2):1-6.
Arroyo, P. T.; Apolinario, K. M.; Palomares, T. S..; De la Cruz, L. G. & Santos, E. A. 1978. Milkfish and its Parts. In: National Science Development Board (Philippines). Milkfish (Bangos) as Food. Bicutan, Taguig: The Board, pp. 26-39. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Arroyo, P.T.; Apolinario, K.M.;Santos,T.D.;De la Cruz, L.G. & Santos,E.A. 1976. Relationships of Percent Meat Yield to Round Weight of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal). Fish.Res.J.Philipp.1(1):44-51. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Arroyo, Patricia . et al 1975. Storage Life Study of Canned Bangus Chanos chanos(Forskal), Salmon and Sardine Style. AFSM. 1(3): 6-10: (Ja/Mr). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Arroyo, Patricia T. 1978. The Sciences of Fish as Food. In: National Science Development Board (Philippines). Milkfish (Bangos) as Food. Bicutan, Taguig:The Board, pp. 1-25.*UPVCFL
Arsyad, H.; Samsi, S. 1990. Budidaya ikon Bandeng (Chanos chanos Forsk.) INFIS Man. Ser. (11):14p. *ICLARM SH333.5 I534 1990 #11
Arsyad, H.; Samsi, S. 1990. Budidaya ikon Bandeng (Chanos chanos Forsk.) INFIS Man. Ser. (11):14p. *ICLARM SH333.5 I534 1990 #11
Ascual Jr. Federico Jr. 1977. Bangus Breakthrough May Treble Harvest. Phil. Daily Express.15 May. (News Clipping).
Ascual, Jr. Federico Jr. 1977. Bangus Made to Lay Eggs in Captivity. Phil. Daily Express 14 May (News Clipping ).
Ascual, Jr. Federico Jr. 1977. How to Make Bangus in the Laboratory. Phil. Daily Express 16 May (News Clipping).
Aspurita, Teresita G. & Fabro, Rita M. 1979. A Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in Bohol. Los Baños, Laguna : Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center ; Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research. 60 p. (Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series ; no.20) (Research Paper Series / SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program ; no.20).
Atkinson, Clinton E. 1977. People's Republic of China. In: Brown, E. Evan. World Fish Farming: Cultivation and Economics. Westport, Conn.: Avi. Pub. Co., pp. 321-344. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Atmohadrjono, R. 1933. Exploitation of Brackishwater Ponds in the Delta of Sidoharjo (Tambak Expoitatie op de Sidoharjosche delta) Vamola (Bogor-Buitensorg, Indonesia) 1(4):22. In Dutch.
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Atz, J. W. and G. E. Pickford. 1959. The Use of Pituitary Hormones in Fish Culture. Endeavor 18(71):125-129.*UPVCFL
Avault, James W. 1977. Aquaculture Research Report: Culture of Fish in Rice Ponds Expanding in the Philippines. Comm. Fish Farmer Aquacult. News., 4(1):26. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Avery, Arthur C. 1950 . Fish Processing Handbook for the Philippines. Washington, D.C. US Gov't. Printing Off. Res. Rep (26) 149p.
Aypa, Simeona M. & Garcia, Demetrio M. 1959. Suitable Fishes for Fresh-Water Fish Cultivation in the Philippines. Fish Gazette Bur. Fish. (Philipp.) 3(11):8-13. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Baclig, R. V. (n.d). The Development and the Effect of Storage Conditions on smoked Soft-Boned Bangus, Chanos chanos. Dept. of Food Sci. and Nutrition,UP, Diliman, Quezon City.
Baclig, R. V. 1970. The Development and the Effect of Storage Conditions on Smoked Soft-Boned Bangus, Chanos chanos. Dept of Food Science and Nutrition, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City.
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Bagarinao, T. 1986. Yolk resorption, onset of feeding and survival potential of larvae of three tropical marine fish species reared in hatchery. Marine Biology 91:449-459.
Bagarinao, T. and K. Thayaparan. 1986. Length-weight relationship, food habits and condition factor of wild juvenile milkfish in Sri Lanka. Aquaculture 5:241-246.
Bagarinao, T. and S. Kumagui. 1987. Occurrence and Distribution of Milkfish, Chanos chanos, Larvae off the Western Coast of Panay Island, Philippines. Env. Biol. Fish. 19:155-160.
Bagarinao, T. and Y. Taki. 1986. The Larval and Juvenile Fish Community in Pandan Bay, Panay Island, Philippines, pp. 728-739. In: T. Uyenco, R. Arai, T. Tanuichi, and K. Matsuura, eds. Indo-Pacific Fish Biology: Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. Indo-Pac. Fishes. Ichthyological Society of Japan, Tokyo.
Bagarinao, T. N.B. Solis, W. R. Villaver, and A. C. Villaluz. 1986. Important Fish and Shrimp Fry in Philippine Coastal Waters Identification, Collection and Handling. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dept. Extension Manual No. 10. 52p.*ICLARML
Bagarinao, T. U. 1991. Biology of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). Tigbauan, Iloilo: Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department. 94p.* *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL;ICLARML
Bagarinao, Teodora and Kumagai, Shigeru. 1987. Occurrence and Distribution of Milkfish Larvae, Chanos chanos off the Western Coast of Panay Island, Philippines. Environmental Biology of Fishes 19:155-160.
Bagarinao, T. U. 1998. Historical and current trends in milkfish farming in the Philippines. De Silva S. S., ed. Tropical Mariculture. Academic Press:381-422.
Baldevarona, R. B.; Fortes, N. R.; Gange, R. H. and Catedrilla, L. C. 1983. Effects of Various N-P-K Fertilizer Combinations on Fish Production in Brackishwater Ponds. Technical Report, BAC, UPV, pp. 47-62.
Baliao, D. 1984. Milkfish Nursery Pond and Pen Culture in the Indo-Pacific Region, pp. 97-119. In: Juario, J. V., R. P. Ferraris, and L. V. Benitez, eds. 1984. Advances in Milkfish Biology and Culture. Island Publ. House, Manila. 243p.
Baliao, Dan D. 1982. Management of Brackishwater Pond for Milkfish Fingerling Production in Sri Lanka. J.Inland Fish. 1:17-29. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Baliao, Dan D. 1983. Mudcrab, "Alimango", Production in Brackishwater Pond with Milkfish. In:APDEM (VI : 1983 : Tigbauan, Iloilo)=Papers . Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department=,3:(8 p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Baliao, Dan D.; Franco, Nilo M. and Agbayani, Renato F. 1987. The Economics of retarding Milkfish growth for Fingerling Production in Brackishwater Ponds. Aquaculture 62:195-205. *SEAFDEC-AQD Library
Baliao, Dan D.; Rodriquez, E.M. & Gerochi, D.D. 1980. Growth and Survival Rates of Hatchery-Produced and Wild Milkfish Fry Grown to Fingerling Size in Earthern Nursery Ponds. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep. 4(4) :11-14.* *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Baliao, Dan D.1978. Evaluation of a Combination of Indoor Outdoor Nursery System for Growing Milkfish Fry to Fingerlings. 67.p. (Master's Thesis, University of the Philippines System,1978). *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Balliao, Dan D., De los Santos, M., and Franco, N. M. The modular method: milkfish pond culture. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC-ADQ, 1999. 18p. (Aquaculture extension manual, 25.
Ballesteros, O.O. & Mendoza, S.P., Jr. 1977. Brackish Fishpond Management. In: Readings on Aquaculture Practices. Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, 2:45-56. Also In: Proc. 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Crop Science Society of the Philippines, Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, May 15-17, 1972. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Bandie, M.J.; Tribawono, D. Iswahjudi & Sidik, A. 1982 Present Status of the Brackishwater Fishponds in East Java, Indonesia with Emphasis on Engineering Related Problems. In: Report of Consultation/Seminar on Coastal Fishpond Engineering, 4-12 August 1982, Surabaya, Indonesia. Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. pp.104-107. (Workshop Report / South China Sea Fisheries Development And Coordinating Programme; no. 42). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Bandonil, Lian D. 1980. Studies on the Digestive Proteases of Juvenile and Marketable-Size Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskal. 54p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1980). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Banno, Jessie. 1980. The Food and Feeding Habits of the Milkfish Fry Chanos chanos (Forskal) Collected from Two Habitats Along the Coast of Hamtik, Antique. 77p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1980). *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Bañada, Vicente C. 1980. Occurrence of Postlarval and Juvenile Stages of Some Economically Important Fishes in Three Milkfish Fry Collecting Grounds in Panay Island. 103 p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines, 1980). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Bara, Agabus. 1984. Effect of Different Levels of Chicken Manure and Ammonium Phosphate on Milkfish Chanos chanos Forskal Production in Brackishwater Ponds. 112p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, 1984).*UPVCFL
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Buri, Prasit; Kumagai, Shigeru; Bañada, Vicente; Triño, Avelino & Castillo, Nelson. 1980. Developmental and Ecological Stages in the Life History of Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskal. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep., 4(1):5-10. *SEAFDEC-AQDL; also in Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 6(2):33-58 1981.
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Camacho A.S. 1976. Mono and Polyculture of Bangus and All-Male Tilapia mossambica in Brackishwater Ponds(Trial II). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep.No.8.UPCF, Diliman Quezon ,City.NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp.16-26.
Camacho, A.S. 1975. Monoculture and Polyculture of Bangus and All-Male Tilapia in Brackishwater Ponds. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep.No.7.UPCF, Diliman Quezon ,City.NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp.1-13.
Camacho, A.S. 1975. Simultaneous Culture of Bangus Fry Inside Happas and Bangus Fingerlings at Large in Same Ponds. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep.No.7.UPCF, Diliman Quezon ,City.NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp.14-31.
Camacho, A.S.; Corre, V.L., Jr.; Bien, N.B. & Palao, J.M. 1982. The Development of Artificial Feeds for Milkfish Fry for an Intensive Milkfish Fingerling Production: Fat-Soluble Vitamin Requirement. Prog. Rep. Brackishwat. Aquacult. Cent. Univ.Philipp.Visayas, (Ja.-Je.) : (5 p) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Camacho, A.S.;Corre, V.L., Jr.; Bien, N.B.& Palao, J.M. 1982. Development of Artificial Feeds for Milkfish Fry for an Intensive Milkfish Fingerling Production:Optimum Requirement of Protein, Carbohydrates, Vitamins and Fats. In: Technical Report, 1978-1980 / Brackishwater Aquaculture Center. Leganes , Iloilo : College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, pp. 1.2-1.34. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Camacho, Arsenio S. 1975. Bangos Nutrition Studies. In: National Bangos Symposium. Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati: SEAFDEC=, pp. 97-105.*UPVCFL, Vertical file, Typescript copy; *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Camacho, Arsenio S. 1979. Nutrition in Milkfish. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo, pp. 43-47. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Camacho, Arsenio S. and Macalincag-Lagua, Natividad. 1988. The Philippine Aquaculture Industry. In: J. V. Juario and L. V. Benitez, eds. Perspectives in Aquaculture Development Southeas Asia and Japan; Proceedings of the Seminar on Aquaculture Development in Southeas Asia, Iloilo City, Philippines 8-12 September 1987. Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Tigbauan, Iloilo, pp,.91-116.
Camacho, Arsenio S. 1975. Status and Needs of Fish Nutrition. In: PCAR Fisheries Research congress, Ist, Legaspi City, 1975. Aquaculture Research Papers. Los Baños, Laguna: Fisheries Research Division, Philippine Council for Agricultural Research, pp.64-72. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Carreon, Jose A. 1973. Fish Biology and Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines. In: National Agriculture System Research Congress, Ist, U.P. at Los Baños, 1973. Inland Fisheries Research Papers. Los Baños., Laguna, : Fisheries Research Division, Philippine Council for Agricultural Research, pp. 20-31. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Carteciano, Loureeda T. 1982. Icing of Milkfish. Los Baños, Laguna: Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development. 16p. (Technology/Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development; v.4, no. 6) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;ICLARML
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Chaudhuri, H. & Tripathi, S.D. 1979. Problems of Warmwater Fish Seed Production. In:Advances in Aquaculture / Edited by T.V.R. Pillay & Wm. A. Dill.Farnham, Surrey : Fishing News Books, pp.127-134*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chaudhuri, H. and S.D. Tripathi. 1976. Problems of Warmwater Fish Seed Production. FAO Technical Conference on Aquaculture. FIR/AQ/Conf/76/R.2 - 8. 15p.
Chaudhuri, Hiralal; Juario, J.; Samson, R. & Mateo, R. 1977. Notes on the External Sex Characteristics of Chanos chanos Forskal Spawners. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. 1(2):17-20.
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Chaudhuri,Hiralal. 1969. Breeding Habits of Cultivated Fishes. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 13 p. (Presented at the FAO/ UNDP Regional Seminar on Induced Breeding of Cultivated Fishes, Calcutta, Cuttack,Bombay, 15 July-18 August 1969. FRI/IBCF/4)
Chaudhuri,Hiralal. 1969. Methods Adopted for Inducing Breeding in Fishes. 16 p. Submitted to the FAO/UNDP Regional Seminar on Induced Breeding of Cultivated Fishes, Calcutta, Cuttack,Bombay, 15 July-18 August 1969. FRI/IBCF/8) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chaudhuri,Hiralal; Juario, J. 1977. Use of Hormones in Breeding Cultivated Warmwater Fishes with Special Reference to Milkfish,Chanos chanos (Forskal). Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines, 2(2): 1-6. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chaudhuri,Hiralal; Juario,J.;Primavera, Jurgene H.;Mateo,R.;Samson,R.; Cruz, Erlinda; Jarabejo,E. & Canto,J.,Jr. 1977. Artificial Fertilization of Eggs and Early Development of the Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal). In: SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. Induced Spawning,Artificial Fertilization of Eggs and Larval Rearing of Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal) in the Philippines. Tigbauan, Iloilo,pp.21-23.*UPVCFL (SH167 M5 I53); *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chaudhuri,Hiralal; Juario,J. ; Primavera, Jurgene H.; Mateo, R.; Samson, R.; Cruz, Erlinda & Jarabejo, E. 1977. Observations on Artificial Fertilization of Eggs and the Embryonic and Larval Development of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal). Tigbauan,Iloilo : Aquaculture Department,SEAFDEC. 32 p. (Contribution / Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; no.12). Also in Aquaculture 13:95-113 (1978).
Chaudhuri,Hiralal; Juario,J.V. ; Primavera, Jurgene H.; Samson, R. & Mateo, R. 1978. Observations on Artificial Fertilization of Eggs and the Embryonic and Larval Development of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal). Aquaculture, 13(2): 95-113.
Chaudhuri,Hiralal; Juario,Jesus V. ; Mateo, Rodolfo;Primavera, Jurgene ; Belicano, Regino; Canto,Jose, Jr.; Cruz, Erlinda; Jarabejo, Elizalde; Samson, Romulo & Valenzuela, Domingo. 1977. Preliminary Report on the Artificial Fertilization of Eggs and the Embryonic and Larval Development of Milkfish. =Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department=. 15 p.
Chen, Hon Cheng. 1971. The Study of Milkfish Pond. I. Effect of pH Value and Salinity on the Growth of Benthic Algae. Aquiculture, 1(2) :1-11. (Text in Chinese; Abstract in English) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chen, Hon-Cheng. 1971. Increase of Benthic Algae in Milkfish Ponds by Application of Silicate. Fish.Ser.Chin.-Am.Jt.Comm.Rural Reconstr., (11) : 71-83. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Chen, T.P. 1960. Improvement of Milkfish Culture in Taiwan. FAO-National Agricultural Extention Training Center- College of Agriculture, Serdang, Malaya, 2 May - 4 June. 2p. CF/62195.
Chen, T.P. 1974. Culture of Milkfish as a Means of Increasing Animal Protein food Supply. Thirteenth Pac.Sci.Congress Record of Proc. vol. 1. Abstracts of Papers: 15.
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Chen, Tung-pai. 1972. Status and Problems of Coastal Aquaculture in Taiwan. In: Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers/Edited by T.V.R. Pillay. London: Fishing News (Books), pp. 68-73. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
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Chen, Tung-pai. 1979. Fewer Problems, More Profits for Taiwan Shrimp Growers. Fish Farming Int. 6(2):41. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Chen,T.P. 1972. Fertilization and Feeding in Coastal Fish Farm in Taiwan. In: Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers/ Edited by T.V.R. Pillay. London: Fishing News(Books), pp.410-416. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
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Chiu, Y.N. ,Macahilig, M.P. and Sastrillo, M.A.S. 1986. Preliminary Studies of Factors Affecting the Feeding Rhythm of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal). In: The First Asian Fisheries Forum, Maclean, J. L. Dizon, L. B. and Hosillos, L. V., eds. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, 1986, pp. 547-550.*UPVCFL;SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chiu, Y.N., Sumagaysay, N.S. and Sastrillo, M.A. S. 1987. Effect of Feeding Frequency and Feeding Rate on the Growth and Feed Efficiency of Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal, Juveniles. Asian Fisheries Science 1:27-31.ICLARML;UPVCFL
Chiu, Y.N., Estilo, V.L.; Sumagaysay, N.S. and Sastrillo, M.A.S.. 1987. Increasing Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) Yields in Brackishwater Ponds Through Increased Stocking Rates and Supplementary Feeding .Brackish Aquaculture Center, UPV Leganes, Iloilo, Phils. Presented at the 7th PCARRD Annual Review of Completed and On-going Research Projects for Fisheries, La Granja, La Carlota City, Negros Occidental, Philippines. April 22-25, 1987.
Chiu, Yvonne H. & Benitez, L. V. 1981. Studies on theCarbohydrates in the Digestive Tract of the Milkfish Chanos chanos. Mar. Biol. 61:247-254. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chiu, Yvonne H. 1979. Studies on the Carbohydrates in the Digestive Tract of Chanos chanos Forskal. xii,56p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1982.) *SEAFDEC -AQD Library;ICLARML(SH209 1979 C44)
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Cholik, Fuad. 1973. Present Status of Milkfish and Shrimp Culture in Indonesia and its Problems with Special Reference to those of South Sulawesi. Indonesia: Inland Fisheries Research Institute. 11 p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chong, Kee-Chai; Lizarondo, Maura S.; De la Cruz, Zenaida S.; Guerrero, Cesar V. and Smith, Ian R. 1984. Milkfish Production Dualism in the Philippines: a Multidisciplinary Perspective on Continuous Low Yields and Constrainsts to Aquaculture Development. FAO, Rome, Italy; Q.C., Bureau of Agricultural Economics; Q.C., BFAR and Manila, ICLARM, 70p. (ICLARM Tech. Report #15)*CF Lib (SH167 M5 M5)
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Chong, Kee-Chai & Lizarondo, Maura S. 1982. Input-Output Relationships of Philippine Milkfish Aquaculture. In: Aquaculture Economics Research in Asia ; Proceedings of a Workshop in Singapore, 2-5 June 1981. =Ottawa : International Development Research Centre=;Manila:ICLARM, pp.35-44. (ASFA pt 1 14(5):360) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Chong, Kee-Chai ; Smith, Ian R. & Lizarondo, Maura S. 1982. Economics of the Philippine Milkfish Resource System. Tokyo : The United Nations University. 66 p. (Resource Systems Theory and Methodology / United Nations University; no.4) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chong, Kee-Chai. 1980. Philippine Milkfish Production Economics Study Underway. ICLARM Newsl. 3(1):6,13. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Collins, R.A. and M.N. Delmendo. 1976. Cooperative Economics of Aquaculture in Cages, Raceways and Enclosures. FAO Technical Conference on Aquaculture. FIR/AQ/CONF/76/R.3-7: 11p.
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Coloso, R. M.; Benetiz, L. V.; Tiro, L.B. 1988. The Effect of Dietary Protein-Energy Levels on Growth and Metabolism of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. (A Comp. Physiol) 89A(1):11-17 *ICLARM R90-216
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Corcino-Baylon, Juliana E. 1982. Factors Affecting Survival of Milkfish, Chanos chanos Fry and Fingerling to Different pH-Salinity and Temperature-Salinity Combinations. 56p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, Diliman,Q.C.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Corrales, R. S. 1985. Management Plan for Milkfish Fingerling Production at the Bayawan Fish Seed Bank. South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, Manila. 31p. (Working Paper/South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme;GCP/PHIL/037/CAN/WP(85) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Corre, V. L. and Natividad,P.C.. 1985. Use of Partially Decomposed Rice Straw and Mud Press as Substrate to Increase Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds. Technical Report.
Crear, David. 1980. Observations on the Reproductive State of Milkfish Populations (Chanos chanos) from Hypersaline Ponds on Christmas Island (Pacific Ocean). Proc.Annu.World Maricult.Soc., 11:548-556. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Creencia, J. R.; Valiente, A. M.,Jr. and Carandang, F. L. 1973. Bangus Marketing. Special Studies Division, Planning Service, Office of the Secretary, Dept. of Agriculture. 28 leaves. (National Food and Agriculture Council NFAC 73-20) (SEAFDEC-AQDL)
Creencia, J.R. Valiente, A. M., Jr. And Carandang, F. L. 1973. Bangus Marketing Diliman, Quezon City, Special Studies Division, NFAC Special Studies; 73-20. 28p. SEAFDEC-AQD HD9469 M5 C74
Cremer, Michael C. & Sullivan, Gregory M. 1982. Aquaculture to Play Important Role in Indonesian Future. Aquacult.Mag. 8(2):29-32.
Cremer, Michael C. & Duncan, Bryan L. 1979. Brackishwater Aquaculture Development in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia. Auburn : International Center for Aquaculture ; Agricultural Experiment Station. 11 p. (Research and Development Series / International Center for Aquaculture ; no.23)
Cruz, E. M.; Pitogo, C. L. 1989. Tolerance Level and Histopathological Response of Milkfish Chanos chanos fingerlings to Formalin. Aquaculture 78:135-145
Cruz, E.R. 1981. Acute Toxicity of Un-Ionized Ammonia to Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fingerlings. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep., 5(4):16-18. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Cruz, E.R.& Enriquez,G.L. 1981. Gill Lesions Associated with Acute Exposure to Ammonia. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep.,5(3):5-8. See also Natural Applied Science Bull. 34(1):1-13 1982 *ICLARM L R91-192; *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Cruz, Emmanuel M and Laudencia Irma L. 1978. Polyculture of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal), and Nile Tilapia (Tilapia Nilotica) in Freshwater with Supplemental Feeding. In:=Proceedings of the = International Foundation for Science and Universiti Sains Malaysia Regional Meeting on Aquaculture, Muka Head, Biological Field Station, Penang, Malaysia, 1978, pp. 197-210. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Cruz, Emmanuel M.. and Laudencia, Irma L. 1977. Milkfish Rearing in Happas Stationed in Feed Supplemented Production Ponds. Tech Rep. Inland Fish Proj., (Philipp. Freshwat. Aquacult. Pt.), (11):9-14.
Cruz, Emmanuel M. and Laudencia, Irma L. 1977. Polyculture of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal), All-Male Nile Tilapia (Tilapia Nilotica) and Snakehead (Ophicephalus striatus) in Freshwater Ponds with Supplemental Feeding. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp. Freshwat. Aquacult. Pt.), (12):7-19. Also in Aquaculture, 20(3):231-237. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Cruz, Erlinda del Rosario. 1981. Studies on the Toxicity of Ammonia to Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) Fingerlings. 63p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines system, Diliman, Quezon City).
Cruz, Erlinda R. and Tamse, Catherine T. 1989. Acute toxicity of Potassium Permanganate to Milkfish Fingerlings, Chanos chanos. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 43:785-788.
Cruz, Erlinda R. and Pitogo, Celia L. 1989. Tolerance Level and Histopathological Response of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fingerlings to Formalin. Aquaculture 78:135-145.
Cruz, Isaac C.,Jr. 1960. The "Super" Bangos of Talitip. Philipp. Free Press 53(45)24, 53.
Cruz, Jose Q. de la 1975. Economic Status of Freshwater Fisheries in the Philippines. ASEAN Training Course in Freshwater Fisheries. Baguio City/Tanay, Rizal, 6-17 Ja 1975. 6p.
Cruz, P.F.S. and Chiu, Y. N. 1990. Dietary Use of 17-methyltestosterone as Potential Growth Promoter for Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal). In: R. Hirano and I. Hanyu (eds.) The Second Asian Fisheries Forum, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines,pp. 307-310.
Cruz, Paul Felipe S. 1988. Dietary Use of Sex Steroids and Thyroid Hormones as Potential Growth Promoter for the Spotted Scat (Scatophagus argus Linneaus) and Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). 51p. Iloilo (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines in the Visayas)UPVCFL
D. H. C. 1926. De Vischteelt in Zoutwaterfijvers, Door E.J.Reyntjes. (Fish Culture in Saltwater Ponds, by E.J. Reyntjes), pp.67-68. Reference unknown. (In Dutch)*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Dabry de Thiersant, P. 1874. Fish Culture in China (La Pisciculture et la Peche en Chine). Paris. In French. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Dagdayan, Celia. 1975. Sparkling Bangus. The Times J. 9 Oct. (News Clipping)
Dalagan, Cesar. B. 1980. Fishpen Operations in Laguna Lake. Greenfields 10(7):4-11. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Darrah, L.B. et al 1974. Bangus Production Cost by Type of Climate. NFAC Special Studies, 18p.
Darrah, Laurence B. 1975. Some Economic Considerations in Bangos Industry. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, PP.161-166. Also In: PCAR Monit., 3(8):10-7. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Datingaling, Bienvenido Y. 1977. The Potential of the Freshwater Fishculture Resources of the Philippines. Proc. IPFC 17(3):120-126. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Day, Artemias L. 1915. Difficulties Encountered in the Culture of Bangos, or Milkfish, in Zambales Province. Philipp. J. Sci. 10(5):307-315.
Day, Francis. 1889. Sixth Group. Chanina. 14. Genus. Chanos, Lacepede. In: Day, Francis. The Fauna of British India Including Ceylon and Burma. London: Taylor and Francis, 1:403-404. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De Goco, C. P. 1975. Experiences of a Fishpond Operator. Proc. National Bangos Sym. Philippine Village Hotel-Punta Baluarte, 25-28 July 1975,pp. 86-88.
De Goco, Concordia P. 1975. Experiences of a Fishpond Operator. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, pp.86-88. See also: PCAR Monit., 3(8):9. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De Goco, Concordia P. 1979. Case Studies on Milkfish Culture. =Tigbauan, Iloilo= SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. 3p. (Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. B/M-12) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De Goco, Concordia P. 1979. The Experiences of a Milkfish Farmer. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=,pp. 120-122. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De Goco, Concordia. 1979. Status and Problems of Milkfish Fingerling Production. 2 p. (Paper Presented at the Symposium-Workshop on Fish Hatchery/Nursery Development and Management, 27-29 September 1979, Aberdeen Court, Makati, Metro Manila). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De Jesus, Arsenio A. & Deacon, Ruperto R. 1976. Survey of Bangus and Sugpo Fry Grounds and Other Marine Resources of Quezon and Bicol Provinces. Philipp.J.Fish., 14(1) :88-106. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
De la Cruz, Armando A. 1979. The Function of Mangrove. In: Proceedings, Symposium on Mangrove & Estuarine Vegetation in Southeast Asia, April 25th-28th, 1978, University Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia / Edited by P.B.L. Srivastava, Abdul Manap Ahmad, G. Dhanarajan, & Ismail Hamsah. Bogor : BIOTROP, pp. 125-138. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De la Cruz, Catalino R. 1979. A Brief of Milkfish Pond Engineering. =Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC=. 5 p. (Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo City, 1979. B/M-7). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De la Cruz, Catalino R. 1979. Milkfish Pond Engineering. In:Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=, pp.78-82. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De la Cruz, Catalino R. 1982. Equipment and Facilities for Coastal Fishpond Construction, Maintenance and Repair. In:Report of Consultation/Seminar on Coastal Fishpond Engineering, 4-12 August 1982. Surabaya, Indonesia. Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp-156-168. (Workshop Report/South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme; no.42). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De la Peña, L.D.; Chiu, Y. N.; Ganchero, F. 1987. Evaluation of Various Leguminous Seeds as Protein Sources for Milkfish Chanos chanos Forsskal, Juveniles. Asian Fisheries Science 1:19-25. *ICLARM
De la Peña, L. D.; Chiu, Y.N.; Ganchero, F. 1987. Evaluation of Various Leguminous Seeds as Protein Sources for Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal, Juveniles. Asian Fish. Sci. 1(1):19-25.
De Leon, Arturo A. 1974. Comparative Study on Lumut and Plankton as Primary Food in Bangus Culture; A Report on the Practice-in -Industry Training in Fish Culture. 34p. (Undergraduate thesis, College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines, 1974) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
De los Santos, Ceferino Jr. 1980. Milkfish Nursery/ Rearing Pond Management. In: APDEM(III.:1980:Tigbauan, Iloilo)= Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC=,2:(29)
De los Santos, Ceferino, Jr. 1980. Milkfish Nursery/ Rearing Pond Management. In: APDEM( III : 1980 : Tigbauan, Iloilo) = Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC=, 2: (29 P.) SEAFDEC-AQD
De los Santos, Ceferino., Jr. 1978. Biology of the Cultured Species and Culture of Natural Foods, Chanos chanos Forskal (Bangus) or Milkfish. In: De Los Santos, Ceferino, Jr. Modern Aquaculture for the Philippines. Iloilo City: Yuhum La Defensa Press, pp. 60-65.
De Mesa, Lourdes & Materon, Loida S. 1977. Subject Bibliography on Bangus. Quezon City: Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. 52 p. (Technical paper series / Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources=Philippines=; v.1. no.4). *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Deanon, Ruperto. 1975. Production of Bangos Fry in Luzon, Mindoro and Palawan : 1974. Fisheries Forum, (1st Q.) : 9 p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Deanon, Ruperto R.; Ganaden, Reuben A. & Llorca, Manuel N. 1974. Biological Assessment of the Fry Resources (Bangus, Shrimp, Eel) in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Manila: Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. 54p.
Del Pilar, M. 1971. Canned Bangus is Now Exported. Phil Panorama 17 Oct.
Dela Cruz, C.R. 1975. Bangus Length-Weight Study. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech.Rep. No. 6. CLSU Munoz, Nueva Ecija. NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 47.
Dela Cruz, C.R. 1975. Rearing of Milkfish Fry in Nylon Net Enclosures (Bitinan). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech.Rep. No. 6. CLSU Munoz, Nueva Ecija. NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp.34-38.
Dela, Cruz, Catalino R. 1982. Fishpen and Cage Culture Development Project in Laguna de Bay, Philippines. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 27 p. (Working Paper/ South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme; 102)
Delmendo, M. 1974. The Plankton of Laguna de Bay , the Primary Basis of Milkfish Farming in Enclosures in the Area. Phil. Agric. 57-(7-8):335-342:(D'73/Ja '74).
Delmendo, M. N. & Angeles, H. G. 1969. Some Observations on the Fisheries of Naujan Lake and Recommendations for their Conservation and Management. Bangkok: Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council. 17p. (Occassional Paper/Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council; 69/9) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Delmendo, M.N. 1972. The Status of Fish Seed Production in the Philippines. In: Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers / Edited by T.V.R. Pillay. London : Fishing News (Book), pp.208-212.*UPVCF Library , mimeographed copy, IPFC/C70/SYM, 1970,Vertical file
Delmendo, M.N. 1968. Food and Feeding Habits of the Economic Species of Fish in Laguna de Bay 1968. Proc IPFC 13th Session. Queensland, Australia, 14-15 Oct. 1968. Brisbane. 13 (II) : 143-167.
Delmendo, Medina N and Jimenea, Dante M. 1964? An Evlauation of Milkfish Stocked in Laguna de Bay. n.p. Typescript (carbon copy)*UPVCF Library, Vertical file
Delmendo, Medina N. 1970? Induced Spawning of Fishes in the Philippines and the Prospects of Hatchery Operation. Manila : Philippine Fisheries Commission. 10 p.
Delmendo, Medina N. & Angeles, Hilarion G. 1975. Preliminary Observations on the Spawning of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal). Fisheries Forum (Ist Q):22p.
Delmendo, Medina N. & Godney, Robert H. 1974. Fish Farming in Pens; A New Fishery Business in Laguna de Bay. Pasig Rizal: Laguna Lake Development Authority. 1v. (various pagings) (LLDA Technical Paper; no. 2) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Delmendo, Medina N. & Godney, Robert H. 1976. Laguna de Bay Fish Pen AquacultureDevelopment - Philippines. Proc.Annu.Meet.World Maricult.Soc., 7:257-265.
Delmendo, Medina N. & Rabanal, Herminio R. 1962. Cultivation of Sugpo. Philipp. Fish. Yearb., pp. 152-160. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Delmendo, Medina N. 1987. Milkfish Culture in Pens: an Assessment of its Contribution to Overall Fishery Production of Laguna de Bay. ASEAN/UNDP/FAO Regional Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries Development Project, Manila, 1987. 17p. 9ASEAN/SF/87/Tech 5)
Delos Santos, Ceferino. 1980. Staffing of Aquaculture Business Projects. Asian Aquacult.,3(7):4-8. (Excerpted from the Lecture, "Staffing of Aquaculture Business Projects", Given at the First Aquaculture Business Project Development and Management Course, March 3-16, SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Tigbauan,Iloilo, Philippines)
Delsman , H.C. 1925. Brackishwater Ponds and Malaria.(De Empangs en Malaria). Tropische Natuur (Djakarta-Batavia, Indonesia).No.1. 4p.,Illus. In Dutch.
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Denila, Leonardo. 1977. Planning and Designing of Brackishwater Fishponds for Milkfish ; Infra-Structure Development Methods of Construction and Development of Brackishwater Pond. Tigbauan, Iloilo : Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC. 37 p.
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Diola, Carmelo; Alameda, Nicias; Suarez, Miguel Jr, and Crisostomo, David. 1980. Project Feasibility Study: Guaphil Sugpo-Guihan Farm Prawn Based Polyculture with Milkfish. In:APDEM (III : 1980; Tigbauan Iloilo)=Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo; SEAFDEC=, 3:(8p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Djaingsastro, Ab'd Samad. 1956. Experimentation in the Brackishwater Ponds at Polagan (Madura East Java). Proc.IPFC, 6(2&3) :202-209. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Djaingsastro, Adoessamad. 1958. Paddy-Cum-Milkfish Culture, a Creation from the Lowlands of Solo River. Proc. IPFC,7(2-3) :163-166. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Djajadiredja, R.& Poernomo, A. 1974. Review of Coastal Water Resources in Relation to Coastal Aquaculture. Proc. IPFC, 15(3):159-172. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Djajadiredja, R. & Daulay, T. 1982. Aspects of Design and Construction of Coastal Ponds for Milkfish Seed Production. In: Report of Consultation/Seminar on Coastal Fishpond Engineering, 4-12 August 1982, Surabaya, Indonesia. Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp. 92-100. (Workshop Report / South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating programme; no.42.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Djajadiredja, R. & Poernomo, A. 1972. Requirements for Successful Fertilizers to Increase Milkfish Production. In: Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers/Edited by T.V.R. Pillay. London: Fishing News (Books), pp.398-409. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Djajadiredja, R. & Suhardi. 1974. Exploration of New Chanos Fry Resources ; A Trial for Over-coming Seed Shortage in Java. Proc.IPFC, 15(3):173-181.
Djajadiredja, R. and Poernomo, A. 1972. Requirements for Successful Fertilization to Increase Milkfish Production. In: Pillay. T.V.R. (ed.). Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Fishing News (Books)Ltd. pp.398-409.*UPVCFL
Djajadiredja, R. R. and Amidjaja, R. 1960. Some Observations on Chanos Culture in Freshwater. Proc. Indo-Pacific Fish. Coun. 8(II): 9-18. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Djajadiredja, R. Roestami. 1960. Preliminary Report on Transportation of Chanos Fingerlings with Aerating System. Proc. IPFC, 8(2):1-8
Djajadiredja, Roestami, Jangkaru, Zulkilfi and Junus Mahammad. 1980. Freshwater Aquaculture in Indonesia with Special Reference to Small-Scale Agriculture in Integrated Farming Systems in West Java. In: Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming Systems: Proceedings of the ICLARM-SEARCA Conference on Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming Systems, Manila, Philippines, 6-9 August 1979/Edited by Roger S.V. Pullin and Zaid H. Shehadeh. Manila: ICLARM; SEARCA, pp.143-165.
Djajadiredja, Roestami. 1974. Nurseries and their Management.=Bogor= BIOTROP. 16 p. (BIOTROP. Training Course in Induced Fish Breeding Techniques. TAT-1/xii/74. Lecture Note :6)
Dolendo, A.R. Roncal and Almeda, C. 1976. Standardization of Handling, Icing, and Freezing of Bangos Fishery Products. Monitor 4(9): 5.
Dolendo, Araceli; Roncal, Rosabel; Almeda, Ma. Cristina & Tongco, Enrique. 1977. Standardization of Handling, Icing and Freezing of Milkfish. Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines 2(2):62-84. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Dolendo, Araceli L. 1975. Handling, Icing and Freezing of Bangos (Chanos chanos). Fisheries Forum (4th Q.), 19p.
Dolendo, Araceli L.; Tongco, E. P.; Roncal, R. A. & Almeda, Ma. C. 1978. Standardization of Handling, Icing and Freezing of Milkfish. In: National Science Development Board (Philippines). In: Milkfish (Bangos) as Food. Bicutan, Taguig:The Board, pp. 40-73.
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Domantay, Jose S. 1940. The Fishery Industries of Zamboanga. Philipp. J. Sci. 71(1):81-112. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Domantay,. J.S. 1952. Studies on the Abnormal Environmental Effects on Fish. Fish Gazette 3(11): 2-7. 5 refs.
Donaldson, L.R. 1978. People are Important (Keynote Address). Proc. Annu.Meet. World Maricult.Soc., 9:13-17. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Doren, Nelson; Acogido, Juanito; Paez, Jorge & Ubaldo, Crispin. 1980. Project Feasibility Study: Milkfish Monoculture. 6p. (submitted to APDEM (II:1980:Quezon City)*UPVCF Library ( Mimeographed copy); *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Dosayla, E. D. , 1973. Summary of Four Economic Surveys of Food Consumption. NFAC Special Studies.16p.
Dosayla, E.D. and Darrah, L. B. 1973. Income and Food Consumption (ave. data for 4 survey). NFAC Special Studies. 28p.
Dosayla., E. D. Income and Food Consumption (Summary of 5 Economic Surveys) NFAC Special Studies 41p.
Drews, Robin A. 1961. Raising Fish for Food in Southeast Asia. In: Fish as Food / Edited by Georg Borgstrom. New York : Academic Press, 1:121-143. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Duenas, C. E. and Young, P. S. 1983. Salinity Tolerance and Resistance of Milkfish Larvae. Abstracts. 2nd International Milkfish Aquaculture Conference, Iloilo City, p. 22.
Duldoco-Requintina, Pura J. 1979. Lactate Dehydrogenesae Isozyme Patterns of Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) and their Sequential Variations During Development. 40 p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, Iloilo)*SEAFDEC-AQDL;PCARRDL
Duncan, Bryan. 1980. Brackishwater pond development in Sumatra. ICLARM Newsl., 3(4):4-5.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Durand, J. 1950. The Culture of Chanos chanos along the Coasts of Annam (L'elevage du Chanos chanos sur les Cotes D'Annam). Proc. Conference of Fishery Products in the Overseas French Union. Merseille, France. In French.
Duray, M. N. 1996. Larviculture of milkfish (Chanos chanos) in outdoor tanks. In: Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on the Breeding and seed Production of cultured finfishes in the Philippines. (C. L. Marte, G. F. Quinitio and A. C. Emata, eds.), 4-5 May, 1993 SEAFDEC-AQD, Tigbauan, Iloilo, pp. 150-158.
Duray, M., and Bagarinao, T. 1984. Weaning of hatchery-bred milkfish larvae from live food to artificial diets. Aquaculture 41:325-332.
Dureza, V. 1977. Production response of milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskal in bracksihwater ponds to additional substrate for fishpond organisms. Paper presented at the PCARR Fisheires Research Forum, Manila. (no pages given)
Dureza, V.A., Aure, R. C. and Unarce, R. V. 1982. Development of improved techniques of catching, holding and transport of bangus fry .1. Investigation of present methods for collection, sorting, holding and transport of milkfish fry. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo,Phils. Technical Report, 1982.
Dureza, Virgilio A. & Minsalan, Cecilia Luz. 1982. Development of Improved Procedure of Collecting, Sorting and Holding of Milkfish Fry. 11. Standardization of the Present Methods and Techniques of Collecting, Holding and Transporting Milkfish Fry from Increased Fry Survival. Prog.Rep.Brachish-wat. Aquacult. Cent.Univ.Philipp.Visayas, (Ja.-Je.): (3 p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Dureza, Virgilio A. 1979. Aquaculture Farming Systems: In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=,pp. 108-112.
Durve, V.S. 1968. Some Observations on the Conditioned Responses in the Fingerlings of the Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal). Proc.Indian Acad.Sci., 68(2):69-78. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Durve, V.S. & George,K.V. 1963. Some Physiological Observations on the Fry of Chanos chanos (Forskal) for their Transport in Plastic Containers. Indian J.Fish., 10:1-10. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Duursma, Egbert Klass & Hanafi, Adi. 1975. Use of Pesticide in Brackishwater Ponds. I. Effects of Diazinon on Fish and Shrimp. Bull.Shrimp Cult.Res.Cent., Jepara, 1(2):56-58. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Dwivedi, S. N.; Reddy, D.V.; Bohra, O. P.; Pillai, K.K. 1980. Observations on Growth Rates of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) in Relation to the Abiotic Factors at Kakinada fish Farm. Comp. Physiol. Ecol. 5(4):285-287. *ICLARM R91-180
Dwivedi, S.N. & Reddi,D.V. 1977. Brackish-Water Fish and Prawn Culture. Fish Farming Int.,4(1):14-16.
Dwivedi, S.N. 1980. Prospects and Perspective in Prawn Culture. In: Proceedings of the First National Symposium on Shrimp Farming, Bombay, 16-18 August 1978*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Dwivedi, S.N., Bohra, O. P.; Reddy,D. V. and Pillai, K. K 1979. Seasonal Variation in the Surface Water Temperature in Ponds and Main Feeder Channel of Brackishwater Fish Farm Kakinada Andhra Praesh India. Comp.Physiol.Ecol. 4(4): 271.
Eda, H.; Murashige, R.; Eastham, B.; Wallace, L.; Bass, P.; Tamaru, C.S.; Lee, C.S. 1990. Survival and Growth of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Larvae in the Hatchery. I, feeding. Aquaculture 89:233-244.
Edralin, Ma. Milagros Aricheta. 1973. Bangos and Sugpo Culture in Brackishwater Fishponds ; A Report in Practice-in-Industry Training in Fish Culture. 29p. (Undergraduate thesis, University of the Philippines, 1973) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Edwardson, William. 1976. Energy Demands of Aquaculture; A World-Wide Survey. Fish Farming Int.,3(4):10-13. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Eldani, Abdurizal & Primavera, Jurgene H. 1981. Effect of Different Stocking Combinations on Growth, Production and Survival of Milkfish(Chanos chanos, Forskal) and Prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) in Polyculture in Brackishwater Ponds. Aquaculture, 23(1-4):59-72. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Eldani, Abdurizal A . 1979. Polyculture of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) and prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) at different stocking combinations in brackishwater ponds. 72p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1979) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Emata, A. C.; Borlongon, I. G; Damaso, J.P. 2000. Dietary Vitamin C and E supplementation and reproduction of milkfish Chanos chanos Forsskal. Aquacult. Res. 31 (7):557-564. ICLARM Library
Emata, A. and Marte, C. L. 1991. Reproductive performance of milkfish in concrete tanks. SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture 13:5-6
Emata, A. C. and Marte, C. L. 1990. Natural and induced spawning of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal), in Concrete Tanks. SEAFDEC Asian aquculture 12:1-3.
Emata, A. C.; Marte, C.L. 1993. Broodstock management and egg production of milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal. Aquaculture Fish. Manage. 24:381-388.
Emata, A. C.; Marte, C. L. and Garcia, L. Ma. B. 1992. Management of milkfish broodstock. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dept, Tigbauan, Iloilo. 22p. (SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dept. Aquaculture Extension Manual; no. 20) ICLARML
Emata, A.C.; Marte, C.L. 1992. The Use of a visual implant tag to monitor the reproductive performance of individual milkfish Chanos chanos Forsskal. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 8:314-317.
Encarnacion, E.N. 1980. Overview of the milkfish industry. =Tigbauan,Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department,SEAFDEC Institute of Aquaculture=, 15 p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Encarnacion, Emmanuel N. 1980. Philippine Aquaculture Scenario Revisited. Asian Aquacult.,3(8):1-2,7 and3(9):3,6. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Encina, Vitaliano B.and Gatus, Arcadio R. 1977. Preliminary Report on Milkfish Fry Floating Trawl Experiments in Balayan Bay. Philipp. J.Fish.,15(2):174-216. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Eri Jr. Carmelo C. jt. a. 1973. Fish Culture Fisheries Survey of Misamis Oriental, Cagayan de Oro City, BFs Regional Office No.10 p28-38.
Esguerra, R.S. 1974. Culturing Bangus in Fishpens. Philippines Farmers Journal 16(10): 30.
Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1951. Enumeration of Algae in Philippine Bangos Fishponds and in the Digestive Tract of the Fish with Notes on Conditions Favorable for their Growth. Philipp.J.Fish., 1(1-2) :175-196. Republished 1977. Also In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, 1975. Symposium Papers. =Makati : SEAFDEC=*SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1977. The Layout, construction and management of brackishwater fishponds in the Philippines. In: Joint SCSP/SEAFDEC Workshop in Aquaculture Engineering, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1977, 2:197-206.
Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1974. Culturing bangus in fishponds. Phil. Farm J. 16(10): 30.
Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1974. Mechanization of Bangus Fry Collection. Phil. Farmer's J. 16(6):40-41.1974.
Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1979. Guide to Prawn and Shrimp Culture. Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines,4(1):58-67. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Esquerra, Ricardo. 1979. Aquaculture Practices in the Philippines: Lerma Method of BangusProduction. In: Proceedings of the First Seminar of the Fishpond Operator's Program on Prawn Culture in Mindanao, held on November 25-27, 1974, in Naawan, Misamis Oriental. (14p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Esquerra, Ricardo. 1983. Basic differences between the cultivation of milkfish and the pond culture of prawns. Manila: Fertilex Aquaculture Center. 7p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Estrella, Jose J., Jr. 1980. Milkfish culture in pens in Laguna de Bay. In: APDEM(III :1980 ; Tigbauan, Iloilo). =Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC=, 2:(12 p.)*UPVCFL, Mimeographed copy; *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Evangeline G. 1967. Chanos culture at the fish farm, Adyar. Madras J.Fish. 3: 68-115. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Fabro, Rita M. & Lapie, Lustina P. 1978. A Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry of the Ilocos Region. Los Baños, Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 85 p. ( Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series ; no. 11) ( Research Paper Series / SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program; no.11) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Felix, Sergio S. 1975. Bangos Pen Culture and Operations. In: National Bangus Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, pp.106-111. Also In: Asian Fish.Shipp.Mag. 2(3):10-13. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Felix, Sergio S. 1959. Report on the Census of Bangos Caught with All Kinds of Fishing Gears as Basis for a Preliminary Survey of the Bangos Fisheries of Laguna de Bay. Fish. Gaz. Bur. Fish. (Philipp.) 3(8):15-22+
Felix, Sergio S. 1973. Raising Bangus in Fish Pens. Fish.Newsl. (Jul.-Sept.):2-9. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Felix, Sergio S. 1973. Bangus Culture in Fish Pen. Manila: Bureau of Fisheries. 23 p.
Felix, Sergio S. 1974. Raising Fish in Fish Pen and Fish Cages. UNESCO/MAB Inter-Bureau Mobil Seminar on Ecological research Inputs in Aquatic Management, Manila, 16 Oct. 1974. 16p.
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Grover, John H. & Juliano, Rogelio O. 1976. Length-Weight Relationships of Ponds-Raised Milkfish in the Philippines. Aquaculture 7(4):339-346. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Grover, John H. 1973. Production of Milkfish in Combination with Common Carp and Thai Catfish in Fertilized Freshwater Ponds. Philipp.J.Fish. 11(1&2):1-6.*UPVCFL
Grover, John H: Recometa, Renato D. & Dureza, Virgilio A. 1976. Production and Growth of Milkfish, Common Carp, and Catfish in Fertilized Freshwater Ponds. Kalikasan 5(2):193-206.*UPVCFL; *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Guerrero, R. D. III. 1981. What Milkfish Eat Under Philippine Conditions. Asian Farms and Gardens 2(4):38
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Guerrero, R.D. III. 1981. Converting Animal Waste Into Fish and Cash Waste as Feed to Milkfish in the Philippines. Modern Agriculture and Industry-Asia 9(2):22-23.
Guerrero, R.D., III. 1982. Species Selection for Pen Cultures and Sources of Stock. In: Report of the Training Course on Small Scale Pen and Cage Culture of Finfish, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines,26-31 October 1981; Aberdeen, Hongkong, 1-13 November 1981. Prepared by R.D. Guerrero III and V. Soesanto. Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp.53-55.
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Hara, S.; Parazo, M. M. and Avila, E. M. 1983. The Influence of Starvation of Food Intake and Growth of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fry in Captivity. Abstracts. 2nd International Milkfish Aquaculture Conference, Iloilo City, p. 49
Hara, Shiro; Canto, Jose T., Jr. & Almendras, Jesus M. 1980. A Comparative Study of Various Extenders of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (forskal), Sperm Preservation. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. 4(2):1-6. see also Aquaculture (3&4):339-346 (1982) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Hardenberg, J.D. F. 1953. Chanos chanos: Some Notes on its Anatomy and Physiology. In: Hofstede, A. E., R.O. Ardiwinata and F. Botke (eds.), Indo-Pacific Fish. Coun. special publications No. 2: 44-50.
Hardjono, Atmo. 1956. The Inland Fisheries of Indonesia. Prog.Fish-Cult.,18(1):30-34. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Harvey, Brian J. & Hoar, Williams S. 1979. The Theory and Practice of Induced Breeding in Fish. =Ottawa:IDRC=48p. See: pp. 30-32.*UPVCFL
Harvey, Brian. 1993. Induced Breeding in Tropical Fish Culture.Ottawa: International Development Research Center, 1993. 144p. (see pages 76-81, and Bibliograpy, pp.89-93) *UPVCFL
Hassan, Rosly bin. 1980. Frequency of Feeding on the Growth and Survival of Chanos chanos Fry in a Controlled Environment. Tigbauan, Iloilo: Aquaculture Department, SEADFDEC. 12p. (Research Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Fourth South Asian Regional Training on Aquaculture Research Methodology, SEAFDEC, Tigbauan, Iloilo, April 7 -August 7, 1980) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Hastings, W. H. Fish Nutrition and Fish Feed Manufacturer. In: Advances in Aquaculture, Edited by T. V. R. Pillay & Wm. A. Dill. Farmham, Susrrey: Fishing News Books, pp. 568-574. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Hastings,W. 1975. Indonesia : Preliminary Testing of Artificial Feeds Manufacturer for Ingredients for Milkfish and Shrimps ; A report Prepared for the Brackishwater Shrimp and Milkfish Culture Research and Development Project. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 12 p.*UPVCF Library (Vertical File); *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Huang T. 1969. Prawn Culture. Bulletin of the Fisheries Association of Taiwan 1(7): 54-60.
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Huet, Marcel. 1959. Apercu de la Pisciculture dans les Regions Tropicales en Extreme-Orient et en Afrique Central. Bull. Fr. Piscic. 192:89-103*SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Jamandre, Dawn Rhoda M. 1980. The Survival and Growth of Milkfish Fry (Chanos chanos, Forskal) Fed with Three Artificial Diets in a Flow Through System. 56 p. Iloilo (Master's Thesis, University of the Philippine System, 1980) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;ICLARML
Jamandre, E.V. 1977. Integrated Piggery and Milkfish Culture. Some Problems and Constraints. In: Joint SCSP SEAFDEC Workshop on Aquaculture Engineering (With Emphasis on Small-Scale Aquaculture Projects). Vol. 2, Technical Report. Held at SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department Facilities, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines, 27 Nov. - 3 Dec. 1977. FAO UNDP South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, Manila, (Philippines); Southeast Asian Development Center, Tigbauan, (Philippines) Dec. 1977. pp.295-305.
Jamandre, Ernesto V. 1977. Integrated Piggery and Milkfish Culture- Some Problems and Constraints. In:Joint SCSP/ SEAFDEC Workshop on Aquaculture Engineering, Tigbauan., Iloilo 1977, 2;295-305. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jamandre, T.J., Jr.& Rabanal, H.R. 1975. Engineering Aspects of Brackishwater Aquaculture in the South China Sea Region. Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Program. 1v. (various pagings)(Working Paper/ South China Sea Development and Coordinating Programme : no.16) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jayamaha, D. and S. Ramanathan. 1970. On the Collection, Transport and Acclimatization of the Fry of Chanos chanos (Forskal) For Brackishwater Pond Culture in Ceylon. FAO Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailand, 1970 - IPFC Symp. on Coastal Aquaculture - Bangkok, Thailand, 18-27 Nov. 1970. 15p.
Jayamaha, D. E. S. 1979. Cage and Pen culture in Sri Lanka. In: International Workshop on Pen and Cage Culture of Fish, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1979. Proceedings Tigbauan, Iloilo: International Development Research Centre; Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC, pp. 121-123. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jesus, Arsenio de and R.R. Deanon. Survey of Bangus and Sugpo Fry Grounds and other Marine Resources of Quezon and the Bicol Provinces. Philippine Journal of Fisheries 14(1):88-106.
Jhingran, V. 1973. Status of Brackishwater Aquaculture in India. 11 p. (Presented at the Seminar on Aquaculture in Southeast Asia Held at the Freshwater Fishery Research Institute. IDRC/AQS-73-CP/19) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jhingran, V. G. & Gopalakrishnan. 1973. Prospects for the Development of Brakishwater Fish and Shrimps Culture in India. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 30(12, pt. 2):2341-2343.
Jhingran, V.G. 1969. Review of the Present Status of Knowledge on Induced Breeding of Fishes and Problems for Future Research.FAO/UNDP Regional Seminar on Induced Breeding of Cultivated Fishes. Calcutta. Cuttack. Bombay. FRi3IBCF3 27. 31p.
Jhingran, V.G. 1976. Systems of Polyculture of Fishes in the Inland Waters of India. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 33(4): 905-910. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jhingran, V.G. 1977. Procurement of Stocking Material of Brackishwater Fishes. In: Jhingran, V.G. Fish and Fisheries of India. Delhi : Hindustan Pub. Corp., pp. 747-753. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jhingran, V.G. and Gopalakrishnan, V. 1974. A Catalog of Cultivated Aquatic Organisms. FAO Fish.Tech.Rep. Paper No. 130: 83p.
Jhingran, V.G. & Gopalakrishnan, V. 1972. Multifarious Use of Coastal Areas Suitable for Aquaculture Development. Proc.IPFC,15(2):24-30. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jhingran, V.G. 1976. Systems of Polyculture of Fishes in the Inland Waters of India. J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 33(4, pt. 2):905-910.
Jhingran,V.G., Pakrasi,B.B., Bannerjee,R.K. & Moitra, A. 1972. Observations in a Pilot Fish Farm in Lower Sunderbans. In:Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers/Edited by T.V.R.Pillay. London: Fishing News (Books), pp. 472-485. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Jones, Alan and Prickett, Richard. 1980. Hatchery Techniques: Key to Growth of Marine Fish Farming. Fish Farming Int. 7(3):13-14. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jones, J.B. 1980. A Rediscription of Clagus Patulus Wilson, 1937 (Copepoda: caligidae) from a Fish Farm in the Philippines. Syst.Parasitol.2:103-116. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Juario, J. V. 1979. Induced Spawning and Larval Rearing of Milkfish. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines. SEAFDEC/PCARR Workshop, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 8-11 Feb, p. 35-42.
Juario, J. V.; Ferraris, R.P. and Benitez, L.V. (eds.). 1984. Advances in Milkfish Biology and Culture; Proceedings of the Second International Milkfish Aquaculture Conference, 4-8 October 1983, Iloilo City, Philippines. Island Publ. House, Manila in Association with the Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center and the International Development Research Centre. 243p.
Juario, J., Duray, M. N., Duray, V.M., Nacario, J.F., Almendras, J.M.E. 1984. Induced Breeding and Larval Rearing Experiments with Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) in the Philippines. Aquaculture 36(1-2):61-70.
Juario, J.V. & Banno, J.E. 1979. Effect of Different Types of Natural Foods on the Growth and Survival of Milkfish Fry Chanos chanos Forskal. Tigbauan, Iloilo : Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center. 7 p.
Juario, Jesus & Duray, Marietta N. 1982. A Guide to induced spawning and larval rearing of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal). Tigbauan, Iloilo: Tigbauan, Iloilo: Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC; International Development Centre. 27p. (Technical Report/SEAFDEC-AQD; no. 10)*UPVCFL (SH167 M5 J85)
Juario, Jesus & Natividad, Marietta. 1980. Induced Spawning of Milkfish. Asian Aquacult. 3(8):4-5, 3.
Juario, Jesus V. & Duenas, C. 1977. Salinity Preference of the Milkfish Chanos chanos Forskal. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep. 1(2):14-16.UPVCFL; *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Juario, Jesus V. & Vanstone, W.E. 1976. Preliminary Notes on the Salinity Preference of Milkfish,Chanos chanos, Fry. In: International Milkfish Workshop Conference, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1976. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=,pp.43-46. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Juario, Jesus V. 1977. What the Milkfish is All About. Farming Today 3(9):9-11.
Juario, Jesus V. 1979. Status and Problems of Milkfish Propagation. Tigbauan, Iloilo:Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC. 9p. (Paper read during the PCARR Symposium-Workshop on Fish Hatchery Nursery Development and Management, 27-28 September 1979, Aberden Court, Makati, M.M.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Juario, Jesus V. 1980. Artificial Propagation of Milkfish Fry. In: APDEM (III:1980: Tigbauan, Iloilo) =Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo:SEAFDEC=, vol. 2(7p)
Juario, Jesus V. 1983. Induced Breeding of Saltwater Finfish in the Philippines. In: SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. A Compilation of SEAFDEC AQD Technical Papers on Milkfish & Other Finfishes. Tigbauan, Iloilo: the Department, 1:97-108. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Juario, Jesus V. 1979. Induced Spawning and Larval Rearing of the Milkfish. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=pp. 37-42. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Juario, Jesus; Nat ividad, M.; Almendras, J.; Nacario, J. & Canto, Jose, Jr. 1978. Experiments on the Induced Breeding of Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal) in 1978. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. 2(4):1-3. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Juario, Jesus; Natividad, N.;Quinitio, G. & Banno, J. 1979. Experiments on the Induced Spawning and Larval Rearing of the Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal) in 1979. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. 3(2):1-3. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Juario, Jesus; Quinitio, G. F.; Banno, J. & Natividad, M. 1981. Effects of Exogenous Hormone Injections on Milt Consistency in Newly Caught Wild Milkfish. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep 5(4):1-5. see also: Kalikasan 9(2-3):321-326 (1980) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Juliano, R. O. and Hirano, R.. 1986. The Growth Rate of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal) in Brackishwater Ponds of the Philippines. Abstracts of paper presented at the First Asian Fisheries Forum, Manila, Philippine s, 25-31 May 1986.*ICLARML
Juliano, R.D. et al. 1973. Bangus Production in Shallow Ponds with Plankton. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Tech Rep. (4) .( First Half Fy 1973). NSDB assisted Project No.2.235. 9p.
Juliano, Rogelio et al. 1972. Weight- Length Relationship and Growth of Chanos chanos (Forsskal) Grown in Freshwater Ponds. Phil Abstra. 13(1-2):37: (Ja/Je). Also In: Nat. Appl. Sci. Bull. 22:113-131.
Juliano, Rogelio O. 1973. Rate of Growth and Survival of Bangus Fry in Brackishwater ponds. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Tech Rep. (4). (First of FY 1973). NSDB.Assisted Project no.2.235 p7-8
Juliano, Rogelio O. 1973. Status of Inland Fisheries Research in the Philippines. In: National Agriculture System Research Congress, 1st U.P. at Los Baños, 1973. Inland Fisheries Research Papers. Los Baños, Laguna : Fisheries Research Division, Philippine Council for Agricultural Research, pp.13-19.
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Librero, Aida R. 1976. An Assesment of the Fishpond Technology and Management in the Philippines. SEAFDEC/PCARR Research Program, Los Baños, Laguna, Research Paper Series (4): 143. tabs
Librero, Aida R. 1977. Resource Productivity in Milkfish Culture in the Philippines. Tigbauan,Iloilo: Aquaculture Department,Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center. 27p. (Paper Presented at the Second Biennial Meeting of the Aquaculture Economics Society of Southeast Asia (AESSEA) Held in Iloilo, Philippines, 3-6 November 1977)
Librero, Aida R. ; Nicolas, Elizabeth S.; Vasquez, Edgardo O. & Nazareno, Amelita M. 1976. An Assessment of the Fishpond Technology and Management in the Production of Milkfish (Bangos) in the Philippines. Los Baños,Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 143 p. (Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines / SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program ; no. 4)*UPVCF Library (SH167 M5 A88)
Librero, Aida R. 1977. Cultural and Management Practices in Bangus (Milkfish) Ponds in the Philippines. In: Small Scale Fisheries Development : Social Science Contribution ; Proceedings of a Planning Meeting Held at the East-West Food Institute ,September 6-11, 1976/ Edited by Brian Lockwood and Kenneth Ruddle. Honolulu; East-West Center, pp.89-129.
Librero, Aida R.; Manguiat, Rita P. & Catalla, Rebecca R. 1975. An Annotated Bibliography of Studies in Aquaculture, Los Baños, Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 139 p.
Librero, Aida. 1975. Some Economic Issues in the Development of Bangus Industry. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel,Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=,pp.155-160.
Librero, Aida. 1977. Management and Cultural Practices and Costs and Returns in Milkfish Production in the Philippines. =Tigbauan, : SEAFDEC 46 p. (Paper based on "An Assessment of the Fishpond Technology and Management in the Production of Milkfish (Bangos) in the Philippines", by Aida Librero et al, and Presented at the Seminar on the Socio-Economics of Aquaculture held at SEAFDEC,Tigbauan,Iloilo,17-18 March 1977)
Librero, Aida; Dizon, Solomon P.; Tidon, Anita G.; Ramos, Diego G. & Alzona, Roberto L. 1976. Fry Gathering Patterns,Costs and Returns and Socio-Economic Conditions of Fry Gatherers in the Philippines. Los Baños,Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 123 p. (Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series ; no.1) (Research Paper series / SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program ; no.1)
Librero, Aida; Nicolas, Elizabeth S.; Banasihan, Antonio L.; Fabro, Rita M.; Lapie,Lustina P.; Nazareno, Amelita M. & Vasquez,Edgardo O. 1977. Milkfish Farming in the Philippines ; A Socio-Economic Study. Los Baños,Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 367 p. ( Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series ; no.8) (Research Paper series / SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program ; no.8)
Lieh-Tang, Lin. 1984. Studies on the Induced Breeding of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) Reared in Ponds. China Fisheries Monthly No. 378.
Lijauco, Melchor. 1979. Present Status of Milkfish Farming in the Philippines. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=, pp. 48-60
Lijauco, Melchor M. 1973. Status and Progress on Research on Fish Culture in the Philippines. In: National Agriculture System Research Congress, 1st, U.P. at Los Baños, 1973. Inland Fisheries Research Papers. Los Baños,Laguna : Fisheries Research Division , Philippine Council for Agricultural Research, pp.78-87. (Workshop Session; no.14)
Lijauco, Melchor M. 1975. Research in Brackishwater Aquaculture as a National Program. In: PCAR Fisheries Research Congress, 1st,Legaspi City, 1975. Aquaculture Research Papers.Los Baños,Laguna : Fisheries Research Division, Philippine Council for Agricultural Research, pp.32-39.
Lijauco, Melchor M. 1975. The Role of the Academic Community in Technology Development for Milkfish Farming. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings=Makati : SEAFDEC=, PP.89-96.
Lijauco, Melchor M. 1979. Major Technology Gaps in Milkfish Culture in the Philippines. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan,Iloilo=, pp.61-63.
Lijauco, Melchor M. ; Prospero, O.Q. & Rodriguez, E.M. 1980. Polyculture of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) and Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) to Increase Production in Ponds. Bull.Brackishwat.Aquacult.Dev.Cent.,4(1&2):268-277.
Lijauco, Melchor M.; Griño, E.G.; Gerochi, D.D. & Rodriguez, E.M. 1978. Preliminary Study on the Growth and Survival of Stunted and Non-Stunted Milkfish Fingerlings. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep. 2(3):35-36.
Lijauco, Melchor M.; Prospero, O. Q. & Rodriguez, E.M. 1980. Polyculture of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) and Mud Crab (Scylla serrata) at Two Stocking Rates. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep.., 4(4):19-23. SEAFDEC-AQD
Lijauco, Melchor; Juario, J. V.;Baliao, D.; Griño, E. & Quinitio, G. 1979. Milkfish Culture in Brackishwater Ponds. Tigbauan, Iloilo:Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC. 30p. (Aquaculture Extension Manual/Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC;no.4)
Lijauco,Melchor M. & Laureta,Liberato V. 1977. Residual Effect of Heavy Dose of Organic Fertilizers Application in Brackishwater Ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.Brackishwat.Aquacult.Pt.), (11&12):9-18.
Lijauco,Melchor M. 1977. Plans and Programmes of the SEAFDEC Leganes Station with Emphasis on Varied Layouts and Designs of Ponds. In: Joint SCSP/SEAFDEC Workshop on Aquaculture Engineering, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1977, 2:207-232.
Lim, C. 1978. Effect of Feeding Rate on the Survival of and Growth of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fry in a Controlled Environment. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC. Aqucult. Dept. 2(4):17-20.
Lim, C., S. Sukhawongs, and F.P. Pascual. 1978. A Preliminary Study on the Protein Requirement of Chanos chanos(Forskal) Fry in a Controlled Environment. Aquaculture 17(3): 195-201.
Lim, Chhorn; Sukhawong, Somchart & Pascual, Felicitas P. 1978. A Preliminary Study on the Protein Requirements of Chanos chanos (Forskal) Fry in a Controlled Environment. Q.Res Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep. 2(1):18-25. Also In: Aquaculture 17(3):195-201.
Lim, L. T. 1985. My Experiences in Artificial Propagation of Milkfish-Studies on Natural Spawning of Pond-Reared Broodstock, pp. 185-203. In: Lee, C. S. and Liao, I. C. (eds.) 1985. Reproduction and Culture of Milkifsh. Oceanic Institute and Tungkang Marine Laboratory. 226p.
Limburg, Peter R. 1980. Marine and Brackishwater Fishes. In: Limburg, Peter R. Farming the Waters. New York: Beaufort Books, pp. 90-98.
Lin, Ching-Long; Ting, Yun-Yuan & Song, Yen-Ling. 1982. Proceeding Evaluation of HIVAX Vibrio anquillarum Bacteria in the Vaccination of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fingerlings. In: Reports on Fish Diseases Research (IV).Taipei : Council for Agricultural Planning and Development, pp.80-83. (CAPD Fishries Series ; no. 8)
Lin, H.S. 1969. Some Aspects of Milkfish Ecology. Fish.Ser.Chin.-Am.Jt.Comm.rural Reconstr., 7:68-90. (Text in Chinese ; Summary in English)
Lin, L. T. 1985. My Experiences in Artificial Propagation of Milkfish--Studies in Natural Spawning of Pond-Reared Broodstock. Lee C.S., Liao, I.C., eds. Reproduction and culture of Milkfish; Proceedings of a Workshop; 1985 april 22-24; Tungkang Marine Laboratory. Taiwan. tungkang: Oceanic Institute; Tungkang Marine Laboratory: 185-203.
Lin, S. J. 1988. The Toxicity of Organic Solvents and their Influence on the Growth of Chanos chanos, Penaeus monodon and Meretrix lusovia. Bulletin Taiwan Fish. Res. Inst. (44):239-251.*ICLARM
Lin, S. J. 1988. The Toxicity of Organic Solvents and their Influence on the Growth of Chanos chanos, Penaeus monodon and Meretrix lusovia. Bulletin Taiwan Fish. Res. Inst. (44):239-251.*ICLARM
Lin, S.Y. 1955. Chinese Systems of Pond Stocking. Tech.Rep.IPFC,5(1):113-125.
Lin, Shu-yen. 1968. Milkfish Farming in Taiwan; A Review of Practice and Problems. Taipei: Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute. 64p. (Fish Culture Report/Fisheries Research Institute =Taiwan=; no. 3)
Lin, Shu-yen. 1970. Some Fundamentals in Milkfish Culture. Agriculture. 1(2):6-8. (In Chinese)
Lin, Shu-yen. 1968. Pond Fish Culture and the Economy of Inorganic Fertilizer Application. Taipei : Chinese-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction. 37p. (Fisheries Series / Chinese-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction; no. 6) SEAFDEC-AQD
Ling, S. 1977. Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. 15. Polyculture. In: Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. University of Washington Press. pp.78-87.
Ling, S. 1977. Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. 8. Milkfish (Chanos chanos)Culture. In: Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. University of Washington Press. pp.44-55.
Ling, S.W. 1967. Feeds and Feeding of Warm-Water Fishes in Ponds in Asia and the Far East. FAO Fish.Rep. 44(3):291-309.
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Ling, Shao-Wen. 1969. Role and Possibilities of Brackishwater Fish and Shrimp Farming in Southeast Asia. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Possibilities and problems of Fisheries Development in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 10 to 30 September, 1968; Edited by K. Tiews. BerlIn: West-Kreuz
Ling, Shao-Wen. 1972. A Review of the Status and Problems of Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. In: Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers/Edited by T.V.R. Pillay. London: Fishing News (Books), pp. 2-25.
Ling, Shao-Wen. 1973. Status, Potential and Development of Coastal Aquaculture in the Countries Bordering the South China Sea. Rome: FAO of the United Nations; United Nations Development Program. 51p. (Fisheries Technical Paper/South China Sea Fisheries Development & Coordinating Programme;5)
Ling, Shao-Wen. 1977. Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Culture. In: Ling Shao-Wen. Aquaculture in South East Asia; A Historical Overview/Shao-Wen Ling; Edited by Laura Mumaw. Seattle: University of Washington Press, pp. 44-55.
Ling, Shao-Wen. 1977. Species Cultured in Southeast Asia. In: Ling, Shao-Wen. Aquaculture in Southeast Asia; A Historical Overview/ Shao-Wen Ling; Edited by Laura Mumaw. Seattle: University of Washington Press, pp. 8-26.
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Lio-Po, Gilda; Duremdez-Fernandez, Roselyn and Villaluz, Antonio. 1986. Disease Investigation of Transported Chanos chanos Stocked in Laguna Lake, Philippines. In: Maclean, J. L.; Dizon, L. B. and Hosillos, L. v. (eds.) 1986. The First Asian Fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, pp. 227-230
Lio-Po, Gilda; Pitogo, Celia and Marte, Clarissa. 1988. Bacteria Associated with Infection at Hormone-Implantation sites Among Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal), Adults. Journal of Fish Diseases 9:337-343.
Lio-Po, Gilda D.; Pascual J.P. & Santos, J.G. 1982. Fish Diseases and Quarantine in the Philippines. 32p. (Paper Presented at the Fish Quarantine Workshop in Jakarta,Indonesia, December 7-10, 1982)
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Lizarondo, Maura S.; De la Cruz, Zenaida S. & Lucido, Amadeo D. 1980. The Market Process in the Bohol Fishpond Industry. Quezon City: Information Section, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 53p. (Agricultural Marketing Report, v. 2, no. 1)
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Lizarondo, Maura S. & Bungcayao, Francisco L. 1980. The Market Process in the Pangasinan Fishpond Industry. Quezon City: Information Section, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 66p. (Agricultural Marketing Report; v. 2, no. 7)
Lizarondo, Maura S. & Piansay, Eric P. 1980. The Market Process in the Fishpond Industry in Masbate, 1979. Quezon City: Information Section, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 57p. (Agriculural Marketing Report; v. 2, no. 6)
Lizarondo, Maura S., De la Cruz, Zenaida S. & Lucido, Amadeo D. 1980. The Market Process in the Cagayan Fishpond Industry. Quezon City:Information Section, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 53p. (Agricultural Marketing Report, v. 2, no 5)
Lizarondo, Maura S., De la Cruz, Zenaida S. & Javier, Editha V. 1980. The Market Process in the Iloilo Fishpond Industry. Quezon City: Information Section, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 76p. (Agricultural Marketing Report; v. 2, no. 2)
Lizarondo, Maura S., De la Cruz, Zenaida S. & Parado, Cristina A. 1980. The Market Process in the Zamboanga City Fishpond Industry. Quezon City: Information Section, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 75p. (Agricultural Marketing Report; v. 2, no. 4)
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Lopez, J.V. and B.S. Ranoemihardjo. 1978. Polyculture of Milkfish(Chanos chanos) and Shrimp(Penaeus monodon) to Increase Production in Ponds. Bull. Brackishwater Aqua.Dev.Cent. 4(1-2): 268-277.
Lopez, Juan V. 1975. Bangos Nursery Operations in the Philippines. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings = Makati: SEAFDEC=, PP. 65-74.
Lopez, Juan V. 1975. Present Status and Problems of Prawn Culture in the Philippines. In: PCAR Fisheries Research Progress, Ist Legaspi City, 1975. Aquaculture Research Papers. Los Baños, Laguna: Fisheries Research Division, Philippine Council for Agricultural Research, pp. 57-59.
Lopez, N.A.; Vicaldo, M.V.E.; Trio, M.G.; Fadriguela, J.F. 1986. The Philippine National Bangus (Chanos chanos) Breeding Program. Abstract of Paper Presented at the First Asian Fisheries Forum, Manila, Philippines, 25-31 May 1986. Iclarm.
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Lucena-Olano, Virginia. 1982. Evaluation of Burnt Rice Hull on the Production of Milkfish in Brackishwater Ponds. 71 p. (Master's Thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1982.)
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Macaranas, Julie M.; Pante, Ma. Josefa R. and Benitez, Lita V. 1989. Heterogeneity in Philippine Milkfish Populations. In: Hirano, R. and Hanyu, I. (eds). Proceedings of the Second Asian Fisheries Forum, 17-22 April 1989, Tokyo, Japan, Manila, Asian Fisheries Society,pp. 477-482.
Macnae, William. 1968. A General Account of the Fauna and Flora of Mangrove Swamps and Forests in the Indo-West Pacific Region. Adv. Mar. Biol., 6:73-270.
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Magno-Orejana, Florian. 1975. Post-Harvest Operations and Product Utilization Studies on Bangos (Chanos chanos Forskal). In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati:SEAFDEC=,pp. 132-136.
Malaysia. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Fisheries Division. 1972. Review of the Status of coastal Aquaculture in Malaysia. In: Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers/Edited by T.V.R. Pillay. London: Fishing News (Books), pp. 52-59.
Malone, Thomas C. 1969. Primary Productivity in a Hawaiian Fishpond and its Relationship to Selected Environmental Factors. Pac.Sci. 23(1) :26-34.
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Manacop, P. R. Sr. 1975. Sabalo Fishery in the Philippines. National Bangus Symposium. Philippine Village Hotel, Pasay City, metro Manila, 25-26 July 1975.
Manacop, P. R., Sr. 1975. The Sabalo Adult Stage of Milkfish Fishery in the Philippines. National Bangus Symposium. Philippine Village Hotel, Pasay City, Metro Manila, 25-25 Jl 1975. 24p.
Manacop, Porfirio R. 1953. Principal Marine Fisheries. In: Philippine Fisheries; A Handbook Prepared by the Technical Staff of the Bureau of Fisheries. Manila, pp. 103-123.
Manacop, Porfirio R., Mane, A.,Yap,W.G., Esquerra, R. S. & Jaranilla, J.A. 1978. An Integrated Aquaculture Development Project in Currimao, Ilocos Norte; A Feasibility Study. Tigbauan, Iloilo: Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC. 1 v. (various pagings).
Manacop, Porfirio R., Sr. 1975. The Sabalo Fishery in the Philippines. -Tigbauan, Iloilo= : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. 24p. (Read before the National Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, July 25-26, 1975). Also In: PCAR Monit., 3(8) :13-14.
Manacop, Porfirio R., Sr. 1975. Some Observations on the Sabalo Fishery in the Philippines. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, pp.34-55.
Manalo-Manalo, Nonola A. 1973. Mixed Culture of Bangus,Sugpo/ Alimango and Salt Making; A Practice-in-Industry Training Report. 26 p. (Undergraduate Thesis, University of the Philippines, 1973)
Mane, A. M. & Tan, E. O. 1969. Country Report: Philippines. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Possibilities and Problems of Fisheries Development in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 10 to 30 September 1968/Edited by K. Tiews. BerlIn: West-Kreuz Druckerei, pp. 261-276.
Mane, A.M. 1975. Some Observations and Experiences in Pen Culture for Bangus in Laguna de Bay. Proc. National Bangos Sym. Philippine Village Hotel-Punta Baluarte. 25-28 July 1975. pp. 112-124.
Mane, Andres & Tan, E.O. 1969. Present Situation of the Fisheries Industry in the Philippines. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Possibilities and Problems of Fisheries Development in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 10 to 30 September 1968 / Edited by K. Tiews. BerlIn: West-Kreuz Druckerei, pp.261-276.
Mane, Andres M.; Villaluz, Domiciano K. & Rabanal, Herminio R. 1952. Cultivation of Fish in Brackish and Estuarine Waters in the Philippines. In: Philippine Fisheries ; A Handbook Prepared by the Technical Staff of the Bureau of Fisheries. Manila, pp.100-110.
Mane, Andres. Private Sector Observations on Pen Culture and Operations for Bangus. National Bangus Symposium. Phil. Village Hotel, Pasay City, Metro Manila, 25-26 JI 1975.
Mane, Andres M. 1976. The Development of the Fishpen Industry System of Research for Central and Southern Luzon. In: Proceedings, 1st Regional Agriculture and Resources System Research Congress for Southern and Central Luzon, El Grande Hotel, Paranaque, Rizal, July 26-29, 1976, 8:53-56.
Mane, Andres M. 1975. Some Observations and Experiences in Pen Culture for Bangus in Laguna de Bay. In: National Bangus Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, pp.112-124. Also In: PCAR Monit., 3(8):6,8,11.
Mane, Andres M. 1982. Harvesting, Post-Harvest Technology and Marketing of Milkfish in Pens. In: Report of the Training Course on Small-Scale Pen and Cage Culture for Finfish, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, 26-31 October 1981; Aberden, Hong Kong, 1-13 November 1981. Prepared by R. D. Guerrero III and V. Soesanto. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp. 69-73.
Mane, Ernesto C. 1979. A Case Study of the Milkfish Fingerling Production Project in Freshwater Nurseries for the Fishpen Industry. 8p. (Paper Presented at the Symposium-Workshop on Fish Hatchery/Nursery Development and Management, 27-29 September 1979, Aberden Court, Makati, Metro Manila)
Manik, R. & Tiensongrusmee, B. 1979. Integrated Brackishwater Farm System in Indonesia. Bull. Brackishwat. Aquaculture. Dev. Cent. 5(1-2):369-376.
Marasigan, Arnulfo. 1995. Verification and field Trials of the New Milkfish Trial Technology. Phase II. In: 35 UPV Researches Completed in October 1995,UPV Newsletter 10(1):10 Sept-Oct
Marasigan, Arnulfo N. 1981. The Relationships of Lab-Lab Production to Milkfish Production and Nutrient Levels in Fertilized Brackishwater Ponds. 39 p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1981)
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Marcos, Ferdinand 1968 . On Fish Production .Presidential Policy Statement Series.
Marfori, C. G.; Fabiran, E. F. & Arroyo, P. T. 1973. Storage Study of Canned Bangus. Proceedings of the 8th annual Convention, PAFT 27-28 Nov. (No place given)
Marfori, Ceferina G.; Fabian, Evangeline F. & Arroyo, Patricia T. 1975. Storage Life Study on Canned Bangus (Chanos chanos Forskal), Salmon and Sardine Style. Asian Fish. Shipp. Mag. 1(3):6-8, 10-13.
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Marquez, Faith Espejo . 1988. Evaluation of Rice Bran and Two Pelleted Diets as Supplementary Feed for Milkfish (C hanos chanos Forskal) Reared in Brackishwater Ponds. 50p. Iloilo (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines in the Visayas)
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Marte, C. L. 1988. An Improved Method for Collecting Naturally Spawned Milkfish Eggs from Floating Cages. Aquaculture 71:387-392.
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Po, G.; Duremdez-Fernandez, R.; Villaluz, A. 1986. Disease Investigation of transported Chanos chanos Stocked in Laguna Lake, Philippines. Abstract of Paper presented at the First Asian Fisheries Forum, Manila, Philippines, 25-31 May 1986. p. 227-230.
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Poernomo, Ali. 1974. Status, Problems and Innovation of the Technology of Brackishwater Pond Fish Culture in Indonesia. Jepara: Shrimp Culture Research Centre. 16p. (Contribution to the Workshop on Artisanal Fisheries Development in Indonesia with Special Emphasis on Brackishwater Pond Culture, Jakarta, Indonesia, 4-7 March 1974)
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Pudadera, Beato, Jr. 1980. Growth and Survival of Milkfish in a Polyculture System. Asian Aquacult., 3:4.
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Pullin, R.S. V. 1980. Aquaculture in Taiwan: A Status Report. Aquacult. Mag., 7(6):30-32. (Condensed and Edited by R.S.V. Pullin from the Paper Entitled, "Status of Aquaculture in Taiwan", by Yen Pin Li and Po-Wei Yuan, Originally Prepared for the U.S. Taiwan Joint Workshop on Fish Health, 23-25 July 1979, Seattle, Washington)
Pullin, Roger S. V. 1993. An Overview of Environmental Issues in Developing-Country Aquaculture, pp. 1-19. In: Pullin, R.S. V.; Rosenthal, H. and Maclean, J. L. (eds.) Environment and Aquaculture in Developing Countries. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 31, 359p.*UPVCF Library 9SH171 E5)
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Quinitio, Gerald Fontalera. 1980. The Effect of Various Salinity Levels and Stocking Density Manipulation Methods on the Survival of Milkfish Fry (Chanos chanos Forskal) During Storage. 42 p. (Master's Thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1980) *SEAFDEC ADQ Library
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Rabanal, H. R. 1976. Mangroves and Their Utilization for Aquaculture. Tech Rep.SCSFP, Metro Manila. 20p. (Contributed to the Nat'l Workshop on Mangrove Ecology. Phuket, Thailand, 10-16 Ja 1976).
Rabanal, H. R. and Hosillos, L. V. 1968. The Preparation and Management of Bangus Fishpond Nursery in the Philippines. Phil. Fishing J. 4(9):6-20.
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Rabanal, H. R., and Ronquillo, I. A. 1975. Distribution and Occurrence of Milkfish Chanos chanos(Forskal). Proc. National Bangos Sym. Philippine Village Hotel-Punta Baluarte. 25-28 July 1975. pp. 20-33.
Rabanal, H. R 1975. Geographic Distribution of Bangus. National Bangus Symposium. Phil. Village Hotel, Pasay City, Metro Manila , 25-26 JI 1975
Rabanal, H. R.,Montalban, H. R. and Villaluz, D. K. 1950. The Preparation and Management of the Bangos Fish Pond Nursery in the Philippines. Tech. Paper No. 29. Indo-Pacific Fish Coun. Bangkok, Thailand.
Rabanal, H. R.; Esguerra, R. S.; Lopez, J. V.; aldana, A. M.; Ramos, V. R. And Felix, S. S. 1951. The Rate of Algae "Lumot" Production in Dagat-dagatan Salt-Water Fishery Experimental Station Fishponds. Phil. J. Fish. 1(2):155-168.
Rabanal, H. R.; Esguerra, R. s. and Nepomuceno, M. M. 1953. Studies on the Rate of Growth of Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal, under Cultivation. I. Rate of Growth of Fry and Fingerlings in Fishpond Nurseries. Proc. Indo-Pac. Fish. Council 4(2):171-180.
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1949. The Culture of Lab-Lab, the Natural Food of the Milkfish Fry and Fingerlings Under Cultivation. Manila : Bureau of Printing. 9 p. (Technical Bulletin / Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, =Philippines=; no. 18)
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1963. The Elevation of a Swampland Based on the Tidal Datum and its Importance in Selecting Sites for Chanos Fishponds Project. Proc.IPFC,10(2):138-140.
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1968. Inorganic Fertilizers for Pondfish Culture. Philipp.J.Fish. 8(1):23-45.
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1974. Technological Innovations in Characteristics Design and Management of Ponds Used in Brackishwater Aquaculture. Bangkok: FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East. 30p. (Contribution to the Workshop on Artisanal Fisheries Development in Indonesia with Special Emphasis on Brackishwater Pond CUlture, Jakarta, Indonesia, 4-7 March 1974)
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1976. The Resources of Inland Waters : Their Utilization and Management. 21 p. (Talk Delivered Before the Phi Sigma Biological Honor Society as a Contribution to the Deogracias V. Villadolid Memorial Lecture Series, Manila, Philippines, 26 November 1976)
Rabanal, Herminio R. & Hosillos, Lucila V. 1958. A Comparative Analysis of Philippine and Taiwanese Methods of Bangos Culture. Fish.Gaz.Bur.Fish. (Philipp.), 2(9): 7-9.
Rabanal, Herminio R. & Hosillos, Lucila V. 1950. The Dagat-Dagatan Salt-Water Fishery Experimental Station. Bull.Fish.Soc.Philipp., 1:67-69.
Rabanal, Herminio R. & Hosillos, Lucila V. 1961. Status and Progress of Chanos Fishery in the Philippines. Bangkok : Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council. 5 p. (Occasional Paper / Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council; 61/8)
Rabanal, Herminio R. & Hosillos, Lucila V. 1958. Control of Less Desirable Exotic Species of Fish Competing with or Harmful to Desirable Indigenous Species in Inland Waters in the Philippines. Philipp.J.Fish.,6(1):49-70.
Rabanal, Herminio R. & Montalban, Heraclio R. 1957. Nursery Pond Management Techniques in Philippine Chanos Fishponds. Proc.Pac.Sci.Congr.,8(3A):887-902.
Rabanal, Herminio R. & Montalban, Heraclio R. 1961. The Growing of Algae or "Lumut" in Bangos Fishponds. Fish. Gaz. Bur.Fish.(Philipp.), 5(2) :3-12, 22.
Rabanal, Herminio R. & Ronquillo, Inocencio. 1975. Distribution and Occurrence of Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal). In: National Bangus Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, pp.20-33. Also in : PCAR Monit., 3(8):12. *UPVCF Library, vertical file (mimeographed copy)
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1952. Methods and Problems of Collecting Eggs and Fry for Transportation. Proc. IPFC, 3(2-4):196-201.
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1967. Stock Manipulation and Other Biological Methods of Increasing Production of Fish Through Pond Fish Culture in Asia and the Far East. In: Proceedings of the FAO World Symposium on Warm-Water Pond Fish Culture, Edited by T.V.R.Pillay. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 4:274-288.
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1967. Stock Manipulation and Other Biological Methods of Increasing Production of Fish Through Pond Fish Culture in Asia and the Far East. In: Proceedings of the FAO World Symposium on Warm-Water Pond Fish Culture, Edited by T.V.R.Pillay. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 4:274-288.
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1974. The Potentials of Aquaculture Development =in the= Indo-Pacific Region. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 34 p. (Working paper/South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme; no. 1)
Rabanal, Herminio R.; Montalban, Heraclio R. and Villaluz, Domiciano K. 1951. The Preparation and Management of Bangos Fishpond Nursery in the Philippines. Philipp. J. Fish. 1(1-2) :3-44. Also in Philipp. Fish. J., 4(9) :6-21
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Ronquillo, Inocencio A. & De Jesus. A. Notes on Growing of Lab-Lab Bangos Nursery Ponds. Philipp.J.Fish., 5(2) :99-102* UPVCF Library , typescript copy
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Sarria, Julius P., ed. 1982. Fisheries Bibliography: a Bibliography of Southeast Asian Fisheries Literature, vol. 1. Produced by Agricultural Information bank for Asia; Published by Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture. 268p. (UPVCF Library Z5971 F5 v.1) see pp.88-100.
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Schuster, W. H. 1949. Fish Culture in Salt Water Ponds on Java. Department Van Landbouw en Visserij Publicate No. 2 Van de Onderafdeling Binnenvisserij.
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Schuster, W. H. 1960. Synopsis of Biolgocial Data on Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal), 1775. FAO Biol. Synop. 4:51p. Also in National Bangus Symposium Manila 25-26 July 1975.
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SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. 1974. An Integrated Research and Development Project on Milkfish and Seed Production and Cultivation ; A Request from the International Development Research Centre. Tigbauan,Iloilo. 1 v. (various pagings).
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SEAFDEC. Institute of Aquaculture. Library / Documentation/ Technical Services. 1979. Milkfish. Tigbauan,Iloilo: Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC. 52 p. (Aquaculture Abstracts. Part II. Vertebrates)
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Segner, H. ;Burkhardt, P.; Avila, E. M.; Storch, V. and Juario, J. V. 1986. Histopathology of Chlorella-Feeding in Larval Milkfish, Chanos chanos. In: Second International Colloquium Pathology and Marine Aquaculture, 1986, September 7-11, Porto, Portugal, pp. 69-70. *SEAFDEC AQD Library. Its abstract is found in SEAFDEC Collected Abstracts (1987-1990), p. 46 at UPVCF Library
Segner, H.; Acosta, B. O.; Juario, J. V. 1985. Dietary Value of Brachionus plicatilis Growth on Three Different Species of Phytoplankton as Feed for Chanos chanos (Forsskal) Fry. Aquaculture 42(2):109-115. *SEAFDEC-AQD Libray
Segner, H.; Juario, J.V. 1986. Histological Observations on the Rearing of Milkfish, Chanos chanos, Fry Using Different Diets. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 2:162-173.
Segner, H. ;Burkhardt, P.; Avila, E. M.; Juario, J. V. and Storch, V. 1987. Nutrition-Related Histopathology of the Intestine of Milkfish Chanos chanos Fry. Dis. Aquat. Org. 2:99-108.
Segner, Helmut; Burkhardt, Patricia; Avila, Enrique M.; Storck, Volker; and Juario, Jesus V. 1987. Effects of Chlorella-Feeding on Larval Milkfish, Chanos chanos, as Evidenced by Histological Monitoring. Aquaculture 67:113-116.
Seneriches, M. L. M. 1987. The Effect of Fishmeal on the Growth and Survival of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fry. M.S. Thesis. College of Fisheries,UP in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. 26p.
Seneriches, M. M.; Chiu, Y. N. 1988. Effect of Fishmeal on the Growth, Survival and Feed Effeciency of Milkfish (Chanos chnaos) Fry. Aquaculture 71:61-69. *ICLARM
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Abalos, Teodoro U., 54
Abastilla, Rodolfo T, 6
Abella, Flor F, 60
Abes, G., 6
Abobarin, Oladejo, 7
Abundance, 13
fry, 108
Abundo, Romeo B., 6
Acacia, F. B., 95
Academic community, 78
Acid, 29
Acid sulfate soils, 18, 53, 98, 123
Acids, 29
Ackefors, Hans, 6
Acogido, Juanito, 49
Acosta, 31
Acosta, B. O, 6, 111
Acosta, P. A., 6, 31, 62, 127
Acosta, Pedro A., 6
Adams, Wallace, 6
Adan, Elvira Y, 6
Adan, William R, 6
Adeyemi, Frederick Anderson, 6
Adisukesno, S, 8
Adlan, Pedro G., 6
Aduma, Ignatius A., 7
Aerating System, 48
Agaraphytes, 49
Agbayani, Jose A., Jr., 7
Agbayani, Renato F., 7, 27, 32
Age, 30, 70, 123, 125
Aida,K, 119
Akhmad, S., 7
Akiyama, G.S., 87
Aksal, G, 7
Alameda, C., 48
Alameda, Ma. Cristina, 48
Alameda, Nicias, 47
Alava, V.R., 7
Alava, Veronica R., 7
Albay, 14
Alcalde, Anita A., 123
Alcantara, L.O., 7
Alcantara, Louis O., 7
Aldaba, A., 37
Aldana, Adolfo M., 8
Alferez, V. N., 8
Algae, 51, 109
as feed, 10
Benthic, 39
Tainan, 38
Benthic, 39
Aligaen, Venancio, 8
Alikunhi,K.H, 8,104/
Alimentary Canal, 37,38
Alix, Jesus C., 8
All-male tilapia, 15
Allsopp, W.H.L, 8
Almazan, Gaudiosa, 8
Almeda, Ma. C., 49
Almendras, J. M. E, 8,53,61
Alvares, Aquilino A., Jr, 9
Alvarez, R.C., 9
Alzona, Roberto L, 77
Amandakoon, H. P., 128
Ameer, Hamsa, K.M.S, 9, 85
Amidjaja, R., 48
Amino acid, 40
Ammonia, 43
Ammonia, 44
un-ionized, 43
Ammonium Phosphate, 28
Anatomy, 103
and Benjamin, D., 7
Angeles, H.G., 9
Angeles, Hilarion G., 9, 47
Angeles,A., 106
Angeles,Hilarion G., 9
Angudong, Ruperto, 9
Angudong, Ruperto G, 9
Animal Waste, 59
Antibacterial Activity, 38
Anti-biotic feed, 17
Antimycin A, 17
Antique, 13, 56
Antonio, Hilario C., 24
Antonio, J.E., 25
Apolinario, K. M., 25
Apolinario, K.M., 25
Apud, F. D., 25
Apud, Flor D., 25
Apud, Florentino D., 25
Aquaculture, 6-131
Ceylon, 37
Philippines, 36, 37, 42
Taiwan, 40
Indonesia, 43
Aquino, Josephine Mejia, 25
Aragon, C. T., 76
Arai, Ryoichi, 25
Arcega, M.B., 25
Arcigal, Getrudes A., 25
Arginine, 32
Aronvich, T. M., 107
Arriola, F.L., 25
Arroyo, P. T., 25, 84,85
Arsyad, H., 25
Arthur,J.R., 105
Artificial Culture, 61
Artificial Feeding, 6, 106
Artificial Feeds, 35, 61,93
Artificial propagation, 9,73, 86
Artificial Reproduction, 9
Artificial Substrate, 6, 18
Ascual Jr. Federico Jr., 25
Ascual, Jr., 26
Ascual, Jr. Federico Jr., 26
Asia, 37
Asian Farms, 21
Aspuria, Teresita, 26,73,104
Assto, S, 69
Atkinson, Clinton E., 26
Atmohadrjono, R., 26
Atmowasono, H., 26
Atz, J. W., 26
Aure, R. C., 50,54
Avault, James W., 26
Avery, Arthur C., 26
Avila, E., 111
Avila, E. M., 61, 110
Avila, Enrique M., 111
Aypa, Simeona M., 26
B.; San Juan, 117
B.S. Ranoemihardjo, 82
B.W. Evermann, 67
Babasanta, Estrellita A., 114
Babuyan Island, 31
Backyard Fishponds, 31, 95
Baclig, R. V., 26
Bacosa, Fidencio E., 7
Bacteria, 33, 80, 81
yellow water, 38
Bacterial Disease, 63
Bacteriological counts, 118
Bacteriological Counts, 118
Bagarinao, T., 26, 27, 49, 71
Bagoong Alamang, 30
Baitfish for the Skipjack, 58
Balayan Bay, 51, 127
Baldevarona, R. B., 27
Baldia, S. F, 107
Baldia, S. F., 107
Baliao, D., 27, 72, 78
Baliao, D.D., 56
Baliao, Dan D., 56
Baliao, Dan D, 27
Baliao, Dan D., 129
Baliao, Dan D., 7, 27
Baliao, P. D, 7
Ballesteros, O.O., 27
Ballo, Hilda C., 60
Balut, 30
Bañada, Vicente, 35
Bañada, Vicente, 35
Bañada, Vicente C., 28
Banania, R, 117
Banania, Rodolfo, 117
Banasihan, A, 76
Bandie, M.J., 28
Bandonil, Lian D., 28
Bañes-Aldaba, Mercedes, 108
Bangon, Mariano A, 6
Bangos, 9
Bangos as food, 53
Bangus, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 21, 24, 26, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 43, 44, 46, 52, 53, 54, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 77, 81, 82, 83, 84, 88, 92, 93, 96, 100, 101, 102, 106, 107, 108, 114, 117, 123, 124
Bangus Kills, 13
Bangus-shrimp culture, 13
Bannerjee,R.K, 66
Banno, J, 68
Banno, J. E., 119
Banno, J.E., 75, 119
Banno, Jessie, 28
Bara, Agabus, 28
Bardach, J. E., 28
Bardach, John E., 28
Barica, Jan, 28
Barnes, M., 126
Bartolome, E. E., 28
Bass, P., 50
Basu, N.C., 28
Bataan, 11, 12
Batanes Island, 31
Batangas, 127
Bautista, M. N., 29
Bautista, M.N., 29, 108
Bautista, Myrna N, 29
Bautista, Myrna N., 108
Baylon, Carlos C., 54
Baylon, J. C., 29
Bays, 127
effects of temperature on, 128
Belicano, Regino, 39
Bell, Frederick W., 29
Belvis, Ernesto V., 29
Benagua, S.H., 25
Benitez, L. V., 29,32, 41, 42, 70, 71, 73, 76, 80, 82, 105,114, 126, 127
Bensam, P., 85, 119
Ben-Tuvia, Adam, 42
Ben-Yami, M, 29
Bernardino, F. P, 30
Bersamin, Silvestre V., 30, 117
Beza, C. G, 30,114
Bhimachar, B.S, 30
Bibliography, 10, 31, 33, 46, 60, 67, 77, 97, 104, 108, 109
Bien, N.B., 35
Bigueras, Carmelita M., 30
Bioassay, 17
Biological Data, 109
Biological survey, 12
Biology, 10, 55
Philippines, 37
Biology of, 27
Blaber, S. J., 130
Blake, B.F, 30
Blake, C, 30
Blanco, Billy Jr, 30
Blanco, G. J., 30,31, 127
Blanco, Guillermo S., 31
Blaxter, J.H.S, 31
Bleeker, P, 31
Blood, 114
Bohol, 87
Bohra, O. P., 50
Bombeo, I., 129
Bombeo-Tuburan, I., 31, 32
Boneless bangus factory, 15
Bongayal, Luis, 32
Boonbrahm, M., 32
Boonbrahm, Mek, 32
Bordon, Fortunato, Jr., 32
Borgese, Elizabeth M., 32
Borlogan, I. G., 29
Borlongan, I. G., 32, 117
Borlongan, I.G., 29, 32
Bose,.S. V. C., 118
Botke, F., 33
Boulanger, G. A., 33
Bowen, S.H., 33
Boyd, Claude E., 33
Brachionus plicatilis, 6, 128, 129
Brackishwater Shrimp, 8
Bravo, S. A, 33
Bravo, Serapio A., 33
Breakthrough, 19
Breeding, 19, 21, 22, 38, 39, 48, 55, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 72, 73, 76, 78, 82, 85, 86, 88, 90, 96, 100, 103, 113, 117, 120, 125, 126
Breeman, M. L. van, 129
Bridge, T.W., 33
Brillo, L.M., 33
Brock, Vernon E, 58
Bromhall, J.D., 33
Brooding, 131
Broodstock, 7, 23, 51, 73, 79, 86, 105
Brown, E.E., 33
Brownstein, M. J., 113
Bucu, Gilda S., 33
Budiono, M., 33
Buenconsejo, I.D, 56
Bueno, P. B., 34
Bueno, P.B., 34
Bueno, P.B., 34
Bueno, Pedro B., 34
Bulacan, 81
Bulawin, Cicero G., 34
Buldiono, M, 8
Bull.Raffles Mus., 85
Bunag, D. M., 34
Buñag, D. M., 34
Bunag, D.M., 34, 127
Buñag, D.M., 34
Buñag, Daniel M, 6
Bungcayan, F. L., 81
Bureau of Fisheries Molo Farm, 12
Burger, D.H., 34
Buri, P., 34
Buri, Prasit, 35
Burkhardt, P., 110, 111
Burkhardt, Patricia, 111
Busman, S, 8
C.E. & Ryan, P, 58
Caasi, Priscilla I, 82
Cabling, Federico,Jr., 35
Cabuslay, R. W., 35
Caces-Borja, Priscilla, 106
Cagayan fishpond industry, 81
Cagayan Valley, 16
Cage, 20, 21, 34, 37, 46, 56, 59, 63, 66, 73, 84, 85, 131
Cage culture, 21
Cage Farming, 21
Cages, 7, 8, 20, 42, 52, 55, 72, 85, 86, 95, 124, 131
Caipang, Cristopher, 35
Calaprice, J. R., 35
Calcium, 30
Caldito,Elisa B, 117
Camacho A.S., 35
Camacho, A.S., 35, 40
Camacho, Arsenio S, 36, 112
Camacho, Arsenio S., 36
Canagaratnam, P., 36
Canned Bangos, 30
Canned Bangus, 46
Canner, 15
Cannibalism, 124
Canning, 57, 90, 94, 96, 97, 117
sardine style, 15
Canonizado, S. O., 36
Canterbery, E. Ray, 29
Canto, Jose, 130
Canto, Jose T., Jr, 61
Canto,Jose, Jr., 39
Captivity., 21
Carandang, F. L., 43
Carandang, F.L., 36, 59
Carbine, W. F., 36
Carbohydrates, 35, 41
Caridad, Conrado G., 36
Carp, 6, 16, 58
Carpenter, K. E., 36
Carpenter, W. D., 37
Carps, 23, 37
Carreon, J, 36
Carreon, Jose A., 37
Carteciano, Loureeda T., 37
Cas, F. C., 115
Cas, Franklin C., 115
Cas,F. C, 115
Case studies, 123
Cash Waste, 59
Castillo, Nelson, 35
Castillo,C., 71
Castillon, William Z., 37
Castro, S., 37
Catacultan, M. R., 53
Catacutan, M. R., 29,53
Catalla, Rebecca R, 77
Catalogue, 122
Catanaoan, C., 37
Catch, 33
Catching, 50
of milkfish fry, 20
Catchment of milkfish fry, 65
Catedrilla, L. C., 27
Cavite, 11, 14
Cebu, 87
Cement Tanks, 8
Ces, Manuel, 37
Ceylon, 11
Ceylon. Department of Fisheries, 37
Chacko, P. I., 37
Chacko, P.I., 37
Chaetomorpha, 62
Chai, T.J., 40
Chako P.I., 38
Chako, P. I., 47
Chako, P.I., 38
Chakraborty, D. N, 106
Chandy, Mary, 38
Chang, P.S., 38
Chang, Tsang-pi, 38
from endogenous to exogenous Energy, 70
Chanos chanos, 8, 32, 111
Chao, Nai-hsien, 38
Chaudhuri, H., 38
Chaudhuri, Hiralal, 38
Chaudhuri,Hiralal, 38, 39
Chavez, Modesto, 6
Checklist, 62
Chemical analysis, 114
Chemicals used in aquaculture, 12
Chen, Hon Cheng, 39
Chen, Hon-Cheng, 39
Chen, Hong-cheng, 39
Chen, Hsi-huang, 39
Chen, Huei-Fin, 39
Chen, S.-C., 125
Chen, S-H, 120
Chen, Shiu-Nan, 116
Chen, T. I, 76
Chen, T.P, 39
Chen, T.P., 39, 40
Chen, T-P., 120
Chen, Tung-pai, 40, 121
Chen,T.P., 40
Chen,T.P., 40
Chiang, Young-Meng, 113
Chicken manure, 122
Chicken Manure, 7, 28, 61
Chidambaram, K., 40
Chien, Y.H, 40
Chin, Y.N., 40
China, 11
Chinda Thiammet, 40
Chiou, T.K, 40
Chiu, Y. N, 45
Chiu, Y. N., 40, 41, 44, 111
Chiu, Y.N, 41, 45
Chiu, Y.N., 41
Chiu, Yvonne H., 41
Chiu, Yvonne H., 41
Chiu-Chern, Y. N., 117
Chlorella, 14, 110, 111
Chlorella sp, 6
Chloride concentration, 53
Chlorine, 40
Cholik, F, 41
Cholik, Fuad, 41
Chong, K. C., 114
Chong, Kee-Chai, 41, 42
Chou, Y.H., 40
Christmas Island, Kiribati, 99
Chromosomes, 25
Cladophora, 62
Clark, Eugenie, 42
Climate, 36
type of, 44
Coastal Aquaculture, 30, 31, 37, 40, 46, 48, 55, 57, 58, 66, 74, 75, 80, 83, 97, 105, 107, 116, 121
Coastal Fish, 42
Cobb, J.N., 42
Coche, A.G., 42
Collecting, 50
Collection, 85
Collection and Culture
Krusadi and Rameswaran island, 38
Collection and Handling., 27
Collins, R.A., 42
Coloso, R. M, 29, 42
Common names, 62
Community fishponds, 11
compendium, 30
Conservation, 19, 46, 66, 101, 110, 126
Consolacion, F. L., 114
of bangus fishpond, 10
of fish pen enclosures, 12
of diseases, 17
Corcino-Baylon, 42
Corrales, R. S., 43
Corre, V.L., Jr., 35,54,130,
Cost Analysis, 33
Cost and Returns, 36
Costs, 95
Crear, David, 43
Creencia, J. R., 43
Creencia, J.R., 43
Cremer, Michael C., 43
Crim, L., 85,86
Crisostomo, David, 47
Cruz, E. M., 43
Cruz, E.R., 43
Cruz, Emmanuel M., 43
Cruz, Erlinda, 39
Cruz, Erlinda del Rosario, 44
Cruz, Erlinda R, 44
Cruz, Isaac C.,Jr., 44
Cruz, Jose Q. de la, 44
Cruz, P.F.S., 44
Cruz, Paul Felipe S., 44
Cultivation, 6, 10, 19, 26, 30, 33, 39, 42, 47, 52, 63, 84, 92, 100, 101, 103, 109, 110, 124, 127, 128
Taiwan, 39
Cultural, 31, 77
Culture, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 113, 114, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131
China, 44
fry, 35
Indonesia, 41
Lab-Lab, 10
Philippines, 36, 37, 40
Sri Lanka, 36
Taiwan, 39
Thailand, 40
Indonesia, 41
salt water ponds, 44
Taiwan, 40
Zambales, 44
Culture in fish farm, 52
Culture in ponds, 10
Culture., 34
Dabry de Thiersant, P., 44
Dagdayan, Celia, 44
Dalagan, Cesar, 44
Darah, L. B., 36
Darrah, L. B, 49, 58, 59, 60
Darrah, L. B., 49
Darrah, L.B., 44
Darrah, Laurence B., 44
Datingaling, Bienvenido Y., 44, 117
Daulay, T., 48, 98, 99
Day, Artemias L., 44
Day, Francis, 44
de Alwis, A., 128
de Baufort, L. F., 130
De Goco, C. P., 44
De Goco, Concordia, 45
De Goco, Concordia P., 45
De Guzman, M, 60
de Jesus, A., 106
De Jesus, Arsenio A., 45
De Jesus. A., 106
De la Cruz, 81
De la Cruz, Armando A., 45
De la Cruz, Catalino R., 45
De la Cruz, L. G., 25
De la Cruz, L.G., 25
De la Cruz, M. C., 53
De La Cruz, M. C., 29
de la Cruz, M.C., 53
De la Cruz, Zenaida S., 41
De la Peña, L.D, 45
De la Peña,P, 60
De Leon, Arturo A., 45
De los Santos, Ceferino., Jr., 46
De Mesa, Lourdes, 46
de Silva, S. S., 40
De Vera, Antonio M, 6
Deacon, Ruperto R., 45,46
Death, 15
Del Pilar, M., 46
del Valle, M.J., 29
Dela Cruz, C.R., 46
Dela Cruz, D., 118
Delmendo, M.N., 42, 46,47
Delos Santos, Ceferino, 47
Delsman , H.C., 47
Denila, Leonardo, 47
Density Combinations, 25
Deogracias, V., 31
Deremdez-Fernandez, R, 98
Destajo, W. H., 125
Devanesen, D.W., 47
Development, 9, 118, 129, 131
embryonic and larval, 39
Milkfish industry, 34
of circular floating cages, 131
Development program, 13
Development Planning, 26
Development Plans, 14
DeWitt,J.W., 47
Dey, H.B., 106
Diets, 7, 29, 49, 65, 85, 108, 111, 112, 113, 116, 122
Digestive Lipases, 32
Digestive Proteases, 28
Digestive tract, 53
Digestive Tract, 41
Diola, Carmelo, 47
Disease, 15, 81
Diseases, 11, 12, 17, 56, 57, 59, 74, 75, 79, 80, 81, 106, 126
Dissertation, 69, 86, 115
Distribution, 26, 27, 29, 81, 96, 97, 101, 102, 115, 125
Dizon, Solomon P, 77
Djaingsastro, Ab'd Samad, 48
Djaingsastro, Adoessamad, 48
Djajadiredja, R, 48
Djajadiredja, Roestami, 48
Dolendo, A.R. Roncal, 48
Dolendo, Araceli, 48
Dolendo, Araceli L., 48, 49
Domantay, J.S., 49
Donaldson, L.R., 49
Doren, Nelson, 49
Dosayla, E. D., 49
Dosayla, E.D., 49
Dosayla., E. D., 49
Drews, Robin A, 49
Dried, 30
Drip formation, 36
Drowning, 15
Drying, 60
Duenas, C. E, 49
Dueñas, Corazon E., 126
Duggal,S.K., 113
Duldoco-Requintina, Pura J., 49
Dulduco, P. J., 126
Duncan, Bryan, 49
Duncan, Bryan L., 43
Durand, J, 49
Duray, M., 49
Duray, M. N, 67
Duray, Marietta, 70
Duremdez-Fernandez, R., 98
Duremdez-Fernandez, Roselyn, 81
Dureza, V, 50
Dureza, V.A., 50
Dureza, Virgilio A, 58
Dureza, Virgilio A., 50
Durve, V.S, 50
Durve, V.S., 50
Duursma, E.K, 60
Duursma, Egbert Klass, 50
Dwivedi, S. N, 50
Dwivedi, S.N., 50
Early, A.C., 113
Earthen Pond, 122
Eastham, B., 50
ECA Program, 127
Ecological research, 13
Ecological Study, 39
Ecology, 22, 34, 71
Economic analysis, 7, 115
Economic Analysis, 7
Economic Considerations, 44
Economic Status
Philippines, 44
Economics, 14, 16, 19, 22, 26, 27, 33, 39, 41, 42, 53, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81, 87, 100, 105, 108, 113, 115, 116
aquaculture, 42
Taiwan, 39
Economics, 77
Philippines, 42
Economy, 79
Eda, H., 50
Edralin, Ma. Milagros Aricheta, 50
Edwardson, William, 51
Eggs, 26, 31, 34, 39, 47, 55, 71, 85, 86, 102, 105, 110, 111, 112, 126, 129
Eiden, L. E., 113
Eldani, Abdurizal, 51
Eldani, Abdurizal A, 51
Emata, A., 51
Encarnacion, Emmanuel N., 51
Encina, Vitaliano B, 51
Enclosures, 42
Energy, 70
Engineering, 7, 8, 28, 45, 48, 52, 65, 66, 79, 86, 92, 98, 130
Engle, L.M., 105
Enriquez,G.L., 43
Enteromorpha, 62
Environmental effects
on fish, 49
Eri Jr. Carmelo C., 51
Escritor, F., 128
Esguerra, R.S, 51, 52,103,117
Estenor, Demetrio G., 56
Estilo, V. L., 41,117
Estocapio, F. A., 37
Estrella, Jose J., Jr., 52
Estuarine, 60
Estuarine Ecology, 60
Estuary, 47
Eusebio, P. S., 29
Eusebio, P.S., 29
Eutrophic Inland Waters, 28
Evangeline G., 52
Evangelista, D. L., 76
Evangista, D. L., 76
self-taught fishfarmer, 36
fishpond operator, 45
Export, 16,17
Extension program, 12
Extension Training Course, 15
Extensive and Semi-extensive Culture, 25
F. Botke, 62
F.P. Pascual, 79
F.R. Yang, 76
Fabian, Evangeline F, 85
Fabiran, E. F., 84
Fabro, R. M., 76
Fabro, Rita M., 26, 52
Fadriguela, J.F., 82
Failaman, Andrea, 35
Fama, Julius, 35
Farming, 15, 25, 26, 78
farming and Husbandry, 28
Fassler,C. R., 113
Fast, A. W., 36
Fats, 35
Feasibility study, 14
Federico Jr., 26
Feed, 6, 13, 14, 23, 60
plankton, 12
Feed Development, 22, 40
Feed Efficiency, 41
Feed problem, 11
Feeding, 6, 11, 24, 26, 28, 29, 34, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 46, 61, 62, 70, 73, 79, 80, 93, 98, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 116, 117, 118, 129
frequency, 41
rate, 41
Feeding, 41
Taiwan, 40
Feeding and feeds, 127
Feeding and Survival, 26
Feeding Habits, 28, 37, 38, 46, 62, 98
Feeding Rhythm, 41
artificial, 107
feeds and Feeding, 29
Feedstuffs, 131
Felices C, 57
Felix, Sergio S., 52
Fenton, James, 52
Fermentation, 60
Fernandez, Pepito M., 52
Ferraris, R. D., 53
Ferraris, R. P, 53
Ferraris, R. P., 53
Ferraris, R.P., 53, 54, 67, 70, 76
Fertilization, 6, 10, 12, 19, 20, 31, 32, 39, 40, 48, 64, 65, 94, 106, 110, 114, 117, 126, 127
artificial, 39
Taiwan, 40
Fertilization training, 12
Fertilized brackishwater ponds, 25
Fertilizer, 11, 12, 13, 24, 27, 53, 54, 56, 60, 63, 79, 92, 107, 117
inorganic, 12
Fertilizers, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 32, 48, 54, 61, 62, 78, 92, 99, 101, 102, 114, 121
inorganic, 11
Organic, 11
Figueroa-Bombeo, Ruby, 53
Financing scheme, 15
Fingerling, 10, 17, 22, 27, 29, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45, 80, 84, 107, 115, 126, 128
Growth, 16
Fingerling production, 107
Fingerling Production, 27
Fingerlings, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27, 29, 35, 43, 44, 48, 50, 54, 55, 58, 63, 69, 78, 79, 83, 87, 88, 89, 94, 98, 101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 112, 116, 122, 124, 127, 129
Fins, 118
Fish, 8
Fish as food, 49
Fish Bank, 11
Fish Catch, 8
Fish Estate, 15, 57
Fish Estate Project, 15
Fish Farm, 60
Fish Farming, 22
Fish kills, 16
Fish Market, 8
Fish meal, 108
Fish Seed, 9
Muthupet Saline swamp, 38
Periyar lake, 38
Fisheries Administrative Order, 17
Fisheries crash program, 15
Fisheries Decree 1975, 17
Fisheries Program, 6
Fishes, 9, 11, 12, 20, 26, 28, 30, 31, 33, 37, 38, 39, 46, 47, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66, 67, 70, 71, 73, 74, 79, 80, 82, 85, 87, 88, 90, 92, 95, 97, 100, 101, 103, 106, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131
Fishfarmers, 34
Fishing Gears, 52
Fishing methods, 20, 65
effect on growth, 111
Fishpen, 7, 13, 20, 21, 44, 46, 84, 91, 107
Fishpen construction, 13
Fishpond, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28, 31, 44, 45, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 57, 64, 77, 81, 83, 86, 93, 96, 98, 100, 101, 103, 106, 107, 114, 117, 118, 123, 125, 127, 131
Fishpond engineering, 52
Fishpond Industry, 6, 10, 25, 81, 117
Fishpond management, 7
Fishpond Operation, 28
Fitzgerald, W. J., Jr., 53
Flavour, 30
Floating cages, 85, 95
Floating Trawl Experiments, 51
Food and Agriculture Organization, 53
Food and Feeding Habits, 28
Food availability, 124
Food Chains, 62
Food consumption, 49
Food Cycle, 62
Food habits, 127
Food Habits, 8, 26, 127
Food preferences, 124
Food value, 128
Food., 25
Formalin, 44
Formoso, Billy, 53
Fortes, N. R, 27
Fortes, Norma, 53, 54
Fortes, R. D., 54, 124, 130
Fourmanoir, P., 54
Francisco, Isidoro, 54
Franco, Nilo M., 7, 27
Freezing, 48, 49, 90
French Polynesia, 114
French Sardine, 57
Freshwater, 8, 25
Frey, David, 54
Fritz, Lawrence M., 54
Fry, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 40, 42, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 76, 77, 79, 81, 82, 83, 88, 91, 94, 95, 96, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 119, 122, 124, 127, 128, 129
catching method, 20
culture, 10, 14
Industry, 10
rearing, 14
survival, 14
trawl, 34
Fry, 35
Fry abundance, 108
Fry concessionaires, 77
Fry fishing gears, 71
Fry gatherers, 76
Fry gathering, 76
Fry ground, 66,129
Fry Industry,115
in Mindoro Oriental, 9
Fry Inside Happas, 19
Fry occurrence, 71
Fry production, 128
Fukusho, K., 55
Furukawa, A., 55
Gabriel, Benjamin Cer, 55
Gacutan, R. Q., 120
Gains, 22, 30, 89
Gaitan, A. G., 124
Gallego, Amalia, 70
Ganaden, Reuben A., 46
Ganapati, S.V., 55,104
Ganchero, F., 45
Gandhi, V., 55
Gange, R. H., 27
Gapasin, R.S., 55
Gapasin, R.S.J., 55
Garcia, L. Ma. B., 55
Garcia, Demetrio, 26, 55
Garcia, L.M.B., 55, 86
Garcia, Rosario U., 55
Garcia, William U., 55
Gathering Practices, 76
Gatus, Arcadio R., 51, 56
General Information, 21
Genetics, 82
George, C., 67
George, M. G., 38
George, T.T, 56
George,K.V, 50
Gerochi, D.D., 27, 56,78
Gerochi, Dante D., 56
Ghittino, P., 56
Gibe, B. P., 115
Gill, 43
Giri, N. A., 98,99
GnRH, 86
GnRH-A, 86
Go, Ida M., 53
Goco, C. P. de, 56
Godney, Robert H., 47
Golez, N.V., 29
Gomez,Edgardo D., 56
Gonad development, 73
Gonadotropin, 85
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, 86
Gono, A. K, 56
Gonzales H.J, 118
Gonzales, 53, 56, 57, 94, 117
Gonzales, Ernesto R., 56
Gonzales, Felix R., 57, 117
Gonzales, Hernane, 53
Gonzales, Olympia N, 57
Good win, H. L, 57
Goosens,H.J, 57
Gopakumar, K., 118
Gopalakrishnan, 66
Gopalakrishnan, V., 57, 58,66
Gopinathan, 105
Gorriceta, Ilda R, 58
Gosline, William A, 58
Govindan, T. K, 67
Gracia, Demetrio M, 8, 58, 87,106
Gracia, Demetrio M., 8
Gracilaria, 8
Green Algae, 62
Grey Mullet, 31, 33
Griño, E.G., 78
Griño, Eliseo, 58
Groot, C.; Turner, 58
Ground, 76
Grover, J. H, 58
Grover, John H, 58
Growing Science of Aquaculture, 28
Grow-out, 117
Grow-Out, 31
Growth, 8, 14, 16, 17, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 50, 51, 53, 54, 58, 60, 61, 63, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73, 76, 78, 79, 88, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 116, 117, 122, 123, 125, 128, 129
fry, 16
of bangus fry, 14
Growth and Survival Rates, 27
Growth and Production, 25
Growth and Survival, 22
Growth promoter, 44
Guano, 61
Guanzon, N G.,Jr., 7
Guanzon, Nicolas G.,Jr., 7
Guerrero III, R. D., 58
Guerrero, C. V,41, 58, 59
Guerrero, L, 59
Guerrero, Rafael D. III, 59, 60
Guevarra, Gloria, 60
Guevarra, Gloria G, 60
Guillermo J, 31
Guinther, Eric B, 60
Gulaman Dagat, 6
Gulle, Reuben J, 60
Gundermann, N, 60
Gunther, A, 60
Gupata, D.P., 113
Gutierrez, Ponciano C, 60
Guzman, R. D., 60
Ha, P.Y., 119
Habita, 124
Habitat, 71
food and feeding, 37
Haematology, 30
Haemoglobin, 114
Hamami, E., 8
Hamid, N., 33
Hamley, E. B, 60
Hammack, G. M, 60
Hanafi, A., 98
Hanafi, Ad, 50
Hanafi, Adi, 60
Handling, 15, 20, 27, 33, 48, 49, 58, 87, 90, 95, 99, 100, 125
Handog, Leda G, 60, 61
Hanyu,I., 119
Happas, 14, 19, 35
Hara, S, 61, 70, 118
Hardenberg, J.D. F, 61
Hardjono, Atmo., 61
Harvest, 25, 58, 83, 84, 92, 93, 107, 125
Harvesting, 22
Harvey, B.,61, 86, 113
Hassan, Rosly bin, 61
Hastings, W. H, 61
Hastings,W, 61
Hatchery, 7, 9, 21, 22, 26, 27, 34, 37, 45, 46, 49, 50, 55, 67, 69, 76, 115
Hatchery-Produced, 27
Hatching, 34, 55, 110
artificial, 34
Hawaiian Islands, 42
Hays, Joe, 7
Health, 103
Hempel, G, 61
Hendreckson, J.R, 61
Henson, R. M, 62
Hernandez, Pepito M., 62
Herre, A. W. C.T., 10,62
Heterogeneity, 82
Hiatt, R. W, 62
Hibler, Michelle, 62
Hickling,C.F, 62
High-Grade Protein Food, 28
Hilarion G, 9
Hirai, A., 62, 111
Hirai, K., 111
Hirano, R, 68
Histochemistry, 53
Histological monitoring, 111
Histology, 53
Histopathological response, 44
Histopathology, 110, 111
History, 35
Hito, 16, 24
Hoar, Williams S, 61
Hoeku, B.M, 62
Hofstede, A.E, 62
Hojilla, M.P., 114
Holazo, Virginia F., 42
Holding, 50
Holstvoogd, C, 62
Hong Kong, 16, 97
Hora, S. L, 62
Hormone, 9, 68, 75, 80, 81, 85, 86, 113
Hormones, 39, 44, 73, 85
Hosillos, Lucila V, 62, 63, 102
Hough, S, 63
Htin, W., 63
Hu, Fei & Liao, 63
Huang T, 63
Huang, C.Y, 63,75
Huang, T. L, 63,124
Huat, Ling Kai, 63
Huet, M, 63
Huet, Marcel, 63
Human chorionic gonadotropin, 85
Hung, C. P, 63
Husbandry, 28
Hydrobiology, 122
Hygienic, 62
Ibrahim,K.H, 63
Ice, 30
I-Chiu, 63
Ichthyologique, 31
Icing, 37, 48, 49
Idyll,C.P, 63
Igonifagha,G.D, 63
Ikoton,Sunday James, 63
Ilan, Chaim, 64
Iloilo, 12, 21
Iloilo City, 14
In, 21
India, 10, 20, 28, 30, 34, 38, 44, 50, 55, 64, 66, 67, 70, 72, 85, 89, 97, 99, 100, 104, 105, 116, 118, 119, 122, 131
Indonesia, 7, 8, 11, 14, 18, 20, 22, 26, 28, 33, 34, 41, 43, 45, 47, 48, 57, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 71, 73, 74, 81, 84, 85, 89, 91, 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 109, 113, 115, 116, 118, 121, 129, 130, 131
Indoor Outdoor Nursery System, 27
Indrasena, H.H.A, 64
Induced gonadal maturation, 86
Induced spawning, 9, 85, 86
Industry, 6, 9, 10, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34, 36, 37, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 73, 75, 77, 78, 81, 83, 84, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 97, 104, 107, 115, 117, 120, 123, 127, 128
Industry profile, 127
Infection, 81
Infra-Structure Development, 47
Inorganic Fertilizer, 79
Intestine, 111
Intoy, Modesto, 35
Investment, 57
Iodine, 30
Ion, 53
Ionic, 8
Ipil-Ipil, 30
Ischak, T. M., 130
Ismail, A., 65
Isochrysis galbana, 6
Isozyme, 49
Iswahjudi, 28
Iverson, E.S, 65
Iwakiri, S, 65
Iyer, K. M., 118
Jaager, C.J. de, 65
Jacang, Alfredo, 65
Jamandre, Dawn Rhoda M, 65
Jamandre, Ernesto V, 65
Jamandre, T.J., Jr, 66
Jangkaru, Zulkilfi, 48
Japan, 17, 21, 27, 31, 36, 55, 62, 65, 69, 70, 82, 86, 111, 112, 125
Jarabejo, E., 39
Jarabejo, Elizalde, 39
Jayamaha, D, 66,104
Jazul, A.P., 53,66
Jhingran, V, 66
Jimenea, Dante M., 46
Job, T.J, 66
Job,S.V, 66
Johnson, R, 66
Jones, Alan, 67
Jones, J.B, 67
Jones, S, 67
Jordan, D.S, 67
Jose, S., 122
Joseph, Jose, 67,118
Juario, J, 6, 27, 29, 38, 39, 54, 55, 67, 70, 71, 73, 76, 78, 80, 86, 100, 110, 111, 114, 116, 120, 126, 127
Juliana E., 42
Juliano, Rogelio O, 36,58, 68, 69, 87
Jumalon, H. A, 69
Jumalon, Nepheronia A, 69
Junus Mahammad, 48
Juvenile, 71, 92
Juvenile Fish Community, 27
Juveniles, 32, 34, 41, 45, 70, 73, 105, 112, 124
Kabigting, Ramon T, 69
Kafuku, Takeichiro, 69, 72
Kahar, A., 104
Kamabboto, 118
Kampen, P.N. Van, 69
Kanashiro, K., 69,111
Kanazawa, A., 122
Kapoor, B. G, 69,70
Kartha, K.N.K, 70
Kathirrel, M, 89
Kawamura, g, 70
Kawamura, G, 70, 100, 122
Kawamura, Gunzo, 70
Kelley, C.D., 75,119
King of the Fishponds, 25
Kinoshita, I, 70
KKK, 22
Ko, W. C, 70
Kobayashi, Utao, 70
Kohno, H, 118
Kohno, Hiroshi, 70
Komaki, H, 70,111
Kono, H., 71
Korringa, Pieter, 71
Kou, Guang-Hsiung, 116
Kowtal, G.V, 71
Koya, M.S.S.I., 122
Kumagai, Shigeru, 27, 35, 71, 111, 112,126
Kuntiyo, 72
Kuo, Ching-Ming, 72, 90
Kurian, C.V, 72
Kuronuma, Katsuzo, 72
Kusnendar, E, 72,104
Kutty, M.N, 9
Kuwatani, Yukimasa, 69,72
La Union, 8
Lab-Lab, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15,23, 60, 69, 84, 101, 106, 122
Laboratory, 26
Lacanilao, F, 72,73, 85, 86
Lacierda R., 37
Ladja, J. M., 53
Lagoon, 47
Laguna, 14
Laguna de Bay, 7, 15, 16, 24, 37, 46, 47, 52, 53, 54, 82, 83, 84, 86, 91, 100
Laguna Lake, 6, 8, 16, 44, 47, 60, 81, 98
Lai, C.M., 73
Lai, Y.S, 73
Lake fishery, 14
Lake Taal, 127
Lakes, 96
Laguna, 81
Lakshmanan, M.A.V, 73
Lam,, 72
Lam, T. J, 73, 85, 86
Landing, 8
Lapie, Lustina P., 52, 73,76,123
Larangan, H.S.S, 73
Larvae, 26, 27, 28, 31, 37, 47, 49, 50, 61, 70, 71, 72, 73, 105, 110, 111, 112, 118, 120, 121, 124, 125, 129, 130
Larval development, 73
Larval Fishes, 31, 127
Laudencia Irma L., 43
Laureta,Liberato, 37,74,78,118
Lavilla-Pitogo, C.R., 73
Laviña, E. M, 73
Laviña, Einstein M, 73
of bangus fishponds, 10
Layugan, Luzviza, 35
Lazareto, Maximo R, 74
Le, Van Dang, 74
Leaf Meal, 19, 30
Leary, Daniel F, 74
Lee Raur-shyan, 74
Lee, C. S, 50,74, 75, 79, 119,129
Lee, Dong-Liang, 75
Length-weight relationships, 11,15,26
Length-Weight Study, 46
Length-Weight Table, 23
Leon,,A.A. de, 75
Lerman, Benjamin E, 75
Lesaca, R. M, 75
Le-Va-Dang, 74
LHRH-Analogue therapy, 119
Liang, J.K, 75
Liang, Jium-Kuo, 75
Liao, I.C, 76
Liao, I-Chiu, 75, 76
Librero, Aida R, 77, 90, 91,115, 123
Lichatowich, T., 99
Lieh-Tang, Lin, 78
Life history, 10,23
Lijauco, Melchor M., 56, 78
Lim, C, 7, 79, 93, 98, 99
Lim, C., 7
Lim, Chorn, 79,99
Limburg, Peter R, 79
Lime, 11, 23, 53, 99
Liming, 18, 53
Limnology, 52, 62, 91, 116
Lin, Ching-Long, 79
Lin, Ching-Lung, 116
Lin, H.S, 79
Lin, Huang-Sheng, 124
Lin, Kuo-yen, 124
Lin, Kuo-Yen, 124
Lin, L. T, 79
Lin, S. J., 79
Lin, S.Y, 79
Lin, Shu-yen, 79
Lin,S.L., 113
Ling, S, 80
Ling, S.W, 80
Ling, Shao-Wen, 80
Ling, Y.C, 80
Lio-Po, G, 80, 81,89
Lipid, 29, 32, 58
Lipid and Fatty Acid Composition, 29
Lipids, 35
List of References, 39
Liu, C. H, 81
Liu,Chi-yang, 39
Live food, 128
Live Transport, 55
Lizarondo, M.S., 81
Lizarondo, Maura S, 41, 42, 81
Ljorca, M.N, 81
Llorca, Manuel N, 81
Llorca, Manuel N., 46
Loan, 12
Longevity Test, 24
Lopez, Alfredo M, 82
Lopez, J. R., 31
Lopez, J.V, 82
Lopez, Juan V, 6, 82, 103, 104,114
Lopez, N.A., 7,82
Lowe-McConnel, R.H, 82
Lucena-Olano, Virginia, 82
Lucido, Amadeo D, 81
Lumut,15, 45, 75, 96,101, 102, 103
Luna, Zenaida G, 82
Luzon, 25, 31, 33, 46, 81, 84, 93, 94, 112, 115, 123, 127
Lysine, 32
Mabelin, R.L., 53
Macahilig, M.P., 41
Macalincag-Lagua, Natividad, 36,82
Macaranas, J. M, 82
MacCrimmon, H. R., 128
Macnae, William, 82
Madagascar, 122
Madamba, L.S.P., 82
Madden, W. D, 83
Magno-Orejana, Florian, 83, 108
Mahalanabishi, A, 106
Malaria, 131
Malathion, 60
Malaya, 131
Malaysia, 131
Malone, Thomas C, 83
Mammen, T.A, 83
Manacop, P. R., 24,83,127
Management, 6, 7, 13, 18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 37, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 65, 73, 74, 75, 77, 82, 84, 86, 93, 95, 96, 97, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 113, 114, 115, 126, 131
fish biology and hatchery, 37
plan, 43
Management and Operation, 25
Manalo-Manalo, Nonola A, 83
Mane, A. M., 83,84
Mane, Ernesto C., 84
Mangrove, 45, 82, 101, 107, 124
Manguiat, Rita P, 77
Manik, R., 84
Marasigan, Arnulfo, 84
Marcos, Ferdinand, 84
Mardjono, M, 33
Marfori, C. G., 84
Marfori, Ceferina G., 85
Marichamy, R., 85
Mariculture, 30, 35, 70, 76, 99, 106, 107
ecological and genetic aspects, 35
Marine farming, 119
Marine Teleosts, 9
Market, 16, 17
Market process, 81
Market surveys, 12
Marketing, 7, 17, 23, 43, 56, 57, 58, 59, 64, 74, 75, 81, 84, 89, 92, 96, 97, 112, 115
Markus, B., 85
Marquez Jose J., 85
Marquez, Faith Espejo, 85
Marquez, Jose J., 85
Marshall, N.B., 85
Marte, C. L., 51, 55, 72, 73, 85, 86
Martin, C. A, 106
Martin, Claro, 6, 86
Martinez, Eladio, 86
Martinez, M.R, 86
Martosudarmo, B., 87
Marzan, Anita M, 82
Mateo, R., 38, 39, 87
Materon, Loida S., 46
Matias, V, 60
Matida, Yoshihiro, 87
Matienzo, Loreto H., Jr., 87
Maturation, 8, 100
Maturing milkfish, 85
Maura S, 81
May,R.C., 87
McCoy, E. W., 112
McHugh, J.L., 87
McIntyre, W.E., 87
McLarney, William O., 28
McVey, J.P., 87
Mechanics, 31
Medina , Manuel E., 87
Medina, Loreta M., 87
Medina, Manuel E., 87
Medina, Manuel T., 87
Menasveta, D., 87
Mendoza, Aida Sevilla, 87
Mendoza, J., 62
Mendoza, S.P., Jr., 27
Mercado, Juan L., 88
Meristic variations, 128
Mesa, Romeo C., 88
Metabolism, 42
Methemoglobinemia, 8
Methionine, 108
Milkfish, 9
Farming, 6
Milkfish program, 20
Millamena, O. M., 29,128
Mindanao, 6, 13, 15, 16, 18, 46, 52, 73, 81, 93, 107, 115
Mindanao State University .Inst.Fish.Res.Dev, 16
Mindoro, 9, 46
Miñoso, G. G., 29
Minsalan, Cecilia Luz, 50
Miracle, 9
Misamis Oriental, 16, 85
Miyagami, K., 88
Models, 29
Modular pond system, 7, 22
Modular system, 9
Mohan, M. V., 122
Mohan, R.S.L., 88
Moina macrocopa Straus, 129
Moitra, A., 66
Mono and Polyculture, 35
Monoculture, 15, 35
Montalban, Heraclio R., 6, 31, 93,94, 101,102, 103,127
Montilla, Anoprita A, 82
Morioka, S, 118
Morphology, 130
Motoh, Hiroshi, 35
Mud Press, 43
Muench, K. A., 114
Mugil cephalus, 113
Mullet, 9, 61
Mundiantono, 89
Municipal fisheries, 14
Murashige, R, 50
Naawan, Misamis Oriental, 13
Nag, D.K, 106
Naga City, 32
Nagaiwa, Kazuo, 25
Nalva Fish Bank, 11
Namalwar, P., 85
Nammalwar, P., 89
Nandakumar, R., 104
Naret, Erlinda G., 53, 54
Nash, Colin E., 72
Natividad, M, 68
Natividad, N, 68
Natural food, 22
Natural Food, 10, 22, 29, 101, 117
lab-lab, 10
Naujan Lake, 46
Naujan Sabalo Hatchery Station, 9
Navarro,Olympia, 117
Nazareno, A. M., 76
Negros Oriental, 87
Net, 32
Net enclosures, 14
Net production, 31
Nets, 18
Nicolas, E, 76
Nicolas, Elizabeth S., 77, 123
Nishimura, Waichiro, 70
Nitrite, 8
Nitrogen, 40
Noor Hamid, S., 87
Northeastern Luzon, 31
Nueva Ecija, 6
Nurseries, 22, 48, 73, 84, 101, 103, 126, 127
Nursery, 23, 27, 31, 45, 46, 56, 82, 84, 88, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 110, 117, 123
Nursery farms, 123
Nursery management, 23
Nurseryp pond, 27
Nutrient dynamics, 28
Nutrient levels, 41
Nutrition, 22, 26, 29, 30, 36, 37, 40, 57, 61, 95, 111
status and needs, 36
Nutritive value, 125
Nylon, 16
Nylon Net Enclosures, 46
Nyoman Adiasmara Giri, L, 99
Occurrence, 26, 27, 34, 111, 122
of fry, 111
of Milkfish Fry, 111
Occurrence of M, 28
Ocon, Felicicimo T., 7
Oesophagus, 38
Ohno, A, 118
Olivares, Ma. Felma T., 54
Olympia, N 30, 57, 90
Ongchangco, K. N., 105
Orejana, F.M., 29
Osmoregulation, 53
Osmotic, 8
Otoliths, 125
Oxygen, 9, 56, 66, 129
Padlan, P. G., 93, 104
Padlan,P.G., 56
Paez, Jorge, 49
Pagpanimilya, 35
Pajarillo, Melanie G., 54
Pakrasi, B.B., 28
Pakrasi,B.B, 66
Palao, J.M., 35
Palawan, 14, 46
Palisoc, Fermin,Jr., 33
Palomares, T. S., 25
Pamulaklakin, Esteban R., 123
Pamulaklakin, M.A., 82
Pan, B. S., 113
Panay, 71, 128, 131
Panay Island, 27, 71
Pangasinan, 8, 12
Panikkar, N. K., 94
Pantastico, J. B, 107,127
Pante, Ma. Josefa R., 82
Paraan, O, 87
Parado, C. A, 81
Parasites, 11, 106
Parazo, M. M., 61
Parcelling of Brackishwater, 57
Parducho, Francisca L., 123
Pascual A, 31
Pascual, F. P., 53, 79,95
Pathogenecity, 98
Pathogenic Micro-Organisms, 57
Pathogenicity, 80
Pathology, 22
Paul, G.C., 106
Paulsen, C. L, 83
Paw,J.N., 56
Pelagic, 29, 47
Pen, 12, 16, 20, 21, 22, 27, 34, 37, 47, 52, 56, 59, 63, 66, 83, 84, 85, 90, 91, 97, 114, 131
Pen Culture, 21, 27, 52,56,59,66
Penaeid Shrimps, 8
Penaeus merguiensis, 8
Penaeus monodon, 8, 25, 51, 53, 78, 79, 82, 89, 99, 104, 107, 116, 122
Peñaflorida, V. D, 29
Peñaflorida, V.D., 29
Percent Meat Yield, 25
Percy, O. T., 95
Perdigon, G. P., 95
Perigreen, P.A, 67,118
Peroxide, 30
Pesticide, 50, 60, 73
pH, 29
pH Value, 39
Philippine, 16
Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, 96
Philippines, 21, 78, 131
fish culture, 44
pH-Salinity, 42
Physiology, 86
Picking, 60
Piggery Wastes, 54
Pigmentation, 35
Pillai, K.K., 50
Pillai, T. Gottfried, 97
Pillay, T.V.R., 30, 55,58, 74, 97
Pinchot, G.B., 97
Pinto, Leonardo, 97
Pinto, Rodolfo C., 98
Pinzon, L. G., 98
Pirzan, A. Marsambuana, 104
Pitogo, C. L., 43, 44,80,98
Pituitary, 9, 26, 85, 92, 119
Pituitary gland hormone, 9
Pituitary glands, 119
Pituitary Hormones, 26
Plankton, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 23, 24, 38, 45, 46, 64, 68, 75, 91, 104, 125
Krusadi island, 38
Plankton as Bangus Feed, 12
Plankton in production, 11
Plasma osmolality, 53
Plastic Bags, 55, 58
Plastic Pools, 8
Pluto, M, 118
Po, G., 98
Poem, 52
Poernomo, A, 8, 48, 99
Poernomo, A., 8, 48, 93, 98, 104
Poernomo, Ali, 98
Policies, 57
Policy, 95, 115
Pollution, 62
Polyculture, 129
Polyculture, 7, 15, 18, 22, 35, 37, 43, 47, 51, 53, 54, 56, 60, 65, 66, 72, 78, 80, 82, 89, 90, 99, 103, 104, 105, 107, 118, 122, 129
with Carp and Hito, 16
Polyculture, 43
Polyculture system, 99
Polyphosphate, 36
Pond, 24
layout and design, 79
Pond Construction, 30
Ponds, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69, 72, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129
salt water, 34
Pongsuwana, Umpol, 98
Poppensiek, G.C., 99
Popper D, 60
Popper, D., 99
Population, 66, 82
Post-Larva, 131
Postlarval and Juvenile Stages, 28
Postlarvar, 8
Potasium Sorbate, 30
Potassium permanganate, 44
Prabhakara, Rao A.V., 99
Prawn, 13, 22, 25, 33, 47, 50, 51, 52, 63, 72, 82, 99, 105, 118, 121, 122, 129
Prawns, 9
Preston, G.L., 99
Price indices, 14
Prices, 14
Prickett, Richard, 67
Prijono, A., 98, 99
Primavera, Jurgene H., 39, 51
Processing, 26
Processing of bangos, 117
Producers, 21
Production, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 63, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 82, 84, 86, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 101, 102, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 127, 128, 129
commercial, 34
cost, 36,44
fingerling, 35, 43
fingerling, 107
fish seed, 38
fry, 34
in brackishwater pond, 19
in newly constructed pond, 15
Philippines, 42
Production in Newly Constructed Ponds, 13, 15
Production in shallow ponds, 13
Production of Milkfish Fingerlings
effects of stocking density on, 129
effects of supplementary feeding on, 129
Production with Plankton, 11
Productivity, 25, 41, 54, 61, 77, 83, 87, 121
Profits, 25
Project Feasibility Study, 7, 47,49
Project proposal, 12
Project Proposal, 10
Promotion, 131
Propagation, 31
Prospero, O.Q., 78
Proteases, 28, 29
Protein, 14, 28, 35, 39, 40, 42, 45, 53, 70, 73, 79, 95, 99, 106, 107, 108, 112, 113,114, 117, 118
Protein Supply, 39
Protein-Energy Levels, 42
Prowse, G.A., 99
Proximate chemical composition, 117
Pudadera, Beato, Jr., 99
Pullin, Roger S. V., 99,100
Punay, Emmanuel Y., 100
Qasim, S.Z., 100
Quimpo, B., 100
Quinitio, G. F, 68,78, 86,100
R.A.. 3512, 10
Rabanal, Herminio R., 47,69,84,100, 101, 102, 103, 117, 127
Rabanal, R. H., 117
Rabor, Dioscor S., 103
Raceways, 42
Radan, Reynaldo R, 103
Radcliffe, Lewis, 103
Radhakrishnan, N. S., 103
Radicidation, 57
Radurization, 57
Ragasa, R., 118
Rain and bangus kills, 13
Rajaona, S. G., 103
Ram Bhaskar, B., 103
Ramachandran, V., 103
Ramamurthy, S., 103
Ramanathan, S., 103, 104
Ramesh, A., 104
Ramos, Diego G., 77, 104, 123
Ramos, Franklin, 114
Ramos,F., 114
Ramsingh, D.C., 104,126
Ranganathan, V., 104
Ranoemihardjo, B.S.,8, 87, 104
Rao, A.V .Prabhakara, 105
Rao, M. Narashima, 105
Rasalan, Santos B., 105
Rasyid, S. E., 129
Rearing, 37, 113
Taiwan, 40
Rearing, 43
Recometa, Renato D, 58,105
Recruitment, 34
Red tilapia, 122
Redcliffe, L., 105
Reddi, D.V., 50,105
Reeijntjes, E.J., 105
Regidor, S.E, 105
Regina C., 117
Regulations, 12
Reijntjes, E. J., 129
Reproduction, 8, 9, 24, 33, 38, 55, 64, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 79, 94, 98, 119
Artificial, 9
Reproductive behavior, 86
Reproductive performance, 51
Reproductive periodicity, 71
Reproductive State, 43
Requintina,Pura, 105
Requintina,Pura D., 105
Research, 9, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 34, 78, 131
Researchers, 34
Reservoirs, 96
Residual effect of fertilizers, 78
Reyes, O. S., 107
Rice Fields, 42
Rice Ponds, 26
Rice Straw, 43
Roa, P.,Jr., 125
Rodriguez, E.M., 27,56, 78
Rodriguez, L., 87,105
Roestami, 48
Rojas, J.L., 105
Romillo, Luisa M., 115
Roncal, R. A., 49
Roncal, Rosabel, 48
Ronquillo, I. A., 101, 105, 106
Rosen, Carl-Gustaf, 6
Rosenthal, H., 106
Rossell, D.Z., 106
Rotifer, 129
Round Weight, 25
Rouzaud, P., 106
Roxas, Hilario A., 106
Rubi, Manuel, 106
Ryther, John H., 28, 106
Saanin, Hasanuddin, 106
Sabalo, 9, 13, 17, 24, 64, 83, 87, 89, 108, 110, 119
Sabaruddin S., 87
Sabaruddin, S., 87
Sachlan, M., 125
Sachlan,M., 106
Saclauso,C.A, 118
Saha, K.C., 107
Sahng, Yung C., 107
Saimun, S, 72
Salazar, Matilde P., 107
Salde, Ruby J., 128
Salinities, 8
Salinity, 11, 14, 23, 24, 29, 39, 40, 42, 49, 53, 63, 64, 68, 69, 100, 118, 129
Salinity tolerance, 11, 14, 23
Salmo gaindneri, 113
Salnikov, H. E., 107
Salom Fishfarm Venture, 9
Samarakoon, J. I., 107
Samsi, S., 25
Samsi, Soleh, 107
Samson, R., 38, 39
Samson, Romulo, 39
Samson,R., 39,54
Sanares, Roman, 54
Sanchez, 57, 60, 107
Sanitation, 62
Santerre, M.T., 87
Santiago, Alfredo C., Jr., 107
Santiago, C.B., 107
Santiago, C.M., 107
Santiago, Corazon B., 108
Santos, E. A., 25
Santos, J.G, 81
Santos, Leonor M., 108
Santos,E.A., 25
Santos,T.D., 25
Sarian, Zacarias, 108
Sarig, Shmuel, 64
Sarker, S.U., 108
Sarotherodon-mossambicus, 33
Sarria, Julius P., 108
Sastrillo, M.A.S., 40, 41, 117
Sawada, Yukio, 25
Scatophagus argus, 44
Schmittou, H.R., 108
Schooling, 29
Schrotch, Helen, 109
Schurman, J.J., 109
Schuster, W. E., 109
Schuster, W. H., 109
Schuurman,.C. J., 129
SEAFDEC, 6, 7, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 102, 104, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 115, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 128, 130, 131
SEAFDEC's milkfish program, 20
Seale, A, 110
Seed bank, 23
Seed Production, 30, 31, 38, 46, 48, 86, 110
Seeding Survival, 37
Seeds, 31, 45, 98
Segner, H, 110,111
cultivated warmwater fishes, 38
Seneriches, M. L. M., 111
Sensory characteristics, 95
Senta, Tetsushi, 111, 112
Seraspe, Ebonia B, 112
Serum, 85
Seville, Sonia, 112
Sevilleja, R. C., 112
Sex characteristics, 38
Sex Characteristics
external, 38
Sex steroids, 44
Sexual maturation, 85, 120
Sexual maturity, 22
Shang, Yung C., 113
Shanmugan,S., 85
Shen,Shin-Lin, 113
Shenowy, A. V., 118
Sherwood, N., 85
Sherwood, N. M., 86, 113
Shian, C.Y, 40
Shiau, S.Y, 113
Shklov, J.M., 113
Shrimp Farming, 8
Shrimps, 61,131
Shulked, M. H., 103
Sia, Rosita B., 124
Sidarto, A. A., 113
Sidik, A., 28
Sigh, V.P., 113
Sikha, K.C., 113
Silage, 108
Silen, Ramon., 113
Silicate, 39
Singapore, 17
Singh, S.B., 113
Singh,R., 113
Sinha, V.R., 114
Siregar, Sihar, 107
Siriwardena, P.P.G.S.N., 114
Sison, E. C, 30,114
Sison, Jaime A., 114
Sison, Saturnino S, 8, 58, 114
Sitoy, Hermegegildo S., 131
Siu, P., 114
Sixth Group, 44
Size of Farm, 36
Size of Farms, 36
Skull, 35
Smith, Albert, 114
Smith, Ian R., 41, 42, 114,115
Smith, J. R., 115
Smith, L.S, 115
Smoke-Curing, 35
Smoked, 26, 30, 96, 97
Smoking, 60, 124
Snakehead, 43
Snow, J.R., 115
Socio-Economic Survey, 26
Socio-Economics, 77
Sodium Chloride, 36
Soegiarto, Aprilani, 115
Soekartiko, B., 115
Soeseno, S., 116
Soeyanto, R. S., 130
Soil, 87
Solis, W. R., 27
Song, Yen-Ling, 116
Songalia, Edna T, 108
Soong, Min Kong, 116
Sotelo, Tomas D, 116
Soybean meal, 113
Spall van, P.W, 116
Sparkling Bangus, 44
Spawners, 87
Spawning, 8, 9, 19, 22, 34, 39, 46, 47, 51, 67, 68, 69, 71, 73, 75, 76, 79, 85, 86, 87, 98, 99, 100, 108, 110, 112, 116, 119, 120, 126
Spawning grounds, 108
Spawning periodicity, 71
Spawnning, 99
Species, 14, 26, 30, 46, 59, 60, 80, 82, 94, 102, 106, 107, 111, 113, 117, 128, 130
Sperm Preservation, 61
Spoilage, 118
Spotted scat, 44
Sreenivasan,A., 116
Sri Lanka, 21
Sribhibhadh, Arporna, 116
Srina vasa Rao, K, 103
Stages, 35
developmental, 35
developmental and ecological, 35
young, 37
Stahlin, W.;, 116
Stand Philippines 2000, 127
of Handling, 49
Status and Potential of, 28
Steinitz, Heinz, 42
Stock, 22
Stock Manipulation, 17, 121
Stock Manipulation Techniques, 16
Stocking, 8, 18, 22, 31, 41, 49, 51, 58, 66, 75, 78, 79, 91, 98, 99, 100, 104, 108, 117, 122, 129
Stocking densities, 122, 129
Stocking rates, 41,117
Stock-manipulation technique
effect on growht, 29
Storage, 24, 25, 26, 30, 67, 84, 85, 100, 118, 127
Storage Conditions, 26
Storch, V., 110, 111, 116
Strategy, 34
Stress, 80, 92, 114
effect on growth, 31
Stunted fingerlings, 78
Su, Mao-Sen, 76
Su, W. C, 81
Suarez, Miguel Jr, 47
Subang, Billy G., 125
Subosa, P. F., 29, 32
Substrate, 6, 18, 19, 43, 50, 54
Sudarno, 104
Sugito, Toto, 116
Sugpo, 7, 45, 47, 50, 66, 83, 99, 109
Suhardi, 48
Sukhawong, 79
Sukumaran, K. K., 103,116
Sulit, J. I., 117
Sulit, Jose I, 30
Sulit, Jose I., 90, 117
Sullivan, Gregory M., 43
Sumagaysay, N. S., 29, 41,117,
Sumatra, 49
Summer, J., 118
Sundararajan, D., 118
Sunier, A.L.J., 118
Suon Sarocung, 123
Super" Bangos, 44
Supplementary Feed, 11, 12, 23,40,41, 85, 117,122,129
Supplementary Food, 6
Surendran, P. K., 118
of management practices, 131
Survival, 8, 14, 16, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 37, 40, 42, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 60, 61, 65, 67, 68, 70, 76, 78, 79, 88, 91, 93, 95, 99, 100, 107, 108, 111, 116, 128, 129
Fry, 14
Fry, 16
of Larvae, 70
Survival, 42
Sutardjo, 130
Suyanto, S. R., 118
Suzuki, Taneko, 118
Swanson, C., 129
Taal Lake, 23
Tababa, Ricardo, 35
Tabbu, Marlo Y., 118
Tag, 55
Taiwan, 39, 40, 113
Taiwan, 40
Takama, Kozo, 35
Taki, Y., 118
Taki, Yasuhiko, 70
Tal, S., 119
Tamaru, C.S., 50, 75, 119
Tamayo, Ed.B., 119
Tamayo, Jr. Dionisio, 119
Tambak-Herverjaveling, 57
Tamesis, Pablo T., 119
Tampi, P.R. S., 119, 129
Tamse, Armando F., 119,120
Tamse, Catherine T., 44
Tamura, Tadashi, 120
Tan, Abundio G., 120
Tan, E. O., 83
Tan, Elvira O., 120
Tan, J. D., 53,85
Tan, J. H., 120
Tan, Josefa D., 120
Tan, Reynold, 35
Tanaka,H., 55,120
Tang, Y. A., 120,121
Tank, 30, 76
Taufiq, M., 121
Taxonomy, 57, 58, 86
Technology, 20, 77
Technology, 34
Technology development, 78
Technology gaps, 78
Techno-Transfer, 22,29
Tegal, 57
Temperature, 29, 40,42
Teroroko, T, 122
Terramycin, 33, 98, 106
Teshima, S.I, 122
Teshima, Shin-ichi, 122
Testosterone, 85,86
Test-tube bangus, 24
Tetraselmis sp., 6, 67
Thailand, 17, 32, 40, 63, 66, 72, 87, 97, 98, 101, 116, 118, 121, 122, 124
Thampy, D. M;, 122
Theorine, 32
Therezien, Y., 122
theses, 117
Thesis, 6, 7, 8, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45, 49, 50, 51, 53, 57, 58, 62, 63, 65, 69, 70, 75, 82, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 99, 100, 105, 107, 108, 111, 112, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 127, 128
M.S., 44, 92, 99, 111, 122
Thiemmedh, Jinda, 122
Thomas, S.H., 122
Thomforde, H., 122
Thyroid, 119
Thyroid glands, 119
Thyroxine, 73
Ticar, Romulo, B., 7
Tidon, Anita G., 77, 123
Tiensongrusmee, B., 84
Tiews, K., 123
Tilapia, 43
Tilapia mossambica, 18, 35, 74, 97
Timbol, Amadeo S., 123
Tin Taing Heang, 123
Ting, Y.Y., 38
Ting, Yun-Yuan, 116
Tiro, L. B, 29,38,42,126,128
Tirtoredjo, Alie Poernomo, 123
Tisbintra elongata, 130
Tjiptoaminoto, R. Mardjoho, 123
Tjiptoaminoto, R.M., 123
Tokoragi,L., 123
Toledo, J. D., 124
Toledo, J.D., 55
Tolerance, 11, 14, 23, 24, 43, 44, 49, 56, 69
Tolouei, Firouz, 124
Tongco, E. P., 49
Tongco, Enrique, 48
Torio, Nicolas C., 124
Torres, Amaryllis T., 124
Torres, Andres S., 124
Torres, Catherine Santos, 124
Torres, R. D, 60
Torrevillas, Domini M., 124
Torrymeter Reading, 118
tuba, 17
Toxicity, 8, 44, 60, 73, 79
Toxicity, 43, 44
Tracket, N., 124
fertilization, 12
Training Program, 21
Transport, 50, 87, 104
Transport of bangus fry, 23
Transportation, 48, 92
Transporting, 126
Transporting bangos fingerlings, 55
Travina, V.S., 55
Trematodes, 131
Tribawono, D., 28
Tridjoko, 98, 99
Tridjoko, I., 99
Triño, A. T., 124
Triño, Avelino, 35
Trio, M.G., 82
Tripathi, S.D., 38
Tsai, S.-S., 125
Tsai, Shan-Ching, 124
Tubb, J. A., 124, 125
Tumaliuan, R.T., 7
Tung, M.C., 125
Tzeng, W. N., 125
Ubaldo, Crispin, 49
Ultrasonic Tracking, 58
Umali, Agustin F, 106, 125
Unarce, R. V., 50,54
Unggui, A., 71, 128
United Nations, 21
Unny, M. Mukundan, 40
Urea, 17, 18, 19
Utilization, 57, 75, 83, 92, 93, 95, 101, 102, 108, 117, 119, 125
Utilization of By Products, 108
Uwate, K. R., 55,120
Uyengco, Virgilio, 125
Vaas, K.F., 125
Valdez, Felisa M, 6, 125
Valenzuela, Abelardo, 125
Valenzuela, Domingo, 39
Valiente, A. M.,Jr., 43
van de Binnenvisscherij, 57
Van Kampen, P. N., 125
Van Pel, H., 125
Van Vuure, K., 126
Vanstone, W., 71, 98, 99, 104,123, 126,128
Velasquez, C. C., 126
Velasquez, Carmen C., 126
Velasquez, E. O, 76
Velasquez, G.T., 126
Venkatesan, V., 118
Venngopalan, V. K., 104
Ver, L., 111
Ver, L.M., 128
Vereghima, I. A, 69
Vertebra, 111
Vibas, Danilo T., 126
Vicaldo, M.V.E., 82
Vicencio, Zosima T., 127
Vigofac, 33
Villacortra, Lyndo G., 127
Villadolid, D. V., 31, 127
Villaluz, A., 98
Villaluz, A. C., 81,126, 127, 128
Villaluz, D. K, 128
Villaluz, D. K., 101, 128
Villaluz, Domiciano K., 84, 103, 128
Villaluz, Domiciano M., Jr., 128
Villaluz, Dominiciano K, 128
Villamater, E., 106
Villamena, O. M., 29
Villamin, E., 128
Villamor, Erlinda, 128
Villanueva, R. S., 128
Villaver, 27
Villaver, William R., 128
Villegas, C. T., 128
Villegas, C.T., 129
Villegas, Cesar T., 129
Visayas, 6, 7, 28, 35, 40, 44, 46, 50, 53, 81, 90, 91, 104, 117
Vista, Julieta V., 57
Viswanathan, R, 129
fat soluble, 35
Vitamins, 35
Vizcarra, Angelito T., 131
Vos, H. J., 129
Vuure, K. van, 129
Wainwright, Tony, 129
Walch, W. W, 129
Wallace, L., 50
Walsh, W.A., 129
Wankatamaran, G., 85
Wardoyo, S. E., 129
Wargasasmita, S., 130
Washiyama, N, 70
Water Exchange Rates, 41
Water Fleas, 129
Water Pollution, 52, 56, 62
Water quality, 38, 113
Water quality management, 33
Wear, Robert G., 130
Weber, G.M, 75
Weber, M., 130
Weight-length relationship and growth, 17
Western Visayas Demonstration Fish Farm, 6
Whitefield, A. K., 130
Wholesale, 8
Wickham, T.H., 113
Wijesekera, Nalin, 130
Wild Milkfish Fry, 27
Wilkinson, W. A., 130
Winans, Gary A, 130
Winans, Gary A., 130
Woessner, J, 130
Woessner, J., 130
Wolfe, L., 130
Wolfe, Louis, 130
Work Bank IDA Credit, 130,131
Wylie, K, 56
Yamasaki, Shigehisa, 130
Yamashita, M., 130
Yamashita, M. Sutardjo, 131
Yan, H. Y., 76
Yan, Hong Young, 76
Yang, H-C, 131
Yaptangco, J. P. Jr., 131
Yolk, 73
Yolk Resorption, 26
Yoshida, Hiroshi, 131
Young, P. S., 49
Yu, Orlando K., 131
Yu, S. Y., 125
Yu,H.L., 113
Zachman, N., 131
Zama, Koichi, 35
Zamboanga, 49
Zenaida S, 81
Zhukov, E.V., 131
Zon, B. K., 131
Zurek, M., 131
Zwankhuizen, M. T., 131
Bangos or milkfish is the national fish of the Philippines and is one of the most famous fishes in the country. Because of this, the College of Fisheries Library with the full support of Ms. Teresita R. Ledesma, Librarian-in-Charge, Iloilo and Miag-ao Libraries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas ventured in gathering sources from newspaper reports, journals, magazines, books, and even unpublished materials. Three of the main sources of citations that the compilers have used were Milkfish Bibliography,1983 by the Library & Documentation Services, Training & Extension Division, SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department; Chanos chanos (the Milkfish): A Bibliography, 1981, compiled by D. C. Ramsingh, W. E. Vanstone, and Deborah Turnbull and published by International Development Research Centre, and Subject Bibliography on Bangus, 1977, by Lourdes L. de Mesa and Loida S. Materon. This mimeographed reference material was published by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources as its Technical Paper Series, vol. 1 , no. 4.
The items are arranged alphabetically by authors.
To facilitate the use of the items, an alphabetical index is provided. It incorporates : Author, Subject, Taxonomic and Geographic Indexes. The numbers that appear on each of the index terms refer to the page. It also provides location(s) of the items when known.
Phylum : Chordata
Subphylum : Vertebrata
Superclass : Gnathostomata
Class : Actinopterygii
Subclass : Neopterygii
Division : Teleosti
Subdivision : Euteleotei
Superorder : Ostarophysi
Series : Anotophysi
Suborder : Chanoidae
Order : Gonorhynchiformes
Family : Chanidae
Genus : Chanos
Species : chanos
Scientific Name : Chanos chanos (Forskal 1775)
Source: Joseph S. Nelson. Fishes of the World, 3rd. ed. New York: Wiley, 1994.
Common Name: Milkfish. Bangus, Bangos; Banglos; Bangros; Bangilis; Awa; Banglot; Banglis
Description: D. 13-17; A. 9-11; P. 16; V. 11; Ll. 80-90. body elongate, moderately compress, without scutes along belly. Height of body 4 2/3-5 1/4, length of head 5 1/4-51/2 of total length. Adipose (fatty) tissue covering eye. Maxilla short, not reaching back beyond eye center. Mouth small, transverse, without teeth; upper jaw slightly projecting, with no supramaxillae; lower jaw with a small symphysial tubercle at tip, fitting into a notch. No gular plate. dorsal fin highest in front, its upper margin concave, and along its base are two rows of scales, it is midway between the front edge of the eye and the vase of the caudal fin. Pectoral pointed, with an elongated scaly appendage at its base; ventral inserted under the middle of the dorsal, having a long basal scale. anal small; the lower margin of the fin concave, with two rows of scales along its base; caudal deeply lobed, and its center covered by two semi-lunar laminae of scales. Scales small, cycloid.
Back olive green, sides silvery. Dorsal, anal and caudal with blackish margin. Inside of pectoral and pelvic fins dark.
Size is about 30-90 cm.
Biology: It is a marine and estuarine fish but is cultivated in freshwater/brackishwater fishponds. It is also found in rivers and lakes. It feeds on planktonic organisms and benthic algae. Milkfish spawns in the sea and ripe 50 cm female can produce as much as 3,000,000 pelagic eggs. Spawning occurs during the months of arch-July with its peaks in April-June.
Distribution: Fry are collected along the coastal waters and cultured in fishponds all over the Philippines. Throughout the Indo-Pacific area.
Economic Importance: Milkfish is marketed fresh, frozen, smoked "tinapa" or canned. It is expected, either fresh or in "boneless" style. Smaller sizes are used as tuna bait.
Source: Prudencia V. Conlu. Fishes. Quezon City: Natural Resources Management Center, Ministry of Natural Resources and University of the Philippines. 1986. 493p. ( Guide to Philippine Flora and Fauna, vol. ix)
Abangon, Mariano A. Buñag, Daniel M. & De Vera, Antonio M. 1951. “Gulaman Dagat" as supplementary food for bangus. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Abastilla, Rodolfo T. 1975. Bangus fry hunt launched. Evening Express. 1 JI Times J. 23 Sept. (News Clipping).
Abes, G. 1976. Studies made on freshwater fish (carp and milkfish) farming at General Tinio, Nueva Ecija (Philippines). 2 leaves. *PCARR Library
Abundo, Romeo B. 1976. The P73M fisheries program for Muslim Mindanao.. Mod. Agr. Ind. 4(2):26.
Ackefors, Hans & Rosen, Carl-Gustaf. 1970. Farming the world's waters. Environment, 21(9):16-20, 38-42. *SEAFDEC Library
Acosta, B. O. and Juario, J. V. 1983. Biological evaluation of Brachionus plicatilis fed Chlorella sp., Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselmis sp. and their combinations as feed for milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) Fry. Abstract of paper presented at the 2nd Intl. Milkfish Aquaculture Conf.; 3-8 Oct. 1983; Iloilo, Philippines; SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department and the International Development Research Center of Canada.
Acosta, P. A. 1948. A Preliminary study on the artificial feeding of bangus fry. (B.S. Thesis). U.P. College of Fisheries, Quezon City. *Not available at UPVCF
Acosta, Pedro A. et al. 1960. Backyard fishpond: their construction and management. Fish Gazette 4(3):24.
Acosta, Pedro A.;Lopez, Juan V. & Chavez, Modesto. 1973. Improved techniques in bangos Chanos chanos (Forskal) Culture. In: Fishpond Estate Development Seminar / Workshop, Continuing Education Center, Los Baños, Laguna, 1973. =Background Readings. Los Baños : Continuing Education Center=, pp.203-219. Also in : National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, 1975. Symposium Papers. =Makati : SEAFDEC=*UPVCF Library (mimeographed copy, Vertical file);SEAFDEC-AQDL
Acosta, Pedro. 1960. Inland Fisheries in the Philippines. Fish. Gaz., 4(3) :23. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Adams, Wallace; Montalban, Heraclio R. & Martin, Claro. 1932. Cultivation of Bangos in the Philippines. Manila : Bureau of Printing. 38 p. (Popular Bulletin of the Bureau of Science =Philippine Islands=; no.12). Also in : Philipp.J.Sci., 47(1) :1-38. (1932).*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Adan, Elvira Y. & Valdez, Felisa M. 1979. The Fishpond industry in Mindanao. Tech. Rep. Mindanao State Univ. Inst. Fish. Res. Dev. 5(1):269-343.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Adan, William R. 1975. Why the Laguna Lake bangus drowned. Mod.Agric.Ind.Asia, 3(10):14,37. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Adeyemi, Frederick Anderson. 1983. Comparative study of the effects of supplementary feeding and artificial substrate on the production of milkfish fingerlings in brackishwater ponds. xv,80 p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, 1983)*SEAFDEC-AQDL;ICLARML
Adlan, Pedro G. 1960. Fertilization--key to higher fish production. Fish Gazette 4(3):2-9
Adlan, Pedro G. 1962. Some effects of commercial fertilizers at the Western Visayas Demonstration Fish Farm. Phil. Fish Yearbook. p112-116.
Aduma, Ignatius A. 1984. Effect of cow and chicken manures on milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) Production in Brackishwater Fishponds. 98p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines in the Visayas,1984)
Agbayani, Jose A., Jr. 1983. Fishpen and Cages in Laguna de Bay; Government Rules and Regulations. In: APDEM (VI : 1983 : Tigbauan,Iloilo) =Papers. Tigbauan,Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department=,3:(10 p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Agbayani, R. F.; Baliao, P. D.; Franco, N. M.; Ticar, R. B.; Guanzon, N. G.,Jr. 1989. An Economic analysis of the modular pond system of milkfish production in the Philippines. Aquaculture 83:249-259.
Agbayani, R. F.;Lopez, N.A.;Tumaliuan, R.T. and Benjamin, D. 1991. Economic Analysis of an Integrated Milkfish Broodstock and Hatchery Operation as a Public Enterprise. Aquaculture 99:235-248. *ICLARML
Agbayani, Renato F.; Baliao, Dan D.; Franco, Nilo M.;Ticar, Romulo, B. and Guanzon, Nicolas G.,Jr. 1989. An Economic Analysis of the Modular Pond System of Milkfish Production in the Philippines. Aquaculture 83:249-259. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Akhmad, S. 1982. Notes on Certain Biotechnical Problems in the Layout, Design and Construction of Coastal Ponds in Watershed Basins with Upland Erosion. In: Report of Consultation/Seminar on Coastal Fishpond Engineering, 4-12 August 1982, Surabaya, Indonesia. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp. 108-113. (Workshop Report/ South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme; no.42)*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Aksal, G. 1978. Milkfish fry netting and marketing in Nusa Tenggara Barat (Indonesia) to Java, 1978. (In Indonesian). Usaha Penangkapan Nener di Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Pemasarannya ke Pulao Java Gambaran Perkembangan Selama Satu Dasawarsa 1978. Mataram (Indonesia) 67p. *Bibliotheca Bogoriensis, Bogor (Indonesia)
Alava, V. R. and Lim, C. 1988. Artificial diets for milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal) fry reared in sea water. Aquaculture 71:339-346. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Alava, V.R. 1986. Combinations of dietary fat sources in dry diets Chanos chanos fingerlings. Abstract of Paper presented at the First Asian Fisheries Forum, Manila,Philippines,25-31 May 1986. p. 519-521.
Alava, Veronica R. 1986. Combinations of dietary fat sources in dry diets for Chanos chanos fingerlings. In: Maclean, J.L.; Dizon, L.B. and Hosillos, L.V. (eds.). 1984. The First Asian Fisheries Forum, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines,pp. 519-521.
Alava, V. R. 1998. Effect of salinity, dietary lipid source and level of growth of milkfish (Chanos chanos) fry. Aquaculture 167:229-236.
Alcantara, L.O. 1982. Variations of fishpond layouts for different types of brackishwater fishpond management. In: Report of Consultation/Seminar on Coastal Fishpond Engineering, 4-12 August 1982,Surabaya, Indonesia. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp.83-86. (Workshop Report/ South China Sea Fisheries Development And Coordinating Programme; no.42) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Alcantara, Louis O.; Bacosa, Fidencio E.; Hays, Joe;Abobarin, Oladejo and Ocon, Felicicimo T. 1980. Project Feasibility Study: Milkfish Based Polyculture Cum Sugpo. In: APDEM (III:1980: Tigbauan, Iloilo.=Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC=,3(9p.)
Aldana, Adolfo M.; Gracia, Demetrio M. & Sison, Saturnino S. 1958. Report on Observations on Bangus and Other Fish Fry Grounds in the Provinces of Pangasinan and La Union with Notes on Fish Stocking in Inland Waters and Fry Banks. Fish.Gaz.Bur.Fish.(Philipp.), 2(9) : 15-20.
Alferez, V. N. 1977. Engineering aspects and problems in the design and construction of fishpens and fish cages in Laguna Lake. Phil. South China Sea Programme.
Aligaen, Venancio 196? The Possibility of Growing Gracilaria in Bangus Fishponds. =Iloilo City= 8 p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL (Reprint A-31)
Alikunhi, K. H.,Randemihardjo, B.S.; Poernomo, A., and Hamami, E. . 1975. Preliminary Observations on Rearing of Milkfish Fry on Plankton in Cement Tanks and Plastic Pools. Bulletin of the Shrimp Culture Research Center 1(1):40-45.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Alikunhi, K.H.; Buldiono, M.; Adisukresno, S.; & Busman, S. 1975. Preliminary Observations on Survival, Growth and Reproduction of Penaeus monodon Fabricius and Penaeus merguiensis De Man in Shallow Brackishwater Ponds. Bull.Shrimp Cult.Res.Cent., Jepara, 1(2):47-55.
Alikunhi, K.H.; Ranoemihardo, Bambang S.; Poernomo, A. & Hamami, Endjah. 1975. Preliminary Observations on Rearing of Milkfish Fry on Plankton Cement Tanks and Plastic Pools. Bull.Shrimp Cult.Res.Cent., 1(1):40-45.
Alikunhi,K.H. 1976. Ongoing Research Studies on Maturation and Spawning of Milkfish,Chanos chanos at the Brackishwater Shrimp and Milkfish Culture Applied Research and Training Project,Jepara,Indonesia. In: International Milkfish Workshop Conference,Tigbauan,Iloilo, 1976. Proceedings. Tigbauan,Iloilo,pp. 29-33.*UPVCF Library, Mimeographed copy, Vertical file
Alikunhi. K.H. ; Sukumaran, K.K. and Adisukesno, S. 1980. Notes on Postlarvar Rearing of Penaeid Shrimps. In Proceedings of the First National Symposium on Shrimp Farming, Bombay, 16-18 August 1978. CochIn: Marine Products Export Development Authority, pp. 89-90. (Abstract only) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Alix, Jesus C. 1975. Survey of Fish Catch Loaded and Unloaded at Navotas Fish Landing and Market Authority in Navotas, Rizal. Fish. Forum (3rd Q.):17p.
Alix, Jesus C. 1975. Survey of Fish Catch Loaded and Unloaded At Navotas Wholesale Fish Market. PCARR Fisheries Forum. P.J. Garcia Memorial Hall, Metro Manila. 29 Ag 1975. (3rd of a series of quarterly Forum for 1975.) 17p. figs.
Allsopp, W.H.L. (ed.). 1973. Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. Report on a Seminar at the Freshwater Fishery Research Station, Malacca, West Malaysia, 17-25 April 1973. IDRC-015e. 22p.
Almazan, Gaudiosa. 1970. Food Habits of Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal)in Freshwater Fishpond. 23p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines, 1970)
Almendras, J. M. E. 1982. Changes in the Osmotic and Ionic Content of Milkfish Fry and Fingerlings During Transfer to Different Test Salinities. 42p.(Master's. thesis, University of the Philippines, 1982)*ICLARML(SH209 1982 A45)
Almendras, J. M. E. 1987. Acute nitrite toxicity and methemoglobinemia in juvenile milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). Aquaculture 61:33-40. ICLARML
Alvares, Aquilino A., Jr. 1978. Bangus: The Miracle Fish. Fish Market.Rev., 1(2): 16-19.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Alvarez, R.C. 1991. The New Modular System of Raising Milkfish. Greenfields February 1991:8-9,11-12,14.
Ameer, Hamsa, K.M.S. & Kutty, M.N. 1972. Oxygen Consumption in Relation to Spontaneous Activity and Ambient Oxygen in Five Marine Teleosts. Indian.J.Fish., 12(1&2):76-85.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Ancora, Umberto D. 1954. Fishing and Fish Culture in Brackish Water Lagoons. FAO Fish.Bull.,7(4):147-172.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Angeles, H.G. 1978. Preliminary Fish Seed Resources Survey Along the Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 30 p. (Working Paper / South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme ; 72)*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Angeles, Hilarion G. 1973. Exploratory Field Work on Bangus Spawning. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (3):34-35.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Angeles, Hilarion G. 1974. Preliminary Study on the Artificial Reproduction of Bangus(Sabalo).Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (5):9-20.
Angeles, Hilarion G. 1974. Progress Report of Induced Spawning of Sabalo (Chanos chanos) Under Controlled Conditions, April 29-May 4, 1974. Naujan,Oriental Mindoro : Bureau of Fisheries. 2p. SEAFDEC-AQDL
Angeles, Hilarion G. 1976. A Report on the Observation of Bangus (Milkfish) Fry Industry in Mindoro Oriental. Philipp.J.Fish.,14(1): 107-116. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Angeles, Hilarion G. 1976. Preliminary Study on the Artificial Reproduction of Bangos(Sabalo). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (9):66-78.
Angeles, Hilarion G. 1969. Artificial Propagation (Induced Spawning) of Sabalo, Mullet, Prawns and Other Fishes of the Treatment of Hormone and or Fish Pituitary Gland Hormone Under Controlled Condition in Naujan Sabalo Hatchery Station, Naujan Oriental Mindoro. (A Report of the Naujan Sabalo Hatchery Project on its Ist Year Operation to the BFAR, Manila, Feb. 21). 6p.
Angeles, Hilarion Gonzales. 1974. The Mullet Fisheries of Naujan Lake. Fish. News. (Apr-Je):18-22.
Angeles,Hilarion G. 1971. A Preliminary Report on the Observation and Possibilities of Induced Spawning of Mullet and Milkfish. Bangkok : FAO Regional Office for Asia and Far East. 12 p. (Occasional Paper / Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council ; 71/8)*UPVCF Library, Vertical file;SEAFDEC-AQDL
Angudong, Ruperto 1980. Salom Fishfarm Venture ; Summary of a Project. In: APDEM (III : 1980 : Tigbauan,Iloilo) =Papers. Tigbauan,Iloilo: SEAFDEC=,vol. 3. (38 p.)*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Angudong, Ruperto G. 1983. Milkfish Production System. In: APDEM (VI:1983: Tigbauan, Iloilo)=Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department= 3(17p.)
Angudong, Ruperto. 1983. Aquaculture Research and Development: The Next Decade. 9 p. (Paper Presented at the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department's 10th Anniversary Symposium on "Requirements of the Aquaculture Industry in the Next Ten Years",Tigbauan,Iloilo,Philippines, 8 July 1983.*SEFDEC-AQDL
Anon. Bangus, The Status Symbol Fish. New Phil. 11(2):22.
Anon. BFAR/DBP/UNDP Fourth Session of Comprehensive Fish Farm Development Training Course. Field Extension Unit II. Report No. I.
Anon. Exportation from the Philippines of Bangus Fingerlings (Hatirin). (n.d.) FAO 98 series of 70 pursuant to the Provisions of Sections 4 and 15 of Act 4003 as amended the Fisheries Act and of Section 4 of R.A.. 3512 and FAO 25-2.
Anon. 1948. Bibliography of the Ichthyological and Fishery Publications of Albert W. S. Herre. Compiled by the Staff, Philippine Fishery Program, UDSI/FWS/PFP, Manila, Philippine Islands. 14p.
Anon. 1950. The Importance of the Bangos Fishpond Industry in the Indo-Pacific Region. IPFC Occasional Paper no. 50/5. 2p.
Anon. 1953. Raising Bangus Fry in 3-Dimension Ponds. Phil. Fish Yearbook. p331.
Anon. 1953. Summary of Investigations Carried out in India on Chanos chanos. IPFC Occasional Papers no. 53/3. 6p.
Anon. 1959. Pond Fertilizers Test Results Favorable. Fish Gazette 3(7): 37-38.
Anon. 1959. Raising Bangos in Ponds. Agricultural and Industrial Life 21 (4):16. Also in Fisheries Gazette May 1960, p. 23-25.
Anon. 1961. Biology of Bangus Discussed in Fisheries Seminar. Fish. Gazette. 5(1):32-33.
Anon. 1962. Chanos culture. Curr.Aff.Bull,IPFC, (33) :12.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1962. Fertilization of Fish Ponds. IFPC Current Affairs Bull. no. 32.
Anon. 1963. Report of the Chanos Sub-Committee to Technical Committee I, IPFC for the Intersessional Period, 1961-62. Proc.IPFC, 10(1) : 146-149.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1966. Construction and Layout of Bangus Fishponds. Phil Fishing J. 4(1):25-31.
Anon. 1966. Grow Lab-lab for Milkfish Preparation by Fertilizing Your Fishponds. Agr Ind Life 28(3):11.
Anon. 1966. Project Proposal for the Demonstration of Improved Techniques of Bangos Culture. n.p. 16 leaves.*UPVCF Library, mimeographed copy, Vertical file
Anon. 1966. The Culture of Lab-Lab, the Natural Food of the Milkfish or Bangos, Chanos chanos (Forskal) Fry and Fingerlings. Under Cultivation. Philipp.Fish.J., 4(8):22, 24, 26 & 35.
Anon. 1967. Brief Life History of the Milkfish. Esso Agroserv. Bull, (8):6.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1967. Experiments on Bangus Culture Encouraging. Phil. Fishing J. 5(9);33-34.
Anon. 1967. Fishpond Culture. Esso Agroserv. Bull., (8):4-5.
Anon. 1967. Improved Techniques of Milkfish ("Bangos") Culture. Esso Agroserv. Bull. (8):17-22.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1967. The "Bangos" Fry Industry. Esso Agroserv. Bull., (8) :7-16.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1967. The Culture of Algae and "Lab-Lab" as Food for Bangos. Esso Agroserv.Bull., (8) :23-27.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1969. Country Report: Ceylon. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Possibilities and Problems of Fisheries Development in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 10 to 30 September, 1968; Edited by T. Kiews. Berlin: West-Kreuz Druckerei,pp.167-180.
Anon. 1969. Country Report: Indonesia. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Possibilities and Problems of Fisheries and Development in Southeast Asia, Berlin,10 to 30 September, 1968; Edited by T. Kiews. Berlin: West-Kreuz Druckerei,pp.201-214.
Anon. 1969. Country Report: Republic of China. In: proceedings of the International Seminar on Possibilities and Problems of Fisheries Development in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 10 to 30 September, 1968; Edited by K. Tiews. Berlin: West-Kreuz Drukerei, pp. 181-192.
Anon. 1972. Backyard and Community Fishponds. Brochure. DANR/PFC 11p.
Anon. 1972. Bangus Culture in Ponds with Feed and Lab-lab - With and Without Lime. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (1):18-26.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1972. Bangus Culture in Ponds with Feed and Lab-lab and Plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.),(1):4-18.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1972. Bangus Culture in Ponds with Feed and Lab-lab. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (1):26-32.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1972. Determination of Length-Weight Relationships of Bangus and Other Fishes. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.),(2):90-91.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1972. Field Trials on Bangus Production with Plankton. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (2) :70-84.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1972. Lab-lab and Bangus Production in Ponds Treated with Organic Only, Inorganic Only and with Combination Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.),(2):84-85.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1972. Lab-lab and Bangus Production in Ponds Treated with Combination Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (2):31-38.
Anon. 1972. Milkfish Culture. In: Aquaculture : The Farming and Husbandry of Freshwater and Marine Organisms / John E. Bardach, John H. Ryther and William O. McLarney. New York : Wiley International, pp.313-3249.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1972. Solution of Milkfish Feed Problem in Cavite Found. Animal Husbandry Agr. J. 7 (8):28.
Anon. 1973. Salinity Tolerance of Bangus. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (3):29-33.
Anon. 1973. Survey of Parasites and Bacterial Diseases of Bangus. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (4):31-34.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Bangos Fry Enter Nalva Fish Bank on their Own. Fish.News., (Apr.-Je.) :19-20.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Feeding Behavior or Artificial Feed. 1973 UPCF Inland Fisheries Project Progress Rep. (First half FY 1972-1973). NSDB assisted project. 91p.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds with Lab-Lab and Supplementary Feed (Iloilo Part). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (2) : 4-16.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds with Lab-Lab and Supplementary Feed (Bataan Part). Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (2) : 16-22.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds with Lab-lab Supplementary Feed (Iloilo Part). UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Progress Rep. (First half FY 1972-1973).NSDB Assisted Project. 4p.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Ponds with Plankton (Bataan Part). Tech.Rep. Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (2) :30-31.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Ponds with Plankton (Iloilo Part). Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (2) :23-29.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Ponds with Plankton at the BF Molo Farm. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (3) : 18-21.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production with Lab-Lab Produced by Inorganic Fertilizer (Pangasinan Part). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.), (2):22-23.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Bf's Fishes Commodity Loan Proposal to the Danish Government 30p. *BFARL
Anon. 1973. BFAR/PCV Fisheries Pond Extension Program. Iloilo City/Tanay, Rizal, 12 JI-16 Oct. 1973.
Anon. 1973. Biological Survey of Ponds and Natural Water. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Progress Rep. (First Half FY 1972-1973).NSDB assisted project.
Anon. 1973. Chorney Experiment Uses Plankton as Bangus Feed. 1973. Fish News p18-19 (Ap/Je).
Anon. 1973. Diseases of Bangus. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.),(3):38-40.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Evaluation of Chemicals used in Aquaculture. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Progress Rep. (First Half FY1972-1973). NSDB Assisted Project No. 2.233.
Anon. 1973. Field Trials on Bangus Production With Plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp), (3) :25-28.
Anon. 1973. Field Trials on Bangus Production with Plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (3) :2-17.
Anon. 1973. Fishpond Fertilization Training Opens April 2. Fish News, p20-21. (Ap/Je).
Anon. 1973. Lab-lab and Bangus Production in Ponds Treated with Organic Only, Inorganic Only and with Combination Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.),(3):22-24.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Market Surveys. Inland Fisheries Project. Progress rep. NSDB First half Fy 1972-1973. Assisted Project. 93p.
Anon. 1973. Milkfish Production in Freshwater Ponds with Different Systems. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (4) :34-38.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1973. Plankton Method for Raising Bangus. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.) (4):63-65.
Anon. 1973. Project Proposal for the Demonstration of Improved Techniques of Bangos Culture. In: Fishpond Estate Development Seminar/Workshop, Continuing Education Center, Los Baños, Laguna, 1973. =Background Readings. Los Baños: Continuing Education Center=,pp. 220-244.
Anon. 1973. Regulations Governing the Construction or Establishment of Fish Pen Enclosures in all Inland Waters. FAO No. 10. Pursuant to Section 4 of ACT 4003 as Amended section 4(a), (b), (c), of R.R. 3512 and section 6 part 8, sub-paragraph 2 of PD 43 1973 Official Gazette. 69(43):9943-9945:(15 Oct.)
Anon. 1973. Screening of Feed Stuffs and IFP- Special Formula Fish Feed. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. 1973 Progress Rep. (First half Fy 1972-1973).NSDB assisted Project. 91 p.
Anon. 1973. There's Big Money in Inland Fish Culture. New Phil. 2:11 :(D)
Anon. 1974. A Study of the Seasonal Abundance of Bangos Fry in Naawan, Misamis Oriental. Naawan, Misamis Oriental. 15 p. (Contribution / Mindanao State University, Institute of Fisheries Research and Prawn Development ; no.74-9)*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Antique Fry Gatherers Use New Bulldozer Nets. Fish.Newsl., (Apr.-Je.): 38. SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Bangus Fry Contract Benefits Fishermen. The Times J. 27 Mr. (News Clipping).
Anon. 1974. Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds with Lab-Lab and Plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (5) : 70-71.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Bangus Production in Freshwater Ponds with Different Fertilizer System. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.), (5) : 44-48.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Bangus Production in Newly Constructed Ponds on Plankton and Lab-Lab for Three Consecutive Cultures Using Various Single and Combination Fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (5) :63-65.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Bangus Production in Newly Constructed Ponds on Plankton and Lab-Lab for Three Consecutive Cultures Using Various Single and Combination Fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (6) :76-81.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Bangus Production in Shallow Ponds with Plankton. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (4) :3-6.*SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Anon. 1974. BFs Fisheries Reconstruction and Development Program for Muslim Mindanao. 5p. 5 tabs.
Anon. 1974. BFs Four-Year Accomplishment Report, 1970-1973. 23p. 26 Ap. 1974
Anon. 1974. BFS Regional and Provincial Allocation of Targets. Tabs. 1974
Anon. 1974. Catching Sabalo Banned. Philippine Daily Express. 27 May
Anon. 1974. Catching Sabalo is Prohibited. Fish.Newsl., (Apr.-Je.): 41 p.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Causes of Bangus Kills in Ponds at the Brackishwater Aquaculture Center Following a Heavy Rain. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp)., (5):21-43.
Anon. 1974. Combination Bangus-Shrimp Culture. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 4. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 9-11.* SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Anon. 1974. Combination Bangus-Shrimp Culture. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.), (4):9-11.
Anon. 1974. DNR Distributes Bangus Fingerlings. Phil. Daily Express 11 Oct. (News Clipping). 1974.
Anon. 1974. Ecological Research In Aquatic Resources Management. UNESCO/MAB Inter-Bureau Mobile Seminar on Ecological Inputs in Aquatic Resource Management. Manila, 19 Oct.
Anon. 1974. Fishpen Construction Subject to Stricter Rules. Fish News, p39 (Ap/Je).
Anon. 1974. High Protein Chlorella for Animal Feed. Mod Agr Ind 2(3):11
Anon. 1974. Laguna Bangus Prices Higher. Phil. Daily Express. 10 Oct. (News Clipping).
Anon. 1974. Municipal Fisheries Project FY 1975 . BFs. 10p.
Anon. 1974. Plankton for Raising Bangus (Experimental Field Trials) 1974 BFAR Fishery Leaflet, 28 Ja, 1974 (Printout)
Anon. 1974. Price Indices of Fish and Other Commodities Related to Inland Fisheries in Iloilo City, January to June 1974.UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Tech. Rep. (5) (First half FY 1974).NSDB assisted Project 72 p.
Anon. 1974. Proposed Fishpond Estate in the inner Malampaya, Taytay, Palawan, The. BFs Feasibility Study. 26 F. 54p. tbs. illus.
Anon. 1974. Rate of Growth and Survival of Bangus Fry in Brackishwater Ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (4) :7-8.*SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Anon. 1974. Rate of Growth of Bangus Fry in Brackishwater Ponds. Tech. Rep.Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.), (5) :66-69.
Anon. 1974. Rearing Bangus Fry in Net Enclosures. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (5): 87.
Anon. 1974. Rearing Pens Bring Benefits to Lake Fishery. Fish. News Int. 13(2):41.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Report on the Studies on the Economics of Aquaculture in Indo-Pacific Region. Proc. IPFC 16th Session. Jakarta, Indonesia, 30 0-8 N, 1974. 16 (I-II): 98-105.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Resume of Current Major Projects/Activities and Future Development Plans Fy 1975-1978. BFs 7p.
Anon. 1974. Salinity Tolerance of Bangus. Tech. Rep. Inland. Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (3):29-33.
Anon. 1974. Simultaneous Culture of Bangus Fry Inside Happas and Bangus Fingerlings at Large in Same Ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (6):82-86.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1974. Technicians Improved Bangus Culture. Phil. Daily Express. 3 Dec. News Clipping).
Anon. 1974. The Proposed Fishpond Estate in the Inner Malampaya, Taytay, Palawan. BFs Feasibility Study. 26 F. 54p. tabs illus.
Anon. 1975. Simultaneous Culture of Bangus Fry Inside Happas and Bangus Fingerlings Loose in Same Ponds. (Trial II). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (7):104-105.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Solution to Milkfish Feed Problem in Cavite Found Phil Abstr. 15(1-2):25 1975.
Anon. 1975. Species That Can Be Used for Stock Manipulation in Philippine Freshwater Fishponds. ASEAN Training Course in Freshwater Fisheries. Baguio City/Tanay, Rizal, 6-17 Ja 1975.
Anon. 1975. Symposium Papers, National Bangus Symposium. Phil. Village Hotel, Hotel Pasay City, Metro Manila, 25-26 JI 1975.
Anon. 1975. Bangus Fry In Albay to be Bid. The Times J. 14 Oct. (News Clipping).
Anon. 1975. Bangus in Cans--Sardine Style. Philippine Daily Express. 5 Aug. 1975.
Anon. 1975. Bangus Length-weight Study. UPCF Inland fisheries Project. Tech. Rep. (6). First Half FY. NSDB Assisted Project. 47 p.
Anon. 1975. Bangus Production in a Newly Constructed Pond.Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.),(7):48-50.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Bangus Production in Newly Constructed Ponds with Plankton and Lab-Lab for Three Consecutive Cultures Using Various Single and Combination Fertilizers. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (7) :32-47.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Bangus Production in Newly Constructed Ponds with Plankton as a Food Base. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (6) : 1-7.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. BFAR's Fish Estate Project FY 1975. 17p. tabs.
Anon. 1975. BFAR'S Pond Fisheries Extension Training Course. 9Aug. 15p. Tabs.
Anon. 1975. Boneless Bangus Factory Up Soon. Business Day 6 August.
Anon. 1975. Brackishwater Farming Undergoing Change. Aust.Fish,34(2):16-19.
Anon. 1975. Cardona Bangus Canner Needs Financial Help. Times Journal (Manila) 15 Sept.
Anon. 1975. Causes od Death of Milkfish en mass in the Lake of Laguna de Bay. Phil Fish. J. 11(3-4):35; 30. UPVCFL
Anon. 1975. Disease and Disease Prevention in Cultured Fish 1975 Asean Training Course in Freshwater Fisheries. Baguio City /Tanay, Rizal. 6-17 Ja
Anon. 1975. Financing Schemes of Inland Fisheries Project. ASEAN Training Course in Fresh water Fisheries. Baguio City/Tanay, Rizal, 6-17 Ja 1975. p18-22.
Anon. 1975. Fisheries Crash Program (Export Promotion and Import-Substitution 1974-1975). BFs 17p.
Anon. 1975. Fisheries Program Boosted. Mod Agr. Ind. 3(4): 8 :(Ap).
Anon. 1975. Grow Lumot in Your Fishpond. Manila, Bureau of Fisheries, 1975. 3 leaves, Typescript.
Anon. 1975. Handling of Milkfish Brood Stock. FAO Aquacult.Bull, 7(1-2) :4*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Laboratory Rearing of Chanos chanos Forskal and Observations on Gonadal Development. Annu. Rep.Mindanao State Univ.Inst. Fish. Res.Dev., pp.103-107.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Main Cause of Milkfish "Drowning" Pinpointed. Bull Today 23 Jl (News Clipping).
Anon. 1975. Meet Stresses Need To Develop Bangus Culture..Bull Today 26 JI (News Clipping.)
Anon. 1975. Milkfish Research. Annul. Rep. Aquacult. Dep. SEAFDEC, pp.31-36.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Milkfish Venture Up. The Evening Post. 25 Oct. (news Clipping).
Anon. 1975. Monoculture and Polyculture of Bangus and All-Male Tilapia in Brackishwater Ponds. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish , Proj. (Philipp.)(7);1-13.
Anon. 1975. Monoculture and Polyculture of Bangus and Shrimp, Penaeus sp. in Brackishwater Ponds. Tech Rep. Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.), (6):19-22.
Anon. 1975. National Bangos Symposium Evolves Research Priorities & Strategies to Develop the Bangos Industry. PCAR Monit., 3(8):1,4-5.
Anon. 1975. New Theory- Why Milkfish Died in Masses in Laguna de Bay 1975 Bull Today. 1 Sept. (News Clipping)
Anon. 1975. Notes on the Seasonal Fluctuations of the Fry of Chanos chanos Forskal at Maputi, Naawan, Misamis Oriental. Annu. Rep. Mindanao State Univ. Inst. Fish. Res. Dev., pp. 109-110.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Pag-aalaga ng Bangus sa Cagayan Valley, na Kaakit-akit sa Iba. Balita. 10 Sept. (news clipping).
Anon. 1975. Philippines =Laguna Lake Milkfish Fish Pen Culture= GAO Aquacult. Bull. 7(1-2):17.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Plaque Killing Bangus in Rizal. 1975 Bulletin Today. 9 Jl (News Clipping)
Anon. 1975. Practical Projects in the Pacific. Fish Farming Int’le., 2(2): 3.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Production of Bangus in Combination with Common Carp and Thai Hito in Fertilized Freshwater Ponds. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.)., (6):68-75.
Anon. 1975. Production of Bangus in Combination with Common Carp and Thai Hito in Fertilized Freshwater Ponds. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Tech Rep. (6) ( First half FY 1975. ) NSDB assisted project no. 7103 Ag. p68-75.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Rate of Growth and Survival of Bangus Fry/Fingerlings in Newly Constructed Brackishwater Ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (6):8-18.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Rearing of Milkfish Fry in Nylon Net Enclosures (Bitinan),UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Tech Rep. (6). (First half FY 1975) NSDB assisted project no. 7103 Ag. p34-38.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. Report on Studies on the Economics of Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Proc.IPFC, 16(1&2):98-105.
Anon. 1975. Sapat na Supply ng Fish Fry sa RP, Tinitiyak. Pilipino Express. 18 JI. (News Clipping).
Anon. 1975. SEAFDEC : Some Notes on the Philippine Bangus Industry and the National Bangos Symposium. Asian Fish.Shipp.Mag., 2(1): 24.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. SEAFDEC Approves Research on Milkfish. PCAR Monitor, 3(1): 4. SEAFDEC-AQD
Anon. 1975. SEAFDEC Provides Research on Milkfish. PCAR Monit.,3(1):4.
Anon. 1975. Search for Bangus Fry Underway. Mod Agr. Ind. 3(7):22-38.
Anon. 1975. Simultaneous Culture of Bangus Fry Inside Happas and Bangus Fingerlings at Large in Same Ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (7):14-31.
Anon. 1975. Some Basic Principles on Stock Manipulation Techniques in Freshwater Ponds. In: ASEAN Training Course in Freshwater Fisheries,Baguio City/ Tanay, Rizal, 6-17 Jan. 1975. 4 p.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine Milkfish in Hong Kong. In: Philippines (Republic) bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 6. (8 p.) SEAFDEC-AQD
Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine Milkfish in Hong Kong. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 4. (31p.)
Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine Milkfish in Japan. In : Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish ( Bangus). Oslo : Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 4. (31 p.) *SEAFDEC-AQD
Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine Milkfish in Malaysia. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 3. (10p.)
Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine Milkfish in Singapore. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 2. (28p.)
Anon. 1975. The Market for Philippine Milkfish in Thailand. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Potential for the Export of Philippine Milkfish (Bangus). Oslo: Norconsult A. S. in Cooperation with IKO Consulting Group. Main Appendix 5. (2p.)
Anon. 1975. The Use of Anti-biotic Feed on Bangus Fingerlings for Growth and Control of Fish Diseases BFAR Accomp. Rep. FY 1975 17p.
Anon. 1975. Weight-Length Relationship and Growth of Chanos chanos (Forskal) Grown in Freshwater Ponds. PCARR Monitor 4(3):
Anon. 1975? Banning the Taking or Catching of "Sabalo"(Full Grown Bangus or Milkfish) in all Philippine Waters for a Period of Five (5) Years. Fisheries Administrative Order (FAO) (120). Pursuant to the provisions of section 4 and 7 of PD 704 otherwise known as the Fisheries Decree 1975.
Anon. 1976. A Comparison of Isonetrogenous Applications of Urea and Ammonium Fertilizers in Brackishwater Ponds.Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.)., (10):82-88.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Aquaculture: Milkfish. The Farmer's Guide, pp. 16-18.
Anon. 1976. Bangus Fry-Fingerling Culture in Brackishwater Ponds with Plankton. Tech.Rep. Inland fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (8):91-92.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Bangus Marketing: a Complicated Process. Philippine Daily Express 2 Nov.
Anon. 1976. Bioassay of Two Fish Toxicants, Tuba (Jathropa sp.), a Locally Available Fish Poison and Antimycin A. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (8):35-47.8SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Effect of Stock Manipulation on Growth and Production of Milkfish in Ponds. Tech. Rep.Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.),(10):21-40.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Effect of Stock Manipulation on the Growth and Production of Milkfish in Ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.),(9):152-155.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Effect of Tillage, Flushing, and Liming on Production of Bangos in Ponds Affected by Acid Sulfate Soils. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (9) : 163-164.
Anon. 1976. Effects of Two Inorganic Fertilizers and Three Stocking Densities on Bangus Production in Freshwater. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (9):92-101.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Evaluation on the Use of Sub-Divided Ponds Using Nets to Increase Experimental Units (Trial 11). Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.), (9) :25-30*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Evaluation on the Use of Sub-Divided Ponds Using Nets to Increase Experimental Units. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (8) : 27-34.
Anon. 1976. Evaluation on the Use of Subdivided Ponds Using Nets to Increase Experimental Units. Inland Fish. Proj. Philippines. Technical Report (8):27-34.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Expanded Fish Production Program, 1977-1981.. BFAR, Quezon City, Metro Manila. 46 p. 1976.
Anon. 1976. Introduction of Artificial Substrate for Additional Natural Fishfood Production in Milkfish Ponds. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (9):164-165.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Milkfish Production at Two Levels of Organic Content Matter in Pond Soil. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.), (10): 62-67.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Milkfish Program. Annu.Rep.Aquacult.Dep.SEAFDEC, pp.2-11.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Milkfish Research (Mass Propagation of Milkfish Fry in the (Philippines). Annual Report of the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, pp. 30-36.
Anon. 1976. Mixed Culture of Bangus Fry and Fingerlings in Brackishwater ponds with Plankton. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.),(9): 16-24.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Mono and Polyculture of Bangos and All- Male Tilapia mossambica in Brackishwater Ponds (Trial II ). Tech. Rep. Inland Fish. Proj. (Philipp.), (8):16-26.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Notes on the Occurrence of and Morphometric Determination of Spawners of Chanos chanos Forskal. Annu.Rep.Mindanao State Univ. Inst. Fish. Res. Dev., pp. 111-113.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Polyculture of Bangus and Shrimps, Penaeus semisulcatus. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj. (Philipp.), (8) :1-15. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Polyculture of Freshwater Shrimps and Milkfish. Tech Rep. Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp.),(9):83-84. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Present Status of Fisheries in Indonesia. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Fisheries Resources and their Management in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 19 November to 6 December 1974/Edited by K. Tiews. Bonn: H. Lammerich, pp.412-431.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Production of Milkfish in Ponds Fertilized with Chicken Manure and Shredded Rice Straw Plus Urea. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (9) :161-162.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Production Response of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal) to Additional Substrate for Fishpond in Brackishwater Ponds. Tech.Rep. Inland fish. Proj.(Philipp.), (10) :89-94.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Program on Bangus by Conservation Up. Business Day. 6 Oct. (News Clipping)
Anon. 1976. Rearing Bangus Fry in Nylon Net Enclosures. (Bitinan). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (8):69-72.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Relationship Between Primary Production and Milkfish Production in Brackishwater Ponds Using Organic and Combination of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.),(10):95-108.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Simultaneous Culture of Bangus Fry Inside Happas and Bangus Fingerlings Loose in Same Ponds. (Trial II). Tech.Rep. Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (8):94-96.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Simultaneous Culture of Bangus Fry Inside Happas and Bangus Fingerlings Loose in Same Ponds. (Trial II). Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.), (9):51-65.
Anon. 1976. The Effectiveness of Leucaena Leaf Meal as a Supplemental feed for Bangus in Brackishwater Fishponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish.Proj.(Philipp.), (9) :1-15.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Country report of the Philippines: Present Status of Fisheries, Its Development and Management. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Fisheries Resources and their Management in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 19 November to 6 December, 1974; edited by K. Tiews. Bonn: H. Lammerich, pp. 469-482.
Anon. 1976. Milkfish Trials on the Use of Chicken Manure Shredded Rice Straw and Urea. Tech.Rep. Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.),(10):52-61.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1976. Preliminary Study on the Use of Rice Straw as an Additional Substrate for Fishpond Organisms. Tech. Rep. Inland. Fish. Proj. (Philipp.) (1):1-4.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
DAP Financing for Fish Production Agr., The. Time 1 (6):14:(Ja). 1977
Anon. 1977. Artificial Spawning of Milkfish Reported. Mar.Fish.Rev., 39(12):34.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1977. Milkfish Program. Annu.Rep.Aquacult.Dep.SEAFDEC, pp.8-11.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1977. Di Mauubos ang Supply ng Bangus. Phil. Daily Express. 2 Je. (news clipping).
Anon. 1977. Government Boost Fry Stock. The Rural Worker. 1(3):2.
Anon. 1977. Milkfish Breeding Breakthrough in the Philippines. Fish. Farming Int. 3(2):26-28.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1977. Philippines. In: Brown, E. Evan. World Fish Farming: Cultivation and Economics. Westport, Conn.: Avi Pub. Co., pp. 371-376.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1978. Fertilizers and Fertilization in Brackishwater Fishponds. In: Pond Culture and Management ; Selected Readings. Tigbauan,Iloilo : Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, pp.43-49.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1978. Milkfish Researchers on Threshold of Another Breakthrough. Asian Aquacult., 1(1):4,7.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1978. OI, SEAFDEC in Joint R and D Venture. Asian Aquacult., 1(5):1-7.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1978. Platform and Other Methods of Fishpond Fertilization. In: Pond Culture and Management ; Selected Readings.Tigbauan,Iloilo ; Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, pp.50-53.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1978. Milkfish Program. Annu. Rep. Aquacult. Dep.SEAFDEC, pp.5-8.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1978. SEAFDEC's Milkfish Program ; It's Problems and Recommendations. Asian Fish.Shipp.Mag., 3(3):15-16.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1978. The Milkfish Culture in Indonesia. In: Meadows, P. S. & Campbell, J. I. An Introduction to Marine Science. Glasgow: Balckie, pp. 126-127. * SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. A Review of Avialable Milkfish Chanos chanos Farming Technology in the Philippines. Farming Today 5(5):14-15 May.
Anon. 1979. Cage and Pen Culture in India. Asian Aquacult. 2(4):3, 2 (From the Paper, Culture of Fishes in Cages and Pens Along the Coastal Waters of India, Submitted by R. Marichamy, G. Venkataraman, K. M. S. Ameer Hamsa, P. Nammalwar, S. Shanmugan and P. Bensam to the International Cage and Pen Culture Workshop, SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, 13-21 February 1979).* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. Catching of Milkfish Fry. (In Indonesian) Menagkap Nener Ikan Bandeng. Varia Perikanan Lampung (Indonesia) 2(4):5-6
Anon. 1979. Fishpen and Cage Farming in the Philippines. In: International Workshop on Pen and Cage Culture of Fish, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1979. Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo: International Research Centre; Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC, pp. 99-103.
Anon. 1979. Freshwater Fisheries Station is 2 Years Old. Asian Aquacult., 2(7):1,3,6.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. International Cage and Pen Culture and National Aquaculture Technology Consultation held. Asian Aquacult.,2(2):1-2.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. Milkfish Program. Annu.Rep. Aquacult. Dep. SEAFDEC, pp.4-10.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. Milkfish Success in South Taiwan. Aquacult. Mag. 5(6):45.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. New Research Thrust for =the SEAFDEC= Aquaculture Department. Asian Aquacult., 2(10):1-2.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. Output and Needs of Milkfish Farmers. Mod. Agric. Ind. Asia 7(5):26.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. SEAFDEC : Some Backgrounds on Its Milkfish Programs. Asian Fish.Shipp.Mag.,3(2):16-17.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. The =SEAFDEC=Aquaculture Department in 6 Years. Asian Aquacult., 2(8):1-3, 6.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. The Key is Better Handling: How to Avoid Milkfish Fry Losses in the Philippines. Philippine Farmers' Journal 21(8):48-49 Aug.
Anon. 1979. The Milkfish Research Development Program of SEAFDEC. Asian Aquacult., 2(1):3, 6.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1979. What Makes Iloilo Philippines Bangus Milkfish Producers the Tops. Philippine Farmers' Journal 21(6):42 June.
Anon. 1980. All for a Small Fry. Asian Aquacult., 3(10):1-2,8.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Aquaculture Fisheries in Japan and the Philippines-A-Comparison. Asian Aquacult.,3(1):8,7,2.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Asian Bank Sees Big Promise in Aquaculture. Fish Farming Int. 7(3):36.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Bangus Production. In: Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. fisheries Extension Officers Manual/Brackishwater Aquaculture Development and Training Project. Quezon City: The Bureau, pp. 1-24.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Breakthrough Breeding Milkfish in Captivity. Asian Farms Gardens 1(2):34-35.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Challenges for Aquaculture Research in Southeast Asia. Asian Aquacult., 3(1):1-2.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Fish Hatchery. Annu. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep.,pp.6-10.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Fishpen and Cage Farming in the Philippines. Asian Aquaculture 3(9):4-5. (From the Country Report of the Same Title Presented at the International Workshop on cage and Pen Culture held at SEAFDEC, Tigbauan, Iloilo, February 12-22, 1979).* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Implement 1980 Aquaculture Research Program. Asian Aquacult.,3(4):1-2.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Milkfish. In: Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Aquaculture Research, Rome, Italy, 5-9 May 1980. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, pp.23-24.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Prospects of Cage and Pen Culture in Sri Lanka. Asian Aquacult., 3(3) : 4-5,7. (From the Paper, Cage and Pen Culture in Sri Lanka, by D.E.S. Jayamaha Presented at the International Symposium on Cage and Pen Culture, Sponsored by IDRC & SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, 11-22 February 1979, Iloilo, Philippines)* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Training Program Becomes Broader. Asian Aquacult., 3(9):1-2, 6.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. General Information. In: SEAFDEC Institute of Aquaculture. Fish Farming Handbook. Tigbauan, Iloilo : The Institute, pp.1-64.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1980. Milkfish. In: SEAFDEC Institute of Aquaculture.Fish Farming Handbook. Tigbauan, Iloilo : The Institute, pp. 66-111* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. Brackishwater Research Highlights. Asian Aquacult., 4(4):2. SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. Fish Hatchery. Annu. Rep.SEAFDEC. Aquacult. Dep.., pp.5-10
Anon. 1981. Freshwater Research Highlights 1980. Asian Aquacult., 4(3): 3, 7-8.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. Milkfish Breeding Program Launched on National Scale. Asian Aquacult., 4(5): 1. 11.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. Milkfish Fry. In: Indonesia. Agency for Agricultural Research and Development. 5 =Five= Years of Agricultural Research and Development for Indonesia, 1976-1980. Bogor : The Agency, p.96.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. Pushing Back the Frontiers of Aquaculture Development : The SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. Aquacult.Mag.,7(2):18-22.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. Research Highlights 1980. Asian Aquacult., 4(2):1-3, 6-8.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. Research Programs 1981. Asian Aquacult., 4(4):1, 3.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1981. SEAFDEC Sees Big Future in Fish Farming. Fish.News.Int., 20(5): 52-53.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1982. Ecology. Annu.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep., pp.25-26.
Anon. 1982. Finfish Culture: Milkfish. Annu. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep., pp. 37-45.
Anon. 1982. Finfish Hatchery. Annu. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep.,pp.2-10.
Anon. 1982. KKK Success Story:Prologue to the Fish Pen Boom. Fish. Market. Rev. 4(4):36-37.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1982. Natural Food. Annu.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep., pp.17-20.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1982. Nutrition and Feed Development. Annu. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. pp. 15-17.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1982. Pathology. Annu.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep.,pp.20-24.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1982. Polyculture. Annu. Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep., pp. 31-32.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1983. Increased Surface Area Using Substrates for Milkfish Fingerling Production. Asian Aquacult., 5(1) :6.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1983. Science Brings the Milkfish from the Wild to the Farm. Asian Aquacult., 5(4):3-4.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1983. Growth and Survival of Milkfish and Prawn Fry at Varying Stock Rations. Asian Aquacult., 5(1):7.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1983. Impact on Industry. Asian Aquacult., 5(1):1-4.*
Anon. 1983. Multiple Stocking and Selective Harvesting of Milkfish in Growth-out Ponds with Different Sizes of Algal Nurseries. Asian Aquacult., 5(1):7.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1983. Polyculture of P. Monodon and P.Indicus with Milkfish. Asian Aquacult.,5(1):6.
Anon. 1983. Production and Economics of Integrated Farming of P. Indicus, C. Chanos and Poultry in Brackishwater Ponds. Asian Aquacult., 5(1):6.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1983. Taking Stock, Looking Ahead. Asian Aquacult., 5(4):1-3.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1983. Techno-Transfer Gains Momentum. Asian Aquacult., 5(3):1-3.* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1985. Modular Pond System Also Works for Prawn. Asian Aquacult. 7(11):1-2.*SEAFDEC-AQD Library
Anon. 1985. Rematured Milkfish Spawns. Asian Aquacult. 7(5):1-2 *SEAFDEC-AQD Library
Anon. 1986. Zamboanga del Sur Technoguide: Bangus. Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development, Los Baños, Laguna. 49p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Anon. 1994. Developing Milkfish Broodstock. In: SEAFDEC/AQD R & D for Sustainable Aquaculture, 1992-1993 Report. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. Tigbauan, Iloilo, p. 8
Anon. n.d. A Brief Life History of Bangus. Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Fisheries Leaflet.
Anon. n.d. Length-Weight Table for Bangus. n.p. 6p. (Mimeographed copy)*UPVCF Library, Vertical file
Anon. n.d. Providing for the Accelerated Development of the Fishery Industry of the Philippines. (n.d.) Presidential Decree No. 43. (printout).
Anon. n.d. Raising Bangus in Ponds. Agr In Life. 21(4):16 .
Anon. n.d. Rules and Regulation Governing the Issuance of a Special Permit to Ship or Transport Bangus Fry or Kawag-kawag. FAO No. 115.
Anon. n.d. Salinity Tolerance of Milkfish Fingerlings: A Progress Report. (printout) (BFAR Lib)
Anon. n.d. Improvement of Fish Marketing Channels. BAECON/BFAR Joint Project. 44p tabs.
Anon. n.d. Taal Lake Stocked with Bangus, Carps. Evening Post. 15. Oct.(News Clippings).
Anon. n.d.. Nursery Management Techniques in Philippine Milkfish Ponds. Fish. Gazette. 4(6):28. Abstracts
Anon. 196? New Systems of Bangos or Milkfish Culture in the Philippines. 15 p. (On top of title-page: Project Proposal for the Demonstration of Improved Technique of Bangos culture.) (Reference unknown) *SEAFDEC-AQD
Anon. 1966. Bangus Seed Bank in Bicol. Phil. Fish. J. 4(10):31 UPVCF L
Anon. 1966. DBP Loan Plan for Bangos Fingerlings. Phil. Fish. J. 7(10):30-32. UPVCFL
Anon. 1967. Marine Exports. Phil. Fish. J. 5(4):22 UPVCFL
Anon. 1972. Bangus Culture in Ponds with Feed and Lab lab with and without Lime. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 18-26.
Anon. 1972. Bangus Culture in Ponds with Feed, Lab lab and Plankton. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2.235. pp.4-18.
Anon. 1973. A Field Trial on Bangus Production with Plankton. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No.3 UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2.235. pp.25-28.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds with Lab-lab and Supplementary Feed(Bataan Part). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 16-22.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds with Lab-lab and Supplementary Feed (Iloilo Part). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2.235. pp. 4-16.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production in Ponds with Plankton (Iloilo Part). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 23-29.
Anon. 1973. Bangus Production with Lab-lab Produced by Inorganic Fertilizer (Pangasinan Part). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 22-23.
Anon. 1973. Culture of Hito in Concrete Tanks with Intensive Feeding. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 235. pp. 56-61.
Anon. 1973. Lab-lab and Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds Treated with Combination Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers with Phosphate only Fertilizer. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2:235. pp. 31-38.
Anon. 1973. Salinity Tolerance of Bangus. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 2.235. pp. 44-50.
Anon. 1974. Bangus Production in Shallow Ponds with Plankton. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No.4, UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp.3-6.
Anon. 1974. Preliminary Study on the Artificial Reproduction of Bangus (Sabalo). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 5. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 13-20.
Anon. 1974. Rate of Growth and Survival of Bangus Fry in Brackishwater Ponds. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 4. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 7-8.
Anon. 1975. Bangus Production in Newly Constructed Ponds with Plankton as a Food Base. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 6. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 1-7.
Anon. 1975. Evolves Research Priorities and Strategies to Develop the Bangus Industry. PCAR Monitor 3 (8):1.
Anon. 1975. The Rate of Growth of Bangus Fry-Fingerlings in Newly Constructed Brackishwater Ponds. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep. No. 6. UPSCF, Diliman, Quezon City,NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 8-18.
Anon. 1975. Big Aquaculture Project Underway. Mod Agr Ind. 1975 3(1): 30
Anon. 1978. Milkfish Production in Laguna de Bay.
Anon. 1978. Milkfish Production in Laguna de Bay.
Anon. 1995. Project Sabalo Hatched; Aims to Produce 1B Milkfish Fry. SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture 17(3):1-2. UPVCFL
Anon. 1995. Project Sabalo Hatched.: Aims to Produce I B Milkfish Fry. SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture 17(3):1-2 Sept. *CF Lib; SEAFDEC AQD Lib
Anon. 1995. Project Sabalo Hatched.: Aims to Produce I B Milkfish Fry. SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture 17(3):1-2 Sept. *CF Lib; SEAFDEC AQD Lib
Antonio, Hilario C. and Manacop, Porfirio R. 1956. A Preliminary Longevity Test of Bangus Fry in Storage. Philipp. J. Fish., 4(2):119-131* SEAFDEC-AQDL
Antonio, J. S. 1962. Test-tube Bangus. Sunday Times Magazine 18(11):22 October 21.
Antonio, J.E. 1960. A Visit to the Fishpond Industry Pays Off Profits in Bangus Culture. Philippines. Today 7(5):23-25.
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Apud, F. D. 1985. Extensive and Semi-extensive Culture of Prawn and Shrimps in the Philippines. In: Proceedings of the first International Conference on the Culture of Penaeid Prawns/Shrimps, Iloilo City, Philippines, 4-7 Dece. 1984. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dep., Tigbauan, Iloilo, pp. 105-113. *SEAFDEC-AQD Library//UPVCF Library
Apud, Flor D. and Benagua, S.H. 1981. Survival, Growth and Production of Penaeus monodon and P. indicus at Different Density Combinations with Milkfish Q. Res. Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep., 5(1):5-9.SEAFDEC-AQD Library
Apud, Florentino D. 1983. Management and Operation of Milkfish Farm. In: APDEM (VI:1983; Tigbauan, Iloilo)=Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department= 3:(24p.)
Aquino, Josephine Mejia. 1977. Relationship Between Primary Productivity and Milkfish Production in Fertilized Brackishwater Ponds. 69 p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1977). *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Arai, Ryoichi; Nagaiwa, Kazuo & Sawada, Yukio. 1976. Chromosomes of Chanos chanos (Gororynchiformes, Chanidae). Gryoruigaky Zasshi/Jap. J. Ichthyol. 22(2):173-177. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Arcega, M.B. 1974. Bangus: King of the Fishponds. Greenfields, 3(6):10-12. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Arcigal, Getrudes A. 1975. Freshwater Fish Culture in Region 3, San Fernando, Pampanga. ASEAN Training Course in Freshwater Fisheries. Baguio City/Tanay,Rizal, 6-7 Ja 1975. 3p.
Arriola, F.L. Notes on Backishwater Fish Farming in Luzon. Phil. J. Sci. 76(2):1-6.
Arroyo, P. T.; Apolinario, K. M.; Palomares, T. S..; De la Cruz, L. G. & Santos, E. A. 1978. Milkfish and its Parts. In: National Science Development Board (Philippines). Milkfish (Bangos) as Food. Bicutan, Taguig: The Board, pp. 26-39. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Arroyo, P.T.; Apolinario, K.M.;Santos,T.D.;De la Cruz, L.G. & Santos,E.A. 1976. Relationships of Percent Meat Yield to Round Weight of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal). Fish.Res.J.Philipp.1(1):44-51. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Arroyo, Patricia . et al 1975. Storage Life Study of Canned Bangus Chanos chanos(Forskal), Salmon and Sardine Style. AFSM. 1(3): 6-10: (Ja/Mr). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Arroyo, Patricia T. 1978. The Sciences of Fish as Food. In: National Science Development Board (Philippines). Milkfish (Bangos) as Food. Bicutan, Taguig:The Board, pp. 1-25.*UPVCFL
Arsyad, H.; Samsi, S. 1990. Budidaya ikon Bandeng (Chanos chanos Forsk.) INFIS Man. Ser. (11):14p. *ICLARM SH333.5 I534 1990 #11
Arsyad, H.; Samsi, S. 1990. Budidaya ikon Bandeng (Chanos chanos Forsk.) INFIS Man. Ser. (11):14p. *ICLARM SH333.5 I534 1990 #11
Ascual Jr. Federico Jr. 1977. Bangus Breakthrough May Treble Harvest. Phil. Daily Express.15 May. (News Clipping).
Ascual, Jr. Federico Jr. 1977. Bangus Made to Lay Eggs in Captivity. Phil. Daily Express 14 May (News Clipping ).
Ascual, Jr. Federico Jr. 1977. How to Make Bangus in the Laboratory. Phil. Daily Express 16 May (News Clipping).
Aspurita, Teresita G. & Fabro, Rita M. 1979. A Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in Bohol. Los Baños, Laguna : Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center ; Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research. 60 p. (Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series ; no.20) (Research Paper Series / SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program ; no.20).
Atkinson, Clinton E. 1977. People's Republic of China. In: Brown, E. Evan. World Fish Farming: Cultivation and Economics. Westport, Conn.: Avi. Pub. Co., pp. 321-344. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Atmohadrjono, R. 1933. Exploitation of Brackishwater Ponds in the Delta of Sidoharjo (Tambak Expoitatie op de Sidoharjosche delta) Vamola (Bogor-Buitensorg, Indonesia) 1(4):22. In Dutch.
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Avault, James W. 1977. Aquaculture Research Report: Culture of Fish in Rice Ponds Expanding in the Philippines. Comm. Fish Farmer Aquacult. News., 4(1):26. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Bagarinao, T. and S. Kumagui. 1987. Occurrence and Distribution of Milkfish, Chanos chanos, Larvae off the Western Coast of Panay Island, Philippines. Env. Biol. Fish. 19:155-160.
Bagarinao, T. and Y. Taki. 1986. The Larval and Juvenile Fish Community in Pandan Bay, Panay Island, Philippines, pp. 728-739. In: T. Uyenco, R. Arai, T. Tanuichi, and K. Matsuura, eds. Indo-Pacific Fish Biology: Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. Indo-Pac. Fishes. Ichthyological Society of Japan, Tokyo.
Bagarinao, T. N.B. Solis, W. R. Villaver, and A. C. Villaluz. 1986. Important Fish and Shrimp Fry in Philippine Coastal Waters Identification, Collection and Handling. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dept. Extension Manual No. 10. 52p.*ICLARML
Bagarinao, T. U. 1991. Biology of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). Tigbauan, Iloilo: Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department. 94p.* *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL;ICLARML
Bagarinao, Teodora and Kumagai, Shigeru. 1987. Occurrence and Distribution of Milkfish Larvae, Chanos chanos off the Western Coast of Panay Island, Philippines. Environmental Biology of Fishes 19:155-160.
Bagarinao, T. U. 1998. Historical and current trends in milkfish farming in the Philippines. De Silva S. S., ed. Tropical Mariculture. Academic Press:381-422.
Baldevarona, R. B.; Fortes, N. R.; Gange, R. H. and Catedrilla, L. C. 1983. Effects of Various N-P-K Fertilizer Combinations on Fish Production in Brackishwater Ponds. Technical Report, BAC, UPV, pp. 47-62.
Baliao, D. 1984. Milkfish Nursery Pond and Pen Culture in the Indo-Pacific Region, pp. 97-119. In: Juario, J. V., R. P. Ferraris, and L. V. Benitez, eds. 1984. Advances in Milkfish Biology and Culture. Island Publ. House, Manila. 243p.
Baliao, Dan D. 1982. Management of Brackishwater Pond for Milkfish Fingerling Production in Sri Lanka. J.Inland Fish. 1:17-29. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Baliao, Dan D. 1983. Mudcrab, "Alimango", Production in Brackishwater Pond with Milkfish. In:APDEM (VI : 1983 : Tigbauan, Iloilo)=Papers . Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department=,3:(8 p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Baliao, Dan D.; Franco, Nilo M. and Agbayani, Renato F. 1987. The Economics of retarding Milkfish growth for Fingerling Production in Brackishwater Ponds. Aquaculture 62:195-205. *SEAFDEC-AQD Library
Baliao, Dan D.; Rodriquez, E.M. & Gerochi, D.D. 1980. Growth and Survival Rates of Hatchery-Produced and Wild Milkfish Fry Grown to Fingerling Size in Earthern Nursery Ponds. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep. 4(4) :11-14.* *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Baliao, Dan D.1978. Evaluation of a Combination of Indoor Outdoor Nursery System for Growing Milkfish Fry to Fingerlings. 67.p. (Master's Thesis, University of the Philippines System,1978). *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Balliao, Dan D., De los Santos, M., and Franco, N. M. The modular method: milkfish pond culture. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC-ADQ, 1999. 18p. (Aquaculture extension manual, 25.
Ballesteros, O.O. & Mendoza, S.P., Jr. 1977. Brackish Fishpond Management. In: Readings on Aquaculture Practices. Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, 2:45-56. Also In: Proc. 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Crop Science Society of the Philippines, Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, May 15-17, 1972. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Bandie, M.J.; Tribawono, D. Iswahjudi & Sidik, A. 1982 Present Status of the Brackishwater Fishponds in East Java, Indonesia with Emphasis on Engineering Related Problems. In: Report of Consultation/Seminar on Coastal Fishpond Engineering, 4-12 August 1982, Surabaya, Indonesia. Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. pp.104-107. (Workshop Report / South China Sea Fisheries Development And Coordinating Programme; no. 42). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Bandonil, Lian D. 1980. Studies on the Digestive Proteases of Juvenile and Marketable-Size Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskal. 54p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1980). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Banno, Jessie. 1980. The Food and Feeding Habits of the Milkfish Fry Chanos chanos (Forskal) Collected from Two Habitats Along the Coast of Hamtik, Antique. 77p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1980). *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Bañada, Vicente C. 1980. Occurrence of Postlarval and Juvenile Stages of Some Economically Important Fishes in Three Milkfish Fry Collecting Grounds in Panay Island. 103 p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines, 1980). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Bara, Agabus. 1984. Effect of Different Levels of Chicken Manure and Ammonium Phosphate on Milkfish Chanos chanos Forskal Production in Brackishwater Ponds. 112p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, 1984).*UPVCFL
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Buri, Prasit; Kumagai, Shigeru; Bañada, Vicente; Triño, Avelino & Castillo, Nelson. 1980. Developmental and Ecological Stages in the Life History of Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskal. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep., 4(1):5-10. *SEAFDEC-AQDL; also in Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 6(2):33-58 1981.
Cabling, Federico,Jr.; Takama, Kozo & Zama, Koichi. 1982. Lipids of Milkfish Chanos chanos. Hokkaido Daigaku Suisangakubu Kenyu Iho/Bull. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. 33(1):35-41. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Cabuslay, R. W. 1976. Studies on the Smoke-Curing of Bangus (Chanos chanos Forskal). (Master's thesis, College of Agriculture, UPLB)
Caipang, Cristopher; Failaman, Andrea; Fama, Julius; Intoy, Modesto; Layugan, Luzviza; Tababa, Ricardo and Tan, Reynold. (1993). Ang Pagpanimilya sing Bangus. Miag-ao, Iloilo, 10 p. (In Hiligaynon, Mimeographed copy)*UPVCF Library, Vertical file
Calaprice, J. R. 1976. Mariculture: Ecological and Genetic Aspects of Production. J.Fish Res.Board Can., 33(4), pt.2 :1068-1987. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Camacho A.S. 1976. Mono and Polyculture of Bangus and All-Male Tilapia mossambica in Brackishwater Ponds(Trial II). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep.No.8.UPCF, Diliman Quezon ,City.NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp.16-26.
Camacho, A.S. 1975. Monoculture and Polyculture of Bangus and All-Male Tilapia in Brackishwater Ponds. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep.No.7.UPCF, Diliman Quezon ,City.NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp.1-13.
Camacho, A.S. 1975. Simultaneous Culture of Bangus Fry Inside Happas and Bangus Fingerlings at Large in Same Ponds. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech. Rep.No.7.UPCF, Diliman Quezon ,City.NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp.14-31.
Camacho, A.S.; Corre, V.L., Jr.; Bien, N.B. & Palao, J.M. 1982. The Development of Artificial Feeds for Milkfish Fry for an Intensive Milkfish Fingerling Production: Fat-Soluble Vitamin Requirement. Prog. Rep. Brackishwat. Aquacult. Cent. Univ.Philipp.Visayas, (Ja.-Je.) : (5 p) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Camacho, A.S.;Corre, V.L., Jr.; Bien, N.B.& Palao, J.M. 1982. Development of Artificial Feeds for Milkfish Fry for an Intensive Milkfish Fingerling Production:Optimum Requirement of Protein, Carbohydrates, Vitamins and Fats. In: Technical Report, 1978-1980 / Brackishwater Aquaculture Center. Leganes , Iloilo : College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, pp. 1.2-1.34. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Camacho, Arsenio S. 1975. Bangos Nutrition Studies. In: National Bangos Symposium. Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati: SEAFDEC=, pp. 97-105.*UPVCFL, Vertical file, Typescript copy; *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Camacho, Arsenio S. 1979. Nutrition in Milkfish. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo, pp. 43-47. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Camacho, Arsenio S. and Macalincag-Lagua, Natividad. 1988. The Philippine Aquaculture Industry. In: J. V. Juario and L. V. Benitez, eds. Perspectives in Aquaculture Development Southeas Asia and Japan; Proceedings of the Seminar on Aquaculture Development in Southeas Asia, Iloilo City, Philippines 8-12 September 1987. Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Tigbauan, Iloilo, pp,.91-116.
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Carreon, Jose A. 1973. Fish Biology and Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines. In: National Agriculture System Research Congress, Ist, U.P. at Los Baños, 1973. Inland Fisheries Research Papers. Los Baños., Laguna, : Fisheries Research Division, Philippine Council for Agricultural Research, pp. 20-31. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Carteciano, Loureeda T. 1982. Icing of Milkfish. Los Baños, Laguna: Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development. 16p. (Technology/Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development; v.4, no. 6) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;ICLARML
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Chaudhuri, H. & Tripathi, S.D. 1979. Problems of Warmwater Fish Seed Production. In:Advances in Aquaculture / Edited by T.V.R. Pillay & Wm. A. Dill.Farnham, Surrey : Fishing News Books, pp.127-134*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chaudhuri, H. and S.D. Tripathi. 1976. Problems of Warmwater Fish Seed Production. FAO Technical Conference on Aquaculture. FIR/AQ/Conf/76/R.2 - 8. 15p.
Chaudhuri, Hiralal; Juario, J.; Samson, R. & Mateo, R. 1977. Notes on the External Sex Characteristics of Chanos chanos Forskal Spawners. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. 1(2):17-20.
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Chaudhuri,Hiralal. 1969. Breeding Habits of Cultivated Fishes. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 13 p. (Presented at the FAO/ UNDP Regional Seminar on Induced Breeding of Cultivated Fishes, Calcutta, Cuttack,Bombay, 15 July-18 August 1969. FRI/IBCF/4)
Chaudhuri,Hiralal. 1969. Methods Adopted for Inducing Breeding in Fishes. 16 p. Submitted to the FAO/UNDP Regional Seminar on Induced Breeding of Cultivated Fishes, Calcutta, Cuttack,Bombay, 15 July-18 August 1969. FRI/IBCF/8) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chaudhuri,Hiralal; Juario, J. 1977. Use of Hormones in Breeding Cultivated Warmwater Fishes with Special Reference to Milkfish,Chanos chanos (Forskal). Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines, 2(2): 1-6. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chaudhuri,Hiralal; Juario,J.;Primavera, Jurgene H.;Mateo,R.;Samson,R.; Cruz, Erlinda; Jarabejo,E. & Canto,J.,Jr. 1977. Artificial Fertilization of Eggs and Early Development of the Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal). In: SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. Induced Spawning,Artificial Fertilization of Eggs and Larval Rearing of Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal) in the Philippines. Tigbauan, Iloilo,pp.21-23.*UPVCFL (SH167 M5 I53); *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chaudhuri,Hiralal; Juario,J. ; Primavera, Jurgene H.; Mateo, R.; Samson, R.; Cruz, Erlinda & Jarabejo, E. 1977. Observations on Artificial Fertilization of Eggs and the Embryonic and Larval Development of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal). Tigbauan,Iloilo : Aquaculture Department,SEAFDEC. 32 p. (Contribution / Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; no.12). Also in Aquaculture 13:95-113 (1978).
Chaudhuri,Hiralal; Juario,J.V. ; Primavera, Jurgene H.; Samson, R. & Mateo, R. 1978. Observations on Artificial Fertilization of Eggs and the Embryonic and Larval Development of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal). Aquaculture, 13(2): 95-113.
Chaudhuri,Hiralal; Juario,Jesus V. ; Mateo, Rodolfo;Primavera, Jurgene ; Belicano, Regino; Canto,Jose, Jr.; Cruz, Erlinda; Jarabejo, Elizalde; Samson, Romulo & Valenzuela, Domingo. 1977. Preliminary Report on the Artificial Fertilization of Eggs and the Embryonic and Larval Development of Milkfish. =Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department=. 15 p.
Chen, Hon Cheng. 1971. The Study of Milkfish Pond. I. Effect of pH Value and Salinity on the Growth of Benthic Algae. Aquiculture, 1(2) :1-11. (Text in Chinese; Abstract in English) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chen, Hon-Cheng. 1971. Increase of Benthic Algae in Milkfish Ponds by Application of Silicate. Fish.Ser.Chin.-Am.Jt.Comm.Rural Reconstr., (11) : 71-83. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Chen, T.P. 1960. Improvement of Milkfish Culture in Taiwan. FAO-National Agricultural Extention Training Center- College of Agriculture, Serdang, Malaya, 2 May - 4 June. 2p. CF/62195.
Chen, T.P. 1974. Culture of Milkfish as a Means of Increasing Animal Protein food Supply. Thirteenth Pac.Sci.Congress Record of Proc. vol. 1. Abstracts of Papers: 15.
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Chen, Tung-pai. 1972. Status and Problems of Coastal Aquaculture in Taiwan. In: Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers/Edited by T.V.R. Pillay. London: Fishing News (Books), pp. 68-73. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
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Chen, Tung-pai. 1979. Fewer Problems, More Profits for Taiwan Shrimp Growers. Fish Farming Int. 6(2):41. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chen, Tung-pai. 1981. Taiwan Farmers Go Deep for Milkfish. Fish Farming Int. 8(2):12, 19. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chen,T.P. 1972. Fertilization and Feeding in Coastal Fish Farm in Taiwan. In: Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers/ Edited by T.V.R. Pillay. London: Fishing News(Books), pp.410-416. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Chen,T.P. 1950. A Special Report on Rearing of Milkfish in Taiwan. Agricultural Improvement Division (Taipeh, Formosa), Aug. 1950. 4p.
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Chiu, Y.N. ,Macahilig, M.P. and Sastrillo, M.A.S. 1986. Preliminary Studies of Factors Affecting the Feeding Rhythm of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal). In: The First Asian Fisheries Forum, Maclean, J. L. Dizon, L. B. and Hosillos, L. V., eds. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, 1986, pp. 547-550.*UPVCFL;SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chiu, Y.N., Sumagaysay, N.S. and Sastrillo, M.A. S. 1987. Effect of Feeding Frequency and Feeding Rate on the Growth and Feed Efficiency of Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal, Juveniles. Asian Fisheries Science 1:27-31.ICLARML;UPVCFL
Chiu, Y.N., Estilo, V.L.; Sumagaysay, N.S. and Sastrillo, M.A.S.. 1987. Increasing Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) Yields in Brackishwater Ponds Through Increased Stocking Rates and Supplementary Feeding .Brackish Aquaculture Center, UPV Leganes, Iloilo, Phils. Presented at the 7th PCARRD Annual Review of Completed and On-going Research Projects for Fisheries, La Granja, La Carlota City, Negros Occidental, Philippines. April 22-25, 1987.
Chiu, Yvonne H. & Benitez, L. V. 1981. Studies on theCarbohydrates in the Digestive Tract of the Milkfish Chanos chanos. Mar. Biol. 61:247-254. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chiu, Yvonne H. 1979. Studies on the Carbohydrates in the Digestive Tract of Chanos chanos Forskal. xii,56p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1982.) *SEAFDEC -AQD Library;ICLARML(SH209 1979 C44)
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Cholik, Fuad. 1973. Present Status of Milkfish and Shrimp Culture in Indonesia and its Problems with Special Reference to those of South Sulawesi. Indonesia: Inland Fisheries Research Institute. 11 p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chong, Kee-Chai; Lizarondo, Maura S.; De la Cruz, Zenaida S.; Guerrero, Cesar V. and Smith, Ian R. 1984. Milkfish Production Dualism in the Philippines: a Multidisciplinary Perspective on Continuous Low Yields and Constrainsts to Aquaculture Development. FAO, Rome, Italy; Q.C., Bureau of Agricultural Economics; Q.C., BFAR and Manila, ICLARM, 70p. (ICLARM Tech. Report #15)*CF Lib (SH167 M5 M5)
Chong, Kee-Chai; Lizarondo, Maura S.; De la Cruz, Zenaida S.; Guerrero, Cesar V. and Smith, Ian R. 1984. Milkfish Production Dualism in the Philippines: a Multidisciplinary Perspective on Continuous Low Yields and Constrainsts to Aquaculture Development. FAO, Rome, Italy; Q.C., Bureau of Agricultural Economics; Q.C., BFAR and Manila, ICLARM, 70p. (ICLARM Tech. Report #15)*CF Lib (SH167 M5 M5)
Chong, Kee-Chai & Lizarondo, Maura S. 1982. Input-Output Relationships of Philippine Milkfish Aquaculture. In: Aquaculture Economics Research in Asia ; Proceedings of a Workshop in Singapore, 2-5 June 1981. =Ottawa : International Development Research Centre=;Manila:ICLARM, pp.35-44. (ASFA pt 1 14(5):360) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chong, Kee-Chai ; Lizarondo,Maura S. ; Holazo, Virginia F. & Smith, Ian R. 1982. Inputs as Related to Output in Milkfish Production in the Philippines. Makati : International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management. 82 p. (ICLARM Technical Report ; no. 3). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chong, Kee-Chai ; Smith, Ian R. & Lizarondo, Maura S. 1982. Economics of the Philippine Milkfish Resource System. Tokyo : The United Nations University. 66 p. (Resource Systems Theory and Methodology / United Nations University; no.4) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chong, Kee-Chai. 1980. Philippine Milkfish Production Economics Study Underway. ICLARM Newsl. 3(1):6,13. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Chong, Kee-Chai. 1982. There is Money in Milkfish Production in the Philippines. ICLARM Newsl. 5(3):12. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Collins, R.A. and M.N. Delmendo. 1976. Cooperative Economics of Aquaculture in Cages, Raceways and Enclosures. FAO Technical Conference on Aquaculture. FIR/AQ/CONF/76/R.3-7: 11p.
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Coloso, R. M.; Benetiz, L. V.; Tiro, L.B. 1988. The Effect of Dietary Protein-Energy Levels on Growth and Metabolism of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. (A Comp. Physiol) 89A(1):11-17 *ICLARM R90-216
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Corcino-Baylon, Juliana E. 1982. Factors Affecting Survival of Milkfish, Chanos chanos Fry and Fingerling to Different pH-Salinity and Temperature-Salinity Combinations. 56p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, Diliman,Q.C.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Corrales, R. S. 1985. Management Plan for Milkfish Fingerling Production at the Bayawan Fish Seed Bank. South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, Manila. 31p. (Working Paper/South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme;GCP/PHIL/037/CAN/WP(85) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Corre, V. L. and Natividad,P.C.. 1985. Use of Partially Decomposed Rice Straw and Mud Press as Substrate to Increase Bangus Production in Brackishwater Ponds. Technical Report.
Crear, David. 1980. Observations on the Reproductive State of Milkfish Populations (Chanos chanos) from Hypersaline Ponds on Christmas Island (Pacific Ocean). Proc.Annu.World Maricult.Soc., 11:548-556. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Creencia, J. R.; Valiente, A. M.,Jr. and Carandang, F. L. 1973. Bangus Marketing. Special Studies Division, Planning Service, Office of the Secretary, Dept. of Agriculture. 28 leaves. (National Food and Agriculture Council NFAC 73-20) (SEAFDEC-AQDL)
Creencia, J.R. Valiente, A. M., Jr. And Carandang, F. L. 1973. Bangus Marketing Diliman, Quezon City, Special Studies Division, NFAC Special Studies; 73-20. 28p. SEAFDEC-AQD HD9469 M5 C74
Cremer, Michael C. & Sullivan, Gregory M. 1982. Aquaculture to Play Important Role in Indonesian Future. Aquacult.Mag. 8(2):29-32.
Cremer, Michael C. & Duncan, Bryan L. 1979. Brackishwater Aquaculture Development in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia. Auburn : International Center for Aquaculture ; Agricultural Experiment Station. 11 p. (Research and Development Series / International Center for Aquaculture ; no.23)
Cruz, E. M.; Pitogo, C. L. 1989. Tolerance Level and Histopathological Response of Milkfish Chanos chanos fingerlings to Formalin. Aquaculture 78:135-145
Cruz, E.R. 1981. Acute Toxicity of Un-Ionized Ammonia to Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fingerlings. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep., 5(4):16-18. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Cruz, E.R.& Enriquez,G.L. 1981. Gill Lesions Associated with Acute Exposure to Ammonia. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep.,5(3):5-8. See also Natural Applied Science Bull. 34(1):1-13 1982 *ICLARM L R91-192; *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Cruz, Emmanuel M and Laudencia Irma L. 1978. Polyculture of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal), and Nile Tilapia (Tilapia Nilotica) in Freshwater with Supplemental Feeding. In:=Proceedings of the = International Foundation for Science and Universiti Sains Malaysia Regional Meeting on Aquaculture, Muka Head, Biological Field Station, Penang, Malaysia, 1978, pp. 197-210. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Cruz, Emmanuel M.. and Laudencia, Irma L. 1977. Milkfish Rearing in Happas Stationed in Feed Supplemented Production Ponds. Tech Rep. Inland Fish Proj., (Philipp. Freshwat. Aquacult. Pt.), (11):9-14.
Cruz, Emmanuel M. and Laudencia, Irma L. 1977. Polyculture of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal), All-Male Nile Tilapia (Tilapia Nilotica) and Snakehead (Ophicephalus striatus) in Freshwater Ponds with Supplemental Feeding. Tech. Rep. Inland Fish Proj. (Philipp. Freshwat. Aquacult. Pt.), (12):7-19. Also in Aquaculture, 20(3):231-237. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Cruz, Erlinda del Rosario. 1981. Studies on the Toxicity of Ammonia to Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) Fingerlings. 63p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines system, Diliman, Quezon City).
Cruz, Erlinda R. and Tamse, Catherine T. 1989. Acute toxicity of Potassium Permanganate to Milkfish Fingerlings, Chanos chanos. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 43:785-788.
Cruz, Erlinda R. and Pitogo, Celia L. 1989. Tolerance Level and Histopathological Response of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fingerlings to Formalin. Aquaculture 78:135-145.
Cruz, Isaac C.,Jr. 1960. The "Super" Bangos of Talitip. Philipp. Free Press 53(45)24, 53.
Cruz, Jose Q. de la 1975. Economic Status of Freshwater Fisheries in the Philippines. ASEAN Training Course in Freshwater Fisheries. Baguio City/Tanay, Rizal, 6-17 Ja 1975. 6p.
Cruz, P.F.S. and Chiu, Y. N. 1990. Dietary Use of 17-methyltestosterone as Potential Growth Promoter for Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal). In: R. Hirano and I. Hanyu (eds.) The Second Asian Fisheries Forum, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines,pp. 307-310.
Cruz, Paul Felipe S. 1988. Dietary Use of Sex Steroids and Thyroid Hormones as Potential Growth Promoter for the Spotted Scat (Scatophagus argus Linneaus) and Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal). 51p. Iloilo (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines in the Visayas)UPVCFL
D. H. C. 1926. De Vischteelt in Zoutwaterfijvers, Door E.J.Reyntjes. (Fish Culture in Saltwater Ponds, by E.J. Reyntjes), pp.67-68. Reference unknown. (In Dutch)*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Dabry de Thiersant, P. 1874. Fish Culture in China (La Pisciculture et la Peche en Chine). Paris. In French. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Dagdayan, Celia. 1975. Sparkling Bangus. The Times J. 9 Oct. (News Clipping)
Dalagan, Cesar. B. 1980. Fishpen Operations in Laguna Lake. Greenfields 10(7):4-11. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Darrah, L.B. et al 1974. Bangus Production Cost by Type of Climate. NFAC Special Studies, 18p.
Darrah, Laurence B. 1975. Some Economic Considerations in Bangos Industry. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, PP.161-166. Also In: PCAR Monit., 3(8):10-7. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Datingaling, Bienvenido Y. 1977. The Potential of the Freshwater Fishculture Resources of the Philippines. Proc. IPFC 17(3):120-126. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Day, Artemias L. 1915. Difficulties Encountered in the Culture of Bangos, or Milkfish, in Zambales Province. Philipp. J. Sci. 10(5):307-315.
Day, Francis. 1889. Sixth Group. Chanina. 14. Genus. Chanos, Lacepede. In: Day, Francis. The Fauna of British India Including Ceylon and Burma. London: Taylor and Francis, 1:403-404. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De Goco, C. P. 1975. Experiences of a Fishpond Operator. Proc. National Bangos Sym. Philippine Village Hotel-Punta Baluarte, 25-28 July 1975,pp. 86-88.
De Goco, Concordia P. 1975. Experiences of a Fishpond Operator. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, pp.86-88. See also: PCAR Monit., 3(8):9. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De Goco, Concordia P. 1979. Case Studies on Milkfish Culture. =Tigbauan, Iloilo= SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. 3p. (Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. B/M-12) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De Goco, Concordia P. 1979. The Experiences of a Milkfish Farmer. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=,pp. 120-122. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De Goco, Concordia. 1979. Status and Problems of Milkfish Fingerling Production. 2 p. (Paper Presented at the Symposium-Workshop on Fish Hatchery/Nursery Development and Management, 27-29 September 1979, Aberdeen Court, Makati, Metro Manila). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De Jesus, Arsenio A. & Deacon, Ruperto R. 1976. Survey of Bangus and Sugpo Fry Grounds and Other Marine Resources of Quezon and Bicol Provinces. Philipp.J.Fish., 14(1) :88-106. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
De la Cruz, Armando A. 1979. The Function of Mangrove. In: Proceedings, Symposium on Mangrove & Estuarine Vegetation in Southeast Asia, April 25th-28th, 1978, University Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia / Edited by P.B.L. Srivastava, Abdul Manap Ahmad, G. Dhanarajan, & Ismail Hamsah. Bogor : BIOTROP, pp. 125-138. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De la Cruz, Catalino R. 1979. A Brief of Milkfish Pond Engineering. =Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC=. 5 p. (Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo City, 1979. B/M-7). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De la Cruz, Catalino R. 1979. Milkfish Pond Engineering. In:Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=, pp.78-82. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De la Cruz, Catalino R. 1982. Equipment and Facilities for Coastal Fishpond Construction, Maintenance and Repair. In:Report of Consultation/Seminar on Coastal Fishpond Engineering, 4-12 August 1982. Surabaya, Indonesia. Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp-156-168. (Workshop Report/South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme; no.42). *SEAFDEC-AQDL
De la Peña, L.D.; Chiu, Y. N.; Ganchero, F. 1987. Evaluation of Various Leguminous Seeds as Protein Sources for Milkfish Chanos chanos Forsskal, Juveniles. Asian Fisheries Science 1:19-25. *ICLARM
De la Peña, L. D.; Chiu, Y.N.; Ganchero, F. 1987. Evaluation of Various Leguminous Seeds as Protein Sources for Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal, Juveniles. Asian Fish. Sci. 1(1):19-25.
De Leon, Arturo A. 1974. Comparative Study on Lumut and Plankton as Primary Food in Bangus Culture; A Report on the Practice-in -Industry Training in Fish Culture. 34p. (Undergraduate thesis, College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines, 1974) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
De los Santos, Ceferino Jr. 1980. Milkfish Nursery/ Rearing Pond Management. In: APDEM(III.:1980:Tigbauan, Iloilo)= Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo: SEAFDEC=,2:(29)
De los Santos, Ceferino, Jr. 1980. Milkfish Nursery/ Rearing Pond Management. In: APDEM( III : 1980 : Tigbauan, Iloilo) = Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC=, 2: (29 P.) SEAFDEC-AQD
De los Santos, Ceferino., Jr. 1978. Biology of the Cultured Species and Culture of Natural Foods, Chanos chanos Forskal (Bangus) or Milkfish. In: De Los Santos, Ceferino, Jr. Modern Aquaculture for the Philippines. Iloilo City: Yuhum La Defensa Press, pp. 60-65.
De Mesa, Lourdes & Materon, Loida S. 1977. Subject Bibliography on Bangus. Quezon City: Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. 52 p. (Technical paper series / Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources=Philippines=; v.1. no.4). *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Deanon, Ruperto. 1975. Production of Bangos Fry in Luzon, Mindoro and Palawan : 1974. Fisheries Forum, (1st Q.) : 9 p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Deanon, Ruperto R.; Ganaden, Reuben A. & Llorca, Manuel N. 1974. Biological Assessment of the Fry Resources (Bangus, Shrimp, Eel) in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Manila: Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. 54p.
Del Pilar, M. 1971. Canned Bangus is Now Exported. Phil Panorama 17 Oct.
Dela Cruz, C.R. 1975. Bangus Length-Weight Study. Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech.Rep. No. 6. CLSU Munoz, Nueva Ecija. NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp. 47.
Dela Cruz, C.R. 1975. Rearing of Milkfish Fry in Nylon Net Enclosures (Bitinan). Inland Fisheries Proj.Tech.Rep. No. 6. CLSU Munoz, Nueva Ecija. NSDB Assisted Proj. No. 7103 Ag. pp.34-38.
Dela, Cruz, Catalino R. 1982. Fishpen and Cage Culture Development Project in Laguna de Bay, Philippines. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 27 p. (Working Paper/ South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme; 102)
Delmendo, M. 1974. The Plankton of Laguna de Bay , the Primary Basis of Milkfish Farming in Enclosures in the Area. Phil. Agric. 57-(7-8):335-342:(D'73/Ja '74).
Delmendo, M. N. & Angeles, H. G. 1969. Some Observations on the Fisheries of Naujan Lake and Recommendations for their Conservation and Management. Bangkok: Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council. 17p. (Occassional Paper/Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council; 69/9) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Delmendo, M.N. 1972. The Status of Fish Seed Production in the Philippines. In: Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers / Edited by T.V.R. Pillay. London : Fishing News (Book), pp.208-212.*UPVCF Library , mimeographed copy, IPFC/C70/SYM, 1970,Vertical file
Delmendo, M.N. 1968. Food and Feeding Habits of the Economic Species of Fish in Laguna de Bay 1968. Proc IPFC 13th Session. Queensland, Australia, 14-15 Oct. 1968. Brisbane. 13 (II) : 143-167.
Delmendo, Medina N and Jimenea, Dante M. 1964? An Evlauation of Milkfish Stocked in Laguna de Bay. n.p. Typescript (carbon copy)*UPVCF Library, Vertical file
Delmendo, Medina N. 1970? Induced Spawning of Fishes in the Philippines and the Prospects of Hatchery Operation. Manila : Philippine Fisheries Commission. 10 p.
Delmendo, Medina N. & Angeles, Hilarion G. 1975. Preliminary Observations on the Spawning of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal). Fisheries Forum (Ist Q):22p.
Delmendo, Medina N. & Godney, Robert H. 1974. Fish Farming in Pens; A New Fishery Business in Laguna de Bay. Pasig Rizal: Laguna Lake Development Authority. 1v. (various pagings) (LLDA Technical Paper; no. 2) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Delmendo, Medina N. & Godney, Robert H. 1976. Laguna de Bay Fish Pen AquacultureDevelopment - Philippines. Proc.Annu.Meet.World Maricult.Soc., 7:257-265.
Delmendo, Medina N. & Rabanal, Herminio R. 1962. Cultivation of Sugpo. Philipp. Fish. Yearb., pp. 152-160. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Delmendo, Medina N. 1987. Milkfish Culture in Pens: an Assessment of its Contribution to Overall Fishery Production of Laguna de Bay. ASEAN/UNDP/FAO Regional Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries Development Project, Manila, 1987. 17p. 9ASEAN/SF/87/Tech 5)
Delos Santos, Ceferino. 1980. Staffing of Aquaculture Business Projects. Asian Aquacult.,3(7):4-8. (Excerpted from the Lecture, "Staffing of Aquaculture Business Projects", Given at the First Aquaculture Business Project Development and Management Course, March 3-16, SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Tigbauan,Iloilo, Philippines)
Delsman , H.C. 1925. Brackishwater Ponds and Malaria.(De Empangs en Malaria). Tropische Natuur (Djakarta-Batavia, Indonesia).No.1. 4p.,Illus. In Dutch.
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Diola, Carmelo; Alameda, Nicias; Suarez, Miguel Jr, and Crisostomo, David. 1980. Project Feasibility Study: Guaphil Sugpo-Guihan Farm Prawn Based Polyculture with Milkfish. In:APDEM (III : 1980; Tigbauan Iloilo)=Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo; SEAFDEC=, 3:(8p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Djaingsastro, Ab'd Samad. 1956. Experimentation in the Brackishwater Ponds at Polagan (Madura East Java). Proc.IPFC, 6(2&3) :202-209. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Djaingsastro, Adoessamad. 1958. Paddy-Cum-Milkfish Culture, a Creation from the Lowlands of Solo River. Proc. IPFC,7(2-3) :163-166. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Djajadiredja, R.& Poernomo, A. 1974. Review of Coastal Water Resources in Relation to Coastal Aquaculture. Proc. IPFC, 15(3):159-172. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Djajadiredja, R. & Daulay, T. 1982. Aspects of Design and Construction of Coastal Ponds for Milkfish Seed Production. In: Report of Consultation/Seminar on Coastal Fishpond Engineering, 4-12 August 1982, Surabaya, Indonesia. Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp. 92-100. (Workshop Report / South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating programme; no.42.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Djajadiredja, R. & Poernomo, A. 1972. Requirements for Successful Fertilizers to Increase Milkfish Production. In: Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers/Edited by T.V.R. Pillay. London: Fishing News (Books), pp.398-409. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Djajadiredja, R. & Suhardi. 1974. Exploration of New Chanos Fry Resources ; A Trial for Over-coming Seed Shortage in Java. Proc.IPFC, 15(3):173-181.
Djajadiredja, R. and Poernomo, A. 1972. Requirements for Successful Fertilization to Increase Milkfish Production. In: Pillay. T.V.R. (ed.). Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Fishing News (Books)Ltd. pp.398-409.*UPVCFL
Djajadiredja, R. R. and Amidjaja, R. 1960. Some Observations on Chanos Culture in Freshwater. Proc. Indo-Pacific Fish. Coun. 8(II): 9-18. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Djajadiredja, R. Roestami. 1960. Preliminary Report on Transportation of Chanos Fingerlings with Aerating System. Proc. IPFC, 8(2):1-8
Djajadiredja, Roestami, Jangkaru, Zulkilfi and Junus Mahammad. 1980. Freshwater Aquaculture in Indonesia with Special Reference to Small-Scale Agriculture in Integrated Farming Systems in West Java. In: Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming Systems: Proceedings of the ICLARM-SEARCA Conference on Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming Systems, Manila, Philippines, 6-9 August 1979/Edited by Roger S.V. Pullin and Zaid H. Shehadeh. Manila: ICLARM; SEARCA, pp.143-165.
Djajadiredja, Roestami. 1974. Nurseries and their Management.=Bogor= BIOTROP. 16 p. (BIOTROP. Training Course in Induced Fish Breeding Techniques. TAT-1/xii/74. Lecture Note :6)
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Dolendo, Araceli; Roncal, Rosabel; Almeda, Ma. Cristina & Tongco, Enrique. 1977. Standardization of Handling, Icing and Freezing of Milkfish. Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines 2(2):62-84. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Dolendo, Araceli L. 1975. Handling, Icing and Freezing of Bangos (Chanos chanos). Fisheries Forum (4th Q.), 19p.
Dolendo, Araceli L.; Tongco, E. P.; Roncal, R. A. & Almeda, Ma. C. 1978. Standardization of Handling, Icing and Freezing of Milkfish. In: National Science Development Board (Philippines). In: Milkfish (Bangos) as Food. Bicutan, Taguig:The Board, pp. 40-73.
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Domantay, Jose S. 1940. The Fishery Industries of Zamboanga. Philipp. J. Sci. 71(1):81-112. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Donaldson, L.R. 1978. People are Important (Keynote Address). Proc. Annu.Meet. World Maricult.Soc., 9:13-17. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Doren, Nelson; Acogido, Juanito; Paez, Jorge & Ubaldo, Crispin. 1980. Project Feasibility Study: Milkfish Monoculture. 6p. (submitted to APDEM (II:1980:Quezon City)*UPVCF Library ( Mimeographed copy); *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Dosayla, E. D. , 1973. Summary of Four Economic Surveys of Food Consumption. NFAC Special Studies.16p.
Dosayla, E.D. and Darrah, L. B. 1973. Income and Food Consumption (ave. data for 4 survey). NFAC Special Studies. 28p.
Dosayla., E. D. Income and Food Consumption (Summary of 5 Economic Surveys) NFAC Special Studies 41p.
Drews, Robin A. 1961. Raising Fish for Food in Southeast Asia. In: Fish as Food / Edited by Georg Borgstrom. New York : Academic Press, 1:121-143. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Duenas, C. E. and Young, P. S. 1983. Salinity Tolerance and Resistance of Milkfish Larvae. Abstracts. 2nd International Milkfish Aquaculture Conference, Iloilo City, p. 22.
Duldoco-Requintina, Pura J. 1979. Lactate Dehydrogenesae Isozyme Patterns of Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) and their Sequential Variations During Development. 40 p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, Iloilo)*SEAFDEC-AQDL;PCARRDL
Duncan, Bryan. 1980. Brackishwater pond development in Sumatra. ICLARM Newsl., 3(4):4-5.*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Durand, J. 1950. The Culture of Chanos chanos along the Coasts of Annam (L'elevage du Chanos chanos sur les Cotes D'Annam). Proc. Conference of Fishery Products in the Overseas French Union. Merseille, France. In French.
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Duray, M., and Bagarinao, T. 1984. Weaning of hatchery-bred milkfish larvae from live food to artificial diets. Aquaculture 41:325-332.
Dureza, V. 1977. Production response of milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskal in bracksihwater ponds to additional substrate for fishpond organisms. Paper presented at the PCARR Fisheires Research Forum, Manila. (no pages given)
Dureza, V.A., Aure, R. C. and Unarce, R. V. 1982. Development of improved techniques of catching, holding and transport of bangus fry .1. Investigation of present methods for collection, sorting, holding and transport of milkfish fry. Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Leganes, Iloilo,Phils. Technical Report, 1982.
Dureza, Virgilio A. & Minsalan, Cecilia Luz. 1982. Development of Improved Procedure of Collecting, Sorting and Holding of Milkfish Fry. 11. Standardization of the Present Methods and Techniques of Collecting, Holding and Transporting Milkfish Fry from Increased Fry Survival. Prog.Rep.Brachish-wat. Aquacult. Cent.Univ.Philipp.Visayas, (Ja.-Je.): (3 p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Dureza, Virgilio A. 1979. Aquaculture Farming Systems: In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=,pp. 108-112.
Durve, V.S. 1968. Some Observations on the Conditioned Responses in the Fingerlings of the Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal). Proc.Indian Acad.Sci., 68(2):69-78. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Durve, V.S. & George,K.V. 1963. Some Physiological Observations on the Fry of Chanos chanos (Forskal) for their Transport in Plastic Containers. Indian J.Fish., 10:1-10. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Duursma, Egbert Klass & Hanafi, Adi. 1975. Use of Pesticide in Brackishwater Ponds. I. Effects of Diazinon on Fish and Shrimp. Bull.Shrimp Cult.Res.Cent., Jepara, 1(2):56-58. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Dwivedi, S. N.; Reddy, D.V.; Bohra, O. P.; Pillai, K.K. 1980. Observations on Growth Rates of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) in Relation to the Abiotic Factors at Kakinada fish Farm. Comp. Physiol. Ecol. 5(4):285-287. *ICLARM R91-180
Dwivedi, S.N. & Reddi,D.V. 1977. Brackish-Water Fish and Prawn Culture. Fish Farming Int.,4(1):14-16.
Dwivedi, S.N. 1980. Prospects and Perspective in Prawn Culture. In: Proceedings of the First National Symposium on Shrimp Farming, Bombay, 16-18 August 1978*SEAFDEC-AQDL
Dwivedi, S.N., Bohra, O. P.; Reddy,D. V. and Pillai, K. K 1979. Seasonal Variation in the Surface Water Temperature in Ponds and Main Feeder Channel of Brackishwater Fish Farm Kakinada Andhra Praesh India. Comp.Physiol.Ecol. 4(4): 271.
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Edralin, Ma. Milagros Aricheta. 1973. Bangos and Sugpo Culture in Brackishwater Fishponds ; A Report in Practice-in-Industry Training in Fish Culture. 29p. (Undergraduate thesis, University of the Philippines, 1973) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Edwardson, William. 1976. Energy Demands of Aquaculture; A World-Wide Survey. Fish Farming Int.,3(4):10-13. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Eldani, Abdurizal & Primavera, Jurgene H. 1981. Effect of Different Stocking Combinations on Growth, Production and Survival of Milkfish(Chanos chanos, Forskal) and Prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) in Polyculture in Brackishwater Ponds. Aquaculture, 23(1-4):59-72. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Eldani, Abdurizal A . 1979. Polyculture of milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) and prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) at different stocking combinations in brackishwater ponds. 72p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1979) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Emata, A. C.; Borlongon, I. G; Damaso, J.P. 2000. Dietary Vitamin C and E supplementation and reproduction of milkfish Chanos chanos Forsskal. Aquacult. Res. 31 (7):557-564. ICLARM Library
Emata, A. and Marte, C. L. 1991. Reproductive performance of milkfish in concrete tanks. SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture 13:5-6
Emata, A. C. and Marte, C. L. 1990. Natural and induced spawning of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal), in Concrete Tanks. SEAFDEC Asian aquculture 12:1-3.
Emata, A. C.; Marte, C.L. 1993. Broodstock management and egg production of milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal. Aquaculture Fish. Manage. 24:381-388.
Emata, A. C.; Marte, C. L. and Garcia, L. Ma. B. 1992. Management of milkfish broodstock. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dept, Tigbauan, Iloilo. 22p. (SEAFDEC Aquaculture Dept. Aquaculture Extension Manual; no. 20) ICLARML
Emata, A.C.; Marte, C.L. 1992. The Use of a visual implant tag to monitor the reproductive performance of individual milkfish Chanos chanos Forsskal. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 8:314-317.
Encarnacion, E.N. 1980. Overview of the milkfish industry. =Tigbauan,Iloilo : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department,SEAFDEC Institute of Aquaculture=, 15 p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Encarnacion, Emmanuel N. 1980. Philippine Aquaculture Scenario Revisited. Asian Aquacult.,3(8):1-2,7 and3(9):3,6. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Encina, Vitaliano B.and Gatus, Arcadio R. 1977. Preliminary Report on Milkfish Fry Floating Trawl Experiments in Balayan Bay. Philipp. J.Fish.,15(2):174-216. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Eri Jr. Carmelo C. jt. a. 1973. Fish Culture Fisheries Survey of Misamis Oriental, Cagayan de Oro City, BFs Regional Office No.10 p28-38.
Esguerra, R.S. 1974. Culturing Bangus in Fishpens. Philippines Farmers Journal 16(10): 30.
Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1951. Enumeration of Algae in Philippine Bangos Fishponds and in the Digestive Tract of the Fish with Notes on Conditions Favorable for their Growth. Philipp.J.Fish., 1(1-2) :175-196. Republished 1977. Also In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, 1975. Symposium Papers. =Makati : SEAFDEC=*SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1977. The Layout, construction and management of brackishwater fishponds in the Philippines. In: Joint SCSP/SEAFDEC Workshop in Aquaculture Engineering, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1977, 2:197-206.
Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1974. Culturing bangus in fishponds. Phil. Farm J. 16(10): 30.
Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1974. Mechanization of Bangus Fry Collection. Phil. Farmer's J. 16(6):40-41.1974.
Esguerra, Ricardo S. 1979. Guide to Prawn and Shrimp Culture. Fisheries Research Journal of the Philippines,4(1):58-67. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Esquerra, Ricardo. 1979. Aquaculture Practices in the Philippines: Lerma Method of BangusProduction. In: Proceedings of the First Seminar of the Fishpond Operator's Program on Prawn Culture in Mindanao, held on November 25-27, 1974, in Naawan, Misamis Oriental. (14p.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Esquerra, Ricardo. 1983. Basic differences between the cultivation of milkfish and the pond culture of prawns. Manila: Fertilex Aquaculture Center. 7p. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Estrella, Jose J., Jr. 1980. Milkfish culture in pens in Laguna de Bay. In: APDEM(III :1980 ; Tigbauan, Iloilo). =Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo : SEAFDEC=, 2:(12 p.)*UPVCFL, Mimeographed copy; *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Evangeline G. 1967. Chanos culture at the fish farm, Adyar. Madras J.Fish. 3: 68-115. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Fabro, Rita M. & Lapie, Lustina P. 1978. A Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry of the Ilocos Region. Los Baños, Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 85 p. ( Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series ; no. 11) ( Research Paper Series / SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program; no.11) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Felix, Sergio S. 1975. Bangos Pen Culture and Operations. In: National Bangus Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, pp.106-111. Also In: Asian Fish.Shipp.Mag. 2(3):10-13. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Felix, Sergio S. 1959. Report on the Census of Bangos Caught with All Kinds of Fishing Gears as Basis for a Preliminary Survey of the Bangos Fisheries of Laguna de Bay. Fish. Gaz. Bur. Fish. (Philipp.) 3(8):15-22+
Felix, Sergio S. 1973. Raising Bangus in Fish Pens. Fish.Newsl. (Jul.-Sept.):2-9. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Felix, Sergio S. 1973. Bangus Culture in Fish Pen. Manila: Bureau of Fisheries. 23 p.
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Fortes, R. D. 1987. Culture Studies on Tilapia sp. Under Saline Conditions at the Brackishwater Center. In: Proceedings of the first National Symposium and Workshop on Tilapia Farming, 24-26 Nov. 1986, PCARRD, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. SEAFDEC/AQD, Iloilo City, pp. 21-33. Book Series no. 48. *SEAFDEC-AQD Library
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Grover, John H. & Juliano, Rogelio O. 1976. Length-Weight Relationships of Ponds-Raised Milkfish in the Philippines. Aquaculture 7(4):339-346. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Grover, John H. 1973. Production of Milkfish in Combination with Common Carp and Thai Catfish in Fertilized Freshwater Ponds. Philipp.J.Fish. 11(1&2):1-6.*UPVCFL
Grover, John H: Recometa, Renato D. & Dureza, Virgilio A. 1976. Production and Growth of Milkfish, Common Carp, and Catfish in Fertilized Freshwater Ponds. Kalikasan 5(2):193-206.*UPVCFL; *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Guerrero, R. D. III. 1981. What Milkfish Eat Under Philippine Conditions. Asian Farms and Gardens 2(4):38
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Guerrero, R.D. III 1975. Development of Freshwater Fish Culture in the Philippines. Ist PCAR Research Congress, Legaspi City, 7-10 Mr, 1975. (Fisheries Research Division , Aquaculture Research Paper).p40-56. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Guerrero, R.D. III. 1981. Converting Animal Waste Into Fish and Cash Waste as Feed to Milkfish in the Philippines. Modern Agriculture and Industry-Asia 9(2):22-23.
Guerrero, R.D., III. 1982. Species Selection for Pen Cultures and Sources of Stock. In: Report of the Training Course on Small Scale Pen and Cage Culture of Finfish, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines,26-31 October 1981; Aberdeen, Hongkong, 1-13 November 1981. Prepared by R.D. Guerrero III and V. Soesanto. Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp.53-55.
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Hara, S.; Avila, E. M.; Bagarinao, T.U. and Parazo, M.M. 1983. Diurnal Feeding Patterns of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Larvae Under Laboratory Conditions. Abstract of Paper presented at the 2nd Intl. Milkfish Aquaculture Conf.; 3-8 Oct 1983; Iloilo, Philippines, SEAFDEC-AQD and International Development Research Centre of Canada.
Hara, S.; Parazo, M. M. and Avila, E. M. 1983. The Influence of Starvation of Food Intake and Growth of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fry in Captivity. Abstracts. 2nd International Milkfish Aquaculture Conference, Iloilo City, p. 49
Hara, Shiro; Canto, Jose T., Jr. & Almendras, Jesus M. 1980. A Comparative Study of Various Extenders of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (forskal), Sperm Preservation. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. 4(2):1-6. see also Aquaculture (3&4):339-346 (1982) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Hardenberg, J.D. F. 1953. Chanos chanos: Some Notes on its Anatomy and Physiology. In: Hofstede, A. E., R.O. Ardiwinata and F. Botke (eds.), Indo-Pacific Fish. Coun. special publications No. 2: 44-50.
Hardjono, Atmo. 1956. The Inland Fisheries of Indonesia. Prog.Fish-Cult.,18(1):30-34. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Harvey, Brian J. & Hoar, Williams S. 1979. The Theory and Practice of Induced Breeding in Fish. =Ottawa:IDRC=48p. See: pp. 30-32.*UPVCFL
Harvey, Brian. 1993. Induced Breeding in Tropical Fish Culture.Ottawa: International Development Research Center, 1993. 144p. (see pages 76-81, and Bibliograpy, pp.89-93) *UPVCFL
Hassan, Rosly bin. 1980. Frequency of Feeding on the Growth and Survival of Chanos chanos Fry in a Controlled Environment. Tigbauan, Iloilo: Aquaculture Department, SEADFDEC. 12p. (Research Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Fourth South Asian Regional Training on Aquaculture Research Methodology, SEAFDEC, Tigbauan, Iloilo, April 7 -August 7, 1980) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Hastings, W. H. Fish Nutrition and Fish Feed Manufacturer. In: Advances in Aquaculture, Edited by T. V. R. Pillay & Wm. A. Dill. Farmham, Susrrey: Fishing News Books, pp. 568-574. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Hastings,W. 1975. Indonesia : Preliminary Testing of Artificial Feeds Manufacturer for Ingredients for Milkfish and Shrimps ; A report Prepared for the Brackishwater Shrimp and Milkfish Culture Research and Development Project. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 12 p.*UPVCF Library (Vertical File); *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Hosillos, Lucila V. 1958. Make Bangos Our National Fish. Fish. Gaz. Bur. Fish. (Philipp.) 2(12):20-21, 19. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Huang T. 1969. Prawn Culture. Bulletin of the Fisheries Association of Taiwan 1(7): 54-60.
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Huet, Marcel. 1959. Apercu de la Pisciculture dans les Regions Tropicales en Extreme-Orient et en Afrique Central. Bull. Fr. Piscic. 192:89-103*SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Jamandre, Dawn Rhoda M. 1980. The Survival and Growth of Milkfish Fry (Chanos chanos, Forskal) Fed with Three Artificial Diets in a Flow Through System. 56 p. Iloilo (Master's Thesis, University of the Philippine System, 1980) *SEAFDEC-AQDL;ICLARML
Jamandre, E.V. 1977. Integrated Piggery and Milkfish Culture. Some Problems and Constraints. In: Joint SCSP SEAFDEC Workshop on Aquaculture Engineering (With Emphasis on Small-Scale Aquaculture Projects). Vol. 2, Technical Report. Held at SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department Facilities, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines, 27 Nov. - 3 Dec. 1977. FAO UNDP South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, Manila, (Philippines); Southeast Asian Development Center, Tigbauan, (Philippines) Dec. 1977. pp.295-305.
Jamandre, Ernesto V. 1977. Integrated Piggery and Milkfish Culture- Some Problems and Constraints. In:Joint SCSP/ SEAFDEC Workshop on Aquaculture Engineering, Tigbauan., Iloilo 1977, 2;295-305. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jamandre, T.J., Jr.& Rabanal, H.R. 1975. Engineering Aspects of Brackishwater Aquaculture in the South China Sea Region. Manila : South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Program. 1v. (various pagings)(Working Paper/ South China Sea Development and Coordinating Programme : no.16) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jayamaha, D. and S. Ramanathan. 1970. On the Collection, Transport and Acclimatization of the Fry of Chanos chanos (Forskal) For Brackishwater Pond Culture in Ceylon. FAO Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailand, 1970 - IPFC Symp. on Coastal Aquaculture - Bangkok, Thailand, 18-27 Nov. 1970. 15p.
Jayamaha, D. E. S. 1979. Cage and Pen culture in Sri Lanka. In: International Workshop on Pen and Cage Culture of Fish, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1979. Proceedings Tigbauan, Iloilo: International Development Research Centre; Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC, pp. 121-123. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jesus, Arsenio de and R.R. Deanon. Survey of Bangus and Sugpo Fry Grounds and other Marine Resources of Quezon and the Bicol Provinces. Philippine Journal of Fisheries 14(1):88-106.
Jhingran, V. 1973. Status of Brackishwater Aquaculture in India. 11 p. (Presented at the Seminar on Aquaculture in Southeast Asia Held at the Freshwater Fishery Research Institute. IDRC/AQS-73-CP/19) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jhingran, V. G. & Gopalakrishnan. 1973. Prospects for the Development of Brakishwater Fish and Shrimps Culture in India. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 30(12, pt. 2):2341-2343.
Jhingran, V.G. 1969. Review of the Present Status of Knowledge on Induced Breeding of Fishes and Problems for Future Research.FAO/UNDP Regional Seminar on Induced Breeding of Cultivated Fishes. Calcutta. Cuttack. Bombay. FRi3IBCF3 27. 31p.
Jhingran, V.G. 1976. Systems of Polyculture of Fishes in the Inland Waters of India. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 33(4): 905-910. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jhingran, V.G. 1977. Procurement of Stocking Material of Brackishwater Fishes. In: Jhingran, V.G. Fish and Fisheries of India. Delhi : Hindustan Pub. Corp., pp. 747-753. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jhingran, V.G. and Gopalakrishnan, V. 1974. A Catalog of Cultivated Aquatic Organisms. FAO Fish.Tech.Rep. Paper No. 130: 83p.
Jhingran, V.G. & Gopalakrishnan, V. 1972. Multifarious Use of Coastal Areas Suitable for Aquaculture Development. Proc.IPFC,15(2):24-30. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jhingran, V.G. 1976. Systems of Polyculture of Fishes in the Inland Waters of India. J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 33(4, pt. 2):905-910.
Jhingran,V.G., Pakrasi,B.B., Bannerjee,R.K. & Moitra, A. 1972. Observations in a Pilot Fish Farm in Lower Sunderbans. In:Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers/Edited by T.V.R.Pillay. London: Fishing News (Books), pp. 472-485. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Jones, Alan and Prickett, Richard. 1980. Hatchery Techniques: Key to Growth of Marine Fish Farming. Fish Farming Int. 7(3):13-14. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Jones, J.B. 1980. A Rediscription of Clagus Patulus Wilson, 1937 (Copepoda: caligidae) from a Fish Farm in the Philippines. Syst.Parasitol.2:103-116. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
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Juario, J. V. 1979. Induced Spawning and Larval Rearing of Milkfish. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines. SEAFDEC/PCARR Workshop, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 8-11 Feb, p. 35-42.
Juario, J. V.; Ferraris, R.P. and Benitez, L.V. (eds.). 1984. Advances in Milkfish Biology and Culture; Proceedings of the Second International Milkfish Aquaculture Conference, 4-8 October 1983, Iloilo City, Philippines. Island Publ. House, Manila in Association with the Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center and the International Development Research Centre. 243p.
Juario, J., Duray, M. N., Duray, V.M., Nacario, J.F., Almendras, J.M.E. 1984. Induced Breeding and Larval Rearing Experiments with Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) in the Philippines. Aquaculture 36(1-2):61-70.
Juario, J.V. & Banno, J.E. 1979. Effect of Different Types of Natural Foods on the Growth and Survival of Milkfish Fry Chanos chanos Forskal. Tigbauan, Iloilo : Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center. 7 p.
Juario, Jesus & Duray, Marietta N. 1982. A Guide to induced spawning and larval rearing of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal). Tigbauan, Iloilo: Tigbauan, Iloilo: Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC; International Development Centre. 27p. (Technical Report/SEAFDEC-AQD; no. 10)*UPVCFL (SH167 M5 J85)
Juario, Jesus & Natividad, Marietta. 1980. Induced Spawning of Milkfish. Asian Aquacult. 3(8):4-5, 3.
Juario, Jesus V. & Duenas, C. 1977. Salinity Preference of the Milkfish Chanos chanos Forskal. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep. 1(2):14-16.UPVCFL; *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Juario, Jesus V. & Vanstone, W.E. 1976. Preliminary Notes on the Salinity Preference of Milkfish,Chanos chanos, Fry. In: International Milkfish Workshop Conference, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1976. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=,pp.43-46. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Juario, Jesus V. 1977. What the Milkfish is All About. Farming Today 3(9):9-11.
Juario, Jesus V. 1979. Status and Problems of Milkfish Propagation. Tigbauan, Iloilo:Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC. 9p. (Paper read during the PCARR Symposium-Workshop on Fish Hatchery Nursery Development and Management, 27-28 September 1979, Aberden Court, Makati, M.M.) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Juario, Jesus V. 1980. Artificial Propagation of Milkfish Fry. In: APDEM (III:1980: Tigbauan, Iloilo) =Papers. Tigbauan, Iloilo:SEAFDEC=, vol. 2(7p)
Juario, Jesus V. 1983. Induced Breeding of Saltwater Finfish in the Philippines. In: SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. A Compilation of SEAFDEC AQD Technical Papers on Milkfish & Other Finfishes. Tigbauan, Iloilo: the Department, 1:97-108. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Juario, Jesus V. 1979. Induced Spawning and Larval Rearing of the Milkfish. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=pp. 37-42. *SEAFDEC-AQDL;UPVCFL
Juario, Jesus; Nat ividad, M.; Almendras, J.; Nacario, J. & Canto, Jose, Jr. 1978. Experiments on the Induced Breeding of Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal) in 1978. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. 2(4):1-3. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Juario, Jesus; Natividad, N.;Quinitio, G. & Banno, J. 1979. Experiments on the Induced Spawning and Larval Rearing of the Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal) in 1979. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep. 3(2):1-3. *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Juario, Jesus; Quinitio, G. F.; Banno, J. & Natividad, M. 1981. Effects of Exogenous Hormone Injections on Milt Consistency in Newly Caught Wild Milkfish. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC Aquacult. Dep 5(4):1-5. see also: Kalikasan 9(2-3):321-326 (1980) *SEAFDEC-AQDL
Juliano, R. O. and Hirano, R.. 1986. The Growth Rate of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal) in Brackishwater Ponds of the Philippines. Abstracts of paper presented at the First Asian Fisheries Forum, Manila, Philippine s, 25-31 May 1986.*ICLARML
Juliano, R.D. et al. 1973. Bangus Production in Shallow Ponds with Plankton. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Tech Rep. (4) .( First Half Fy 1973). NSDB assisted Project No.2.235. 9p.
Juliano, Rogelio et al. 1972. Weight- Length Relationship and Growth of Chanos chanos (Forsskal) Grown in Freshwater Ponds. Phil Abstra. 13(1-2):37: (Ja/Je). Also In: Nat. Appl. Sci. Bull. 22:113-131.
Juliano, Rogelio O. 1973. Rate of Growth and Survival of Bangus Fry in Brackishwater ponds. UPCF Inland Fisheries Project. Tech Rep. (4). (First of FY 1973). NSDB.Assisted Project no.2.235 p7-8
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Librero, Aida R. 1976. An Assesment of the Fishpond Technology and Management in the Philippines. SEAFDEC/PCARR Research Program, Los Baños, Laguna, Research Paper Series (4): 143. tabs
Librero, Aida R. 1977. Resource Productivity in Milkfish Culture in the Philippines. Tigbauan,Iloilo: Aquaculture Department,Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center. 27p. (Paper Presented at the Second Biennial Meeting of the Aquaculture Economics Society of Southeast Asia (AESSEA) Held in Iloilo, Philippines, 3-6 November 1977)
Librero, Aida R. ; Nicolas, Elizabeth S.; Vasquez, Edgardo O. & Nazareno, Amelita M. 1976. An Assessment of the Fishpond Technology and Management in the Production of Milkfish (Bangos) in the Philippines. Los Baños,Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 143 p. (Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines / SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program ; no. 4)*UPVCF Library (SH167 M5 A88)
Librero, Aida R. 1977. Cultural and Management Practices in Bangus (Milkfish) Ponds in the Philippines. In: Small Scale Fisheries Development : Social Science Contribution ; Proceedings of a Planning Meeting Held at the East-West Food Institute ,September 6-11, 1976/ Edited by Brian Lockwood and Kenneth Ruddle. Honolulu; East-West Center, pp.89-129.
Librero, Aida R.; Manguiat, Rita P. & Catalla, Rebecca R. 1975. An Annotated Bibliography of Studies in Aquaculture, Los Baños, Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 139 p.
Librero, Aida. 1975. Some Economic Issues in the Development of Bangus Industry. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel,Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=,pp.155-160.
Librero, Aida. 1977. Management and Cultural Practices and Costs and Returns in Milkfish Production in the Philippines. =Tigbauan, : SEAFDEC 46 p. (Paper based on "An Assessment of the Fishpond Technology and Management in the Production of Milkfish (Bangos) in the Philippines", by Aida Librero et al, and Presented at the Seminar on the Socio-Economics of Aquaculture held at SEAFDEC,Tigbauan,Iloilo,17-18 March 1977)
Librero, Aida; Dizon, Solomon P.; Tidon, Anita G.; Ramos, Diego G. & Alzona, Roberto L. 1976. Fry Gathering Patterns,Costs and Returns and Socio-Economic Conditions of Fry Gatherers in the Philippines. Los Baños,Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 123 p. (Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series ; no.1) (Research Paper series / SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program ; no.1)
Librero, Aida; Nicolas, Elizabeth S.; Banasihan, Antonio L.; Fabro, Rita M.; Lapie,Lustina P.; Nazareno, Amelita M. & Vasquez,Edgardo O. 1977. Milkfish Farming in the Philippines ; A Socio-Economic Study. Los Baños,Laguna : SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program. 367 p. ( Socio-Economic Survey of the Aquaculture Industry in the Philippines Research Paper Series ; no.8) (Research Paper series / SEAFDEC-PCARR Research Program ; no.8)
Lieh-Tang, Lin. 1984. Studies on the Induced Breeding of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) Reared in Ponds. China Fisheries Monthly No. 378.
Lijauco, Melchor. 1979. Present Status of Milkfish Farming in the Philippines. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan, Iloilo=, pp. 48-60
Lijauco, Melchor M. 1973. Status and Progress on Research on Fish Culture in the Philippines. In: National Agriculture System Research Congress, 1st, U.P. at Los Baños, 1973. Inland Fisheries Research Papers. Los Baños,Laguna : Fisheries Research Division , Philippine Council for Agricultural Research, pp.78-87. (Workshop Session; no.14)
Lijauco, Melchor M. 1975. Research in Brackishwater Aquaculture as a National Program. In: PCAR Fisheries Research Congress, 1st,Legaspi City, 1975. Aquaculture Research Papers.Los Baños,Laguna : Fisheries Research Division, Philippine Council for Agricultural Research, pp.32-39.
Lijauco, Melchor M. 1975. The Role of the Academic Community in Technology Development for Milkfish Farming. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings=Makati : SEAFDEC=, PP.89-96.
Lijauco, Melchor M. 1979. Major Technology Gaps in Milkfish Culture in the Philippines. In: Technical Consultation on Available Aquaculture Technology in the Philippines, SEAFDEC, Iloilo, 1979. =Proceedings. Tigbauan,Iloilo=, pp.61-63.
Lijauco, Melchor M. ; Prospero, O.Q. & Rodriguez, E.M. 1980. Polyculture of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) and Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) to Increase Production in Ponds. Bull.Brackishwat.Aquacult.Dev.Cent.,4(1&2):268-277.
Lijauco, Melchor M.; Griño, E.G.; Gerochi, D.D. & Rodriguez, E.M. 1978. Preliminary Study on the Growth and Survival of Stunted and Non-Stunted Milkfish Fingerlings. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep. 2(3):35-36.
Lijauco, Melchor M.; Prospero, O. Q. & Rodriguez, E.M. 1980. Polyculture of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) and Mud Crab (Scylla serrata) at Two Stocking Rates. Q.Res.Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep.., 4(4):19-23. SEAFDEC-AQD
Lijauco, Melchor; Juario, J. V.;Baliao, D.; Griño, E. & Quinitio, G. 1979. Milkfish Culture in Brackishwater Ponds. Tigbauan, Iloilo:Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC. 30p. (Aquaculture Extension Manual/Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC;no.4)
Lijauco,Melchor M. & Laureta,Liberato V. 1977. Residual Effect of Heavy Dose of Organic Fertilizers Application in Brackishwater Ponds. Tech.Rep.Inland Fish Proj.(Philipp.Brackishwat.Aquacult.Pt.), (11&12):9-18.
Lijauco,Melchor M. 1977. Plans and Programmes of the SEAFDEC Leganes Station with Emphasis on Varied Layouts and Designs of Ponds. In: Joint SCSP/SEAFDEC Workshop on Aquaculture Engineering, Tigbauan, Iloilo, 1977, 2:207-232.
Lim, C. 1978. Effect of Feeding Rate on the Survival of and Growth of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fry in a Controlled Environment. Q. Res. Rep. SEAFDEC. Aqucult. Dept. 2(4):17-20.
Lim, C., S. Sukhawongs, and F.P. Pascual. 1978. A Preliminary Study on the Protein Requirement of Chanos chanos(Forskal) Fry in a Controlled Environment. Aquaculture 17(3): 195-201.
Lim, Chhorn; Sukhawong, Somchart & Pascual, Felicitas P. 1978. A Preliminary Study on the Protein Requirements of Chanos chanos (Forskal) Fry in a Controlled Environment. Q.Res Rep.SEAFDEC Aquacult.Dep. 2(1):18-25. Also In: Aquaculture 17(3):195-201.
Lim, L. T. 1985. My Experiences in Artificial Propagation of Milkfish-Studies on Natural Spawning of Pond-Reared Broodstock, pp. 185-203. In: Lee, C. S. and Liao, I. C. (eds.) 1985. Reproduction and Culture of Milkifsh. Oceanic Institute and Tungkang Marine Laboratory. 226p.
Limburg, Peter R. 1980. Marine and Brackishwater Fishes. In: Limburg, Peter R. Farming the Waters. New York: Beaufort Books, pp. 90-98.
Lin, Ching-Long; Ting, Yun-Yuan & Song, Yen-Ling. 1982. Proceeding Evaluation of HIVAX Vibrio anquillarum Bacteria in the Vaccination of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fingerlings. In: Reports on Fish Diseases Research (IV).Taipei : Council for Agricultural Planning and Development, pp.80-83. (CAPD Fishries Series ; no. 8)
Lin, H.S. 1969. Some Aspects of Milkfish Ecology. Fish.Ser.Chin.-Am.Jt.Comm.rural Reconstr., 7:68-90. (Text in Chinese ; Summary in English)
Lin, L. T. 1985. My Experiences in Artificial Propagation of Milkfish--Studies in Natural Spawning of Pond-Reared Broodstock. Lee C.S., Liao, I.C., eds. Reproduction and culture of Milkfish; Proceedings of a Workshop; 1985 april 22-24; Tungkang Marine Laboratory. Taiwan. tungkang: Oceanic Institute; Tungkang Marine Laboratory: 185-203.
Lin, S. J. 1988. The Toxicity of Organic Solvents and their Influence on the Growth of Chanos chanos, Penaeus monodon and Meretrix lusovia. Bulletin Taiwan Fish. Res. Inst. (44):239-251.*ICLARM
Lin, S. J. 1988. The Toxicity of Organic Solvents and their Influence on the Growth of Chanos chanos, Penaeus monodon and Meretrix lusovia. Bulletin Taiwan Fish. Res. Inst. (44):239-251.*ICLARM
Lin, S.Y. 1955. Chinese Systems of Pond Stocking. Tech.Rep.IPFC,5(1):113-125.
Lin, Shu-yen. 1968. Milkfish Farming in Taiwan; A Review of Practice and Problems. Taipei: Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute. 64p. (Fish Culture Report/Fisheries Research Institute =Taiwan=; no. 3)
Lin, Shu-yen. 1970. Some Fundamentals in Milkfish Culture. Agriculture. 1(2):6-8. (In Chinese)
Lin, Shu-yen. 1968. Pond Fish Culture and the Economy of Inorganic Fertilizer Application. Taipei : Chinese-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction. 37p. (Fisheries Series / Chinese-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction; no. 6) SEAFDEC-AQD
Ling, S. 1977. Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. 15. Polyculture. In: Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. University of Washington Press. pp.78-87.
Ling, S. 1977. Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. 8. Milkfish (Chanos chanos)Culture. In: Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. University of Washington Press. pp.44-55.
Ling, S.W. 1967. Feeds and Feeding of Warm-Water Fishes in Ponds in Asia and the Far East. FAO Fish.Rep. 44(3):291-309.
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Ling, Shao-Wen. 1969. Role and Possibilities of Brackishwater Fish and Shrimp Farming in Southeast Asia. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Possibilities and problems of Fisheries Development in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 10 to 30 September, 1968; Edited by K. Tiews. BerlIn: West-Kreuz
Ling, Shao-Wen. 1972. A Review of the Status and Problems of Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. In: Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers/Edited by T.V.R. Pillay. London: Fishing News (Books), pp. 2-25.
Ling, Shao-Wen. 1973. Status, Potential and Development of Coastal Aquaculture in the Countries Bordering the South China Sea. Rome: FAO of the United Nations; United Nations Development Program. 51p. (Fisheries Technical Paper/South China Sea Fisheries Development & Coordinating Programme;5)
Ling, Shao-Wen. 1977. Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Culture. In: Ling Shao-Wen. Aquaculture in South East Asia; A Historical Overview/Shao-Wen Ling; Edited by Laura Mumaw. Seattle: University of Washington Press, pp. 44-55.
Ling, Shao-Wen. 1977. Species Cultured in Southeast Asia. In: Ling, Shao-Wen. Aquaculture in Southeast Asia; A Historical Overview/ Shao-Wen Ling; Edited by Laura Mumaw. Seattle: University of Washington Press, pp. 8-26.
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Lio-Po, Gilda; Duremdez-Fernandez, Roselyn and Villaluz, Antonio. 1986. Disease Investigation of Transported Chanos chanos Stocked in Laguna Lake, Philippines. In: Maclean, J. L.; Dizon, L. B. and Hosillos, L. v. (eds.) 1986. The First Asian Fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, pp. 227-230
Lio-Po, Gilda; Pitogo, Celia and Marte, Clarissa. 1988. Bacteria Associated with Infection at Hormone-Implantation sites Among Milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal), Adults. Journal of Fish Diseases 9:337-343.
Lio-Po, Gilda D.; Pascual J.P. & Santos, J.G. 1982. Fish Diseases and Quarantine in the Philippines. 32p. (Paper Presented at the Fish Quarantine Workshop in Jakarta,Indonesia, December 7-10, 1982)
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Lizarondo, Maura S.; De la Cruz, Zenaida S. & Lucido, Amadeo D. 1980. The Market Process in the Bohol Fishpond Industry. Quezon City: Information Section, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 53p. (Agricultural Marketing Report, v. 2, no. 1)
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Lizarondo, Maura S. & Bungcayao, Francisco L. 1980. The Market Process in the Pangasinan Fishpond Industry. Quezon City: Information Section, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 66p. (Agricultural Marketing Report; v. 2, no. 7)
Lizarondo, Maura S. & Piansay, Eric P. 1980. The Market Process in the Fishpond Industry in Masbate, 1979. Quezon City: Information Section, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 57p. (Agriculural Marketing Report; v. 2, no. 6)
Lizarondo, Maura S., De la Cruz, Zenaida S. & Lucido, Amadeo D. 1980. The Market Process in the Cagayan Fishpond Industry. Quezon City:Information Section, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 53p. (Agricultural Marketing Report, v. 2, no 5)
Lizarondo, Maura S., De la Cruz, Zenaida S. & Javier, Editha V. 1980. The Market Process in the Iloilo Fishpond Industry. Quezon City: Information Section, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 76p. (Agricultural Marketing Report; v. 2, no. 2)
Lizarondo, Maura S., De la Cruz, Zenaida S. & Parado, Cristina A. 1980. The Market Process in the Zamboanga City Fishpond Industry. Quezon City: Information Section, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 75p. (Agricultural Marketing Report; v. 2, no. 4)
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Lopez, J.V. and B.S. Ranoemihardjo. 1978. Polyculture of Milkfish(Chanos chanos) and Shrimp(Penaeus monodon) to Increase Production in Ponds. Bull. Brackishwater Aqua.Dev.Cent. 4(1-2): 268-277.
Lopez, Juan V. 1975. Bangos Nursery Operations in the Philippines. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings = Makati: SEAFDEC=, PP. 65-74.
Lopez, Juan V. 1975. Present Status and Problems of Prawn Culture in the Philippines. In: PCAR Fisheries Research Progress, Ist Legaspi City, 1975. Aquaculture Research Papers. Los Baños, Laguna: Fisheries Research Division, Philippine Council for Agricultural Research, pp. 57-59.
Lopez, N.A.; Vicaldo, M.V.E.; Trio, M.G.; Fadriguela, J.F. 1986. The Philippine National Bangus (Chanos chanos) Breeding Program. Abstract of Paper Presented at the First Asian Fisheries Forum, Manila, Philippines, 25-31 May 1986. Iclarm.
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Lucena-Olano, Virginia. 1982. Evaluation of Burnt Rice Hull on the Production of Milkfish in Brackishwater Ponds. 71 p. (Master's Thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1982.)
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Macaranas, Julie M.; Pante, Ma. Josefa R. and Benitez, Lita V. 1989. Heterogeneity in Philippine Milkfish Populations. In: Hirano, R. and Hanyu, I. (eds). Proceedings of the Second Asian Fisheries Forum, 17-22 April 1989, Tokyo, Japan, Manila, Asian Fisheries Society,pp. 477-482.
Macnae, William. 1968. A General Account of the Fauna and Flora of Mangrove Swamps and Forests in the Indo-West Pacific Region. Adv. Mar. Biol., 6:73-270.
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Magno-Orejana, Florian. 1975. Post-Harvest Operations and Product Utilization Studies on Bangos (Chanos chanos Forskal). In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati:SEAFDEC=,pp. 132-136.
Malaysia. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Fisheries Division. 1972. Review of the Status of coastal Aquaculture in Malaysia. In: Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. Papers/Edited by T.V.R. Pillay. London: Fishing News (Books), pp. 52-59.
Malone, Thomas C. 1969. Primary Productivity in a Hawaiian Fishpond and its Relationship to Selected Environmental Factors. Pac.Sci. 23(1) :26-34.
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Manacop, P. R. Sr. 1975. Sabalo Fishery in the Philippines. National Bangus Symposium. Philippine Village Hotel, Pasay City, metro Manila, 25-26 July 1975.
Manacop, P. R., Sr. 1975. The Sabalo Adult Stage of Milkfish Fishery in the Philippines. National Bangus Symposium. Philippine Village Hotel, Pasay City, Metro Manila, 25-25 Jl 1975. 24p.
Manacop, Porfirio R. 1953. Principal Marine Fisheries. In: Philippine Fisheries; A Handbook Prepared by the Technical Staff of the Bureau of Fisheries. Manila, pp. 103-123.
Manacop, Porfirio R., Mane, A.,Yap,W.G., Esquerra, R. S. & Jaranilla, J.A. 1978. An Integrated Aquaculture Development Project in Currimao, Ilocos Norte; A Feasibility Study. Tigbauan, Iloilo: Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC. 1 v. (various pagings).
Manacop, Porfirio R., Sr. 1975. The Sabalo Fishery in the Philippines. -Tigbauan, Iloilo= : SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. 24p. (Read before the National Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, July 25-26, 1975). Also In: PCAR Monit., 3(8) :13-14.
Manacop, Porfirio R., Sr. 1975. Some Observations on the Sabalo Fishery in the Philippines. In: National Bangos Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, pp.34-55.
Manalo-Manalo, Nonola A. 1973. Mixed Culture of Bangus,Sugpo/ Alimango and Salt Making; A Practice-in-Industry Training Report. 26 p. (Undergraduate Thesis, University of the Philippines, 1973)
Mane, A. M. & Tan, E. O. 1969. Country Report: Philippines. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Possibilities and Problems of Fisheries Development in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 10 to 30 September 1968/Edited by K. Tiews. BerlIn: West-Kreuz Druckerei, pp. 261-276.
Mane, A.M. 1975. Some Observations and Experiences in Pen Culture for Bangus in Laguna de Bay. Proc. National Bangos Sym. Philippine Village Hotel-Punta Baluarte. 25-28 July 1975. pp. 112-124.
Mane, Andres & Tan, E.O. 1969. Present Situation of the Fisheries Industry in the Philippines. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Possibilities and Problems of Fisheries Development in Southeast Asia, Berlin, 10 to 30 September 1968 / Edited by K. Tiews. BerlIn: West-Kreuz Druckerei, pp.261-276.
Mane, Andres M.; Villaluz, Domiciano K. & Rabanal, Herminio R. 1952. Cultivation of Fish in Brackish and Estuarine Waters in the Philippines. In: Philippine Fisheries ; A Handbook Prepared by the Technical Staff of the Bureau of Fisheries. Manila, pp.100-110.
Mane, Andres. Private Sector Observations on Pen Culture and Operations for Bangus. National Bangus Symposium. Phil. Village Hotel, Pasay City, Metro Manila, 25-26 JI 1975.
Mane, Andres M. 1976. The Development of the Fishpen Industry System of Research for Central and Southern Luzon. In: Proceedings, 1st Regional Agriculture and Resources System Research Congress for Southern and Central Luzon, El Grande Hotel, Paranaque, Rizal, July 26-29, 1976, 8:53-56.
Mane, Andres M. 1975. Some Observations and Experiences in Pen Culture for Bangus in Laguna de Bay. In: National Bangus Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, pp.112-124. Also In: PCAR Monit., 3(8):6,8,11.
Mane, Andres M. 1982. Harvesting, Post-Harvest Technology and Marketing of Milkfish in Pens. In: Report of the Training Course on Small-Scale Pen and Cage Culture for Finfish, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, 26-31 October 1981; Aberden, Hong Kong, 1-13 November 1981. Prepared by R. D. Guerrero III and V. Soesanto. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, pp. 69-73.
Mane, Ernesto C. 1979. A Case Study of the Milkfish Fingerling Production Project in Freshwater Nurseries for the Fishpen Industry. 8p. (Paper Presented at the Symposium-Workshop on Fish Hatchery/Nursery Development and Management, 27-29 September 1979, Aberden Court, Makati, Metro Manila)
Manik, R. & Tiensongrusmee, B. 1979. Integrated Brackishwater Farm System in Indonesia. Bull. Brackishwat. Aquaculture. Dev. Cent. 5(1-2):369-376.
Marasigan, Arnulfo. 1995. Verification and field Trials of the New Milkfish Trial Technology. Phase II. In: 35 UPV Researches Completed in October 1995,UPV Newsletter 10(1):10 Sept-Oct
Marasigan, Arnulfo N. 1981. The Relationships of Lab-Lab Production to Milkfish Production and Nutrient Levels in Fertilized Brackishwater Ponds. 39 p. (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1981)
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Marcos, Ferdinand 1968 . On Fish Production .Presidential Policy Statement Series.
Marfori, C. G.; Fabiran, E. F. & Arroyo, P. T. 1973. Storage Study of Canned Bangus. Proceedings of the 8th annual Convention, PAFT 27-28 Nov. (No place given)
Marfori, Ceferina G.; Fabian, Evangeline F. & Arroyo, Patricia T. 1975. Storage Life Study on Canned Bangus (Chanos chanos Forskal), Salmon and Sardine Style. Asian Fish. Shipp. Mag. 1(3):6-8, 10-13.
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Marquez, Faith Espejo . 1988. Evaluation of Rice Bran and Two Pelleted Diets as Supplementary Feed for Milkfish (C hanos chanos Forskal) Reared in Brackishwater Ponds. 50p. Iloilo (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines in the Visayas)
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Marte, C. L. 1988. An Improved Method for Collecting Naturally Spawned Milkfish Eggs from Floating Cages. Aquaculture 71:387-392.
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Po, G.; Duremdez-Fernandez, R.; Villaluz, A. 1986. Disease Investigation of transported Chanos chanos Stocked in Laguna Lake, Philippines. Abstract of Paper presented at the First Asian Fisheries Forum, Manila, Philippines, 25-31 May 1986. p. 227-230.
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Poernomo, Ali. 1974. Status, Problems and Innovation of the Technology of Brackishwater Pond Fish Culture in Indonesia. Jepara: Shrimp Culture Research Centre. 16p. (Contribution to the Workshop on Artisanal Fisheries Development in Indonesia with Special Emphasis on Brackishwater Pond Culture, Jakarta, Indonesia, 4-7 March 1974)
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Pudadera, Beato, Jr. 1980. Growth and Survival of Milkfish in a Polyculture System. Asian Aquacult., 3:4.
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Pullin, R.S. V. 1980. Aquaculture in Taiwan: A Status Report. Aquacult. Mag., 7(6):30-32. (Condensed and Edited by R.S.V. Pullin from the Paper Entitled, "Status of Aquaculture in Taiwan", by Yen Pin Li and Po-Wei Yuan, Originally Prepared for the U.S. Taiwan Joint Workshop on Fish Health, 23-25 July 1979, Seattle, Washington)
Pullin, Roger S. V. 1993. An Overview of Environmental Issues in Developing-Country Aquaculture, pp. 1-19. In: Pullin, R.S. V.; Rosenthal, H. and Maclean, J. L. (eds.) Environment and Aquaculture in Developing Countries. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 31, 359p.*UPVCF Library 9SH171 E5)
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Quinitio, Gerald Fontalera. 1980. The Effect of Various Salinity Levels and Stocking Density Manipulation Methods on the Survival of Milkfish Fry (Chanos chanos Forskal) During Storage. 42 p. (Master's Thesis, University of the Philippines System, 1980) *SEAFDEC ADQ Library
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Rabanal, H. R. 1976. Mangroves and Their Utilization for Aquaculture. Tech Rep.SCSFP, Metro Manila. 20p. (Contributed to the Nat'l Workshop on Mangrove Ecology. Phuket, Thailand, 10-16 Ja 1976).
Rabanal, H. R. and Hosillos, L. V. 1968. The Preparation and Management of Bangus Fishpond Nursery in the Philippines. Phil. Fishing J. 4(9):6-20.
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Rabanal, H. R., and Ronquillo, I. A. 1975. Distribution and Occurrence of Milkfish Chanos chanos(Forskal). Proc. National Bangos Sym. Philippine Village Hotel-Punta Baluarte. 25-28 July 1975. pp. 20-33.
Rabanal, H. R 1975. Geographic Distribution of Bangus. National Bangus Symposium. Phil. Village Hotel, Pasay City, Metro Manila , 25-26 JI 1975
Rabanal, H. R.,Montalban, H. R. and Villaluz, D. K. 1950. The Preparation and Management of the Bangos Fish Pond Nursery in the Philippines. Tech. Paper No. 29. Indo-Pacific Fish Coun. Bangkok, Thailand.
Rabanal, H. R.; Esguerra, R. S.; Lopez, J. V.; aldana, A. M.; Ramos, V. R. And Felix, S. S. 1951. The Rate of Algae "Lumot" Production in Dagat-dagatan Salt-Water Fishery Experimental Station Fishponds. Phil. J. Fish. 1(2):155-168.
Rabanal, H. R.; Esguerra, R. s. and Nepomuceno, M. M. 1953. Studies on the Rate of Growth of Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal, under Cultivation. I. Rate of Growth of Fry and Fingerlings in Fishpond Nurseries. Proc. Indo-Pac. Fish. Council 4(2):171-180.
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1949. The Culture of Lab-Lab, the Natural Food of the Milkfish Fry and Fingerlings Under Cultivation. Manila : Bureau of Printing. 9 p. (Technical Bulletin / Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, =Philippines=; no. 18)
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1963. The Elevation of a Swampland Based on the Tidal Datum and its Importance in Selecting Sites for Chanos Fishponds Project. Proc.IPFC,10(2):138-140.
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1968. Inorganic Fertilizers for Pondfish Culture. Philipp.J.Fish. 8(1):23-45.
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1974. Technological Innovations in Characteristics Design and Management of Ponds Used in Brackishwater Aquaculture. Bangkok: FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East. 30p. (Contribution to the Workshop on Artisanal Fisheries Development in Indonesia with Special Emphasis on Brackishwater Pond CUlture, Jakarta, Indonesia, 4-7 March 1974)
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1976. The Resources of Inland Waters : Their Utilization and Management. 21 p. (Talk Delivered Before the Phi Sigma Biological Honor Society as a Contribution to the Deogracias V. Villadolid Memorial Lecture Series, Manila, Philippines, 26 November 1976)
Rabanal, Herminio R. & Hosillos, Lucila V. 1958. A Comparative Analysis of Philippine and Taiwanese Methods of Bangos Culture. Fish.Gaz.Bur.Fish. (Philipp.), 2(9): 7-9.
Rabanal, Herminio R. & Hosillos, Lucila V. 1950. The Dagat-Dagatan Salt-Water Fishery Experimental Station. Bull.Fish.Soc.Philipp., 1:67-69.
Rabanal, Herminio R. & Hosillos, Lucila V. 1961. Status and Progress of Chanos Fishery in the Philippines. Bangkok : Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council. 5 p. (Occasional Paper / Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council; 61/8)
Rabanal, Herminio R. & Hosillos, Lucila V. 1958. Control of Less Desirable Exotic Species of Fish Competing with or Harmful to Desirable Indigenous Species in Inland Waters in the Philippines. Philipp.J.Fish.,6(1):49-70.
Rabanal, Herminio R. & Montalban, Heraclio R. 1957. Nursery Pond Management Techniques in Philippine Chanos Fishponds. Proc.Pac.Sci.Congr.,8(3A):887-902.
Rabanal, Herminio R. & Montalban, Heraclio R. 1961. The Growing of Algae or "Lumut" in Bangos Fishponds. Fish. Gaz. Bur.Fish.(Philipp.), 5(2) :3-12, 22.
Rabanal, Herminio R. & Ronquillo, Inocencio. 1975. Distribution and Occurrence of Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal). In: National Bangus Symposium, Philippine Village Hotel, Punta Baluarte, 1975. Proceedings. =Makati : SEAFDEC=, pp.20-33. Also in : PCAR Monit., 3(8):12. *UPVCF Library, vertical file (mimeographed copy)
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1952. Methods and Problems of Collecting Eggs and Fry for Transportation. Proc. IPFC, 3(2-4):196-201.
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1967. Stock Manipulation and Other Biological Methods of Increasing Production of Fish Through Pond Fish Culture in Asia and the Far East. In: Proceedings of the FAO World Symposium on Warm-Water Pond Fish Culture, Edited by T.V.R.Pillay. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 4:274-288.
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1967. Stock Manipulation and Other Biological Methods of Increasing Production of Fish Through Pond Fish Culture in Asia and the Far East. In: Proceedings of the FAO World Symposium on Warm-Water Pond Fish Culture, Edited by T.V.R.Pillay. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 4:274-288.
Rabanal, Herminio R. 1974. The Potentials of Aquaculture Development =in the= Indo-Pacific Region. Manila: South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 34 p. (Working paper/South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme; no. 1)
Rabanal, Herminio R.; Montalban, Heraclio R. and Villaluz, Domiciano K. 1951. The Preparation and Management of Bangos Fishpond Nursery in the Philippines. Philipp. J. Fish. 1(1-2) :3-44. Also in Philipp. Fish. J., 4(9) :6-21
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Ronquillo, Inocencio A. & De Jesus. A. Notes on Growing of Lab-Lab Bangos Nursery Ponds. Philipp.J.Fish., 5(2) :99-102* UPVCF Library , typescript copy
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Sarria, Julius P., ed. 1982. Fisheries Bibliography: a Bibliography of Southeast Asian Fisheries Literature, vol. 1. Produced by Agricultural Information bank for Asia; Published by Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture. 268p. (UPVCF Library Z5971 F5 v.1) see pp.88-100.
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Schuster, W. H. 1949. Fish Culture in Salt Water Ponds on Java. Department Van Landbouw en Visserij Publicate No. 2 Van de Onderafdeling Binnenvisserij.
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Schuster, W. H. 1960. Synopsis of Biolgocial Data on Milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal), 1775. FAO Biol. Synop. 4:51p. Also in National Bangus Symposium Manila 25-26 July 1975.
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SEAFDEC. Aquaculture Department. 1974. An Integrated Research and Development Project on Milkfish and Seed Production and Cultivation ; A Request from the International Development Research Centre. Tigbauan,Iloilo. 1 v. (various pagings).
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SEAFDEC. Institute of Aquaculture. Library / Documentation/ Technical Services. 1979. Milkfish. Tigbauan,Iloilo: Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC. 52 p. (Aquaculture Abstracts. Part II. Vertebrates)
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Segner, H. ;Burkhardt, P.; Avila, E. M.; Storch, V. and Juario, J. V. 1986. Histopathology of Chlorella-Feeding in Larval Milkfish, Chanos chanos. In: Second International Colloquium Pathology and Marine Aquaculture, 1986, September 7-11, Porto, Portugal, pp. 69-70. *SEAFDEC AQD Library. Its abstract is found in SEAFDEC Collected Abstracts (1987-1990), p. 46 at UPVCF Library
Segner, H.; Acosta, B. O.; Juario, J. V. 1985. Dietary Value of Brachionus plicatilis Growth on Three Different Species of Phytoplankton as Feed for Chanos chanos (Forsskal) Fry. Aquaculture 42(2):109-115. *SEAFDEC-AQD Libray
Segner, H.; Juario, J.V. 1986. Histological Observations on the Rearing of Milkfish, Chanos chanos, Fry Using Different Diets. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 2:162-173.
Segner, H. ;Burkhardt, P.; Avila, E. M.; Juario, J. V. and Storch, V. 1987. Nutrition-Related Histopathology of the Intestine of Milkfish Chanos chanos Fry. Dis. Aquat. Org. 2:99-108.
Segner, Helmut; Burkhardt, Patricia; Avila, Enrique M.; Storck, Volker; and Juario, Jesus V. 1987. Effects of Chlorella-Feeding on Larval Milkfish, Chanos chanos, as Evidenced by Histological Monitoring. Aquaculture 67:113-116.
Seneriches, M. L. M. 1987. The Effect of Fishmeal on the Growth and Survival of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fry. M.S. Thesis. College of Fisheries,UP in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo. 26p.
Seneriches, M. M.; Chiu, Y. N. 1988. Effect of Fishmeal on the Growth, Survival and Feed Effeciency of Milkfish (Chanos chnaos) Fry. Aquaculture 71:61-69. *ICLARM
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Abalos, Teodoro U., 54
Abastilla, Rodolfo T, 6
Abella, Flor F, 60
Abes, G., 6
Abobarin, Oladejo, 7
Abundance, 13
fry, 108
Abundo, Romeo B., 6
Acacia, F. B., 95
Academic community, 78
Acid, 29
Acid sulfate soils, 18, 53, 98, 123
Acids, 29
Ackefors, Hans, 6
Acogido, Juanito, 49
Acosta, 31
Acosta, B. O, 6, 111
Acosta, P. A., 6, 31, 62, 127
Acosta, Pedro A., 6
Adams, Wallace, 6
Adan, Elvira Y, 6
Adan, William R, 6
Adeyemi, Frederick Anderson, 6
Adisukesno, S, 8
Adlan, Pedro G., 6
Aduma, Ignatius A., 7
Aerating System, 48
Agaraphytes, 49
Agbayani, Jose A., Jr., 7
Agbayani, Renato F., 7, 27, 32
Age, 30, 70, 123, 125
Aida,K, 119
Akhmad, S., 7
Akiyama, G.S., 87
Aksal, G, 7
Alameda, C., 48
Alameda, Ma. Cristina, 48
Alameda, Nicias, 47
Alava, V.R., 7
Alava, Veronica R., 7
Albay, 14
Alcalde, Anita A., 123
Alcantara, L.O., 7
Alcantara, Louis O., 7
Aldaba, A., 37
Aldana, Adolfo M., 8
Alferez, V. N., 8
Algae, 51, 109
as feed, 10
Benthic, 39
Tainan, 38
Benthic, 39
Aligaen, Venancio, 8
Alikunhi,K.H, 8,104/
Alimentary Canal, 37,38
Alix, Jesus C., 8
All-male tilapia, 15
Allsopp, W.H.L, 8
Almazan, Gaudiosa, 8
Almeda, Ma. C., 49
Almendras, J. M. E, 8,53,61
Alvares, Aquilino A., Jr, 9
Alvarez, R.C., 9
Alzona, Roberto L, 77
Amandakoon, H. P., 128
Ameer, Hamsa, K.M.S, 9, 85
Amidjaja, R., 48
Amino acid, 40
Ammonia, 43
Ammonia, 44
un-ionized, 43
Ammonium Phosphate, 28
Anatomy, 103
and Benjamin, D., 7
Angeles, H.G., 9
Angeles, Hilarion G., 9, 47
Angeles,A., 106
Angeles,Hilarion G., 9
Angudong, Ruperto, 9
Angudong, Ruperto G, 9
Animal Waste, 59
Antibacterial Activity, 38
Anti-biotic feed, 17
Antimycin A, 17
Antique, 13, 56
Antonio, Hilario C., 24
Antonio, J.E., 25
Apolinario, K. M., 25
Apolinario, K.M., 25
Apud, F. D., 25
Apud, Flor D., 25
Apud, Florentino D., 25
Aquaculture, 6-131
Ceylon, 37
Philippines, 36, 37, 42
Taiwan, 40
Indonesia, 43
Aquino, Josephine Mejia, 25
Aragon, C. T., 76
Arai, Ryoichi, 25
Arcega, M.B., 25
Arcigal, Getrudes A., 25
Arginine, 32
Aronvich, T. M., 107
Arriola, F.L., 25
Arroyo, P. T., 25, 84,85
Arsyad, H., 25
Arthur,J.R., 105
Artificial Culture, 61
Artificial Feeding, 6, 106
Artificial Feeds, 35, 61,93
Artificial propagation, 9,73, 86
Artificial Reproduction, 9
Artificial Substrate, 6, 18
Ascual Jr. Federico Jr., 25
Ascual, Jr., 26
Ascual, Jr. Federico Jr., 26
Asia, 37
Asian Farms, 21
Aspuria, Teresita, 26,73,104
Assto, S, 69
Atkinson, Clinton E., 26
Atmohadrjono, R., 26
Atmowasono, H., 26
Atz, J. W., 26
Aure, R. C., 50,54
Avault, James W., 26
Avery, Arthur C., 26
Avila, E., 111
Avila, E. M., 61, 110
Avila, Enrique M., 111
Aypa, Simeona M., 26
B.; San Juan, 117
B.S. Ranoemihardjo, 82
B.W. Evermann, 67
Babasanta, Estrellita A., 114
Babuyan Island, 31
Backyard Fishponds, 31, 95
Baclig, R. V., 26
Bacosa, Fidencio E., 7
Bacteria, 33, 80, 81
yellow water, 38
Bacterial Disease, 63
Bacteriological counts, 118
Bacteriological Counts, 118
Bagarinao, T., 26, 27, 49, 71
Bagoong Alamang, 30
Baitfish for the Skipjack, 58
Balayan Bay, 51, 127
Baldevarona, R. B., 27
Baldia, S. F, 107
Baldia, S. F., 107
Baliao, D., 27, 72, 78
Baliao, D.D., 56
Baliao, Dan D., 56
Baliao, Dan D, 27
Baliao, Dan D., 129
Baliao, Dan D., 7, 27
Baliao, P. D, 7
Ballesteros, O.O., 27
Ballo, Hilda C., 60
Balut, 30
Bañada, Vicente, 35
Bañada, Vicente, 35
Bañada, Vicente C., 28
Banania, R, 117
Banania, Rodolfo, 117
Banasihan, A, 76
Bandie, M.J., 28
Bandonil, Lian D., 28
Bañes-Aldaba, Mercedes, 108
Bangon, Mariano A, 6
Bangos, 9
Bangos as food, 53
Bangus, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 21, 24, 26, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 43, 44, 46, 52, 53, 54, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 77, 81, 82, 83, 84, 88, 92, 93, 96, 100, 101, 102, 106, 107, 108, 114, 117, 123, 124
Bangus Kills, 13
Bangus-shrimp culture, 13
Bannerjee,R.K, 66
Banno, J, 68
Banno, J. E., 119
Banno, J.E., 75, 119
Banno, Jessie, 28
Bara, Agabus, 28
Bardach, J. E., 28
Bardach, John E., 28
Barica, Jan, 28
Barnes, M., 126
Bartolome, E. E., 28
Bass, P., 50
Basu, N.C., 28
Bataan, 11, 12
Batanes Island, 31
Batangas, 127
Bautista, M. N., 29
Bautista, M.N., 29, 108
Bautista, Myrna N, 29
Bautista, Myrna N., 108
Baylon, Carlos C., 54
Baylon, J. C., 29
Bays, 127
effects of temperature on, 128
Belicano, Regino, 39
Bell, Frederick W., 29
Belvis, Ernesto V., 29
Benagua, S.H., 25
Benitez, L. V., 29,32, 41, 42, 70, 71, 73, 76, 80, 82, 105,114, 126, 127
Bensam, P., 85, 119
Ben-Tuvia, Adam, 42
Ben-Yami, M, 29
Bernardino, F. P, 30
Bersamin, Silvestre V., 30, 117
Beza, C. G, 30,114
Bhimachar, B.S, 30
Bibliography, 10, 31, 33, 46, 60, 67, 77, 97, 104, 108, 109
Bien, N.B., 35
Bigueras, Carmelita M., 30
Bioassay, 17
Biological Data, 109
Biological survey, 12
Biology, 10, 55
Philippines, 37
Biology of, 27
Blaber, S. J., 130
Blake, B.F, 30
Blake, C, 30
Blanco, Billy Jr, 30
Blanco, G. J., 30,31, 127
Blanco, Guillermo S., 31
Blaxter, J.H.S, 31
Bleeker, P, 31
Blood, 114
Bohol, 87
Bohra, O. P., 50
Bombeo, I., 129
Bombeo-Tuburan, I., 31, 32
Boneless bangus factory, 15
Bongayal, Luis, 32
Boonbrahm, M., 32
Boonbrahm, Mek, 32
Bordon, Fortunato, Jr., 32
Borgese, Elizabeth M., 32
Borlogan, I. G., 29
Borlongan, I. G., 32, 117
Borlongan, I.G., 29, 32
Bose,.S. V. C., 118
Botke, F., 33
Boulanger, G. A., 33
Bowen, S.H., 33
Boyd, Claude E., 33
Brachionus plicatilis, 6, 128, 129
Brackishwater Shrimp, 8
Bravo, S. A, 33
Bravo, Serapio A., 33
Breakthrough, 19
Breeding, 19, 21, 22, 38, 39, 48, 55, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 72, 73, 76, 78, 82, 85, 86, 88, 90, 96, 100, 103, 113, 117, 120, 125, 126
Breeman, M. L. van, 129
Bridge, T.W., 33
Brillo, L.M., 33
Brock, Vernon E, 58
Bromhall, J.D., 33
Brooding, 131
Broodstock, 7, 23, 51, 73, 79, 86, 105
Brown, E.E., 33
Brownstein, M. J., 113
Bucu, Gilda S., 33
Budiono, M., 33
Buenconsejo, I.D, 56
Bueno, P. B., 34
Bueno, P.B., 34
Bueno, P.B., 34
Bueno, Pedro B., 34
Bulacan, 81
Bulawin, Cicero G., 34
Buldiono, M, 8
Bull.Raffles Mus., 85
Bunag, D. M., 34
Buñag, D. M., 34
Bunag, D.M., 34, 127
Buñag, D.M., 34
Buñag, Daniel M, 6
Bungcayan, F. L., 81
Bureau of Fisheries Molo Farm, 12
Burger, D.H., 34
Buri, P., 34
Buri, Prasit, 35
Burkhardt, P., 110, 111
Burkhardt, Patricia, 111
Busman, S, 8
C.E. & Ryan, P, 58
Caasi, Priscilla I, 82
Cabling, Federico,Jr., 35
Cabuslay, R. W., 35
Caces-Borja, Priscilla, 106
Cagayan fishpond industry, 81
Cagayan Valley, 16
Cage, 20, 21, 34, 37, 46, 56, 59, 63, 66, 73, 84, 85, 131
Cage culture, 21
Cage Farming, 21
Cages, 7, 8, 20, 42, 52, 55, 72, 85, 86, 95, 124, 131
Caipang, Cristopher, 35
Calaprice, J. R., 35
Calcium, 30
Caldito,Elisa B, 117
Camacho A.S., 35
Camacho, A.S., 35, 40
Camacho, Arsenio S, 36, 112
Camacho, Arsenio S., 36
Canagaratnam, P., 36
Canned Bangos, 30
Canned Bangus, 46
Canner, 15
Cannibalism, 124
Canning, 57, 90, 94, 96, 97, 117
sardine style, 15
Canonizado, S. O., 36
Canterbery, E. Ray, 29
Canto, Jose, 130
Canto, Jose T., Jr, 61
Canto,Jose, Jr., 39
Captivity., 21
Carandang, F. L., 43
Carandang, F.L., 36, 59
Carbine, W. F., 36
Carbohydrates, 35, 41
Caridad, Conrado G., 36
Carp, 6, 16, 58
Carpenter, K. E., 36
Carpenter, W. D., 37
Carps, 23, 37
Carreon, J, 36
Carreon, Jose A., 37
Carteciano, Loureeda T., 37
Cas, F. C., 115
Cas, Franklin C., 115
Cas,F. C, 115
Case studies, 123
Cash Waste, 59
Castillo, Nelson, 35
Castillo,C., 71
Castillon, William Z., 37
Castro, S., 37
Catacultan, M. R., 53
Catacutan, M. R., 29,53
Catalla, Rebecca R, 77
Catalogue, 122
Catanaoan, C., 37
Catch, 33
Catching, 50
of milkfish fry, 20
Catchment of milkfish fry, 65
Catedrilla, L. C., 27
Cavite, 11, 14
Cebu, 87
Cement Tanks, 8
Ces, Manuel, 37
Ceylon, 11
Ceylon. Department of Fisheries, 37
Chacko, P. I., 37
Chacko, P.I., 37
Chaetomorpha, 62
Chai, T.J., 40
Chako P.I., 38
Chako, P. I., 47
Chako, P.I., 38
Chakraborty, D. N, 106
Chandy, Mary, 38
Chang, P.S., 38
Chang, Tsang-pi, 38
from endogenous to exogenous Energy, 70
Chanos chanos, 8, 32, 111
Chao, Nai-hsien, 38
Chaudhuri, H., 38
Chaudhuri, Hiralal, 38
Chaudhuri,Hiralal, 38, 39
Chavez, Modesto, 6
Checklist, 62
Chemical analysis, 114
Chemicals used in aquaculture, 12
Chen, Hon Cheng, 39
Chen, Hon-Cheng, 39
Chen, Hong-cheng, 39
Chen, Hsi-huang, 39
Chen, Huei-Fin, 39
Chen, S.-C., 125
Chen, S-H, 120
Chen, Shiu-Nan, 116
Chen, T. I, 76
Chen, T.P, 39
Chen, T.P., 39, 40
Chen, T-P., 120
Chen, Tung-pai, 40, 121
Chen,T.P., 40
Chen,T.P., 40
Chiang, Young-Meng, 113
Chicken manure, 122
Chicken Manure, 7, 28, 61
Chidambaram, K., 40
Chien, Y.H, 40
Chin, Y.N., 40
China, 11
Chinda Thiammet, 40
Chiou, T.K, 40
Chiu, Y. N, 45
Chiu, Y. N., 40, 41, 44, 111
Chiu, Y.N, 41, 45
Chiu, Y.N., 41
Chiu, Yvonne H., 41
Chiu, Yvonne H., 41
Chiu-Chern, Y. N., 117
Chlorella, 14, 110, 111
Chlorella sp, 6
Chloride concentration, 53
Chlorine, 40
Cholik, F, 41
Cholik, Fuad, 41
Chong, K. C., 114
Chong, Kee-Chai, 41, 42
Chou, Y.H., 40
Christmas Island, Kiribati, 99
Chromosomes, 25
Cladophora, 62
Clark, Eugenie, 42
Climate, 36
type of, 44
Coastal Aquaculture, 30, 31, 37, 40, 46, 48, 55, 57, 58, 66, 74, 75, 80, 83, 97, 105, 107, 116, 121
Coastal Fish, 42
Cobb, J.N., 42
Coche, A.G., 42
Collecting, 50
Collection, 85
Collection and Culture
Krusadi and Rameswaran island, 38
Collection and Handling., 27
Collins, R.A., 42
Coloso, R. M, 29, 42
Common names, 62
Community fishponds, 11
compendium, 30
Conservation, 19, 46, 66, 101, 110, 126
Consolacion, F. L., 114
of bangus fishpond, 10
of fish pen enclosures, 12
of diseases, 17
Corcino-Baylon, 42
Corrales, R. S., 43
Corre, V.L., Jr., 35,54,130,
Cost Analysis, 33
Cost and Returns, 36
Costs, 95
Crear, David, 43
Creencia, J. R., 43
Creencia, J.R., 43
Cremer, Michael C., 43
Crim, L., 85,86
Crisostomo, David, 47
Cruz, E. M., 43
Cruz, E.R., 43
Cruz, Emmanuel M., 43
Cruz, Erlinda, 39
Cruz, Erlinda del Rosario, 44
Cruz, Erlinda R, 44
Cruz, Isaac C.,Jr., 44
Cruz, Jose Q. de la, 44
Cruz, P.F.S., 44
Cruz, Paul Felipe S., 44
Cultivation, 6, 10, 19, 26, 30, 33, 39, 42, 47, 52, 63, 84, 92, 100, 101, 103, 109, 110, 124, 127, 128
Taiwan, 39
Cultural, 31, 77
Culture, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 113, 114, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131
China, 44
fry, 35
Indonesia, 41
Lab-Lab, 10
Philippines, 36, 37, 40
Sri Lanka, 36
Taiwan, 39
Thailand, 40
Indonesia, 41
salt water ponds, 44
Taiwan, 40
Zambales, 44
Culture in fish farm, 52
Culture in ponds, 10
Culture., 34
Dabry de Thiersant, P., 44
Dagdayan, Celia, 44
Dalagan, Cesar, 44
Darah, L. B., 36
Darrah, L. B, 49, 58, 59, 60
Darrah, L. B., 49
Darrah, L.B., 44
Darrah, Laurence B., 44
Datingaling, Bienvenido Y., 44, 117
Daulay, T., 48, 98, 99
Day, Artemias L., 44
Day, Francis, 44
de Alwis, A., 128
de Baufort, L. F., 130
De Goco, C. P., 44
De Goco, Concordia, 45
De Goco, Concordia P., 45
De Guzman, M, 60
de Jesus, A., 106
De Jesus, Arsenio A., 45
De Jesus. A., 106
De la Cruz, 81
De la Cruz, Armando A., 45
De la Cruz, Catalino R., 45
De la Cruz, L. G., 25
De la Cruz, L.G., 25
De la Cruz, M. C., 53
De La Cruz, M. C., 29
de la Cruz, M.C., 53
De la Cruz, Zenaida S., 41
De la Peña, L.D, 45
De la Peña,P, 60
De Leon, Arturo A., 45
De los Santos, Ceferino., Jr., 46
De Mesa, Lourdes, 46
de Silva, S. S., 40
De Vera, Antonio M, 6
Deacon, Ruperto R., 45,46
Death, 15
Del Pilar, M., 46
del Valle, M.J., 29
Dela Cruz, C.R., 46
Dela Cruz, D., 118
Delmendo, M.N., 42, 46,47
Delos Santos, Ceferino, 47
Delsman , H.C., 47
Denila, Leonardo, 47
Density Combinations, 25
Deogracias, V., 31
Deremdez-Fernandez, R, 98
Destajo, W. H., 125
Devanesen, D.W., 47
Development, 9, 118, 129, 131
embryonic and larval, 39
Milkfish industry, 34
of circular floating cages, 131
Development program, 13
Development Planning, 26
Development Plans, 14
DeWitt,J.W., 47
Dey, H.B., 106
Diets, 7, 29, 49, 65, 85, 108, 111, 112, 113, 116, 122
Digestive Lipases, 32
Digestive Proteases, 28
Digestive tract, 53
Digestive Tract, 41
Diola, Carmelo, 47
Disease, 15, 81
Diseases, 11, 12, 17, 56, 57, 59, 74, 75, 79, 80, 81, 106, 126
Dissertation, 69, 86, 115
Distribution, 26, 27, 29, 81, 96, 97, 101, 102, 115, 125
Dizon, Solomon P, 77
Djaingsastro, Ab'd Samad, 48
Djaingsastro, Adoessamad, 48
Djajadiredja, R, 48
Djajadiredja, Roestami, 48
Dolendo, A.R. Roncal, 48
Dolendo, Araceli, 48
Dolendo, Araceli L., 48, 49
Domantay, J.S., 49
Donaldson, L.R., 49
Doren, Nelson, 49
Dosayla, E. D., 49
Dosayla, E.D., 49
Dosayla., E. D., 49
Drews, Robin A, 49
Dried, 30
Drip formation, 36
Drowning, 15
Drying, 60
Duenas, C. E, 49
Dueñas, Corazon E., 126
Duggal,S.K., 113
Duldoco-Requintina, Pura J., 49
Dulduco, P. J., 126
Duncan, Bryan, 49
Duncan, Bryan L., 43
Durand, J, 49
Duray, M., 49
Duray, M. N, 67
Duray, Marietta, 70
Duremdez-Fernandez, R., 98
Duremdez-Fernandez, Roselyn, 81
Dureza, V, 50
Dureza, V.A., 50
Dureza, Virgilio A, 58
Dureza, Virgilio A., 50
Durve, V.S, 50
Durve, V.S., 50
Duursma, E.K, 60
Duursma, Egbert Klass, 50
Dwivedi, S. N, 50
Dwivedi, S.N., 50
Early, A.C., 113
Earthen Pond, 122
Eastham, B., 50
ECA Program, 127
Ecological research, 13
Ecological Study, 39
Ecology, 22, 34, 71
Economic analysis, 7, 115
Economic Analysis, 7
Economic Considerations, 44
Economic Status
Philippines, 44
Economics, 14, 16, 19, 22, 26, 27, 33, 39, 41, 42, 53, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81, 87, 100, 105, 108, 113, 115, 116
aquaculture, 42
Taiwan, 39
Economics, 77
Philippines, 42
Economy, 79
Eda, H., 50
Edralin, Ma. Milagros Aricheta, 50
Edwardson, William, 51
Eggs, 26, 31, 34, 39, 47, 55, 71, 85, 86, 102, 105, 110, 111, 112, 126, 129
Eiden, L. E., 113
Eldani, Abdurizal, 51
Eldani, Abdurizal A, 51
Emata, A., 51
Encarnacion, Emmanuel N., 51
Encina, Vitaliano B, 51
Enclosures, 42
Energy, 70
Engineering, 7, 8, 28, 45, 48, 52, 65, 66, 79, 86, 92, 98, 130
Engle, L.M., 105
Enriquez,G.L., 43
Enteromorpha, 62
Environmental effects
on fish, 49
Eri Jr. Carmelo C., 51
Escritor, F., 128
Esguerra, R.S, 51, 52,103,117
Estenor, Demetrio G., 56
Estilo, V. L., 41,117
Estocapio, F. A., 37
Estrella, Jose J., Jr., 52
Estuarine, 60
Estuarine Ecology, 60
Estuary, 47
Eusebio, P. S., 29
Eusebio, P.S., 29
Eutrophic Inland Waters, 28
Evangeline G., 52
Evangelista, D. L., 76
Evangista, D. L., 76
self-taught fishfarmer, 36
fishpond operator, 45
Export, 16,17
Extension program, 12
Extension Training Course, 15
Extensive and Semi-extensive Culture, 25
F. Botke, 62
F.P. Pascual, 79
F.R. Yang, 76
Fabian, Evangeline F, 85
Fabiran, E. F., 84
Fabro, R. M., 76
Fabro, Rita M., 26, 52
Fadriguela, J.F., 82
Failaman, Andrea, 35
Fama, Julius, 35
Farming, 15, 25, 26, 78
farming and Husbandry, 28
Fassler,C. R., 113
Fast, A. W., 36
Fats, 35
Feasibility study, 14
Federico Jr., 26
Feed, 6, 13, 14, 23, 60
plankton, 12
Feed Development, 22, 40
Feed Efficiency, 41
Feed problem, 11
Feeding, 6, 11, 24, 26, 28, 29, 34, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 46, 61, 62, 70, 73, 79, 80, 93, 98, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 116, 117, 118, 129
frequency, 41
rate, 41
Feeding, 41
Taiwan, 40
Feeding and feeds, 127
Feeding and Survival, 26
Feeding Habits, 28, 37, 38, 46, 62, 98
Feeding Rhythm, 41
artificial, 107
feeds and Feeding, 29
Feedstuffs, 131
Felices C, 57
Felix, Sergio S., 52
Fenton, James, 52
Fermentation, 60
Fernandez, Pepito M., 52
Ferraris, R. D., 53
Ferraris, R. P, 53
Ferraris, R. P., 53
Ferraris, R.P., 53, 54, 67, 70, 76
Fertilization, 6, 10, 12, 19, 20, 31, 32, 39, 40, 48, 64, 65, 94, 106, 110, 114, 117, 126, 127
artificial, 39
Taiwan, 40
Fertilization training, 12
Fertilized brackishwater ponds, 25
Fertilizer, 11, 12, 13, 24, 27, 53, 54, 56, 60, 63, 79, 92, 107, 117
inorganic, 12
Fertilizers, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 32, 48, 54, 61, 62, 78, 92, 99, 101, 102, 114, 121
inorganic, 11
Organic, 11
Figueroa-Bombeo, Ruby, 53
Financing scheme, 15
Fingerling, 10, 17, 22, 27, 29, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45, 80, 84, 107, 115, 126, 128
Growth, 16
Fingerling production, 107
Fingerling Production, 27
Fingerlings, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27, 29, 35, 43, 44, 48, 50, 54, 55, 58, 63, 69, 78, 79, 83, 87, 88, 89, 94, 98, 101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 112, 116, 122, 124, 127, 129
Fins, 118
Fish, 8
Fish as food, 49
Fish Bank, 11
Fish Catch, 8
Fish Estate, 15, 57
Fish Estate Project, 15
Fish Farm, 60
Fish Farming, 22
Fish kills, 16
Fish Market, 8
Fish meal, 108
Fish Seed, 9
Muthupet Saline swamp, 38
Periyar lake, 38
Fisheries Administrative Order, 17
Fisheries crash program, 15
Fisheries Decree 1975, 17
Fisheries Program, 6
Fishes, 9, 11, 12, 20, 26, 28, 30, 31, 33, 37, 38, 39, 46, 47, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66, 67, 70, 71, 73, 74, 79, 80, 82, 85, 87, 88, 90, 92, 95, 97, 100, 101, 103, 106, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131
Fishfarmers, 34
Fishing Gears, 52
Fishing methods, 20, 65
effect on growth, 111
Fishpen, 7, 13, 20, 21, 44, 46, 84, 91, 107
Fishpen construction, 13
Fishpond, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28, 31, 44, 45, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 57, 64, 77, 81, 83, 86, 93, 96, 98, 100, 101, 103, 106, 107, 114, 117, 118, 123, 125, 127, 131
Fishpond engineering, 52
Fishpond Industry, 6, 10, 25, 81, 117
Fishpond management, 7
Fishpond Operation, 28
Fitzgerald, W. J., Jr., 53
Flavour, 30
Floating cages, 85, 95
Floating Trawl Experiments, 51
Food and Agriculture Organization, 53
Food and Feeding Habits, 28
Food availability, 124
Food Chains, 62
Food consumption, 49
Food Cycle, 62
Food habits, 127
Food Habits, 8, 26, 127
Food preferences, 124
Food value, 128
Food., 25
Formalin, 44
Formoso, Billy, 53
Fortes, N. R, 27
Fortes, Norma, 53, 54
Fortes, R. D., 54, 124, 130
Fourmanoir, P., 54
Francisco, Isidoro, 54
Franco, Nilo M., 7, 27
Freezing, 48, 49, 90
French Polynesia, 114
French Sardine, 57
Freshwater, 8, 25
Frey, David, 54
Fritz, Lawrence M., 54
Fry, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 40, 42, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 76, 77, 79, 81, 82, 83, 88, 91, 94, 95, 96, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 119, 122, 124, 127, 128, 129
catching method, 20
culture, 10, 14
Industry, 10
rearing, 14
survival, 14
trawl, 34
Fry, 35
Fry abundance, 108
Fry concessionaires, 77
Fry fishing gears, 71
Fry gatherers, 76
Fry gathering, 76
Fry ground, 66,129
Fry Industry,115
in Mindoro Oriental, 9
Fry Inside Happas, 19
Fry occurrence, 71
Fry production, 128
Fukusho, K., 55
Furukawa, A., 55
Gabriel, Benjamin Cer, 55
Gacutan, R. Q., 120
Gains, 22, 30, 89
Gaitan, A. G., 124
Gallego, Amalia, 70
Ganaden, Reuben A., 46
Ganapati, S.V., 55,104
Ganchero, F., 45
Gandhi, V., 55
Gange, R. H., 27
Gapasin, R.S., 55
Gapasin, R.S.J., 55
Garcia, L. Ma. B., 55
Garcia, Demetrio, 26, 55
Garcia, L.M.B., 55, 86
Garcia, Rosario U., 55
Garcia, William U., 55
Gathering Practices, 76
Gatus, Arcadio R., 51, 56
General Information, 21
Genetics, 82
George, C., 67
George, M. G., 38
George, T.T, 56
George,K.V, 50
Gerochi, D.D., 27, 56,78
Gerochi, Dante D., 56
Ghittino, P., 56
Gibe, B. P., 115
Gill, 43
Giri, N. A., 98,99
GnRH, 86
GnRH-A, 86
Go, Ida M., 53
Goco, C. P. de, 56
Godney, Robert H., 47
Golez, N.V., 29
Gomez,Edgardo D., 56
Gonad development, 73
Gonadotropin, 85
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, 86
Gono, A. K, 56
Gonzales H.J, 118
Gonzales, 53, 56, 57, 94, 117
Gonzales, Ernesto R., 56
Gonzales, Felix R., 57, 117
Gonzales, Hernane, 53
Gonzales, Olympia N, 57
Good win, H. L, 57
Goosens,H.J, 57
Gopakumar, K., 118
Gopalakrishnan, 66
Gopalakrishnan, V., 57, 58,66
Gopinathan, 105
Gorriceta, Ilda R, 58
Gosline, William A, 58
Govindan, T. K, 67
Gracia, Demetrio M, 8, 58, 87,106
Gracia, Demetrio M., 8
Gracilaria, 8
Green Algae, 62
Grey Mullet, 31, 33
Griño, E.G., 78
Griño, Eliseo, 58
Groot, C.; Turner, 58
Ground, 76
Grover, J. H, 58
Grover, John H, 58
Growing Science of Aquaculture, 28
Grow-out, 117
Grow-Out, 31
Growth, 8, 14, 16, 17, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 50, 51, 53, 54, 58, 60, 61, 63, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73, 76, 78, 79, 88, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 116, 117, 122, 123, 125, 128, 129
fry, 16
of bangus fry, 14
Growth and Survival Rates, 27
Growth and Production, 25
Growth and Survival, 22
Growth promoter, 44
Guano, 61
Guanzon, N G.,Jr., 7
Guanzon, Nicolas G.,Jr., 7
Guerrero III, R. D., 58
Guerrero, C. V,41, 58, 59
Guerrero, L, 59
Guerrero, Rafael D. III, 59, 60
Guevarra, Gloria, 60
Guevarra, Gloria G, 60
Guillermo J, 31
Guinther, Eric B, 60
Gulaman Dagat, 6
Gulle, Reuben J, 60
Gundermann, N, 60
Gunther, A, 60
Gupata, D.P., 113
Gutierrez, Ponciano C, 60
Guzman, R. D., 60
Ha, P.Y., 119
Habita, 124
Habitat, 71
food and feeding, 37
Haematology, 30
Haemoglobin, 114
Hamami, E., 8
Hamid, N., 33
Hamley, E. B, 60
Hammack, G. M, 60
Hanafi, A., 98
Hanafi, Ad, 50
Hanafi, Adi, 60
Handling, 15, 20, 27, 33, 48, 49, 58, 87, 90, 95, 99, 100, 125
Handog, Leda G, 60, 61
Hanyu,I., 119
Happas, 14, 19, 35
Hara, S, 61, 70, 118
Hardenberg, J.D. F, 61
Hardjono, Atmo., 61
Harvest, 25, 58, 83, 84, 92, 93, 107, 125
Harvesting, 22
Harvey, B.,61, 86, 113
Hassan, Rosly bin, 61
Hastings, W. H, 61
Hastings,W, 61
Hatchery, 7, 9, 21, 22, 26, 27, 34, 37, 45, 46, 49, 50, 55, 67, 69, 76, 115
Hatchery-Produced, 27
Hatching, 34, 55, 110
artificial, 34
Hawaiian Islands, 42
Hays, Joe, 7
Health, 103
Hempel, G, 61
Hendreckson, J.R, 61
Henson, R. M, 62
Hernandez, Pepito M., 62
Herre, A. W. C.T., 10,62
Heterogeneity, 82
Hiatt, R. W, 62
Hibler, Michelle, 62
Hickling,C.F, 62
High-Grade Protein Food, 28
Hilarion G, 9
Hirai, A., 62, 111
Hirai, K., 111
Hirano, R, 68
Histochemistry, 53
Histological monitoring, 111
Histology, 53
Histopathological response, 44
Histopathology, 110, 111
History, 35
Hito, 16, 24
Hoar, Williams S, 61
Hoeku, B.M, 62
Hofstede, A.E, 62
Hojilla, M.P., 114
Holazo, Virginia F., 42
Holding, 50
Holstvoogd, C, 62
Hong Kong, 16, 97
Hora, S. L, 62
Hormone, 9, 68, 75, 80, 81, 85, 86, 113
Hormones, 39, 44, 73, 85
Hosillos, Lucila V, 62, 63, 102
Hough, S, 63
Htin, W., 63
Hu, Fei & Liao, 63
Huang T, 63
Huang, C.Y, 63,75
Huang, T. L, 63,124
Huat, Ling Kai, 63
Huet, M, 63
Huet, Marcel, 63
Human chorionic gonadotropin, 85
Hung, C. P, 63
Husbandry, 28
Hydrobiology, 122
Hygienic, 62
Ibrahim,K.H, 63
Ice, 30
I-Chiu, 63
Ichthyologique, 31
Icing, 37, 48, 49
Idyll,C.P, 63
Igonifagha,G.D, 63
Ikoton,Sunday James, 63
Ilan, Chaim, 64
Iloilo, 12, 21
Iloilo City, 14
In, 21
India, 10, 20, 28, 30, 34, 38, 44, 50, 55, 64, 66, 67, 70, 72, 85, 89, 97, 99, 100, 104, 105, 116, 118, 119, 122, 131
Indonesia, 7, 8, 11, 14, 18, 20, 22, 26, 28, 33, 34, 41, 43, 45, 47, 48, 57, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 71, 73, 74, 81, 84, 85, 89, 91, 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 109, 113, 115, 116, 118, 121, 129, 130, 131
Indoor Outdoor Nursery System, 27
Indrasena, H.H.A, 64
Induced gonadal maturation, 86
Induced spawning, 9, 85, 86
Industry, 6, 9, 10, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34, 36, 37, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 73, 75, 77, 78, 81, 83, 84, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 97, 104, 107, 115, 117, 120, 123, 127, 128
Industry profile, 127
Infection, 81
Infra-Structure Development, 47
Inorganic Fertilizer, 79
Intestine, 111
Intoy, Modesto, 35
Investment, 57
Iodine, 30
Ion, 53
Ionic, 8
Ipil-Ipil, 30
Ischak, T. M., 130
Ismail, A., 65
Isochrysis galbana, 6
Isozyme, 49
Iswahjudi, 28
Iverson, E.S, 65
Iwakiri, S, 65
Iyer, K. M., 118
Jaager, C.J. de, 65
Jacang, Alfredo, 65
Jamandre, Dawn Rhoda M, 65
Jamandre, Ernesto V, 65
Jamandre, T.J., Jr, 66
Jangkaru, Zulkilfi, 48
Japan, 17, 21, 27, 31, 36, 55, 62, 65, 69, 70, 82, 86, 111, 112, 125
Jarabejo, E., 39
Jarabejo, Elizalde, 39
Jayamaha, D, 66,104
Jazul, A.P., 53,66
Jhingran, V, 66
Jimenea, Dante M., 46
Job, T.J, 66
Job,S.V, 66
Johnson, R, 66
Jones, Alan, 67
Jones, J.B, 67
Jones, S, 67
Jordan, D.S, 67
Jose, S., 122
Joseph, Jose, 67,118
Juario, J, 6, 27, 29, 38, 39, 54, 55, 67, 70, 71, 73, 76, 78, 80, 86, 100, 110, 111, 114, 116, 120, 126, 127
Juliana E., 42
Juliano, Rogelio O, 36,58, 68, 69, 87
Jumalon, H. A, 69
Jumalon, Nepheronia A, 69
Junus Mahammad, 48
Juvenile, 71, 92
Juvenile Fish Community, 27
Juveniles, 32, 34, 41, 45, 70, 73, 105, 112, 124
Kabigting, Ramon T, 69
Kafuku, Takeichiro, 69, 72
Kahar, A., 104
Kamabboto, 118
Kampen, P.N. Van, 69
Kanashiro, K., 69,111
Kanazawa, A., 122
Kapoor, B. G, 69,70
Kartha, K.N.K, 70
Kathirrel, M, 89
Kawamura, g, 70
Kawamura, G, 70, 100, 122
Kawamura, Gunzo, 70
Kelley, C.D., 75,119
King of the Fishponds, 25
Kinoshita, I, 70
KKK, 22
Ko, W. C, 70
Kobayashi, Utao, 70
Kohno, H, 118
Kohno, Hiroshi, 70
Komaki, H, 70,111
Kono, H., 71
Korringa, Pieter, 71
Kou, Guang-Hsiung, 116
Kowtal, G.V, 71
Koya, M.S.S.I., 122
Kumagai, Shigeru, 27, 35, 71, 111, 112,126
Kuntiyo, 72
Kuo, Ching-Ming, 72, 90
Kurian, C.V, 72
Kuronuma, Katsuzo, 72
Kusnendar, E, 72,104
Kutty, M.N, 9
Kuwatani, Yukimasa, 69,72
La Union, 8
Lab-Lab, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15,23, 60, 69, 84, 101, 106, 122
Laboratory, 26
Lacanilao, F, 72,73, 85, 86
Lacierda R., 37
Ladja, J. M., 53
Lagoon, 47
Laguna, 14
Laguna de Bay, 7, 15, 16, 24, 37, 46, 47, 52, 53, 54, 82, 83, 84, 86, 91, 100
Laguna Lake, 6, 8, 16, 44, 47, 60, 81, 98
Lai, C.M., 73
Lai, Y.S, 73
Lake fishery, 14
Lake Taal, 127
Lakes, 96
Laguna, 81
Lakshmanan, M.A.V, 73
Lam,, 72
Lam, T. J, 73, 85, 86
Landing, 8
Lapie, Lustina P., 52, 73,76,123
Larangan, H.S.S, 73
Larvae, 26, 27, 28, 31, 37, 47, 49, 50, 61, 70, 71, 72, 73, 105, 110, 111, 112, 118, 120, 121, 124, 125, 129, 130
Larval development, 73
Larval Fishes, 31, 127
Laudencia Irma L., 43
Laureta,Liberato, 37,74,78,118
Lavilla-Pitogo, C.R., 73
Laviña, E. M, 73
Laviña, Einstein M, 73
of bangus fishponds, 10
Layugan, Luzviza, 35
Lazareto, Maximo R, 74
Le, Van Dang, 74
Leaf Meal, 19, 30
Leary, Daniel F, 74
Lee Raur-shyan, 74
Lee, C. S, 50,74, 75, 79, 119,129
Lee, Dong-Liang, 75
Length-weight relationships, 11,15,26
Length-Weight Study, 46
Length-Weight Table, 23
Leon,,A.A. de, 75
Lerman, Benjamin E, 75
Lesaca, R. M, 75
Le-Va-Dang, 74
LHRH-Analogue therapy, 119
Liang, J.K, 75
Liang, Jium-Kuo, 75
Liao, I.C, 76
Liao, I-Chiu, 75, 76
Librero, Aida R, 77, 90, 91,115, 123
Lichatowich, T., 99
Lieh-Tang, Lin, 78
Life history, 10,23
Lijauco, Melchor M., 56, 78
Lim, C, 7, 79, 93, 98, 99
Lim, C., 7
Lim, Chorn, 79,99
Limburg, Peter R, 79
Lime, 11, 23, 53, 99
Liming, 18, 53
Limnology, 52, 62, 91, 116
Lin, Ching-Long, 79
Lin, Ching-Lung, 116
Lin, H.S, 79
Lin, Huang-Sheng, 124
Lin, Kuo-yen, 124
Lin, Kuo-Yen, 124
Lin, L. T, 79
Lin, S. J., 79
Lin, S.Y, 79
Lin, Shu-yen, 79
Lin,S.L., 113
Ling, S, 80
Ling, S.W, 80
Ling, Shao-Wen, 80
Ling, Y.C, 80
Lio-Po, G, 80, 81,89
Lipid, 29, 32, 58
Lipid and Fatty Acid Composition, 29
Lipids, 35
List of References, 39
Liu, C. H, 81
Liu,Chi-yang, 39
Live food, 128
Live Transport, 55
Lizarondo, M.S., 81
Lizarondo, Maura S, 41, 42, 81
Ljorca, M.N, 81
Llorca, Manuel N, 81
Llorca, Manuel N., 46
Loan, 12
Longevity Test, 24
Lopez, Alfredo M, 82
Lopez, J. R., 31
Lopez, J.V, 82
Lopez, Juan V, 6, 82, 103, 104,114
Lopez, N.A., 7,82
Lowe-McConnel, R.H, 82
Lucena-Olano, Virginia, 82
Lucido, Amadeo D, 81
Lumut,15, 45, 75, 96,101, 102, 103
Luna, Zenaida G, 82
Luzon, 25, 31, 33, 46, 81, 84, 93, 94, 112, 115, 123, 127
Lysine, 32
Mabelin, R.L., 53
Macahilig, M.P., 41
Macalincag-Lagua, Natividad, 36,82
Macaranas, J. M, 82
MacCrimmon, H. R., 128
Macnae, William, 82
Madagascar, 122
Madamba, L.S.P., 82
Madden, W. D, 83
Magno-Orejana, Florian, 83, 108
Mahalanabishi, A, 106
Malaria, 131
Malathion, 60
Malaya, 131
Malaysia, 131
Malone, Thomas C, 83
Mammen, T.A, 83
Manacop, P. R., 24,83,127
Management, 6, 7, 13, 18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 37, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 65, 73, 74, 75, 77, 82, 84, 86, 93, 95, 96, 97, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 113, 114, 115, 126, 131
fish biology and hatchery, 37
plan, 43
Management and Operation, 25
Manalo-Manalo, Nonola A, 83
Mane, A. M., 83,84
Mane, Ernesto C., 84
Mangrove, 45, 82, 101, 107, 124
Manguiat, Rita P, 77
Manik, R., 84
Marasigan, Arnulfo, 84
Marcos, Ferdinand, 84
Mardjono, M, 33
Marfori, C. G., 84
Marfori, Ceferina G., 85
Marichamy, R., 85
Mariculture, 30, 35, 70, 76, 99, 106, 107
ecological and genetic aspects, 35
Marine farming, 119
Marine Teleosts, 9
Market, 16, 17
Market process, 81
Market surveys, 12
Marketing, 7, 17, 23, 43, 56, 57, 58, 59, 64, 74, 75, 81, 84, 89, 92, 96, 97, 112, 115
Markus, B., 85
Marquez Jose J., 85
Marquez, Faith Espejo, 85
Marquez, Jose J., 85
Marshall, N.B., 85
Marte, C. L., 51, 55, 72, 73, 85, 86
Martin, C. A, 106
Martin, Claro, 6, 86
Martinez, Eladio, 86
Martinez, M.R, 86
Martosudarmo, B., 87
Marzan, Anita M, 82
Mateo, R., 38, 39, 87
Materon, Loida S., 46
Matias, V, 60
Matida, Yoshihiro, 87
Matienzo, Loreto H., Jr., 87
Maturation, 8, 100
Maturing milkfish, 85
Maura S, 81
May,R.C., 87
McCoy, E. W., 112
McHugh, J.L., 87
McIntyre, W.E., 87
McLarney, William O., 28
McVey, J.P., 87
Mechanics, 31
Medina , Manuel E., 87
Medina, Loreta M., 87
Medina, Manuel E., 87
Medina, Manuel T., 87
Menasveta, D., 87
Mendoza, Aida Sevilla, 87
Mendoza, J., 62
Mendoza, S.P., Jr., 27
Mercado, Juan L., 88
Meristic variations, 128
Mesa, Romeo C., 88
Metabolism, 42
Methemoglobinemia, 8
Methionine, 108
Milkfish, 9
Farming, 6
Milkfish program, 20
Millamena, O. M., 29,128
Mindanao, 6, 13, 15, 16, 18, 46, 52, 73, 81, 93, 107, 115
Mindanao State University .Inst.Fish.Res.Dev, 16
Mindoro, 9, 46
Miñoso, G. G., 29
Minsalan, Cecilia Luz, 50
Miracle, 9
Misamis Oriental, 16, 85
Miyagami, K., 88
Models, 29
Modular pond system, 7, 22
Modular system, 9
Mohan, M. V., 122
Mohan, R.S.L., 88
Moina macrocopa Straus, 129
Moitra, A., 66
Mono and Polyculture, 35
Monoculture, 15, 35
Montalban, Heraclio R., 6, 31, 93,94, 101,102, 103,127
Montilla, Anoprita A, 82
Morioka, S, 118
Morphology, 130
Motoh, Hiroshi, 35
Mud Press, 43
Muench, K. A., 114
Mugil cephalus, 113
Mullet, 9, 61
Mundiantono, 89
Municipal fisheries, 14
Murashige, R, 50
Naawan, Misamis Oriental, 13
Nag, D.K, 106
Naga City, 32
Nagaiwa, Kazuo, 25
Nalva Fish Bank, 11
Namalwar, P., 85
Nammalwar, P., 89
Nandakumar, R., 104
Naret, Erlinda G., 53, 54
Nash, Colin E., 72
Natividad, M, 68
Natividad, N, 68
Natural food, 22
Natural Food, 10, 22, 29, 101, 117
lab-lab, 10
Naujan Lake, 46
Naujan Sabalo Hatchery Station, 9
Navarro,Olympia, 117
Nazareno, A. M., 76
Negros Oriental, 87
Net, 32
Net enclosures, 14
Net production, 31
Nets, 18
Nicolas, E, 76
Nicolas, Elizabeth S., 77, 123
Nishimura, Waichiro, 70
Nitrite, 8
Nitrogen, 40
Noor Hamid, S., 87
Northeastern Luzon, 31
Nueva Ecija, 6
Nurseries, 22, 48, 73, 84, 101, 103, 126, 127
Nursery, 23, 27, 31, 45, 46, 56, 82, 84, 88, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 110, 117, 123
Nursery farms, 123
Nursery management, 23
Nurseryp pond, 27
Nutrient dynamics, 28
Nutrient levels, 41
Nutrition, 22, 26, 29, 30, 36, 37, 40, 57, 61, 95, 111
status and needs, 36
Nutritive value, 125
Nylon, 16
Nylon Net Enclosures, 46
Nyoman Adiasmara Giri, L, 99
Occurrence, 26, 27, 34, 111, 122
of fry, 111
of Milkfish Fry, 111
Occurrence of M, 28
Ocon, Felicicimo T., 7
Oesophagus, 38
Ohno, A, 118
Olivares, Ma. Felma T., 54
Olympia, N 30, 57, 90
Ongchangco, K. N., 105
Orejana, F.M., 29
Osmoregulation, 53
Osmotic, 8
Otoliths, 125
Oxygen, 9, 56, 66, 129
Padlan, P. G., 93, 104
Padlan,P.G., 56
Paez, Jorge, 49
Pagpanimilya, 35
Pajarillo, Melanie G., 54
Pakrasi, B.B., 28
Pakrasi,B.B, 66
Palao, J.M., 35
Palawan, 14, 46
Palisoc, Fermin,Jr., 33
Palomares, T. S., 25
Pamulaklakin, Esteban R., 123
Pamulaklakin, M.A., 82
Pan, B. S., 113
Panay, 71, 128, 131
Panay Island, 27, 71
Pangasinan, 8, 12
Panikkar, N. K., 94
Pantastico, J. B, 107,127
Pante, Ma. Josefa R., 82
Paraan, O, 87
Parado, C. A, 81
Parasites, 11, 106
Parazo, M. M., 61
Parcelling of Brackishwater, 57
Parducho, Francisca L., 123
Pascual A, 31
Pascual, F. P., 53, 79,95
Pathogenecity, 98
Pathogenic Micro-Organisms, 57
Pathogenicity, 80
Pathology, 22
Paul, G.C., 106
Paulsen, C. L, 83
Paw,J.N., 56
Pelagic, 29, 47
Pen, 12, 16, 20, 21, 22, 27, 34, 37, 47, 52, 56, 59, 63, 66, 83, 84, 85, 90, 91, 97, 114, 131
Pen Culture, 21, 27, 52,56,59,66
Penaeid Shrimps, 8
Penaeus merguiensis, 8
Penaeus monodon, 8, 25, 51, 53, 78, 79, 82, 89, 99, 104, 107, 116, 122
Peñaflorida, V. D, 29
Peñaflorida, V.D., 29
Percent Meat Yield, 25
Percy, O. T., 95
Perdigon, G. P., 95
Perigreen, P.A, 67,118
Peroxide, 30
Pesticide, 50, 60, 73
pH, 29
pH Value, 39
Philippine, 16
Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, 96
Philippines, 21, 78, 131
fish culture, 44
pH-Salinity, 42
Physiology, 86
Picking, 60
Piggery Wastes, 54
Pigmentation, 35
Pillai, K.K., 50
Pillai, T. Gottfried, 97
Pillay, T.V.R., 30, 55,58, 74, 97
Pinchot, G.B., 97
Pinto, Leonardo, 97
Pinto, Rodolfo C., 98
Pinzon, L. G., 98
Pirzan, A. Marsambuana, 104
Pitogo, C. L., 43, 44,80,98
Pituitary, 9, 26, 85, 92, 119
Pituitary gland hormone, 9
Pituitary glands, 119
Pituitary Hormones, 26
Plankton, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 23, 24, 38, 45, 46, 64, 68, 75, 91, 104, 125
Krusadi island, 38
Plankton as Bangus Feed, 12
Plankton in production, 11
Plasma osmolality, 53
Plastic Bags, 55, 58
Plastic Pools, 8
Pluto, M, 118
Po, G., 98
Poem, 52
Poernomo, A, 8, 48, 99
Poernomo, A., 8, 48, 93, 98, 104
Poernomo, Ali, 98
Policies, 57
Policy, 95, 115
Pollution, 62
Polyculture, 129
Polyculture, 7, 15, 18, 22, 35, 37, 43, 47, 51, 53, 54, 56, 60, 65, 66, 72, 78, 80, 82, 89, 90, 99, 103, 104, 105, 107, 118, 122, 129
with Carp and Hito, 16
Polyculture, 43
Polyculture system, 99
Polyphosphate, 36
Pond, 24
layout and design, 79
Pond Construction, 30
Ponds, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69, 72, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129
salt water, 34
Pongsuwana, Umpol, 98
Poppensiek, G.C., 99
Popper D, 60
Popper, D., 99
Population, 66, 82
Post-Larva, 131
Postlarval and Juvenile Stages, 28
Postlarvar, 8
Potasium Sorbate, 30
Potassium permanganate, 44
Prabhakara, Rao A.V., 99
Prawn, 13, 22, 25, 33, 47, 50, 51, 52, 63, 72, 82, 99, 105, 118, 121, 122, 129
Prawns, 9
Preston, G.L., 99
Price indices, 14
Prices, 14
Prickett, Richard, 67
Prijono, A., 98, 99
Primavera, Jurgene H., 39, 51
Processing, 26
Processing of bangos, 117
Producers, 21
Production, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 63, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 82, 84, 86, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 101, 102, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 127, 128, 129
commercial, 34
cost, 36,44
fingerling, 35, 43
fingerling, 107
fish seed, 38
fry, 34
in brackishwater pond, 19
in newly constructed pond, 15
Philippines, 42
Production in Newly Constructed Ponds, 13, 15
Production in shallow ponds, 13
Production of Milkfish Fingerlings
effects of stocking density on, 129
effects of supplementary feeding on, 129
Production with Plankton, 11
Productivity, 25, 41, 54, 61, 77, 83, 87, 121
Profits, 25
Project Feasibility Study, 7, 47,49
Project proposal, 12
Project Proposal, 10
Promotion, 131
Propagation, 31
Prospero, O.Q., 78
Proteases, 28, 29
Protein, 14, 28, 35, 39, 40, 42, 45, 53, 70, 73, 79, 95, 99, 106, 107, 108, 112, 113,114, 117, 118
Protein Supply, 39
Protein-Energy Levels, 42
Prowse, G.A., 99
Proximate chemical composition, 117
Pudadera, Beato, Jr., 99
Pullin, Roger S. V., 99,100
Punay, Emmanuel Y., 100
Qasim, S.Z., 100
Quimpo, B., 100
Quinitio, G. F, 68,78, 86,100
R.A.. 3512, 10
Rabanal, Herminio R., 47,69,84,100, 101, 102, 103, 117, 127
Rabanal, R. H., 117
Rabor, Dioscor S., 103
Raceways, 42
Radan, Reynaldo R, 103
Radcliffe, Lewis, 103
Radhakrishnan, N. S., 103
Radicidation, 57
Radurization, 57
Ragasa, R., 118
Rain and bangus kills, 13
Rajaona, S. G., 103
Ram Bhaskar, B., 103
Ramachandran, V., 103
Ramamurthy, S., 103
Ramanathan, S., 103, 104
Ramesh, A., 104
Ramos, Diego G., 77, 104, 123
Ramos, Franklin, 114
Ramos,F., 114
Ramsingh, D.C., 104,126
Ranganathan, V., 104
Ranoemihardjo, B.S.,8, 87, 104
Rao, A.V .Prabhakara, 105
Rao, M. Narashima, 105
Rasalan, Santos B., 105
Rasyid, S. E., 129
Rearing, 37, 113
Taiwan, 40
Rearing, 43
Recometa, Renato D, 58,105
Recruitment, 34
Red tilapia, 122
Redcliffe, L., 105
Reddi, D.V., 50,105
Reeijntjes, E.J., 105
Regidor, S.E, 105
Regina C., 117
Regulations, 12
Reijntjes, E. J., 129
Reproduction, 8, 9, 24, 33, 38, 55, 64, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 79, 94, 98, 119
Artificial, 9
Reproductive behavior, 86
Reproductive performance, 51
Reproductive periodicity, 71
Reproductive State, 43
Requintina,Pura, 105
Requintina,Pura D., 105
Research, 9, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 34, 78, 131
Researchers, 34
Reservoirs, 96
Residual effect of fertilizers, 78
Reyes, O. S., 107
Rice Fields, 42
Rice Ponds, 26
Rice Straw, 43
Roa, P.,Jr., 125
Rodriguez, E.M., 27,56, 78
Rodriguez, L., 87,105
Roestami, 48
Rojas, J.L., 105
Romillo, Luisa M., 115
Roncal, R. A., 49
Roncal, Rosabel, 48
Ronquillo, I. A., 101, 105, 106
Rosen, Carl-Gustaf, 6
Rosenthal, H., 106
Rossell, D.Z., 106
Rotifer, 129
Round Weight, 25
Rouzaud, P., 106
Roxas, Hilario A., 106
Rubi, Manuel, 106
Ryther, John H., 28, 106
Saanin, Hasanuddin, 106
Sabalo, 9, 13, 17, 24, 64, 83, 87, 89, 108, 110, 119
Sabaruddin S., 87
Sabaruddin, S., 87
Sachlan, M., 125
Sachlan,M., 106
Saclauso,C.A, 118
Saha, K.C., 107
Sahng, Yung C., 107
Saimun, S, 72
Salazar, Matilde P., 107
Salde, Ruby J., 128
Salinities, 8
Salinity, 11, 14, 23, 24, 29, 39, 40, 42, 49, 53, 63, 64, 68, 69, 100, 118, 129
Salinity tolerance, 11, 14, 23
Salmo gaindneri, 113
Salnikov, H. E., 107
Salom Fishfarm Venture, 9
Samarakoon, J. I., 107
Samsi, S., 25
Samsi, Soleh, 107
Samson, R., 38, 39
Samson, Romulo, 39
Samson,R., 39,54
Sanares, Roman, 54
Sanchez, 57, 60, 107
Sanitation, 62
Santerre, M.T., 87
Santiago, Alfredo C., Jr., 107
Santiago, C.B., 107
Santiago, C.M., 107
Santiago, Corazon B., 108
Santos, E. A., 25
Santos, J.G, 81
Santos, Leonor M., 108
Santos,E.A., 25
Santos,T.D., 25
Sarian, Zacarias, 108
Sarig, Shmuel, 64
Sarker, S.U., 108
Sarotherodon-mossambicus, 33
Sarria, Julius P., 108
Sastrillo, M.A.S., 40, 41, 117
Sawada, Yukio, 25
Scatophagus argus, 44
Schmittou, H.R., 108
Schooling, 29
Schrotch, Helen, 109
Schurman, J.J., 109
Schuster, W. E., 109
Schuster, W. H., 109
Schuurman,.C. J., 129
SEAFDEC, 6, 7, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 102, 104, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 115, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 128, 130, 131
SEAFDEC's milkfish program, 20
Seale, A, 110
Seed bank, 23
Seed Production, 30, 31, 38, 46, 48, 86, 110
Seeding Survival, 37
Seeds, 31, 45, 98
Segner, H, 110,111
cultivated warmwater fishes, 38
Seneriches, M. L. M., 111
Sensory characteristics, 95
Senta, Tetsushi, 111, 112
Seraspe, Ebonia B, 112
Serum, 85
Seville, Sonia, 112
Sevilleja, R. C., 112
Sex characteristics, 38
Sex Characteristics
external, 38
Sex steroids, 44
Sexual maturation, 85, 120
Sexual maturity, 22
Shang, Yung C., 113
Shanmugan,S., 85
Shen,Shin-Lin, 113
Shenowy, A. V., 118
Sherwood, N., 85
Sherwood, N. M., 86, 113
Shian, C.Y, 40
Shiau, S.Y, 113
Shklov, J.M., 113
Shrimp Farming, 8
Shrimps, 61,131
Shulked, M. H., 103
Sia, Rosita B., 124
Sidarto, A. A., 113
Sidik, A., 28
Sigh, V.P., 113
Sikha, K.C., 113
Silage, 108
Silen, Ramon., 113
Silicate, 39
Singapore, 17
Singh, S.B., 113
Singh,R., 113
Sinha, V.R., 114
Siregar, Sihar, 107
Siriwardena, P.P.G.S.N., 114
Sison, E. C, 30,114
Sison, Jaime A., 114
Sison, Saturnino S, 8, 58, 114
Sitoy, Hermegegildo S., 131
Siu, P., 114
Sixth Group, 44
Size of Farm, 36
Size of Farms, 36
Skull, 35
Smith, Albert, 114
Smith, Ian R., 41, 42, 114,115
Smith, J. R., 115
Smith, L.S, 115
Smoke-Curing, 35
Smoked, 26, 30, 96, 97
Smoking, 60, 124
Snakehead, 43
Snow, J.R., 115
Socio-Economic Survey, 26
Socio-Economics, 77
Sodium Chloride, 36
Soegiarto, Aprilani, 115
Soekartiko, B., 115
Soeseno, S., 116
Soeyanto, R. S., 130
Soil, 87
Solis, W. R., 27
Song, Yen-Ling, 116
Songalia, Edna T, 108
Soong, Min Kong, 116
Sotelo, Tomas D, 116
Soybean meal, 113
Spall van, P.W, 116
Sparkling Bangus, 44
Spawners, 87
Spawning, 8, 9, 19, 22, 34, 39, 46, 47, 51, 67, 68, 69, 71, 73, 75, 76, 79, 85, 86, 87, 98, 99, 100, 108, 110, 112, 116, 119, 120, 126
Spawning grounds, 108
Spawning periodicity, 71
Spawnning, 99
Species, 14, 26, 30, 46, 59, 60, 80, 82, 94, 102, 106, 107, 111, 113, 117, 128, 130
Sperm Preservation, 61
Spoilage, 118
Spotted scat, 44
Sreenivasan,A., 116
Sri Lanka, 21
Sribhibhadh, Arporna, 116
Srina vasa Rao, K, 103
Stages, 35
developmental, 35
developmental and ecological, 35
young, 37
Stahlin, W.;, 116
Stand Philippines 2000, 127
of Handling, 49
Status and Potential of, 28
Steinitz, Heinz, 42
Stock, 22
Stock Manipulation, 17, 121
Stock Manipulation Techniques, 16
Stocking, 8, 18, 22, 31, 41, 49, 51, 58, 66, 75, 78, 79, 91, 98, 99, 100, 104, 108, 117, 122, 129
Stocking densities, 122, 129
Stocking rates, 41,117
Stock-manipulation technique
effect on growht, 29
Storage, 24, 25, 26, 30, 67, 84, 85, 100, 118, 127
Storage Conditions, 26
Storch, V., 110, 111, 116
Strategy, 34
Stress, 80, 92, 114
effect on growth, 31
Stunted fingerlings, 78
Su, Mao-Sen, 76
Su, W. C, 81
Suarez, Miguel Jr, 47
Subang, Billy G., 125
Subosa, P. F., 29, 32
Substrate, 6, 18, 19, 43, 50, 54
Sudarno, 104
Sugito, Toto, 116
Sugpo, 7, 45, 47, 50, 66, 83, 99, 109
Suhardi, 48
Sukhawong, 79
Sukumaran, K. K., 103,116
Sulit, J. I., 117
Sulit, Jose I, 30
Sulit, Jose I., 90, 117
Sullivan, Gregory M., 43
Sumagaysay, N. S., 29, 41,117,
Sumatra, 49
Summer, J., 118
Sundararajan, D., 118
Sunier, A.L.J., 118
Suon Sarocung, 123
Super" Bangos, 44
Supplementary Feed, 11, 12, 23,40,41, 85, 117,122,129
Supplementary Food, 6
Surendran, P. K., 118
of management practices, 131
Survival, 8, 14, 16, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 37, 40, 42, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 60, 61, 65, 67, 68, 70, 76, 78, 79, 88, 91, 93, 95, 99, 100, 107, 108, 111, 116, 128, 129
Fry, 14
Fry, 16
of Larvae, 70
Survival, 42
Sutardjo, 130
Suyanto, S. R., 118
Suzuki, Taneko, 118
Swanson, C., 129
Taal Lake, 23
Tababa, Ricardo, 35
Tabbu, Marlo Y., 118
Tag, 55
Taiwan, 39, 40, 113
Taiwan, 40
Takama, Kozo, 35
Taki, Y., 118
Taki, Yasuhiko, 70
Tal, S., 119
Tamaru, C.S., 50, 75, 119
Tamayo, Ed.B., 119
Tamayo, Jr. Dionisio, 119
Tambak-Herverjaveling, 57
Tamesis, Pablo T., 119
Tampi, P.R. S., 119, 129
Tamse, Armando F., 119,120
Tamse, Catherine T., 44
Tamura, Tadashi, 120
Tan, Abundio G., 120
Tan, E. O., 83
Tan, Elvira O., 120
Tan, J. D., 53,85
Tan, J. H., 120
Tan, Josefa D., 120
Tan, Reynold, 35
Tanaka,H., 55,120
Tang, Y. A., 120,121
Tank, 30, 76
Taufiq, M., 121
Taxonomy, 57, 58, 86
Technology, 20, 77
Technology, 34
Technology development, 78
Technology gaps, 78
Techno-Transfer, 22,29
Tegal, 57
Temperature, 29, 40,42
Teroroko, T, 122
Terramycin, 33, 98, 106
Teshima, S.I, 122
Teshima, Shin-ichi, 122
Testosterone, 85,86
Test-tube bangus, 24
Tetraselmis sp., 6, 67
Thailand, 17, 32, 40, 63, 66, 72, 87, 97, 98, 101, 116, 118, 121, 122, 124
Thampy, D. M;, 122
Theorine, 32
Therezien, Y., 122
theses, 117
Thesis, 6, 7, 8, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45, 49, 50, 51, 53, 57, 58, 62, 63, 65, 69, 70, 75, 82, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 99, 100, 105, 107, 108, 111, 112, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 127, 128
M.S., 44, 92, 99, 111, 122
Thiemmedh, Jinda, 122
Thomas, S.H., 122
Thomforde, H., 122
Thyroid, 119
Thyroid glands, 119
Thyroxine, 73
Ticar, Romulo, B., 7
Tidon, Anita G., 77, 123
Tiensongrusmee, B., 84
Tiews, K., 123
Tilapia, 43
Tilapia mossambica, 18, 35, 74, 97
Timbol, Amadeo S., 123
Tin Taing Heang, 123
Ting, Y.Y., 38
Ting, Yun-Yuan, 116
Tiro, L. B, 29,38,42,126,128
Tirtoredjo, Alie Poernomo, 123
Tisbintra elongata, 130
Tjiptoaminoto, R. Mardjoho, 123
Tjiptoaminoto, R.M., 123
Tokoragi,L., 123
Toledo, J. D., 124
Toledo, J.D., 55
Tolerance, 11, 14, 23, 24, 43, 44, 49, 56, 69
Tolouei, Firouz, 124
Tongco, E. P., 49
Tongco, Enrique, 48
Torio, Nicolas C., 124
Torres, Amaryllis T., 124
Torres, Andres S., 124
Torres, Catherine Santos, 124
Torres, R. D, 60
Torrevillas, Domini M., 124
Torrymeter Reading, 118
tuba, 17
Toxicity, 8, 44, 60, 73, 79
Toxicity, 43, 44
Tracket, N., 124
fertilization, 12
Training Program, 21
Transport, 50, 87, 104
Transport of bangus fry, 23
Transportation, 48, 92
Transporting, 126
Transporting bangos fingerlings, 55
Travina, V.S., 55
Trematodes, 131
Tribawono, D., 28
Tridjoko, 98, 99
Tridjoko, I., 99
Triño, A. T., 124
Triño, Avelino, 35
Trio, M.G., 82
Tripathi, S.D., 38
Tsai, S.-S., 125
Tsai, Shan-Ching, 124
Tubb, J. A., 124, 125
Tumaliuan, R.T., 7
Tung, M.C., 125
Tzeng, W. N., 125
Ubaldo, Crispin, 49
Ultrasonic Tracking, 58
Umali, Agustin F, 106, 125
Unarce, R. V., 50,54
Unggui, A., 71, 128
United Nations, 21
Unny, M. Mukundan, 40
Urea, 17, 18, 19
Utilization, 57, 75, 83, 92, 93, 95, 101, 102, 108, 117, 119, 125
Utilization of By Products, 108
Uwate, K. R., 55,120
Uyengco, Virgilio, 125
Vaas, K.F., 125
Valdez, Felisa M, 6, 125
Valenzuela, Abelardo, 125
Valenzuela, Domingo, 39
Valiente, A. M.,Jr., 43
van de Binnenvisscherij, 57
Van Kampen, P. N., 125
Van Pel, H., 125
Van Vuure, K., 126
Vanstone, W., 71, 98, 99, 104,123, 126,128
Velasquez, C. C., 126
Velasquez, Carmen C., 126
Velasquez, E. O, 76
Velasquez, G.T., 126
Venkatesan, V., 118
Venngopalan, V. K., 104
Ver, L., 111
Ver, L.M., 128
Vereghima, I. A, 69
Vertebra, 111
Vibas, Danilo T., 126
Vicaldo, M.V.E., 82
Vicencio, Zosima T., 127
Vigofac, 33
Villacortra, Lyndo G., 127
Villadolid, D. V., 31, 127
Villaluz, A., 98
Villaluz, A. C., 81,126, 127, 128
Villaluz, D. K, 128
Villaluz, D. K., 101, 128
Villaluz, Domiciano K., 84, 103, 128
Villaluz, Domiciano M., Jr., 128
Villaluz, Dominiciano K, 128
Villamater, E., 106
Villamena, O. M., 29
Villamin, E., 128
Villamor, Erlinda, 128
Villanueva, R. S., 128
Villaver, 27
Villaver, William R., 128
Villegas, C. T., 128
Villegas, C.T., 129
Villegas, Cesar T., 129
Visayas, 6, 7, 28, 35, 40, 44, 46, 50, 53, 81, 90, 91, 104, 117
Vista, Julieta V., 57
Viswanathan, R, 129
fat soluble, 35
Vitamins, 35
Vizcarra, Angelito T., 131
Vos, H. J., 129
Vuure, K. van, 129
Wainwright, Tony, 129
Walch, W. W, 129
Wallace, L., 50
Walsh, W.A., 129
Wankatamaran, G., 85
Wardoyo, S. E., 129
Wargasasmita, S., 130
Washiyama, N, 70
Water Exchange Rates, 41
Water Fleas, 129
Water Pollution, 52, 56, 62
Water quality, 38, 113
Water quality management, 33
Wear, Robert G., 130
Weber, G.M, 75
Weber, M., 130
Weight-length relationship and growth, 17
Western Visayas Demonstration Fish Farm, 6
Whitefield, A. K., 130
Wholesale, 8
Wickham, T.H., 113
Wijesekera, Nalin, 130
Wild Milkfish Fry, 27
Wilkinson, W. A., 130
Winans, Gary A, 130
Winans, Gary A., 130
Woessner, J, 130
Woessner, J., 130
Wolfe, L., 130
Wolfe, Louis, 130
Work Bank IDA Credit, 130,131
Wylie, K, 56
Yamasaki, Shigehisa, 130
Yamashita, M., 130
Yamashita, M. Sutardjo, 131
Yan, H. Y., 76
Yan, Hong Young, 76
Yang, H-C, 131
Yaptangco, J. P. Jr., 131
Yolk, 73
Yolk Resorption, 26
Yoshida, Hiroshi, 131
Young, P. S., 49
Yu, Orlando K., 131
Yu, S. Y., 125
Yu,H.L., 113
Zachman, N., 131
Zama, Koichi, 35
Zamboanga, 49
Zenaida S, 81
Zhukov, E.V., 131
Zon, B. K., 131
Zurek, M., 131
Zwankhuizen, M. T., 131
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